Newspaper Page Text
Col. M. llendurso’S'.
Tabes this method of In
forming his fellow-citizens be
longing to the second class,
that he is a candidate for first
Colonel, in said class, in Gen,
Daniel's division.
Irvin Lawson,
Informs Hus friends of the
third class’d militia, that he is
11 candidate for the command
of 1 Lieutenant Colonel , in said
class—lie feels some degree
of satisfaction, in the recollec -
tion. that many of this class,
were volunteers or substitutes
in the battle of Autos see, and
had an opportunity of know
ing whether or not he perform
ed his duty like a soldier —the
wounds he received in that
‘light, incapacitate him forever
from performing any duty fur
ther to his country on” foot,
but his disposition is as ardent
as ever—his kirvvl Age of mi
litary tactics is improved, and
he flatters himself should his
wishes in this respect be real
ized, to merit a continuation
of that friendship which has
hitherto been so liberally cut
tended to him. Febr’y 3rd.
——*—r —-———■
Capt. Wm. W illiamson,
informs his friends of the
third class’d militia, that he is
a candidate for the command
of first Colonel in said class,
and solicits their suffrage in
this respectu Leb’ry 3rd.
CCP We are authorised to
announce William M. Rain
tis a candidate for I,i<;utenant
Colonel, in the third class of
militia in General Daniel’s di
vision. . February 3rd. •
Richard J. Willis,
Informs his friends belong
ing to the third class of raiU
t*a that he would icel himself
honored by the’ command of
Major in said class—he soli
cits their suffrage
Simpson McLendon
Informs his friends in the
second class militia, that he is
a candidate for the honorable
post of Captain in said class,
und solicits their suffrage.
John Evens-
Presents his respects to the
citizens composing the third
class of militia, and informs
them, that he is a candidate
tbr the post of third Lieuten
ant, and would feci greatful
for their suffrage.
William Pool
Presents his best respects
to the citizens which form the
third class and informs them
he is a candidate for the nost
of Ensign indsaid clacr
DiIaRIES W. CHRlStlA§‘ \
Avr.ils himself of the pres
ent opportunity and informs
his friends and fellow-citizens
that he is’a candidate for first
Colonel, to command the third
class in Gen. Daniel's divis
ion, and will feel grateful for
their support. Libert Coun
ty, Feb. 3d, 1315.
John Willis’
Tak'fts tins method of in
forming his Fellow-Citizens
composing the third class, that
he is a candidate for the ap
pointment of Major in said
class, and will be thankful for
their support. Libert Coun
ty, Feb. 3d. 18 15.
WILL commence on the fa
ces u Wedntfday in March
next, free for any horie, mare cr
gelding from any part of the world ;
weights, distances, £:c. as follows:
The firft day's running, three
mile heats, for a ptirfe supposed to
be worth at lead three hundred
dollars.—The second day's run
ning, two mile heats, for a purse
supposed to be worth two hundred
dollars.—The third day’s running,
mile heats, for the entrance money.
—The fourth day’s running, will
be mile heats, for an elegant sad
Aged Horses to carry, 12(> lbs.
Six years old, - 120 do.
Five do. do. * 112 do.
Four do. do. - 102 do.
Three do. do. - 88 do.
Two do. do. a feather.
By order of the President,
Lemuel Wootten, Sedry.
GEORGIA, Wilkes county.
3 1 st January, 1815.
On thefrsi Tuesday in Marc}:" next,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten id
three o' 1 clock, the following proper
ty — viz.
hundred and twenty nine a
cres of land, more or less, in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Clark’s
creek, adjoining jeffc H. Bramlet,
Henry Johnson. & others; whTc
cn Henry Wood now livesv taken
as th* property of John Radcliffe,
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Matthias Maher, & Cos. against Laid
Radcliffe, on the foreclofure of a
mortgage, pointed out by plaintiff's
One fizth part of an undivided
traft of land containing three hun
dred and fifty acres, more or less,
in Wilkes county, on the waters of
Newford creek, adjoining Wylie
Pope, and others; whereon Jincy
Beafiey now lives.—Also one.dark
bay horie and (addle, all taken as
the property of Ambrose Beaffey,
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Osborn Stone, pointed out by the
Terms — Cjsii.
February 3, 1815.
Blank Deeds
t br sale—-at'this office-.
Will be Sold,
On the first Tuesday in March next ,
at the Court-House in Oglethorpe
county, between the hours cf ten
/ J
and three o'clock , the following
property — viz :
NL lot in the town of Lexing
ton, whereon William B. Brown
now lives; taken as the property
of Nathaniel Bo rum, at the hi ft a nee
cr Wiley Crowd's.
Also !
