The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, August 13, 1852, Image 3

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WUTriemls’pretended that therejwns a per ftrcl (date ol enthusiasm every w here ; now •l lakes Inril blowing at the editorial bellows, to Keep the smallest spark a- I'ivp. This is ilie rotnlitinn of things as tvel iti Oeorgi ias every where el-e. Mere ut last, wlu> lialdtd a.iniii'l the foul spirit of liisunion mill rriished the mon ster ol s uv-sitm, have no lam y lor sop portina a candidate who is (lie Vri-nti 11, anil I‘hoiee *ol the lo'loW'is of Up, -it i.. | the S null, and die disciples of V m |!n U oitoil Si Cos. of the North The voters are opening iln-ir eves to •he Ia l, dial I* is surrii'iutlcil and supported !iy as dangerous a sri ol'mix ed up tm.l .in ilgameiiled politieia os, as ever auempted lo ruin or rule the conn. 4 O’* Ih ‘ People then are looking with intense anxiety, to ||,e spirit in which the respective Conventions will meet, deli!,v erale, and decide. i liese (Join iunions si ill hold i:i their hand* the political des tine ol tin- Stair, and will he held respnn i sihle to the great party to w hieh the mem-! In rs ol both belong, for die wislom aid! prudence of their actions. It is important, ilicn, dial they meet! •ami act without irittci'liest pr,isp t 'i-h\ o fi feeling, ilialthrj aim singly ‘Vo advance; the interests and honor of ihe State ; an i tliat their action .'hall aid the ln.eiij.-n of diis glorious coininonwea t'i in phiciu> r hcrseli right in die Hicsidential ctmtesh! * e It el i hti( di is wilj he the gt eat object <f both as iemblies ; ands i lietilig, we i sincerely hope ihut nothiug tun y ImT don,-! hy either calcinated lo impair the stccngili! wliiih an aroused and rallying people) are now bringing lo die eucoiiiM‘r. — The hatile against the ‘creation ami choice ’ has to I),- fought. \*!iat the voters ol Georgia want is a louder under whose banner tliev will-be; satisfied io rally, and die victory is ctr lain, (.’innot the wisdom ol both Con- 1 vendnns put together, give ns cell ft] standard hearer.'’ We shall aw.ot the! result w itli hope and confidence. Public Misfire. Washington, August 7th, i852. ! Pursuant to public notice, a pot don ol : the citizens ol U ilhrs county Opposed mi both ihe Ijmiilnei s for tin- Pit-idenc y, and ‘ desirous ol inking sonic action hv wlfcli their \ oice may he heard ia die approach- I • clcetion, as-embled tliis dty in tin l 'ou>l house at \v a-liingtou, when, on j motion of Win. 11. Pope, E-q , iy y 11> G- Coi lING, E-q., was railed to die; <’liair, ami J.VMKS 1). UtKllli I'T appoint j c I Sen etary. 1 lie Chair having stated die ohj-a t ofj the nieeting, on moiion, the following Committee w as appointed to prepare am) report business, io wit : Ur. I). A). An drews, Pm n and 1 rued, Toliver Jones, Samuel Danforlli and If, Alt .Millau. 1 iie Loimniltee retired, and, after con fuli.tiit.iii, submitted the billowing ME pour. We have readied a period io the his. tory ol <>iir government and country | lvlum it w'eli becomes is lo pause, io eon ) template die past, and apply its lessons) *'l wistlom to tile line>plored Inlurc.