The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, July 02, 1852, Image 3

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4th of July. The ‘ Oglethorpe Lyceum’ *i!l Cele- Jurale the Anniversary of American In dependence, on Saturday the 3 rd July . The Oration will be delivered by £ T. PolhllL Esq., at the Methodist Church at 11 o’clock, and Me Declara tion of Independence will. be read by F, T. Snead Esq. CT Every Body, and the Ladies h\ particular are invited yto be pre&enl on the occasion. VOI.CN TERRS iiran i An indefinite number of Young men are wanted immediately, to organize a vagabond company to stand round tire Church door at night and Sunday service in the day, to smoke Cigars, talk loud, whistle, curse, swear, and use other ri diculous means to annoy the Congrega tion assembled to worship God—to stand on the steps, and ground, to use uncouth and ungentlemanly remarks about ladies going to and coming from Church, &tc. ? he. Married men will also be admitted to membership, if of the proper grade of reputation. None need apply possessing any degree of moral diameter, or who |eek to establish good society. ROYAL ROWDY Cnp’t. Oglethorpe, June 1852. Macon Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold in the Town of La nier between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August next the fol lowing property to wit: TH/tEE new Buggies, Levied on'ag the property of Henry D, Powell, to satisfy a fi fa front Doolv Superior Court, in favor of Moses Levingston vs. said Powell, said fi fa transferred to Messrs. Cohen Baringer & Cos. Also Lot of Land No. 139 in the first dis trict of originalhiy J/uscogee now Macon County, Levied on as the property of John Underwood, to sat : sfy afi fa from Macon Superior Court, in favor of VVrn. Williams vs. said Underwood. Also one*Brick Store and lot in the town of Lanier No. not known, Levied on as the property of Til|man Hudson to satisfy si ft fa from a justices Court of the 814tli Dist. (1. M: in (avor of Beni. F. Fleming ys. said Hudson, Alsu One acre lot and small house, in Smnniei viile adjoining Cuylrr. Levied on as liio property i.f Jas. K. Sellers, to satisfy sundry Justices Gun ft (5 fas in favor of Jas. Carlian and Others ys. said tellers, proper ty pointed out by the Defendant, Also one improved Lot in jlie city of Oglethorpe known as Lot No, 1 in square No. 21 on Hie Corner qfMarqn and Ander son streets to satisfy Sundry fj fas from a Justices Court of said County, in favor of P. T. Fears, Win, Foster, J, J. Collier and others, vs. Wnt. IJ. VVrjglit, Wright <fc Bal lard, and T. VV. Ballard. Also Lt No 3 in the Cjty of Oglethorpe in Square 7 said lot \vell improved, now oc cupied by John G. Smith, Levied on ns the property of Wesley VV. Hardy, to satisfy a fi fa from a Justices Court in Macon County in favor of Greer & Cos, vs, said Hardy and S, S, Boon. TIIOS. DIXON Deputy SVff. Jewelry Establishment, JOHNJD, TINSLEY would respoctfdly inform the citix ms of Oglethorpe and the surrounding country, that he has opened a Jewelry Establishment in this citv, for the purpose of impairing clocks, Watches Jo welt v, &c,- The public are r< quested to call and test his skill jn repairing and engrav ing. Shop on Sumter Street opposite the Post Office, Oglethorpe, Ga. July 2d, 1852,1 11-3 w, Executor’s Sale. BY ORDER of the Ordinary of Macon County, will be sold before the Court House door in Buena Vista Marion County mi the first Tuseday in August next, within the legal hours of safe, Lot of land No: 143, in the 3td district, of Originally Muscogee now Marion County, belonging to the estate of A. C. Scott deceased. TERMS • Credit till Christmas, with notes and approved security. E. VV. ALLEN ExV. Oglethorpe, Ga. July 2d 1852, 11—ids. EAGLE 3BS HOTEL. The undersigned has completed a large and commodious Brick Hotel, on the corner of Chatham and Baker Streets, in the city of OGLETHORPE, convenient to the Railroad Depot, and easy of access both to the Traveling Public and Planters. The house will be under charge pf MR. JAMES BELL, who has had much experience in the business. The Rooms are well arranged, neat and airy and the Table furnished witb the best the country affords. PA fine Stable is kept in connection with the establishment, from which persons can at all times be furnished with Carriages, Horses, &c. June 25, 1852. 