The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, August 20, 1852, Image 4

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D R - X. S. HQUCMTOfif’S RufcwJ ac-M-tlki- to \ct nf rniy-rcj* ii) tin- year fSftl. by J. S. Ibaitou, lr/4*. iilthe C IrrkwottiCf hf .la* tlinirifl court lor th<- district < £ iVuid-vly a 1 nt. anoTil nit scu'.s nrr; wonder! (in’iit cm f jar D,j sp\t p v i it! l)r. J. Hoiifli/mi't pfi’Sl \, the Inn JJigestioc fluid, nr (lasiri,•. Juice, prepared from / f.\.\ V l\ or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, ofter itirnlins o] Huron fit big, the great Phy<u> ’ogicul C Ju iuist hyj. S H ugh ton, M, D. I‘lidadlphia. Thw t* truU? a vvo-yilrful r nv“?ly for Imbe-- 1 iiin. dkvi- ; pcp-n , jnuiufii liver campl %tiat eorv4ii*i!iMU. ar.l fie | bifity,curingiiutmvVfHvi} tiiHhM, ry imittr&hii'it i agent, ihs .•H-iric Juice, if r llnlf it ii-.j* jinnnful of i Pepptn, infusytl m wavr, will die* “tor di*-s l\r fi\<• jmuJ Is j f rott-t lierf ifi aKiut two h nf iLf j-ioitfacL. /'••pMn is the. chief *h merit *r fyr*at dhf*'Miv<? prim*!- pi of th r. (Luiini; pinf) tux- proM rvmg. ami stiimi'ntiny !iu**nt n( !!,<• nom neh rind iutrstiu*-*. i| i* extrut trd from tin* clfigrstiv? rtomaeli of the Ox. ifiu* forming an. riiJirial digtSMiv’* fluid, precisely like the iiu ural ya'Uic jfiiet: milstlunii j i a! pavers, nrid fiinuvhiu” a < oiu*,let aui! perfcrl ttlte for it. fly the aid of thi< pr#-|iarftfi>>ii the |4tiit qnd e\i!s of indigestion and Uyip* piu are i*cno\v/l, jo-t as they would fiffilieaUh>*Mouin< l. It is anding wutiffrr* ‘ fcirdyspeptic*, curing civ* of J hility. entaria ion. nr ‘ vow decline and dwpepiie ocnmimptlon. *upix*seil l-> be on the verge of the ffrav*. The sc irutilic upoq nbj* h it is j ba-ed i in the hignevt drijre‘ eiiriou*. and re l n'kuljhv I SCIENTIFIC EVIDENT K. Haron fdehig, in bin ri*lcb , ‘io*d work on animal f hem - myn ‘An artificial di*i* Mi\i* fluid anulocoti* to the j KOKtic juice, may he readily jwejmred from the mucou metrtbrarie oflhe sli*rr,a !i of the calf in which various a* • licler of fiM*r|. asm a! and < gg* will he softened, changed and digested, jii:-l in (heroine manner as they yvould be in tie nuomn Mimach.’ rr < n'l on the agent. anl “ot a de~crip’ivp eiretdar, j pt,.. giving a large urnoinii of scientific evidence, Min- i loir to the above together with reports of remarkable CUfvS. from all par*- oft! e I'lii oil v laTo^. AS A DVSI’KSI'I \ CIT.RR T>r. Hui?Ufon IVp/in li.i* pr*<]m and the. n>• t etlects, in etn me eases of iJcbibry. hervAn*. 1 decline,and dinpepMc e-nsiin:,*;nin. lr c imfS*Hb<e to J givo the delaih of rasps in tin* iimirn of tin 4 \ tnent: but authenticated < ttvira a ec? ha\*’ be.rtVtven j of more than twohtt.ndi* and p rna •kuMc eur*to I’lftla lei 1 rhi*. Niw York and Ito. n*n ahn<*. ‘h* -e were n nr. } ly all d*!*peraic • a es.a-i i iherurte wore not only rapid j und wuiuorfu!, bn pe tj c evt. It a greur uctidotc ir.d pnrjc:i!arlv useful : fur tendency tn ridiions direr'ter liver complaint, fever | and ague or badly tren > :J fever aad'o •*:*, and the o.'il 1 eflfeco of ‘ptinine mcr ury and oth'r if. ug- upo*t the di- ! gextive afic 1 I one A?#o furncos oft eating, and ii.<-too lff*e iim- of ardent ;ori. .. Itahno t J reronnih ficalth with mtcmtx- nrr.:. Dr. Houghtons Pepsin preparr .1 m povxderand n fluid ro*n—and in penriiptir n vino lor it- id- ol f'livician*- Private rirotikirs lur tin* u-o of PhysicLins, nmv be obtained ol Ur. IFupquton o hi- A : .* titv. and- tvibing the whole proces>f preparation. giving the amhqri ties ujn which the ciaimcM of this new • uiedy .ire bu cd. As it 15 not u jcnyt r incfly, no obj ctiou can be J mi'ef Tiriu m its use bv Physieinm-in respectable stand inff and regular practice Pi ce, ttnc Ddlar }>crfotile yir Ob'or’ • i Ids ‘--Laery brittle nf tl.e genumg Pup sip bears the vvri’left : L'lia'iuc us .1. S. |leUf. , hp7i. D, sole proprietor, Pliila-Mpbia. Pa. Copy-right an.iTrade Alarh reenred. ik/* Sold by all pru jgi‘t: and DegUr* in medicines For salt* lv SNLAD X ('IIAP.VI \.