The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, May 14, 1852, Image 4

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NOTICES OF-- jUI HO I ELS. J|[ Magnolia House, Corner of Cr< scent ami Slimier Streets OglHliorpu <■!, BY A. M THOMASON. THE best accomodations that the lime* mid market will afford imiy be found nt the above mimed House, hi nil lime*. No effort will be spared to render nil who cull, comfortable. June 5, 1851. 8-ly, Oglethorpe Hotel, BY JAMES BELL,. A LLEN SUTTON would respecifolld inform the public that lie Inis openey n laryo anil euminuiiioui U<m**efur Public Entertftinnft in the new town of Oglsthiirpe, under tH monageipent of James Bell, whose experience in tins busuie** w ill en able him to give general Mtiifiirtioo t all. The room* of the hou-e are well finished and supplied with exeel lent beds. 6lc. The table will always be eqpplied with the beat fare the country can afford. In •hurtit I ded.if pocaibl *, to make this huue superior to any in South- ” esteru (Jeorgia. A large Brick building is now beingere ted on the premises for the purpose of affording extensive accomodation*, which will bo completed b) fall. Ihe public are invited to rail. Oglethorpe, May, 15, 1851. 5-ly. RAIL RtU'l/ UHU SE ’ Opposite Crulr^ lyrist tiaail lit pot hast meow, BY S.AW^KIER. Way 15. 1351. gffr *-!• S. A. THORNTON Unitnl Inrgfon, OGLI* THORPE, GA. OFFER**- bill Prnfe-'iuiial service* Ui llw citizen, of Oglethorpe and vicinity. Ollice at Hr Iverson's i Suop Ladle, can lie ailed “n at their residence. I Oglethorpe, dec. 12, 1851. 35-if, _ PLANTERS WARE-nOUSE. fa,DC U.NDUIISKINtII t-g iv.’ . Jf iufuriii von tlmt lliev have taken I lie PLANTERS WAREHOUSE, lor a term of time and associated themselves together under the name and style us 8, VV. Blond worth & Cos., in the Ware-Hume and Com mission Business, in all its various branches. The business will be conducted by . W, j Ulnudwui’tlt ; from hi* experience in the business, they feel confident of giving gene ral satisfaction to all those who may entrust them with limit busiotss ; In confirmation of which, wo refer the public to the subjoin, ed ref reuces, ami at the same time, ask a liberal share of their p'ltionage. They promise to keep their patrons ad vised ol the stale of the mat ket at all limes; they lak this occasion In say to any who may Store their Cotton with them, should they afterward wish it shipped to Macon or Sa vannah <ll Cli irh stO'i, it shall he promptly attended to without any additional expense. Their Ware-House, in consequence of its ocalitv, has advantages over any other in the place, in point of security from fire, be gin remote from other buildings. They will ulso have planters’ cotton insured if desired. Liberal CASH ADVANCES will he made on Piodiire in Store. All orders from Planters or country Mer chants will he filled at short notice, and, (as they Itstve no interest in Merchandize,) at the lowest rush prices; ! W. BLOODWOBTH, men WU> JOHNSTON, INFERENCES, I (hunters ; f I Dr. Thorn**, f ) ISiIRC Clienev, Est/. f Talhot Cos. Gen’l T.jGriftin, t 1 M. D. North,-Esq. f Coweta Cos. I James NAI, i Wm. Pry A*. li/q. $ Pike, Cos. Rev. Win. Xfo/elov, I Judge A. Vfl.'M'alker. j Henrv, Cos J Tims. W. \jrtfoid, I Ed. Brongh/t/Esc|. ( Troup, Cos. Judge J. Mh.vV I T. Niilinl/, Esq. f Fayette Cos. I. Esq) 1 B. P. Billsey, Esq. J Metiwelhcr Cos : Clias. Olirgil, EVq. I W. Hi/kuess, Esn. ( Butts Cos. COM ‘ll/sSION MBUCHAN PS : Rice Dot/, Esq. Charleston, S. C. Fields 6a Adams. Macon, Ga. N. A. Hardee & Cos. 1’ , C. Ila/ridge, Eq. > Savannah. Youge, Esq.) ‘ Edilorsf IS. W. Georgian, and S. Democrat. / (UIiFKIN, Georgia Sept., I*t. IXSI. Thi*/* to certify tint Mr. S. \Vltlootiworth. lim i for nevyral yearn been enguge.'l if tle U’are-lloti*c | an I fomiiuiHKimi hitintM* in thin j>kce, and from my acqu Wiitnnct* with lii*n, I feel no iieftjmtion in recoin- ! m him in that capacity to the patron* of o,jle- | th *p •; he ialo a gootl jh.J :e of the qriulity of Cotton, an/ consequently an excellent Hillman. \ /A. A. GAULDING, ru’i: partner of dm firm of. Gdiiltling, Fciiil <Sc CliHfifiiHii. Win. 11. PHILLIPS, S • iV. p inner oi Phillips 6c Cos ! Oil' , tli'ir|iM, iS.'