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About The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1902)
,v ' I I : W ■pan nl td -,'1.1.1 ■P^BnuT gfpretzv 'i dying however, is 1, Tgiire out Row many more 0 laft. British officers and (iffy men ^Pre DoWot killed by Uu> Boers under Gen last week .De Wot see ms to be doingeverythmg 111 his power to live down the report that he is <l«»d. Editor.I^iiowles. of the Tribune wants to know if “the editor is without a heart.” Well most of em have lost theirs. There are single ones who still retain bH —-Augusta Herald. v —1 morning midsr j s distftss „Tr favor of j. B. William# for to 11 the liouso Mr. Logos was vsiaess iu. ,. .•» Attorney General Bellinger, of South Carolina, lias instituted proceeding against, ithe. Fertilizer Trust and seeks to have purchases and transfers made by the the Vir ginia Carolina company m that stato declared void. Every citizen Jin the county should rise up against gambling. It has now nearly ruined the ne gro labor. They are always off gambling when you need him lo work, pud when one gambles all night he is not H next day, rs ■ri!!d;i v Kims that |rease. The li enough to t. The fault ||jury’s ■He over too lit – wv Wt? fi 1 m i n in - h ...( Mil i lid ' ‘ nil'H U tV J ; ' “ a jail mouey. The iuil we has never boon fit for Kose it was intended for. ■Buys been UDHiife, and too gp l is now worse than ev ■Las |S!« prisoners would be safe to strikb a ring and lla Jjn ill it aw to put them in now JNIiW YEAR. Uxa Record brings IT a new year, the year 1902. car which we hope *will be ■Krus for the whole universe. Biui incident will happen ■L lrappinoss and pros K lie jkioplo ot our little Tftwr ulul county. Wo hope the farmers will be blessed with a bountiful harvest. We ho|w the fuliest measures ot prosperity will be poll red out to the people, and that the new born year just upon us will go down 111 history as a year of peace and plenty. While we find a good many far mers enibarassed at the first of the year, we hope their umbarass ment will soon be overcome. The Record wishes all ot its readers a year of peace, happiness and plenty. THE GAMBLERS. For Jmng time it has been M tlie people of Gibson Bbg w as going on daily V, 1 ■irgross, and several m ppHHIPi 1 Thoy 1 i'he good, hard Working were being led into it daily by ths sorry strug gling jipgroes, who roam over the country fojf tlm purpose of swipe ing the last dollar k the good old darkey has, and it has been al most impossible to hire a negro for anything. It was alarming, groat gangs could be seen going towards the woods every day but nobody could catch them until last Wednesday was week ago, ex Shenff Ivey sot his trap and caught fourteen fat the first fall, and frightened several others so bad they ran away. This capture done the country at large more good than anything wo know of and the people should toiank Mr. Ivey for his clever will doubtless put a stop to ! if uot albof the gambling. LAW Oman’s Awful Peril. ■Yis only one chance to fcbt and that is through ere the 1. 11. Hunt HPI^Ruago, AVi«., from licr he had vamly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow, jaun dice. Gallstones had formed ai d she constauly grew worse. Then she which began to use Electro Bitters wonderful v'holjy cured bur. I’ew Stomach, lAs^r and Kidwey remedy. Dures Dysprpsia Liss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50ets. OuartniteeY. For sale by J Whiteley. Sheriff Braddy brought in Morgan this morning for carrying oon pistol. He waived preliminary ti»l end gave bond. A P Ponlw the^M eonnier(pits. \Yi|f||l sH§ “l)e\\ itt’w cured mv baby ■ two physicians gnH tolM James Mock, iS. The sore/ were *0 bud ~ two five dresses adav Rev.'Irl.R.Hick* Is Not Dead. Notwithstanding a widely cur rent rumor that the Rev. Irl II. Hicks was dead, he never was, in bolter health, and never did a harder and more successful year,* work tTrill that just* closing. He