The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, May 21, 1852, Image 3

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(.Communicated.) WHAT WILL GEORGIA DO.? mu r , Fillmore and the Compromise Mens , wires vs. Gen. Scott, Seward, and the Free Boilers. ■ The belief lias been frequently expressed Hjiely, that all the Southern Slates would Ktnd Delegates to the Whig Convention Bo be held in Baltimore on the 16th day Kfnext June, there woidd be a strong Hrobability—perhaps a certainty—that H(r. Fillmore would be nominated as a ■candidate for the Presidency. There is Bo doubt that a large portion, if not a tna Bority of the people of Georuia, are in fa. Bor of his nomination, and it is right and Broperlhat they should be represented at ■Jallimore, that their preference may he Bxpressed. Perhaps it is now too late to call a ■State Convention of the friends of Mr. ■Fillmore to appoint Delegates, but theie ■s yet lime to hold Congressional District ■Conventions,and each Congressional Dis ■trict can appoint its own delegation, to ■consist of one xir* more persous, as may ■be thought projier. it is proposed, then, ihnt each Con ■ gressional District appoint Delegates to ■ the Convention at Baltimore on the 16th lof June next. There is yet time to do it, lif each District will move at once, and ■ call a Convention. To lhi course of the fiiendsof Mr. Fill- I more, no one can properly object. They | simply claim die right which belongs to ev- I ety freeman of our countn —-the right to in idicate whom they prefer as a candidate for ■ the Piesidency. It is proposed and intended I dial the Delegates be sent instructed for 1 Fillmore ami the Compromise Measures, I and if these be overslaughed in the. Conven- I lion then to retire. Many Voters. Oglethorpe Prices Current CORIIECTEII WEEKLY. | BACON, Dams, per lb. . . 15s. Sides, clean “ . . . 13 al4 Shoulders, “ . . 13 | BUTTER, Goshen “ . . 25 a3O Country “ . . 12 als > BAGGING, gunny yds. , . . 15 Mail’d gunny “ , . . 15 | ROPE 9i | COFFEE, per lbs. . . 12 al2 I CANDLES, Sperm “ . , 40 aSO Adamantine, “ . . 35 a4O Tallow, “ . . 15 a 20 I FLOUR, per bbl, . .7,00 a 8,00 | MACKEREL, No. 1. “ . . . 14,00 “ “ 2. “ . . . 12,00 “ “ 3. ” . . . 0,50 | CORN, per bushel, . 1,00 a 1,25 MEAL ” . . . 1,00 a 1,25 LARD, per lb. .... 14 a 1C LEAD, ..... 10 a 12 RICE, “ . . 5 a 54 SALT per sack . . . 1,90 MOL ASSES, per gallon . 35 a 45 Another scientific wonder ! Important to Dyspeptics. — Dr. J. S. Houghton's pep-in, The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice, prepared from Rennet, or I t lie Jourlh Stomach of the ox, alter direc lions of B iron Liebig ilie great Ph\sio logii al Chemist, by J. S. Houghton. M. D., Philadelphia. This is truly a i wonderful remedy for Indigestion Dyss pepsia, jaundice, liver Complaint, consti pation and debility, curing after nature's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the Gastric juice. Pamphlets, contain ing .Scientific evidence of iu value, fur nished by agents gratis. See notice among the medical advertisements. Botanic Medicine. BUS. TIIO.M4SON& DAVISON. Prepare and keep Constantly on hand, at their DRUG STORE, The following family Medicine, which should be kept in every family. Lobelia and pep per, to cleanse the Stomach and remove the cause ot disease, and prevent its continued pi ogress. It may he given with safety. Composition Powders, for colds, to open the pores of the skin, and uselul to aid the operations’ of an emetic. Number Six, foi colds and slight chills. Cough Drops, for coughs consumption &o. Anti-bilious Pills, to cleanse the dowels and Stomach. Bitter Tonic, to stregthen the system after the stoipach and bowels have been properly cleansed. Stimulating Linamnnt, for the cuie of Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Back &c., (to be used insieud of a blister.) Cholic Mixture,for flatulence, (Jholics,pains •t the stomach and bowels, also to relieve faintness and nausea &c. Compound Syrup of Sassafras, an excel ent remedy lor scrofula Kings evil, and to Cleanse and to purify tho blood, remove humora from the skin &c. Compound Syrup of uva: ursa, Good for the discharge of llioUrir.e; Relieving tho difficulties of the Kidneys strengthen the Urinary organs,and healing ulcerations of the bladder. _ , Yuli tile Ointment—An excelent Remedy in inflamatory quinsey, seldom failipg to ef fect ■ cure. . . Antiseptic tincture —Tins is a most pow erful antiseptic and is very valuable Wash to cleanse old loul ulcers, and dispose them to heal. Alao Dysentary Cordial. Worm specific, Pain Killer, majical Pain extractor, Fever and ague drops. Caster Oil, Sweet Oil, British Oil Spirits Turpentine, Paregoric, Laudanum Opodildoc, Mustard,’ Essence Cinamon, Esse ne e Pcpermint, Essence winter Green, Essence anise, Godfreys Cor dial for children, Oil for Deafness &c. Also Comstock's Patent Medicines end also ink, Blacking &c. GEORGIA Macon County. WDSf HEREAS Reuben 11. Slappey ap- V v plies to me for letters of guardianship i over the person and property of Elizabeth ! Wolfe, an insane person in said county: These are therefore to citeaml admonish all concerned to he and appeal at the Qrdina ry's Office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can why said let ters should not be giantcd. Given ander my official signature, at La nier, this 15th May 1852. W.J. COLLINS, Ordinary May 21, 1852. 5 300 WINTER’S MONEY. THE undersigned will take all hills of the Si. Marys Bank over five dollars, at 7.5 cts. on the dollar, and give goods in exchange. He will also receive all small bills in payment for goods at fidl value. J. H. MOSES & CO- Store on Baker St. 3 doors below Loewis Price. Oglulliorpe, May 21,1852. s—if SLANDERER. LEVI CURRY, who has recently resided in Wilcox County, Alabama, has basely slandered MY REPUTATION by putting out false reports. And I would warn all good citizens to beware of him, as he is a stoun diel and a villian a her and unprincipled dog. EDWARD ALLEN. May 15th, 1852. A Word in favor of Wilder’s Patent Snlaminder Safes. THE recelii fire at Lamar’s Colton Press having destroyed one or more ineffi cient Safes with (lieir valuable contents, should serve as an admonition to all who have hitherto or do still put confidence in Sufes of a similar or kindred character, and at the same time prompt a desire to possess an ar ticle fully competent to resist the stoutest fire and afford positive protection to properly of whatever value. Wilder’s Patent Saleman der Safe, with Rich So Co’s. Improvement, manufactured by Sterns So Marvin of New York, has never yet (ailed to answer the pur pose lor which it wns cteated. it has stood the lest if the fiercest and most destructive fires that have yet occurred in this country, (of which ample testimony can be given,) and in every instance the contents of the Sufes w-ere found as originally deposited— sound and uninjired. A full soppy of these Safe of all sizes and patterns to be had at all times of CHAS. 11. CAMPFIELD. 171 Bay-street, Savannah, Ga. May 21 lOw Agt, for Stems& Marvin. D E N T A L~NTTICE. FRANCIS M. SMITH, D. I). S., [Graduate of the llultimore College of Dental Surgery,] HAS removed to Oglethorpo and res pectfully solicits its citizens and the community generally to cull on him, He has just returned from Baltimore and is in pos session of all the new and latest improve ments in Dentistry, such as Air Chamber j Suction plates, for entire sets; Jaw and | Block teeth, entire sets, without springs, &c. Persons wishing work done would do well to call and examine his new styles. Office at present, at the Pavillion House. May 7, ’52. 3 ts PAVILION HOUSE. OGLETHORPE GA. Opositethe Depot By VVm. Slade. jFjRH E Proprietor will be pleased at all Jk times ro have a liberal share of pation age and will try at all times to make his pat rons as conifoitable us he can possibly do by the close at'ention of himself and servants to their welfare during their stay with him. VVM. SLADE: Oglethorpe Ga: April 23 1852’. I—ly. S2O REWARD! STOLEN from the subscriber, on Mon day, the 19ih day of April, a fine com mon-sized, patent lever GOLD WATCH, 18 carets fine, with a white dial, very richly carved on the outside cases, with the initials G. C. E. engraved in the centre and on the | outside of one of the cases. The number of ! the Watch is 8013—the maker’s name is Magnus, of London, ARCH’D ODOM, Oglethorpe, May 7, 1352. 