The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, May 21, 1852, Image 4

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NOTICES. OF ISm it O . ELS. M ug u o\ i a House, Corner of Crescent an l S nutter Streets OKlflhttl’lMt <■. BY A. M THOMASON. THE bust :ieoimi fli.ti tin’ times and market vv til afford may lie latmd HI the above named House, at ail times. No elTort will lie spared to render all who call, comfortable. June 5, 1851. H-l.v. Oglethorpe Hotel, BY JAMES BELL. ALLEN SUTTON would respecifulld litl or m the public that lie bus openey a and cromuiodiou* house fur Public Kntertuiiiuvnt in the new umrj of Oglethorpe, Uuder the mana/eim-iu of James Bell, wine*f ♦‘Uperjenc* in the business will en able Imtt to give gnfwnit *aU*luclioa U nil, if the liou-e are well hui-died ami *tpllied with excel lent beds. &r. Tlu* table will always be supplied *ilh the best fare the country can atlonl. in abort n hinteil iled, if possild * to ii|.iKe this house superior to any in Mouth* eterli A large Brick building i* now being en*( ted on the premises for the purjsise of ati >rdiitg rxiensivc accoinitthtiioiirt, which wilt be completed by (all. I lie puhlie are invited to call. Oglethorpe, May, L>, 1851. s*ly. RAILROAD II.) US’E, Qpnosilc Central Hail fitunl If < pot BAS'I MACON. lIV S.M. LAMER. Afayls. HSI. Sly. S. A. THORNTON Dnitiil Inrgnni, Otil.iTllOßf’E, (IA. . OKFI’.itS I,;. 1*... ■■-i.■ mi ic.*, !• hi’ cinzeitN f I).lnilv ir;*** n i.i vicinity. thlii’f. at |lr. • vtMH.nV Sliup l.iJi>"i l >ii 11 ’ i. l naiid.iii : Uit ir rv-iil-ut-v. OgJeilioi |nt, dec. IJ, Ibal. ;J3-if. PLANTEUS WARE-HOUSE. r j’lll-, l VOE . ‘IONU> mg 1i aVf !■> jg ii vo a liuii Hit• v navi* laU.'ii llie |*L \N I EU'’ A \iiK-lU)l'>E, I'm ait rm of’ iinn- anti ,t s .< .in | Ricmselves • ogi-thci under ili*. naiitf -ti- 1 siy i* t*l >. vV , Bln*nl worth & { in Ui- \V .ir*• -11• and Gom mi,sioiil!ii.n., s*, i*i ah ii, v.iii.his hraii.’hes Tlw hismess ili In* miuloi ed ly . VV . Blo.iilvv.irih ; li.iii In, i*x|i leuee m the business, they 1 1 i. >ll lit I•-■ 1 1 ul ci'iuu tjenc lal satisfaction In all llt iM* wliu may .*nl l iisi I In-in wilii l iii'ii bi-in's, ; lu c••*i(i iin n inn of whit’li, we 11* I■ *r the ~li< m die imlijitiii, Oil in ~ia lat the -a me lime, *isk a sli ir* >1 tb u jiman ige. They |ir.iiiii,e lo keep ill or palinns ad vised ul tile Male (and ibe in i kal all lines; they take ibis iit'c.iioo to say lu any wim m *\ Store llieir Collon wi'li lliem, sho aid lliev ill'll i .wish il shipped 10 Macon or Sa- Viinnali oi Cos irl. slo ~it shall lot promptly i •> wi11...ul any additional expense. Their W ire-H ouse, in consequence of its ycalilv, lias teivanlaei s over any’ oilier in tin; place, in point of s.-cm iiy from fire, lie |Ciil remne Iron oilier buildings, They vnl’ also IllVe pi lineil'liM'in lii'iire.l if ili sired. I.ilieiill C ASH \ I)V \NCES will lie made oil I'nnlui e in Store. Allot iers Ii on l’|.inters or country Mer* rliaal, willin’ hlled al shml notice, and, ( is they have no iuieiesl in Merchandize,) al the lowest cash prices; s. W. BLOODWOUTIR RICH MID JOHNS I ON, REFERENCES, Planters ; l)r. Thomas, \ Isaac Cheney , Esq. (Talbot Cos. Gen’l T. C.rillin, ( M. D. North, Rs|. I Coweta Cos. .1 aon s Neal, I f Win. I’ryor. Rst|. \ Pike, Cos. Rev. Win. Moseley, | Judge A. W. Walker. ) Henry, Cos Tints. W. Ashford, I Ed. Broughton, Esq. ( Troup, Cos. Jude"* J- May, ) T. Nii bids, Esq. ( Fay ette Cos. E Nichols, Esq. } li. i’. Bussey, Esq. f M“iiwellier Cos Cbas. Cnrgil, Esq. ; W. llarkncss, Esq. | Bulls Cos. COMMISSION MERCH VNTS : Hire Dulin, Esq. Charleston, S. C. I'iehls (Sc Adams, Macon, Ga. N. A. Hardee & Cos. ) C. Ilariridge, E,q. > Savannah. Wm. I*. Yonge, Esq. ) Editors, S. W. Georgino, and S. Democrat. (Jltil-TIN, lifMr.'m Iht. ISSI. Tli h t'i c*-tify tbit ‘/r. .V. VV r . Blimml vvorili, lik for SfV.TJiI \*ui s !)•••• cnj'.Ttffd in the 11 txrc-lluuvc and ('o’li'iii -.* i Ihsi:ijs iu this place, and from my u* • with hi ii. I no liUNitatinii in r**coin niHM.huhen m t’c.t c ipnciiy Id llie |witrtus of ();le* thorps ; lie i, !