\, Ur;il, h*rs in Drugs &c. ill iLu \i w Ding iSlotr, Ogl. iliotjin Ua. a^0 1 1C F( F ]a• u,l TT/ \ r 5 r fj ]t ■ * a(O; S',LS. jya Magii o! i a 11 <> us<: , Cor He\ Crete.'-d an l Sumter Street* C-s!i|,:iOJi>.‘, Gss. BY A. Al THOMASON. The best urroitt i I tllou< that l hr* times I end mnrk.-t will afiorr! rrttiv lie fomiil / at the übovtj n.i<ni .1 House, nt till tme r.! No effort will In- sji trctl to rcntlt r all übo j cull, comfortable. June 5, 13.5,1. 8 Iv. S. ii. THOUKXON. Dfiitnl <1 liny'on, OGLETIimiPE. GA. f|TTKiiS lux Pr L -mnal Ruvices !<• the citizen*-of *•* O rj l thoijic vit !..t ‘ i ’ -t !>r tvcitorfc cp I. !i *3 can he w::iu lon attLcir o fidenro. Oglcthot j)r, dec. I?, ISTII. H.Utf. Kaufman ts Jh'o's IVIOYY i)RY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. On B tk:r .S’ re t b t >.r t i Ogt l/inrp Vale/. ■trMrOf'LDrr.pef irol'v inform tlie Pali ▼ v lie that they have just ope nil tlt-it Sin ck, conxisiitt; of ( ilico-s, Girtcbtitris, Muslins, tmtl nil kind of Ladies Dtess (Jontls, I lose,(i loves, Lart‘s. E l,'iti"S, silk Patosols, Funs, Ac., with ala ii'lv of Faints Articles, ittul a nice ttssotitiu ut nf fine Jew elry. Also a tile lot nf READY MYIJF. CLOTHING, Slen sand B “its. All nt wlticli will bo sold, for cash, at New Yoik cost price. May 22, 1851. 6 ts. IP LO 1 K, 7 > Battels ol ip ifi io E, < i ’ for sale til Foil Gains, G.i. bv dill sN marshall. Juno 1, 1851. { ) if. jQ/J ICON! B \CON! ! We have fur sale Jo 40 Cnsks BACON SI Di:s,.uitlie low est imirket fi ices. dill a.Marshall. Fort Gains, Ga. June ), 18.51 Vis Bl! YNDY, WINE, GIN, WIIIK [.V YIIUUP, and VINEG AR, IWsale b\ DILL A, M Mill VLL. Furl Gaines, Ga. June I, 1851. If ]7K>p s.dc, by D/i.i. & marshall, . luff’ quantity of B -i>cing, Rope nd T wine. Fort Gaines, Gd, June 1, 1851. <) PUNTERS V ’ARE-HOUSE. rrMIE I:\DEItSIG.\F-D b.-g leave to R_ itifurin von ilmr ilirv hnvo taken tlie PLANTERS WAUE.IIOUSE, for u trrin ■( lime .ml RssociiiK'd llii'insclves log. iker niidu- 1110 in,i.e ami si\ le of S. \V. Blood “orlli &, (’o., in 1 lie Wiir*-llons* hihl Com niMsion Busitii's*. in all its* l>rn<lm.,. I’l U tsiiloss will h i rii'i hlolnit It V S, -W.l Blno.ivuiili; front Ilia pxjifiipncfl n tlie J bii'iiM ilic v fool ronfidrnt of giving gene- 1 fol smisioctioii to oil those who mnv ontfost ‘ tin in w itft ilieii Ifishi. IW ;? to coiifirmotioa ol which, we refer the public to the subjoin. > j d references, :md HI tlm some lime, iisko i liberal sli.ite of their pMlionage. I 1 Itev promise to keep their patrons ml , s iscl ol the slate of the market hi till; ! tbev lake this occasion to sa\ to Hot who nta V i Smre llteir Colton with them, should they ■ifierwatd ish It shipped to Macon or Sh viin,ihh ill Chtrli stoo, it shall he proitipllv ‘attended to without hiiv additional expensi 1 . I In ii \\ are-1 loose, in eonieqnence of ils locality, lias advantages over nnv other in jtlie place, in point ofseemitv front fire, he ll’in remole from other hoildings. ‘l’liey will also have plititers’ cotton insured if desired. Liberal CASH AUV ANCES will lie made ■ on INodtice in Stine. Allortlers Irom.Pl inters or cnontrv Mer jcTirtots w ill lie filled at short notice, and, (ns ’ I lie v have no intelfsl in Merchandize,) al the low cst cash |>i ices; S. W. BUOOnWORTII, RICH \UD JOHNS'TON, REFERENCES, Planters : |)r. Thomas, ) Isaac Cheney, Esq. ’ ( T.dhot Cos. (ien’l T. Gridin, \ M. D. North, Esq. I Coweta Cos. J Hints Neal, Esq. j \\ it*. Pryor. Esq. ( Pike, Cos. Rev. Win. jMoselev, | Judge A. \V'. Walker. ) He irv C i Tims. \V. Ashford, I I'd. Broughton,• Est|. ( Troup, Cos. Judge J. May , | T. Nii hols, E.sq. | ratelle Cos. I. Nii hols, Esq. t B. P. Bussey, Esq. | Metiwetlicr Cos ('lias. Cargil, Esq. i W. Ilatkness, Esq. | Bolts Cos. COMMISSION MEISCII ANTS : Rice Dolin, Esq. Cleulcsion, S. C. Fields &. Adams. Macon, Ga. | N. A. Hardee &. Cos. ) C. 11 ait ridge, E-q. > Savannah, i Win. P. Yottge, Esq. ) i Editots, S. VV. (I’ooigiae. and S. Democrat. fUtTfIN, Georgia, Ist. 1851. 