10-ly. Notice to Debtors nnd Creditors. beorgia—Macon County; ALL persons having claims against the i Estate of Francis James late of said County deceased, are hereby notified to pre sent the same for payment. And those in debted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment* • JOHN JAMES, Adm’r. June 3d, 1852. 9—4od* B O TJIJYIC MEDICINE . DRS. THOMASON fc DAVISON, Preparp and keep constantly on hand at their MS& STQ&B, The following family medicines which should be kept in every family, especially in the country: Lobelia and pepper, to cleanse the Stom ach and remove the cause ot disease, and prevent its continued pi ogress. It may be given with safety. Composition Powders, for colds, to open! the pores of the skin, and uselul to aid the operations of an emetir. Number Six, for cojds and slight chills. Cough Drops, for coughs consumption &c. Anti-bilious Pills, to cleanse the Bowels and Stomach. Bitter Tonic, to stregthen the system after the stomach and bowels have been properly cleansed. Stimulating Linamenf, for the cure of Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Back &C., 1 to be used inhead of a blister.) (Cholic Mixture,for flatulence, Cholics,pains ALSO Dysentary Cordial. Worm specific, Pain Killer, majical Pain extractor, Fever and agng drops. Caster Oil, Sweet Oil, British Oil Spirits •Turpentine, Paregoric, Laudanum Opodildoc, Mustard, Essence Cinamon, Essence Pepermint, Essenco winter Green, Essence anise, Godfreys Cordiul for children, Oil for Deafness &c. Also Comstock’s Patent Medicines rnd also ink, Blacking &c. Oglethorpe Gt., M ty 14,185*2. s—-f WINTERS MONEY WANTED. f’S’ HE liudlersigncd oilers for sale, a splen- Hl did lot of sash, sizes from 16 to 18 lights IQ by 12. •ALSO A fine lot of Liquors, Family Groceries, and otlier articles too. tedious to .mention; all of which will be sold for Winter’s Money in bills under five dollars at par. Those who liayo this kind of “ FO ODER,” will do well to call before he gets out of the no ion of trading for it. 1 can be found on Ctty ler street, neyt door to Carson, Greer & Co’s. Store. JAMES D. VVOOLBRIGHT. Oglethorpe, June 4, 1852. 7—ts. Dissolution. fllE Copqrlneship heretofore existing be tween McLAIN & TROTTER in the Grocery Business, has been dissolved by mutual consent, the Latter having retired trofii the Business. HOWARD McLAIN. HESEKI AH TROTTER. Oglethorpe June 4 1852. 7—tf;* ~DR. R- J. WESTMORELAND. RESPECTFULLY Tenders his Pro fessional services to the Citizens of Oglethorpe, and Vicinity, he has been en gaged in the various branches of his profes sion for the last twelve years. He may be found at all times at his office over McLain’s Store, on Crescent Street Oglethorpe. Gl. May 28ih 1852. 6 —ts. Southern Mutual Insurance Company. HON. ASBURY HULL President and T. eusurer. ALBORN CHASE, Secretary. PROF. C. F.McCAY, Actu’ry. THE Undersigned is prepared to take fire risks, or risks upon the lives of servants, in the above Company, at usual rates. Persons effecting Insurance are memhersofihe Company, and entitled to share in all its benefits. For’ further infor mation call on ORRAN C. HORNE. Agent. Oglethorpe June, 11th, 1852. 