lias just completed - his large and splendid Almanac for 11)02 and. with his staff of able helpers,- S 1ias brought his Journal, WORD and Women; justly forward into inter national reputation. For a qnar ter of a century Mr. Hicks has grjjwn 111 reputation and useful 1 ness ns the people’s astronomer and forecaster of Jstorms niul the character ol coming seasons. Nev er were his weather forecasts so sought after as now, I 119 timely warning of f a serious drouth his year having saved the from loss and sufloring. Millions of bush els of wheat were harvested tnrouuh his advice to plant crops that .. , would . , mature . early. . m, The American i»opl* will certainly standby Prof. Hicks, when it costs them so little and tlie^liene fits aro so groat. His fine Almun ac of . 200 „. v . pages is • only , ,,r 25c, and 1 his splepdid family journal is only one dollar a year including AToHK's Pub. Co., 2201 Locust -"rf bt., ° St. Louis,Mo Savs He Was Tortured. “I suffered such pnm from cc rns I could hardly walk,” writes H. Robinson, Hillsborough, Ills., but” Bucklen’s Arnica Salve com pletely mi rep them.” Acts like magic on sprqins, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Pertect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed byJ.W. Whiteley It was a right warm election for Mayor and Couucilman in town yesterday. Several citizens took an active part m it. Udsd Changed Te Poison Putrefying food in the intestines produces effects like those of ar senic, but 1 >r, .King’s New Lite Pills expel the poisons from clog gep bowels, geatly, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Bil iousness, Sick Headaeh’, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel trou bles, Only 25c at Whiteley Dou’t forget us when in town. Saved His Life I wish to say that I fee owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure," writes H. C. Chrestenson of Hay (loid, Minn. "For three years I was troubled with nyspepsia se that I could hold not long on my stomucli. Many times I would he unable to aetnih a morsel of foijd. Finally I was confined to m.y lied Docrors said I could not live. I read mie of your advertisement on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure aadthought, it fit my case and coumuj 1 :''-*™ use. first bottle. I began to impro|^fl| commened I'u Chrii ■F Qegth Near. maSFitty heart ache, teer>. O, Overstreet of Elgin 4 h p hear my wife cough colfapse. weak and sore kid Oood doc *Ue waai ho, far gone with Liam ciJitt oojnediciue earner, oi Ip Km con 14 hut a 1 mended Dr. King’s Rrv and persistent ujtr Kj–^medkffue BiiiTiteiv saved Kkdds, gunran Bronchitis BUHfriiront r und Lung aml #l,00.nt Whitelev Its free about midnight eev- y Mien of the town ■bells, ^bidding the HtoWcriaiiis B^Lrattlod tbs new it ofi 9E an lonesome iflin ja Cure wm t you cat. tains all of the and -j|i?ests relief all kinds ol food. It gi ves iftsbwt It allows and never al! falls to cure. you to eat the food you want. Tliemost sensitive can takeH- Bjr its use many thousands of everythin!* dyspeptics els* have failed. been It after unequalled for alUtumach troubles. can't help but do you good by fj>SWtTt– Co-.^Ulikij y s GEORGI A-Glascock County. By virtue of an order from tin of U«Utfc|jC£ ot said countv. bo sold at public out <*rv on the Tuesday in Juti. 1902, at the hosts* in saidcounty, within usual house of sale, the follown real estate, situated in the 1284th Distuct, G. M,, said state am enmity, to-wit: Three (8) tracts of land known as the Amos iiutta way land; ’ each tract, will be sold w|W||teJ S ai«l Hands adjoo lauds of Mrs. Jbesie «. Wxon Law'son Dixoii, John Marsh ai« others, aud afe the same inudi "hero Amos ITaltavray residei and possessed at the time of bn (|enth . T|)(1 lraclfi COhlnil fivojnmdred PlnTts and acres, complete* more’or descrip- less, more Don of landa cim Im> had bh calling < )l! <ho umlf-rsteiiod and same i cat he aoen on thdfhvy of sale, Term.' yf sal( . cush- j Purohaser t0 pay for p apers . . Pe^B. , „ J H Hattawav • **»■« * » ! 