1 Tliis is to r-'rtKv that Mr. .S’. \V Rlnh'Jworth, I.s ’ lor sev.-ml years henn engage*! in the IVare-Hoare I m l r , cmir.i‘-i-iun hnsines m this place, ami from my I icquaintJtDCc with him, J liave no in rccom mending him in that capacity of the patron* of Ogle t hoi pc : he is also a good the quality of Gotioo, ind consequently an excellent lennan. A. A. GAULDING, Srtv’r: partner of the flint of Gaaldittg, Fit i il A Gliapniaii. IVtn. R. PHILLIPS, Reri’r. partner of Jones Phillips A Cos Oglethorpe, Sept. sdt, 1851. 21 3i. MEDICAL CARD. PR. JAMES M. POKES respertfullvof- I’ers liis setvices to the citizens ol Ogle iliurpe and vicinity in tln*various bianches j of Medicine. He may be found at Mr. Fears i Ding (Stole duiing llitt day, and al the Pa- ! vilioti House al night, when not prufession ly engaged. August 14,1851. 18 —ts For Sale. rOT No. 0 on Square 3 on the Cornei 2 of Macon anti Chatham Streets. Ap jply to PHILIP COOK. lOglpihornpe, July 3, 17-51, 12—if I)rsTi ii 051 A SON & DAYKOST Or-IJJTHOKPE, HA., jj F.sPF.CTFPLLY inform their friends and the public it gr-nerally that tliey continue the practice of Mcdi in the new town of Oglethorjv.. As one of them Lav it.i-J several year* experience in the practice of Afi'dicino, tli*v llaiter themwlveq that they will be able iotr *afthe varioiiß difetw-o* of the human pyrtem in & ‘•eicritific and >-ucc.’ ssful manner. A share of public pa* ! trur.a >e ir. rc.speciiully solicited. | fh'.c <>t them may f>e found at their office at all hours, ; except when piNiftw-ionollv engaged. D / w < MJiceon the corner of Sumpter and Crescent StR. A. V! Thomason, W. D. | J. C. Davihon, M. I). April 7. j—ts Notice. A LL persons indebted to the firm nf T Ai. M. Jackson A Cos., in tlie Counties ol j Aliii-oii. Slimier. Dooly ami Marion, are no tified that their notes and accounts have been placed in the bands of Philip Cook, Esq, ol Oglethorpe, for settlement. T. M. JACKSON Si. CO. June 19, 1851, 10-ts, For Sale. A, LIKELY negro Buy, about 18 or 19 ink years old. Apply lo F. T. SXFAD. At Snead A Chapman's Drug Stote. Oglethropn Nov. 2(3, 18.51. 33—if: SOUTHWESTERN RAIL ROAD. yp.rcX A daily train r r >• I’asseiuters and Freight leaves Maron al 6 1-2 A. M.— Arrives at Oglethorpe at ! 1 1-2 A. i\l.— Arrives at M iron nt 3 1-2 P. M. Connecting each way with the Central and Macon Wes tern trains, arid the Tallahassee Mail Htaiie Line. Passengers dine at Fort Valley nt 1 I\2 P. Al. GEO. \V. ADAMS. Supt, (S. \V. R. R. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if SIIOF.S. Hats, Clothing, Saddlrrv, cruck erv, II ndware, furniture, Nail, Still, Iron, Plows, Sugar, Coffee, Ax. Ac., for sale at tho cheap Store in Fort Gains Ga. bv, DILL Sc M MLSIIALL. June 1, 1851. 9 if. | n. E. SELLERS’ VERMIFUGE. This fr onn Medicine has nosupgricr — I if an equal—in this or any office coun try. Jt is much used and highly re. commended by Physicians;- •>* OHMS frequently infest children, ttg- V f gravate all other diseases, and are capable of producine great ilisturlmnces in the system. 1 and. Cdnsetptently ail inedicines given to remove them ■ should Ik* prepared with great ear,;, and of the best tna ! tenuis ; and it is to be feared that many of tbe worm medicines in use are totally destitute of these qualities. The Vermifuge which the subscriber offers to the ptihli sprepared of the best materials that ran be procured, THETRUTHBOIENOF rRbTH. I ronccrning Sellers’ Venqifuge A single vial nrudncihg wonders. Read the following from the R**v. S. R ake fli)*L Raptor o( the Liberty sbvtet A/ethciist dfipiscopal church : PrrTsnrnc.n, MarchS. 