7—ts. LOS T , ON the 18111 June, one portfolio Pocket Book containing one SIOO bill and one dollar hill, and the following described notes: One note of SIOSU due Ist January next, on John VV. Brown. One notp of s2b3 due Ist May last, on Alfred Lester. One note of $135 due last January, 00 Stephen F. Miller. One note of $l5O due 12th June, inst. on J. Seymour. One note of S6O due last January, on Jas. A. Spivey. One note of sl3 due June 1848, on James Spivey. One note of $46 due Ist April* on W. J. Smith, One note of $l7B due Ist January next on John TANARUS, Brown. One note of S4O due Ist January last oo John TANARUS, Brown. One note of $53 due Ist of June inst. on John Smith. One note of $54 due Ist June inst. on VV. B. Nelson. ‘ Fifty Dollars reward is dfieied to any per son who will deliver said pocket hook and notes: 1 hereby |forewitrn any person fi-om trading for notes made payable to me in 1852. JAMES S. CALDWELL. june 25. 1852. • 10-ts. •msnmm mem®* OGLETHORPE, GA. THE undersigned (late of the Washington Hall, Macon, Ga.,) respectfully announces to the public that this NEW AND SPLEN DID HOTEL is now open for rise reeption of boarders and visitors. This house is new, large and commodious —the rooms are neat, spurious and airy— and furnished throughout with new and ele gant Furniture. As it will be under his per sonal superintendence, he flatters himself, that by staid attention to business, to make his guests comfortable, and to merit a contin uation of their patronage. Livery (Stables in ronnection with this House. JESSE CAIN. 1 June 25, 1852. , 10-ts. I at the stomach and bowels, also to relieve faintness and nausea &c. Compound Syrup of Sassafras, an excel ent remedy lor scrofula Kings evil, and to Cleanse and to purify the blood, remove humors from the skin &c. Compound Syrup of uva ursn, Good for the discharge of the Urine ; Relieving the difficulties of the Kidneys strengthen the Urinary organs,and healing ulcerations of the bladder. Volitilc Ointment—An excelenl Remedy in inllamatory’ quinsey, seldom failing, to ef fect a cure. Amjseptic tincture—This is a most pow< ‘erful antiseptic and is very valuable Wash to cleanse old foul ulcers, and dispose them to heal. A Word in favor of Wilder’s Patent Salamander Safes . THE recent fire at Lamar’s Cotton Press Iriving destroyed one or more ineffi cient Safes with their valuable contents, should seve as an admonition to all who have hitherto or do still put confidence in Sufes of a similar or kindred character, and at the same time piompt a desire to possess an ar ticle fully competent to resist the stoutest firo and afford positive protection to property of whatever value. Wilder’s Patent Saleman der Safe, with Rich & Co’s. Improvement, manufactured by Steins & Marvjn of New York, has never yet failed to answer the pur pose for which it was created. It lias stood the test of the fiercest and most destructive fires that have yet occurred in this country, (of which ample testimony can be given,) and in every instance the contents of the Safes were found as . originally deposited— sound and uninjured. A full sappy of these Safe of all sizes and patterns to be had at all times of CIIAS. 11. CAMPFIELD. 171 Bay-street, Savannah, Ga. May 21 lOw Agt. for Sterns & Marvin, Mortgage Sale. WO O ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday in August next before the Court House door in the Town of Lanier in the of Macon between the usoal hour’s of sale. One undivided half oftlie Printing Press and types, formerly used in printing the Southern Enterprise, the same levied on by Virtue of a Mortgage fi fa against said pro perty in favor of Moses H. Alexander vs. Charles B. Youngblood, the property set out in said fi fa. D. GAMMAGL Sli'lf. Oglfithorpe, May 28th, 1852. 6—tds. NOTICE. ALL persons concerned are desired to take notice that, on the fourth day of March instant, 1 levied four attachments— one at the instance of F. S, Lallirop &. Cos. vs, Erwin & Renfroe ; one at the instance of Woodhurn &■ VVyles “s'. Erwin & Ren froe; one at the instance ofllarral Sprouts Sf Cos: vs: Erwin & Renfroe, and one, at the instance of Townsend Arnold & Cos. vs'. Erwin &■ Nelson, on the following property in the city of Oglethorpe, to win a house and lot in said city of Oglethorpe o-i (lie corner of (Sumter and Crescent Sts..fronting forty feet on Sumter st. and fifty feet on Crescent st: Being a part of lot number (17) (Seventeen in square No'. 