The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, August 20, 1852, Image 3

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friends to meet in (his place on to-mor row, to ascertain il there be any means • hereby the harmony of the Party may be secured in the ensuing Presidential election. Resolved, That the Secretaries be <li.. reeled to communicate the above resolu tions, together with the names ol the Com mittee, appointed by the Convention to assemble on to-morrow. On motion, they were taken up, and acted upon separately. The first Reso lution having been carried unanimously, S. C. E.lam, Lsq., of Dekalb, offered the following as an amendment to the 2nd Resolution of Mr. Trippe : ’ Provided , That in no event the mem bets of this Convention be committed to the support of General Scott. After a very interesting discussion, in which Messrs. Sullivan of Sumter, Nisbet of Morgan, Stapleton ol Jefferson, Trippe of Monroe, Btggers of Oglethorpe, Alexander, of Chatham, and Elamot De- Kalh, participated, the amendment was withdrawn. D. G. Cotting, of Wilkes, renewed it, w hen, alter a few remarks from Messrs. Polhill, of Jefferson, and Cotting, of Wilkes, it was again withdrawn; and the question being upon the adoption of the second resolution of Mr. Trippe, it was carried without a division. The third resolution was unanimously adopted. On motion, Convention adjourned to 3 o’clock, P. M. Three O’clock, P. M. Convention met according to adjourn* merit. The following gentlemen were announ ced, as the Committee of Twenty-four, appointed l>v the < ‘hair, under the Ist Res olution <> f Mr. Tiippe : Ist Distriit —P. W. Alexander, E. M. Blount. E. 11. Bhtekshear. 2nd District— Richard Sitns, W. C. Peikins, T. C. Sullivan. 3 and District. — R. P. Trippe, Titos. F. Bethel, George 0.-hnrne. 4 ’ It District —M. Ferrell, W. D. Durkie, S. C. El m. 51 District. — E. H. Richardson, fj. G. Cole, B. F. Morgan. Gilt District. —W. L. Mitchell, S. Bell, Y. J. Anderson. 7 1 It District — Augtistus Reese, R. M., R. H. Ward. S'h District —H. H. Cnmming, Thns. 11. Polhill, W. W. Anderson. On motion, of George Stapleton, Esq., of Jefli rson, the President of the Conven tion was added to that Committee. On motion. Convention adjourned to three o’clock, P. M. to morrow, Aug. 18;It, 1852, 3 o’clock, P. M. Convention met according to adjourn ment, at the M. E. Church. The Com mittee nl Twenty-Four, through their ( hairimm, R. P. i rippe. Esq., informed flip Con vention tl at after conference with i a Committee of the Scott Convention, I tliev were satisfied that a union of the ‘1 Itird Candidate and Scott Conventions could not he effected, and submitted the I following REPORT. I 1 irmly believing, llt;it those irregular-- I.V constituted, irresponsible, and disor. rlerfv assemblages, called National Con ventions, u hate ver mav have been their miliiy in former days, have ceased to he exponents of the popular will, and that ‘"‘til of those recently assembled at Balti more have, alike, utterly fai'ed to repre sent the wishes of their respective parties j —the immediate representatives of that portion of the Whig Party, and oth er independent voters of Georgia, who are dissatisfied ith the action of those Conventions, do hereby declare otir de termination to disregard their nornina lintis, and select other candidates to whom “e can, with more confidence, entrust the maintenance of onr political opinions ami principles : And, to the end that we may distinctly manifest those opinions and principles many of which we hold in common with those whose nominees tve reject—we pro.. £ laim the following as our political creed : !• The Government of the United States is of a limited character, and, it is. confined to the exercise of powers ex pressly granted bv the Constitution, and ®ncli as may be necessary and proper for carrying the granted powers into full ex cention, and that all powprs not thus granted or necessarily implied, are ex pressly reserved to the Slates respectively and to the people. 2. The Slate Governments should be held secure in their reserved rights, and ‘lie General Government sustained in its c,, nstitini„nal powers, and the Union I' 1 ' *uld be revered anil watched over as he palladium ol out liberties.’ 3. That while struggling freedom, ev ywhere, enlists our warmest sympathy, ! *lill adhere to the doctrines of the Faili "f his Country, as announced in hi* *rep|| Address, of keeping ourselves !e from all entangling alliances witli re 'gn countries, and of never quitting lr OW'D to stand upon foreign ground.