The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, November 12, 1852, Image 1

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Office on Suinier Street, Over the Post Office. ■VQL. 2. •THE SOUTH WEST GEORGIAN, Is publish'd every Friday Morning by .CHARLES IS. YOUNGBLOOD. JMt NltMi; tjPajable in advance, for one year, $2 CO gif not paid in advance, 3 00 Z3F I’nyraeut any time within Three Months from fthe time of subscribing will 1k- considered in advtince. (Hr No notice to discontinue the paper will ’ jfagggarded until pll arrerages arc paid. Six months Subscriptions will be ‘received on the some terms in proprtion to time s the yearly. One Dollar per Square (trf liMfcJfo-tess,) : for the first insertion and Fifty week thereafter. tar No personal Comiminiqption will be admit ted except ns an advertisement, puißJVir in advance at doable the rates of advertising. All Advertisements not lirtflted when hapded in, will be published till ordered out and ousted lies’ cordingly. .sgk Professional C ards. Professional and Business Cards will be inserted at the following rates: j Twelve lines or less, three months, $ 9 00 “ “ six nionths, 6 50 “ “ ‘ twelve months, 10 00 No advertisements. of thJS character will be ad-i piitted unless paid for in advance. N. 15. The bill for nil advertising is duo when the Jiublicution ceases. A deduction of 10 per cent, will >e made when paid for in ndvnnke. Law for Advertising 1 . Sales ori,.vsi> ,\xn EunoE* by Executors, Ad ministrators and Guardians, are roquAed by law to bo advertised in n public gazette, forty dnys pre vious to tile day of sale. *; These sales must beheld on the ntst Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in Ihe forenoon and three in the the Courthouse in the county in which the property is siti ntod, Sales ok Persomal rnortr.i)’ must be advertised in like manner forty days. Notice to Debtors axu. Citcntfons of nn Pstiito must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Or dinary for leave to sell l.nml and Negroes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for*Potters ot Administration, thirty days ; for Dismission from Administration, monthly aix months; for Dismission from Guard.-iuthip, weekly forty ‘lays. Roles eor Foreclosing or Mortgage, monthly four mouths: for establishing lost! papers, for the full space of throe months ; for compelling titles from executors orndmjnisti'ntpts where a bond has Mfceh given liy tljo deceased, the full space of . three months. jp Tl|c Law of iVcwspapcrs., , L All s ibsenbars who do not give exebess No tice to the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions, 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their papers, the publishers tnny continue to send them until arrearages are paid, 8. If subscribers neglect or refuse taking theif papers from the offices to which (key arc sent, they are held responsible till their bills are settled, and their papers ordered to be dist-ynliniictl. V. The Courts have decided that ivf*ing‘tsfake’ a newspaper or periodical from Ihe office,-or rcniov. ing and leaving it uncalled for, is prpn#facii'oxi-; deuce of intentional Viiaed. ’ApmASRSR^iZ WILL be sold to the highest bidder, hetWefU the’ usual hours of sale,'on Wednesday, the J rst day of December, next, at the laic residence of WeSley A, Daniel deceased, all the peri- liable property of Miiil deceased, (negroes exceptod) consisting of corn, fod der, wheat, horses, hogs, cattle, house-hold und’kitoh en.furnitirre, plantation tools Ac. Ac., bale to con tinue from day to duy until all is sold. Trip's on the day. -*1 ’ ‘ ROBERT 11. DANIEL’ { ‘ braxton i:y.i:ZL. Atl ” s - Oet. 12 ‘ 20—Gt. ~ mwni. Airs. U,. PKEI. would resjieeiullv inform hir foi/* former patrons and tho public that she can befouftd at the residence pf M. S MeKinzie Esq on green square, where she keeps constant ly on hand n well selected Stock of Silks, Ribbons, Trin - mings for dresses dtp. which she offers to sad low lor cash. | Dresses and Bonnetts madd (o order with neat, ness and despatch. Bonnetts and huts bleached, pressed, and dressed in the latest style. Nov. 12 1852. 