3 if NOTICE. and all persons wanting Brick IA work done can be accommodated by applying to the subscriber. My work shall be executed in as good style as can be dune in the place and on as reasonable terms.— For further information apply to J. 11. HOLLAND. Oglethorpe, April 30. 2 if Lost or Mislaid. “■T OST on Friday last, by the sub ■ Jlscrilier. two pronusory Notes. One on W. T. Wilson, for one hundred and thirty-eight Dollars, payable to the order ofj. F. Barfield, one day after date.— Dated the 7th May, 1852. One on Dr. A. M. Thomason, for twenty five Dollars, payable one month after date, to L. M. T. G. Hudson or hearer. Dated about the 15thofJuly 1851. The makers of said notes are hereby warned not to pay them to any Other person except myself. J. F. May 14th, 1853. 4—3t* Georgia Macon County. WHEREAS James S; Caldwell applies to me for letters of Guardianship foi the minor children of John //augabook deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can why said.letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand offi cially. IV* J. COLL/NS, Ordinary. May 14th, 1852. 4m. I IN qtu.lßT BOTTLES. For Purifying the Flood, and for the Cure of scrofula, Rheumatism, stubborn L’lcers, Dyspepsia, salt Rheum. Fever sores, Erysiypelas, Pimples. Files, Mercurial ’ Diseases Cutaneous Eruptions , Fiver Complaint , Bronchitis, Consumption, Female Complaints, Foss of Appetite, General Debility Sfc. In this preparation we have all the restorative properties of the root, concentrated i„ their utmost strength and efficacy ; hut while Sarsaparilla Ituol forms an impor tant part of ils combination, it is. at the same time, com-; pound with other vegetable remedies of great power, and | it is in tile peculiar combination and soieutilic manner ofits preparation,that its remarkable success in the cure of disease depends. It acts simultaneously upou the stomach, the circulation and die bowels; and thus three processes which are ordinarily the result of three differ enl kinds ot medicine, are carried on at the same time, through the instrumentality, of this one remedial agent, which gently stimulates while it disinfects and expels from tlie stomach and hovvels ail that is irritating, and at the same time restores their \ iguruud lode. Its great merit is, that it meets and neutralizes the aelve principle ufdisease iLselt, and when that is gone, tin* symptoms necessarily disappear; and we have only to point to the accumulated testimony ot multitudes who experienced its eHerts, to convince incredulity itself oUts real value. The Proprietors submit to. the putilic the following certificate from a higldv respectable source, of a cure made by using their preparation of Sarsaparilla New York, Feb. 17,1849. Afassrs. Sands:— Having suffered many years with a disease of my throat, affecting the larynx,during which time I was treated by the most distinguished physicians Europe and.llie United States, without receiving any permanent benefil, hut all the time my general health and strength declining, and the. disease making fearful progress : caustic applications were used, and whatever else was thought most efficient for producing n cure; but lam confident the deplorable situation 1 was in, the laryngitis being accompanied with phthisis and great difficulty in breathing, vvuuld soon have terminated my life, had i not obtained relief through the medium of your invaluable Sgrsa|iarilla. I must say geiitiemcn, when I commenced using the Sarsaparilla I did nut place much contidence in its virtues; and this will not surprise you, when you are informed 1 liaij tried more than fifty different remedies during the past four years, without any success; hut after taking your Sarsaparilla a few weeks. 