— ,a * H ur mission as a Republic is not to °pagate our opinions, or impose on oth- Countrie* our form of government, by artifice or force, but to teach by exam ple, and to show by our success, moder ation and justice, the blessings of self-gov ernment and the advantage of free insti tutions. 4. I ital where the people make and control the Government, they should o bey its constitution, laws Bnd treaties, as they would retain their self-respert, and the respect which they claim and will en force Irom foreign powers. 5. Government should be conducted upon principles of the strictest economy and revenue sufficient for the expenses thereof in time of peace, ought to be main-! ly devided front a duty on imports, j and not ftom direct taxes ; and in levy- j ing such duties sound policy requires a j just discrimination, and protection front fraud by specific duties, when praticable, whereby suitable encouragement may be assured to American industry, eq tally to all classes, and to all portions of theroun ,r y- -6 The Constitution vests in Congress the power to open and repair harbors, and remove obstructions from navigable rivers ; and it is expedient that Congress shall exercise that power ‘whenever such improvements are necessary for the com mon defence, or for the protection and facility of commerce with foreign nations or among the States such improve mi nts being, in may instance , national and general in their character . 7. The Federal and Slate Governments are parts of one system, alike necessary! for the common prosperity, peace and se- j corny, and ought to be regarded alike, with a cordial, habitual and immovable attachment. Respect lor the authority of each, and acquiescence in the constitu tional measures of each, are duties requir ed by the plainest consideration of nation al, of Slate, and ol individual welfare. 8. The series of the ans of the thirty, first Congress, commonly knounas the compromise or adjustment, (the act foe the recovery of fugitives from labor in cluded,) we rrceive and acquiesce in, as a final settlement, in prm< iple and substance of the subjects to which they relate, and so far as these acts are concerned, we will maintain them and insist on their strict enforcement, until time and experience shall demonstrate the necessity ol further legislation to guard against the evasion of the laws on the one hand, and the p buse of their power on the other—not impairing their present efficacy to carry out the requirements of the constitution ; and we dt premie all further agitation of the questions thus settled, as dangerous to our peace, and will discountenance all efforts to rontinne or renew such agitation whenever, nr however made—and we will maintain the settlement as essential to the nationality of our party and the integ rity of the Cnion, 9. Believing the limits of our union, ex tending between Oceans, from the British Possessions to the Mexican Republic, are already large enough for all the purposes ol national prosperity and power, we are utterly oposed to all further acqni-itions ol territory whatever, whether, bought with the treasure of the country, or the blood ofjher people. 10. Regarding the Public Lands as the joint and common property of the sev eral States and holding that partial ap propriations, either of them or their pro ceeds to particular States, for general or specified objects, are unwise and unjust to the other members of the Confederacy we are in favor of a just and equal distri bution of said Lands, or their proceeds, among all the Stales. 11. With the view of carrying out the principles hereinbefore enunciated, and for|the purpose of selecting men for whom we can more cheerfully cast our suffrages at the approaching Presidential election, than for either jof the present nominees— men, too, whose services in the recent great struggle involving the permanence of the Government, are a guaranty of their fidelity to the Constitution and the Un ion ; and whose position is known to ac cord with the above declaration of prin ciples ; and whose patriotism know no North—no South—no East —no West : We, hereby, nominate DANIEL WEB STER, of Massai hussetts, ‘or the office of President; ami CHARLES J. JEN KINS, of Georgia, for the office of Vice President ol the United States. 12. We recommend to the support of j the people so Georgia the following | Elec- i toral Ticket : For State at large. H. H. Camming, of Richmond, E. Y. Hill, ofTronp. Ist. District. — H. VV. Sharpe, ofThos. 