The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, September 24, 1852, Image 4

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?’ PROFESSIONAL CARI)S. | £ GI O. W. FISH, Attorney at Law. Oglethorpe, On. ill tlic* counties of Macon, Houston, Marion, Suotffcr, ])<<>ly antt Lee. He will also ©ontiuue to practice in the following counties of tin* Southern Circuit—Pulaski, Telfair, Irwin, Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware and Appling. jgee. lath, lift!. s—ts P. &Tabr'iygtoy, ATTORNEY AT 1 \€ \M> \oT\i:y IT!;!.n Oglethorpe, Georgia. April 17th, 1851. —ts Dlt. I. B. HALL. -p-j HEBPECTFI LLY tenders his professional ser vioes to the citizens of Oglethorpe and vicinity, llis office is in Mrs. Uaw'son's house, on the cor ner of Chatham and Macon Sts. where ho mav be found at all times, unless uhr cut on professional I tt incss. Jmn. 30, 1852, 41—ts Medical card. “ lid JAM KLLIS having permanently vw located in the city of Oglethorpe, most respect - 4jjH fully tenders his services to its citizens and vicinity. With an experience of more than twen ty-five years, together with prompt and diligent at tention to the duties of his profession, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. He maybe found atPemperton A Elite Drugstore, or at residenee on Baker Stree*. Oglethorpe, Fob. 4th 1852. 42—ts COOK & UOATFORDr ATTORN EYSAT LAW. Oglethorpe, Georgia. WILL practice in the Counties of Taylor, If on* ton, fcMaeon, IXoly Sumter, Marion, Talbot, and Craw ford. One of the firm always at the office. Feb. 20, 1852. 44—ly Dr. E 11. WOOD, HAVING permanently located in this City, would respectfully offer his professional sc'r vices to the citizens of Oglethorpe and surround* mg country. Haying recently returned from the Medical College, he feels confident that he is now perpared to afford to his patients the advantages of the latest improvements in Mcdienl Science. He may at all times Ik> found at the Oglethorpe Hotel, or at the Office over Chapman's Book Store, unless professionally called away. Feb. 18th, 1852. 44-at 18 MEDICAL CARD. HR JAMES M. POKES respectfully offers his fly services to the oitizens of Oglethorpe and vi- S cinity, in the various brunches of Medicine. — He may be found at the Drug Store of Pemberton A Ellis during the day, and at the residence of J. P. Har vey, on Sumter St. at night, when not professionally engaged. August 14th, 1851. 18—ts 8. & D. MILLER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oglethorpe, Ga. HAVE removed from Lanier, and will Practice in the Superior (oqrts of the Counties of Macon, Sumter, Marion, Dooly, Houston, Crawford and Twiggs, and in the Supreme Court at the eitv of Macon. sm-iiEN r. miller, danjel w. miller. ► January 16th, 1852. 39—ts. DEATIAL NOTICE. FRANCIS M. SMITH, D. D. S., [Graduate nf the Baltimore College of Dcntial Surgery, tKSE&jhn HAS removed to Oglethorpe and ree pectfully solicits its citizens and the community generally to call on him. H has just returned from Hnltimore and is in pos session of all the new and latest improvements in Dentistry, snob ns Air Chamber Suction plates, for entire sets; Jaw and Hlock tenth, entires ts, with out springs, Ac. Persons wishing work done would do well to call and examine his new styles, ‘office •tpresent, at the Pnvillion House. May 7, 1852. 3—ts. tailoring;. vis THE subscriber respectfully announces to the oitizens of Oglethorpe, and the sorronnd ■ illi ing Country, that he has commenced the Tailoring business in this city. All w ork entrusted to his care will he made in a style not surpassed by those whose name exceeds their talent. Cutting aud repairing done with neatness and Ispatob. WILLIAM B. WALSIT. August, 12th 1852. 16—3 m. tailoring;. .11 THE Subscriber respectfully announces to the R citizens of Oglethorpe ami the surrounding if* country that lie has commenced the Tailoring business in this city. All work entrusted to his care will be made in a style not surpassed by one whose name exceeds his talent. Cutting. Repairing and Cleaning done with neat dispatch. Shop over J. 0. Hodges’ Store. JOHN C. WALTERS. Oglethorpe, August 25th 1852. Bm. r TOTIJE PUBLIC. “Jj& THF. undersigned is prepared to execute in the most workmanlike manner, all work in his line, such ns house building, Gin Gearing, Screw building. Mill writing Ac., on as reasonable terms as any other workman in South-West Georgia.— All letters add reused to him in Oglethorpe Gil. will receive prompt attention. ALEXANDER SMITH. Oglethorpe, May 14th, 1852. 4—ts. Jewelry Establishment. G&, JOHN D. TINSLEY would respectfully in form the citizens of Oglethorpe and the sur rounding country, that he has opened a Jewelry Establishment, in this city, for the purpose of repair ing clocks. Watches Jewelry, Ac. The public arc re quested to call and test his skill in repairing and engraving. Shop on Sumter Street opposite the Post Office, Oglethorpe, Gu. Buly 2d, 1852. 