1 was obliged at last to yield to evidence This marvellous specific has not only relieved hot cured me; and 1 yhc-efore think it my duty, gentlemen, for tin; benefit of suffering humanity, to give ybu ibis attes tation oftny cure. Yours, very truly, D. Parent. Consulate of France in the United States. The above statement and signature were acknow ledged in our presence by .Mr. I), parent as true. For the Consul (General ofFrance. Is BORG, Vice Consul. Prepared and sold. Wholesale and retail, by A. B. &D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists 100 Fulton st., corner of William, New York. Sold also by Druggists Fnernlly throughout the United States and Canadas.’ rice $L per bottle ; six bottles for $5. For sale bv -SNEAD Sc CHAPMAN, Diuggists Oglethorpe, Ga. JEWELER. IT H M A *T, having perma- Issi? V located in the J new Town of Oglethorpe, will at tejjg#tend strictly to the reparin” of I j■ Chicks. Watches, &. Jewelry.— all work done ultheshortesl notice, G Ogjouhorpe, October, 21 1851, DISSOLUTION “ THE Firm of Snead & Chapman is this day dissolved, by mutual consent The business will be continued by F. T. Snead. F. T. SNEAD, F. S. CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe Jan." 26, 1852, A CARD. In retiring from the Firm of Snead &. Chapman, I take this opportunity to lender my thanks to the public (or the very liberal pationage extended to us; and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same to my for mer partner, Mr. F. T.Snead, who will con tinue the Drug Business at the old stand, oil Sumter street. 0?* You will all do well to give him a tri al, FOSTER S, CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe, Jan, 26th 1852, 41-ts. ‘ T GEO .W. FISH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OGLETHORPE. GA. PRACTICES in the counties of Macon, Houston, Ala* 4 r| on, Sumter, Dooly, and Lee. He will also continue to practice in the following counties of the Southern Circuit-—.'ulaeki, Telfair, Irwin, Thomas, Lowndes. Clinch, Ware and Apling. Dec. 12, 1851, 35,if. G. OELLRICH, Cabinet Maker, Respectfully informs the citizens of Oglethorpe and the surrounding country, that he is now prepared to make any kind of Mahogany and other Furniture. All work done in the best style and at the lowest rates. Shop on the corner of Chatham and Ran dolph Streets, Oglethorpe, G. Feb. 19, 1852. 44-Gm. Georgia—Macon County; WHEREAS Levi Barfield applies for letters of Guardianship for Gather ine Barfield and Annis Barfield, minor chil dren of Lewis Barfield, deceased— These ore therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, (he kindred and creditors o said deceased to be and appear at the Ordi nary’s office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, why said letteis should not be granted. Given under 1 mv hand officially, this 30th day of April, 1852. W. W. CORBITT, Dept. O. April 30, 1852, 2 Im, To the Afflicted. THE undersigned having now pre pared themselves to treat all old Chronic Diseuscs of long standing in a scion- j tific manner, a share of public patronage is ; respectfully solicited. Drt. THOMASON if VAVISOS. ’ Oglethorpe, april 16, 1852. 52-ts to” the'public: THE undersigned is prepared to execute in the most workmanlike manner, all work in Itis line,such as house liuildin, Gin Gearing, Screw buildjiTg, Mill writing &c. on us reasonable terms as any other work man in South West Georgia. All letteis ad dressed to him in Ogletlioipe Ga, will re ceive prompt attention. ALEXANDER SMITH Oglethorpe: May 14, 1852 4—if June Sheriff Sales. WILL he sold, before the Court House door in Lanier, Macon County, on the first Tuesday in June next, the follow ing property, to wit: One house in the city of Oglethorpe, and tho lot on which it stands—adjoining lots of Allen Sutton, on Randolph street. Levied on as the properly of Joxinh Horton, to sat isfy a fi fa from Macon Superior Court in lavor of Thomas J. Grubbs vs. said Horton, property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, lot of land No. 154 in the first dis liict of originally Muscogee, now Macon county, levied on as tl>6 property of-Wiley Webb, to satisfy a ft fa front Macon Supe tior Court in favor of Edward Brooks vs. Wiley Webb, principal, and Henry N. Webb security. Said lot of land