— ! ‘1 he It'.l sixteen years >f that history have j developed eireiiins, litres ad events lull i ol iiislriiclion and .wilt-mn warning. Noj nettle and j) iiriod,- observer of dtalpe-j riod can have failed to wilness and de- ’ pone die < xtraoi'iiiu try departures we have made 1 1 oui tli ti simple, hoi)i'-i. re- P tliln'm sistetti devised hv the wisdom; tool patiintis u ttf our UrVoiofionai y I tillers, liandeil down to 11 1 • ■ir poso ‘ iis .i sacred and perpetual legacy. Iti nothing inis litis change been -o in irked and fearful, as in the maimer in I “bah, for years pap, the people have! le eil eompellt-d lo S'-leet .in iiieombeut lor die high -l oliiee i t their gift. Tile < ‘oasi it mio ii dt-igneil lit it the Pi. s’ dr lit ol llie United S airs should he litt.’ choice j ol'a ui'j oiry o| the ft tuple ; and every system—-route from w hence it nun —dial defeats litis iipnt republican p'iiiciple, is I Subversive of the i’i•_• 1 11 s, and dangerous to j the liberties, of the p"cp| -. Whatever may he its name, ti t goveriiiueiit in with h . diis great principle, die right ol die Pen- ! pie to choose ill‘if own limits, is diste-; gartleil, caif lie republican and free.— j 1 Ids one le.Hu.e sacrificed, the whole I system I ills lo die ground,and becomes a | mockery ami a failure. l’lie present coulesl for die Presidency,! and the circum.tnuc* s ato-nding the non- ! : itiio.'i of die iwii individuals now before •dl |e.iii people for thai high office, -in Ii trin.hpuit illustrations of tfe greai ’*’■ * b r th. Apafo'lnt lias ill re ulv been lions, while the one wall per.on ii ohjec co iniry by an nn|>rinci,,le,) H J *>f ><>n the j id famnn, the nth is indebted. po-it'on, to an tiller disregard ‘ J ; -1 dirow of die Will of the people to I hiate and section of tl,;. v ,i.t coulede \ cy. Neither is the choke of the i.m pic, and vet, footyfo we boast of popt.l „ government win re law and .hew idol f., people should he syi.onvm.n.s terms der the exi-ting base m. atm, “Hue. hut must submit to the tyranny mi oici i’ i ■ i• —party conventions has, decreed and, and the sovereign pcop). must obey. This nieeting composed of a portion of the freemen of Wilkes county, beg leave to protest against a system so odious, rvudj so fraught with danger to our lights., tit die government and lo the country. We Know no masters, and acknowledge no ■ Mtli.ii il \ higher than die People, litem-j e* Vvs, \\ c repudiate all fidelity to par- ; ies dial have grown homy in cormption,; til lit voltiliouary in their tendencies. — j | Wi- mm ognia.’ it” allegiance except lo ti e! Gonuiry die C/onsiil tilion. We feel proud thatjfii'orgia i.. among the first lo; ia sii litis iiivas-ioii of the popular rights anil dial a meeting has been called in j Macon on the 17dt, ol August, instant,! to nhminatej a CaiididiHe ol the People; am 1 lo mennize resisrtlncc to ;i system of -\ ttiooal ( lon vr lit ions hv which the | ci: V.t'ii i,. [lmidered of his lights, and the (J.iiisiiiniioie mi lo naught, lie tltlii re hrre Ih'fo.'mf , Tli ii, approving as we do of the object ol die meeting at Macon on j 1 the 1 7 1 It insb. we will send two delegates! lo rvpi fiscni Wiikes count v. /fexo7l)<v/. That ; and (t. ( OTIINO, be appointed i W nri as airs, n ’)1 1 ih.ii ilipv | I'-p mstnirU'd ( ru;t ileir voles in said men in u lor Daniel i>r Miiiani Fi! ! morp, as mav seem lo titem most tli-i • •ii Cl./! 4 *. li. nulr. ■ /, That, in case either of the above named deh gales lie unable to at-* lend, lie be empowered lo select a stibsli j till". The report was read and luianiirious- lv adopted. •rJlt -r adopting a resnlntioii rcque.ling die mi ili. ati to ol dm-e proceedings in the Wii.hingl on (ii 7,. tie and Augusta j ( It onj. le, the no cling, Hu iimtipii ati j ii.rned, - 1). Cl. COTTING, Cb’ni. J. .0. UftKnrrT, Sec’y. Uiirioa* CoHiily. According, to prev ions notice, a large i and respectable port.ion us dte AVliig Par tv o! .Morion i oomy, assemlded in the i Court House diis morning, Tuesday, the !.5 I ins!., for die purpose of appointing I) leg U'S t o ‘he (liy-d Can.! Ll ite Coil vim. ti mi, ai I) will me I in die ciiys ol .Mactfn . on die I 7th in>t. Th ■ m etiag whs oigani/.cd hy cnlliag s’iiomas iavi-iiicgfiiiiii