Newspaper Page Text
must con filler that matter in the
light of a cool and deliberate maf
-I'acre, and nothing else. The pre
text that our unfortunate people
were about t 6 break prison, is ab
surd and ridiculous. Why should
they attempt it r They were in
momentary expeftation of being
released and sent home—they were
without money or clothes, and, in
their escape, could only have ex
posed themselves to (larvation for
want of food ; or, what was worse,
the b 4 tilh conscription or press gang!
It is the molt Aunty fluff with which
villains ever attempted to veil their
crimes. And, besides, it appears
that the hole in the wall spoken of,
which the boys had picked to creep
through to get their ball when it
happened to fly over, led, not into
the open ft reel or country, but im
mediately into the soldiers barracks ,
where 1000 men were ported to
guard, them ! Every one who re
lates'me tale gives ir some new cir
cumitance of horror. Some of
those killed and wounded appear to
have been literally butchered. - One
poor fellow who had not been out
of his quarters, was deliberately
aimed at and killed, while raising a
can or beer to his lips ! John Wash
ington, after being feveiely wound
ed, while begging for his life, was. ft
nifti ‘d by the cold-blooded icoun
drerf applying their muskets within
fix inches of his head, and blowing
out his brains. One of the offi
cers (hewed his courage by chafing
a boy of fourteen years old, and he
roicaUy running him through the,
body with his foot'd ! In the lau .
gunge of one of the luffcrers—-
“ those who could not get into
iheir quarters were pursued round
the yard like (lags dertined to the
facrifice, and cooiy murdered while
crying for the love of God to spare
their lives to which they receiv
ed the British religious reply of “no
—you d—d ymkee ralcals, you
(hall have no quarters !” Quarters
to unarmed, unrefilling pi doners!!
Another of the late prisoners fays,
that so far from ah attempt at es
cape being made, “ had the gates
been thrown open scarce a Angle
person of the five thousand would
have Vleft the prifon”—and why
(houla they ? What could they
do ? Where find fubnlfence and
fafety ?
The 6th of April, 1815, will
make a conspicuous figure in the
chronology of crimes.
The editor of the Columbian has
publiined a lift of all who died in
this depot during the war, and of
those who entered the British ser
vice in the vain hope of oettering
their condition—the firft amounts
to 331, the other to 210 Con
trail the deaths that occurred with
happened in the U. States.—
The were 7,000 prisoners confined
in the state of Massachusetts, alone,
during the war, & more than 4,000
at one time—of the whole of these
only three unwounded men died!
The general average at Dartmoor
cannot be esteemed at more than
4,000, yet 331 of them perished,
though Dr. M*GraTH, the super
intending physician, is univerlally
spoken of by our people as one of
the of men—as a gentleman, a
philanthropist and a man of science!
pears dertined to the infamous ce
lebrity that belongs to the name of
Cunningham, captain murderer
of the Jersey pnfm-fhlp, during
our revolutionary war.
Some persons have supposed that
the British government will pun
ish this mlfcreant. The hops is
vain. The British never punifli
their officers for cruelties praftifed
on those who do not acknowedge
crazy George as their lord and mas
ter. He will be promoted , or at
least provided for in fome other sta
tion. Wituefs, the after-proceed
ings on the Chesapeake , the murder
of Pierce , the mafTicre at the River
Raisin , Xefc life. Cruel, cruel
Englishmen 1
Niles’ Register.
New-York, July 4.
Brilliant Naval Victory,
Achieved by the U. States SLOOP
BIDDLE , (mounting but twenty
guns,) in the capture and destruc
tion of his Britannic Majesty’s
Captain SDICKINSON ('mount
ing 21 guns and a compliment of
1.58 men after an action of twenty
two minutes on the 23d of March
last , off the Island of Tristian de
For the following particulars of
this briliant aftion the E. -rs of
the , Mercantile Advertiser ac in
debcbted to the a* rival at thi iort
yesterday morning of the Un.’sd
States brig Tom Bowline, Came.
Carlefon, from a cruize in the Pa
cific Ocean.
The Tom Bowline fill led from
this port on the of J maary,
in company with the late United
States frigate President, ana fl >ups
of war Hornet and Peacock, and
private armed merchant bug via
cedonian, an j parted company with
the Hornet on the third day our,
and did not fall in with her again
until the 24th of March, off the
Island of Triftian de Cunha.—
When they firft made her, (he had
in company the Britfth (loop of war
Penguin, her prize, and apprehend
ing the Peacock and loin Bowlins
were British cruizers, (he (buttled
her. The following are the parti
culars of the aftion furniihsd by
Lieut. BroWrtlow, of the Marines,
belonging to the Hornet, who has
in charge the colors of the Penguin
and delpatches for government
On the 23d of March, off the isl
and of Triftian de Cunha, the
Hornet, Capt. Biddle, rated 18
and mounting 20 guns, (eighteen
32 pound caronades and two long
i2*s) fell in with his Vlajefty’s (loop
ot war Penguin, rated 18 and
mounting 21 guns, (eighteen 32
pound carronades, two long 12’s,
one i2lb carronade on the fdrecaf
tle, and two brass swivels in her
tops,) with a crew of 158 men ; &
after an aftion of twenty two min?
utes iucceeded in capturing her,
with the loss on board the Hornet
of only one man killed &11 wound
ed. The loss on board the Pen
guin was i 7 killed, including the
captain and boatfvvain, and twenty
eight wounded.
