Newspaper Page Text
* rfg Gibson recrd.
J. \VR WHITELEY, Manager.
B. H. HAWKJ.NS Editor.
Entered at the Postofflce in Gibson,
Oa., as Second Class Mail Matter.
^>ne im'uths..... Tear.........
JRix ......£•
Thrift month* .... ’
Address all Camaninications "
GIT,SOW. GA. APRIL f, fb«2
In bis “interview” bf iSfftrteh 22,
sninering my Thomson speech,
my opponent. lion. W. H. Flem
ing, hna seen lit to use some of the
harshest and bitterest language I
have ever’seen m print, even in n
heated partisan contest between
opposing candidates of different
political putties,'ftiueh less in a
contest between gentlemen who
nro aspirawls for the iioiuinatfon
oj same parly,,
ii ia quite nppaijmt that he did
*"“■ iiiBultms *nlw«HK c " u
f« ta. m„mm, or
exppctnlion ot provoking a per
sonal difficulty between us; tor it
must be remembered that, we wen
not face to face when the words
weie used, but a thousand miles
Bosides, although I ton n young
er, and loss “experienced” man
than ho, yot 1 think I bayou high
er regard for the dignity of the
office to which I am a humble ns
p'rant than the present incumbent
seems to display, nnd I shall uso
every effort both to keep my tom
““ ' 1 preserve,my dignity
7 . amdency of the
teat between ws.
Mv opponent takes occasion to
say in the opening of his “ inter
view” tHut I luve committed a
‘•falsification” of the Democratic
platform of J8: and observes
that so comidi!- ' was the proof
that I did not venture to enter u
denial. He is absolutely mistaken.
T did not bate before me at the
itme my “nnuonneemont was writ
ten a copy of that platform before
but undertook to quote itsub
stantiftilv, niul that I did. I
have been perfectly willing to
rest on Mr. Fleming’s statement
of the differences m the exact and
literal words between my quota
tion and tlio platform. I used
Very nearly, the words of the pint
fornii 8o »i*nrlt its exafet words
that I felt lt» if I would have lieen
guilty of plngoriam if I had not
out quotation m a ms around thorn
i’he deduction I drew from the
platform, and the id end expressed
was the logical, indeed the inevi
table, conclusion from it. In lus
“rejoinder” he quotes the exact
words of the plntfoim, but he was
thtn “charitable" enough not to
barge me with intentional mis
quotation, and as the words I used
express the same idea as those
used in the party platform, 1 dis
missed them from nly mind, and
if my failure td refer to it in my
Thoiflsoti speech can be fairly
termed a confession of any sort,
then I wish to ask wh> he does not
stand before the people confessed
ly guilty of having dodged ovary
issue m this campaign, and of
having failed to express himselt
on every public question, for in
my reply to his announcement I
charged him with that, and in
none of his numerous “cards” and
“intei views” has he ever entered
a denial.
So far as intentional misquo
tation of the platform is concern
ed, the charge is absurdly child
ish, tor it certainly does look ns
if any sensible man would know
t hat I would not be guilty of that,
nnd then deliberately refer the
public and my opponent to the
source of the quotation, where
mistake, if nny , could be
ered’ Mr. Fleming lias simply
lost his temper, or ho would
use suck unjustifiable language.
In his interview he charges
with “intended deception,”
“falsification,” with
in that I charged that on a
tain occasion, according to the
Congressional Record, he had been
greeted with “derisive laughter”
from his party associates, the
slomocrats in Congress. If thin
charge ib true 1 do not deserve
and will not ask the vote, or even
the respect, of a sinale honest vo
ter i i this district— on tho cui
t'rary if it ia'fatae lie deserves, nnd
should r*-CiVve, the .©offtfcmujitfon
and censure other ‘-tv fair-minded
tnsujnjiie District, regardless of
his previous opinions or prediice
,^,.1., uiifjir.mijMtiliuOeanil
mditetfsAle troatmesit ot his op
ponent. In hia interview ho uses
1 Use words “there is bat one
place in t bo Congressional Record
»■!.«•*»,.m. .a. ri «* w.
