Newspaper Page Text
The much admired Stallion
The property of Mr. Richard
fiankerfon of Barnwell diftricft
South Carolina, will stand the en
suing Spring Seaion at my Planta
tion in Wilkes county Georgia,
thirteen miles from Washington, on
the main road leading to Peterf
burgh and one. mile and a half be
low Mallory’s Store, and will be
let to mares at the reduced price of
twenty dollars the season, payable
the firft day of January next, which
may be dilcharged by the payment
of fifteen dollars within the season
—twelve dollars the Angle leap,
paid down—thirty-five dollars to
insure a mare to be with foal, pay
able as soon as it is ascertained she is
with foal or disposed of, and fifty
cents to the Groom in every in
stance The season will commence
the firft day of March next, and
expire the twentieth of June. —
Mares sent from a distance can be
fed with corn and fodder at the
market price—servants sent with
the mares will be boarded gratis—
every attention will be paid to
mares left with the horse, and the
greatest care taken to prevent acci
dents or escapes, but no responsi
bility for either. It has been ac
knowledged by the best of judges
that Bellair is one of the fineft and
moft powerful horses on the conti
nent, and his colts are ranked a
xnotjg the fineft quarter horses in
xhe world. t
Washington, /Ipril 3l, 1815. —ts i5
Collector’s Sale.
Will be sold to the highest bidder , on
the firirt Tuesday in May next ,
at the Court House in Elbert county. *
between the usual hours , the fol
lowing property , or so much there
of as will be sitjficcnt to satisfy
the Tax duefor 1812.
One house and lot in Peterlburg,
the properly of Alexander Pope,
agent for the Petersburg Mercan
tile store. Tax due 24 dollars and
75 cents. -
One tra£t of land in Elbert coun
ty, on the waters of Wahatchey
creek, adjoining James Morrilon &
others, containing one hundred a
cres, returned by Nathan VV.
Whitman, lax due for igi 1 and
1812—3 dollais 27 cents.
Oire tract of 50 acres on the wa
ters of Davis creek, Elbert county,
adjoining Sarah Lowretnore, re
turned by William. Hathccck.—
Tax due 41 cents.
One trad of 50 acres on the wa
ters of Deep Creek, Elbert county,
adjoining ( Wm. Lunsford, returned
by John Stone. Tax due 41 cts.
March 3, 1815.
IVA veil-MAKER &
The fubferiber respectfully in
forms the public, that he has com
menced the above business in this
place—and from his long experi
ence, added to his natural genios,
he flatters himself that he can give
general fatisfadion to those that
may lavor him with their cus
tom. All work committed to his
charge fliall he immediately atten
ded to, and the workmanship not
excelled by any part of the world.
Washington , April 7. [rm 1 1 w
Is hereby given, that on the firft
day of April next, or immediately
thereafter, the afiftant afleflbrs
vvithithin this diftrid, will proceed
throughout the fame, for the pur
pose of taking lifts of the lands, lots
of ground, with their improve
ments, dwelling houses and Haves,
fubjed to the United States Dired
Tax, and for valuing and affefling
the fame ; and also liftts of theva
lue of household furniture, and of
the number of gold and silver
watches, fubjed to duty, within the
said diftrid.
All persons owning, pofleffing,
or having the charge or manage
ment of property of any of the a
bove deferiptions, are required by
the law to deliver to the afliftant
assessors, writen lifts, containing a
true and accurate defeription of the
fame, and are hereby notified and
warned to be prepared on the firft
day of April, or immediately there
after, to deliver the fame, under
the penatly provided by law for
negleds or refufal in this resped.
Principal Assessor ,
4-th District , Geo.
March 31, 1815.—rm. 3t.
News ! News!
All persons who have just de
mands against me, are invited to !
call and receive the money.
I mform my customers and the I
public, that I have still a small af- :
fortment of Goods and Groceries,
which I will fell on very reasonable
terms for cash.
I also inform them, that as soon
as fufficient supplies can be had,
that I intend to present them with
a frefh assortment of fancy and o
ther goods and groceries suitable
for the feafons.
Washington, April 13, 1815 —ts.
... 11 “■
€s* I intend moving to Savannah
next fall—Therefore offer for sale
the plantation on which I reside,
containing about 500 acres, about
350 of which is open and in good
order for cropping, and within 2
miles qf Washington—Also, a fraall
trad of wood land adjoining.
The situation is healthy, the wa
ter excellent—the neighborhood
good and buildings very convenient
and comfortable.
Also, an excellent cotton gin for
The terms of the above property
will be accommodating—to suit
those who wifli to purchase ; pof
feflion given Ist January next.
Washington , April 11,1815. 3/.
Executors Sale.
Agreeable to an order of the ho
norable the Inferior court of Wilkes
county, WILL BE SOLD, to the
highest bidder, on the firft Tuesday
in June next, at the court house in
the town of Washington, the
REAL f.bTA [ E
of Richard ITillyard, dec. confiding
of one tract of land, containing one
hundred & twenty-five acres, (more
or less,) on Little river, adjoining
Charles R. Carter, and others ;
fold for the benefit of the hen s, and
creditors of said dec. Terms of
sale made known on the day.
