Newspaper Page Text
On the first Tuesday in April next,
atjhe Court-house in Elbert county
s between the hours of ten and three
o'clock, thefollowing property — viz,
‘i wo feather beds, bedsteads &
/pinning wheel, 1 clock reel and
sundry other artiles of household &
furniture, together with
sundry articles of farming utenfils—
£ll in thepoffeflion of Peter Stovall;
*gvied on as the property John
tabor, to fatify fundiy executions.
/ Also
4 Two cows and 1 yearling,, two
likely two year old heifers ; levied
on as the property of Robert Rice,
to fatisfy executions in favor of
Thomas Oliver, and others.
Conditions cash.
‘March 3, 1815.
/ faj; the first Tuesday in April next ,
at the Court-House in Elbert coun
ty, between the hours of ten and
three o'clock, the following pro
perty — viz. *
Three negroes, a woman by me
jtame of Alfa, and her two children
Jflrn & Matilda, in my poffeflion ;
levied on as the property of Rhod
eric Eafley, Junr. to fatisfy an ex
‘dcution in favor of Wm.Chifolm.
Two negroes, a man by the name
‘yF Simms, pointed out by the de
fendant, the other a girl, by the
flame of Hannah, both in the pof- j
feflion ofMatthew J. Williams, Senr
levied on as the property of Mica*
sah Anthony, to fatify an execution
in favor cf William C. Stokes.,
6n hundred and tweifty fire
of land more or less, well im-
Amoved, in Elbert county on Pick
ings creek, adjoining James Lock
hart and others; levied on as the
property of Ephram Allen, to fatisfy
jjn execution in favor of William
One negroe boy by the name of
Lilies ; levied on as the property
of Jesse Thompson, to fatify 2 ex
achtions, one in favor of John Tit
tle, the other in favor of Thomas
tlook, Efqr. & John Childs, conk.
For coff, and in the poffeflion of the
r Also
Four hundred acres of land,
Vtfore or less, in- Elbert county,
fioett improved, with a fifty saw
cotton mafliine on said premises, on
the waters of Wawhach creek, ad
joining James Morison and others;
levied on as the property of Eliza
beth Whitman, to fatisfy an execu
tion in favor of Young Bohannon,
1 One negroe man, by the name
of Jacob ; levied on as the property
of Jesse Thompson, to fatisfy sun
dry executions issued from the Juf
*2ces court, returned to me by John
1 Also
Four negroes, viz. Pheby and
Edney, tow women in the poffeflion
of Freeborn Luce, Ameyand her
child Clark, in the poffeflion of
George Cook, Esqr. levied on as
the property of Lewis Irons, to fa
tify sundry executions issued from
the Juflices court, returned to me
by Reubin Cook, cost.
Also ‘
One negme girl Alfred, in they
poffeflion of Freeborn Luce ; levied
on as the property of Lewis Iron, to
fatisfy three executions in favor of
Thomas Stokes E. H. Gumming &
Robt. Thompson.
Conditions cash.
March 3, 1815.
WU.I. BE sold.
On the first Tuesday in April next,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten
three o'clock , the following proper- \
ty — viz.
Two Negroes (to wit) Bob and j
Tenor, Bob fifty years old, Tenor
45 do. Tak<* as the property cf
Joseph Anthony deed, to fatisfy an
execution in favour of Robert
Moore for Moses Haynes vs. tha !
Executors of said deccafed-
Two Ncgfoes (to wit) Nelly 40 j
years old and Jacob 55 do. taken !
as the property of William Over- 1
street to fatisfy sundry executions |
in favour of James Carter & others
vs. said Overftreet pointe.d out by
One Negro woman named Chloe ‘
35 or 40 years old, one waggon h
two horses, taken as the property of
Vincent B. Low, to fatisfy fun- !
dry executions in favour cif Lewis
Prudehomme and others vs. said
Low, pointed out by defendant.
One hundred and fifty acres of
land, (more or less) in Wilkes
county on the waters of Upton creek
adjoining William Thornton and
others, whereon John Jones now
lives, with the improvements there
on, taken as the property of Solo
mon Thornton to fatisfy an execu
tion in favonr of John Mill & Cos.
against Soloman Thornton & Re
ny Cole, pointed out by. plaintiffs
One Negro girl fix years old, ta
ken as the property of Benjamin
Smith, to fatisfy sundry executions
from the Justice’s court. Execu
ted and returned to me by Jesse
Williams Constable.
One Negro woman named Amy
35 years old, taken as the property
of John Harris, to fatisfy sundry
executions vs. said Harris, in favor
of Janies Neeves and others, point
ed out by the defendant.
Oik negroe boy named Tom, 1 1
years old taken as the property
of Christopher Biting to fatisfy fun
> dry eTtecGtiqns vs. said Binns, in
ro Tine
favour of William Si Felix Gilbert
gud others, pointed out by defend
. ant.-
Conditions Cash.