«P*ech *"■ 7'*v"r of mine, Mc ^*> they Na wi)l hJ
found qn page 2049, under da.t<s (
February 19th. There on
page Rtmsint 3, f d,,n a, type
make Tt stares every reader in Hie
1 ’ ,h'‘f f#ct that the derisive
laugh ter came from the Republi
cans and not from the democrats.
PU ,,
The incident to wluoh he refers
happened of course, for derision ot
him does not seem to bo confined
to lus parly associates alomv J
BPt Mr. Klem-.nft.jii’^JnlAy.. ti?t?
Record, On .Tau^, 22, •■$–––} on
page S87 CQ>i,«;tf<.siom-l
Record, tlin.fotlowing appears (1
do not give the whole colloquy, be
cause there is only one i.pecilk- de
nial 0111.1', if lemur's purl. )/*Mr.
ekpikng—Because the Ohairmae
is not chargedf with any such
of III. pr.rpow ,,t all.
laughter cm the
® emocratic Me.)
Moreover, hia ia uf/L the only
time lj«? democrats li„ve Unighed
at Inin oven 'on that duv.
Every 'void of my Thomson
speech < a this.snbjVct wi ft
from tlm C,bl.^rcssiomd-Roci'.-d f•–'iittut it
self, Caretully, acc; *
rate I y and if J have wronged him
in any respect, or have misquoted
the Record in any pniticulnr, I.
want,no man’s vote,o' respect,
At Appling, in the course of my
speech there, l anew end Mr.
Fleming’s bitter interview by
liavinatjie coui'UStehogmplier of
the Augusta Circuit rend the Rec
ord itself, just as I have it set out
above, to the audience, the gentle*
man who is the Court Reporter of
Circuit is a resident of Augusta,
a man of high character, then en
gaged in reporting my speech for
my onpouent. Surely Mr.^Flmn
mg will not accuse him cither of
mental deformity or of moral
bnsei ess.
I stand by every word of my
speeches at Thomson and Appling
and appeal from Mr. Fleming’s
misstatements to the Congression
al Record itself, Ho can sopure a
practicallv tpilimitod numliYjJpini! tW
1 invite him to send you nee*
old of, Jan. 22nd, 1U02. nnd -.e,,
po.go.887j' Very Voter m this dia
trict will'^ud printed so plainly
that no eye can miss it, the words
in controversy between us.
1 regret the unexpected and
painful'amount of bitterness that
Mr, Floming has seen proper to
mject, into this canvass, which
ougfyt to be oouducttbt on the lines
of a friendly contest between two
geiitloinoa. I am no oyengel of dis
ooi'd—-no child of bitterness; it ie u.y
purpose and desire to encourage and
promote good will, harmony and recon
ciliation, rather than diesoulion and
lu its report of my Thomson speech
the “A-wgusU Ohroniole,” tlie leading
organ of my opponent, a paper pub
liHivod in his owa city', and giving him
its hearty support, a paper in which
he is financially interested, certainly
a stockholder, and, 1 think, a direc
tor, admits that 1 “indulged in no per
sonalities,” again it says ‘ Mr. Hard
wick went into Mr. Fleming’s record
in Congress iujin dignified, hut none
the less forceful maimer.
l so'eimily call on every fair-minded
man in the district to boar witness
that I hnve sought to con tact a cfeau
campaign without-abuse of my oppo
neut, without mentioning hia name in
iny announcement, bat thrt Mr. Flem
ing has injected into it a \vorlu of bit
teiuess and hard foaling, uncalled for
and inexpticablo to mtf, for I am con
Boifentinuslv guilty of no other offense
savo that of having dared to aspire to
what I fear Mr. Fleming has come to
regard as Ulan office.”
Started 11 humble ulcer on the
leg 111., of which J. B.jOrner, deflect doctors Franklin and Grove
remedies for four years. Then
Bucklon’s Arnica Salve cured him
Just ns good for Boils, Burns,
Bruises, Outs. Corns. Scalds, skm
Eruptioiia, and Piles. 25o. at
Ooe more case on tlie Mayor’s
docket to be tried.
Wields A Sharp Ax.
Millions marvel at the multi
tude of maladies cut of by Dr.
King's New Life Pills—tlie most
distressing too. Stomach, Livef
and Bowel troubles-—Dyspepsia,
Loss of Appetite, Jaundice Bill
iotikness, Fever, Malaria, 'all fall
before these wonder workers,
at Wbfteley’e.