|ii. s'h, 1851. 21 3m. MEDICAL CAUIT Dll. JAM ES M HIKES respect full vof ter* his services to the citizens ot Ogle- i tlmrue an I vicinity in llie various blanches of Mr.dieiiit. Ha may he found at Mr. Fears Drug Stole during the day, and at the Pu- i vilion II iosii t night, when not profession ally engag-d. , August 14, 1851. 18—if Foj^ale. LOT Squstp 3 on the Corner of Martin arfil Chatham Streets. Ap- j ply to V PgILIP COOK. Oglethorpe, July X, DRY GOODS iiDnll descriptions, just! recivod aud fyr side by IyAUFMAN & BRO. Oglethorpe, Oel. 10, 1851. 26 if J 11. B. SELLER'S VERMIFUGE. This tVorm Medicine has nosuptriar— if an equal—in this or any other coun try. it is murk tiseil ami ‘highly re.- commended by Fhysiciun*. j OHMS frram'iitly infest children, tig- i I T Y gravate nil wilier diseases, and are j cupstile of imdui ins xrval ilh'iiirlmiicrs in tlie system, j and, n||y all me licincs i*ivcu to rerpovc them hoti!d be pnqreil with great care, ami of the best ma terial* ; anti it ii< to be feared lhot manv of the wnn 1 ftiedmineN in ore are totally destitute of these qualities. ; The V**noifue which the subscriber offer* to the public if prepared of the bet muleri U that can be procured, THE TRUTH H FTIEN OF TRUTH. • Concerning Sellers’ Vermifuge A single vial producing , wonders. Head the fullowing fnm the l(ev. S. Hakc • field. Pastor of the Liberty street A/etliodMt Epbrojial - church : Pi rTdßL*naf, March 8 t 1847. I Mr. 11. F. Seller*, —It is from a sense of duty, a* well na with gregt plea v hre. that 1 bear testimony t* tip* vir tue of your justly celebrated Vermifuge. 1 procured a tingle bottle and ga v e it to three of my children, who hau beon ill for severA week* The oldest was seven] years old. the next and the youuMo>t eighteen month*. The first pa&d fifty-six second forty-seven, and the tikril a ronsid'r,vJc nunilter not disliiictiy recollected. then thejMiave been do iug well, and are now in flood htahh.jf \ourx, ruwpedfpily, BFAKEMELI). Ghk. KXMW.E. Mr. Tl. E. Sellers, —V onreVenildpgegives universal I sat if fart ion. 1 have sold *, M’l one's and others,hut none has given llie It timetion that yours has. B. F. Post Master. Sillers’ Vermifuge —a irorks wonders every iqpere. Iho Sandy.Kv. Mav I 4 ?, IStB. Afr H R Sellers—Dearslfr: Vow Vermifuge prodqces ouch wonderful results, tint / tli%k it W4irtl while to give you a few facts ahopt jt. A l)r Hray, ! h Mightfrm m*’ one viJrLtf it. and Aye the content* to three of hi* children; me first ISO, the second 153, ami the third jfl, making 403 \W)rms di*charged by nsingone vial . JS\r Gray immediatily bought, finr | vials more. .Mr. f M'Shurley n’so gaqp ihe cuntents of one vial to tAlfee of his children. 4‘hicdi broiulit fomi the lirst IW from the second 51. andjfrorn the third 3 makiiur worms by the use of one%unl. I gave I inv own aged one year, two tea*poonruls, \Vhich exfielled l of wlupli was at least one foot long.— Your Vermifuge is considered the best that has evei ; been brought to our section of country, and so iaras I j know, ha* never failed. Vours, respectiully, J L TRUMAN. Let Fhyxkiuns Speak. ’ Sellers’ Vermifuge is the best in use. — Here is proof T.ick ng Station Ivy, Dec. 17, 1915. Mr R £ sViUns,— I have tlie pleasu L* to inform you that! have used in mv pruciice your celebrated Vermi fuge with the most happy results. I have formerly used Fahnestock's, hut being Persuaded to try yours, 1 have found it far stipperior in eg*ry respect, and can say with out the fear of contradiction, that your Vermifuge pos sesses more \iriie than any 1 ever used, and m*! cor dially recommend it to the attention of the public. Ii will state a case where I gave one vial