29—ts. To Physicians OBSTETERIC, Dental and Surgical instruments, Susp.nusony Bandages, Silver male and Female Catheters just received and for sale by PEMBERTON <fc ELLIS. At the sign of the Golden Mortar, Nov. 12, 1852. , 20—ts. I/ • Oils. LINSEED, Mashine, Lump and Train. Oils, just received and for sale at the sign of the Golden Mortar by PEMBERTON 4 ELLIS, Nov. 12, 1852. 20—ts. A Fine lot of Window Glass of nil sizes, Putty, Brushes, Potash Ac. just received and lpr sulo at the sign of the Golden Mortar, by PEMBERTON 4 ELLIS. Nov. 12, 1852. 29—ts. f ‘ r Quinine. gp C A ounces of Quinine just received and for sale ■JOlP'l.y PEMBERTON 4 ELLIS ‘ Nov. 12, 1852. 29—ts. K.K. K. Bottles of lUd way's Ready Relief, just VvFvr received ami for sale ut the sign ot the Golden Mortar by PEMBERTON A ELLIS. Neff. J 2, 1852. 23 Doz. Bottles of Ayres Cherry Pectoral, and C do*. Bottles Balsnhi ofWjld Cherry just rieliv ed and for sale at the sign of Gulden Mort ar bjr_ PEMBEftTON 4 El4®. Nov. 12, 1852. 8^ To <lc Ladies. PERFUMERY and toilet articles of ever variety among which arc the Oil of Sweet Jassamlne, Oil of .lohnqiiill, Oil Rose Gcramum, Oil Tube 11<io, Oil Magnolia. Luluim Genuine Extract* and Essences, and a superior Cologne of their own make, for sale at the sign of the Golden Mortar bv PKMBKR’rOX 4 ELLIS. Nov. 12,1862. ‘ 29—ts. OGLETHORPE EATING HOUSE POWEL 4IIILI SMAN take pleasure in nnuoiic ingtothe citizens of Oglethorpe, that they have opened at their Nl-.iV STORE, on Sunftor street, in three separate departments,, a Family Grocery anti Provision Store, AtOAFUi TIONLKY f. A V;: . , ! - CAADY MMi ICTOBY AND A iiUAliiiiiv ~ .EPICORLAN . AL( ON eating no; - r where all lasts, sweet or so- r, elm ■ e si ited in > o ble <|uiok time, toon tI.L- the line o luxuries, KrBI>P in the finest atv.e, or not. served,'as yo Ii ! ‘ • ‘ ‘•% ‘ The family Greer * . lioju i j’ Wriutrltm . . all kinds, Preserve of sn berries, Cherrieß, Melons and Citrons, l)i i-.-d Cur rants, jellies, Ground Ginger, Pepper, jtpiee Catsup, fans Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, it aild Jlazel Nuts, Filberts. AppL-s, ( iiui ■temoris, NutSnegs, Cracker.-, Pearl Starch, Ciggrij ’Snuff, Fine Chewing and Smoking TpLceo, Mtehes Oysters mul Fish in their season. Canons of all kinds, Cordials, Madeira and Port wißWfor Medical purposes, and indeed almost any tiimpand every thing in the way of luxuries or clKidy tindranlrctioiirry llnu llfnillory, will be commensurate with the pat roiiage extendop, however great, and all orders H orn tile City or 6B%utrg| will be filled at tlio shortest ‘*iioti‘.A A • Jjfrj “ The I'pirill'Pßn Saiooil, will at nil times ►be a fenst of “fat where, natures provision basket will be cm tied of its delicacies, mid served up with si ili luxuriant flavor gs to tempt the appetite ofthe most prudent dyspeptic, to satiety. This de partment will he under the personal supervison of I’Owcll, who intends to make it a perfect “lick log,’’ sodelieioi.othal itwill .be a luxury to “lick tjie dish es,” lie guarantees to fiiahe his eustortiers ‘Teel good” tor a week niter each:repast, at the “(Igb - tho: pe Luting baWn.” Give- us a call. tig.Who: pc, Lov. 12, 1852, 29—ts. GEORGIA, MACON COUNTY r \\ 'UEREAri, Amanda Rilev-appliestn me for let ’ v lertt of Administration on the estate of Jftfay otte Riley late of said county deeeaeed. These are therefor, to cite and admonish all persons interest• ed to he and appear at iriy office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any. exists tvliv sTifd letti-r! sboykl not be granted. Given under “my hand officially, W..,r, Ctyi.lJXS, Orfiinnrv. <lSf.29, 1852, . 