One negro girl by the name of
Tilly, levied on as the property of
Myal Green, at the instance of the
Trustees of the University, and
One negro girl levied on as the
property of Christian Sims, at the
instance of Samuel Whitehead, ad
nfiniftrafor of Little Billy Sims,
Three cows and calves, levied
on as the property of fames Kidd,
at the instance of the Executors of
Solomon A. Hopkins, decealed.
A Iso
One sorrel horse, levied on as the
property of Wilson Woodruff, at
the instance of foim Walton.
One negro boy, levied 0:1 as the
property of Joleph Hubbard, at the
instance of Solctnan A. liopkins.
Fifty acres of land on Milftone
Creek, with a Grist Mill thereon,
levied on as the property of Ephraim
Jackson and Woody Jackson, at
tire instance of Hopkins & Phillips
lor the use of Soloman A. Hopkins.
One hundred acres ol laud on
the Buffaloe fork ot Long Creek,
whereon George Hogget’s iamily
lived ; levied on as the property of
George Hogget at the i * lance cf
Nancy Lumpkin.
One cream .coloured horse and
Tie sorrel mare and colt, levied on
as the property of Walter ohoplhire
at the instance of the Trustees of
the University—property pointed
cut by Spencer Shropihire, fecuriry.
One sorrel mare, one bay horse,
one sorrel fi!!ey, three cows and two
calves, levied on as the property of
Yelverton Maxey,- at the instance
of the Trustees of the University,
property pointed out by William
Stewart, security.
One negro girl by the name of
Pattey, levied on as the property of
Walter Doffey, at the instance of
Richard Langhaoi, for the use of
James Afkevv. |
Eighty acres of land’ whereon ■
James Alliion’s family lived, joint
ing Manly, and three negroes, vis.
Rose, Dilley and Reubin, taken as
the property cf James Allison, at
the instance of Nathaniel Borutn *
for the use of James Garlingtou
and Hopkins; (I). Phillips for Hop
kins) property pointed out by the ;
One hundred acres of land cn !
the waters or Little River, levied
on as the property of John Lawson
at the instance of John Freeman & >
others, property pointed out by de- .
1 , Also !
One negfo man by the name of
Bird, levied oh as the property 0?
George Borum at the instance of
the admir.lftrators of Jamo* Hay, (z
others, property pointed out by the,
Fdeven hundred and twenty-fou*
acres of land whereon the defend
ant now lives, levied on as the
property of John Stewart, at the in-,
fiance of Robert Freeman,indorfee)
and others.
One waggon and. four horfetk
! taken as the property of \viliiar..
Patman, fen. at the instance of
’ William Wea^r.
Conditions Cash.
P. ‘COMPTON, Sheriff.
February 3, ISIS.
Will be Sold,
Cn the frht Tuesday in March next ,
at the Court-House in Oglethorpe
county , between the hours of toft
and three o'clock , the following
property — viz:
r v"*
1., WO negro girls named Ab
bey and Seiley, levied on as th.e
property of Joseph Lumpkin, to fa
tisfy two executions in favor of
John Grifham, jun. and Robert
Bled far tor Mary and John Flen>
1 Also
One hundred and fifty- four acrept
of land, more or less, on the watery
Kittle adjoining Thoma?
Rhoads, levied on as the property
of John Edmonds, to fatisfy an ex
ecution in favour of Henry Pearson..
jun. & Cos. *
One negro girl named Nancy,
levied on as the property of
as Dillon, to fatisfy an execution kv
favour cf Benjamin Johnson.
Three hundred and eighteen
\ cres cf land, more or left, cn th.s
waters of long Creek, adjoining
Stephen Arnold, levied on as the
property of Jeremiah Walker, to fa
tisfy four executions one in favorer
Ilenry Pearson, jun. h Co.—alfc
one in favor of William arid Felix
Gilbert, One in favor of John WaL
. ton, and one in favour of Jameo
Conditions Cash.
‘February 3, 1815.
Collector’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday :n April next,
at the Court-House in Eiberton , ip •
Elbert countv , between the hours cf
ten and three o'clock , the following
property y or as much thereof as
will satisfy the taxes due thereon,
together with the cost-—viz :
Jfy OUR hundred and fifty acres
of land, more or less, in Elbert
county, adjoining lands of jairfeo
Morrison, on the waters of War
hatch cretk, levied cn as the pro
perty of Edward Lyon, to fatisfy
his tax for the year 1813—tax duo
3 dollars, 75 cents.
Fifty acres of land in Elbert
county, adjoining lands of Murrel
Pledger, on the waters of Deep
creek, levied on as the property of
John Stone, to fatisfy „his tax for
the year 1813 —tax due, 58 cents.
Conditions Cash.
February Tax ColkAorff