■<• a good judge of iheipiality of Cotton, 1 un rxcflifiit al*'*inan. A. \. (i MJLDING, Sen’rs partner of the firm of Ciaolding, Feriil vk Clui|iiiiiin. Wm. IE fMIILLII’S, S • aV. pirliUM of Jones fhlllips Si. Cos o.deihor,i t. .Sept. sih, ISSI 21 3m. MEDICAL CASK Die .1 \ RES M FORKS respectfullyuC lers uis ~ei vice, to ilie i iii/,.*ns ol Ogle* tliorne mil vicinity in the various Inauches of Mi /Heine. Ii • mi iv lie found at Mr. Fears Drug .Sinte l'ii iiio the day, and al tin- I*a vih'iii 11 ms., at moot, vylien not profi smoii t'.’y engig ’d. August IRISH. IS —if For Salt?. FOP No. 1) oil Square il on the Cornel A of M icon and Chailnm Streets. Ap ply Pill Lll* COOK. Oglfttberp*, July fJ, IS.‘. 12-tl D;; Y GOODSofal lien rijV inns, yusl reuve I end f* r sale l>v K U'FM \N ie BRO. Oct. 10, IBSI. It 11. E. SEE It EH'S J Eli Ml FUG E. Tiis U’linn M • linne has wsuperior if an equal —// this or any other eoun try. It is mueh u*ed amt highly te. Cniniin mled by Physicians. & A ORMfs frequently infest children, ag r V graxale all oilier diseases, and are e.ip&Mc of (intlucinir ’i>rral ilistiirlwnces in the system, nnf, emis'r|iieiHfy all meitiefnes given to remove them | should be |ire}ireU will, care, Bud of tlie best liut- I rerutls; mi it is to lie feared that many of tile worm I ii’ hu uies ill use are totally .Institute of tl|ee qualities. I ‘Phte Venqifuge xvltirh tie’ subserilyrofThr. u ihe, public is |>re|inreii el liie besi luateriits that cun lie procured. THE TRUTH HYMEN OF TRUTH. ’ Concerning Seller*’ V'ermifuge A single vial producing Wonders. Bead Ihe following from the Key. S. lUakc* Jielfl. Pastor of the LiUcrry street aVeihodist Kpisc-tijial church ? I’i IT.B3URGII, March 8, 1817. Mr. U. K. Srllers, —It i* from a sense of duty, as well us with great ph*astre. that 1 hear lestimonv to thr vir tue of ymr justly celcb'-aied ] procured a sinule bcUle and gave it to three of my c hildren, who hail Iwen ill for several week. ‘Hie oldest was seven years old. the n**xt four, and the youngest eighteen moutlis. ‘J’he first passed (jfty-six vyorius, the second forty-st von.and the tlnrd a conniderahle number not distinctly recollected. Since then they have been do ing well. t\nd are now in good health. Yours, resect fully, 8 WAHEHELI). ({h kknyii.lf.. Va. January 15,18 5. Mr. U. E, Sellers, —Your Vermifuge gives universal satisfaction. 1 have sold Fahnestock h, M l aue’s and others,hut none has giv en the satisfaction that vour* has B F. (vK All AM. Past Master. Sellers’ Vermifuge—it works nnwlcrs every where. Bks Sandy, Ky. A/ay 12.1818. Mr H E S llers— Bear sir : Your Vehnrfuge priwluces such wonderful results, that / think it worili while to civ- you a few facts about it. A lieighlsir. Dr tray, ! ni.ihi from me tme vial of it, and gave the contents to three of his children; the first passed 180, the second 153, and the third 70, making 403 Worm* discharged hy tY ingonc\ial. .Mrtiray immediately bought four wals iip*PL Mr. J M'SUurley also gave ihe contents < foiu* vial tu three of hi* children, which brought Irhm tie* first 73. from the second 51, and from the thin! 3 1, making 156 worms hv theiise of one vial. 1 gave miv own child, aged one year, two te&spnttifills. Which expelled Ft, one of which wa* at lean one, foot long.—- Wun Vermifuge is considered tlie best that has evei h -n h-onrht toour action of country', aiid so laras I know, ha* never failed. Yours,respocifully J L TI^OIVN. Let Physicians Speak. Sellers’ Vermifuge is the best in use. — Here is proof. LicH-no Station. Ivy, Dec, 17, 1815. Mr It FI S,Hr*, 1 have the pleasu c to inform you that I have used in inv practice your celebrated Vermi tuge will* the most happy results. 