2nd. “ W. M. Brown, of Marion, i 3rd “ Washington Poe, ol Bibb, j 4lh *• B. C. Ferrel, ol Troup. sth “ Warren ./liken, of Cass. 6th “ Y. L. G. Harris, of Clark, i 711 l “ John J. Floyd, of Newton. 1 Bth “ P. S. Lemle, of Jefferson. The announcement ol the names of the nominees for President, Vice President and Electors, wag received with enthus iastic and long-continued applause : and when the reading of the report was con cluded, it was adopted unanimously. The Convention was then entertained with spirited addresses from Messrs. Reese, of Morgan, Trippe. of Monroe, Alexander, of Chatham, Ela m, ofDekalb, and Cnmming, of Richmond. On motion ol'P. W. Alexander, Esq., of Chatham, the Secretaries of the Con vention were instructed to notify the elec tors of their nomination. Augustus Reese, Esq,, of Morgan, offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved , That the President of this Convention do appoint a Committee of eleven, as an Executive Committee, clothed with power to fill any vacancy that may occur in the Elect >rl Ticket, and to do all oilier things necessary anil proper to be done, to Toward ibe election of said ticket. Vn accordance with the foregoing reso lution, the President annouced the fol lowing as tlie Executive Committee : James T. Nisbet, of Bibb. B. H. Rutherford, “ Bibb. Wm. S. Norman, ** Monroe R. M. Orme, “ Baldwin. Titos. H. Polhill, “ Jefferson. S. F. Miller, “ Macon. Thus. C. Sullivan, “ Sumter. P. VV. Alexander, “ Chatham. Charles Turner, “ Pike. Wm.S. Jones, “ Richmond C. A. Cloud, *• Chatham. The following resolution was offered by J. R. Sneed, Esq., of YVi Ikes, and ! adoptrd: Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention he tendered to the Trustees ol the M. E. Church, for the use of their house, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to litem bv the Secretaries, j After the adoption of a resolution of 1 thanks to its Officers, the Convention, on j motion adjourned sine die. E. H. WORRELL, Pres’t. j J as. T. Nisbet, > : Jas. M. Mobley, 5 Secretaries. nibble HOUSE FOR SALE IA I‘n.AD TOWN 04. THE subscriber oflius for sale his Resi.. deuce, formeily kept by H. H. LUMPKIN as a public house. YVishing to move out to his farm, he will sell a bargain in the place. Attached to the premises, are all the appliances of support and condort, in cluding 97 acres of those beatifid fertile lands lying in full view of the. village, orchards of a variety of fruit, nn extensive (lower lard and a garden spot not to he excelled. He ventures to assert that there is not a notlier such an opening in iSoutli Western Georgia for a public house ; and his is the only place in the village adapted to the busi ness. A. R. STROUD. Pond Town Ga. Ang. Bth, 1852. 16 —3m. Oglethorpe Ferry. THE Public are respectfully informed by the Subscriber that there is an excellent Ferry with a good, large fl it, just above the Railroad Bridge, over Flint River, on the road leading from the city of Oglethorpe to Montezuma, intersecting roads leading to Perry, Knoxville, Vienna and the direct road leading from Oglethorpe to Macon. Rates of ferriage the same as customarv.J Aug. 20, 1852. 3m JOB NO. SMITH. dr^eTfTcolzey, OFFERS his profi ssional services to the citizens of Oglethorpe and vicinity. Hemay be found at all times (save when professionally engaged J at the Empire Hotel oral the store of i\laj. P. M. Uuson. June 25 1852. 10-if Washburn W ilder & Cos, FACTORS, AND Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GA. Jus. Washburn, 1 Will continue the above Jno. R. Wilder, £ business at 114 Bay St. Fras. G Dana,) East of the Exchange. ORDERS for BAGGING, RDPE and other aupjdies filled promptly at lowest cash prices. Refer to Major Wm. Sanford, > D ~ . Gen. S. P. Myrtck, ) M. Dennis, i S. B. Marshall, > Putnam Cos. Messrs. Carter & llarvey, ) i',.CeT"” i V Messrs. Black & Cobb, ) n Sloan & Hawkins. \ R ° me Ga ’ Major John S. Rowland, Cass Cos., August sth 1852. 16-6 m; mTIG'E. THOSE who are indebted to P. R. STANFIELD are hereby requested to come forward and pay up by the Ist of August or their accounts will be placed in the hands of officers for collection. P. R. STANFIELD. Oglethorpe, July 23d 1852. 14—if. Jewelry Establishnient, JOHN D. TINSLEY would rcspectfjlly : inform tho citiX'-ns of Oglethorpe and i the surrounding country, that he has opened a Jewelry Establishment in this city, for the purpose of tepairing clocks, Watches Jeweliy, &c. The public are requested to call and test his skill in repairing and engrav ing. Shop on Sumter Street opposite the Post Office, Oglethorpe, Ga. July 2d, 1852. 