11—3 m. WM. R. TFRPIY, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Plain Till and Japanned Ware, HOLLOW, WOOD, HARD WARE, COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, Ac.. Ac. Ol SCMTER SmZKT, OuI.KTHOHI'K, Georgia February 20th, 1852. 44—ly IORTGAGF MALE. WILL beaold on the first Tuesday in October next before the Court House door in the Town of Lanier in the County of Macon bet ween the uattal hours of sale; Six town lota, lo wit ; No. 15, 16, 17, 18, 28, and 84, in the town of Lanier, levied on’aa the property of Josinh Hill, to satisfy a Mort gage fi fa from Macon Superior Court in favor of Miller A Chamberlin vs. said Hill. THOMAS DIXON, I>ep. Sh’ff. August Ist, 1852. * SURGICAL and Dental ilnstrunienta Gold Foil, Ao. For sale by SN LAD A (.IIAI’MAN. October, 17th, 1861, 27 PUBLIC HOUSES. eagle hotel. TILE undersigned has completed n large and • “U commodious Brick Hotel, on the Corner of Chatham and Baker Streets, in the eitv of OGLETHORPE, * convenient to the Railroad Depot, and ensy of uoocss both to the Traveling Public und Planters. The house will he undercharge of MR. JAMES BELL. ho has hail much experience in the business. The Rooms are well arranged, neat and airy and the Table furnished with the best the country affords. CSTOIIARGES MODERATE...,£3 A fine Livery Stable is kept in connection with the establishment, from which person* can at all times be furnished with Carriages Horses, Ac. June 25, 1852, 10—.ly. IMPZRI HO TIL, m. i. irnoi: l-l;.g v. /m. TAE undearigtied (late of the Washington iijj Hall, Macon, Ga.,) respectfully unnounees to the public that this NEW AND SPLENDID HO TEL is now upon’for the reception of hoarders and visitors. This house is new, large nml commodious—the rooms are neat, spacious and airy—and furnished throughout with new and elegant- Furniture. As it will he under his personal super iutendnncc, he flatters himself, that by staiet attention to business, to make his guests comfortable, and to merit a con tinuation of their patronage. tar Good Livery Stables in connection with this House. JESSE CAEN. June 25, 1852. Hi—ts. mmmltmE OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA. OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, BY WM. SLADE. TAE proprietor will he pleased at all time to ml have a liberal share o( patronage and will try at all times to make his patrons as eomfortalde ns he can possibly do by the elose attention of himself-and servants to their welfare during their stay with him. Oglethorpe, April 23, 1852, I—ly MAGNOLIA HOUSE. (Corner of Crescent and Svsiter Streets.) B V ANDREW HOWARD. best accomodations that .the times and : juJ market will afford, may he found at the above named House, ut all times’ No effort w’ill be spared to render ull who call, comfortable, ys? For Sale or Rent June sth, 1851, 8— PUBLIC HOUSE FOR SALE, Iu Pond Town Ga. THE subscriber offers for sale his Residence all formerly kept by 11. Ji LUMPKIN as a pub lic house. Wishing to move out to his farm, he will sell a bargain in the place. Attached to the premi ses, are all the appliances of support nnd comfort, including 97 acres rii those beautiful fertile lands ly ing in full view of the village, orchards of a variety of fruit, an extensive flower yard and a garden spot not to he excelled. He ventures to assert that there is not another such ah opening in South Western Georgia for a public house; and his is the only place in the village adopted to the business. A. B. STROUD. Pond Town, Gil Aug. Bth, 1852. 16—3 m. To Wagoners A Ntockdrovcrs. FMtHK undersigned would take this method of in JL forming Stock Drovers and Wagoners, that he has fitted up an extensive STOCK PEN and WAG ON YARD, at the fork of the road leading from Oglethorpe to Travelers Rest.und Americas, within the corporate limits of (he city of Oglethorpe, where he is prepar’ and to accommodate all those who patron ize him, on liberal terms. W. B. JONES. April Both, 1852. 2—3 m Valuable Properly lor Sale. sm- THE Undersigned subscriber desires to sell 011 la! accommodating terms, Lots of Laud, Nos. 32 33 64 65 66 98 99 1.26 127 128 129 130 132 158 and 159 in the tenth district, also Nos. 2 3 4 23 28 29 30 32 82 97 in tlie fourteenth district; Nos. 27 28 29 30 32 82 33 34 35 36 in the fifteenth district of Dooly County. Some of the above lands hove valuable im provemehtSon them and can be purchased cither iu single or coilcetive lots to suit the purchaser. Also one tract of valuable Tobacco land containing 720 acres in the county of Gadsden Flu.,, 8 miles N. E of Quincy on Little'Flint. Persons wishing any information respecting the lands iu Dooly county, will please call and see the Proprietor of the Pavilion House in the City of Oglethorpe or at ColnrHill, or Slade’s Mills, in the county of Dooly. Any person wishing information respecting the tract of land in Florida, will ( pleaso call and sedjlr. Daniel M. Ililison, Gadsden county, Fla., or-the Proprietor of the Pavil ion House in this place. WM. SLADE. Oglethorpe, April 20th, 1852. I—ly FOR SALE. LOT Xo. nine on Square three on the Corner of Macon anti Chatham Streets. Apply to July a, 1861. 