1 have formerly used I’aiiue lock’s, hm Persuaded t<> try yours, J have i .tiiid it la/ni;i|s rior in every resjiect. amj can say with • •ill the feAruf contra diction, that your Vermifuge pos • •• in ire virtu • than any 1 ever used, and most cr iiall.y r -eoinui* nd it to the attentioo of the public. I util -tii* a**ase where I gav<> one. vial of your Vermi fug I *-. >l/ brother’s clttlcf wa* pining and waiting to iu rr skeleton. In 30 hours after I gaye the VertßdUgei the * uornioti,* quantity of upwards of sit hundred worhis werepa-x .l Tie* child (hut was-given up for lost, i? now well t*any in the Neighborhood. AMBROSE ARNETT, M. D. St lb rs’ Vei mifuge the [test in the ft arid <;*i.l,ipt fs, O, \pril 1, Msl. This certifies’ that I have kept on hand and used in mv practice, U K Scli* rs* Vermifuge, for the two past ) r-. lam confident in saying it has not failed. In a fi:i | • in-la e. to relieve children and adults troubled vv ll l l worms; in many instances it has brought away lar ic quantities. lam confident it is the best worm me* .liei i*■ in use. \il that i- requiretl to give it reputation in any family,is l*g;v it a fair *rial. U II WILSON, M D. Point I’i.f.aphant, Va, Oct. 4,1847. .Mr. U K Sellers.—Of your Vermifuge, 1 can say without Invitation tlial having used it extensively in my practice for tlie last four or five years, I think ituecideo* ly the h*st pre|>arutioii of the kind of which I have any know ledge, nil hough I have heretofore used the prepa ruiion of several other maiiufaclureis \ oiii*s. respectfully, I) COUGH, 3/. D. Sellers’ Family Medicine: Oraiiam Station. Ohio. May 25, 1819. Mr. It K Sellers.—l think it right, for the heneftigf other*, to state some facta in relation to your excellent Furnti) Medicines. 1 have used your Vermifuge largely in my own family, oni* via! frequently ans wering for expelling large quan liiies (say ltK>to00(of wnns from two children. I hav* also iHcd ymtr Liver Pills and (Tough Syrup in my family, and tney have, in every instance, produced the elf et desired. As I am engaged in merchandising. 1 am able to state that I have yet to hear of the first failure where your medicines have been u-ed in my section of the country. In conclusion. I may slate that they are the medicines of tin- day. and are destined to have a very extensive pop ulartiA. \ ours, respectfully, W II PINNEL. Tin: Vfrviiffgr will continue to have a rkd si ok w rap|s*r, and will have the name of Rob*l K. Sellers stamped uj>oneaeh vial, without which it is not his Ver mifugo. K E SELLERS Proprietor, Pittsburgh, June Ist, 1850. For salt? hv SNEAD cV CHAPMAN, Ai th< Now Drug Store, Oglethorpe Ga. Carriages! Carriages! FOR SALE. fKp HE Subscriber announces to thn peo a pie of Oglethorpe and surrounding Country, that he has lieu on hand, and will continue to receive, Buggies, Carriages, Kockaways, Ac., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase anything in his lino are invited to call and examine his Stuck, at Messrs. Lewis A Pi ice’s Wate H ouse, on Baker Street. T. M. JACKSON,Agent. Oglethorpe, July s)ih, 185 R 13 if South Western R. R* Company, ON and after the first of January next, the rates til Freight on Colton will be re duced as follows : Ft inn Oglethorpe and Montezuma to Macon, per 100 lbs., 20. cis. •’ Winchester, Marlhasville and Mar “ shalville to Macon, pet 100 lbs.,lS “ Fort V'alley and station Ao. 2, to Macon, [ter 100 lbs., 15 “ ‘•Station No. I to Macon per MX) Ih<.,l2i‘‘ GEORGE W. ADAMS, Super nt.” dec 23 If: New Dry Hoods k Grocery Store. Oil linker Street. ft h lOIKiES, would res 9# s Mr t H.J. peel lolly inform the Citizens tf Oglethorpe and the Planters ol ili,. soia.moiling Cminlrv that he is now open ing a large and Well selected stock of Fancy anil Staple Dry-Hooda, 11 aid ware, Clot kery, Sadlery, Boots, Shoes Ac. lie will also keep constantly on hand a ljlt CKOCEUES OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. The public are respcclfiilly requested to call and examine for themselves. Sept. 12,1851. 22-if BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps of every variety just received and for sale by, KAI’FMXN A BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 3851. 