“I Im.t stomach tronblo all my
Rfi?,” imysEdw. MtWer, pomrm
!<'f of tlia Uui«m Bottling Works*
Eric, Pa., ‘'and trtd all kinds ot
trying to get a moments peace.
Finally 1 read of Kodol Dyspep
»<tt cun-and have been taking it
ni ’, ^fetit sntisi action I never
5r,-£.SK‘ £ :n:
te on. ’/ J–yspepswi Curfe
3'iima^h t-,4, troubles. Kodol Von.
{ftfe*** Dy«
W “ ftt y °« * lt '
'The campaign jg warmer
the weather..
NMjLLCT KVX ., vrT MEANS , f1r , V(!n DANGER, . v , irn
ti 1,fy " n 1 "Wecfe i . , bilfmoanett and .
co'istipuiion. You lif'iilth wili
suffer iH-rnumcniJy if yoa do. De
Will’s j ill tie Ear 17 .Rf5*feyj : cure
suck Mich., casus. M.HD. .'VTt'sifjiHle lUi^htter
,md. says * i I)
Early Rfsers are .the meet Nev«r$H'jf<J sa'tWnc;
torv |)ills 1 ever took.
or cause Nausa,” J.W.Whiteley.
Swi Sheriff’s sale in a no U col
For all kinds ot –?*?(■.v bums,
lirwwee or other wounds DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salve is a siire cute.
Skin diseases yield to it at once,
Never tails in cases of piles. Cool
ing and healing. None genuine
but DeWitVs. Beware of coun
terfeits, “J- suffered for many
veprs from a sore caused by a gun
mot-winrul in my left leg, 4 ‘ MIS'S
,A. 1^, Fuller, English, led. h k It
mil heal and gave me midi
trouble. 1 used all kinds of renu
to no purpose until 1 tried
DeW7tt‘« Witch Hazel Salve. A
ew boxes completely cured me.' ‘
Aml still it rams. We want to
see some fair weather.
Don't, iregleet. cmigl'BVoid
im n if it is spring, such cases.
oiten result, icrmusly nt tins sea
GS.Tdr^mrCS Cure will all danger
remove Ah
Holutely safe. Ams at once. i.n>re
cure for coughs, tudds, emup. inon
chilis, and other throat and lung
t'yubU’B. “1 have used One Min
ute Cmigh Cure ,-overal years,'.'
says l'ostmiister C. 0, Dawson,
Barr, 111. “It ts tiio \?,-ry tmst
cough medicine on tiro market. It
has saved mo many a spell of
sicknesi and 1 warmly rn>om
mciKt 1 1 , “ Thu children*!) favorite.
J. W. Whficley.
Several I pom here nl tended Eas
ter services at Sundav.
Do you know Hint a neglected
cjugli or cold leads to Qonsi'.inp
tion? More peopl# die, from the
effects of patching cold than any
otlii V know n cause. There ih m e
remedy, and remember it only
costs .25 cents that has proven a
sale' no-failing cure for coughs and
colds.' It is outlied Gooch's Mex
ican Svnip, Your druggiot has it
or will get it for you. It li nis
nul trenafiions the lungs nnd
.!»«.» ( .k.
good; you had better get a bottle
test i inomuls
School closes at tins place this
Every mother that has a child
has a jewel more piveous to her
and worth more to her than tlm
King of England's entire collec
tion of diaim nils, etc. Pity ths
little ono that is rapidly losing its
health because its mother doesjiot
know it, inis worms, and that a 25
cents bottle of Mother's Worm
Hyrup will expel them vttickiy.
The candidates are extending
tho cordial lnind-shake.
“Tw o years ago as a result of ft
80V , n . ( , co m i | osf lny voice"
writ es I>r. M. L. Scarbrough, of
J ,, f oh, . f‘b . ilit ‘'>en begun , an ob- i
G mnI e cough. Every remedy
known to me as a practicing phy
sician tor 85 yeara, tailed, nnd I
dailv grow worse. Being urged to
try Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
1 found qmCK relict, and for
last ten dry a have felt bettor than
for two years." Positively
anteed tor Throat md Lung trou
bles by Whiteley 50c and .f 1.00.
Trial bottles free.