well improved. Also, the South-West half of lot of land No. 17b, in the second district of originullv { Muscogee now Macon county —levied on as the property of Stephen Hobbs to satisfy a fi fa lrom Macon Superior Court in favor of Janies M. Fokes vs. Madison Hobbs and Stephen Hobbs. Also, 150 acres of land on the south side of lot of land No. 120 in the 29th district of originally Lee notv Macon county —levied on as the property of A. M. Tltomasson, to satisfy three li fas from the Justice’s Court of the 7401 h District Georgia Militia—two in favor of William Massey vs said Thonias son, and one in favor of Hall & Calhoun vs. Morgan Sc Goodwin, principals, and said Tltomasson, security. THOMAS DIXON, Deputy Sheriff. Lanier, April 30, 1852. 2 ids GEORGIA, Macon County, WHEREAS Jesse Barfield applies for letters of Guardianship for Macon Barfield— These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to br and.appear at the Ordi nary’s office within tire time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can. why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand officially. W. W. CORBITT, Dep.Ord. April 30 2 1m notice: 1 HEREBY forwarn all persons from tra ding for a certain promissory note given by me to Rhody Mort is or bearer, dated some lime in January last and payable the first dav of January, 1853, for two hundred ami twen ty dollars. As the considerations for which the above note was given have failed, [ am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law. C. D. KENT. May 7, 1852, 3 3t MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. MISS C. VALENTINO, .11 aeon Street, Oglethorpe, Ga., (Next door to Dr, Head's office.) HAS just opened and is still receiving a fine and well selected slock of Silks, Bonnets, Ribbons, Trimmings for dresses, ’ &c., which she offers to sell low for cash. CCj* Dresses and Bonnets mido to order with neatness and dispatch. 03* Bonnets and Hats bleached, pressed ami dressed in the latest style. May 7, 1852. 3 3m FAMILY GROCERY^STORE. THOMPSON 6l FSBX., ©©ttS3£ J l£f'©MS > 311, ©, RESPECTFULLY inform theirfriends and the public generally, that they keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Family Groceries, such as Flour, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Mackerel, Corn Meal, together with every variety of Spices, Fruits, Nuts, &c. Also, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, and many other articles too tedious to mention—all of which they will sell as low us any other establishment in the city. Call anJ try them—store on Cuyler street. May 7,1852. 3 ly NOTICE. I HEREBY forewarn all persons fiotn tra ding fora certain promissory note given by mo in tho latter part of March, to John Oliver or bearer, for the sum of ten dollars, payable the first of May instant. As the considerations lor which the said note was given have in part failed I am de termined not to pay the full amount unless compelled by law: WM. 11. WRIGHT. May 7.1852. 3 3t Notice. MY BOOKS are now open for the reception of the taxable property in this city. All persons are required to give in before the first day of June, or they will he double taxed. T. A. SWEARINGEN, c. c. Oglethorpe, April 30. 2 td S.&D. MILLER, ATTORNEYS A T L A VV, OGI.KTHORPE, GEORGIA, Have removed from Lanier, and will Practice in the Superior Courts of the Counties of Macon, Sumter, Marion, Dooly, Houston, Crawford, Bibb and Twiggs, and ift the Supreme Court at (lie city of Macon. STEPHEN F. M4LLEB, DANIEL W. MILLER. January 16, 1852. 39-ts. it Valuable Property For Sale. ® THE Undersigned subscriber desires to sell on accomodating terms, Lots of Land, No, 32 33 64 65 66 98 99 126.127 128 129 130 132 158 and 159 in the tenth district, also J No. 2 3 4 23 28 29 30 32 82 97 in the four - j teentli district; No. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 j 34 35 36 in the fifteenth district ts Dooly County. Some of the above lands have val- j uable improvements ou them and can be pur- ! chased either in single or collective lots to! suit the purchaser. Also one tract of valuable Tobacco land containing 720 acres in the county of Gads-1 den Florida, 8 miles N. E. of Quincy on Little River. Persons wishing any informa- j lion respecting the lands in Dooly county will please call and see the Proprietor ot the Pavilion House in the City of Oglethorpe or at Cedar Hill, or Slade’s Mills, in the coun ty of Dooly. Any person wishing informa tion respecting the tract of land in Florida will please call and see Mr. Daniel M. Hin son Gadsden Cos., Florida or the proprietor of the Pavilion House in this place. WM. SLADE. Oglethorpe April 20th 1852. I—ly. At the Sign <>* tire l)iFt Boot. BANES & Cos. ARE now opening their Spring Stock of Burts and Shoes, all qualities and pri ces, all of which are of their own manufac ture and WARRANTED not to Rip. Our customers and the “rest of mankind” are respectfully invited to call ami examine our stuck whether they wish to purchase or [ not. April 6th 1852. TWO Months after date application will be made to the honorable In ferior Court of Monroe County, when sitting as Court of Ordinary, for leave to! sell a negro man, named Elize, belonging to the estate of Thomas Dyess deceased. WILLIAM DYESS, Ex’r. Oglethorpe April 16th 1852 52—2 tn. Georgia—Macon County; Ordinary Court—May Term, 1852. ORDER NlSl.—Upon the application ol Ichabud Davis, Guardian of the mi nor children of John J. Iluugabook, dec’d, it is ordered by liie Court that all persons concerned are required to appear at the July term of the Ordinary Court of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why the said Ichabod Davis, Guardian as aforesaid, should not be dismissed from his said Guar dianship. A true extract from the minutes of said Conrt. W. J. COLLINS, Old. May 7, 1852. 3 40d Georgia—Macon County; WHEREAS Jolin James applies to me for leiteisof administration on the estate of Frasis James, dec’d. Theso are therefore to admonish all persons interested, to be at my office and file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. W. J. COLLINS, Ord’y. May 7, 1852. 3 30d To Waggoners and Stockdrivers. THE undersigned would take this meth od of informing Stock Drovers and Waggoners, that he has fitted up an exten sive gffitJXDIK IPUIKf and WAGGON YARD, at the fork of the road leading from Oglethorpe to Traveler’s Rest and Americas, within llie corporate limits of the city of Oglethorpe, where he is prepared to accom modate all those who patronize him, on lib eral terms. W. B. JONES. April 30, 1852. 2 3m BLACKSMITH ING~ Peter C rog li a 11, ( Late of Macon Ga.) TWKES this method of informing his friend* and the public generally that he is carry ine on the Riack smithing busmen* in all it* branches in the City of Ogle thorpe, Where he hope* by utriet attention to business to receive and merit a liberal share of patronage. Par ticular attention will be given to making or repairing Plantation tools. All work done by him will be War ranted. Shop next door to Messrs. Ilmmi'-utt <fc Little’s Carriage .Shop, oq Chatham ‘Street. Oglethorpe, April 23d, 1852. I—3m. Notice! PERSONS wanting Brick work done, are hereby informed that the under signed arc prepared to execute all work in tlfir line as cheap or cheaper than any other company can do it. For further particulars applv to JAMES LANDF.RS & CO. Oglethorpe, .IprilSO, 1852. 23m notice: THE undersigned with the view of closing the business of the firm, offer for sale their entire stock of GRO CERIES, consisting of Sugars, C offers. Teas, C/uese, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco , and other articles in our line, AT COST TRICES, till the 15th June next, at which lime we will sell the remainder at AUCTION on a credit of four moots. All ths e indebted to us will please call and set t'e, as the business of the firm must be wound up lIUSON&LITLE. The Grocery business will be continued bv the undersigned on his own account. P: M. HUSON. Oglethorpe, May Ist, 1852 4—3 NOTH E. 4LL persons concerned arc dcsiied to luke notice that, on the fuuilli day of March instant, I lovied four attachments— j one at the instance ol F. S, Luilirop &• Cos. ! vs. Erwin Sc Renlroc ; one at the