26 ts Jewelry. A FINE lot of Jexveltv J.,91 received and for sale by, K \UFMAN A BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10,1851. , 26if. 17X0 It Sale, by DILL4tMARSHALL, a large quantily of Bagging, Rope and . Twine. . Fort Gains, Ga. June, 1 1851 9 tl e\CON! BACON!! We have for sale 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at the low est market pi ices. DILL A M\RSI!ALL. Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851 9 if ’ for sale at Fort Gains, Ga. by DILL A MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. 9 if. Brandy, wine, gin, whiskey. SI RR UP, and VINEGAR, I'm sale bx DILL A M \RSH \LL. Fctrt Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851. 9t! Notice. All persons indebted to the firm of T M. Jackson A Cos., in the Counties o Macon, Sumter, Dooly and Marion, are no tified that llieir notes and accounts have been placed in the hands of Philip Cook, Esq, ol Oglethorpe, for settlement. T. M. J VCKSON A CO June 19, 1851, lU-rl, notice;. In 11 E Co-parlneiship heretofore exisling under the firin af A. W ELLES A Cos., is this day dissolved by imHoal consent. Ei ther of the tmdorsigned, will attend to the business ol the unsettled fitm, and ate ‘au thorised to use its nnitrd in liquidation. A. WELLES, G. F.PALMES. Savannah, June T 9, 1851. *tO-ly rllE Undersigned liovil g disposed of Ins’ in.crest ill tin: GROCERY BUsl* N IvSS to Ids late pat I per, Mr. G. F. P V LMS and J. W. WEBS PER, of the htte firm of Sxvilt, Dcuslow A Webster, would respect lodv solicit a coniimianre to them of the liatronage of his late firm. A. WELLES. Savanna!), June 19, 1851. *UMy. copartnership. THNHE Undersigned having hotioht out the tl interest of Mr. A. WELLES, of the firm of Messis. A. Welles & Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will continue the WHOLE SALE GROCERY and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, under the firm of \v EBSTER A PALMES, at the old stand of A. W. A Cos., and respectfully solicit a coniimianre ofylie patronage of that firm, and of the public generally. J, W. WEBSTER. GEO. F. PALMES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *lO-ly. Ci<sa fs. AIjAKGE lot of fine Cigars just re.-, reived and for sale cheap liy, KAUFMAN h BUO. Oglethorpe, Oil. 10, 1851. 26 if J. Kaufman & Bio. FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, Lemon Syrup,Tobacco, Soap, Candles, Ac. Ac. Just received and for sale. Cheap for Cash. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 if SHOES, Hats, Clothing, Saddlery,crock ery, Hardware, furniture, Nails, Salt, Iron, Plows, Sugar, Coffee, Ac Ac., foi sale at the chea[i Store in Fort Gains Gn. by, DILL A MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. 9 if. Notice. ’ Will! Sfouih Western KailroaH Company, wishes to J-IIIUE until the lsi of Jami try next, twenty five Ne e;ocs t*or repairs on the Noad, for which filVeen dollai |H*r mouth will be paid; they will also be fed and elm lied GKO* VV. AD VMS. Supr. xS W. K. K. Oglethorpe. October 40,1851 — 26 ts /NSEED, Train, fy Lard, Neats B A I'nnt Oils, for .ale by SNEAD b CHAPMAN, at the N Drug Store. Oct. 17 1851. 27 if FRENCH Window Glass. F"r xj by SNEAD &. CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 1851. 27if \|{, Coffee, Syrup, and Molasses, received and for sale low by, K AUFM \N, A BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. lU, 1831. 26 ts. FOR SALE. riMIE “PAVILION HOUSE” in the 1 now town of Oglethorpe, situated on the corner of Crescent and Macon Sts., near and in full view of the Rail Road Depot, is now offered for sale. Tlie building is new the moms are large, neat,and airy, possessing every convenience for the comfort of travel ers and hoarders. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. ASH BURN, BOON A Cos. May 28ih 1851. 