The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, January 06, 1853, Image 1

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Office on Sumter Street, j VOL. 2. HIE SOUTH ffUST.GIWIIIiIAiV Is published every ‘fimrsday Morip&g by , B. W. ALUESN, Solo Proprietor. Payable in advance, for one year, $2 00 3f not paid in advance, 3 GO SST Payment, any time within Throe Months from rtho t ime of subscribing w.ijl be considered in advance. o£r A notice to xtiicon ’ inut- the paper will Ac regarded until all arrtMiidi pre paid. s months SnWrijitions will he received on the ?sam terms in]iei’j.nsi<itttti fiinc tie •yearly. 1 given hy'tilO (li-rense -1, tin’ PRACTICES .hi the counties of Macon, Houston. Marion, Suuirer,’ jSjffifj-titfd LBsj He will also , continue tt> practice in the following tommies of the SouUiorh i Oircnit^l i ulnsk^ i ' r lWttii',,lr-i''in ? ;.'iJl^)jiitts,. I ..U lull 1 Inn I|. v. ih und Applin-. I)CO. 12th. ISM; ‘ ‘ * “s—ts ATTORNEY AT Uff AM) NOTARY iTLLK', @j?! e'IK orpe,! <&e oryr ?a. “F April nth,'is:, \ 2— ls A TT ot N e"yS A T.LA W tin ■• ’. |i i. ‘H- • 111 Mi - . ‘tinti -,,1 I : • I ivi. 20. IS.V2. ■ All IT UK & HAJLIL, \ ATTORNEYS AT LA \V Oglethorpe. fia. WWT IU. riiA(';TICE in tUeVtiperiov('purls of nil T* rhe civil tics of the MncmiffircViti’Yli lire, linker nmi-Sninter. <>i tlnASouth AUe.-tpvn ('irisi ii, and in Marion.mid Taylor q£ the t litv!.h|h(MH;hec Circuit. Alsu in the eiupivmo Ctnir* fttyJlacofi, Db- Onliir, I ‘oh.oihp* n-fi] ■Atn-riol'..-. sTKi>m:?i i’. .vtu.m:!:, rtuntLiau. scdteinJb^aflißwjpnjßwlßMlßßWiHßSßß “ w. (Hi! Attoninj at Xino. ■ ‘ r, '-'A'V^J3S--t?p.THJiBRT > Cijf ..a his ser- JOgr vices to the citizens obOglet.lioi po iiinl vicinity, s Airs. Baws.irrij ImtMe, on ihti cor ner of ‘Ojuiifimti and Miu-on (there h _>nay he found at all times, nidesa absent.on.pi’ot'driunnil bu aiiieSs. A ~ )Jau. 80. . Alz hi'OTICE. ‘• FRANCIS S.RITfI, IK IK S., tOmkate of It*tyltmorr of Oential Surgery, agraarau, HAS rojnovcd to‘Oglethorpe and rcs mmmßt ...vtf.niv -tiMft i Q-UTTTy community generally to call on him. He has just returned- lrein Hallimorn and is in JiOS HCsaion of nil the new nnd latest lifypraVglgefltp in Dentistry, such in* Air i'hnniber Suction pint**?, tor ontirc setA 1 ; Jaw tuid- w>etli, entire acts, with out springs, &.e. msW* wishing work clone would do well to exfunim* his now styles. Ofhoe at present, ’at the Pavilliutt House. May 7, 1852 *— tr LEGAL ADVERTISEMENI Macon Sheriff* ttales. WILL Dp sold before the court liotiaOj.d the town of Lanier on ilii? Tuef. February be I ween the legal hours of sale, tl lowing property to wit: Lots No. three and four (3 * 4) in block i (U)wext, Oglethorpe levied on by virtue of a ti h Macon Superior Court in favor of Carson. Gr. Cos. vs. James M. Foster, property pointed b plaintiff. Also, lot No. two (2).sqnnre fourteen (14) ini} megtt-tlioi l ull .Macon Superior Court ill favor of Carsitnl! Gt, Cos. vs. lfpvis Gwinn, property pointed qi Knslrr • tamy4ivo ftlJiar,. ‘'ff-';’ at'i'il willi mi in :•! • >: lin •lay o',’ dj tort tl t tL>- u!n is ii triu- copy ii-fB iay ifccket, ad ian ull A. uiiik aLcoim.K. u rx RI , fj ~ A true o.vtjMPH*ia tlio (stray ttls lids Deei ij her 141 li 1 W. . CUL ts C’lk 1, V. ro H;,4RB-2, 8-j—:im. UROtGII, Mrcoij ttinty. VAyIIEUv.AS, Henry Aieltou*] o