March 5, 1815.
Will be Sold,
On the first Tuesday in April next,
at the Court-House in Wilkes
county, between the hours of ten
and three o'clock , the following
property — viz :
Seven Negroes, Mary, a women
about 28 years old, and her fix
children (viz.) Sucky, about four
teen yeaas old, Nancy, about twelve
Oliver ten, Miles seven, George
five and Fanny three years old, ta
virtue of an execution in
of Thomas Grant adm’r.
J .° n:s non, of James Ballard deed.
a f a 'ri* ann y Gafford Executrix
or X noriias a • *
cd out by the Executrix. ’
Ode old negro woman named
Nan, taken under execution from
a Juilice as the property Wm, Ar
thur deed, in favour of John Dick
er levied on by John Gihfon con
flablh and returned ro me.
Cadditions — Cash.
March 2d 1815.
GiiER]pf V s'SAUT~
Oei tie first Tuesday in April next ,
at the Court-House in Wilkes coun
ty, between the hours of ten and
three o'cnck , the following proper
ty. — viz:
100 acres of Land in Wilkes
county, on Dry-Fork of Long
creek,- be the fame more or less, it
being part of a trad of land, where
on Abraham Hill how lives; taken
to fafisfy an execution vs. said Hill.
3 18 acres of land, bethefame more
or less, in Wilkes county, on Clark’s
creek, adjoining Stovall. Pool and
others, it being (Tie tr&t whereon
John Hill now lives ; levied on to
fatisfv sundry executions against
said Hill.
Ccndilions cash.
Writ. JOHNSON, D. 3.
March g, igiS-
To Sell or Rent
My house and lots in Waffiiog
ton, adjoining the, Printing Office.
David P. Hillhouse.
” GEORGIA,V By Davidfc?-
Wilkes county . 3 red , Clerk of the
Court of Ordinary for said county.
WHEREAS Lewis M‘Lendon
applies for letters of Adminiflra
tion, debonis non , on the estate cf
Jacob M‘Lendon, Senr. dec.
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and fmgular the kin
dred and creditors of fakf deceased
to be and appeal at the next court
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county aforefaid, to shew
cause (if any they have) why said
lexers should not be granted.
Given under my hand this Gib
day of March, 181
XHyn. terrel. r.c.-c*
Collector’s Sale-
VI in be sold to the highest bidder , cci
the fir ift Tuesday in May next,
at the Court House m Elbert county,
between the usual hours., the fol*
lowing property, C r so muck there
of as will be sufficeht to satisfy
the Tax due for 18:2.
One hnfe and lot in Peterlbur£
the property of Alexander
agent for the Petersburg 7 crcantils
Lore, lax due 24 dollar: 7c ;t?,
‘One tract cf land latest
county, on the wafers of • : : t.. -
ey creek, adjoining James Mv. ~1
snd others, containing one hu: cd
“g'd re *n:nt‘d by Nathan 7 .
V„ hitman. Tax due for 1812 an.d
1812—.3 dollars 27 cents,
One trzfl of 50 “ore? nr, the wa
ters of Davis creek, Fibert county,
adjoining Sarah Lowren-ote.
turned by William Kaihcdck.--**
A , CfpJS..
One tract of 50 acres on the
ters of Deep creek, Elbert county
adjoining Wm. Lunsford, i eturedd
by John Stone. Tax due 41 etc,
March 3, 1815.
My JACK will stand the Spring
Season at my Plantaton at the redu
ced price of fix dollars the Seafon*?
and eight dollars the insurance.
March 3d 1815. A. LIPHAM,
On the first Tuesday in April neat,
at the Court-house in Washington,
in Wilkes County , between the houri
of ten ctnd three o'clock , the fol
lowing property, or as much thereof
as will satisfy the taxes due there
on, together with tbl cost —viz t
TWQ hundred two and an half
acres of land, more or less, third
quality, No. 170, in the third dif
tritt of Wilkinson county, granted
to Roderick Eafley, and levied on
as the property of said Eafley, to
fatisfy his tax for the year
tax due 1 dollar, 1* 1.2 cents.
, Also
Two hundred two and an half
acres of pine land, more or less, ly
ing in the second diltriiff of Wilk
inson county, No. 197, granted to’
Lucy R. Wynn, and levied on 33
her property, to fatisfy her tax tot
the'year 1813 —tax due $ dollars
and 99 cents.
One hundred acres of land, mo; b
cr less, third quality, in Oglethorpe
county, on the waters of Long
creek, adjoining Woodruff, granted
to Trufcball, and Levied on as the’
property of Andrew Craten,to fat
isfy his tax for die year 181 3— tax
due 6 dollars 97 cents.
Tax Collector* WHhs rpuntyg
|amjDry s-j, ißtp.