Did you get April fooled Tuos
dry ?
The Great Dismal Swamp.
Of Virginia is a lire 'ding ground
of Malaria germs. So is low. wet
or marshy ground fveiywhcic.
Timse g<*rms cause weakness, cluIs
and lever, aches in the bines nod
imisclis, nnd may induce danger
ous maladies. But, Electric Bil
lers never fail to destroy them
and cure malaria! troubles. They
will surely prevent typhoid. ”\\t
U’ied many aenu dies for .Malaria
and Stomach and Liver troubles, n
■writes John Charleston, of Byes
vilie, Oli o, “but never f:und nny
thing ns good, as Electric Bitters,
Try them. Only 50ft! Whiteley
guarantcos p-msiactiou.
ifJS© rvmm
Dyspepsia hM6 p
*v;__„* yOE*.6aT;.
dSwius ,a S!°d!Ss' aiikincls oS
It gives instant relief and never
cured unequalled aft er'eyef^niiog for alistoaiach else failed. troucAc3. It
Bt caa'i fodp feE*
do yc« gsod
J. W. Whiteley has ' received
ono "•»**«* l,Q ? a eUMiue
go at less than factory prices. Como
f,oou . they wc ffmt
$T. B. Hodges – Go. 3
Mitchell, Ga.
Coffins c% Caskets
-Young and Old. Complete Line Always On Hand.*-*
M.l3, Hodges – Co
733 and 735 Broad Street,
August •L/V 3 Georcria O'
Carriages, buggies, Wagons, Harness
Saddlery - , Carriage and Wagon Material. Hemlock and
White Oak Sole Leather, Harness Leather and Rubber
Bdthw. Agents B–cb-gh ter Labcock «A W«W, s x A.c Vehicles, Tools,
Also Jno W. Masury – Sens
House Paints, #
Notice To Contractors and Home Builders.
Having purchased a large stork-.before th<* advance • in prices
metal goods I am prepared'to Fill (Hi m'dcrsat h.-,vest market price*.
for Tin phne Holder, Kino, Copper, 4 Black and Oaltanfeed Sliest Iron,
Cornignted Iron Tarred Rocking and Building Paper.
tovee, Baiiges, Mantels, Tiling and Gratei
G afvTUt iz^d?mn Cornices and ,Sheet Mein) Work A Specially’.
David Sluslcy 1> t nl St we
— rm
It Makes Its Mark =.-,#35®*
wherever housekeepers used, and flour anion i % kc atilt
good our s
the highest standard oi high
Duality. Bread, ''cakes, pies, .fil*
tea 5pf***'“•* fro ™ ,hSi c
excellent brand ofilour, have a k it
IjgLtness, sweetness and tlavor
the given beft by to no use other lor flour, fl u+ Oi is £ msmm
Arrington Bros – Co..
903 Broad Street, Angusta Ga,
L.;.i l-WH la VII Iviali Of G.'JJ9iio'i and lire list ill
. t'nit'r.jf tV< Commercial era end I.;cs»Ii’n and Pleanuro
Maripirts of iha 'bteth with tSee z? z?
HlgIK-CI»sa Vcttlijulo Trains, Thronipi Sleeping-Cars
between New Yerll nnd New Orleens, via Aiient,
Cincinnati and Florida Peinis via Atlanta mi\A via
Now VorS and Florida, either via l,y*\clil»tirj£, Danville
evrcl Savannth, or via. liiclsmond, Banvllle end
Savannah. •
Superior Dining-Car Service on ell Throo*<h Trains.
Excellent Service and lew Ratos to Charleston ac*
count $osth Carolina Inter-State and West Indian
Winter Tourist Ticlteta to all Resorts now on sale at
reduced ritca.
For detailed Information , literature, time tables, rates , etc.,
apply to nearest tickeUagcnt, or address
General Passenger Mgent, «al. Can. Pc,**, Agent,
Washington, D. C» Jitlanta, Ga.
R. W. HpT, J. C. BEAM,
Dip. Passenger J–gent, District Pass. JUgont,
Charleston, S. C, Jitlanta, Ga.
n< ( fl free sanifRc «jf Cham! gr
fain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets
. Whiteley‘a- Thev are eneir to
inke and uroi <■ pleasant in effect
than j'ills, -'Then constipation tliefr «-■ is is ndf of
b ifuv.ed i;v
tf.:i *tc wife, with wills. Regular
size 26e f<*r bbx.