1317. ! Mr. U. F.. Seller®,—lt is from a seneeaf duty, a* well witli gtvat pleasure, that 1 hsaf testimony to flip vir tue of your justly celcb-nted Vermifuge. 1 procured h ’ and gave, it to threeof my children, who had been ill for several weeks. The oldest \va* *feven I years old. tlie next limr. anu the youngest eighteen * rnotiths. ‘fhe first passed fifty-six \voruu*, ihe second . mrty-seveii, and the third a considerable number not distinctly recollected. Since then they liaxe been do ing well* and are now in good health. Yours, respect fully. SWAKE I* IKLI 1. Ohkenvillr, Va. January 15,18.5. Mr. R. F. Sellers, —Your Vermifuge gives universal satisfaction. I have sold Kahnof*t*ok's, Al Ia lie’s and others,but none bus given the satisfaction that yours lias B. F. GRAHAM, Pom .Vaster. Sillers’ Vermifuge—it mirks minders every where. Rig Sandy, Ivy. 3/av 12, 1818. Mr R F Sellers—Dear sir: Your Vermifuge produces such wonderful results, that / think it worth w hile to give you a few facts about, it. A neighbor, Dr Gray* bought from me one vial of it, and gave tlie contents to three of his children ; the first passed 180, the second 153, and the third 70, making 403 worms discharged by using one vial. Mr Gray immediately hoiigbl four vials more. .Mr. J Al’Shurlcy also gave the contents of one Vttil to three of his children, which brought front the. first 73, from the neoond 54, and from the third 3J, rnfckinfir 156 worms bv the use of one vial. 1 gave my own child, aged one year, two teaspoonfuls, which expelled 14. one of which was at least one foot long.— Your Vermifuge is considered the best that has ever been brought to our section of country, ami so iarax I know, has never failed. Yours, respectfully, J I* TRUMAN. Let Physicians Speak. Sillers’ Vermifuge is the best in use. — Here, is proof. Station. Ky, Dec. 17, 1815. Air 7? JE Sfilers, — I have the pleasure to inform yoc that I have used in my practice your celebrated Vermi fuge with the most happy results. 1 have formerly used Fahneftock’s, hut being Persuaded to try yours, 1 have found it far slipperier in every respect, and can say with out the fear of contradiction, that your sesses more virtue than any I ever used, and in*st cor dially recommend it to the attention of the public, w ill stale a ease where I gave one vial of your Vermi fuge. My brother’s child was pining and v\ a-ting to mere skeleton. In 36 hours afler I gave the Vermifuge the enormous quantity of upwards ol nr hundred worm were passed. The child that was given up for lost, is now as well as any in the neighborhood. - AMBROSE ARNETT, M D. Sellers’ Vermifugethe Best in the World jfflßi, Gallipoi js,o, April 1,1851, This certiflAthat I have kept on hand and used in my practice, ft * Vermifuge, for the two past ! years. Jam cAWndcnt in saying it has not failed, in a sigule instance, to relieve children and adults troubled vvnli worm-; in many instances it Ijojs brouglit away large, quantitive. 1 nin coi.lit!* util is the be.-t worm me dieme in use. All that is required to give it reputation in any family, is togive it a lair trial. R 11 WILSON, M. D. Point Pr°ant, Va, Oct. 4.1817. Mr R F Si Her*.—Of your Vermifuge, 1 ran say wit he tii hesiiaiicu that hating used it extensively in my firactire for the last four or five years. 1 think itdeotdcd y the best preparation of the kind of which 1 have any knowledge, although I have heretofore used the prepa ration of several other manufacture is. Yours, respectfully. I) CQUGH, M. D. St !L is’ family Medicine. Graham Station,Ohio, May *25, 1849. Mr. It 1’ idlers,—l think it right, for the benefit of others, to ‘Male some facts in relation to your excellent i'amiiy Medicines. 