27—30,1 IV© TICE.’ arid. y[l! persons w anting Difek work A done, by api.lyingtothe slibseribei'. Mv work shall lie executed lit as good style ns can bulk,as imf-lfo place and on asVcnsoniible terms. *• Fbr mrther iiiforination npjdyVo ,1. If, HOLLAND Oglethorpe, April.Bo,..z. ~, *BP 2—f, Macon WheelH* Sale. WILL be sold b, lore the Court (Rinse door in the Town of Lanier, Maconcfamitv. lietween 111” I L -I lio-irs ill sale oil : lo- bmkJTflc • boembejtoejt tbq,followingjajiflHp -wit: Burt of lot numbergn-vt^Eon,^*7)•oh block ; t\yo, tlill-ty-six (3d) feet frost hjMKySy-k: Ttihing down filtv ‘ (4-1 1 fe< l leet -wide, being all the |ori'f wlrtrifMßUHpßands on. known us the Ten-pin Alloy tyoutj-.urihVsAil. Si ivot. ami 0,- Wpiod bv Goff 4 .el'ty of William 11. saffify n fi fa in tnvor of Benjamin 1 fiffi Said-fiiglmm, D. W. Sellers and James M.. !f.: L ust©ff . . Also, one bay Jfortp feu or twelve yews old, levi ed on us tjp- properl#jgf Madilon Ilobbs to satisfy two fi fas in favor of.fiihariturtUvant, and Sturdi vant and Gilbert vs sOi(H foffis. Also, one hundred nill mtjijfteres oflaud on the South side of .creek bcirnr rntyt of number one hund red and twenty, (120) in“ U- l.wsply-pimti (29) Dis trict of originally Lee now Muetm coitnfy, level on by yjrtucofthree .hr-tieo.Court fi fifvor of Rhilip I. Rai-s and Others, vs J. prop eitv tevieiMllfifi, I l-i ,„dl,. . Also, lot mimbyMllWhr<-c (58) in the twenty ninth (29) pisn-i<.l of Oi-i. i ii:•! 1 v Leo row Mncon eounty levied on its tjiT prouyriy ofvSl M:tv, to satisfy aHfn in ii’.-.voj’ ‘of (Jfrt huH, tb vs *aid May, jroj>i*rty poHjtod out l y Mav. ’ AWj iol. uiinilfo, (vjd i ; • •lik^nth .(13) Difitriet of ©rj.inalJy* mow Maeon county, levied on aaiheqirojf'riy ioh IS. Har ris, by virtueof two Just ice Court i; ■’! la fitvor of Htephen llobfw, vs said Harris, y^j,l pro]#my levieil oif and returned tome ly an’ i i-operty pointed out by defemHmt. Amo, lots number five and six - . on Square clevwi (y) in West ogliihor; .e, h-wsl on by sun dry justice Court nTibi in lz vo . Carson, Gri vr and others vs dames M. Foster, sum lots’ well improved, said property levied ou and returned in ina bv Con stable. A lot number sixteen (15) ii, the second (2li 1) District of originally Muscogee now Mpcon county, levied on by u Justice Court fi fa in *a;of Join . Sturdivant vs Joseph Jolmsonr said levy made and returned Ip me by Constable. • Albo, fifty acre* more or less, of lot number one hundred and sixty, (1U0) in the first (lit) District of opiginnlly Muscogeejiow Maeon county, being the South-west conier of-said lot. levied on by virtue of two fi. fiis in favor ftf Elizabeth Goodman vs James P. Sltibbv Also, lqt number ninety (90) in the thirteenth (13) District of originally Mucogee now Macon conity, le vied on us t|ie property of A. M. Thomason to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Dirvjj If ill and others vs said Thom ason, said property pointed out, by defendant. THOMAS DIXON, Dc>. Sh'ff. NoV. Ist 1852. PUitls. BREAD, BREAD, THE undesigned would respectfully iiiforit the citizens ol OglethoK]ie and surrounding Coun try that he has opened a BREAD AND CAKE BAKERY, ’ A CANDY^IANUFACTORY. Parties and Weddings fornishod with ornamented mid other fancy Cakes. Die above articles I will supply fresh manufactured of tho best Materials. Terms CASH. Store on Sumter Street, third House South of Empire Hotel JOIIX STARK. Oglethorpe, Nov. sth, 1852. 28—ts HITOAR, Coffee, Syrup and Molasses, just receiv ed andforsale low by KAUFMAN 4 HRO. October 10, 1851. 26—ts OIR COENTRY’S GOOD IS OCRS. OIiIETHORPE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1352. j *. J i L .a. HUDSON & SCARBOROUGH. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN ’ DRY-MOODS &,GROCERIES, Hardware and crockery, hat’s, boots AND SHOES, RbJroY MADE CLOTHING* . , 4c. 4q, .On STiu:KT,,Ooi.RT|ioKriv G eoiioia. Planters ami Country Merchants are rpseiglly iu vrted to call and examine Hieir Stock, which is the largest ever brqughGto this Market. Oli-thorpe, ©ft. N’ov. Tsth, 1852. 