to the, :uid ret]oesiing A. C. lioin oiy to act us Sec. . I'el.irv. After the ('liairman explained the pb j j"Ct ol meeting, hi a lew concise and er ,‘iiucnt remarks, on motion of Jack Brown j E ij., a committee of seven was appoint ed io report matter for the, consideration of t! ein etiag, and (lie names of loin sniiahle men to represent the Whig party ol AI iiian comity iti the approaching Convention. In pursuance ol the above moiion, the h.llowing tinmen gentlemen .composed, that committee : J iek Brn-.vii, Esq.. Cos!. Di vid Worsh-’ am, Judge C. F. MeCull, Col. Wm. M. Brown, Coleman Hillman, John AI. Wil cher and Jolm T. Cluunblets, Esqr’s. Aiti r a short absence Ironi ilie meeting tie \ rt Ini iif'd and made a report, (express ive id die Whig party of .Marion,) through their (.liairuniii, Jack Brown, Esq. Whereas the great national Democrat ic ‘did \\ big C onventions, having made • In O’ nominations and both nominees hav ing paced themselves on platforms in vl irii in - Compromise mea.uus are in. s.-ited, the yerv loond itinn and princicles ol di Union Parly, indeed all parties having acquiesced in. ami (let hired their et. i'iiiiiiation lo sustain the • ’ompromPe; (..onset m u 1 ly we believe a Union organi, z nion no lotigcr exists as a party. 01*1 W nig a;til Democratic issues have once ‘time arisen, and are again before the country. We arc, however, firmly and ‘""oli I *iillv impressed mil the conviction :a it the spirits whit h Ii ivt red around and the w hich w ere hi^niglit-to hear ia hodi ;. aiiomtl Conventions, are uncon genial and do not heat io unison with tlie sentiments and opinions ol the W log par ly ol Georgia; Consequently we disap pro.e ol lie- aciioo, and repudiate the choice ot both National Con venlions. And. whereas the original Cnnsdlu tional l iiioo Party, having met in Mil ledgeville oil the la It ol hist nionlli for the piirp se of considering the actions of t it- two Nation,il Conventions, and a por turn ol that body having passed rcsolu li.'ii- rilitying the iio niiialion o| the Dcm ocraiic caucus, we as true Whigs of Ma lion county, do sincerely deplore and de |>i'( cate tin ir conilm t end declare our s Ecs nn lei no obligation to abide their to (ion, e tire truly of t lie opinion tint the adopti >■ i ol six'll measures wa re merely ; intended to bolster up II ttw'ell (Joltb and liis dynasty', knowing as we well do— r ‘in omi.eqtieine ol the great Demo -1 rude . , ~ “’<,’( o made by !.;s Excellency in s ci.,,!,’ “* ‘■ \ ofk, and his recent ns- C.ilibocco/m. ri " ,im,, V Hall—Howell ’>( fore ll,at p* rtion'tV-'."’ “’ instrumental in plat ing lioiiVnU" I ''! “ , re ‘ J, * extricate Itiuio-Vf Irm,". dt 111, :, a-. ant and paint'd predicament, ‘ ‘'* 1 >'-*Cti.l electoral ticket for \ KiHfi. Although the sugges '-o.i was made hut a short lime before the late Union Convention, yet it spread like wildfire throughout the State among the j Union Democrats, who were anxious to sustain his Excellency, The suggestion w as carried out through low and contemptible chicanery, logroll j iug and w irevv.n king. Howell Cobb may j therefore be considered the Daddy of the Tiiguloo ticket, and Hopkins Hulsey its i namesake, I ; Be tl Ihcrcfure lit SiJoctl, That we can ) nut support cither of the National nnuii nees for the Presidency, that we consider Winfield Scott unsound upon that ones- I lion w fiich basso often agitated our couu.- j try, and his i leas on our Naturalization ; laws are Soplmmorically schoolhoyi.