Newspaper Page Text
Dr V D. Lookhakt. j _ m
Jho. Barton, )
Demoorfttio Ticket 1888-
Tbe .‘Ummer beta sreins to make
suicides more oMraerom in largo cities
Tbe Coviagtun and Macon oar shop*
a;c to be locate 1 at Macon. Quite a
boom for that eity.
Prohibition has been carried by
& handsome majority in Mitchell
Gen, L. J. Gartrell was recently
married to Mißs Maud Condon of
Greenville, Ala.
Franklin cottuty ia making prepara
ti.ina to attend tbe Northeastern Geor
gia F*ir a r Athene with an exhibit.
Hon. Sam’l.J. Randall, who has
been very sick for sometime past,
is reported to be improving.
The mugwumps ait* tailing into line
with a view o >nakin > a n.iise in poli
tic#. Tha about all o*y can do.
A Char mon grad j j reeora
mends the wh pping post G oigin
tried it, biusne r-oou loon i it wouldn’t
Two freight trains collided on
the Western, North Carolina rail
road on the 15th inst., causing the
wounding of live persons and the
death of one.
’Gen. Benj. has been
suffering from an attack of neural
gia. We should think it would be
enough to disturb hie nervous sys
tem to be looking defeat in the
Mr. Johnson, the youug editor oi
the Oconee Enterprise, attended the
Press Association at Gainesville. He
gives a foil account of the proceedings
and leaves an impression of a “emit
ten” boy, by one of Gainesville's belles.
Gov. Gordon has let out the con*
tract of the new State Bonds to a S .
Louis priming house. They will he
ready tor delivery the 15th of Septem
ber. The likeness of Alex. S.ophens
will appear on them.
The morning Suu, published iu
Chattanooga, which changed from a
democratic to a republican paper, some
weeks aeo, clo*ed its doors for want of
patronage, lt)tb inst. Thongh tho
tepnblican vo e in Chattanooga is lair,
that city polls a large majority in fav
or of the democrats.
The Piedmont Cbatauqna at Sail
Springe, eighteen miles beyond Allan
ta, i* the big thing of the South. We
are in ortued that tickets to and from
the grounds can te bad at the Union
depot in Atlanta for 50 cents. This
includes admission to the Chatauqaa.
In Girard, Ala,, on the 14th inst.,
burglars blew open the safe of a
saloon keeper and stole $450 in
cash and some important papers.
Another barroom was also raided
on the s*me night, but they mads a
stu*!l htiul.
Nature is to have a chance again.
Mrs, Cleveland has done one good
thing for the women of this coun
try. With a wave of her hand she
has wiped the bustle from off the
fashion plates. Bustles are now
only good "or masks to be worn by
small bovs at baseball matches.
Calvin Jenkins, an old citizen of
Dahlonega, was buried alive in an
old gold tunnel, into which he had
ventured, hoping to strike some
thing rich in the way of gold. The
tunnel was known to be danger
ous for some time past, which fact
had been pointed out to him.
Abont 400 convicts in tbe coal
mines aroaod Birmingham. Ain., ha-re
registered under assumed names, to
vo e in tbs State election in Angus*.
Wonder what Gov Seay thinks of
this? From the Urge nnmber of par
dons be made last Spriog, he can only
come to a conclusion, the convicts are
doing thin to keep him in power, with
the hope tb*t h may pardon ttiem.
The Dona nali n of Congressman
Candler of the Ninth District, is now
oor'ain. Judg" Lesfer made a vigor
ous campaign an 1 carried severe!
counties, but Cd. Candler's good re
etrd aid larye acquaintance wi>b the
boys proved too much for hie galian 1
opponent. — [ Augusts Chronicle.
Tho Executive Committee of Frank
I'U county has ordered primary elec
tions to be held in each district of th*
oounty on Thursday, 16th of August,
for the purpose of electing a candi
dare for senator for the 3Lt. dL’rict.
We notice theie is only one candi
date announced in the Register, Hou.
W 11. L ittle, but probably there will
be others.
Tbs American party will hold its
National Contention in YVa h ngton
in August. This is not a uew party;
having sprang up in earlier days. It
confines all office-holders to birth and
na’irity of America. Foreigners are
allowed to vote only This is the
thinest move on record to adjust poli
tics and tho government. Bolva
Lockwood certaiuly has had nothing
to do with this paity.