7-if. Liquor/ AL \ RGE quantity of Liquors, consist ing of ttrandy, Rum, Gin, Wltiskv Port, Madeira, and Champaign Wines ali, of the best quality, just received and forsaic by ‘ KAUFMAN A BRO Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851, 26 J. Kaufman 4 # Hr o’* NEW I)RY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. On Uoker S reel %elow the Oglethorpe Hotel. ■ OU LD respectfully inform tlie Pub- WW he ‘hat they have just opened llieir Stock, consisting of Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, and all kind of Cadies Diess Goods, Hose, Gloves Lares, Edgings, silk Parasols, Fans, Ac., together xvith a variety .of Fancy Articles, and a nice assoiintent of fine Jew elry. Also a fine lot of READY M \DE CLOTHING, Shoes and Boots. All ol which wifi he sold, for cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6-if. Drs, THOMASON & DAVL ON, S'© tfAStfaa OUL*.T..mPt, OA., DL s PM rPF r LLY in form ♦ heir friend 4 and the public generally that they cimiiiit** the practice of Medi < iue in the new town of Oglethorpe. An one of them has had several years ei|>eriericfe In the practice oi .Medicine, they (latter themselves that they will be able to treat the various diseases of.the liumtin system in a scientific and Miccemiful manner. A share of public pa tronage is respecViully solicited. One of them may be found at their office at all hours except when profes.-iotmlL “ngageil. DCrOHlce on the corner of Suiii|>ter ami Crescent Sts. A. and Thomason. .VI. D. } J. C. Oavwon. M. I). April 7,1851. j ;f rr~S GdM’ABJiICHJI&C, Subsetihfis having as* hoc i.iif (I tliemselrvs under the above name, (or tin* purpose of transoctii.g a General Ware-llous and Commission Business, tuki’ this un thod ol iniorining llm Planlcrs mid Mert'ltHiils gencrttlly, linn ihny ure now ptepared to receive Cotton in Stole or Hoy other Gbuds on consignment. I'ltey will liHVe on htind hi all times bagging. Rapt, Twine, Sugar, Coffee , Salt, Iron, Sfc. !fc. Liberal \dvances made on cotton wlteYi desired. G. C. Carmich*l. J, P, Harvet. references: Messrs. Logan A Atkins,m; Macon, Ga., Neely A Fleming; Griffin, ” Oglethorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ly. E. Ii WEED, Nm:on, Ga. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware . Will LD inx tie the atleniinn ol his- It ten Is In Itis si"t k bfl'ilt lety, Iron, Nails, Hollow-ware, Guns, Black smiths and Carpenters Tools, Agiicultmal Imgliment, Axles, Springs, Mill Irons, Tin PI ile. Sheet and bar Cupper, Lead and Zinc, Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws and every other Httiile osua 111 kept in I lard ware Stores, which he w ill sell on reasona ble terms. Macon, July 19tlt, 1851. 15 ly New Fall and Winter Goods. J. TANARUS, SUGS3 IyOULO respectfully call the attention of his friend* and tlie public generally to his large and well selected assortment of SfteiJS'a a si .ii.riiij; goi.vs, consisting ol every variety of staple and Fancy Dry (mkhls—such as Kerseys, Cloths, • bankets, Flannels, Shawls, Calicoes, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery ,* ns, Mu-dins, silks, a tins, and a variety of other Fancy Articles. Hesidy-JJade €1 olhftMfi Os the Latest Style and Best Quality. HATS and CAPS of every description. BOOTS and SHOES of all qualities. A variety of GROCHIUES , HARDWARE, CTL EfY, SC. In short, purchasers can be supplied with almost any article they desire, on the most rnyton able term*. Those who desire to get the full worth ol theit mmi ev, would do well to give me a call, for 1 pledge myself that none who purchase shall go away without obtain ing a bargain. Fori Haines, Ga., No\. Ist, 1851. I—ts Kor Sale A LIKELY ttegrp Boy, about 18 or 19 years old. ‘ Apply 10 F. T. SNFAD. At Snead A. Chapman’s Drug Store. Oglethrope Nov. 28, 1851. 33. —if: SOUTHWESTERN RAIL RQAIL yQTI A DULY TRAIN lor xaL Passenuers ami Freinln leaves M.ii'iiu ai 61-2 A. M.— Arrives at Oglethorpe at II 1-2 A. M.—Arrives at Macon ai 3 1-2 P. .VI. Connecting each wav with Ihe Central and Macon & Wes tern train-, and the Tallahassee Mad Si age Line. Passengers dine at Kurt Valley at I Ix 2 P. !Vi. GEO. W. ADAMS. Supt, S. VV. R. R. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 tl BOOKS! BOOKS!! • I New Book Store, JUST OPENED, IN OGLETHORPE, j\ear the Oglethorpe Hotel , V\ HERE the subscriber designs keeping a general assortment of Miscellaneous and Si bool Rooks, Blank Books, and Stationery; also a general assortment of Wall Patter, Window thadea, Musical Instruments Ac., all of which he will sell as low as they can be bought in any other market. Just Received One fine Melodian, of superior tone and finish. A lot of fine Vio lins, also a splendid loi of ylccnrdeons, vary, mg in price from $1 50 to $25. A. B. CHAPMAN. January 16, 1852. 39 ts. D R - J. i>- HOUGHTON'S Sir Kutcrcd according to Act of Conttre.w in the year 1851, by J. S. Ilmiton, to. IL in the Clerks office of the district ( court for the eastern dintrict of Pennsylvania. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! Great euie for I) if sp e p ia ! Vr. J. Houghton's PEPSIN, the true Vieesliv’ Flual, or Gastric Juice, prepa ret! from It F A 7 A ET, or tlie fourth Stomach oj the Ojc, after directions vj baron Lit big, the great Physio'ogieal Chemist by J. .S’. Houghton, M- D Philadelphia. ‘Phil* in truly a wondrful remedy for Indigestion, dys pepsia , jaundice, liver complaint constipation, and de* nilityr curing alter nature’s own method, by natures own agent, the Juice. QCr Half a teaspoonful of Pepsin, infused hi water, will digest or dissolve fivepouds of roast beef in about two hi urn, out of the stomach. Pepsin is the chief element or great digestive princi ple of the Gastric juice—the solvent oft he food, tlie purifying, preserving, and Ktiinulating agent of the stom ach and intestines, tis extracted from the digestive stomach of the Ox. thus forming an artificial digestive fluid, precisely like the natural gastiy juice in its chemi cal power*, and furnishing a complete and perfect substi tute for it. By the aid of this preparation the pains and evils of indigestion and dyspepsia art* removed, just-as they would he by a healthy stomach, it is doing wonders for dyspeptics,'curing cases of debility, emaciation, ner vous decline and dyspeptic consumption, supposed to be on the verge of the grave. The scientific upon which it is bused, is in the highest degree curious and remarkable. sen ENT IFI C EVIDENCE. Baron Liebig, iu his celebrated work on annual Chem istry, says: ‘An artificial digestive fluid analogous to the gastie juice, may tje readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the calf in which various ar ticles of food, as meat aqd eggs will be softened, changed and digested, just in the sortie manner as they would be iu tlie human stomach.’ DOT Call on the agent, and get a descriptive circular, gratis,giving a large amount of scientific evidence, sim ilar to the above, together with re|>orts of remarkable cures, from all parts of the l-niied States. AS A DYSPESPIA CURER Dr. Hugh ton's Pepsin has produced the nn>st marvellous effects, in curing cases of debility, emaciation, nervous decline, and dyspeptic consumption. It is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertise ment; but aitthenttcated.circurostances have been given of more than two hundred remarkable cures, iu Philadel phia, .New York and Boston alone. These were near ly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but permanent. It is a great nervous antidote, and particularly useful for tendency to Billions disorder, liver complaint. tev r and ague or badly treaed lever and ague, und the evil effects of quinine memory and other drugs upo- the di ’stive organs aiV-•‘a !■ .t •i< kuesv Abo lorexc* s> ii aling and the tis u- i . •-t i -pirtts ita ntus reconciles l<*aJd v. . f Dr. IloUghiull f I’t j'r-Ui -|i Ji-. u i.. j. • d-ti u from—and in iierscription vials lor the use of Physicians. Private circulars lor the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or lib Agents, describing the w hole |voces*of preparation, and /iviny the audio i lies upon which the. C.aiiues of tins new remedy are bas ed. As nis not a secret remedy, no objection can be raised against its use by Physicians in respectable stand invalid regular practice. Price, One Dollar per bottle. vCr Observe I his!