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One Dollar Per Year. 50 t'ents,
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Entered as Second Class Matter at the
Homer, Ga., Post Office.
Jne. Barton. Proprietor*
County Officers-
T. f. Hill ordinary, l. N. Turk clerk
superior court, f. m. Henderson sheriff,
i>. a. waters tax collector, J. c. Allan
tax receiver, 3 C. Forbes treasurer, 8.
a. Ayers, coroner, R c. Alexander coun
ty surveyor.
Superior Court 3rd Mondays in
March and September. N. L. Hutch
ins judge. Ed. Brown solicitor gener
Jnitioei Court*.
Homer, no. 265.— w. m. Ash notary
public, court 2nd Wednesdays.
Anderson, no 465. — W. h. Newton
notary public, w. z. vaughlin justice
peace, court 2nd Thursdays.
Poplar Spring, no. 912 — j. f.- Evans
notary public, j.O smelley justice p*ace,
couit 2nd Friday.
Golden Hill, no, 448 —ohas. sweet
notary public, R. a. wytn justice peace,
court Ist Saturday.
Columbia, no. 471.—Q. w. smith
notary public, court Ist Wednesday
Washington, no. 284 — w, j. xcree
notary public, caudell justice
peace, court 3rd Saturday.
Wilraot, no. 1206.— 0. w. wiley
notar public, l. J. Bagsdale justice
peace, court 3rd Friday.
Berlin, no 1210 —o f. scales no
tary public, oourt Ist Friday.
Buebville. no. 208. —w. a. watson
notary public, m. l. McDonald justice
peace, court 4th Saturday.
David’s no. 2074.- -w. j. Burgess
notary public, j. o. übanks jnstioe
peace, court Thursday before the first
Presbyterian Church, servioes 2ud
Sunday in each month, Bst. G. H.
Oartledge, pastor.
Methodist Church,services Ist Sunday
m each month, and Saturday before,
Beva. J. D. Gunnels and Jno. I. Pen
dergras, pastors.
Baptist Chnrch, 4*h Sunday in each
month and Saturday before, Rev. J. F.
Goode pastor.
Homer Lodge, no. 82., I. 0. O. F.,
meets Ist Tueaday in eaeh month, J.
W. Snmptei, noble grand, T. F. Hill,,
Mere tary.
Phi Delta Lodge no. 148, F. A. M„
meet# Ist Friday night i stxoh month,
n, 4. watson worshipful master, a. w.
rompter senior warden, p. m. *d wards
junior warden, *. r. aill aaoreiary, w.
o. r. oarrieon treasurer, ▼ . o. Lockhart
senior deacon, a. cash janior deaoon.
o. o. emith senior staart, w. e. Thres
hold junior eta art, w. a. ut*U tyler.
J. C. Allan respectfully announces
to the voters of Backs county that he
will again be & candidate for the office
of Tax Receiver.
H J. David respectfully announces
to the voters of B-tnks ooan'y that be
is a candidate for Tax Collector.
J K Chambers respectfully an
nonnees to the voters of county
that he ii a oandidatefor Tax-receiver
All support gratefully received
Mti. Hall of Greensboro, Ga., i*-
visiting the family o r Judge Miss.
Mr. A. A. Turk and wile of Jcffer
sou, was in town Sunday.
Quite a number of Homerites at
tended church at Salbm, Sunday.
Capt. Jno. Keely of Atlanta, is
P. M, Edwards has a fine young
Horse for sale.—l2-2w.
A son of Mr. J. B oiilespie has ty
phoid fever.
Mr. P A. Water'* ha* been oonfiaed
to his home this week with sickness.
Mr. Robt. E. us returned to
Atlanta Sunday
Mr. W C. J Uarrisou is havirg
some improvements msde on his dwell
ing house.
An entertainment was given the lit
tie folks at the residence of Mr. W. B
Mason, M n lay uit?nt
Mr. P. F. M. Furr says l*e never got
to see her What does he want to go
away from for. anyhow?
The speech of >l. &mb • igb
grand master of the state grange,
appear in this i-sne.
Miss Mary Turk has a fine schools*
Furr’s school house, two miles from
Mrs. J. W. English has recovered
from a long and dangerou* attack of
nick news. ~ ~~
Mr. J W. bnmptt.’s business ha*
growa too large for his shop and he is
making preparations to enlarge.
Mr. John Hill, Sr„ has been very
unwell for sometime, but we are
glad to learn that he is improving.
The Banks County Sunday
school Convention will meet on
The Observer decl nes to publish
Mr. Stand ridge’s artiols on reasonable
grennds, wbioh sen be given the auth
or at any time.
Hon. J. N, Coggins of Belton,
democratic nominee for represent
ative, was in town Friday and gave
this office a call.