^ are’filhd' frf»’«:fh Icafnpaign
“stuff” we.-k*-sve mean the
pa pet is-W"
THoosA s os srvio i?
nn |H fel rapegnnirptiiirtw 3 Hnft ijliJDU–Llli'
FOf *L. fiOUSBOiptlOfl. '. “ COUgfeS, . COlflS so
ca ^^nSmpS!(SgS!cdd| Pneumonia,
Bronchitis, Asthma,
Hay Fever, BoreThroataadWhoop- Pleurisy, LnGrippe,
Hoarseness, bottle guaranteed
ing Cough. Every
Attention, Good Dressers !
We Have a Good Thing and
Want Everybody to Know it.
s? We have secured right
the exclusive
for this vicinity to take orders for the
) fmm n j STRAUSS famous tailoring BROS., of
Pi ; Chicago. We are now
Y<S. > i mi displaying samples’ their of newest FI n –
2J W everj'ona WooIenS interested and urge in
r i
good clothes to call and
inspect them. We show
i by far toy largest line in the country, con- *
P ■] j si sting of many exclusive effects in wor-,
4 M steds,- esssimeres, Scotches, clays, serges,
eicv STRAUSS BROS, make the kind
r! Vl o#«loth(S like to vreav,—accurately
' taSored, perfect fitting, dbtinctfy a
the ordinary, yet priced are no higher than you have paid for
inferior goods. Thsy guaranis© absolute satistaction
and with it goes our unrjtialifiecf endorsement#
We shall be glad to have you call anti you- wiU he glad you
J W Whiteley
We will offer to the Public the best lines of
That has ever been for sale in Augusta.
Our Shoes w ill* lie sold strictly on their merits and on Vtr guar-,
autee of their relkibility. We trill have soibe special offerings to*
make as the season progresses.
In medium priced Slioes the lines we carry have no snp^rjqT. In
Such ns are needed by those < Xposed .hi the inclemency of the weath
er. We have made bj eoial efforts to secure hfsoes that will git# urn*
l t:p I’TotHtion to the feet and keep them drf. No tsowb.# to show
our shoes.
Gomiey Vaughan,
S€y*Agepts for flaffun ,% B»us Fine Bh«es.
Best Valine The New
esi t Style In A ugmta .
The low pride stor'3 saves you m-m y on every article' you hav#
to buy. No matter what pjfici ^otheis make, you will find the lowest
prices hero *
EAD1E– Cloaks,
^ Furs, Skirts, Uiidcrv.ear, Sacks, Wrnppi-ra, Silks and D^cssGoods
£5 per cent, wc save yoa oh aff above,imp*. 200 pair Nolrngfism
Lacc curtuint. $2.BO value $1.09 *(-0 pair Ciuny Lace Curtains,
f 2.50 quality $LbO. SOOJpair fine Ixscc Curtains at 25 per Cent, of
pric*. - .....■ , -
Home Made Georgia mid S, C. Carpets /
80c for*stout fast color carpet«-;'5Qc for wxtm mper-wool Cnqieta
fife for wool stair Carpets. fA’O in Rt 5Qc oli the dolla*. Unde
wear bay of cheaper thou any place town. You save money $» what yon
Augusta, Ga.
Wtsn You Decide To
Fertilizers Or
Potash Acids
For Cotton, Grain or Truck, Always look
Por ths
Chemical Co’s.
Brands on Bags.
This Company makes more Fertilizers and Acid
Phosphates th rr rryai ci:t urers in the world. Th»y
use the best Materials adapted to Southern' Soils, such as
Cotton Seed Mea!, *Ac!d and Pjre Potash,
Dried Blood, Fish=Scrap, Tankage,
Bone Phosphate.
Under Formula and Brands proved to be mo§t reliable
for Cay. Gray or Sandy lands.
Please do not buy until you call o 1 our Local .Agents
in your section. y
T. A. Walden,
J- Whiteley Local Agents £
w. i For Gla stick ; .
YV. R. I ogue, County,
• - nd Gr. i. Hut I ,.Gibc cn. C<a.
i dl a » ;