—Every bottle of the genuine Pep sin bears the written signature of .1. IS. Houghton, L>., sole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copy-right and Tirade Mark secured. DCT Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in medicines For sale hv SNEAD A CHAPMAN, Deal., lers in Drugs Ac. at the New Ding Store, Oglethorpe Ga. GKOKGIAJ / Sumter Su ,, _ > per tor l ou>l, bumter County. ) Nov.term issi. Joseph Daniel, } vs. r Bill for discovering Kc- J. L. Casey, f lief and Injunction. Wm. Pritchett. ) IT being represented to hip by the Alliga tion in said Bill, that John L. t asy lias no settled residence known to Complainant but is a transcipiit, unsettled person. It is or dered that service ol said Bill be perlecud on said John L. Casv, bv publication in one of the public Gazel'es iu this Slate, once a month, for four mouths preceding the. next j term of this Court. A line extract from the minutes of said Court this Ist day ot January 1852. M. Al. GUERRY, Clerk. PROSPECTUS OF THE South-W ust (Georgian. The SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN is isiii-d every Finlay morning in the new Town of OGLETHORPE, at the low p, ice of Two Dollars a year, to be paid in advance , OUR POLITICS. We are now and ever have been for the Union. — The “Georgian” will, therefore, advocate tlie measures of (he great conser vative Ut ion Party, it will pursue a fair and candid course towards the Opposition—be stowing censure on whatever is sensurahle, and ever battling for tiuth, regaidless of the source from whence it emanates. lis columns will be filled with choice selec tions tit Miscellaneous. Political, Domestic and Commercial News, from a number of the most popular Journals of the day; together with Statistics and general information on the engrossing subjects of Internal Im provement ond Southern Manufactures. ADVERTISING. Advertisements will be inserted on the following terms: One Dollai per square of twelve lines of less for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents foi each insertion thereafter. A liberal deduction will be made on yearly advertisements, or those inset ted for three or six months. Also contracts will be made with County Officers, to advertise for them on the most liberal terms. All letters on business, must be addressed to C. B Youngblood, Publisher, and post paid. CHARLES B. YOUNGBLOOD. Oglethorpe, Ga, May 7th 1851. CLOTHING. READY made CLOTHIVG, avert large assorinti'iit just received and foi sale by, KAUFMAN & BRO. Oglethorpe, Ocf 10, 1851. 26 ts. To The Afflicted. THE undersigned having permanently located 5 miles North-West ol Pund Town in iSiiniter County, would respectfully offer his professional services to tlie Afflicted, The invariable success which lias aiicnded his pie vinos administrations,in citrine tlie wot si forms of chronic disease, and stirh 100, as have baffled the skill of Ihe Si ieiiitfii Physicians, he trusts will lie m|. firient to gnarratiiee for future result,’ Refers to-undoubted Testimony. A remarkable case ot Rheumatism and Fits cured iu 3 weeks; bull Hill Muscogee Cos. Jan 25, 1852. Mr. Editor: Sir permit me to ruiiimu nicale to tlie Afflicted thtough the column., ot your valuable paper the following facts. Ahoiu three months ago mv Son Shepherd ag<d22 years was attacked whh acute Rlifinnaiism in both ot his knees which wn, so sevete that it soon effected his whole sys tem, and seefned to locate principally, mi his Brain Lungs and heart. The 4ih day atiei he was attacked he commenced having hard Fits. 1 immediately called in an eminent Ph sician, who treated iiis case three weeks. But wiihnut benefit, I then called in two more Physicians n( the same order (Old School) one of whom treated his case two weeks, still he grew wotse, and had from lu oto three fits’ nearly every night. The Doctors said that his condition was strange and culical, and they seemed to be ala loss to know what to do fur him, ns the remedies they ptescribed, had no effect