12-ts PHILIP COOK. LOST. Ej.;: vjjjjrj ON the 18th June, one portfolio Pocket If’ Ywi Book, •containing one SIUO bill and one 1i... ’ :j dollar hill, and the following described notes: One note of §IOSO due Ist January next, on John W. Brown. One note of §203 due Ist May last, on Alfred Les ter. One note of §135 due last January, on Stephen F. Miller. Oue note of §l5O due 12th June, inst, on J. Sey mour. One note of §6O due last January, on Jas. A. Spi vey. One note of §l3 due Juno 1848, on James Spi vey. tine note of §46 due Ist April, on W. J. Smith. One note o!'§178 due Ist January next on John T. Brown. One note of §4O due Ist January lust on John T. Brown. One note of §53 due Ist of June inst. on John Smith. One note of §s4diie Ist June inst. on W. B. Nel son. Fifty Dollars reward is offered to any person who will deliver said pocket Book and notes. 1 here forewarn any person from trading for notes made payable to me ia 1852. JAM ESS. CALDWELL. June 25, 1852. 10—ts. OGLETHORPE FERRY? re w THE Public are respectfully informed L&'r'vjt'iJiSß’ by the Subscriber that there is an 1 si..-fcip i-” • ‘Tel excellent Ferry with a good, large tint, just above the Railroad Bridge, over Flint Riv er, on the road leading from the city of Oglethorpe to Montezuma, intersecting roads leading to Perry, Knoxville, Vienna and the direct road leading from Oglethorpe to Macou. Rates of ferriage the same as customary. JOHN G. SMITH. Oglethorpe, Aug. 20, 1852. 19—8 m. YOTICE. THE undersigued takes this method of notifying those against whom they hold notes in amounts over thirty dollars, that, unless satisfactory arrange ment are made liefore lust return day to the next Superior Court their papers will positively he turn ed over to mi Attorney for collection. All concern ed can make it to their interest, to eull nnd see us. GUKER it CARSON. Oglethorpe, July 30, 1802. 16—ts. WARE-HOUSE CARDS, ~ •’ ‘ ‘ “* V • 1 1 - Ware-House k Commission Business -*E H. BROWN Q HAS LEASED that large nnd commodious Ware- House, built, and occupied the past season by W. W. CHAPMAN A Cos, oq the Corner of Baker and Chatham Streets, in the city of Oglethorpe, and ten ders his services to the public us Factor and Commission Merchant, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. Cotton, Merchandise nnd Country Produce, stored and Sold at the customary rates. ’ This Ware-House is sur rounded by three streets tmd an Alley, rendering it secure from fire. Insnraneeean be effected on pro duce in store at low rates. Its location is conven ient to the business part of the city, and to the Rail- Road Depot He will ill all times he prepared to offer advan tages equal to any other Ware-House in the place. All business entrusted to his eare shall have person al attention, assisted by a competent and obliging salesman. CST Liberal advances made on Cotton nnd Pro-* duce in store, and Orders for goods promptly filled on the most reasonable terms.. AO IL 11. BROWN. REFERENCES, BY PERMISSION. Col. Wii.ltam M. Brown, Marion Cos., Ji hcF M. L. Bivins, “ “ Messrs. Patten A Cotiass, Macon, Ga. Rev. Jesse M. Davis, Lee Cos. Oglethorpe, July 17th, 1852. 13—6 m. WASHBURN,WILDER & €©, S3 FACTORS, AND Commission Merchants, ‘* SAVANNAH, GA. Ja*. Wasu'itorn, 1 Will continue the above busi- J. R. Wilder, J- ness at Ilf Bay -Street East Eras. G. Dana, ) Echange. ORDERS for BAGGING, ROPE and others sup plies fiUedNjromptly at lowest cash prices. • Refer to Major W. Sanford, ~ Geri.- S. I*. Myrick, \ B * Wwm Co s Dennis, 1 S. It. Marshall, (-Putnaui Cos. Messrs, CprterA Ilarvey, ) A. Me A! him, I . • Ira Peck, J Twiggs Cos. Messrs. Black <t Cobb, ) „ “ Sloan & Hawkins, ( Rome Ga. Major John S. Rowland, Cass Cos., August sth 1852 16—6 m. Planters’ Ware-House. M ‘FIIE undersigned beg leave to 7* inform you that they have taken fljfaanftf the PLANTERS’ W ARE-HOUSE, for a term of tune, nnd associated themselves together under the name und style of S. W. BLOODWORTH A CO., in the WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all its various branches. The business will be conducted by S. W. BLOODWORTH; from his ex perience iu the business, they feel confident of giving general satisfaction to nil those who may entrust them with their business. In confirmation of which, we refer the public to the subjoined references, and at the same time, ask a liberal share of their pat ronage. They promise to keep their patrons advised of the state of the market at all times. They take this oc casion to say to any who may Store their Cotton with them, should they afterwards wish it shipped to Ma