1 have used your Vermifuge largely in my own family, one viol frequently hriß” ■ ring for expMling lanre quan lilies (ay luo to ‘iuo) of Worms from two children. I have also your Liver Pill.) and Cough Syrup m my family, and tney have,in every instance, produced the effect desired. As! arnengaged in merchandising. 1 am able to stale that! have yet io hear of the List failure where your medicines have been u-ed n my *ectinn of the non ntrv. In conclusion, 1 may Rtate that they are the medicines of the day, and aredeslined tojiave a very extensive pop ularity. } ourp,rc?pectfully, W II PINNri,. The Vermiflck will continue to have a red out side wrapper, arid will have the name of Rob'tE. Scllerf stamped upon each vial, without which it is not his Ver mifuge. 11 E SELLEKS Proprietor, Pittsburgh, Juue Ist, 1850. For sale bv SNEAD Sf CHAPMAN, Attlia Now Diug Store, Oglethotpe Ca. Carriages! (Carriages! FOR SALE. THE Subscriber announces to the peo ple of Oglotborpß and sttirnunditig Country, that be lias now on blind, and will continue to receive. Buggies, Carriages, Ruckaways, Ac., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those w ishing to purchase anything in bis line are invited to call and examine bis Slock, at Messrs. Lewis A. Pi ice’s Ware House, on Baker Street. T. M. J ACKSON,Agent. Oglethorpe, July 9ih, 1851. 13 if South Western R. R- Company, ON and after the first of January next, the rates ol Freight on Cotton will be re i dneed tis follows : From Oglethorpe nnd Montezuma to Macon, : per ll)U lbs., 20 cts. “ Winchester, Marthnsville and Mar “ shfilville to Macon, pel 100 1b5.,18 “ Fort Y’allcy and station No. 2, to ; Macon, per 100 !bs., 15 “ i “Station Nn. I toMaronprr 100 lbs., 121“ GEORGE \V. ADAMS, Super’nt. dec 2(3 ts; DOCT. E. li. WOOD. j HAVING permat.ently located in this! (iity, would most respectfully offer bis professional services lo die citizens of Ogle lliorpe and surrounding country. Having j recently returned from the Medical College,! he feels confident that lie is mnv prepared to afford to his patients the advantages of the latest improvements in Medical Science. lie may at all times besot nd at the Ogle thorpe Hotel, or nt his Office over Chap man's Book Store, unless professionally cal ed away. Feb. IS 1852. 4-1 -at 18 Notice. prra Snub Western Knilruail Company, w ishes ro !*',(h. 11 K ijirtil tl>o Ist nfJami iry,next, twenty live Ne mni.-cor rtpairs oh the Head ; for which fifteen dnllais 1 lletntli *t ill be paid; they wiII aim be fed and clothed GEO- VV. ADAMS. Siq.t. S. W. K. If. Oglethorpe. October 10,1851. — 2G ts S’ /NSKED, Train. I,- Lard, Nents. Oils, for .alp L>v SNEADb CHAPMAN, nt ihp New Drop Store. On. 17 1851. 27 if FRENCH Windin’ Glass. For st G by SNEAD &c CHAPMAN. 0.1. 17 ISSI. 27if Uf* AH, Coffee, Syttip, and Molasses, VeceivoJ and for sale lotv bv, KAFFMAN, Jt BRO. Ogletliorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if. “BOOKS! BOOKS!! •// New Booh Store, JUST OPENED. IN OGLETHORPE, A ear the Oglethorpe Hotel, W JiERE the subscriber designs keeping a general assortment of Miscellaneous and School Books, Blank Books, and Stationery; hlm> a general assortment of Wall Patter, Window shades, Musical Instruments &e., all ol which be will sell as low as iltev can lie bought io any other market. Just ‘Received —One fine M.'lodian, of supplier lone am) finish. A lot of fine Yin. litis, also a splendid lot of .fr rordeons, vary ing in price from $1 50 to $25. A. B. CHAPMAN, January, 16, 185?. 