1*KH. r Amo. Halt. wa y. Dee 5th • w OEORGlA-Clascock county. Georgo, T; Hannah administra tor upon thv estate of PoithaLou* late of siiik county deceased hnv mr filed his pclilioli for discharg d this is to cite all persons eoneern ed to show otuise agains the gran ting if this discharge at the regu lar term of thoeort of 'Ordinary for said county 6obe held ou tin first Mondap in Mnrcn 1902. «iay ' This 4tli Dec. 1901, J. C. English Ordinary. H. H. C0SKERY, 733 and 735 Broad Street, — Augusta, Georgia V" Carriages,'buggies,'.Wagons, Harness J Saddlery, Carriage and Wagon"[MateriaI. Hemlock and White Oak'Sote Leather, Harness Leather and Rubber Belting. Blacksmith and Woodworker’s Tools, Agents for Babcock’s Fine Vehicles, Also Jno W. Masury – Sons House Paints. '-vt.ii I- ■ Stewart'Phuiizy), - James Tobin,-;-: x Ferdinand Phinisy - -1 f-. A ft vm l r.:K i » to rr NS L- Congress is about as had as the Geojgia Legislature on appr pria tion. They rfpprapriuto till they get tired and.go home. . The value of the cotton and cotton seed of the southern stales last yea/ was $715.000,(DO. That cough Hangs on. i You have used all sorts of cough reme dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build up the body. ** SCOTT’S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and off healthy, this not only to throw hard cough, but to fortify further the system against attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. * •ndft i'C, •lULnujdtfi. SCO Most of (he negroes'nrc out chasing rabbits toe-day. They have a lot of fun. 1 : SAY J) GQAXAHTEE koothlls To cure SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, and all diseases arising from In digestion. They will purify your blood and make your oomplexlon as FAIR AS A LILY. They are gelatin coated. PRICE 25 CENTS. OUR HOLLL We have this yjjp'gi of Clothir.g'tfH before^* ever NOTHING WoJ than a Gloves. We to »end^ yon * Jg| yon ffi S Mai! or %-rH r. Lathe? .i evy’s 3 838 Broad Street; This Season WeViliftrffer'to the Pu 1 SHO. That hns^ever'been'for’iale in'Augusta. Our’Shoew sold’strictlv on tbeir merits V ftitiee <»f their reliability. We will^have Eome^speqH make as the season progresses. In medium priced Shoes the lines wo carry have no si FARM SHOES Such'ns ore needed by tlntfe exjHiged fo the inclemency of the er. We have made special efforts tnjsecure Shoes that will give ple protection.tojthe feet and keep them dry. No troub.e to our shoes. ’ » 826 BROAD STREET. W 8 T Agents for Hunan k Sou* Fins Himes. Best Vajiue The est Sty He In A ugusta. The low pries stor* saves you money on every article you to buy. No matter what prices othersjmake, yon will find the prices here JJJT Furs, bkirts, Virdei wear, Sacks, Wrappers, Silks and Dress cfl 25 per cent. weVave yo 1 on all above hues. 200 pair Notin^B Cur^P Lace curtaint, $2,( 0 value #1.09 200 pair Ciuny Lace #2.50 quality $1.50. 200*pair line Lace Curtains at 25 per cenM' price. Wmf Home Made Ccoraia and S. C. Carpets. 80c forjstout fast color carpets; 50c for extra'super-wool Cn 85c for wool sfair Carpels. 500 Rugs^nt 50c on the (dollar, wear cheaper llion any place in town. You save money on what buy of P. D, HORKAN – CO., Augu^Ja, Ga. Notice To Contractors and Home Builders! Having purchased a largo stock before the advance in price* metal goods I am prepared to (ill all orders at lowest market prtl for Tin plate Solder, Zinc, Copper, Black and Galvanised Sheet In, Corrugated Iron Tarred Rocking and Building Paper. loves, Banges, Mantels, Tiling and Grat^t Galvanised Iron Cornices aud.Shect Metal,Work A Specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE D avid Slu sky 9 I* AUGUSTA, ifl Broad Sirec GA ■** Charles 6. Allen, * Stoves, Greates Ranges, Tinware. 830, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., Davis^yuj AUQUSlUl –;* Careful attention to aJU v. n PreegTrip To *Aug