instance ‘of Woodburn Sc Wyles w s; Erwin Sc Ren frne; one at the instance ol’Harral Sprouls Sc Cos. vs. Eruin & RenlVoe, and one, at the instance of Townsend Arnold & Cos. vs: Et win Sc Nelson, on the following properly in the city ol Oglethorpe, to wit: a house and lot in said city ol'Ogletlioipe o-i the corner of Sumter and Crescent Sts. fronting forty feet on Siiniiei st. and fifty feel on Crescent st. Being a part of lot number (17) Seventeen Jin square No, 2 (agreeably to tin- plan of i said city) and situate on the Corner opposite ;to Dr| Thomason’s Hotel. Also oil a House s and lot in suit! city fronting on Crescent st. I forty feet running back about 40feel,ad joining Slade's Hotel oi the Pavilion House, Being a part ol lot No. 15, on square No. 3, Also on one vacant lot opsusite Slade's Ho tel or Pavilion House. Situate on the corner of Macon and Crescent streets, front ing 40 feet on Macon st, and running hark and along Cres:ent street 150 feet being lot No. 2in square No. 4of said city. The said attachments being returnable to the next Inferior Court for Macon County. This March 18th 1852. DAVIS GAMMAGE Sl.’ff. Candy Manufactory. IN EUFAULA ALA* 11 Patronize Hume Industry.” WE beg leave to inform the Public, that we have just added toour business the MANUFACTURE OF CANDY, which we feel confident ofcarrying on, in all its various branches in u style unsurpassed by any house in the country. Having put our Wholesale Prices at low its Northern Candy cun be brought here, and being able to furnish an urticlu MUCH PURER AND MORE DURADLG, We hope to deserve and receive from Retailers a lib beral. patronage. We will also manufacture Superior Syrups and Cordials, in any quantity, and on the most reasonable terms —also Cakes, and all kinds or Pastry. We will continue to keep an enlarged as sortment ol choice CONFECTION A RII£S, CANDY ORNAMENTS, AND TOYS, LIQUORS, CIGARS, and FRUITS. Which we will sell—wholesale and retail— as cheap as they can be afforded any where around. ORDERS FOIt Balls, I’nrltrs. Wedding*. Ac., promptly and neatlv executed: MARTIN Sc COURIC: OJ* At the old stand near the Town Hall and the Post Office. Etilaula, Feb: 16,1852: 46-3 m. Georgia—Macon County. W IVO Months after date application will Jk be made to the ot dinary of said Comer for leave tu sell Lot of land Number 143 in the Third district secon I section of originally Muscogee now Marion county, also Lot of land number 275 in the seventhdistrinThiid section Cherokee. Belonging to lint estate of Addison C. Scott, late of Macon County deceased. E. W. ALLEN Ex’r. Oglethorpe Arpil 23J 1852. I—2m, IT lit: TROUT TAINT. Bhls. Blake’s Patent Fire Proof i Paint, just received and for sale •j low for cash by R. 11. SIMS & Cos. Oglethorpe Feb., 4th, 1552. 42—if I RUN. ~ A LARGE lot of Iron assorted, also German, Blister and Cast Steel, cut, wraughtnnd Hoise shoo Nails and lunse shoes for sale by R. 11. SMIS &. Cos. Oglethorpe Feb. 4lh, 1852. 42—if. Scis/t, Blinds, Pannel Doors tipc. made to order, BY WM. ROBINSON & SON. Simp on William Street, West Oglethorpe. Feb. 20, 1852. 44.at21). HAVING permanently located tn this City, would most respectfully offer hi* professional services to the citizens of Ogle thorpe and surrounding country. Having recently returned from the Medical College, he feels confident that lie is now prepared to afford to his patients the advantages of the latest improvements in Medical Scienco. lie may at all times be foi ml at the Ogle thorpe Hotel, or at his Office over Chap man's Book Store, unless professionally cal* led away. Feb. 18, 1852. 41-atlß. GEORGIA l Gporge W. Taunton Macon Countv. J of the 741si District G. M. of said Slate, tolcs before me, Hatvey Rodgers a justice of the peace in said Dis trict, onn cslray hay Horse Mule seven or eight years old with some black mnrks a* round his fags, five feet high; appraised by William McDowell and Harvey Taunton at one hundred and twenty dolluis. This No., vember 21st 1851. HARVEY RODGERS, J. P. A true extract from the astray book—this 17th February 1852. W, J.COLLINS, C. I. C. • Feb. 27th, 1852.