of your Verrni- I luge. My brother’s child was pining and wasting to ; ipere skeleton. In 36 hours after I gave the Vermiluge. the enormous quantity of upwards of sit hundred worms were passed. The child that was given up for lost, it now a* well as any in the neighborliood. AMBROSE AH.NUTT, M. D. Sellers’ Vermifuge the Best in Ihe florid , (walmpoi 18,0, April 1, IMSI, I This certifies that I have kept on hand and used in my practice, R K Sellere* Vermifuge, for the twopast j years. lam confident in saying it lias not failed, inn! single instance, to relieve children and adults troubled with worms; in many instances it Las brought away large quantities. lam confident it is the best worm me dicine in use. All that is required to give it reputation in any family, is to give it a fair trial. R II WILSON, M D. Point Pleasant,Va, ct. 4,1847. Mr. II E Sellers.—Of your Vermifuge, I can say without hesitation that having used it extensively in my practice for the last four or five years. I think it decided ly the best preparation of the kind of which 1 have any knowledge, all hough I have heretofore used the prepa ration of several other manufacture i a Yours, respectfully, D COUGH, M. D. Seilers’ Family Medicine. Station. Ohio. Mat 25, 1819. Mr. R E Sellers,-Atjiink it right, forJm benefit of others, to state some fAis in relation to #ur excellent i ‘ Family Medicines, / 1 have used your Verflkfuge largely irorny own family, one vial frequently ana*Smg for expeJang large quan tities (say 100 to 2(H)) of wrmH children. I have also used your Uver Bdla and <Bugli Syrup in my family, and tuey liave, in ovv\’ inst£ce, produced the rftci desired. \ m As I am engaged in merchaWisii#! am able tostate that I lm\e yet to hear of the failure where your medicines have been used in mmKctinn of the con ntry. In conclusion, lmay slate that ift are the medicines ol the day, and are destined to extensive pup \ oura, respectfully, T\w II PINNEL. Tttr. Vkrmipuok willcomtnue towavea rkd out- Rit)*: wrapper, and will ha\ Ane namSof Ho6*f E. Seders stamped upon each vial, wjllioiit wliicW it is not his Ver ! nnfuge. SELLU, Proprietor, Pittsburgh, June Ist, IjpO. \ For sale hv i \ s\*E-\n chapman At New Suirf, Oglethorpe Ga. Carriages! Carriages! FOR SALE. THE Subsrrihnr announces to llie peo ple of Oglethorpe ami sinroumliiig Country, that lie has iihh on haml, and will ! continue to receive. Buggies, Carriages, j Rockaways, &c., ami will sell on iciisomhle i terms. Those wishing to purchase anything ill his line are invited to call and examim his Slock, at Messrs. Lewis & Pi ice’s VVate H ouse, on Baker Street. t. m. Jackson,Agem. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts South Western K. R* Company, ON and after \ttt first us Jamiarv next, the rales ol Freight on CAtluii will be re- j duced as follows : \ Ft out Ojlethorpe amliMafitezunia to Macon, per 100 lbs., Jt 20 cis. ” Winchester, .M:iriJta\vilL ami Mar ** sltalvdlu to MiJii, Furl Valiev audVsiation, No. 2, to Macon, per 100 l 15 11 *• Si.iiimi Nu. \Mo Aliiron tier 100 1b*.,12J“ ADAMS, Super'm. dec 23 £ ts: New Dry Goods & Grocm*Storc. On Ba\er Strert^^ a jXOLK.ES, would res • “™ • imfiiectlully inform the Citizens of Ogletho(jfe Vid the Planters of the surrouiiiling Crfftntry rbat lie is now open ing a huge and selectni stock of Staple ’Uyy-Goods, Hardware? Crockery, Sadler* Boots, Shoes &c. He will a\o ki:eV.on*tanlly on hand a Urge lot of y J GROCERIES (KZVERY DESCRIPTION. The public are requested to call and examine Gr themselves. .p. 12,1,851. >• 82-ts BOOTS, Shoes, Huts, Caps of every! variety just received and for sate by, ‘ KAUFMAN &. BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 ts Jewelry. A FINE lot of Jewell v received and fur sale by, K AUFMA.N &. BRO. 1 Ogletlturpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 2Gif. Sale. I.v DILL & MARSHALL, . a large quantity of Bagging, Rope and ‘Twine. Fort Gains, Ga. June, 1 1851 9 if B\CON ! BACON! ! We have Ibr ssle 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at the low est market pices. DILL & M\RSHALL. Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851 9 ts IT* LOUR. 75 Barrels Supnifme Flour , lor sale at Furl Gains, Ga. by dill & Marshall. 1 June 1, 1851. 9tf. Brandy, wine. gin. whiskey, SV RR UP, am) VINEGAR, Im sale bv DILL &. M \RSH \LL. ’ j Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851. 9tf Notice. All iprsoliS ind. bted to the firm of Ti M. Jackson &. Cos., in the Coutures ot Maron, Sumter, Duuly and M 11 inn, are no tified that their notes and accounts have been placed in the hands o! Philip Cook, Esq, ol Oglethorpe, lor settle muni. T. M. J ACKSON & CO. Jane 19, 1851, |O-lf, NOTICF. THTHE Cn-parlneislii|i heielufnie existing J|_ under the linn of A. W ELLEB !k.Cii.. jis this day dissolved hv nnilnal consent. Ei ; (her us llie undersigned, udl alteml to the business of the unsettled film, aud tire au.. | ithorisedto use its name in liquidation. (A. WELLES. G. F. PALMES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *lt)-ty rfl'lH E Undersigned having disposed of his Ji. interest in the GROCERY BUSI- N ESS to his lain pat liter, Mr.G. F. PA LMB and J. \V. WEBSTER, of llio late firm of | Swift, Denslow &. Webster, would respect ; fully solicit a continuance to them us the patronage of his late firm, A. WELLES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *ll)>ly. COP A KT A E US IE IP. THE Undersigned having bought out the interest of Mr. A. WELLES, of the j firm of Messi.s. A. Welles &. Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will • continue the I WHOLE SALE GROCERY and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, under the firm of WEBSTER & PALMES, at the old stand; jof A. W, &, Cos., and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of that firm, and of the public generally. | J. W. WEBSTER. GEO. F. PALMES. Savannah, Juno 19, 1851. *lO-ly. a Cigars. AP L ARGE lotiof fiite Cigars just re ceiveu and /or sale cheap bv, s \ KAUFMAN k BRO. OulethorpeJ/Oet. 10, 1851. 26 ts J jjYamiiian & Bro. ! Syrup, Lemon Syrup, Tobacco, Soap, Candles, &r. &.c. Just received and for sale. Cheap for Cash. Ogletlturpe, Julv 9tlt, 1851. 13 ts SHOES, Hats, Clothing, Saddlery,crock erv. liiitdware. furiiiinre, Nails, Salt, Iron, Plows, Sugar, Coffee, tfec &c., fur l side at the cheap Store ir. Fort Gains Ga, by, DILL &. MARSHALL. J one 1, 1851. 9 ts. Notice. riIHF. S uth Western Railroad Company, wishes io 1 i -MURK until tic Ist of Jaiuury next, twenty five Ne* ] i groca for repairs on the Road, for which fifteen dollais ; ] I per month will be paid; they will also he fed and clothed.! GEO- W. ADAMS. | S. W. It. R. j Oglethorpe. October 10,1951 — *dfi if ] V• /NSEED, ‘Train, fy Lard, Neats. 1 A Imit Oils, for .ale by SNEAD b CHAPAIAN.m the New : Drug Store. Oct. 17 1851. 27 ts French Wimi.m Gins*. F..r.t I.v SNEAD CHAPMAN. Oel. 17 1651. 27tf i UliAll, Coffee, Syiup, and Molasses, received and Ihr sale low bv, K \ UE VI AN, &. BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if. FOXv SAI/ft. rfNIIE “PAvVION ILOIJSE” in the Ji new town <% Ogluflmrpe, situated on Ihe corner of Crescwt :ynd Macon Sts., near and in full view of t&e/Rail Road Depot, is now offered fur saleJT The Imilding is new • the rooms are ltirgryfitai,and airy, possessing every convenience foAtke comfort of iruvel- , ers and boardei/f PitV-hasers are invited to call and eXcinynie for tlmiflselves. /ASIIBUIUN, BOON & Cos. May 23flt 1851. | 7-ts. ‘ Liquor/ ] A LARGE qiiniility of Liquors, consist ing of Brandy, Rum, Gin, Whisky [s Port, Madeira, and Champaign Wines all, I of the best quality, just received and forsale i by KAUFMAN &. BRO Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851, 26tf J. Kaufman 4* Bro’s’ NEW DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. On Baker Street below ihe Oglethorpe Hotel. WOULD respectfully inform the Pub lic that they have just opened their Stuck, consisting of Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, and all kind of Ladies Dies* Goods, I lose, Gloves. Laces, Edgings, silk Parasols, Fans, Ate., together with a variety of Fancy Articles, and a litre assortment of fine Jew j elrv. Alsu a fine lot of READV MADE i CLOTHING, Shoes and Bools. All of which will be sold, for cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6-ts. ; DrsTTHOMASON & DAVIfcON, wi sri , /*vj.