In ale for lei **.ttTß Os Aiinliaistrutipri'-bn H ‘'’ ate of Sinio Hiiihins late of -said coußv dociw These 1 nr therefore to cite ttli<l .OiSreiiisli id <- .ue inlere.A Oil to te ahu appear at. ny Oißci ii da the Lout prescribed by law, to sfoW cause ai f exists why said litters should not b.fernrjtto \ Givou under uiy,hand pfHdaffy \ v Vl ’ 1 ‘ li.l S Drdiimry. ’ Dec. 16. ISSah-’ Bg r lWd \ §!XifY’ uiiys after did appliea r will' I be imdii tolhe onlinaiy of S inter coi r for r le%ve to sell a portvni of the pCTt mal proj y of Ifcmy 11. LuinpHii fold ifeoetiseU fir the bet of the Loirs and creditors of said dci -used iUILII’ fOK Adm’r. With 1 the Will annexed I ‘ I Dot. 80, 1852. J l— wlm OGLETHORrE, GEORI’dA, THHISMY, JANUARY 6, 1863. JfiMAMIIM ■Old dla.vtuck.o ] *Y 1 : 4 CHAPTKIt 1. Among the older residents of Logan couni , there are few but, Itno.w personally, or bt putation, the eccentric individual known tii dd Blaylock.’ THfe last time he w*vs aetui ’ the writer of this aueetjote, wsts .iftjdMliab iny, day, in the (till of man of perhaps sixty-five years of age, bow- Idowtt and infiipn. His-bnir was quite gray, s face Was flusned, as if by inttMOpeviince •and his eye had a strange restless glare, be-m leaking a'pertu*bed spirit. Ffl? many yehfjr. I am coifeetfy infiaam a, ne fiad lived clortbs a hut sojpew here in the vicinity of Lake pen.cer. T'r lied soon after the giiated, a childless ? desolated okij His reputation among his ncg-iboi s w.-s far ■cm Inting enviable.. Many believed'that he as engaged'in- coining,’ and leircutostanyes ‘ endured flie plausible. ITe.lcH eon known to promis'd his creditors ntoitey; tTi special time, aud-lvvhen the.V Would i-fijl >r it he would pay them Spanish ddllarsjkot sis fresh from five dies.- lie was several imes arrested ami .examined; but'it was ei lw?F guiltless, or so expert in themanufacUire f niohey, that ho could pet b detected:— Vfieri his dollars wbi-e ofle'n'd.” •'n • evideftce,’ lOne. woOkl swear tliat'they-V,-ere spurious.— )fhcrg equally .uncharitable, ait ibukd to (lid: ifaydock the diabolical arts of the sorcerer. Idlieving that he had league and coiupaiiion ;hip with the.'evil one, l(is rjrjsciioc.wus shun ted by tnany with su{n>rftitious dread. But tlicf<) \\ ta'e cffcunistnnces.'irnknowii to he mnhitude,’ connected with the early hislo iV of Blaylock', amply sufficient to account all his eccentricities. A crushed and bro ken heart throbbed in the bosom of that} strange old man. Ami oftcn\when shut in .is lovyl, the uncharitable imaghiod him jirac. tjsiug the counterfeiter’s art, or hi unholy - Bojnmuuioh with the Spirit of DarlKess, be was in truth brooding over the mcinoV of a bdfnrng wrong, of which, in youth he nYtthe tlvlial. 0, that there was more charity in this wo * of ours! that we were less ready and willi ij to impute sin to our fellow men! l-ormti“i do we thus wrong those who are as guilt! h* as ourselves. We have, indeed, too li iC charity for the Actual transgressor. 