2 (agreeably to the ‘plan ol said city) and situate on the Corner opposite to Dr'. Thomason’s Hotel. Also on a House and lot in said city fronting on Crescent st. forty feet and running back about 40feet,ad joining Slade’s Hotel or the Pavilion House, Being a part ol lot No. 15, on square No. 3, Also 011 one vacant lot opsosite (S/ade’s Ho tel or Paviliun House. Situate on the corner of Macon and Crescent streets, front ing 4Q feel on Macon st, and running back and along Crcs;ent street 150 feet being lot No, 2 in squate No. 4of said city, The said attachments being returnable to the next Inferior Court for Macon County. This March 18th 1852. DAVIS GAMMAGE Sh’ff. Taylor Sheriff Sale. WILL be sold at tit public square in the Town of Roller Taylor County on the first Tuesday in Aug. next, the following propeily to wit: one Gray Mare Levied on ns rite propparty William G. Parks to satisfy one fi fa sued from Macon Superior Court, against the said W.G.Parks, in favor of Hugh R. Banks,pro perty pointed out by the defendant. Also one lot of-Laud, No. 246 in the 13th district of originally Muscogee now Taylor county, to satisfy an execution from the Jus tices court of the 741 l dist G. M. in favor of Green &. Corsey vs. John VVhatley principal and Danl. W'hatley, sen. security. Levied on as the pioperty of Dan!. Whatley, sen. Levy made and returned to me bv Constable. JOHN M: THOMPSON, Sh’fT. June 4th, 1852. 7-tds DR- E. F. COLZEY, OFFERS his professional services lo the citizens ot Oglethorpe and vicinity. He may be found at all limes (save when professionally engaged) at the Empire Hotel or at the store of Maj. P. M. Huson. June 25,1852. 10-ts. M. Valuable Property For Sale, ffi THE Undersigned subscriber desires to sell on accomodating terms, Lots of Land, No. 3*2 33 64 65 66 98 99 126 127 128 129 130 132 158 and 159 in the tenth district, also No.*2 342328293032 82 97 in the foui teenth district; No. 27 2829 30 3132 33 34 35 36 in the fifteenth district if Dooly County. Some of the above lands have val- I uablo improvements on them and can ho pur i chased either in single or collective lots to suit the purchaser. Also one tiact of valuable Tobacco land containing 720 acres in the county of Gads den Florida, 8 miles N. E. of Quincy on Little River. Persons wishing any informa tion respecting tlid lands in Dooly county will please call and see the Proprietor the Pavilion House in the City of Oglethorpe or at Cedar Hill, or Slade’s Mills, in the coun ty of Dooly. Any person wishing informa tion, respecting the tract of land in Florida will please call and see Mr, Daniel 1)1- Hin son Gadsden Cos., Florida or the proprietor of the Pavilion (louse in this place. WM. SLADE. Oglethorpe April 20th 1852. I—ly. To Waggoners ami Stoekdrhrers. PniNHE undersigned would take this nielli- JJL od of informing Stock Drovers and W aggoners, that lie lias fitted up an exten sive isst'OTO wasr mi waggon YARD, at the lurk of the road leading from Oglethorpe to Traveler’s Restand Americas, within the corporate limits of the city of Oglethorpe, where'lie is prepared to accom modate all those who patronize him, on lib eral terms. \V. B. JONES. April 30, 1552. 2 3m BLACKS WITH ING. Pot c r V rots la an, ( Lute of Macon Ga.) HPATCF.S this method of informing his friends and the A public generally Ilmt he is carrying on the Black smithing business in all its branches’ in the City of Ogle thorpe, whey In* hopes hv strict attention to business to receive and merit a liberal share of patronage. Par ticular attention uill he given to making or repairing Plantation tools. All work done by him w ill be war ranted. /*£>§=> Shop next, door to .Messrs. <fc Tattle's Carriage *Vl)op. on Chatham .Street. Oglethorpe, April 23d, 1852. I—3m. PAVILION HOUSE. OGLETHORPE GA. OgOStTE THE DeTOT Bv Wm. Slade. ratic P roprietor will he pleased at all /Jk times to have a liberal share of pation age and will try tit all times to make his pat rons as comfot table as lie can possibly do by the close at'entinn of himself and servants to their welfare during their stay with hint, WM. SLADE.’ Oglethorpe Ga.’ April 23 1852: I—ly. Bbls. Blake’s Patent Fire Proof Paint,just received and for sale low for cash by R. 11. SIMS & Cos. Oglethorpe Feb., 4th, 1552. 42—if Sash, Blinds , Pannel Doors §c. made to order, BY VVM. ROBINSON & SON. Shop on William Street, West Oglethorpe. Feb. 20,1852. 44-at2o. Georgia—Macon County. TWO Mooths after date application will be made to the ordinary of said County tho leave to sell Lot of land Number 143 in the Third district second section of originally Muscogee now Marion county, also Lot nn land number 275 in the seventh district Third section Cherokee. Belonging to the estate of Addison C. Scott, late of Maron County eceased. E. VV. ALLEN Ex’r, Oglethorpe Arpil 23J 1852. I—,2m DENTAL NOTICE, FRANCIS M. SMITH, D. !>. S., [Graduate of the BaUinwre College of Dental Surgery.] HA$ removed to Oglethorpe and res pectfully solicits its citizens and the community generally to call on him. He has just returned frum Baltimore aud is in pos session of all the new and latest improve ments in Dentistry, such as Air Chamber Suction plates, for entire sets; Jaw and Block teeth, entire sets, w ithoul springs, &c. Persons wishing work done would do well to call and examine his new styles. Office at present, attlie Pavillion House. May 7,’52. 3 ts Dissolution. THE firm of LEWIS t PRICE is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Ware House and Commission busi ness will be continued by JOHN V. PRICE who will he pleased and ever ready to serve his friends and acquaintances, and all who may favor him with their patronage, and will also attend to closing the business of the old firm, ELBERT LEWIS. JOHN V. PRICE Oglethorpe June 7—?tf. MAPLE SUGAR, lAAA LBS < JUST keceiv- ED and for sale by ODOM &. WILDER. Oglethorpe June 18111, 1852. 9-rtf. OGLETHORPE Candy Manufactory. AND CONFECTIONERY. WARREN JACKSON, Has the pleasure of announcing to the public that lie lias opened in (lie Ciiv of OGLETHORPE, on SUMTER St next door South of the Brick Store of R. II ,Sims & Cos., a large and extensive lot of CONFECTIONERIES, . Such as Candies, Cakes, -Syrups, Preset \>s, Jellies, Jams, Pickles, Almonds, Rais.ns, Currants, Brazil are! llazil Nuts, .English Walnuts, Apples, Oranges, Cocoa Nuts. Bananas, Plaintains, Dried Figs, Prunes, Ci gars Tobacco, Cheese, Crackers, Cordials,! Wines, for medical purposes, together with OYSTERS, pickled and fresh, and FISH in their season, anJ all otlier articles in the Con fectionery line. They will also MANUFACTURE, in the most superior style, and of the best inateri ials, all sorts of CANDIES CANDY ORN.I J/F.NTS, &c., and will neatly Emiioss and Ornament Cakes, for Balls, Parties, and Weddings, at short notice, and on as reasonable terms as any establishment in Georgia. As they intend doing business strictly on the Cash Principle, all orders for any of the above articles must be accompanied with the CASH, to insure attention. In connection with their CONFECTION ERY they intend keeping a regular and genteel, EATING-HOUSE, and they will he happy at all times to serve up to 1 heir friends, and the public generally, HAM AND EGGS, OYSTERS FlSl'l, (intheir season,) GAME, HOT COFFEE &c. By strict attention to business, and a desire to please, they hope to receive, ns they will endeavor to merit, a liberal share of public patronage, Oct. 31, 1851. 29—ts To the Afflicted. THE undersigned having now pre pared themselves to treat all old Chronic Diseases oflong standing in a scien tific manner, a share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Drs. THOMAS OS DAVISON. Oglethorpe, aprtl 16, 1852. 