¥3'3 s , prs , *xoaasss OtiLl-TROttPtl, GA., RESpBCTFHfXY inform tlteir the public generally that they continue the practice of Medi cine in the new town of Oglethorpe. As one of them lias had *t*\eral yram exjeriencte in the practice of l/edicine. th v fiaUer that they ill be able j to treat the various diteip-es #f the human system in a weientific and >uc(ies*ful manner. A share of public pa- I tronoge is respectiully solicited, One of them may be found at their office at all hours, except when professionally engaged. KrOffice on the corner of Buraptor and Crescent iRs. A. ti I’mo. mason, M. D. J J. C. Davison, M. U. April?. 1951. I—ts If O.C.CARMICHJL&Co THE Subsetiltfts having as- PUmPKßmmt sociated themselevs tinder the above name, for the imrpnse of rransaclit.g a General Ware-Hous and Commission Bo>ioess, lake this method ol iiilorming the Planters and Murrains generally, that they are now re Jive Colton in Stole or any other consignment. They will have utahand at all times Bagging, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Iron, fycJifc. v Liberal Advftices mime on cotton wlteti desired. £ Y G. C. C Amvitcti.d. . J, P, Harvey, references: Messrs. Logan Sn, Atkinson; Macon, Ga., “ Neely &. Fleming; Griffin, 11 Oglethorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ly. E. B WEED, It] aeon, Ga. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware . WOULD invite the attention ol his friends to his stock of Cut lery, Iron, Nails, Hollow-ware, Guns, Black smiths and Carpenters Tools, Agricultural lmgliment, Axles, Sptings, Mill Irons, Tin Phto, Sheet and bar Copper, Lead and I Zinc, Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws and every other article usually kept in Hard ware Stores, will sell unreasona ble terms. Macon, July 19th,>1851. J 15 ly and ups Goods. J.\. sd&GS WOULD respefljfuily. rail tluputa,uion of las friend, ” and tile |>ubß geueralV tu His large and well selecied as.-urtmt-iVil’ srteuvv goo vs, consisting of evervwaritMnf Staple aisd Fancy Dry tioods—bucli as IwilLs^atinets,Casimeres, Clotlis, lilankets, FlanneUf sIJLJIs. L'aliXbcs, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Linens, Moblinlsilks, #ins, and a variety nf utlicr Fancy ArucLJX f Rend] ’X v/® 1 ofhlng Os the Best Quality. HATS and CAPS oVeAyJLcnption. BOOTS and SHOES us all (jnaUyieK. MavaXety of GROCERIES,/lAIWIPA /i\ CTL ERY, SC. In short, pnrepeers t ji liHeiipUjgd with almost any article they dejfv.ou tlf muststttsam^lt terms. ‘lVise whoXlsire tUKet the will iflktli ol theit mon ey, Would iloJTv"ll tojpve me a call, fiml pledge myself tlmt none \\JK> ptirijrae shall go ftwag ohtain >t"~ -i I'.tr.'Jti. * * jb'urlUiiJus, Cm, Nov. let, 18M. ts Fo|Sa^ A LIKELY neVo Ijffy, about 18 or 19 years old. Apply to JF F. T. SNFAD. At Stmad Drug Slote. OgletltropK Ntmr2B,\BsT. 33—if: ROAD. m a iztjhzz leaves M.ieoit at 6 A.Jf . Arrives at Oglethorpe hi !l 1-z Anil.—Arrives at M.icon at 3 1-2 P. .\V\j'HHieclioi! each vvtty with the CeutraUßil Macon Wes tern trains, nod lUb TitlbiltAssee Mail Stage Line. P-tMengeii. dine at Fort Valleyatl 1 >2Jh At. V J GEO. \\ ADAMS. f Supt, S.W. R. R. Oglethorpe, On. 10, “BOOKS! BOORS!! M i” 1 “TfT*i 4mir JI. New Book Store, JUST OPENED, IN OGLETHORPE, Near the Oglethorpe Hotels WHERE the subscriber designs keeping a general assortment of Miscellaneous and School Books, Blank Books, and Stationery; , also a general assortment of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Musical Instruments &c., i all of which lie will sell as low as they can be j bought in any other market. Just Received - One fine Melorlian, of superior tone and finish. A lot of fine Vio lins, also a splendid lot of Accordeons, vary, ing in price from $1 50 to $25. A. B. CHAPMAN. , January 16, 1852. 