1 beli rb that man is the creature of circumstances. ! do not so far arraign the ben ilicence hi ie [good Gad, who created us, as to behevad at •lie sends some men into the world totally • - praved, mentally ami morally fitted forcri e, I believe no such thing, ldo believe thai ;o who to day preaches the gospel'from the A pit, and ho for murder suffers ideath on e sc#bl‘U mjght, by a change of eireunir.La.nt s,* have been made to clmnge,places. And wj n I hS&ar the self righteous man or womau i hounce, in Ml ..or term"-, those wb&lmve li ned and irlkh, I can scarce Wraiu r drcsM-i - i’ re'ii in language like this; ■ your viti. premium ! raUiciyltoik God tfitn he has plitcod yqu in and posit .i where the strength of your virtue was lie r tried!” . For rhe; lollo.wiug facts am indebted- 3 rnaitor to*'whi>rn. The nhidrv may take tl. i lor what they are worth; bt-Vn v- “nh kill • as hp chooses. 1 pub U-b jn'in i'-* j ll *' l !'' l > : „n- < ’ fa inn a who n...i.y L.u, ~ h:d.4wv.- friendr., v.ho lived uulo'.cd, :|t ! died imlameiiirei; but whv>igbt have lij! and died ujhler other auspices, had not ■ Streams (if his svinpatliies and imiiul, poisoned at the fountain whence ricy re: \ ~■> j ;i ylocl-.” was the assumed naiue ol Lvl awl WakVslev, tile son of a farmer in > \ At the time of which write, !.iv fa4ucr was dead, nod he reside with his wl.'owed mother. They were i eomtorfaM’- Circumstances -but not rich; 1 MKWiii, assiuuoiiily cultivated, affiordc I a liveliliood. ’i ke little house on thl Prill side where tliey dwelt, wa3 the odmnaj [ tion of the whole ni ighbmhood,and the trav< 1 ler who passed that unl'reqiKmtod way, pnus-1 ed long to contemplate its beauty. thath it was a morlel ol architecture, not thut-j wealth had been lavished in its but because the hand of taste had taught thel vines to clifnb by the windows, and hud plant ed the lilac ami honeysuckle by ibo do- : There the locust spread its shade, there the I rose exalted its fragrance, and there the birds l sang sweetly through the long summer day* Within sight of the dulling of the Blakcs levs lived the nearest neighbors, old Jos. Jackson and Thomas Winstar; They were both wealthier than the widow Blakei ley, but all three of tbo families had 1: u f * l in jdmuto and friendly terms so ymmially exist ing among the farming ckiss ot our people. Lycasid Idukcsley and Dav id Jackson, the JoMjln were both about twenty** two years of age. They had been on ulti mate feruis P not beennso of cangeniahty ot disposition, l>ufcbecausc iu the companions they \yere 1 !1 jp g _ | compelled to associate with ear 1 ’ OT it C 01’ N THY ’A,-G 00 D IS OGBS. vid was an agreahlc companion when be was iu theTnoml; he could slug a song and tel ha story’ witto unrivalled success amkapplauso. fHo possessed in an eminent degree those ae icqpuplishments which eaptjvntn the supei tieial undtitrftle. At every gatbewttg'o! 1 she young h f#lks of the - neighborhood he kva i "sure totbe and wherwer he was, there seemed to be tie point of attraction. For hours he ywbffid |iitertain the crowd with ad mirably told, or oh aim them with his spark uneultivated He was consequently 1 favorite, smiled upon and ca ressed. But. wiser thocemers of inmuto ciiar i neb r winiid have placed a ditlereht estimate HH9yU! .!acl,-“a; he v >uhl Ndve iuarked Pec a licence of moral principle, without which 3 maq, whatever may lie his shinuirig accom | (li hiit. .n s shpuhl be shunned and avoided, i or one so far removed from the gtoat school the wpi'id, lie Was deeply versed in ilie dan gerous aft of dissimilation ; he possessed tire faculty of concealing the mpst bitter hatred, aftd bad a heart