89-ts. DISSOLUTION T ijlll I’- Firm of Snead & Chapman is this .il. day dissolved, hy mutual const til The business will he continued by F. T. Snead. F. T. SNEAD, F. S. CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe Jan. 26, 1852, A CARD. In retiring from the Firm nf Snead &. Chapman, I lake inis'opporliinii v to tender ! otv thanks to the public for the very libcial pau.mag. extended to us; and respectful!v solicit a continuance of the same to tnv fur mer pat tm t Mr. F. I’. Suyad, ivlnt w'ril'con linne the Ding Business at the old stand, on Sumter slret t. I (Pf* You will all do well to give him a tii al, FOSTER S, CIIAPM AN. Oglethorpe, Jan, 2C'h 1852, 41- PROSPECTUS OF THE South-West fGeorgian. The SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN is i.siied every Fridat mieni g in the new Town .of OCjLE'i'lil- :PE, at the low p, ice of Two Dollars a year, to be paid in advance. OUR POLITICS. We.are now and ever ItaVfr been for the Union. The “Georgian” will, therefore, advocate the measures of the great conser vative Union Party, il will pursue a fair and candid course towards the Opposition—be stowing censure on whatever is sensnrable, and ever battling for ttmli, regardless of the sonreo from whence it emanates. Its columns w ill he filled with choice selec tions of Miscellaneous, Political, Domestic and Commercial News, -from a number of the most popular Journals of the day; together with Statistics and general information on the engrossing subjects of Internai, Im rtwvEMKNT and Southern Manufactures. i ADVERTISING. Advertisements will be inserted on llitt j following terms: One Dollat per square of twelve lines of less for the fitst insertion, and Fifty Cents fur each insertion thereafter. A liberal deduction will be made on yearly advertisements, < r those inserted for three or six months. Also contracts will- he made with County Officers, to advertise lor them j on the most liberal terms. All letters on business, must he addressed j to C. B Youngblood, Publisher, and pns paid. CHARLES B. YOUNGBLOOD. Oglethorpe, Ga. May 7th 1851. Carri nire |u Mak i n<’ o and VL O and and Bugsy Repairing. SHOP ON SUMTER ST. A ’ear the Spinkatkins lintel, OGLETHORPE, GA. H E New Firm of Wright, \Vil- ‘■ J&3_ Hants DC Co>., have associated i themselves together for thrr pm pose of making and repairing Carriages, in a neat and sash- j ionahle style, with good materials, at as low prices as in any other southern market. We therefore solicit the patronage of our friends and the public generally. Those wishing any thing in our line will do well tn give us a call, as we intend not to be excelled in ar ticles. WRIGHT WILLIAMS & Cos. December, 26f1r, 1851, 37—ts. WHITE Lead. For sale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN. On. 17 1851. 27 ts MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT MISS C. VALENTINO, JTlacon Street, Ogdethorpc, Ga,, (Next door to Dr. Head’s office.) HAS just opened and is still receiving a fine and well selected stock of Silks Bonnets, Ribbons, Trimmings for dresses l&c., which she offers to sell low for cash. Dresses and Bonnets, mado to onb with nearness and dispatch. Bonnets and lints bleached, pressed anddressed in jhe latest stvie. May 7 1852. 3m ~~l\ G., ARRINGTON, ‘ ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, OfflHliorpe, Macon County, Ga; Agril IT, 1850. Z— ly DR. L B” HALL, fi} ESPECTFULLY lenders his prnfes §L sional services to the citizens of Ogle thorpe and vicinity. His ofice is in Mrs, Bauson’s house, on the corner of Chatham and Macon streets, where lie may he found at ail times, unless absent on professional business, Jan, 30, 1852, 41-ts MEDICAL CARD. DR. William Ellis having permanently located in the city of Oglethorpe, most hesjiectf’ully lenders his set vices to its Citi zens and vicinity. Willi an experiece of more than twenty-five years, together with prompt and diligent attention to the duiiis’bf his profession, he hopes lo merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. He may he found al Snead Drug store or at his residence on Biker street. Oglethorpe Feh, 4th 1552. 42—if. ( oosi & n o\TFoait dsrv JAW, I;I.t.THORI*K, GA , TTTIi L prrioticf* in tn ('ouihwb of Taylor Houston Mcon, Dooly .Sumter, Marion, lalbot, and C’raw ord. One of the firm always at the office. Feh. -20, 1852. 