towards leliev.. ing him. And aril who saw my Son thought that he would be certain to die. Bill just as I was about to relax all efforts of having anything more done for him, some person sent me one of Dr. Rowland’s Circulars, i examined it and saw that the certificates were from reliable sources ; and I resolved to haul Shepherd to Dr. R. When we ar lived at the Doctor’s lie was just alive and it was all that could he said, for he was re duced so much that lie could be compared to nothing hut a living skeleton to use the phrase, and al all times lie suffered with the most violent excruciating pa Las, his mind was very much effected also. The second day alter Dr. R. Commenced treating his case, he sloped having fils, and the fifib dsiv hi pains subsided in a great degree, t then, left hint under caie of Dr. R. and returned home, relati and to my neighbors the extnanr.- dinaty relief mv Son experienced in so short a time, many seemed to doubt, and all were perfectly astonished. He remained at the 1 Doctors 3 weeks, and it affords me pleasure lo say ilial I believe he lias effected a pertna -1 nenl core, as Shepherd lias had no Symptoms ,of a relapse iu any way for seviral Weeks’ Ii is my wish that the above stat merit he published so liiat others laboring under such and similiai diseases may be benefited also. Yours Ac. ELIJAH PADGETT. We the undersigned neiglibois lo Elijah Padgett certify that his statements relative to the miraculous cure effected on his Bon Shepherd are correct. PERRY RADNEY. E. R SPURGIS. J.Q. \. JOHNSON. Hopeless case—Valuable Property saved ■lAßHl IPTYMS IIEiUATtiIIIMS A FITS CUItI.D. MARION, TWIGGS COUNTY, GA. JANUARY, 1851 Dr. Rowland, Sir: l present you the following ceitificate which I you will! have published, so that others laboring un... der such diseases may be benefitled also. yfboui two yeats ago, one of my servants. (Hem >), was severely attackeil with spit uric and vomiting of blood, attended wills haul fits which lie had paroxysms of weekly. I immediately placed him under the treat ment of ilie most eminent Physicians ol the old school in this section and after treating Ins case a long lime, they said he could nut lie cured, and was beyond the reach of med icine. Ilemy grew worse and had from one to two haid fiis a week. Spit and vomited up large quantities nl blood. As 1 consider ed his case perfectly hopeless for a time, 1 had nothing done for him. Hearing that you would lake patients afflicted with chronic diseases on conditions, I tesolved to give yon a trial, and to the astonishment of my self and many others, in three weeks alter I placed Henry under your treatment, he re lumed home entirely cured of his disltessingi diseases ; he lias been well 3 months and; •an do as much hard laborious work as lie. ever could. When I sent Henry to y ou, li would have taken a mere trifle for him, now ’ consider that he is woriti S9OO. Persons, afflicted with such or similar diseases, would do well to give voua trial. Yours fcc. t WM. FAULK. N. B. Hemy is still well, 22 Sr pt. 1851,. Mr. Faulk is a gentleman of unimpeach able diameter, what lie asserts may be te licd upon and can be sustained by a number i frespectable witnesses. Good Money Dale Cos. Ala. 1 Fib. ’52, Dr. Rowland, Sir : the persecution I got of you last year for my son that was ef fected with Dropsy (12 months), entirely cured him. Before I applied to you every thing that could be devised failed to benefit hint. A. CLARK. For Particulars see Circular. As usual the undersigned continues to treat; all forms of Chronic diseases at $4 per month, except cases of Fils which he would prefer treating conditionally, or SIU will be charged for each prescription when the med icines are forwarded. He is prepared to receive Patient* at hie Residence. Letters on business should be pre paid and directed to J. W. ROWLAND, M. D. Pond Town (Ja. March 19 1852. 48—3 m. MOLASSES, N. O. Svrup, Raisins, a. fine lot of Sugar Ac, Ac., for sale by* R: H. SIMS &Cos Oglethorpe, Feb. 4lh 1852. - 42 tf-'-