capable bf dervieiug and a in.ijd dni'iiYg Vifougli to exectito the darkest sc'deme 6f revenge. iilverard, on the other hand, was frank and open ’as the day. and possessed of a remarka- ‘ t-ld And amir.'iblejcivst of mind. Os a delicate orgai r a lion ;a: -. (lw shrinking sensibilities, he very rarely, mingled with the crowd. He loved father the retirement of the fireside, and the e’cnipanionship of books. Such means asttiie eouiitry afforded lie improved, and he, . oohsc.'inepjlV 1 possessed far more intelligence i ompanion. ‘t'iie'fauiily of Thomas Winston consisted of himself, Iris wife, nnd an Only daughter.— Kffie Winstar was a blue eyed, fair haired girl, now At.the charming stage of life when ■ the form nssmiteii the shajie of woman, while yrt tlie heart retains the simplicity of the child. -All uncoprciou:. tvds -she of the Admiration she excited, but the rustic youth for many a mile, afonnd, .felt a rib-angc thrill iti the bo son) when they heardpeonounced the name of liffic IVinstar. What woucler that Everard Hlal esley And DaVid Jackson were rivals for her aflectipti ? What wonder’ that when thyy metat thequil tiug party, or'thc “apple paling,” ■fliexf strove cw::i*! ifiTtTWH iKrft r "niT''"-OTTX3"irr nnftfitig-her littie arm, of vvalkiiig in the quietmoonlight by her side, of,listening to ’ sweet voice ? ‘ f _ *** P For months this rivalling con tinned |- and ’..-.ln . -i'll, idimm .f the gnfl si|9o(’ the’ueighbdriioodpto jlpuiet the redt. ; ’l'iire neighbor boy s became estrafiged ; Da vi4nn : liverard very never rri-n iu each nth et-5 couipniiy, unless when, met at ienri yf the cduniiy gatheritigs. “ jk* : t f . F camrereii. , One bright Septvnlber evurmg, vlme Evt I avdis.a with Iris mot her i.i their vjjgre i m-l.'oWtn ered homojon. tbe was surpriseji ; bv tin- a11■ *. i.liltlobi fitlift-u^^pßr Jackson, who brought ti'nicssMMk-lifom ktfer requesting amninfci|icw. “ *.' , 'OjDoa ; ny,^Md)jJ_s f .'riMie bov. “to fatliel barn ; tQjv|§ ,ss■ aliy glad of an oppi.iia..:-.;. to la-con e ivoiltiled to ’.!■ oki; pl-iymate Lycra id pm- | cecdfjii to 4*e appeiured place, where in; iou(.d David in waiting to ‘proffer him wiiat svenwd a fi'jiuk and fiifljglly hand. .fpvera'td,” said lie, wo have been (Hew s, wo have been playmates at school; we ium* grown to manhood side by side; why shot Id there be hard feelings between us now i” “There is none on my part,” said Lvcraid; • “ijiort gladly do 1 take you bv tlie hand, dud Assure you of my friendship. Our separation has been to me u source) of extreme pain ; I have passed many slcepl jss nighis, feeling that 1 had your ill will.” j A reconciliation having been effected,/the two young men conversed together until a Rite hour, when, with the mutual iff regard they separated. Lverard returned to Iris home, and wa; al ready beginning the narralion of iris ii ter iview with David, when Isis mother, wi li a Woice of alarm, interrupted bins— T?j l l “YVlial ligiit riiimt Jvvcrardf As I li.'i), the iouso of Mr. Jaekso* is on fire!” Lvernvd rushed ttilthu dom:, nnd then yith lut jrausing a moramt, ran as swiftly /as ; he Mid go to thescendof the fir*; a f quarter of a mile; but ere he arrival, the Ireat barn of fi|iUK r Jackson filled wiilJgrAin, jas in a contlngvatid) wlrich nothing could bnteraet! How it hissed, and roaud, and