-li and < ousequeiitly rcpiiguant l#the good sense ol this continiioity. llt’toloe/l, I iiai we rordially denounce ’ die i ogalou ticket apd oucqniv ocallv de- : dare it to he tin- greatest farre that the! pcoj.le of Georgia w ere ever humbugged j w itli. j fi(Sulcal, That we wholly nppfove ot lfoe.ixy.lipn of that portion ol’ foe Union ! CorfScrilutn ‘faiiiiliartV as flplters’ Ii who revoltid at the idr.t of being demo crat izetl, and who seceded from the Con vention in uiguffied contempt. Tlie follow iug gentleman w cfe appoint- i : etl Delegates to ri-|ate'eiit tlie copuiy of i Al a t ion io tl.e Couveinion to assemble in ! Macon, on yte 17. iii iust., and were im ■ thoiizcd to till c.ny xacainy which may . occur, v rz : Afessrs. Jack Brown, John AI. Wil (her, J. ltii ‘J'. Chattihless and Pafoy Tfiotnpson. Rcsulval, That our delegates he instruc ted to rally to the uifniinatinii of Web ster and Jenkins as the firs) rliuire of tin- VViiig.partv Os Marion, ajid that tftey be atitboiise'il to fill all vacancies that mav occnc in tile delegation. The preamble ami rcsololions being’ put tii the ihefciing, were tiuaniinou>lv (plnpit'ij. ‘• >n motion, it was ii'Solcril, That the procectl'mgs cl this meeting he published in the Souili-\V r est j GeorjiatV, Jcurnal Sc .Messenger, and air other papers ■ft ieudly to the cause, * On motion the meeting adjourned, sine tlie. THOM AS i&’EIUNGUAM, Clfm. A. C. llt ’Una day, Sic'y. National Union .(^onvrnlioft. This body met in Philadelphia mi Mon day the 2 f ill&t., vv lien the |irt*rt**<tintisos Saturday were made public. The lolf'ow iritr are the.officers Pi evident—lion. Cliailis E. Slow an! of Mississippi. Vice Presidents— Nonli Bee sly. of Massarl inset!*; (1. Burgess, ol Connect rent; Edward Young, of. Rhode 1.-land; Edward SiiH’ord, ol New York; il C. Mclmyre, of New Jerfet; William Balter, of Pennsylvania; ‘William Kay, of Delaware; Atlpe ]Wi>rtjan,'\d’ Maryland; S. J. Caldeleiigh, of Virginia; William Lane, of North Carolina, Benj. E. Claris, District of Columbia; Riehard Thomas, of ( Georgia, W. S. Anstay, *>l Alabama. The (‘inivenUtih nominal, and tlie lion. Daniel Webster for President and lion. J. W Kennedy of Pennsylvania, for Vice Pcesideol tlie for,met ninftimoosly. For the latter two ballottings were bad as follows; , • , First Ballot, Howell Cobb, 17, llenrv S. Foote, 9. Ch arles J. Jenkins, 23. J. W. Kennedy, I t. Hubert Toombs, 12. A, 11. Stephens, O'. Total cast, 84. Second BalTot, Charles J. Jenkins, 22 J. W. Kennedy, 58 Howell Cobb, 3 W. A. Graham, 1 Yesterday afternoon, after providing for a formal tender of no'minations, the Convention adjourned sine die. Just Ho. The l'iiiics charges ns with 1 fuimiiinp’ the military reputation of (ini. Scot/. 1 \ We confess to the truth ol the charge.- j We have very little use for a sham hero, ! manufactured by a President, and im mortalized by ground and lofty troubling better stilted to the performances of a horse theatre than the lield of battle ; but when we find a man ol high pretensions as an ofiire ; one who stands at the mili tary head ol bis age and generation; who Inis fought successfully and triumphantly and won on every battle field a success'” ion of splended and important victories, breaking the charm of British invincibi lity in his y<intb, trampling (low ii the sav age power of the hostile /odiatis in his niatorer manhood, and finally in his green ‘’ old age,.marching through the iron had of t omiiiuoui battle indie ultimate con ■ quest of the proud capital ol a ntiulrbnr republic. We confess, when were < eel <m in,”- things, we do sonn what ad* nitre, he military re,,,,,. ol him, who w e believe is at this time conceded to be ‘he first captain of the age. The columns of the Times were wont to he garnished witli something of the chivtdi ic sentiments of our country. Its editors are military j men, and have seen a portion of the pomp ! parade