Last Wednesday was a busy day
with the committee on arrange'
menta for the Sunday-school Cole
Homer has no hope of a railroad,
but she can improve in many oth
er things, and thereby command a
betler trade,
Now that crops are ‘’laid by” and
have had good rains in this section,
the farmers are feeling better, en
joying a rest and going visiting.
Mr. Kimb ough, Master et the State
Grange, will addiera the people of
Bank* at the oonrt house, Friday
night on the subject of Agriculture.
The Observer would liko to receive
oommanieationa from ad parts of the
county on local matters, but it cannot
weary its readers with long political
A married lady of this place has
mace the assertion that she expects to
have on day of Sunday-school Conven
ion, “the finest dinner or burst.”
We prefer the dinner. ***
Sunday night, about 13 minutes
past ten, the moon went into a to
tal eclipse. The eclipse formed
from the east side, covering Miss
Luna’s fair face with an azure red.
The old ball-battery, which has
stood the summer’s heat and win
ter’s blast for several years, in the
rear of the post-office, has been
torn town.
The lamentable fact that we
have no railroad to carry away the
products of the farms, makes Ho
mer a poor place to sell eggs and
Mr*. M'UonntJl of Franklin conn
t , sustained * veiy painful fracture of
he forearm Sunday morning. Dr
Lckhaitwan called to at'end her and
reports that she is resting well and in
a favorable condition for recovery.
The seats and speakers’ stand for
the Sunday-school Celebration,
have been nicely arranged, and the
committee extend a hearty wel
come to all. Dinner will be serv
ed on the grounds.
The eclipse of (he moon earns off on
Monday night, jast at the time and in
the way the Almanae said it would.
Grier’s Almanae sometimes predicts
wsathsr that neper comes, but no fail
nre hat ever keen recorded sgainst it
in the eolipes business.
Messrs. Baker and Beard, cadets
of Dahlonega, are canTaaaing the
county in the interest of the Bible
Analysis. This work is instnie*
tive. It enables the reader to find
a definition to the meaning of any
verse in any chapter of the Old and
New Testament. In other words
’iis a key to the Bible.
The rain of last Wednesday came
just in time to gladden the hearts
of our farmers. Like charity, it
came with no noise to announce
J its approach, and fell gently and
slowly, as i"it was sent only to do
I us all good. Like a benediction, it
, left its gentle, soothiug influence
on all nature, and departed as it
came, leaving all in peace.
Hon. T. F. Hill,
Homer, Banks Cos., Ga.:
Belton, July 15, 1888.
Friend <k Tom:”—The digest for
1888 foots up $1,019,573, and I am
ao pleased at it that I must let you
know. You will see there is a gain
of $763 over 1887,
Very truly, J. 0. Allan.
A cow fell into the well near the
gin on the Belton road, seven miles
from town, one night last week*
The cow belonged to Mrs. Lewal
len, a widow lady living near the
place, and was the only milch cow
she had. We have heard of sever
al instance* where animals have
fallen into old wells. The wells
should be securely covered.
Polk Thompson *ys he is a candi
date for the legislature His platform
is a self-acting, revolving one, with
movable planks, 1* <>ue -ide does m t
suit be can candy turn i over or *d
just the planks and stand on il in any
position. He is n lav of the poor
man, and says hickory bvk ought to
skin in all season-* for 'ha benebt of
the faimar. He is t<r Cleveland and
tariff for revenue, and uiore liber y.
’Rah for Thompson]
Phi D‘ Ita, Ba v k* Co:— Fa* mere
a e looking blue over the continued
dry weather; we oau hear oo'hing but
we are needieg rain. M*sh Ball Wood,
one of oar stars, is beaming on the
Harmony Grove boys this week
Walter Borough bae returned to
Athene after a visit to frisnde and rla
tires. Walter is a rising yoeng man,
and we hope for him success.
We are glad to hear that Miss Mit
tie McDonald, whe has been quite
sick, is now oonvalesing,.
Miss Ada Pruitt has returned home,
afer a pleasant visit to Augusta and
Greensborough. We gladly welcome
her back. She is the life of our dis
Miss Katie Houston, on# of Aligns
ta’s beautiful and accomplished belles,
a niece of John G. Oalhonn, is visiting
Miss Ada Pruitt.
The yonng men of Bnshville and
Harmony Grove gave a picnic at the
bridge, near Gel. J. W. Pruitt’s, m
honor of Miss Honaton. I think it
was enjoyed by all present, especially
by Messrs, J. I. Putman, M L- Ca*n
dltr sad John Dssdwylsr. W# will
Ist you sll draw straws. You all oaa*t
get her. Mr. P. says he hopes he will
get the loosest strew.
Moil Avow.
NO. 13.