lined up in Uio lienWns! And the ri ‘ptsm |r sky t f efiected it lilt-k to earth. David Jackson was tontemplating tlie scent Evenird approacliid. I lHow did i, ocourj David ;” said Pa . id without a wad or reply, tuyHodsbl- W away. \ \vera;d returned ,* his horncA brninglcan)vV-*%U and beautifuh ‘i ho da.y to pa"gles m the grass; the llirds v.Yvtlging their molnlng hymns to Deity. ! x id iut/eed, wore tje inmates of the lifile I co l tlie hill side. ‘I ho mother was eugiW j duties while Lverard was ma l preparations sos his day of work. Rudely and without cyicmonv the floor was opened, and the shwifl'of Uie County en tered, benrhjg in liis hand a State warrant, and grasping liverant roughly by the arm, he said, in a f;ruff voice: “You are my prisoner!” ■ “For whatt” was the agonising interroga tory ofLvcrurd. “You will know for what for. I never yet arrested a villian, but he effected ignorance of Ute ■cause. You are cnarged. nry tiiiebel- ghati* ntore,’ there’ is j abundant proof of your gum. w ’’ ist^Lpil “It is false! false as Got! livlthkj can prove by David Jackson, when l left the barn—<—” “Noneof vour pwiestation, my bid! Gome with, me !. Get ready! V will see that you burn no more bams, for a time at least (.” Poor im>tho)\of life rani IhdieSilcy 1 ¥ Doling paient of a g:.ibi.-ss but ill-fated sou! (.'ansi thou survive this blow l Palo* as a corpse, sue had sunk into a ch.-dr. Spew I dess in terrible agotiy, her eves only revealed ; Hut as the Sheriff hurried J’verard anyv she arose, ran wildly out, and ciiedAti uiiaents that vvoidd have awakened coinn.-jpbn in any breast— As “O, sir, ; vny boy is innocent! H never in jured a human being ! He is too kiiplton geii spare him thi.-: Wait but & day, “Alas, uiy good wqlHun,” said fee iShefiff.’ my duty is peiempjpFv. 1 may not delay; i but it weru ci u. l tqjfeoaceal fi om you theguih of your son. .vjwdnath of 1..: ire .reu renders certnin -sets perpetiaior ot the mime.” And the Sheriff, with his prisoner,, hurried wy. / toily can conceive tbo agdnv of feat muting, To was .flour! The pi mo and giory of old ago was,reft from her side. . poke to her so hiredy, whose smile was ever ready ut greet hor, whose every look iesaried with affection for her was torn r uiu-i i died one was the in mrt • of a piismi; hw name damned with the infamy of m ime! CAti sj’ie endifro r.ll this ’ Can she. remain ht tire dgar hotnc, that liver m- wt. 41- ■ •Gye.akv: -MWMiwhL t.dtc delight in the tioUors that he jrilihfed, in the \luCb ttiai he fesiued YwßEpfoVi hand! to retu-ned in okcn-liclirteil! ‘i he agony !;... ! her, and she A chiingt catno owvr her mind, m goLtiu’ present. Vi as sSe ■ crazed : She was a’ uiri, happy ai.d joyous i%.b<!rf ■mi-. Her i'a tie,-. .mn • i:-a> md 1 iityt on the i t-.; !, h.. ii.<T.- her, .- n.l s;.ogo gout ’ iy-MWAS-iuc \vot. lie rnrlii iFtd’ the old ■p|P*trr% on the l.i-./u : :an to she hill [top that looked down upoiriHior Itoln#; she .sought toook, side, and saw the tiny shells iu its crystiaf depth. There was no room for sorrow iu her heart! Jhe Vision changed. She stood a happy bride, at the altar,'and by her tide stood the father of llverard iilakesuy.