Newspaper Page Text
Will be Sold,
On the first Tuesday in March next,
at the Court-House in Oglethorpe
county , between the hours of te:i
and three o'clock , the following
lot in the town of Lexing
ton, whereon William B. Brown
How lives; taken as the property
of Nathan LI Borum, at the infiance
vs Wiley Crowdis.
One negro girl by the r.ame of
Tilly, levied on as the property of
Myal Green, at the instance of the
Trustees of th& University, and
One negro girl levied on as the
property of Christian Sims, at the
instance of Samuel Whitehead, ad
ministrator of Little Billy Sims, j
Three cows and calves, levied
as the property of James Kidd,
at the inllance of the Executors of
Sciomon A. Hopkins, deceased.
One sorrel horse, levied on as the
property of Wilson Woodruff, at
?he instance of John Walton.
One negro boy, levied on as the
property of Joseph Hubbard, at the
instance of Soioman A. Hopkins.
Fifty acres of land on Milftone
Creek, with a Grist Mill thereon,
levied on as the property of Ephraim
Jackson and Woody Jackson, at
the instance of Hopkins & Phillips
for the use of Soioman A Hopkins.
One hundred acres of land on
the Buffaloe fork of Long Creek,
whereon George Dogget’s family
lived ; levied on as the property cf
George Dogget at the instance of
Nancy Lumpkin.
One cream-coloured horse and
One sorrel mnre and colt, levied on
as the property of Waiter Shopfhire
at the instance of the Trustees of
die University— property pointed
©ut by Spencer Shropshire, security.
One sorrel mare, one bay horse,
one sorrel Alley, three cows and two
Calves, levied on as the property of
Tdverton Maxey, at the instance
of the Trustees of the University,
property pointed out by William
Stewart, security.
One negro girl by tfie name of
Pattey, levied on as the property of
Walter Dofley, at the instance cf
Richard Langharn, for the use of
James Afketv.
Eighty acres of land whereon
James Allison’s family lived, join
ing Manly, and three negroes, vis.
Role, Billey and Reubin, taken as
the property of James Aftifcn, at
the instance of Nathaniel Borum
for the use of James Garlirsgton
and Hopkins, (D. Phillips for uop-
Jtins) property pointed out by the
One hundred acres cf land on
she waters of Little River, levied
on as the property of John Lawson
at the instance of John Freeman &
others, property pointed by de
Also !
©fie negro man by the name of
Bird, levied on as the property of
George Borum at the instance cf
the adminftlrators cf James Hay, &
others, property pointed cut by the
Eleven hundred and twenty four
acres cf land whereon the defend
ant now ‘lves, levied on as die
property of John Stewart, at the in
stance of Robert Freeman,indoriee,
and others.
v Also :
One waggon and four horses,
taken as the property cf William
Patman, fen at the instance of
Wi Ilia m Weave r.
Conditions Cash.
P. COMPTON, Sheriff.
February 3, ISIS.
Will be Sold,
On the first Tuesday in March next ,
at the Court House in Oglethorpe j
county , between the hours of ten |
and three o'clock , the following I
property —viz :
I WO negro girls pained Ab
bey and Sciley, levied on as the
property cf Joseph Lumpkin, to ‘sa
tisfy two executions in favor of j
John Grifham, jun. and Robert !
Bledfar for Mary and John Flem
One hundred and fifty-four acres
of land, more or less, on the waters
Kittle Creek, adjoining Thomas
Rhoads, levied on as the property
of John Edmonds, to fatisly a:i ex
ecution in favour of Henry Pearfen,
jun. & Cos.
Gne negro girl named Nancy,
levied on as the property of Thom
as Dillon, to fatisfy an execution in
favour of Benjamin John Com
Three hundred and eighteen a
cres of land, more or less, on the
waters of Long Creek, adjoining
Stephen Arnold, levied on as the
property of jeremiah Walker, to l’a
tisfy four executions one in favor of
Henry Pear far., jun. & Co.—-also
one in favor of William and Felix
Gilbert, one in favor of John Wai- |
ton, and One in favour cl James
Conditions Ca b.
February 3, 1815.
Collector’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in April next,
at the Court-House in Liberiaa, it:
Elbert countv , between the hours of
ten and three o'clock, the foil awing
property , or as much thereof as
will satisfy the taxes due thereon,
together with ihc cost—viz :
OUR hundred and fifty acres
of land, more or Ids, in Elbert
coun f y, adjoining lands of James
Morrison, on the waters of War
hntch creek, levied on as the pro
perty of Edward Lyon, to fatisfy
his tax for the year 1813—tax due
3 dollars, 75 cents.
Fifty acres of land in Elbert
county, adjoining lands of Murrel
Pledger, on the waters of Deep
creek, levied on as the property of
1 John Stone, to fttisfy hre tax for
\ the year 1615 —-tax due, 5$ cents.
