Newspaper Page Text
On the first Tuesday in August next,
at the Court House in Wilkes
county, between the hours of ten
and three o'clock, the following
property— viz:
One hundred and fifty seven a
cres *>f land, more or less, in Wilks
county, on Hutton’s fork of Long
creek, adjoining Col. M. Hender
for, Thomas Jarret, and others—
ninety acres, more or lels, in said
county, on the waters of Beaver
dam aud Kettle creek, adjoining
said Llenderfon and Thomas M‘-
Laughlin ; both the above tracts
of land levied on as the property of
Aquilla Burroughs, dec. to fatisfy
sundry executions against the ad
ministrators of said dec. Pointed
out by the plaintiff’s attorney.
Also, <
Two hundred & sixty four acres
of land, more or less, in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Reedy
creek, adjoining John Gibson, efq.
and others, whereon Benjamin W.
HaJliday now lives, with the im
provements thereon— four negroes,
to wit: Patience, about thirty years
old, Harry, about ten, Edom, se
ven, and Louisa, five—one sorrel
stud horse, named Spread Eagle,
ten years old ; all the above pro
perty levied on as the property of
Benjamin W. Holiday, to fatisfy
sundry executions against him, and
pointed out by said Holliday.
Conditions Cash.
June 30, 1815.
Will be Sold, 1
On the first Tuesday in August next,
at the Court .House in Oglethorpe
county , between the hours often
and three o'clock., the following
property — viz:
One hundred and fifty acres of
land, levied on as the property of
Josiah Bundurant—joins Joel Bar
nett and others—by virtue of four
executions in favor of Thos I* lee
man, two in favour of William
Carter j levied on and returned to
me by Fielding Dillard, eonft.
Conditions Cash.
P. COMP TON, Sheriff
June 28, 1815. —2.6 tds
Adu. msiratui * ak.
Will be seold , on the first Tuesday in
September next , at the Court house
in H ilkes courty,for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors oj Faddy
Jarret, deed between the usual
hours , the following t rafts of land:
ONE trattof 117 acres, more or
less, lying in Wilkes county, on the
waters or Beaverdam creek, adjoing
Thomas Hammock, and William
Wiliams. Also, one trad of 218
acres a ‘joining the above trad, and
formerly constituted a part of it—
the whole granted originally to Jas.
Hines Each trad has a finall im
provement on it, and may becon
fidered die best land of the third
quality. Alio, a trad of 26oacivs,
lying on Kettle creek, adjoining
Dr Pope’s mill and Samuel Jones.
This plantation is now in a high state
of cultivation, in good repair, and
is a desirable situation.
Twelve months credit will be
given, the purchsfer giving bond
with approyed security.
July 7, 1815,
Is hereby given, that the valua
tions of lands, lots, dwelling hous
es and slaves, jubjed to the United
States’ dired: tax, having been
completed by the Assistant Assessors
within the fourth diftrid of the
State of Georgia, composed of the
counties of Lincoln, Wilkes, Elbert,
Franklin and .the fame
are now open for infptdion, and
may be examined by all persons
concerned, at my Office in Wilkes
county, and during twenty five days
from this date, appeals relative to
any erroneous, or excessive valua
tions, will be received and deter
mined according to law and right;
and in the manner preferibed by
the ad of Congress of the 9th of
January, 1815, to provide additon*
al revenue for defraying the ex
penses of the Government, and
maintaining the public credit, by
laying a dired tax upon the United
States, and to provide for assessing
and colleding the fame, for which
purpose I will attend at Elberton in
the county of Elbert on Monday
and Tuesday, the 17th and 18th \
at Carnefville on Thursday and
Friday the 20th and 21st ; at Dan
iel’sville, in the county of Madison,
on Monday and Tuesday the 24th
and 25th; at Washington, in the
county of Wilkes on Friday and Sa
turday the 28th and 29th of this
month (July ;) and at Lincolnton,
in the county of Lincoln, on Tues
day and Wednesday the istand 2d
days of August.