William Ilillyard, Ex’er.
March 3a, 1815. (tds)
Wanted at this Office.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours oj ten Iff
three o'clock, the following proper
ty — , viz.
575 Acres of Land, (more
or less,) in Wiikes county, on the
waters of Upton’s creek, adjoin
ing Joseph Prather & others ; ta
ken as the property of John D.
Mitchell, to farisfyan execution in
favor of Isaac Turman.
Two lots in the town of Wafh
ingfon, No. with the im
provements thereon, now in the
occupancy of John Haliday ; taken
as the property of James Ford, to
fatisfy an execution in favor of Fe
lix H. Gilbert, on the foreclosure |
of a mortgage. Also,
The dower or one third part of j
an undivided trafl: of land contain- i
ing two hundred acres, (more or *
less,) in Wilkes county on the wa
ters of Newford creek, whereon
Bernard Heard now lives, adjoining
Howell Hay and others ; taken as
the property of Elizabeth Y oung,
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Earnest C. Witrich, and Charter
Campbelll; executed and returned
to me by John Burks, constable.
Conditions Calh.
March 31, 1815.
Will be Sold,
On the first Tuesday in May next ,
at the Court I louse in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten
and three o'clock , the following
property —viz :
Three hundred and eighty acres
of land, more or less, in Wilkes
county on Little river, adjoining
Wm. W. Williatnfon and others,
whereon ■ Lamech Iludfon now
lives ; levied on as his property to
fatisfy an execution in the name of
Abraham Simmons, for Owen Hal
liday, against said Iludfon. Point
ed out by Hudlon.
One negro girl about nine years
old, named Sidney, one road-wag
gon, hind gear and waggon Iheet,
two bay Horses, one about nine
years old, and the other about 12
years old ; levied on as the proper
ty of JefTe M‘Lain, to fatisfy an
execudon in favor of George John
son—pointed out by the defendant.
Conditions — Cash.
March 31, 1815.
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold on the first Wednesday
in May next , at the house of John
Holmes , dec . in Lincoln county , the
personal estate of said deceased.
CONSISTING of horses, cattle,
hogs, geese, one waggon, house
hold and kitchen furniture—and
other articles too tedious to enu
Terms made known on the
day of sale.
Hannah Holmes,
Administratrix .
March 24, 1815.
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold, on the firft
Tuesday in June next, at the court
house in the town of Washington ;
one Tract of Land, lying part in
Wilkes and part in Oglethorpe
j county, being the Real Estate of
Solomon Patton, dec’d—fold for
the benefit of the heirs and credit
ors of said dec.
Christopher Orr, Ad’mr.
March 31 ft, 1815. (tds)
GEORGIA, ? By Matthew
Ogiethorpe county ) Rainey, Clerk
of the Court of Ordinary for said
WHEREAS Charles Kent and
Elias Alliston applies for letters of
Administration on the estate of
John Kent, dec.
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the kind
red and creditors of laid deceas'd,
to be and appear at the next c ourt
of Ordinary to be held in and lor
the county of Oglethorpe, then and
there to (hew cause, (if any they
have) why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand this 1 1th
day of April , 1815. V
C. C. O.
Having again commenced the .
in his former stand, opposite the
Public Square and fronting Main
street, offeis his (ervice to the pub
lice with expediton and defpatch,
having suitable workmen and as
many as are for business now necci
Washington , April 21, 1815. —ts
Administrator’s . <de.
The following personal property
in Will tes county, belonging to the
Estate of E Butler, will be fold on
the 10th May next to the highest
bidder, at the tefidenceof the fub
feriber, viz. Horses, Flogs, Sheep,
Cowes & Calves—a light
I JAN i.-i l, 1K h iAGE,
with good plated Hamels—alfo,
Household and Kitchen Furniture,
among the former lome elegant
Mahogany furmtuie—fay 1 h t tu
ning tables—tea tables, fide board
—secretary and book case with ma
ny other ufetul and ornamental ar
ticles neceflary in houfe'keeping
Great bargains may Dc expected at
this sale, as a {mail portion only of
this property will be bought in for,
or bv anv of the heirs.
J *
‘Terms, ail sums under 20 dollars
cafii—above, credit on approved
personal security until lft January
next will be given, the amount
drawing interest from date.
Sale ’will commence precisely o'. \ 0
‘j'-Ei s Armstron
in right of the Aden's,
March 23. (7: )
An Englilh Teachei is wanted
to take charge oi a fchool, fix miles
below Washington, on my planta
tion— Any person desirous of be
ing employed as above, who can
come well recommended will piefe
make application to
March 31, 1815
For sa e at this Office , the
following BLANKS :—
Warrants of Appraifement,
Letters of Administration,
Do. Teftimentary,
Do. Guardianship,
A.dminiftrator’s Bonds,
Constables do.
Collectors and other Deeds,
Marriage Licence’s,
Subpoenacs, Executions, Justices
Warrants, Fi-fa’s, Guardian’s
Bonds, Indentures, Ca-fa’s and
Commifiion of Interrogatories.
For sale at this Office.