Conditions Cash.
February 3rd. Tax Collector.
INE months after date, apj-ft
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Lincoln coun
ty for leave to fell a track of two
hundred and fifty acres of :on
the waters of Piftcl Creek, adjoin
ing J Wade and others in laid
county, it being part of the real es
tate of John RufTell deed, to be
fold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of laid deed.
Clariann RufTell, adr.i’x.
Benjamin RufTell, ‘1
> admr’s.
Thomas C. RufTell, j •
February v ßtn 1815. i
_ j
On thefirst Tuesday in March next ,
at ihc Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours often Ld
three o’ clocks the following prefer*
ty — viz.
Q _
$. SIX hundred and twenty-nine a
cres of land, more or less, in Wilkes
county, on the v/aters of Clark’s
creek, adjoining Jesse H. Bramlef,
Henry Johnson, & others j where
on Henry Wood now lives, taken
as the property of John RadcklTe,
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Matthias Maher, & Cos. againfl said
P.adcliffe, on the foreclofure of a
mortgage, pointed out by plaintiff’s
One sixth part of an undivided
track of laud containing three hun
dred and fifty acres, more or less,
in Wilkes county, on the waters of
Newford creek, adjoining Wylie
Pope, and others ; whereon Jincy
Bcafley now lives.—AlTo one dark
bay horse and saddle, all taken as
the property of Ambrcfe Bcafley,
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Ofbom Stone, pointed out by the
Term: — Cash.
February 3, 1815.
CanwrAJK- <©snwtMMMMn mm + m M, .■
GEORGIA, Wilkf.s Cottntv.
By David Tercel!, Clerk cf the
Court of Ordinary, for said counfy.
\ V J
W HEREAS Jin fey Holts
daw applies for letters of admiriif
tration on the estate of Nathan
Holtzclaw, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and fmgular the kin
dred and creditors of said deceased
to be and appear at the next court
of Ordinary, to be held in and for
j 7
the county aforefaid, then and
there to fh:w cause (if any they
have) why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand this nth
day of ‘November , >Bl4.
I). Terrell, C. C.O.
Georgia, Wilkes county,— By Da
vid Terrell , clerk of the court cf
Ordinary for said county.
HEREAS Wm. Simpson
applies for letters of adminiftraticn
on the estate of John Wingfield,
These are therefore to cite and J
admonish all and /ingu>r u :y- j
dred and creditors of laid deceased,
to be and appear at the next court
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county aforefaid, to shew
cause, (if any they have) why said
letters should not be granted.
Given wider my hard this 1 6th dr;
cf ‘January, .1815.
i). err ell, C. (..■ G.
GEORGIA, Oglethorpe County.
BJ Matthew Rainey, Clerk of
: the Court of Ordinary Or said scanty,
V y HEREAS George Lump,
kin and Chriftcpher Bowen, ap
plies for letters of adminiftraticn or
the estate of Robert dec,
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and lingular the kind
red and creditors of said deceased,
: to be and appear at the next Court
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county of Oglethorpe, then and
there to shew cause, (if any they
‘ have) why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand this gtb
day of January, 1815.
Matthew Rainey, c. c. o.
GEORGIA, Oglethorpe county.
By Matthew Rainey clerk oftbecouH
of Ordinary, for said county.
\\ HEREAS John Noel!, ap
plies for letters of admimtfration c£*
the estate of Robe:: Nodi, dec.
These are therefore to cite and*
admonish ail and fmgular the kin
dred and creditors ot laid deceased
to be and appeal at the next court
ot Ordinary to be held in and foe
the county aforefaid, to shew
cause (if any they have) why laid
letters should not be granted.
Given under t.y hand this 1 6tfy
day of January , 1815.
Matthew Rainey, C. c. a,
Georgia— Oglethorpe county.
E\ m Matthew Rainey , Clerk of the
court of Ordinary, for scad county,
‘SfSj HEREAS Polly King-,
plies for letters of adminiftratioTi
on the estate of Bennett King, dec.
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and fmgular the kin
dred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at the next court |
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county of Oglethorpe, then and
there to shew cause, (if any they
have) why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand this 1 6th
day of January. 1815.
Matthew Rainey, c. c\ cf
4 HE fubferiber offers for free
his valuable plantation, containing
four hundred and sixty-six acres,
with good improvements, situated
one mile Couth of the town of Wa(h-
ington, (Wilkes county, Georgia.)
In point cf health, beauty of fitua
. :ion, and fertility of foil, few places
has a preference to this—one hun
dred paces from the house is the
Mineral Spring, mentioned in Mor
se’s Geography, so celebrated for
medicinal uses.
For prompt payment a great bar
gain may be had, or on a credit,
such a one as every honest man
might live by. For further parti-
culars enquire at the ofhee of “ The
Friend Hi 5 Monitor or to the Cub*