anti t ircmnstance of war. Do theyf el no admiration Tor, the military reputation ol Gelt. Scott ? From the wav in which they knet-l to the tlwarfi-h image ol” Pierce’s military reputation, we ! diouhl think they would ding to the gi* gautic proportions of Scott’s, with the zeal of idolatry, and the nog of death. [Culnwhits Ei(jiiier. W SOUTiMVEST GEORGIAN CUAKLGS i!. YOIAtiB ot R country’s ooon is ocas. OGLE rpOBJPE Al/00ST l I 1852. iAgcnls for llie SoutliAVcsi Gcorsian Sernct:it'Cat,nwe l.1 ., Fori Caiias, Ga Jt.rtai A. Uonyt-:, m.'ar Americus, do. Col. Wm. T. Pi.nxi.Ns, CulfiLirl, (J. Caritiii:hs, Em;. Ctdhbert, do. (Jll.nKl'.r At. Storks, Slndr, I.rr co. do. Dr. \\ m. AI. S'latKF.s, Dvnllfro. do. [ M. U. ll.'t.Man, Jlroo/:srill<\ S/nr'i f do. A. A. l>r.AKKt.v, Griffin. Viki tio. do. Jons W. Gitim i\, Griffin, do. ! J. TANARUS, AlvV, J'rnneisrijic, do. W. J Patk or, Chriiiibd. Er'i*Co:,da. A ■!. illLjnis i 11/ for Snf/iltr Cos. Gt i.i.tiN Wffiitß,* Tr*m&r's Rest do. FittiNPU IT a ‘.xi.v it ii, do., hVilartina ivt tattlernis ol llie ,Sonllt-WesH (Geoitiaii. After tin: first tin if of October the .fleer fciihi trill lit: furnished to subset Huts I ul. thrfol/thai!/"■ rules : >j> l.tMU.irfi utnnllts, if ptsid in f25 “ “ if list jntirl in atlvaafce. 2;00 for 12 mnmfis if paid in advance, 2,50 “ “ if nnt-paiil in tnfvtuice, Bdftc* v ment<i-to Five Colics fi in,,mils for § 1 ,f>(>in advance, ‘TI It ‘Copies “ “ 7,00 m Five Copies 12 intmil . “ 8.(It) “ j Ten.Aajjii't s “ “ “ 15,00 “ hitoi it Copies 12 inn. p 2tl,f>o g We have- bee'll fodnced 10 gtTcr ;jltH‘ above pa ins it'r (trdof to im iea.,..- ff,.- di’cii!,uioo ~)*i our papVr, inta for’that jni'i pose w*i•• Air'usilv j solicit Iho co-ppcraiitut of mu Ii iendSt. 4f we Intel watlt si;fit*'it at eiu ntipieuit ni, \va intemf.gottinii new nalerial in u ly vv ttiOufhs I tHtd eiiitii oijiu our ntvper. rtir effort sf rnnniog Wk inen s lirn. Time . r> for liio CrmflfiicYr ’ The number ul olliri- peckers at the present i„luv has grovvg to so very great, insoriptch Iha l*i I it-.people are hrgioning to look vv i 11 1 no litfl v t-M'ei ij-to ik's i v ii, w/iifh is uo'.v renift red",!( Mv'dau ‘ erotis I by blind pSrty.xilfitinee's. From tin- bivv- i esi count s’) tdiicts, up in (Ijf liighe-t ai id . mo.-t res‘|pm-ible * fiice wnhin the gift ul’ die Aon * i'-afl people, scort s os aspirants . *'"• found claiming die suffrairP of tlu ii j lelitiw-r'itizeilS, w ith no oilier qiiiil'lica- i it'iis thru? a leek-less dev otion to vurhf. ! I lie time lias been vv lienfoien vv ere, elev.i ltd J()*ofiice,.fiif jlieir v* *n ih and ability to I peiform llie duties til the (force cohinjej! j to I hoir trust men w Ini had i/isiJtiijpd poweirs of slalj .-m;txi-|ti|i snflicA nr loVu-, •'de (Item to tlie eonlideni e of the people. But nnr it is no long-r die lotujist'.ne to try an’s ( lai(iis lor rllice, the tnonsier ptuiv ha- tiieoqdied, nild thrown it aside, and now die oidy q'uDlificatt’otr reqiiiri and ism he a Whig or a DemnVtat, widi this the greatest /no] in foe iand, if iie chance’ to be on die'“Sfro/J<>’ side, ina\ by i nil i tram* il no oilier way ,vv.ork hi ni sei I into. t.fiice. In day - that :ne pass* tl, our earjdidnfos lor die Pit siileiicv w'ew* nominated hv Uoligtcssional ‘caucuses. This vv as ob jectionable to some eMtpl, from Jilt fret that tJn- majority of the people fi'tqqeni iy failed to get tliiir choice, while, on the other J and, tftc* best stamsntfu'i and diose must qtiVdifi. J to fi!| the office, vvere always nomitiiflet!. Xl Hence n <>tt i--f ini f those wfin bad di-tinguisfit and tfientsehe..