2S—tf MACON ItRAYCH CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. FREEillitN, ROBERTS,& (o. Maiiiirnffnre’ii Se, Deaf‘-r *il CaSRI AWRt, lIARNKBS, ’ ’ARK 1 .-U-iK A'N u - AI.- i HpLM’Y yAIMI WAd'F. ('AKIMAGi- Ttf •iJ.\G:>, LEATHER, WHIPS, V.VU.v. ..ISHT-IS, ‘ A-e. ‘ ! j • -4iX NFMOVffOUS V ittl.R'B Vs A -iP HUVr. >rMF .• . .'. -MAN, U. y* -• i <>r]*o, lOV. otji, 1852. v “• - • 5 • ...... ;o.v t a . ID RI'AS, William .1. 11. Carleten i ppijes to * ” me lor loiters of Adirimislration upon the es tate of l)r. I. M. 11.-Cai'leton, lute sniLcounty de eeu-eil, T hese arc therefore to cite nud adniouißh all per sons interested to tiifaud‘appear at my oifiiee, vvith ju the time preserbed tly law, to show cause if any exists why s'nid letters should not be grunted. Given undW myrhand officially. W. J. COI.LINS, Ordinary. Nov Ist, 1852. 28—30d John w. iir.Aui.EY. r. u. nusos. Uopartncrship Notice. FBAIIE undersigned bavo formed n eo-pnrtnersbip JL for the purpose of transacting a (Strictly CASH) business in the sale of GISoCEItIES and PLANTA TION SUPPLIES. Their stock is large and varied, and being purchased Inf- CASH, will be Sold for CASH ONLY. They will also pay the highest mar ket plino at all times for Cotton and every kind of Country, produce. Wool, Ac, BRADLEY AHUSON. P. S.—The subscribers are not connected or in any way interested with any Commission or Ware- House in this or any other place, Oet. 22,1852, 26—4 t Mortgage Sheriff* Sale. WILL he sold before the Court house door ill the Town of Lani'-r, Maeon county, bet ween the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January next the following property to wit: Lot number sixteen (IB) on Square tiyenty-thre# (23) in the Town of Oglethorpe with the improve ments ihercon, sold by virtue of a Mortgage ii fa in favor of F. A. Nance, vs John B. Arnold, said lot Containing forty feet front ami one hundred and fift.v feet back. Also, lot number seventy-six (7B) in the thirteenth (13th) District of originally Museo gee now Mncon county, also, lot number one himdi red and ninety-sjx(l9B) fi the first (Ist) District ot originally MuSecgee now Macon eounty, also, lots number one and seven (1 A7) on Square t w eii(y,ti ve (25) ill the Town o: Oglethorpe, sold by virtue of n .Mortgage fi fa in favor yf 11. Stoddard A Go., vs John H. Arnold, Daniel F. Fleming Vs same, G. 11, Cnmerrou ys same, THOMAS DIXON, Dcp’tSh’iT. Nov. Ist, 1852. . 28—2 m. CITATION GEORGIA, ) -'\M j- Present W. J. Collms. t H-d. Macon County, )To all wlibm it may fbneeVn, l HEREAS Nathan Bryan administrator upon l* the estate gs MoGruilef Hrynn late of said eounty deceased, Hpplies for letters ol Dismission fiven {Ke administration of said estate —‘thorelure or- - dered that the kindred and creditors of said dec- as oi 1 Ih', and they arc hereby cited and admonished to flic their objections (if any l in mv office in terms of the-law ; otherwise letters ot flisiiqc-ion will be'grnuted the applicant, at the next My •term ofthe Court of Drdinarv of said County. “ By order of the Court, ■ * , _ W. J. COT.LINS, Ordinary. , Nov. Ist Jfp62, 28—mOni."* ss© REWARD. iTFULEN fopih the subscribers jdiißtation, itSfS iie mile East of Richland St” vurt Goun f T/S tj;Geo., on the night of the 19tU iust. oug small Iron Gray Horse, 5 years sci next spring, hoih laud feet white, and a small sear oil his breast, with marks of collar on his shoulders, walks mid trots well and Ims u shan't thin main, no other marks -recollected. Twenty ‘dollars reward wifi he i for the delivery of my horse, and thirty dollars lor the thief with proof Kirffieiehtsfo convict him, JOHN BLAK I.Y. Richian Co, Gn. Oct. 28, 1852. oi-ftb JOHA V. PRICE A CO. WAfl®-HOHS£ V i , v —v 10, AND ulf tj! ?3J'■ N Ill AV I: s.ioeiated with me in the 1 . ..LBN, WOO.-,- ex, .i. aee ill the Cotii>:. Business, will .. u crease my ficilities to -advauee and protect thoplJtn ters’ interest. 