Newspaper Page Text
Fifty Dollars Reward
Will be paid to any person or
persons apprehending & delivering
to the commanding officer of the
3th infantry, or any officer of the
United States* Army commanding
a pod or garrison, or lodging in.
gaol, either of the following Deser
PhilipNovvland, 5 feet 11 inches
high, twenty one years of age, ha
ssle eyes, black hair, dark complex
ion, and by profeffion a blacksmith.
John F. Ilauff, 5 fee’t 9 inches
high, twenty seven years of age,
light eyes, black hair, fair com
plexion, and by profeffion a far
Geeorge Alexander, 6 feet high,
26 years oi age, blue eyes, dark
hair, fair complexion, and by pro
feffion a farmer.
Charles Ward, 5 feet 11 and an j
half inches high, 22 years of age, j
blue eyes, dark hair, dark com
plexion, and by profeffion a far
Henry G. Elliot, 5 feet 8 inches
high, 2! years of age, dark eyes,
dark hair, fair complexion, and by
profeffion a fanner.
Jacob Goodfdn, 6 feet high, 39
years of age, blue eyes, dark hair,
dark complexion, and by profef
fion a farmer.
Elisha Reafc, 5 feet to inches
.high, 19 years of age, light hair,
blue eyes, fair complexion, and by
profeffion a farmer, was born in
the (late of North Carolina, Mech
lenburg county.
Otho M’Hufick, by profeffion a
blacksmith, was born la the date
of Maryland, and enliited by lieut.
Davies, in Jefferfon county, Geor
James Staten, 5 feet 5 and an
half inches high, 23 years of age,
light hair, blue eyes, light com
plexion, and by profeffion a farmer,
was born in Wilkes county, Geo.
and enlisted by lieut. Mallory at |
Watkinsville ill Clarke- county,
John Triplett, 5 feet 11 and a
half inches high, 21 years of age,
fair hair, blue eyes, complex
ion, and by profeffion a farmer,
was born in the slate of North Car
olina, and enliited by capt. Chis
olm, at Jefferfon court house in
Jackson county, Georgia.
John Williamson, 5 feet 4 and
one eight laches high, 16 years of
age, dark hair, dark eyes, light
complexion, and by profeffion a
farmer, was born in Franklin coun
ty, date of Georgia, and
by lieut. Mallory at Carnesvilb, in
Franklin county, Georgia.
Benjamin liadfock, born in
Beaufort, South Carolina, 6 feet
high 22 years of age, black hair,
blue eyes, light complexion, and
by profeffion a farmer.
t Isaac Higgs, born in Nortli Car
olina, 5 feet 9 inches high, 21
years of age, light hair, blue eyes,
light complexion, and by profef
fion a farmer.
Samuel Benton, born in South
Carolina, 5 feet, 8 inches high, 2?
years of age, dark hair, blue eyes,
light complexion, and by profef
fion a farmer.
James Lucre, born in Edgefield
Diftrid, South Carolina, 5 feet 8
inches high, 19 years of age, dark
hair, dark eyes, dark complexion,
and by profeffion a farmer.
Powell Ordcnio, born in the ci
ty of Ilavannah, iiland of Cuba,
5 feet 6 inches high, 30 years cf
age, black hair, black eyes, and
swarthy complexion,
I Jose Martinus, a native of Spain,
2o years of age, 5 feet 5 and a
quarter inches high, dark eyes,
: black hair, and dark complexion.
Manuel Gonzalus, born in Ca
diz, 19 years of age, 5 feet 2 and
a quarter inches high, dark hair,
dark eyes, and dark complexion.
Anthony Batt, a native of Mex
ico, 33 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches
j high, dark eyes, dark hair, 6c dark
; complexion. 9
| Sterling Burch, born in King
l or Queen county, Virginia, 21
years of age, 5 feet four and a half
inches high, fair complexion, grey
eyes, black hair, and by profeffion
a farmer.
Alexander Faunefl, born in Hal
ifax county, North Carolina, 3O
years of age, 5 feet ten inches
high, fair complexion, grey eyes,
light hair, and by profeffion a shoe
William House, bom in Wilkes
county, Georgia, 19 years of age,
5 feet 5 and a half inches high,
dark complexion, black eyes, black
hair, and by profeffion a farmer.
Randolph MEVmald, bom in
Hanover county, Virginia, 45 years
of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, fair
complexion, blue eyes, light hair,
and by profeffion 3 farmer.
John Baldwin, born in Wilkes
county, Georgia, 22 years of age,
6 feet-high, fair complexion, grey
eyes, dark hair, and by profeffion a
John 11. Mallory,
Adft 8/0 Inf. U. S. Arm-;.
The Editors of the Augusta
Chronicle,- Washington Monitor,
Milledgeville Journal, and Charles
ton Times, are requeued to give
publicity three times to the above
advertisement, amT forward their
accounts to the commanding offi
cer of the Bth Infantry’ for payment.
March 2. (317
STRArFi, >
From the fubferiber a mart time
f.nce, an Iron- Gray horse, five or
fix years old—has a switch tail, is
slender made, and has a fear on his
shoulder, occasioned by the extrac
tion of a fiflula. A reward of ten
dollars will be given to any person
that will deliver him to the fubferi
ber near Washington.
March 21, 1815.
~ 1
THAT the moving and
rebuilding of the Jail, will be
let to the lowest bidder, on
TUESDAY, the IBtli of
April. The plan and terms
will be made known on the
And the plan can also he
■seen by applying- to William
By order of the Justices of
the Inferior court.