- by a long and bright career ofpiddic service, entertained anvliupe of biing elevated to the higfrest office. Bui, as there were, appnretillv’,h>nny evils which would be likely to Krow out ol this mode of iromi ! option, it ;ts lbout!hi (test to institute I\;tli <>it>i 1 Convention*, and ever s-noe tj(c litsl whs held tbe very evils song f'U* o in [avoided have been assuming a more dan* sjerous aspen, and their < fleets under tlie present system, are ntneli worse (Itpn they eonld have been under lhe p fotnier. We not only fail now, to get the peo ple’s eboiee, l> it men of rapacity and dis tinetion are injected and others presented before unknown to (lie ronnlrv, u ho have no r|iialifii*:tliotis or rapacity to fill the'of fice or to entitle them to claim the peo ples suffrage. Wlui cannot see at once that this is a ureal evil, one which will! leg ad to dangerous results. It is not only removing lar front the populace the pos sibility of a voice in the election of Pres ident, stive only as the conteptible tools of a national caucus, but it is rapidly degra ding mid degenerating the dignity and power ol our system ol government.— it is opening the fii Id lor scores of un heard-of aspirants, n ho, through a reck.-- less ambition nrreacli Presidential honors I ill < yer be found engaged in the basest political intriguing, even at the hazard of ihe i.verihrow and downfall of republican ism. The present candidate-', tltal have been ! presented to the people hy national can. j eus, are midler ol them, such men as would fiil the Presidency with honor to; themselves nr llitir country. Theeleva.- ; lion ol either of them will lower the dig- j ■ iity of the Amarican government in the estimation of other nations, and exhibit a degeneracy in the spirit of republican ism on the part of its founders ominous |of its final annihilation. Gen. Scott has qualifications for superior to those of Gen. Pierce, perience in public life a stronger intellect, and is world-renowned as a military oA licer, but with all these he is unfit to man age with safely the civil affairs of our Government. Gen. Pierte is quite a youog rnan, a little over forty years old, has comparatively iro experience as a pub lic man, is given up Gy all to lie third rate in pohit of intellect, and as a mjlita , t v Ilian-, has never clone anything worth) of notice except to faint and fall from Ills horse at be commencement of the only battle he was ever in. It is hardly neces sary to say that lie is unfit for President, ‘il lie is iltimevfci', then every country law w-r whir has been fortunate enough to gef i“* ihi ii.Hiid dollars for defending a rase” i- tpudified and should forthwith be am io wotkliis wires for the, nomination, V> r cbst(T awl Jcnlins, • tiate p iperstibring to ns news frofo ev il v tpiiiner of llie State, of er.thtisiastu meetings to send delegates to-tlieCon jvthiinii” on the 17tli insl. It is. xx'tfH j known that this Convention wiis'.i ailed ‘or t hi- purpose of noipipnting M’ehsier. an*l J nlvvis."’ Two men more deserting the siipjwrt of the peojtle ts ‘Gyorgia, and looi'creiniue'.illy qualified to fill with Itnn dr “to the country, the,offices of Pres ident .and V ice President, ‘could not be ** levied. Mr. VVebsler'.ig well known to ! the. world as the greatest statestnau uow i living. Mr. Jenkins is a big Well known m the country. The Sat aMmtFI Ropub. lican in o/'liim says: yA- ‘o Mr. Jenkins, we do hot thiftk a : (>#fict s> IcVlioii canid possibh be tna;le. • j A gcu l, man* of distinguished” abijity r ol ,i;iie private” virtues^and nablemidtcd rep utation-, thtry is no man in or out of Geor gia, wltmji il woyild gratify us inure to -ee l.ninued by the people of tlie’State or ihe it iyon. The vers fact that a man of “.ut It cyeat merit should have rejntiined so l.vng fm C(fnqrative retireineut, is esi. tit to t’ not less of his t rill than of the cor.