con or Savannah or Charleston, it shall be promptly attended to without uny additional expenses. Their Ware-House iu consequence of its locality, huß advantages oyer any other in the place, in point of security from fire, being remote from other build ings. They will also have planters’ cotton insured if desired. Liberal CASH ADVANCES will he made on Produce in Stroe. All orders from Planters’ or Country Merchants will he filled at short notice, nnd, (as they have no interest iu Merchandise,) at the lowest cash price 9. S. W. BLOODWORTH, RICHARD JOHNSTON. REFERENCES. PLANT EHS. Dr. Thomas, Isaac Cheney, Esq., Tulbot county. Gen. T. GriHin, M. D. North, Esq., Coweta countv. James Neal, Esq., Win. Pryor, Esq., Pike county. Rev. Wm. Moseley, Judges A W Walker, Henry-co. Thos. W. Ashford, Ed. Houghton, Esq., Troup cq. Judge J. May, T.. Nichols, Esq., Fayette co. I. Nichols, Esq., B. P. Bussey, Esq., Meriweth’r eo. Clms. Onrgil, Esq., W. Ilnrkness, Esq., Butts 00. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Rice Dulin, Esq., Charleston, S. C. Field & Adams, Macon Ga., N. A. Hardee it Cos., C, Ilurtridge, Eeq., Wm. P. Youge, Esq., Savannah. Editors S. H. Georgian and Southern JJnnocart Griffin, Gil, Sept. Ist, 1851. This-is to certify that Mr. S. W. Bloodworth, lias for several years heen engaged* in the Ware-House and Commission business In Oils place, and from my acquaintance with him, I feel no hesitation in recom mending him in that capacity to the patrons of Ogle thorpe. He is also good judge of the quality of. Cotou, and consequently an excellent, salesman. A. A- GAULBIXCn +sen. partner of the firm of Gaulding, Fcn-il <b Chap man. W. R. PHILLIPS. Sen. partnpr of Jones, Phillips it Cos. September 11, 1851. 18—ts Carriage -jrtfeJL- Raking BUGG.Y, REPAIRING. SHOT ON* SUMTER ST. NEAR THE EMPIRE HOUSE, OGLETHORPE, GA. TIIE Coparternershi’p heretofore existing under the name, firm and style of Wright, Williams A Lee, is this day dissolved,'by Win. 11. Wright retiring from the concern. Tho business will be continued by Willinms and Lee, at the same stand two doors above the Empire House on Sumter street, where they will keep constantly on hand a good lot of BUGGIES AND OTHER CARRIAGES, Also—a variety of FURFNITTRE consisting of WARDROBES, WASH-STANDS, DINING, CEN TRE, SIDE AND TEA-TABLES, SAFES, die. ,£3T Country produce tnken in exchange for any kind of work done at this establishment yt Oglethorpe, August 20, 1852. 18—ts CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! THE Subscriber announces to thepeo- WS-JyJgl pic of Oglethorpe and surrounding Tur T.Saf country, that he has now on hund, and will continue to receive, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, ROCK AW IIYS, Ac., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase anything in his line are invited to call and examine'his Stock, nt Messrs. Lewis dc Price’s Ware-House, on Baker St T. M. JACKSON, Agent. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1862. 13—ts FOR SALE. A ONE half interest in the Office of the SOUTH WEST GEORGIAN. For particulars apply at this office. March, sth, 1862 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. BUGGYS, ROCKAWAYS, AND FAMILY CAR- RIAGES. • M Subscribers have on hand and PyK-'ly-gK! will continue to receive regular sup plies of every variety of CARRIAGES, at Maoon prices with the freight added. Our friends are requested to give us a call. G. C. CARMICHAEL A CO. Oglethorpe, April 2, 1802. 60 —ly MERCHANTS’ADVERTISEMETS. O. C. HORNS, At the old Stand of Oajisox, Greer & Cos. On the Corner of Sumter and Cuyler Streets. Dealer in Staple & Fancy Dry-Goods. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Ilats and Caps, ■ Hardware China, Crockery and Glassware. FAMILY GROCERIES, drc., <t„ die. Oglethorpe, Ga. September, Ist, 1852. 19—ts. FAMILY GROCERY STORE. THOMPSON <t PEEL, R Oglethorpe, Ga. ESPECTFULLY inform tlicir friends and the public generally, that they keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Family Groceries, such as Flour, Bncon, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Sugar, Cof fee, Salt, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Mackerel, Corn, Meal, Ac., together with every variety of Si.ioes, bruits, Nuts, Ac., Also, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, aiid many other articles too tedious to mention—all of which they will sell os low as any other establish ment in the city. Call and try them— store on Cuv ier Street. May 7, 1852. 3—]y. gHH McDonald & willis, g|jj| GENERAL DEALERS IN FAMILY G ROCE RIES, PROVISIONS, DOMESTIC GOODS, SHOES, HARDWARE, BAGGING, ROPE Ac. All orders thankfully received, and promptly at tend to,, at-lowest market prices. One door above JOHN V. PRICE’S Ware-House on Baker Street’ Oglethorpe, Sept 10th, 1852. 