1 have also erected a URGE AM) CONVENIENT COTTON SUED, IN WEST OGLETHORPE; on tlio Branch, reaching from William to Pond Town Street, mid commanding a cross street in front, mid the Branch on the rear, thus ns effectually secure from FIRE, ns a EIRE PROOF house could he. 1 shall continue my cotton office, at the Old Stand, but nil Cotton sent to me for Storing will be put in the Branch Ware-Mouse, where Insuranoe can be effected at a low rate if desired by the Planter. 1 shall ilso continue E. W.*’ ns Principal Clerk and Book Keeper, who will nt nil times be ready to aecommodute and serve in bis department. With these increased advantages, I solicit a continu ance of public confidence ami patronage and take thia occasion to say to my planting friends that 1 have no interest dircotly nor remotely in the pur chase of cotton. iS'Tlie usual advaneees made on cot ton and pro duce in Store. JOHN V. PRICK. Oct, 22. 1862. ‘ 20—If. Notice to City Tai Payers. MY Ilyoks are now open for the reception of Oitv Tax. All who have given in must pay f before the first day of Nov. or execution wilJJx. sued Hganiatthein. T. A. SWEAnIItUF’ I Oglethorpe, Heps. 24,1862. GEORG/A % MACONiCOI A ‘EY: WHEREAS, Mirujiih B. .Smith Applies t.n ; mo for lei. era of Aduiinistrntion on fhoixstaie ot John M. Siuitii lute of enni eoufity deoiinsed: These am thefWore to cite nud all persons inter ested to be arid appear at my office, witTiin tho time prescribed bv law, to’ show em.-e if any exists, why said letters shoNild not be granted. Given under my hand officially, j ** -J2 W.'J.L'OLLINS, ('rdirihrv. Oql Sfr 1852. __ 27—81 id WOOD, BRAULFiY Ac CO. tQtiNUFACTUftERS OF AND DEALERS IN imnm, ’ xkxt to the i-amkk ;mh -k, v . ■'N. 77) WHERE wCkeejieotlstantly oihaml, (and “i are manufacturing atom* Man laeloVv near !be liver,) every style nud finish of Furui iv. <>i which ihe following comprises apart. - Any and Black Walnut Dressing Bureaus— ■ i rus—Center Tables and Wash Stands, with -u “ -shout marble tops —Card, Side, and Ladies’ ; Work Tables—ttjtntnqts—Mahogany, Black Wal ! nj, end Cherry Dining and Tea Tables-r-Work ”B—Portable Desks—Teto-a-Tetos-k-Sofas—Di v: , —i aumjiuiis— Quartette Tables—Looking Glas ses, Looking Glass Plates, Ao. vn tins, m ‘more than twenly different, patters—Ma i imganycßladk Walnut, and Cuiicil‘Mu]dc,.—besides a variety of Stained and Painted, both phuii and onia nieiitaY Roofing Chairs of Mahogany, Walnut, Curled Maple, and other kinds, of various patterns. All of tlm nen style of. Furnilur# ave received By this house a* -eon ns they come out in Boston, New • Yotk mul Phibnlelphi *. BEDSTEAD**, of Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Curled and plain Maple, and Poplar. -* WINDOW SHADES, a large assortment cohstant lvmt baud. GILT CORNICES and Pi\tures. ‘ FEATHERS, and Feather Beds. .MATTRESSE'*', Os Ourb-d Hair, Moss and Option. t3y"Ladies and Gentlemen are most, respectfully invitedto give ns a cull before purchasing elsewhere, os we shell use onr utmofit endeavors to please both in quality imd in prices. To MANCFAL'TI'RERS. For Sate, Copal Var nish, el alio anv and Trimmings. lir FUI! V I’ITRE REPAIRED. CHAIRS and SO FAS UK-SEATED with Cane and Hair Cloth. C3?” Hereafter at. Reduced Prices for CASH. Oet. 22/1852. 2B—tfl* r* — i ~""* . • - * GEORGIA, iflfat’on.Foinjly. Ht HERE As, John C. Ashbufn npplieitto me for letters of administration, debonis net’ wi:h the will annex-ill, mi the estate of Josejdi IMwards lute of said county deeeasyd, Thew are taerefme to cite and admonish ail nndsingulflr tjie UeiijffLliui lvil and oi'editqrs ol tile said deOen-feil, toamllYieir objectio: to tins; sable in-my office, byiroVeY'sb, Mondiiy in December uex-t, il'auv they liiyt, imjy ‘.\ W. J. C-OLLI-NrG<)&. . !\ Vet; l'.ltb le.i?. 1 Georgia, Macon eoisuSy. ‘ “ • \ %-V llEHEAS._(tfoero ill. Youiig and 5 V\hpp lyTo me 1 for letters of AdniiifigtfiitiqjiJpii tl|o,estate of JoKmrtßtrig,’ late ot Maeoiy county, dee asjjfc Jgf .