11—3 w, GEORGIA, Sumter County, ALL persons indebted to tho Estate of John Dupree, late of said County de ceased, are irqueslcd to make payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them in terms of the law, to W M. N. DUPREE, Admr. August 6th 1852. 16-40d- EAGLE XeE HOTEL. The undersigned lias completed a large and commodious Brick Motel, on the corner of Chatham and Baker Streets, in the city of OGLETHORPE, convenient to the Railroad Depot, Bnd easy of access both to die Traveling Public and Planters. The house will be under charge of . MR- JAMES BELL, who has had much experience in the business. The Rooms are well arranged, neat and airy and the Table furnished with the best (lie country affords. O?CIIARGES’ MODERATE^) A fine Livery Stable is kept in connection with the establishment, from which persons can at all times be furnished with Carriages, Horses, &c. June 25, 1852. IQ-ly. GEORGIA Macon County. ONE moVnli after date application will be made lo the Court of Ordinary, of Macon Cos. for leave to sell one improved lot and one nnimproved lot in die Town of Tlromaston, Upson County Ga. and al so ono negro YVontan. Sold as the pro perly of Elizabeth Collier, for the benefit ofSarah A. Elizabeth and Mary Jane Black minors. J. M. BLACK Guardian. July 17 tli, 1852. 13— lm. Dissolution. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between Barclay & Scott is this day , dissolved by mutual consent! All persons indebted will immediately S settle with F. YV’. Barclay or his attorney P. G A rriogton at Oglethorpe. F. YV. Barclay John Scott Jn. July, Ist 1852. 13—3 w. Taylor Sheriff Sale. ILL he sold on the public square in TV tlie Town of Butler Taylor Cos. on tlie fust Tuesday in September next, within tlie usual hours of sale the following properly to wit: One lot of land No. 19 in the 15 Disttict of originally Muscogee now Taylor County, j levied on as the properly of Simon 7/obhs to satisfy ali fa Iron a Justices Court of Gwinnetle Cos. in favor of YVilliarr. Abbois . vs. said Hobbs. Said property pointed out by the plaintiff, and levev made and returned to tue by G. M. Dean Constable. J. M. THOMPSON Sh.’ff, Ware-House & Commission Business. a* aaws* HAS LEASED that large and commo dious Ware- House, built, and occu pied the past season, by YV. YV. Chapman Sc Cos., on tlie Corner ofß-iker and Chatham Streets, in the city of Oglethorpe, and ten ders his services to the public as Factor and Commission Merchant, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. — Cotton, Merchandise and Country Produce, stored and sold at the customary rates. — This Ware-House is surrounded by three streets and an Alley, rendering ir secure from fire. Insurance can he effected on produce in store til low rates, Its location is convenient to the business part of the city, and to the Rail-Road Depot. He will at all tioies be prepared to offer advantages equal to any otliei Ware-House in the place*. All business entrusted to his care shall have personal attention, assisted by a competent and obliging scalesman. (U 3 Liberal advances made on Cotton and Produce in store, and Orders for goods promptly filled on the most reasonable terms.>o H. H. BROWN. References , by permission, Col. Wm. M. Brown, J/arion Cos., Judge M. L. BIVIN, Messrs, Patter & Collins, Macon,, Ga. Riv. Jesse M. Davis, Lee Cos. Oglethorpe, July 17th, 1852. 13 —6m. Beef Haters vvillNoticeJ THE Subscriber will furnish the citizens of Oglethorpe, daily, with Beef, at from 4 to 6 cents per pound. Mutton, from 50 to 75 cents per quarter. Pork, at 8 cents per pound. VV. B. JO \’ES. July 23d 1852. 14tf. Executor's Sale. BY authority of the last Will and Testa ment of Shaderacli R. Felton, di c'd the undersigned Executors offer at private sale, a valuable body of Land, consisting of Nine Hundred Acres, of which two hundred acres lire in cultivation, and the balance is mostly covered with oak and hickory growth. This settlement is known as the Bushin land, extending from Beavercreek to Flint River, and adjoing Montezuma, and also the lands of Daniel Hangabouk, Semis H. Clark and Gen. Vrmstrong, If not previously disposed of, the said body of land will be sold at public auction, at the Town cf Montf.zitna on the first Tuesday (2d day) of November next. Titles tinqites. lionahle, and terms made known at the time i of Sale. C. H. YOUNG, ) P , J. M. FELTON. I r * Montezuma, July 21, 1852 I4trls. TAILORING! THE subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of'Oglethorpe, and the surrounding Country, that he has commenced | the Tailoring business in this city. All work eittrii&ted to his care will be made in a style not surpassed by those whose name ex ceeds their talent. Cutting and repaiiing dono with neatness and Dispatch. WILLIAM WALSH. August, 12th 1852. 