Newspaper Page Text
W in, Jan. 21.
The Nati nA Bill.
Having ar length oecifiv 7y pass
aft hqt'.i Iloufss of Congress, warns
•3nly the fignaturp of the President
tobecome a law.! The features of
the bill are thofjj which the Houle
of Rcprefentativjes gave to it, the
Senate having rfcceued from all its
amendments to the bill.
t - Nat. Intel.
A letter from Washington to
the editor of the Baltimore Amer
ican, says—“ Mr. Bibb has men
tioned in the senate, that one of
the executive departments here
v/as in nolleil;on of the evidence
of a contract actually made cer
tain federatiiis with BEiifh agents,
to fnpp’y the enemy wish spe-. li
ed amount or ipecit, as muih in
fact as there was in tlu country ”
Sav' , IRpub.
London. November !
The following is ihe amount of
the Britith Naval force up to this
day : —At lea 136 ships of the line,
13 or 44 gut- 83 frigates, 31
{So ms and yachts, 0 *.•> iiw and tire
Blips i 66 brigs; 8 cutters, 21 fchoo*
He. is. gun velVels, luggers, Ac . l’o.
tal 372 —ln Port and fitting ‘26 of
the line, 2 of 44 guns, 31 frigates,
2‘> Hoops, Ac. 1 bomb 44 brigs,
4 cutters, 6 schooners, Ac Total
.135 Guard-fhips, 9of the line,
lof .50 guns, 1 brig Total I!.
H ofpit al and Prison Ships, 12 of the
Ih e, 2 frigates. Total 44 Ordi
nary and repairing for i i vice, 124
ot the line, 15 from 50 to 44 guns,
70 tiigah s, 6 sloops. 52 bombs, Ac.
cutter, 3 schooners, Ac. Total
277. —Building, 25 of the line, 2
of 44 guns, 9 frigates, 7 Hoops, Ac.
-4 brigs. Total 47 —Grand JL’oal,
It. will be perceived from *he a
bove lift, that the “ thousand ships
cf England” which for years pall
have formed the subject oftoafts A
songs innumerable, have since the
commence mos the prHent war,
been reduce ,o 886 Ihe lift of
Amm n Captures Ac. published a
few days ago, accounts for between
50 nd 100 of their frigates, and
other v ftfcls of war in which eve
ry American and French vessel en
gaged was captured or dtftroyed
with a facility ifnknown before the
days of Perry and M’Donough.
The British Hoop of war Sylph,
we underhand was fhipwtecked on
Tuesday night la ft, upon the (bores
of Shinecock, near the east end cf
Long IHand, and all the crew ex
cepting 14 periihed. Ihe intelli
gence we have received at second
f)3nu from a gentleman at Weft
Hampton, who had himfelf visited
the fatal spot, and seen more than
one hundred bodies of the dead ly
ing on the beach. Com. Adv.
In consequence of orders from
the Executive of this State, the de
tachment of one thousand men un
der Gen. Biack/hear, who were ad
vancing against the Seniinoles In
dians, will forthwith proceed to the
seaboard, and are on their march
thither; the second class of the
militia from Gen. Byne’s brigade
end several volunteer companies
are called into service.
Geo ‘journal
H’atik I ndemures, for sale.
A Variety of u* ot liiitiii.
gence, hive been received by the
way of Hallifax—the London dates
are to the 3d Nov. giving “dread
ful note preparation” against A
merica. New generals, new troops
and additional sh os of war all com
bined to mak< new demonstrations
against our Tlftailable places—in
fhert, in their own language, “ war
is to bo carried cn against America
on :he grandest srak.” Sir Edward
Pckenham, an Irifhfnan (ut die
Langford famify) and a relative of
the groat Lord Wellington, is tone
the ( \ mmander in Chief—Gener
al ,Kempt, an J.ngliflunan, is to
command in Canada, and General
Grant a Scotchman is to command
the cavalry,— together with a num
ber of other experienced officers to
head the different war departments.
It would appear alio by the late
accounts from the Weft-Indies,
that certain Isl .nds were immediate
ly to be restored to France and
fame to Spain, the parti ions of
which places will considerably add
to the enemy's forces intended to
act against the United States:
Eds Ami v.
ti i >n
We have a report in town, Aid
to be brought by fome gentleman,
who left New Orleans t lie 2d in it.
that Gen Jack Ton had succeeded in
’ cutting off the retreat'cf the Britifb,
and that the w hole force of the en
emy mult eventually beu Me his
prifonerS. (Clarion,
Treasury Rotes. says a Rich
mond paper, ot, are rising
fall in our market. They were
sold yesterday, not merely at their
nominal value, but with the tnte?-
est added.
St Barts, Nov . 30, ISfq.
Martinique has been given up
to the French. The congress had
assembled at Vienna, and t-he firft
principle proposed was that,
t( Free Ships’ Should Maks Free
Goods. ” Bast. Qhrod.
Mr. Giles (from the millitary
committe) has reported to the Sen
ate that it is inexpedient to call out
the militia for nine months upon
the principles of Mr. VarnumA res
Genera! Isard. we underflanft
has resigned his command of the
northern army.— A r . T. Ev. Post .
The British fhip’ Newcastle, of
50 guns, A the Acaftra, of 50,
have failed in company, in quest of
the American frigate Conltitution
of 44 guns ! o t . the wooden • Walls
of Old England. ”
It appears by a late British navy lift,
that the rates of their sloops of
war are reduced two guns each—al
though the number of guns they
carry remains the same ! They
may reduce the rates of their vdT
els as they please, we'll reduce their
number Aurora.
File British need not have put
| themselves to the trouble of altering
j the rate of their velfds— for we'll
take them at any rate.