39-ts. * D*- J. 8. HOUCHTOWPS IPr Filtered according to Act of Congresi. in the year 1851, j by J. S. llouton, te. I>. in the Clerks office of the district court for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! Great cuie Jor Dyspepsia! Dr. J. Houghton's PEPSIN, the true Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice, prejnired from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions o) Baron Liebig, Ihe great Physiological Chemist by J. S . Ui.ugtJan, M. D. Philadelphia. This is truly ft womlrfill remedy for Indigesiiou, dys pepsia , jaundice, liver complaint constipation, and de bility, curing alter nature’soyirn method, by naturtsown ageiit, the i.astrio Juice. SCT Half a leftsponnlul of Pepsin, infnsedin waier, will digest or dissolve fivepouds of roast beef in about two h< yrs.outof the stomach. Pepsin is the chief element or great digestive princi ple of the Gastric Juict-r-lhe solvent of tlie food, the , purifying, preserving, and stimulating agent of the stom -1 ach and intestines. *t is extrai ted from the digestive stomach of the Ox. thus ibrtning an artificial digestive fluid, precisely like tlie naturol ga*tic juice in its chemi ’ rl powers, and furnishing a complete and pt'rfeCi substi- I lute for it. By the aid of this preparation the pains and evils of indigestion and dyspepsia are tetpoved, just as | they would be by a healthy stomach. It is doing wonder for dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, ner vous decline and dyspeptic consumption, supiwsed to be on tlie verge of the grave. The scientific upon which it is bused, is in the highest degree furious and remarkable. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. Baron Liebig, in his celebrated work on animal Chem istry. says: ‘All artificial digestive fluid analogous to the , gastic juice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane of llie stomach of the calf in which various ar ticles us food, as meat arid eggs will be softened, changed and digested, just in the some manner as they would be in the numan stomach.’ StCr Call on the agent, and get a descriptive circular, gratis, giving a large amount of scientific evidence, rim liar to the above, together with reports of remarkable cures, from all parts of the United States. AS A DYSPESPIA CURER Dr. Hughtun's Pepsin has produced the most marvellous cflects, tn curingifeses of debility, emaciation, nervous decline, and dyspeptic consumption. Jtfls impossible to give the details ofecases in llie liny* of this advertise ment; but authenticated ckcuraMtuices have been given of more than two huiwrrd remarkable cures, in Phiiadel filiia, .New York anofeoston aUfie. These were near y all desperate cases,\nd thaCures were not only rapid and wonderful, but permanent. It is a great nervous Inljflote, and particularly useful for tendency to rfilliousffiforder, liver complaint, lever and ague or badly treatemfever aad ague, and the evil cflects of quinine, other drugs upon the di gestive organs, after jflongysickness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles health with intemperance. Dr. Houghton’s Pepsin is prepared in powderand in Euid from—and in pejdeription vialftfor the use of Physicians. Private cireulfrslfor the use'of Physicians, may be obtained of Os. Iloughton orWiht Agents, desciibing the whole process of preparations and giving the authori ties upon which the claimes of ttas new remedy are bas ed. As it is not a secret no objection can b raised unjust its use by Physicians in respectable stand ing and regular practice, rrice. One Dollar per bottle. Kr OBaerve This! —Every bottle