Lieutenant Brownlpw informs us
that about a minute after thePend
guin (truck to the Hornet, and the
action had ceased, a shot was fired
from the Penguin, which wounded
capt. Biddle severely in the neck,
i but from which wound he was faft
recovering. The Penguin was
much fhatrered, having 33 round
shot in her (hull, her forc-maft (hot
away four feet above deck, and
bow-fprit close to the night-heads.
The Hornet,came off with the loss
of her fpaaker boom, carried away
Ly a round shot, mad several grape
in her hull. Earing t!ie engage
ment Lieutenant Connor of the
Hornet Was wounded in the hand
and though in that situation remain
ed on deck til! the battle was over,
peremptorily refufing to be carried
below. ‘The day after the 2ctio:i
the Torn Bowline in co. with the
Peacock, fell in with the Hornet,
and then put into the Island of'Trif
tian de Cunha, in the Brazils,
where they remained 20 days, and
then made a cartel of the Tom
Bowline, and sent her with thepri
foners to Sr. Salvadore, where they
landed. Before the Tom-Bow
line left Triftian de Cunha, capt.
Biddle had nearly recovered from
his wounds so as to be coiifidered
out of danger. The Hornet (poke
a neutral veffcl, two or three days
before the aft ion, who informed of
the peace, but Capt. Biddle did not
believe it. ‘The Tom Bowline did
not hear of the peace until she ar
rived at St. Salvadore. The brig
Macedonian which failed from this
port in co. with the Tom Bowline,
touched at Triftian de Cunha, and
then proceeded on her voyage to
the East Indies. Left at St. Salva
dore, the private armed brig True
Blooded Yakee, bonnd to the isle
of France, and the privateer Blake
ly, Williams ol Bolfon, to Havan
nah. Spoke -on the 26th, in lat.
36, longitude 69, Brig Trumbull,
Hardy, from Bath for Matanzies.,
The T Bowline brought home
upwards of 100 of the crews of the
True Blooded Yankee and the
For the Friend and Monitor
HORACE. OD 13th.
i’o LYDIA.
When you O ! Lydia praifs
Telephus’ rosy neck and waxen
My roughed wrath you raise,
My burning liver swells with
loves alarms.
i.Ty cheeks quick changes feel,
My rambling thoughts to reason
can’t return;
Tears down my face do steal
And (peak the hidden (ires with
which I burn,
I feel I am on fire,
Whether excels of quarrels in
his wine,
How lfained with marks of ire
Your (houlders fair, unrival’d in
design ;
Or if the youth in rage
Hath with his teeth upon your
lips impress’d
Marks of intemp’rate age,
Ip memory of whom you were
care, s’d,
Hear what I now repeat—
Hope not for constancy from
him who wounds
Life so divinely Tweet
Where Venus’s own neftar mod
More than thrice happy they,
Whom, a firm bond of marriage
faith retains;
Complaints mark not their way,
’ Tis the last hour of life, their
love remains. C.
lmmn www—ir—
Augusta Pricey Current,
Jnly 17.
Cotton L>. is per him
Flour new D. 6 per Bar
Corn D. I Bushel
’ John K. M. Charlton in
forms the voters of the 18th Regi
ment, that he is a candidate for the
Colonelfhip of said regiment.
0 He further informs the pub
lic, that, from the warm felicitations
of several of his friends, he will, for
the* benefit of such as may accept
the invitation, teach the several
drills, according to Duane and
Fisher, with fome new and elegant
French improvements, on Saturday
evenings, at 3 o’clock.
GEORGIA , 7 By David Ter -
Wilkes county. 3 red , Clerk of tbs
Court of Ordinary , for said county.
WHEREAS Col. William Trip
lett applies for letters of adminis
ration on the estate of John 11. Trip
lett, dec.
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the kind
red and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at the Court of
Ordinary to be held in and tor the
county aforefaid, on the ift Mon
day in September next, then and
there to (hew cause, (if any they
have) why said letters should not
be granted.
Given wider my hand the 18 th of
July, 1815.
Thomas W Sims, & Cos.
Inform their friends and the pub
lic generally, that with the new
goods lately received, their a (fort
merit is tolerably complete. They
are in hopes by good bargains to
draw the attention of a part of the
July 21,18 15. —29 ts.
igthJi/Lr, 1815.
To all whom it may concern.
YOU are hereby notified that
the duties on household furniture,
and on gold and silver watches,
for the year 1815, iinpofed by the
United States, have become due
and payable j and that an attend
ance will be given to receive the
fame at the following times and
places : That is,
At Washington in the county of
Wilkes, on Tuesday, th* 1 firft of
August; at Lincoln court-house,
on Thursday the third of August ;
at Peterfburgh on Friday the fourth
of August ; at Elbert court house,
on Monday the f’eventh of August ;
at Madison court house, on Tues
day, the Bth of August; and on
Wednefuay. the 9th of August, at
Franklin court house. I (hall be
prepared with the several papers of
the office for the accommodation of
gentlemen who five at a distance
from me.
Co!led or gth DistrUO,
0 The cause of :he dissolution
of co-partnership between Robt„
Chivers and myfelf is rafeality and
illegal proceedings by Robert Chi
vers. Also, Ido hereby forwarn
any person or persons whatsoever,
from paying him any money on
the Book of Harrison and Chivers
for the year 1814.
April 25, 1815.-- rm i /ts.
I gamuts’
for sale at this OFFICE.