- Tfojfc’Jti'eTlie.reforo to cif ebiflMhimii ish all (Hid* sin,aWfa©ni‘kin"di‘Gl un i erodjjßrigirhniiEd, oeMgiJ to |>-:ir at mv - .Jfcitlo oe pi scribed flfc, law, to rlu.w jjßpfff any exists, why said htf|. honl’l not b COLLlN'lWtli'mry. September 2-1, 1852; 22-1 m. Xew oiY itli tinti intei* Uifpm FOil 185^, Ts’now -daily arriving, direct from tiie Crty/of * nLvv YoitK, - Jt-* and comprise the I .nrgA- gurf best ele*e'od stock of JBJS Xiii. _ CTa3 CX E 5 TO over hrytght \p this market, ‘’ ('.real, pains have tVera taken in this stock expressly for the t it y mill qountry tiade. It eonqirises every variety of yJLadios BN-li Dress (ioods, of Also, a full assortment, o Rihbonit, Laccfi falox cs nud Hosiery. AI.Sl;; A splendid assortment of Keadv-madci Clotliinff* .y ~ For (*( ntlniicn, ‘•warranted"to fit or no sale.” fi] lIOKS AND BOOTS. ffeioF ALL Sl/KS ANl>. WLALt j U’S. coiI'JUTS 4- r,4PS in vwiotv, iimdo exprog.-]y for the fre - j ent season, A general stock of Saddlery, Hardware, Crockery CHltler.v Ac. in short, everything that eon Id be cnil a for in nj /fry Goods Store. j ,v i -viiioli will ba sold on the most ncenmnuxln-j tii.. i.-i i. a. Ihunkfnl to his friends for the liberal pat i . “ lieretolbru extended to liiin, lie respectful)’ a CMtmupqoc of their favors, nnd hopes li nTdeaii'i to merit the eohlidcuee ana share tit • trade ot the jttHhllo. Qjs”S#tore on the corner of Sumter nnd Ouylc • Streets, opjiosite the *‘EBtj>irc 1 louse.” Oglethorpe, Sept, 21, 1852. 22-ts. CARMI c 4C X , WARE-HOUSE AND Cosaimission Im'chanis. / St> TilF, late firmof (!. (J. CAUMKHLEL A (jo. ifcfjthuvlng iterocMted \vitl> them in the r.liifi’e iiess. Mr. THOMAS J. MrMK'H.KL, of Mm fur eounty, tender their thanks for past patronage iml ask n eontimintiori Os Im-ii ee* to their new l’iiv. \ | Having ronverted their old \Vare-hqis"C into Livery and Sale Stable, they have tnllt Uni Ware-house remote from the di-V’ 1 ’ of Uve, on\ Randolph Street, iidjoinAseX-l*’ I’hinters’* house. Their nfion will be given to tin- interest of tliw -IfftonieiK. The new firm -' rtl knowji and designated ns the firmof B-i-14 f'o, ti. r. “ica.Kt, /. r. lURVirv, t. j. xiouniAtL. ** Deiiiociri't ph a<e copy. . ‘Oglethorpe, Sept. 2 1, 1852.” 22-Iy. MjIRK.NUI Win.tew Glass, for side hy -R B.YEAD 4 CILU’M.VN. ‘ Oe*. 17 if OlvSlSlIOlvSl'&e . Uimtik ri!N!TE\'TIAKY.— I j*, \ I.argo>nsortmen|of Ni.GKO >lllE?.'well ljSH§uaide ninLof t!i’ best material, for Mile'by She quunt-tty nt-Gpie Dollar pi r | air# ** ©nt’jTwo Four-horNc Wa vvilh or uiSlaosii gFlarness, One Measure Carriage, Jersey Wagons t'j’f. TABLES, BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, FI'.CinITA RYS, TABLES AND BEDSTEADS, For Sale low lor Cash., JAS. S. Gilt iDjTON, A Dook Kei per. / Millodgeville, Sept. 24, X 65- 22 4t.yf CffKOUCirlA, SHncoii County. VVMIKItEAS, Ciceo 11. Young und John oim^ * apply to me for letters of Admiuitrr.m>n the estate of John Young late of paid county deceased These are therefore to cite mid admonii b nfl pyrsons interested, to lie anil appear at my officii; within the time prescribed by law, to sliow er.uao ii’ nny.exirts whv s lid letters should not be granted. ™ Given under my hand offudallv. W. J. COLLINS, OrditHnw Oet. Ist. 1852. 23—80d. ios'S A Note on AY. A. Williams, nnule pay.ildo'to A1 JtC fred Rouse or bearer amVofiJoived by 11. W. Griffin for |25 ilftjed'sometime iti 1851. All per • forwartiedfrom trading, for-said i.oto, and the parties from paving anv. one except myself. Jepti 24, 1852. 22tf. ‘ CHERRY’. (Iglethorpe Lanil For Sale. THE lots,f land known, ns the Tenq let on lot ly ing bn the west side of tlm-eity the niost of which lies withindhe iuiui ] orntioiu. it offered for sale on very moderate terms, either ail in’ a body or in lots of size to suit the purcfcwonkgg Ape. pl.v to the undersigned resiling three miles west o.j Oglethorpe, or to Win. A. or Robert Templeton on tho premises. A. 11. GREEIt. Oglethorpe, Oof. 8, IS.V*. 