52-ls ~TO TIIK PUBLIC. mnE undersigned is prepared to execute JY in the most workmanlike manner, all work in his line, such as house building, Gin Gearing, Screw building, Mill writing &c, on as reasonable terms as any other work man in South West Georgia. All letters ad dressed to him in Oglethorpe Ga, will re ceive prompt attention. ALEXANDER SMITH Oglethorpe: May 14, 1852 4—ts “family”grocery storeT THOMPSON & PESL, ©©anwieoii?n , ©a. Respectfully inform theirfriends and the public generally, that they keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Family Groceries, such as Flour, Baron, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Mackerel, Corn Meal, &c., together with every variety of Spices, Fruits, Nuts, &c. Alsu, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, and many otlier articles too tedious to mention—all of which they will sell as low as any other establishment in the city. Call and try them—store on Cuvier, street. May 7,1852. 3 ly sT&lTmiller , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA, HAVE removed from Lanier, and will Practice in the Superior Courts oftlie Counties of Macon, Sumter, Marion, Dooly, Houston, Crawford, Bibb and Twiggs, and in the Supreme Court at (he city of Macon. STEPHEN F. MILLER, DANIEL tv. MILLER. January 16, 185*2. 39-if. BACON, CORN & MEALTr A LARGE and superior lot Tennes see Bacon , Corn ami Meal in Store, and for sale bv McDonald & vvillis. Oglethorpe, June 15, 1852. 9 —ts Dry Goods & Grocery Store. ( On the. corner of Sumter Sf Cuy/er S/s.J AJODGES, would res • • Jll pectfully inform his foimer patrons mid die public generally, dial he now occupies the Store House formerly occupied by Dawson, on the corner of Sump ter and Cuyler streets, where he will keep a large and well selected stock of Fancy ami Staple Dry-Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Sadlery, Boots, Shoes &c. lie will also keep constantly,on hand u large lot of CROI’ERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The public aro respectfully requested to cull and examine for themselves. Oglethorpe, June 4, 1852. 7—if GEORGIA (George W. Taunton Macon Countv. ( of tin- 74lst District G. M. of said State, toles before me, Ilaivey Rodgers a justice of the peace in said Dis trict, one estray hay Horse Mule seven or eight years old with some black marks n roond his legs, five feet high; appraised by William McDowell and Harvey Taunton at one hundred and twenty dollais. This No vember 21st 1851. HARVEY RODGERS, J. P. A true extract from tho cstrH.v book—this 17th February 1852. W.J. COLLINS, C. I. C. Feb. 27th, 1852. 9hNr Ptepr?- KW-YORK~?j IN BOTTLES. For Purifying thr. lilood, and for the Cure of scrofula, llhrumatism, stubborn l leers. Dyspepsia, salt Rheum. Freer sore s, Erysiypelas, Pimples. Riles, Mercurial Diseases Cutaneous Eruptions , Liver Complaint, Ilronchitis, Consumption, Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, General Debility A*c . In litis preparation we have all the restorative properties oftlie root, coiiccntruieil in their utmost strength ami vllieucy ; hut .while >nrsaparjlla Hoot for/ns an impor tant part ol its combination, it is, at the same time,com- | toutul with other \cgeiahle renudies of great power, ami it is in the peculiar combination and scientific manure ol its preparation.that its remarkable success in thecuor of disease depends. It acts simultaneously upon the stomach, the circulation and the I we Is ; and thus threo p-ooesses whis h are ordinarily the result of three differ ent kinds of medicine, are carried on at the same time, through the instrumentality of this one remedial agent, which gently stimulates while it disinfects and expels from the stomach and bowels all that is irritating, and at the same time restores their vigor and tone. Its great merit is, that it meets and neutralizes the act ve principle of disease itse!