44 lv. Tv: ii. Tiinm, Jluintfactiircr of, and WHOLE-SALt: AND RETAIL lOISiAT.TLa 3 CSf Piiiiii Tin and Japanned Ware, Hollow, Uonil, ■lanl-lVaie, ('(ink ing siiid Parlor Stoves Ac-. Tin-W are of e\ery descriptioo. repaired. On Sumter Street, Oglethorpe (in. February 20, 1852. 44-1 v. BRUSHES, all kind tor sale bv SNEAD h CHAPMAN. Oct. J 7 1851. 27 if fcnnjj URGICAL and Dental I in-t rumen i.- VS* Gold Foil, Bce. For sale In . SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 ISSI 27 if. RECEIVED to-day a huge lot of Cherry Pectoral, Cod Liver Oil, Dr. Cluisiies Galvanic. Kemedis, Townsend’s nod iSuntl’s Sarsupai illas, Pepsin” the Great Dyspepsia Remedy; and vaiiotrs other Patent uiedisins, SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Nov. 17ih, 1851 . 33—q 11. A. McLaTdC TUT 11. at all times, keep nr, hand a gen- Vii” eral assortment of GROCERIES, at the old stand of McLain & Son, between tlie Pavilion and Magnolia Hotels on Crescent street, which he w it! sell low for cash. Oglethorpe, May 1’1852, 3m McDonald & Willis. Wholesale and Retail GROCERY MERCIIANTS, And dealers in Cuiiniry Produce. One door north of Lewis fy I'rice's Ware house, Oglethorpe Ga John McDonald. WM. H. WILLIS. Oglethorpe, Maicii 1852. 49if. THE NEW DRl’fi STORE. SNEAD & CHAPMAN. II’A o I e .t a l c and He t ail DHUUCISTS (.S’ UMPTE II s TIIE E TANARUS.) Oglethorpe , (*a. THE undersioued would lespecifuly ly inform their liiends and the pub lic, that they have just opened a DRUG S PORE in Oglethorpe, where they will keep constantly on hand, p large and fresh assortment of Drugs and Medicines, I Surgical and Denial Instruments, gold j Foil, Perfumery, Soaps and choice Toi- ! et articles, Also, Paints, Oils, Potash Window Glass Dye Stuff, Choice Spices Essences, Patent Medicines, &:r. Lc., and a I'ulJ. assortment of whatever belongs lo he business. ttT” Having bad six years Practical Experience in the Drug Husiness, and being determined lo devote to it their whole attention, they hope to merit and receive a liberal patronage. Every article pul tip in the neatest manner and Warranted Fresh and Pure, or liable to be returned. Phy sieians’ Proscriptions pul up with care and dispatch. The attention of Physicians, Country Merchants and Planters, is called to our stock, as we feel confident we can sup ply them with all articles in our line, on terms that will not fail to give satisfaction. SNEAD Si CHAPMAN. October 17, 1851- 27—ly. FOR SALE!! A ONE half interest in the Office ofik. SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN. F or particulars apply at this office. • march sth, 1852. Carriage Repository. Btilffrys, Hockaways. and Faniiiv Carriages. ’ THE Subscribers have on band and will continue to Receive Reg. ular Supplies of eveiy Variety of Carriages, at Macon Prices with the Freight added, Our friends are requested to give us a cal G. C. CARMICHjEL &CO. Ogehhorpe April 2nd. 18 52. 50—ly IN QU.4RT BOTTLES. For Purifying the Blood, and for the Cure of scrofula, Rheumatism, stubborn Ulcers, )lyspips\a, salt Rheum, fever sores, Erysiypclas, Pimples. Biles, Mercurial Diseases Cutaneous Eruptions, I,ivrt Complaint, Bronchitis, Consumption, Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, | General Debility Syc. In this preparation we have all the restorative properties of ihe root, coneentiated in their utmost strength and efficacy ; but while Sarsaparilla Hoot forms an impor tant part of its is, at the same time, com* pound with other vegetable remtdies of great power, and it is in the peculiar combination and scientific mannrn of its prepti rat ion, that it* remarkable success in the oner of disease depends. It acts simultaneously upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels : and thus three processes which are ordinarily The result of three