16—3ui WINTERS MONEY WANTED. THE undersigned offers for sale, a splen did lot of sash, sizes from 16 to 18 lights 10 by 12. ALSO A fine lot of Liquors, Family Groceries, and IRier articles too tedious to mention; all of which will lie sold for YYHnter’s Money in hills under five dollars at par. Those who have this kind of ’•FODDER,” will do well to call before begets out of the no ion of trading for it. I can be found on Cos v ler street, next door to Carson, Greer Sc Co’s. Store. JAMES D. YVOOLBRIGHT. Oglethorpe, June 4, 1852. 7—ts. ~m. R- j. westmorelandT RESPECTFULLY Tenders his Pro fessional services to the Citizens of Oglethorpe, and Vicinity, lie has been en gaged in the. various branches of his profes sion for the last twelve years. He may be found at all limes at his office over McLain’s Store, on Crescent Street Oglethorpe, Ga. May 28th 1852. (,-tf. Southern Mutual Insurance Company. HON. ASBURY HULL President and Treasurer. ALBORN CB YSE, Secretary. PROF. C. F.MoCAY, Actu’ry. THE Undersigned is prepared to take fire risks, or risks upon tlie lives of servants, in the above Company, at usual rates. Persons effecting Insurance are members of the Company, and entitled to share in all its benefits. Fm further infor mation call on ORRAN C. BORNE. Agent. Oglethorpe June, 11th, 1852. 7—if LOS T , ON the 18th June, one portfolio Pocket Book containing one SIOO liili undone dollar hill, and the following described notes: One note of SIOSO due Ist Januaty next, on John YV. Blown. One noie of $203 due Ist May last, on Alfred Lester. One note of $135 due last January, on Stephen F. Miller. One note of $l5O due 12ili June, inst. on J. Seymour. One note of S6O due last January, on Jas. A. Spivey. One note of sl3 due June 1848, on Janies Spivey. One note of $46 due Ist April, on YV. J. Smith. One note ofsl7B due Ist January next o:i John T. Brown. One note of S4O due Ist January last on John T. Brown. One note of $53 due Ist ofjune inst. on John Smith. One note of $54 due Ist June inst. on YV. B. Nelson, Fifty Dollars rewatd is offered to any per son who will deliver said pocket book and notes! I hereby {forewarn any person from trading for notes made payable to me In 1852. JAMES S. CALDWELL, j one 25. 1852. 10 if. OGLETHORPK, GA. THE undersigned flute of the Washington Hall, Macon, Ga ,) respectfully announces to the public that this NEW AND SPLEN DID HOTEL is now open for the rerption of boarders and visitors. This house is new, large and commodious —the rooms are neHl, spacious and airy— and furnished throughout with new and ele gant Furniture. As it will be under his per sonal superintendence, lie flatlets himself, that by staid attention to business, to make his guests comfortable, and to merit a contin uation of their patronage. {£/*Good Livery Stables in rnnnedion with this House. JESSE CAIN. June 25, 1852. 10-if. UHHGS ‘ jHwßßt&m m. sjSsiiFni■■■) THE subscribers having re cently bought out P. T. Fears, former pro prietor of the Oglethorpe Ding Stoie, beg leave iespecially to call the attention of Physicians, Planteis unil Merchants geuci allv to the large supply of assorted Drugs and Medicines, all of which are fresh and Wat ranted to he pure. We will (distantly keep on hand a spendid selection of Paints, Oils, Varnishes Brushes, Window glass. Put- IV, Glue, Potash, iSand Paper &c., dec,— Also an extensive supply es Botanic and the most celebrated Patent Medicines, /Soaps, perfumeries etc. fly* Country Physicians will have their orders filled with their best Medicines promptly, which will be pul up neat.y and Securely. Such Chemicals as the exigency of any case may require will be manufactur ed to order. PEMBERTON & ELLIS Druggists and Chemist, Hit. J. S. IM-.M1’.1 HToN XV. L. A, Kl.I.fS. Oglethorpe, July Dili 1852. 12—6 m. Dissolution. THE firm of LEWIS I fc PRICE is this day dissolved by mutual consent. ‘Pile IFitre House and Commission busi ness will be continued by JOHN V. PRICE who will be pleased and ever ready to serve bis friends and acquaintances, and all who may favor him with their patronage, and will also attend to dosing the business of the old firm. ELBERT LEWIS. JOHN V. PRICE Oglethorpe June 4th, 1852. 