The Congress at \ ienfta have
fixed the futuit refidehce Bona
parte ri one cf the Weft-India Ifl
atjds- llamb. Paper.
I ■u. S .T*f t / iSitliivLo'. i
we ur.deftand tne elegant ihip
Fencible, belonging to the honour
able Mr Grat, wtl! be launched
at Char left on on the loth inst.
Her keel 13 feet longer than the
United States sloop ot war Wasp.
•There are more than 50 ameri
can pi nov. at sea—• nioftly
heavy vessels, ?.nd excellent Jailers.
.7 . eta for
Surely the Bntifh cannot com
plain, fdr we have treated fhem
wi! In September, 1813, they j
caded at Lape Erie , and were trea- |
ted oa bottle of excellent Perry.
One morning last winter 1 .they and
their allies had a breaktaft orr a ve
ry strong diHi of genuine Am er i
can Coffee. In Marcti last they
< cal led at J r alparaiso , and v, ere treat l and
to a bottle oi Porter., first qual- ‘
; ity And in Au'gbft last, ar Fort
: Erie, they were presented (uvalkec)
with superior American Brown
■ st:-. v/ Sure lev, they cannot com
> plain, for in every case they went
| oft reding
The Bfkiiii frigate Psychr, to
eattv 56 guns, was. launched at
Kiugfton, on the 95,h ult. This
veil i came out in frame from Eng
land lnft sum (irea-t -Aliviry
in building also exiffs at Snkett’s
• 11 .r Ivor, wit it. a view tp command
j ihe Lake next lurnuicr.
At the bombardment of Fort
i Erie, a 1771'd fh.ftS was difeharged
| into the garrilon charged with mo
| lasses, for which favour the Ainer
; icans retu v nc i t -in somethin? of a
more hard and indigestible nature.
Den id Lambert turned Smuggler.
This mammoth gentleman of
j wax vho is exhibited for ihe achni-
I ration of the curious in every part
j of the country, w;7 lately met on
j his way hem Capida by a custom
house officer, v, ho remarking the
rotundity •ft Daniel’s corporation,
had the curioifity to fubjed it to a
: critical examinaiion. When loi
j instead of flefii and blood or even
’ straw, the emire fabric of this un
| wieldy geatleman, was found to be
com poled of fine- English cloths and
Casimers! ■ Adams AVw
J <S
dir liurkt.s descrrlniot: bi'c
: jdereh . it
J A merchant 7 one whnfe god h
j gold, his country his invoice, his
: altar his desk, his hide his ledger,
j his church the exchange, and he
has faith in none but his banker.
1 ne ,/'< ma'e y
A modern wriler gives the fol
lowing enumeration of the exprff
iofi of a female eye. The glare, the
stare, the leer, the sneer, the invita
ton, the defiance, the denial, the
consent, the glance, of love, the
flash of rage, the ’ sparkling of
hope, the languishment of seftneff,
the flames of desire. trie squint of
suspicion, the fireaof jealousy, and
the lustre of plcawtt.
A Toast.
I he enemies cf our country: rr.av
they be blessed with leaky clumps,
choaked pumps—sails vert, grog
spent-wormy bread, wind a head
—cloudy noon, at night no moon
—compass loft, tempest toft, a
winter’s coafh
Cot. Sorrel ihjCvns L&
fi lmed of the thir - dan v that
he is a candidate for Id’cuten
ant Col. ui said class , and
would fed grat fid for their
.dr. A dear in
f rms his friends of ti.e tidrd
Ciass tt;at he is a candidate
for fail Calonel in said class;
; and vrbuid fel fqy
t hci* support.
The fubferiber having evened
Fulling Mill at his refu c.
Little River wishes to put*...*. ■ Mm
woollen, or cotton and wool ?,
not less fliao a yard wide, far v 7,h
.1 fiheial price will he given; he
informs his friends that he will oe
in seadinefs to receive, full and dye
any cloth that may be commited
to his care after the firft of M irch
next, and makes no doubt but he
will give general fatisfadion.
Feb. 10 1815.
, r , , *
T ft; /ILL commence on the fe t
di ’> coi and Wednelday in Marcbf
next, free for any horl’e, mare or
gelding t: m any part of the wo; Id •
weights, di'Hnces, Ac. as folio- -s •;
ihe firft day’s running, three
mile heats, for a purse fupplfed to
be worth at least three hundred
dollars.—The second day’s run
ning, two mile heats, for a purse
supposed to be worth two hundred
dollars.—'lhe third day’s running,
mile heats, for the entrance money.
• —ihe fourth ray’s running, will
be mile heats, for an elegant sad
Agtd Horses to carry, 126 Its
Six years old, - 120 do.
Five do. do. - 112 do.
Four do. do. - 102 do,.
Three do. do. = 88 do..
Two do, do. a feather”
By order of the President.
Lemuel Woot ten, SedtV,
GEORGIA, Wilkes county.
31 st ‘January , 1815.
> -r ‘
11A v 7 IN G purchased as3* •
of tools for \V A.TCII—MAKINGj
will repair watches when proo
semeti to her at Mrs. I• dl ,
house’s, her place of residence.
-—Washington, DeeT 18 if.
After A. expiration of nine
months application will be made to
the honorable Inltricr court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell a
trafi of land in laid county, eon
taming three hum* !.o and ninety,
acres, (more or less J n. i;.g the
real est ate of John W aver, dec.
to be fold for the benefit ct the he Ix3
and creditors of fad deceaied.
Elizabeth Weaver, a hn’x.
Richartl Eippingtcn, acinfr.
October 8, 1814.
Samuel B Head, —is candl- •
date fer a majority, in the second