A seven-year-old son of Dr. Jno,
Ilockenhull of Cumming, was kill
ed instantly one day last week, by
a fall he sustained at a mill-pond
near town. He was standing up
on a slimy rock when his foot
slipped, and he iell backward. In
falling his head struck a rock, in
flicting a wound on the back of it,
causing death.
The Pope of Rome, who seems
to profess a great deal of interest in
the Irish people, wrote an order
sometime ago, commanding all his
subjects living in Ireland to desist
from any opposition to the British
authority, and to submit to the
power of the English government,
but the down-trodden and liberty
loving people of Ireland refused to
obey the “infallible” decrees of the
Pope. Intense dissatisfaction was
caused by the letter among the
Irish people, and it seems that the
papal authority is to be ignored.
T ■ ■" 1 - •
A dispatch from Gainesville to
the Constitution states that the
Hamby mountain gold mines, lim
ited, have started twenty stamps
at their new forty-stamp mill,
which they have lately constructed.
This is one of the best appointed
stamping mills that has been built
in this section. It is run by al3 J
inch Leffell wheel with amalga
mators, stone breaker, tramway
and all modern appliances connect
ed with gold mining.
The democrats of Hall county
met in convention on the 14th inst.,
and nominated K. L. Boone of
Gainesville, and Frank Davie of
Flowery Branch, as candidates for
the legislature. Delegates were
elected to the gubernatorial conven
tion, and resolutions adopted en
dorsing the administration of Gov.
Gordon, and the other 6tate house
officers. Col. A. D. Candler was
endorsed by the convention in a
series of resolutions. The conven
tion did its work well and harmo
Two Rapes in one Day.
A black fiend made a criminal
assault on a young lady near Ashe
ville, N. 0,, on the 14th inst. The
victim was a girl thirteen years of
age, John Humphries was arrest
ed and placed in jail. The girl
identified him at once as the guil
ty party, A band of twenty-five
or thirty masked men, overpower
ed the deputy sheriff, tore open the
steel cage in which the negro was
confined, and took him out and
hanged him to a tree outside the
town. A dispatch of the same date
states that another rape was com
mitted on the same day on the
person of a 12-year-old girl, living
three miles from the town of
Asheville. A large posse is in
search of the perpetrator.
The democrats of Indiana, have
formally opened the campaign. It
bids fair to become the most me
morable one in the history of that
State. At Indianapolis the other
night, Gov, Gray addressed an au
dience of 4,000 people. He said
that “the coon-skin campaign of
1840 was too old. The democrats
are going to inaugurate a cam
paign like that of 1884. lam will
ing to risk my reputation as a po
litical prophet, that Cleveland will
be elected. The democrats will
take cheap fuel, cheap lumber,
cheap blankets and cloth; the re
publicans may take their cheap
whisky and tobacco. The republi
cans of 1884 made a feeble attempt
to cut loose from the monopolies
and syndicates of the country, up
on whose support it had always
trusted, but at the Chicago Con
vention the party handed itself
over again to monopolistic power,
by promise not to molest the
A. C- MOW.
Collect ions made aid promptly remittal
Attorney at Law,
Will practice in ail the Courts
of'the Weatern Circuit.
Attorney AT Law,
Homer. Georgia.
Maysvllle, <>eorfiria.
Will do a general practice.
Collecting a specialty.
James M. Merritt,
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Mayaville. Georgia,
Dr. A. H. Stapler.
Special attention given to Surgery,
Obstetrics and ChtoQtc diseases of long
Homer, Georgia.
J. W. Sumpter,
Homer, Georgia,
jpflT Buggies and Waggons made
to order. Repairing a Specialty.
Harmony, Grove, Ga.
Neatly done at this Office at
low {rices. Come and examine work.
Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Cards, Post
lers, Dodgers, Tags, Circulars, Mort
gage note, Justice Court Subpoenas,
Fi Fas, Summons, Title Deeds, Eta.
Banks Observer,
tJtf The representative and only
paper in the county—published at the
County Cite—devoted to the Local,
Agricultural and Mineral Interests of
the County and neighboring sections.
A general staff of Correspondents is
solicited in every section. “Onward
and Progressive” is the motto of tb
Observer—advocating right and sup
pressing wrong regardless of public