March 17, ISi J.
A1 ministrator’s Saie.
Will be sold, on the firlf
Tuesday in June next, at the court
house in the town of Washington ;
one Tract of Land, lying part in
Wilkes and part in Oglethorpe
county, being the Real Effiate of
Solomon Fatten, deck!—fold for
the benefit of the heirs and credit
ors of said dec.
Christopher Orr, Ad’mr.
March 31st, 1815. (tds)
Being desirous to continue a
good underflanding with the per
sons who employ us in our profef
fion, and knowing that frequent
settlements tend to promote such
an effect; we lock on it a correal
rule between perlons who depend
on each ether for mutual advanta
ges,, to make annualpayments or
liquidation of their refpeftive ac
counts. Therefore for the promo
tion of good will, for reciprocal
juifice, and to prevent mistakes, we
refpectfuily desire all persons who
are indebted to us for profeffional
services, to fettle or liquidate their
accounts once every year. And
thole persons who actually refute or
designedly neglect to comply with
this reafdnabie desire, mud not
confider us afterwards bound to
attend their calls.
March 31, 1813.
On the first Tuesday in May neat,
at the Court house in l Vincas
county , between the hours of ten effi
three o'clock , the following proper*
t’t — viz.
573 Acres of Land, (more
or less,) in Whites county, on the
waters of Upton’s creek, adjoin
ing Jcfeph Prather & others ; ta- ■
ken as the property of John I).
Mitchell, to fatisfy an execution in
favor of Isaac.
Two lots in the town of Wash
ington, No. 3 & 4, with the im
provements thereon, now in the
occupancy of John Haliday ; taken
as the property of James Ford, to
fatisfy an execution in favor of Fe
lix 11. Gilbert, on the foreclofure
of a mortgage. Also,
The dower or one third part of
an undivided traFk of land contain
ing two hundred acres, (more or
less,) in Wilkes county on the wa
ters of Nevvford creek, whereon
Bernard Heard now lives, adjoining
Howell Hay and others; taken as
the property of Elizabeth Young,
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Earned C. Wittich, and Charter
Campbell!; executed and returned
to me by John Burks, couftable.
• Conditions Cash.
March 31, 1815.
Will be Sold,
On the first Tuesday in May next,
at the Court-House in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten
and three o’clock, the following
property — viz:
Three hundred and eighty acres
of land, more or less, in Wilkes
county on Little river, adjoining
Win. W. Williamson and others,
whereon Lamech Iludfon now
lives ; levied on as his property to
fatisfy an execution in the name of
Abraham Simmons, for Owen Hal
liday, againfl laid Hudson. Point
ed out by Hudson.
One negro girl about nine years
old, named Sidney, one road-wag
gon, hind gear and waggon ffieet,
two bay Horses, one about nine
years old, and the other about 12
years old ; levied cn as the proper
ty of Jesse M‘Lain, to fatisfy an
execution in favor of George John
son—pointed out by the defendant.
Conditions — Cash.
March 31,1815.
Administrator’s Sale.
The following perfonsl property
in Wilkes county, belonging to ’!.;
Estate of I Butler, will be fold on
i the 10th May next to the hightit
| bidder, at the refidenceof the fut
-1 fcribtr, viz. Horses, Hogs, Sheep,
| Cowes & Calves—a light
with good plated. HarneL—alfo,
Household and Kitchen Furniture,
among the iormer feme elegant
Mahogany furniture—fay 1 ivt di
ning tables—-tea tables, fid. aid
—secretary and book case with ma
ny other ufeiul and ornamental ar
ticles necessary in house-keeping.-
Great bargains may be expt&cd a?
this sale, as a (mail portion only of
this property will be bought in for,
or by any of the heirs.
Terms, all Turns under 20 dollar*
cash—above, credit on approved
personal security until iff January
next will be given, the anrount
drawing interest from date. r
Sale will commence precisely c.t IO
‘James Armstrong , Ad'mr.
in right of the Adm’x.
March 23. (7 1.)
Executors Sale.
Agreeable to an order of ihc ho
norable the Inferior court of Wilkes
county, WILL BE SOLD, to fire
highest bidder, on the firft
in June next, at the court house in
the town of Washington, the
of Richard Hillyard, dec. confiding
of one tract of land, containing one
hundred 6c twenty-five acres, (more
or lels,) on Little river, adjoining
Charles R. Carter, and others ;
fold lor the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said dec. Terms oi
sale made known on the day.
William Hillyard, Ex’er.
March 31, 1815. (tds)
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold at the widow Bennett’s,
cn the 12th May next, all the per*
sonal estate of Harmenas Cochran,
CONSISTING of household &
kitchen furniture, a set of hatters’
tools, a quantity of fur, one horse,
& hogs—and othet article toovnu
merous to mention.
‘ Terms of sale will be mada
known on the day.
March 31, 1815.
All those indebted to the estate
of Parmenas Cochran, are request
ed to-make immediate payment, as
no further indulgence can be given
—and those to whom the estate
may be indebted, are
render their accounts in property
March 31, 1815.
(L7° For the last time!! !
The debtors of Wm. H. Corbet
dec. are requested, for the last time
to come and make payment to the
fubfenbers by the 30th of next
month—otherwise their notes alvi.
accounts will be placed in the hands
of an officer for colle&ion.
* Thomas Terrell,
James Wingfield,
March 31, 18 zs, (2t)