diHer*, cut kinds of medicine, are carried on at the same time, through the instrumentality of this one remedial agent, which gently stimulates disinfects and expek from die stomach and Dowels all that is irritating, ami at the same time restores their vigor and tone. Itsgrent merit is, that it meets and nem raizes the active principle of disease itself, and when that is gone, the sunptoms necessarily disappear ; and ‘• e haxe only to point to the accumulated tcMitn**ny of multitudes who 4 iw efieets. to eonvii.o- inciedulih itsellofitp real value. The Proprietor*submit to the public the following certificate from a highly respectable source, of a cure made by using their prepare i< nos Sarsaparilla >k\v York. f'th. 17,18*19. A/es*rs. Sands:—Haying sniftered many years * ill* r discare of my throat, ath-euag the larynx.during which lime 1 was treated by the most di>tinguishcd physinau l.urore and the l nited Mu>. without receiving any permit lent heTtt fit. hut a!) the lime niy geneia) l.ealih and strength declining, and the di eme making fearful progress : catistic appllcaticm were used, and whatever • l. e was thought most lor pnxlueing a cure; hut lam confident the deplorable >ituu'i.n 1 was in. the laryngitis being aeeompanied wiili phtldris and gnat dillicj.lh in breathing, would soon have terminaUd tny life, had I not ohiamed relief through ihe mcduiniaf \ our if valuable JSai>aj*anlltt. I must say gent emeu, when 1 comiieneed min-? the > v hdapHiillit 1 did not place much confidence in in- v irtues ; and this will not MirprVw yon. when yotl are informed 1 had tried more than fifty different remedies during tbe post four years, without any sueeefis; hut after taking yo r I a f'*vv weeks. 1 was obhg dat last, to yield to evidence. This marvellous specific ha- not only relieved but cured j nie ; and 1 the efore tiiink it my duty, gentlemen, for j the benefit ofsuflerijng iigmanirv, to give you this attes tation ol tny cure. Yours, very truly. D. Parent. ConMilafv of Fiance in the Initvd SlareK. T!ir a!in\e tiatvmtnt aid -iai.a'.uri’ were tukl.ow* ledged in our preennee hy .Ur. 1). pureni as true. Fur (tie Consul (-eneral of France. I. HORG, Vice Consul. Prepared and sold, wholesale ami retail, by A. B. (Sri). >AM>S,l>riienf IS and Chemists 10(1 Fulton sc corner of William, iNew York. Sold also by Druggists Rcncrallr throughout the United States snd Canadas I*iice $1 per bottle ; six bottles for $5. For sale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, Oglethorpe, Ga. GEO FISH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OGLETHORPE, GA. PRACTICES in the counties of Macon, Houston,.Ma rion, Sumter. Dooly, ami I ee. He will also continue to practice in the following counties of the Southern Circuit —Pulaski. Telfair, Irwin, Thomas, Lowndes. Clinch, Ware and Apling. Dec, 12, 1851. G. OE LI,RICH, Cabinet Maker, RESPECTFU LLY informs the citizens of Oglethorpe and the surrounding country, that lie is now prepared to make any kind of Mahogany and other Furniture. I All work done in the best style and at the I lowest rates. i Shop on the corner of Chatham and Ran dolph Streets, Oglethorpe, Ga. Feb. 19, 1852. 44-6 tn. NOTICE. IrtYF.RY arid all persons wanting Brick las work done can be accommodated by applying to the subscriber. My otk shall be executed in as good style as can be done in the place and on as reasonable terms.— For further information applv to J. If. HOLLAND. Oglethorpe, Apri!3o. 2 if Georgia Macon Connly. WHEREAS James S: Caldwell appliesl*! me for letters of Guardianship sot the minor children of John //augabook deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to be and appear at my offii'® within the time prescribed by law, to site* cause if any they can why said letters sliouM not be granted. Given under my hand offi cially. W- J. COLLJNS, Ordinary. | May 14th, 1852. 4m.