21—flp - ‘~T~ - sUttgift. “7 fdDOM,i% WILDER, Ogl -thorpc, June 18th, 1852. 9—ts €o(ttu Rark(. The innrlctt is i.neliaSgod, pliers rnpgrifrom 8 to ,8) etsV*'- ‘XL; “ 1 . jifctoi, Tin-l-’le'ef ion is over nmldTelo’gruphie des)fotehrs -report that evefy statb in iho’Lnjpu.lias gone for .Pjereo and Kun;except Vermont lmd jMnssnehusetpi. j ■- I’ielve :'ns J I, etoi al VflMl and Scott 18. j I I Vive.- Majority in the electoral ertiflege gun. } Another ZIaST Sheet* vDur prineiph* workman bt‘i*n m oessarilv and wo not ytt audit ivutly refcov -10 r( ' SUl^e 4)11 r tabors wo are cvrnpolled, w ith ro t< issue nnoi!i i* half Liio- ;. \V> mmvo mr rou % however, Unit they shall lose nothing lv as thiJ 1033 wiH ho fully made up bo* lore of (ho volume. Change or iiubSuatiGcii Ray, ..Eimiiu’git will 1 e advantngpus both to oum-lf and pnfrons, to change ourdny of publication, tho <l, or gian will hereniter be issued every Thursday Morn ing, instead of Friday. Foreign Items. That “coming event,” the umpire, Is enht ing its slinciowa before- Amongother things, the faces of the heathen gods and goddesses in the garden of t’.e Tuileiios, have all been well washed; an operation which they griev ously needed. SenH'olding has been erected, and woiktncn have been i.ealouSly employed with scrubbing brushes. threat stonns have recently occurred in tho Baltic, and there lave been many sLip uTeck.s. • Ladies’ cloaks continue to ’l.o made of black cloth. Liuhroidered collars tie worn larger than they were; and slippeisat*again made with high heels. The .Maifjui.s of linnlly is the father ofthe ’ House of Lords, having been hoin in 1 Tf>l ,* j and hating therefore completed his 91st yetir. A giil named Mary Elizabeth Pqniml.the i <luughter of a laboring man living near Ipswich, has been earning great excitement by appearing to subsist without cither food j or drink. Tlio case has been investigated by a number of persons, but they have not as vet been able to unite in an opinion with regard to her being an imposter. Not a militia man has yet been raised in North Devon or Cornwall. In Cornwall, the miners are getting j£3 10s. a month. A (unman gemlomnn named Leidcrsdroff, who 1 has just died, nas left 400 thalers a year to the htirs male of Schiller, for < ver, “as a mark of admfrntion for poet’s genius.” An almost incicdiUe number of English vvoika are now translated into llorniw. j Amongst recent emigrant-: to Australia are a son of the Bishop of Exfctqt who i.s gone but ns a settler near Mclburno, and the Hon. •and Rev. Baptist Noel’s son, who is gone to practice at.the Australian bar. Anew jytnody for hydrophobia tins been found. The wound must be washed with (vinegar, or tepid water, and well di ied. Then a few drops of muriatic acid must be poured on the bitten part. The Liverpool papers state that the t migra tion from that port to Ist October, 1851, and 1852, rcßfectiuly was as fellows, tebips. l'."K*engo:s. ‘ IRSL 483 15(1,174 18 -...485 175,15(1 The w hole number ofpussengtift 1851 was lwf.m. Tcrni->jt>3 OO iei advance, $3 OO at tlio end ofthe year The Economist lately gave two or three x*- cipes for manufacturing Lnglish l'otfr-ii’ -The same paper suites, this week, ape some eighteen or twenty establishnftfiu in Lp'mitfh tvliicli paid duty in 1833 for 148, 840 gallons of manufactured wines. Sine* then, the annual produce has increased tc aboi/HT2< ! ,OOU, of which about 00,000 gal lotVsre British jort. Linger, green ginger orbtige, raisin, Muck currant, white currant, Fed currant, rasberry, cowslip, elder, chain- port, sherry and tent, are all manufac tured in one house in London. They are all made much in the same way, and about equal ly spirituous, and flavored with the fruit from which they are named. Champagne is made from grapes; capo wine is used in the man ufacture of port and sherry • tent is made from thq black cherry. British port and