- rn: iotVof the tbfles. There jtave Ajecti i.mes when ss'e doubted sotm w hat his sa-l ; c>xilty as ! after, tiotwifostanding *onr i •ji'eai tulririration for iti abifity .and per-j s'.tiul deserts; hot the seqiitd Ims InVaria-1 , Idii’ defnpnstratefFthat In? was right and we were wrong. Undgr all- t ircomstauces j ! Ue. wliat afo hunt st and hotniriiblej j unifi sljnttld tin, and conswvptenliy, he i ■ *lwys right in Heed as well as in policy.; jitt truth; his sagacity is equalled only by, | Iti.. m.t-rked ability and (Jte purity ol ‘lds: , ir “u Htedife.” Air. Jenkins then’ is a fit associate for! n unit I Webster, and witli these names) j ’ .victory bill he'certaiu. i j Dtfeics tojjie Court nlitm in Macim The following is the*number of dele . cates appointed to the Third Candidate Convention,to be held in Macon on next . /ft.P sday, from the counties we have al teartv heard from: Bibb, county, 9 Craw ford comity, 4 Choke, C Campbell, *- 3 Decatur, 6 Floyd, 2 Greene, 6 Jefferson, 4 Macon, 6 Monroe, 22 Marion, 4 Rlerriw ether, 54 Morg in, 4 Oglylhoispe, . 8 Spaulding, 4 Troop, 10 T.dhptt, G Upson, .G I .aoryns, 4 Tattial, 2 .5 Newton, 6 Muscogee, 5 Harris, • .8 Stewart, G Randolph, G Washington, • 6 75 132 ’ 75. Total number, ‘207 j A number of other counties have held ; meetings and appointed delegates, hut iweluive not been able to asyeiHfin the ii.mnbe r- of delegates iippointed. We are hyid to believe from the, enthusiasm that everywhere prevails, that tlie whole ■State will be.fnlly represented, and thfit the Convention will be fire largest ever j held in Georgia. Mr. Webster in Paris. —A correspon dent of the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser ‘writes: M.deGirardinpublishes Mr. Webster's j letter to Mr. Curdy upon the Chevalier Mulesinaun's knowledge of diplomacy, as “eminently worth reproduction and p*. rusal.” Mr. Webetyr does not suffer h\ translation. And in liet 1 imagine <!i it lie is easier to translate than any other vv ri te rin England I may say, en passant, that the Americans in Paris* had made up their minds that Mr. Webster ought to he, and would he nominated as the Wlfio candidate for the Presidency, and the dis appointment has been keenly felt and ear nestly expressed. ihe Scolt Whigs of ■jS. Gcorgfo Wcdliscrve in country exchanges the proceeding* ofk number of county iriectHtigs, some hiJSpp'tim delegates to the ; Independent Cobvention at Macon, the | 17th iust., for the nomination of a third I candidate, and others to the Scott Con., vention in the same place oil the 18th. As we have not room for tlie proceedings of all these meetings, we beg leave to call the attention of our Whig reaijers to the action of their Whig brethren in Floyd county. The meeting in that eouty was called by the friends of Gen. Scott. They adopted resolutions hi the effect, that they would have preferred Mr. Fill more or Mr. Webster for their candidate, but having failed to get either of those patriots, they are now ready lo support Gen. Scott. They consider it of the first importance that the Whigs of Georgia should be united, and to that end they will yield” a cheerful support to a third candidate, should it lie ascertained that the party can be best united in that way. in otitgr words, ail that the meeting re. “qtiiied,. was to be informed what was the voiceofamajority of their Whig brethren, , and tligy woTt-Uf willingly abide by it. Artiratgd by this laudable spirit, they adopted the fojjotving resolutions : licsbhftJ, T|iat two delegates he ap pointed, and requested to use their best exertions to harmonise theT l ”' I )'* ami to co-operaje with