of the genuine Pep sin bears the written signature of J. S. Houghton. . D., sole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. £opy-right and Trade Afar* secured. OCT Sold by a* Druggists and Dealers in medicines. Forsale by lers in Drugs sc. al the Tfew Drug Store, Oglethorpe GaA GEO RGrlAft 1,1 Sumle * Su ; \ > perior Court, bumter Counts ) Nov.tenn issi. Joseph Daniel, 5 r vs. f #BiW for discovering Re- J. L. Casey, f ‘lienuid Injunction. Wm. Pritcliett. )9 ■. IT being reprtlpnted to'ine by the Alliga tion in that Jqltn L. Casy has nu sullied residence known k> Complainant but is a Iransdfenl, unsetlled person. It is or dered that service dfsaid Bill bqsperfected on said John L. Casy.'by ptildjgntiuii in one of the public GaxeHes Siale, once a month, fur four ntonyift preceding tite next term of this \ A minutes of said Court ibis Ist d!fv ol January 1852. M. M.oGUERRY, Clerk. PROSPECTUS OF THE South-West Georgian. The SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN is isued every Friday morning in the new Town of OGLETHORPE, at the low ( pi ice of Two Dollars a year, to be paid in advance. OUR POLITICS. We are now and ever have been for the Union.—The “Georgian” will, therefore, ] advocate the measures of the great cortser- ] vulive Union Party, it will pursue a fair and candid course towards the Opposition—be stowing censure on whatever is sensurable, and ever battling for liutli, iegaidleis of the sotirci! from whence it emanates. Its columns will be filled with choice selec tions of Miscellaneous, Political, Domestic 1 and Commercial News, from a number of the most popular Journals of the Hay; together with Statistics and general information on | the engrossing subjects of Internal 1m- I provement nnd Southtm Manufactures. t ADVERTISING. t Advertisements will be inserted on the I following terms; One Dollai per square of twelve lines of less for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents fpt each insertion thereafter. f *■ , A liberal deduction will be made on yearly , advertisements, nr those inserted for three nr | six months. Also contracts will be made ( with County Officers, to advertise for them j on the most liberal terms. All letters on business, must be addressed | lo C. B. Youngblood, Publisher, and post , paid. CHARLES B. YOUNGBLOOD. Oglethorpe, Ga. May 7th 1851. CLOTHING. READY made CLOTHIYG, a very large assortment just and for sale by, KAUFMAN & BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct’ 10,1851. 26 ts. To The Afflicted. THE undersigned having permanently located 5 miles North-West of Pond Town in Sumter County, would respectfully offer bis to the Afflicted. The invariable success which has attended bis pievious administrations,in curing the worst forms of chronic disease, and such too, as have baffled the skill of the most Scientific Physicians, he trusts will be suf i ficient to guarrantee for future results ; ; Refers to undoubted Testimony. A ventarkiilde case of Rheumatism and Fits cured in 3 weeks; Ball Hill Muscogee Cos. Jan 25, 1852. Mr. Editoh : Sir permit me to commu nicate to the Afflicted thiough the columns ol your valuable paper the following facts. 4bout three months ago my Son Shepherd aged 22 years was attacked with acute Rheumatism in both of his knees which was so sevete that it soon effected his whole sys tem, and seemed to locale principally, on his Brain Lungs and heart. The 4th day after he was attacked he commenced having hard Fils, I immediately called in an eminent Plnsician, who treated his case three weeks. Butuitliout benefit, 1 then called in two more Physicians of the same order (Old School) one of whom treated his case two weeks, still lie grew wotse, and had finui two to three fits nearly every night. The Doctors shid that his condition was strange and cutiral, and they seemed >o be at a loss lo know what to dti for hint, as the remedies they prescribed, had no effect towards u.liev., ing