sherry can he sold retail at Is. 2d. a bottle. Brit ish ehauipange is sold to the trade at 21s. to 2Ps. a do7.,but the consumer has to pay 4s. to Os. a bottle for it. These facta are now Gated as an argument for the reduction of the imported duties upon foreign wines. Macon, Oct. 7th, 1852. Mit. Editor :—1 have lately returned from i trip into fV nth-western Georgia. It has -been uiuisnall v sickly in that section thia fall, mostly'iuL'iniittent fever. The court in Ma eon county, which generally sits two weeks, uas adjouniodjOn Wednesday, holding but two days and a half on account of the sick- ■ ii'ess in the county. 1 The crops of cotton, in many places have ’ been seriously injured by enterpilar, boRJ| \vorin, rust, <Mc., but where they have met W'itter no disaster the fields look finely, and altogetkjjw# er the yeildln South-westeihLeorgia an avci-npe one. The young city of Oglethorpe present* quite a fine* business appearance, from the number of cotton wagons crowding the streets. . The staple is coming in pretty freely.- .Among the improvements, the best, certainly the most important to tho traveller, is thf new. Hotel. The Empire House is a credit to the city and to its'gentlemanly proprietor, Mr. Cain. The table is abundantly supplied tfffl dregsed provisions, and it is a luxury (g repose one self in the neat and wi 11 made beds. ‘1 he ar rangement ofthe house in yvery department shows that it is in the hands of pusons who understand thtjf business, and wffio maku it an object to make their guests coinfoffiable. It is one ofthe beet houses I have visitea any where, and is dest rvcdly well patroinzed. The Soutli WL tens Railroad is in excel lent cdhdition, it-- management gives evidence dial it is in the hands of competent and faith ful officers, and must | ay large dividends this season. The road 1 understand is to be ex tended on to Americas ; wjiat effect that will have on the prosperity ol renu in* to bo seen. Mostoftj;o citizens l have heard speaks of it tnihk it w ill d<> hut little injury il aiiy. A bridge is soon to lie built across tho river near which must bring a largo wagon trade from livvm. Dooly and lloustou counties, very litfle of wl icli they g<t now. Youis, vVc. T. Among tho pnr.seiigo:s.,in the America, which left Boston on Wednesday last, we no tice the'urine of Lord Mount ( hinles. This young-gentleman eaino tfiHhis country on the painful mis) lon of enilt nvoi ing so find his sis ti“, who came here seme time since under very pcci.liar circumstances; but hit cfTortc have been fruitless, and he lias been obliged to return to England without tier. Wennder stand that he* has left instruction* with his agent here, to foiwnnd any conuuunicatioa that may he addressed from the young lady, intimating at tho same time that it will be fa vorably entertained and to a reconciliation of all parlies. ‘1 he advance of prices of English rails ha had a favorable effect upon mills hi this coun try, and enabled some of them to resume opera tions. The Montour Woiks has just made a contract for twenty thousand tons with the Pennsylvania Central Works at something ove r $55 per ton, oquakio cash. Ten thou sand tons*are to lip delivered this year, and ten thousand in the year 1853. The Moun Savage works, it is said, are also to be put in opera lieu soon by Mr. John F. Winslow, of 7 roy, N. Y. The New \ork Tribune sny that n purchase of two thnsand tons English rails Were made r (lint city, ou Tuesday, bv •the Baltim-ne ami Ohio Road nt $57 50, equal to cash. ‘ Drunkeqcrs impairs tlio understanding, w antes the estate; tiertroys reputation ; con slimes the body; and renders the man of the brightest parts a Common jest of the meanest clown. > Mr. E. (’. Turner of Macon ly cxLibitcd nt tlio office of zetto, a stalk of Cotton UnW'lZr, nound* and nine full grown hoik’ 1 ’ computed—one linnd* A •—flic product ■* s r''Tir"a 6 “Mm of colton. vet used A -tJ/k y ti Sum I'”’ 1 '”’ U> ’ NO. 29.