7—ts den-sal notice. FR ANCIS M. SMITH, l>. [Graduate of the IhilUmorr ('allege of Denial HAS removed to Oglethorpe and res pectfolly solicits its citizens and the community generally to call on him, He has just returned from Baltimore and is in pos session of all (lie new and latest improve ments in Dentistry, such as Air Chamber Suction plates, for entire sets; Jaw and Block teeth, entire sets. itliout springs, Scr. Persons wishing woik done would do well to call and examine his new styles. Office at present, atlhe Pavillion House. May 7, ’52. 3 ts BIAPLK SUGAR. lAA asms. JUST RF.CEIY ED and for sale by r ODOM Sc YVILDER. Oglethorpe June 18th, 1852. 9—if A Word in favor of Wilder’s Patent Salamander Safes. THE recent fire at Lamar’s Colton Prcw having destroyed one or more ineffi cient Safes with their valuable content*, should serve as an admonition to all who hav# hitherto or do still put confidence in Sufe* of a similar or kindred character, and at the same lime pionipt a desire to possess an ar ticle fully competent to resist the stoutest fire and afford positive protection to property at whatever value. YVilder’s Patent Salentnn der Safe, with Rich & Co’s. Improvement, manufactured by Steins Sc Marvin of New Y'ork, has never yet tailed to answer the pur pose lor which it was created. It has stood the test es the fiercest and most destructive fires that have yet occurred ill this country, (of which ample testimony can bo given,) and in evei v instance the contents of the Safes were found as originally deposited— sound and uuinji red. A full soppy of these Safe of all sizes and pa I terns lo he hid at all limes of (HAS. 11. CAMP FI ELD. 171 Bay-street, Savannah, Ga. May 21 lOw Agt. for Sterns & Marvin. Macon Sheriff Sales. WILL ho sold in the ‘Town of La nier between tire legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September nr xt the following property to wit: Ono house and lot, No. I in Block 15, YY'est Oulnlhorpe, good dwelling house gar den, See. Levied on as the property of Jas. M cNeally, to satisfy a fi fa from Dooly Su perior Court in favor of Hyde Sc Benton, vs. said McNeully, principal and B. J. Head, se curity. Also, Two lots in the town of Lanier, No. not known, occupied by YVilev YV ebb, levied on as the properly of said YVehli, to satisfy a fi fa. from Macon Superior Court in fuvor of R, 11. Shoppy vs. said YY’ebb. properly pointed out by defendant. Also, otui bay horse about 8 years old and one buggy, levied on as the property ofl. B. Hall, to satisfy a distiess warrant for rent, in avor of Mary F. Rauson, vs. said Hulk Also, That portion of lot of land No. 19, lying on the East side of little Whitewater creek, being the same on which Willis Hall now resuh s, levied on ‘as the property of Willis Hall to satisfy a ft fa front a Justice’s Court in favor of John Studivant vs. said IL I). Levee made and returned by Consta ble. POSTPONED SALE. Also Lot of Land No. 139 in the first dis trict of or'ginallay il/usmgee now Macon County. Levied on as the property of John Underwood, to satisfy a fi fa from Macon Superior Court, in favor of Wm, Williams vs. said Underwood. THO3. DIXON Deputy Sh’lT. August Ist, 1852. ids, 31ortgage Sale. Wl LL be sold on the first Tuesdny in October next before the Court House door in the Town of Lanier in lire County of Macon between the usual hours of sale; Six town lots, to wit; No'. 15, 16, 17, 18. 23 and 24, in the town of Lanier, levied on as the property of Josiah Hill, to satisfy a Mortgage (i fa faom Macon Superior Court in favor of Miller &, Chamberlin vs. said Hill. THOS. DIXON, D. Shff. August Ist. 1852. 2m. Notice. THE undersigned lakes this method of notifying those against whom they hold notes in amounts over thirty dollars, that un less satisfactory atrangcmenis are made be fote !(si return day to the next Superior Court their papers will positively be turned over to an Attorney for collection. All con cerned can nuke it to their interest to call and see ns. GREER &, CARSON. Oglethorpe, July 30, 1852. Votlee to Dehlorstud JrsliD. i Georgia—Macon Count);; ALL persona having claims against (he Estate of Francis James late of said County deceased, are hereby notified to pre sent the same for payment. And those'in debted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment- JOHN JAMES, Adoi’r. Juno 3d, 1852. 9-40 J * Executor’s Sale. BY ORDER of the Ordinary of Macon County, will be sold before the Court House door in Bucnu Vista Marion Countv on the first Tuseday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of land No; 143, in the Sid district, of Oiigiimlly Muscogee now Marion County, belonging to the estate of A. C. Scott deceased. ‘I ERMS ■ Credit till Christmas, with Dotes and approved security. E. W ALLEN Ex’r Oglethorpe, Gj, July 2d 1852, ll—*ld*