* ‘I he hopes of fliat joyous hour were reproduced in all their freshness in her lreu.i t. Once more the vision changed. Blift sat by the bedside of her dying husband. She took his clammy.hand iu her’s. ‘ills tears ran scalding thei • path way down lierchyek. ‘ II is last words fell meanifully up her ear. !’e careful of our boy! llpar him iu the ways of virtue ; teach shun the aye ql‘ crime more studiously than he wpjjjth'shuu *death ! Hid him rememiier that God’secs him knows every act, reads every secret theughi of the riioart. ‘tilicn, when he lies os bjs dy ing pi Hoy*', he will not fear to depart! God bless von !”and the husband and father expir ed, white, fee blessing still lingered on his lips. The iUusum was dispelled; the terrible present was before her. . ’lie was from tlie home of her youth. Father, mother, husband, were all dead, and she was alone. Her boy, her dear boy, for whom alone she lived, was branded wife'll ill on’# name. eii.vrrrnt in. Already far and wide, Jbcs fy-rend the yu mar oflilvcriml's guilt, i'huve ofemrem.-irk fd —and who not ( that rumor boots iuL-Ili f ence where no tangible rnes-i ngvi: liar gone*. ,et a great ciime lx; ednmdtted, im;l i.i l wen ty- four hours*thero will be a-vague and ex agerated rejioft tlw-fcof, hatibitsv U was thins udtUli ti.illio'. ;.->ne can U-BfSSV Public opiiiion as a usual tiring, where fee question of guilt or innocence is iavufved, tlov. sat first ip a broad deep eha neb nuero is a universal conviction of gtiih or of iuuo ecure. Anon, ho\ve\er, you “ ill sec, v.iiii out any perceptible cauiw, tittb; brauches spreaijiwg Out in many diverse directions from ffie; parupt. stream. The* case- of Lver ard Was no exception to (he general rule; everybody ct first believe'd him guilty. Ah, how vain were 1J wer.h of cpmtui relation lo that tnother, while the i-moeence offfii r .* ou was doubted ! Tiiuc* Sjiod j the term of Court at length flrri>f and at which the prisoner was to ho tried. U vvju led from hi 4 call* aa'd as 1)0 patoed J through l}io nssomblcd crowd, arm la arm wife tha Sheriff*, pak* and l.rggard with grief, ) TerniK|3 OO in advance, ) $3 09 at t!u* en ! of thf ji?ar :%v a sigh was heaved by. “Ynerous hearts, ail%jnnny a doubt of his guilt ex v ,, sso a._ BBtlhere word t*>so whom he bfß* treated kindiyVvjy) <'Swg..|ttid Iqoketi seonififHy upon his-wo, \ud sneered at hint as he pissed. NeVcr lftol the court room held so large an audience boliMy., ‘Phe crime in one rf those law-abiding coimmn.itits where such offences arc rauly known, mid at a period of lime v\en cruie was fur less fre quent in tliiscountrVhim ii is to-day. Hence tin; universal i ute re aKiiaiii tested by the |p|b. ‘l**'‘- ‘* \ The indictment was rVd, afidthe prisoner ‘asked for his plea. \ “Noe Gr iL-rv,” rang tuVeugh the court room in a cleSMtid full voiceh. The witnesses for the state y called.— They wiWi. but fevt; jDnvid JackiXji being the KrsyM; | \ David te aided that on die sth of Septem ber, the at the request of whiuws, *|fwitness at Mr. Jackson harm ‘lhero had been ill-feeling between them.; witness had sent,for Kverariljj’ make friends. Kv- erard manifested bad blood. He said he ha ted David and all hi - family; that David had injured him, and talked about him, and that he wpuld h§ve revenge. Thereupon, finding him Ifreconcilealde, he turned itjfoti his heel, hint slamting by the bun.