20—ts. Dry Goods & Grocery Store. (On the corner ok Sumter and Ouylkr Streets.) Jd A TBODGES, would respectfully in • AM form his former patrons and the public generally, that he now occupies the Store House formerly occupied by DaWßon, on the corner of Sumter and Cuyler Sts., where he will keep a large nnd well selected stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, Boots, Shoes Ac.— lie will also keep constantly on hand a large lot of GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The public are respectfully requested to call nnd ex amine for themselves. Oglethorpe, June 4th, 1852. 7—ts J. KAIFMAN & BRO’S. New Dry-Goods AND CLOTHING STORE. On Sumter Street Opposite the Post Office. WOULD respectfully inform the Public that they have just opened their Stock, consist ing of Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslinß, and all kind of Ladies Dress Goods, Hose, Gloves, Laces, Edgings, silk Parasols, Fans, Ac., together with n variety of Fancy Articles, and a nice assortment of fine Jewel ry. Albo a fine lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, Shoes and Boots. All of which will be sold, for cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6—ts. WINTER’S MONEY WANTED] THE undersigned otters for sale, a splendid lot of sash, sizes from 16 to 18 lights JO by 12. ALSO A fine lot of Liquors, Family Groceries, nnd other articles too tedious to mention; all of which will be sold for Winter’s Money in hills under Rye dol lars at par. Those who have this kind of “Fod der,” will do well to call before he gets out of the notion of trading for it. I can he found on Cuyler Street; next door to Carson, Greer A Co’s Store. JAMES D. VOOLBRIGHT. Oglethorpe, June 4, 1852. 7—ts. ’ GIN BANDS. THE Subscribers have just received a lot of pat-r ent stretched Gin Bands to which they would call the attention of Planters and others who want first rate Bands. BANKS A Cos. Oglethorpe, Ga. August. 25th 1852. 19—2 m. CJ HOES, Hats, Clothing,Saddlery, Crockery, Hard- IcP ware, Furniture, Nails, Salt, Coffee, Ac., Ac., for sale at the chcup Store in Fort Gaines Ga. by DILL A MARSHALL. June, 1, 1851. 9—ts. IjJILOUR. 75 Barrels of Superfine flour for sale at Fort Gaines, Ga. by Dill a marshall. June TANARUS, 1851. 9—ts. BACON! BACON!! We have for sale 40 Cask 9 Baeon SIDES, at the lowest, market prices. DILL & MARSHALL’ Fort Gaines, Ga. Juno 1, 1851. 9—l£ Brandy, wine, gin, whiskey, syrup AND VINEGAR, for sale bv DILL A MARSH ATT. Fort Gaines, Ga. June 1, 1851. 9 ts JHAFfSB NlidAll. 1.000 LBS, JUST RECEIVED and for ’ Y ODOM A WILDER. Oglethorpe, June 18th, 1852. 9 ts RECEIVED to-day a large lot of Cherry Pecto ral, Cod Liver Oil, Dr. Christies Galvanic Remedies, Townsend’s and Sand’s Sarsaparillas, “Pepsin” the Dyspepsia Remedy; and variouspther patent medicines. SNEAD A CHAPMAN. Noy. 17th 1851. 88—ts LINSEED, Train, Lard and Ncatsfoot Oiiijifor sale by SNEAD A CHAPMAN. Oot, 17 FRENCH Window Gloss, for sale by SNEAD A CHAPMAN. Oot 17 jCJUOAR, Coffee, Syrup and Molasses, just receiv ed and for sale low by KAUFMAN A BRO. October 10, 1851. 26—ts “BOOKS! BOOKS!! ffifj/IMfm ANEW BOOKSTORE near the Ogl eW 1 thorpe Hotel, where the subscriber de- SUdlsg signs keeping a general assortment of Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, aud Sta tionary ; also a general assortment of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Musical Instruments Ac., all of which he will sell as low as they can be bought in any other murket. Just received.—One fine Melodian, of superior tone and finish. A lot of fine Violins, also a splendid lot of Accordeons, varying in price from §1 50 to §25. A. B. CHAPMAN. January 16th, 1852. 89—ts BRUSHES, all kind for sale by Oct. 17, 1851. SNEAD A CHAPMAN DISSOLUTION. THE Firm of Snead A Chapman ia this day dis solved, by mutual consent The business will be continued by F. T. Snead. F. T. SNEAD. F. 8. CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe, Jan. 26, 1852. A CARD. In retiring from the Firm of Snead A Chapman, I take this opportunity to tender my thanks to the public for the very liberal patronage extended to us; and respectfully solicits confluence of the same to my former partner, Mr. F. T. Snead, who will con tinue the Drug Business at the old stand, on Sumter Street, Vou will all do well to give him a tri al- FOSTER R CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe, Jan. 26th, 1852; 4J LEGAL NOTICES. SCOKKIX, Macon County. WHEREAS, 1 (ezekiah Guy applies to me for let ters of Guardianship, for George Wasliington Gilbert, a minor ten years of age, son of Cicero Gil bert of Alabama. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear nt my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any exists, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand officially. W. J. COLLINS, Ordinary. Sept. Ist, 1852 20—30d GEORGIA, Macon County, GEORGE W. TAUNTON of the 741st District G. M. of said State, tolls before me, Harvey Rodgers a Justice of the Peace in said District, one estray Bay Horse Mule seveu or eight years old with some black marks around his legs, five feet high; ap praised by William McDowell and Henry Taunton at one hundred and twenty dollars. This Novem ber 21st, 1852. IIARVEY RODGERS, 1. r. A true extract from the estray book—this Februa ry 17th 1852. W. A COLLINS, c. l c. February 27, 1852. GEORGIA, Sumter County, ~/L LL persons indebted to the Estate of John Du- A pree, late of said County deceased, are re quested to make payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them in terms of law to WM. N. DUPREE, Ex’r. August, 6th 1852. 19 —tOd. “ EXECUTOR’S SALE. ” BY authority of the last Will and Testament of Shadraeh R. Felton, dec’d the undersigned Executors offer at private sale, a valuable body of Land, consisting of Nine Hundred Acres, of which two hundred acres are in cultivation, and the bal ance is mostly covered with oak and hickoty growth. This settlement is known os the Rushin land, ex tending from Beaver creek to Flint River, and ,ad joining Montezuma, nnd also the lands of Daniel Haugabook, Semis 11. Clark and Gen. Armstrong. If not previously disposed of, the said body of land will be sold at, public auction, nt the town ofMontezu ma on the first Tuesday (2d day) of November next. Titles unquestionable, aud forms made known at the time of Sale. C. 11. YOUNG, ) E , J. M. FELTON, ) Montezuma, July 21, 1852. 14—tds, Macon ShcrifF Sale. WILL he sold.hefore the Court House door iff the Town of Lanier, Mncou county, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday iq Octo ber next the following property, to wit: Ten acres of land m the north-eapt eprneroflot of land No. (238) two hundred and thirty-three in the first district of Originally Muscogee now Macon County, said land well improved, levied on as the property of William McDowell, to satisfy a fi fa from Macon Superior Court in favor of Henry Taunton, vs. Jasper F. MeGlarnorj and Willian McDowell. Also—Lot of land No. (28) twenty-three in the 13th District of Originally Muscogee now Macon County, levied as the property of Josiah Hill, to sat, isfy a. fi fa from Macon Superior Court’ in favor of S. S. Tarrer A Brothers vs. Josiali Hill, property pointed out by tho defendant. Also—One house and lot, No. (8) eight, in square seven in the city of Oglethorpe; levied on as the property of Columbus Kent, to satisfy two Justice Court fi fas, one in favor of i'psey R. Stanfield, the other in favor of William G. Foote vs ColpmhusJtent. Also—One house and lotnumbornotknown, now occupied by John Ffeehrm > nop, to satisfy a Justice Court ti lamfqvor.oi i'osevE. Stanfield vs. said John Freeman, property pointeu out by-plaintiff. Also—Lot of land No. (139) one hundred thirty nine in the Ist District Originally Muscogee now Macon county, to satisfy sundry Justice Court fi fas in favor of John Sturdivant vs. John Underwood, property } ointed out by plaintiff. Levieß made and returned to me by a constable. THOMAS DIXQN, Dep. Sh’ff. Sept Ist 1852. 20—tds. • =^=— ■ - - ■ Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1851. by J. S. Houghton, M. D„ in the Clerks office of the district court Tor the eastarn district of Pennsylvania ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! D R - J. S. HOUGHTON’S jpsi^ GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. J. S. Houghton’s PEPSIN, the true Di gestive JUICE, prepared frpm REN NET, or the fourth Stomach qf the OX, after directions of liaron Liebig, the great Physiolo gical Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON, M. If., Philadelphia. This in truly a vvondrful remedy for indigestion, dys pepsia, jaundice, liver complaint, constipation, and de bility , ciiringafter nature’s owrrmethod,..ny natures own agent, the Gastric Juice. {fCr Half a teaspoonful of Pepsin, infused in wafer, will digestor dissolve five.pouds of roast beef in about two hours, out.of the stomach. jPewsin is the* chief element or great digestive princi ple of the Gastric juice—the solvent of the food, the purifying, preserving, and stimulating agent of tlie stom ach and intestines. It is extracted frGm the digestive stomach of the Ox, forming an artificial digestive fluid, precisely like the natural gastic juice in its chemi cal powers, and furnishing a complete and perfect substi tute f<vit. By the aid of this preparation the pains and evils of indigestion and dyspepsia are removed, just as they would be by a healthy stomach. It is doing wonders for dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, ner vous decline and dyspeptic consumption, supposed to be on the verge of the. grave. The scientific upon which it is bused, is in the highest degree curious and remarkable. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. Baron Lebig, in his celebrated work on animal Chem istry, say* ‘An artificial digestive fluid analogous to the gastic juice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the calf in which various ar ticles of food, as meal arid eggs wijj be stiffened, changed and digested, just iii the some ifianncr as they would be in the hum&n stomach.’ , • KT Call on the agent, and get a descriptive circular, gratis, giving ajarge amount of scientific evidence, sim ilar to the above, together wilh reports of remarkable cures, from all pans of the United States. AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER. Dr. HughUm's Pepsin has produced llje most marvellous effects, in curing cases of debility,.emaciation, nervous decline, and dyspeptic consumption, it is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits ‘of this advertise ment; but authenticated circumstances have belli given of more than two hundred remarkable cores, in Philadel phia, Mew York and Boston alone. These were near ly all desperate ■ ases, and the cures were not only rapid and womierftil, but permanent. It is a great nervous antidote, and particularly useful for tendency to riillimis disorder, liver complaint, ieyer and ague or badly treated fever uad ague, and tire evil effects of quinine, men nry and other drugs upon the di gestive organa, after a long sickness. Also, for excess of eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles health with intemperance. Dr. Houghton’s Pepsin is prepared in powderand in fluid rom—and in perscription vials for tire use of Physicians. Private circulars for the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, describing the whole process of preparation, and giving ihe authori ties upon which tlie claitnes of this new remedy are bas ed. As it is not a secret remedy, no objection can be raised against its use by Physicians in respectable stand ing and regular practice Price One Dollar per bottle. Observe shi nnine Pep sin hears tiie wrin . •.*, a lure ~. .. ugl.ion, I) sole proprietor, Pl.iirf ‘eb Ilia, Pa. ‘ ,i ;lu and Trade Mark secured. Kr Sold by ail Druggists and Dealers in medicines. For sale by Snead A Chapman, Drug* 4c, at the New Drug Store, Oglethorpe, Ua, WORKMEN WANTED. THE.Subcriber wishes to hire 0 or 8 Workmen to work in his Gin Factory. Carpenters, Cabinet -workmen or Gin makers will answer the purpose, provided they are steady and industrious. J. 11. WATSON. Palmyra, Ga. August 24th, 1852. 19 —it. FOR Sale by DILI. A MARSHALL, a large quan tity of Bagging, Rope and Twine. Fort Gaines, Ga, June 1, 1851. 9—ts NOTICE TO BEEFEATERS ! THE SUBSCRIBER will furnish the citizens of Oglethorpe, daily, with Beef, at from 4to 6'■ cents per pound. Mutton, from 60 to 75 cents per quarter. Pork, at 8 cents per pound. W. B. JONEa July 23d 1852. 14—tt NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the firm of T. M. Jack son A Cos., in the counties of Macon, Sumter, Dooly and Morion, arc notified that their notes and accounts have been placed in the hands of Philip Cook, Esq. of Oglethorpe, for settlement T. M. JACKSON A CO. June 19th, 1851. 10—ts THE NEW DRUG- STORE. SNEAD & CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST. (Sumter Street.) OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA. THE undersigned would respectfully in- / t® form their friends and the public, that W they have jjust opened “ DRUG STORE M -in Oglethorpe, where they will keep constantly oit hand a large and fresh assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Surgjcal and Dental Instruments, Gold Foil, Perfumery, Soaps and choice Toilet articles. Also, Paints, Oils, Potash, Window Glass, Dye Stuff, Choice Spices, Essences, Patent Medieinas, Ac., Ac.’ apd a full whatever belongs to the bii’ smess. SST Having had six years Practical Experience in the Drug Business, and being determined to de vote to it their whole attention, they hope to merit and receive a- liberal patronage. Ejrery article put up in the neatest manner and Warranted Fresh and Pure, or liable to be returned. Physicians’ Prescription put up with cure and des patch. The attention of rhysicians, Country Merchant* and Planters, is called to our stock, as we feel con fident we can supply them with all articles in our line, on terms that will not fail to give satisfaction. SNEAD A CHAPMAN. October 17, 1851. 