}d when that is gone, the symptom* necessarily disappear; and we have only to point to tho accumulated testimony of multitudes who experienced its cllecis. to convince incredulity itselfofits real value. The Proprietors submit to the public the followipg certificate from a highly respectable source, of a cure made by using their preparation of>arFapurilla iNkw York, Feb. 17,1819. .Messrs. Saxos:— Having suffered many years with a disease of my throat, affecting the larynx, during which Gnu* I ‘van treated by the most distinguished physicians l.mope and the l nited States, Without receiving any permanent hem-fit. hut all the time my general health and strength declining, ami the disease making fearful progress : caustic, applications wo re used, and whatever else was thought most efficient for producing a cure; hut lam confident the deplorable situation ) \ya* ip, the laryngitis being nccomjianied with phthisis ind ereut difficulty in breathing, would soon have terminated my life, had I not obtained relief llirougb the medium of your ivvaluable ‘Sarsaparilla. 1 must my gentlemen, when I commenced using the Sarsaparilla J did not place much confidence in its virtues; and this will not surprise you. w hen you are informed 1 had tried more than fifty different remedies during the past four years, without any success; butafter taking yoi.r Sarsaparilla a few weeks. 1 was obliged at last to yield to evidence. This marvellous specific lias not only relieved but cured up’; ami 1 ihe-ofore think it myduty. gentlemen, for the benefit of suffering humanity, to give you this attes tation of my cure. Yours, very truly, D. Parent. Consul-,.!- of Franrc in ilio I'nitvd Stairs. Tlio nl)v NtalumuM and siguaturo were acknow ledged in our presence ly Mr. 11. rare.nt as true. For the Consul General ofErafi^c.. 1.. BORG, Vice Consul. I’feparedand sold, wholesale and relai). hy A. B .fell. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists 100 Kulton st. comer of William, New York. Bold also by Druggau generally throughout tho Cnited (Stales nnd Crumdus. Price $1 per lioiile; six hollies for §5. For sale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, Ditiggisls Oglethorpe, Gn. GEO .W. FISH 7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, OGLETHORPE,GA. PRACTICES in the counties of -Macon. Houston, Ma- I- rion, (Sumter, Dooly,and Lee. He will alsoeoniittuo to practice in the following counties oftlie Southern Circuit Ptija-ki. Telfair, Irwin, Thuutas, Lowndes. Clinch, Ware and Apling. Dec, 12, 1851. 33tf.’ g. oFi.t.Ricrr, Cabinet Maker,’ EESPECTFULLY informs the of Oglrthorpe anti the surrounding country, tiny lie is now prepared to make any kind of Mahogany and oilier Furniture. All work done in ibe best style and at the lowest rates. Shop on ilie corner of Chatham and Ran dolph Streets, Oglethorpe, On- Feb. 19, 1852. 44-6 m. MWiCI). Eg 7N VERY and ail persons wanting Brick MLj work done can be accommodated by applying to the subscriber. Aly wotk shall ho executed in as good style as can be done in tlie place nnd on as reasonable terms.— For further information appiv to J. 11. HOLLAND. Oglethorpe, April 30, 2 if Georgia Macoa County. VVIIEREAS James S: Caldwell applies to me for letters of Girardianship foi the minor children of Joint //augithook deceased: I Itese are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned lo he and appear at tin office within the time prescribed by law, to show otiose it any they can why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand offi cially. VV* J. COLLINS, Ordinary. May I4il, 1852. 4m. Notice! PERSONS wanting Brick work done are hereby informed ibat lire under signed tire prepared lo execute all work in tln ir line as (heap or cheaper titan any otlier company can do it. For further particulars appiv to JAMES LANDERS & CO. Oglethorpe, .Ipril 30, 1852. 23m MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. MISS C. VALENTINO, Macon Street, OKtcttu,rjrc\Ga., ( Next door Ut Dr. Hoad's office.) HAS just opened and is still receiving a fine and well selected stock oft Silks Bonnets, Riltbons, Trimmings for dresses &,(*., which she olfers to soil low for cash. (£/“• Dresses nnd Bonnets made to orda with neatness and dispatch. 07** Bonnets and Hats bleached, pressed anddressed in the latest iltrfe. - * - May 7 1552. 3m