— Within hali an hour the ham was seen on firo. The VituoAftjks rigidly cmss-exauiiugd, but v.iihout any benefit to wio, aroused. ; Two or tirrce tiers >rw were then railed to establish the godd character of the defendant. was i . u-ait.. i.'y. of "t<sbs.-s-lr. - |Bed; the ease wafryrtndkL awu the jury rtstir* ed to their ram roty/ 3 * And win rtf was the toother of Everard iilaktsFhyl drerwheh'ited % her ,ikof> sor row, she was prostrated by dimes. Many a day, and many a drear. ness uhjhl she had, tywed otf*Uet*pmow raid ed with fiver and de li inn. But Everard w;ajj fv*.r ia ii'i' thoughts, t At,.times she. iuaeled him t home, as was his wont.engaged hi the labors of the faun. Anon, would burst upon her mind the reality of his situation, and she would shriek with very agony o! soul. Then a’guis, she would fancy it a horrid dream, ami would call hid lytme. and lid him come to her bed-side. Hour after honr passed by, and the jm> ~ came not down. There was terrible suspei in the audience. I'uUic-.seutiment wu uni “‘goi% r w ri voftition, and .you night ItWil mengTl.e p<| le u i time.i ts life there t -4 i.veinril,” in e, ••he v as a eh ver good he:'i td fellow; always ready to tio nets i*f kindness to tii* nyi./nbofs.” Another said, ••this v as the Sfft charge ever made agoiuvt him.” A tbiisd said, -<i uidu't like the wry David Jackson tvsfifud. lie told me a story very different, null l washed i. had so in.-usmed Li attorney/’ Hie broad channel bud diverg and into e n>ul titude of little stu-ams. bat •••ill the imw bilievedditm (gdlty. The jtiry came in. MfcHittjdes tr. eager :tnd bfenthkis haste in to i.tnr the verdict. 1 l.e jury had : prisoner was r< tnar.ded to ja.i. 1 have said there :• charge in {HtlUti sentiment, and it o.a every baud. A lxdjeved him itutodi nt’t many reflected thpt the evidence was but oirei|tnst:ai<'isl, and they doijhteth Othcre, again, v. !io believed hhtf guilty, U'lt cotivfiasipu’ for Ins toother, and tktWt it tvus eviik ui that the.-majority* sons desired the prosecution to cease. a good uofured man. After the first tfansport of excitement caused by Lis loss was passed, headmost, re gretted that pioeeeilings had been instituted. Ho had knovrrf Everard from I is iiifancy; he Itad known and ns p-rieti the father and moth er of the accused. VV hat could f,e done i Hotssw the counsel of the State; consult.! tmn was had; a no:'? paxt-qui watt entered, and Bvcrnrd was ret in liberty- -i No, not CvciJW, tb.- . the vrwk at Everafd. I*o whom the intnliUiuV met atul looked at coldly cod sity; be “ho walked slowly \\ 14U it iioavS’ £rott - M ujic.ii his brow, was not the sumo iTpt-Jteinied and generous youth, who had orM hvcii the i.'votito ©I the rominuuity .tthere be u tided. He beitt bis steps homeward. As he en tered, his mother, caught sight of his beloved features, attii with tho sudden emuise of strength somelhnvs w itneseed hi dying prisons arose, ran to lWh, throw lie;’ arias about bis stock and expired. WhM umfcliad the wo:Id in More for Eve rai and Bl.ikcHjty { If g .Ihe a U tend Not unp in the wide world! He v/ns alu*e 5 at, shunned aiuf despised. What wortdw that hnSoding over his wwags, ltc beoamo intrtially Insane I That tie chooae to be wanderer and an outcast ? Tint lie !wd * hermit and died a misanthrope * Reader, sh-mll you ever josajJlPj'&Sllf “Old libit Ion!;,” be M and drop a tea* for his j£lf*t$ r but whet f* im sjg NO. 35.