27 ly WHITE LEAD. For sule by Oct. 17 1851. ts. SNEAD A CAAPMAN. R. E. SELLERS’ VERMIFUGE. This worm Medicine lias equal—in this or any other,country. It is much used and highly re commended by Physicians. WORMS frequently infest children, aggravate all other diseases, and are capable of produc ing great disturbances in the system, and, conse quently all medicines given to remove them should be prepared with great care, and of the best mate rials; and it is to be feared that many of the worm medicines in use are totally destitute of the quali ties. The Vermifuge which the subscriber offers to the public is perpared of the best materials that can be procured. THE TRUTn BY MEN OF TRUTH. Concerning Sellers’ Vermifuge A single vial producing wonders. Read the following from the Kev. S. Wake field Pastor of the Liberty street Methodist Episcopal church: r Pittsburgh, March 8, 1847. Mr. K. E. Sellers,—lt is from a sense of duty, as well as with great pleasure, that 1 bear testimony to the vir tue of your justly celebrated Vermifuge. I procured a single bottle and gave it to three of my children, who had been ill for several weeks. The oldest was seven years old. the next four, and the youngest eighteen months. The first passed fifty-six worms, the second lorty-seven, and the third a considerable number not distinctly recollected. Since then they have been do ing well, and are now in good health. • Yours, respectfully, S WAKEFIELD. „ „ _ GHERNVtULK.Va, January 15,1815. Mr. R. E, Sellers, —Your Vermifuge gives universal oatisfaction. I have sold Fahnestock's, M l ane’s and sthers.but none has given the satisfaction tlml yours has. CT 17 ~, -r F .’ GRAHAM, Poet Master. Sellers Vcrmtjugc—its works wonders every. where „ „ Biu Sandy, Ky. A/ay 12,1848. A/r R E Sellers—Dearsir: Your Vermifuge produces ucll wbnderful results, that / think it wurtli while to give you a few facts about it. A neighbor, Dr Gray bought from me one vial of it, and gave the contents to threeofhischildren: the first passed 180, the second 153, and the third 70, making 403 worms discharged by using one vial. Dr Gray immediately bought four vails more. l)r. J APShurley also [gave the contents of one vial to three of his children, which brought from the first 73, from the second 54, and from the third 30, making 150 worms bv the Use, of one vial. I gave my ovvii child, aged one year, two teaspoonfuls, which expelled 14, une of which was at least one foot long. Your Vermifuges considered the best that lias ever been brought to our section of country, and so far as now, has never failed. ‘ Yours,respectfully, J L TRUMAN. LET PHYSICIANS STEAK. Sellers’ Vermifuge is the best use.—Here is Proof. f ‘ Licking Station. Ky, Dec. 17 1845. Mr R E Setters, — I have the pleasure to inform lyou that I have used in my practice your celebrated Vermi fuge with the most happy results. I have formerly used Fahnestock’s, but being Persuaded to try yours, 1 have found it far superior in every respect, and can say w ith out the fear of contradiction, that your Vermifuge pos. sesses more virtue than any 1 ever used, and most cor’ dially recommend it to the attention of the public. * w ill state a case where I gave one vial of your Vermi fuge. My brother’s child.was paining and wasting to a mere skeleton, hi 30 hours after 1 gave the Vermifuge the enormous quantity of upwards of sir hundred worm were passed, i'lie child that was given up for lost, U now as well as any in the neighborhood. AMBROSE ARNETT, M. D. Sellers’ Vermifuge the pest in the World. GAf.Lirous.O, April 1, 1851, litis certifies that I have kept on hand and used in my practice, R E Sellers’.Vermifuge, for the two past years, lam confident in saying it has not failed, in a single instance, to relieve children and adults troubled with worms; in many instances it has brought away, large quantities. lam confident it is the best worm me dicine in use. All that is required to give it reputation, in any family, is togtve it a fair trial. R H WILSON, M. D, Point Plkansant, Va, Oct. 4,1847, Mr. R. E Sellers,—Of your Vermifuge, 1 can saw without hesitation that having used it extensively in m? practice fortlie last four or five years, I think il decided ly the best preparation ofilie kind of which i have any knowledge, although Ihave heretofore used the prepa ration of several oilier manufactured. Yours, respectfully, D COUGH, AT D., Sellers’ f'amily Medicine. , Graham Station, Ohio, May 25, 1849, Mr. R E-Sellers,—l think it right, for the benefit of,- “thelS, to state some facta in relation to your excellent Family Medicines, 1 have used your Vonnifuge largely in my own family one vial frequently answering for expelling large quan, -titles (say Idd to 200) of worms from two children, have also used your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in my family, and tney have, in every instance, produced the efleci desired. As lain engaged in merchandising, lam able to state that I have yet to hear of the first failure where your, medicines have been used in my section of the country. In conclusion, I may state that they are the medicine!of the day, and are d*'!ined to have a very extensive pop ularity. Yours, respectfully, W H P INN EL, The VgßMiKi't r. will continue to havea red out-- side wrap * i aim will have the name otßob'iE. Sellers stamped upon each vial, without which it is not his Ver mifuge. K E SELLERS, Proprietor, Pittsburgh, Juue Ist, 1850. For sale by SNEAD* CHAPMAN, at the New’ Drug Store,. Oglethorpe, Ga.