him. Ami all who saw my Bon thought that he would be certain to tlie. But just as I was about to relax all cfforls nf having anything more done for him, some person sent me one of Dr. Rowland’s Circulars, 1 examined it and saw that the certificates wiere from reliable sources ; and I resolved to haul Shepherd to Dr. R. When we nr tived at the Ductot’s lie was just alive and it was all that could he said, for lie was re duced so much that he could he compared lo nothing but a living skeleton louse; the phrase, and at all limes he suffered with the most violent excruciating pains, his mind was very much effected also. The second day alter Dr. R. Commenced treating his case, he sloped having fits, and the fifth day his pains subsided in a great degree, I then left him under cate of Dr. R. and returned home, related to my neighbors the extraor dinary relief mv Son experienced in so short a lime, many seemed to doubt, and all were perfectly astonished. He remained at the Doctors 3 weeks, and it afiords me pleasure to say that I believe lie has effected a perma nent cure, as Shepherd lias had no Symptoms, of a relapse in any way for several weeks* It is my wish that the above statement he published so that others laboring under such and siniiliar diseases may be benefited also. Yours &c. ELIJAH PADGETT. We the undersigned neighbors lo Elijah Padgett certify that his statements relative to the miraculous cure effected on his Sou Shepherd are correct. PERRY RADNEY. E. R SPURGIS. J.Q. \. JOHNSON. Hopeless case—Valuable Property saved. HEMOPTYSIS HJEMATBMLSIS Oc FITS CIJItFD. MARION, TWIGGS COUNTY, GA. JANUARY, 1851 Dr. Rowland, Sir: I present you the following ceitifkate which I hope you will have published, so that others laboring un,. der such diseases may be benefitted also. About two years ago, one of my servant* (He irv), was severely attacked with spit ting and vomiting of blood, attended with hard fils which he had paroxysms pf weekly. I immediately placed him under the treat ment of the most eminent Physicians of the old school in this section and after treating his case a long time, they said he t-oold not he cured, and was beyond the reach of med icine. Henry grew worse and had from one to two hard fiis a week. Spit and vomited up large quantities ol hlohd. As I consider ed his case perfectly hopeless for a time, I had nothing done for him. Hearing that you would lake patients afflicted with chronic diseases on conditions, I resolved to give you a trial, and tu the astonishment of my self and many others, in three weeks alter I placed Henry tinder your treatment, lie re lumed home entirely cured of his disli essing diseases ; he Inis been well 3 months and ran do ns much hard laborious werk as he ever could. When I sent Henry tn you, I would have tnken%*niere trifle liar him, now ! consider that he is worth S9OO. Persons afflicted with such or sinviiur diseases, would do well to give von a trial, v. Yours &e., FAULK. N. B. Hettiy is still we 11,*22 iSept. 1851. Mr. Faulk is a gentleman pf unimpeach able chaiacter, what he asserts may he te licd upon and can he sustained by a number of respectable witnesses. Good Money Dale Cos. Ala. 1 Fib. ’52. Dr. Rowland, Sir: tin* got of yon last year for my son that was es lected with Dropsy (12 months), entirely cured him. Before I applied to you every thing that could be devised failed to benefit hint. A. CLARK. For Particulars see Circular. As usual the undersigned continues to treat all forms of Chronic diseases at -$4 per mOßth, excppt cases of Fils which he would preTer'lreatiog conditionally, or $lO will be charged for each prescription when the med icines aro fofivarded. He is prepared to receive Patients at Itis Residence. Letters on business should be pre paid and directed to J. W. ROWLAND, M. D. Pond Town Ga. March 19 1852. 48—Sm. N. O. Syrup, Raisins, a fine lot &c, Ate., for sale by VR:H.S!MS 6c Co* Oglethorpe, FeljMth 1852. 42—ts W tl