that one of the Conven tions which, in their unprejAdicated judg ment,-shall most folly and fairly reflect tlie die great body of Whigs throughout the Stale, anti whose deter tniHution r shall. moss cffectolly bring out tl.e lull stfenCUt of (Tur party at the polls. A similar resolntion was adopted hv a meeting of the Whigs of Cambell county. We would commend the spirit of the Whigs of Floyd and CatiibeH in our Whig friends who support Gen. Scott. If tliev find on reaching ‘Macon that the unity of tlu- party can be best preser ved by foe nomination of :t third candi date, every consideration of po'icv ami patriotism calls upon them to y ield to the innjorjty. It is evident that there is a “large number of Whigs in the State who cannot he brought to the support of Gen. Scolt. Are there any who would net cheerfully vote for Webster and Jenkins, if the harmony and efficiency of the party calf thereby be mantaineil ? The only good we can accomplish in the present divided state of the party, is to keep it together. We cannot possibly give the i vote of tb Stale ‘fo Gen. .Scott. That i* ev Midi! to tvety one who Inis given the to I infestations of ! pttt'bf- : > fine. Only’ a partial Whig ! vote can lie concentr-ntcd upon him. ! Wlint then is the duty ol those Whigs w Ini have heretofore shown a disposition to .•give him their support. “The answer is > so evident, foal we leave them to make it I themselves. If any plan can lie hit upon to heal the ’| divisions a* the present existing in die ; party, we entertain not the shadow of ■ a doubt (hat we can carry die Slate elec j lions'next year. Ii will be an easy mat ) ter to carry tile Governor end a majority the Legislature, and thereby secure a U. IS. Senator. Every tiling liowgver, de j phnds upon the harmonious action of the ■ party during the presept canvass. Let | Whigs took at the facts-as they exist—tel j them look at foe divisions and subdivis ions into w bidi ihe party is split, some go } ing for Websier, some for Scott and some for Pierce—and let them go and do what duty manifestly requires of them.— Above all, let them make tip.their minds to personal sacrifices'; otliei wise, nnr pre sent feuds will |jp perpetuated lo the per. manent ruin and overthrow of the party. [Savannah, Republican. Macon Convention. — Front the unan mity with which tlie people in the several I comities of’tlie State have seconded tbe move and nominated delegates to ills Con vention to assemble in Macon, on Tues day next,-there is no room left for doubt as ’to tlie feelings ol the people on tbe subject o’ a third candidate. They are evidenly heart ‘and- soul for the move-. “ It will also be observed Irom thp pro ceedings given to day ol the National Union Convention in Philadelphia, that the* suggestion ol our Union meeting lias been Serened, and that Hon. Daniel Webster lias been nominated for Presi dent and the Hon. J. W. Kennedy of Pa. for Vice President. Charles J. Jenkins received the-next highest vote for the lot- 1 ter office. Since the uominijiation, Mr. ; Kennedy has published a card declining, j and declaring himself in favor of the j Democratic Ticket. This leaves bur dis tinguished fellow-citizen, Mr. Jenkins, as desired in the State, tfie nominee for the Vice Presidency The Convention, to assemble on the 17th, will, from all tip pea ranees, he a very fiill one, probably ns large as any otb* er which has been held in tig; Stale. ’■ \ ‘action, we cannot doubt, will be harnio- J ohms, and its ticket will be hailed, by the J approval of at leasCa large portion ol tlt e 1 voters of Georgia, if not a majority of lb e 1 vote of the State.” Who is Adolphus Barnes? Will this 9 mysterious person make himself known?