Principal Assessor of the
4th distrift of the
State oj Goergia.
July 14 th, 1815.
Executor’s Sale
Agreeable to an order of the honora
ble the Inferior oourt of Wilkes
county , will be sold to the highest
bidder , on the first Tuesday in
September next , at the court house in
the town cf Washington , the real
estate of Richard Hillyard, dec.
CONSISTING of one tra£f of
land, containing one hundred and
twenty five acres, more or less. on
Little river, adjoining Charles R.
Carter, and others ; fold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased. Terms toffale made
known on the day.
Executor, j
July 7, 1815. —27 9 1.
The fubfenber takes the liberty
of informing his friends and the
public in general, that he has just
received a supply of northern ma
terials, suitable to carrying on the
Shoe & Boot making business. and
wili continue to do warranted work
in the above line, at thefhorteft no
tice, and on the moft reasonable
terms; —his (hop is a few paces east
of the Poll Office, where he will
always be found
Washington , >
June 30, 1815. y
To Lease at’ Rent.
THE House and Lot, lately oc
cupied by Mrs. Bowen. For terms
apply to O. H. Prince.
Washington, June 16.—24 T.
1 A list of Utters remaining in the Post
Office, Washington, June 3 c ih,
John Bradford, Sen.
Nathan Braziel,
Jesse H Bramlette,
William Brown,
Rev. Little Briant,
John Bailey,
John Beck, ’
Michael F. Boifclair,
Jofep Bevan.
Daniel Coleman,
Job Callaway,
Elizabeth Cook,
Eli Collins,
Capt. John L. Cary,
John Carter,
Alexander Cafvvell,
William Callaway,
Jeremiah Chancellor.
John Calbot,
Elijah Bearing,
John Dodson,
Reuben Davis.
William Elliott,
Sydnor Everet, 2
Nehemiah Edge,
Hardin Foster,
Joseph R. Fisher,
Reuben Favor,
Catharine Flournoy.
Samuel Gamage.
Capt. Thomas Hide, 2
Miss Mary Hughes,
John Harper,
Richard Hudson,
Mrs Catharine Henley,
Richaid Head,
Stepen Heard,
Rhichard Hingfon, 2
Mars Nancey Henderson.
John Johns, Senr.
Jesse Johnson,
Mrs. B. Jones,
James Jarret,
Hartwell Jackson,
William Jones.
David Kerr.
John Landrum, 2
Lt. Thomas Lamar,
Vincent B. Lowe.
Mount M. Mercer,
Harmon Mercer,
Samuel Marler,
Uriah Mitchell,
William M‘Gehee,
Thomas Maxwell,
John H MTntofts,
George Malone.
John Noland,
Jon Norman,
Christopher Orr,
Elisha Ogden.
Etheldred Ross,
Edmund & Daniel Rainey,
Capt. Joshua Render,
Andrew Ruddell.
Andrew G Semmes,
Benjamin Star,
William Snelfon,
Joab Steward,
Benjamin Smith,
John Slack,
Miss Amelia Smith,
Samuel Star,
Benjamin Talliaferro, $
Thomas Traylor.
Lemuel Wootten,
Maj Richard Willis,
Elizabeth Williams,
Alfred Wellborn,
Williamson Woodall,
Col. Johnson Wellborn.
Ifham Woods.
Harmon Mercer informs his
friends that he is a Candidate for
the command of Lieut. Colonel, in
the place of Col. Henderson, re
signed—and folicitg the fuffrage of
his friends.
Woollen-Factory Lottery.
Dols. Dols.
1 Prize of 10,000 is 10,000
2 do 5,000 - 10,000
4 do 1,000 - 4,000
8 do 500 - 4,000
20 do 100 • 2.000
4° do 50 - S,OOO
100 do 20 - •
200 do 10 - 2,000
43°° do 5 . 21,000
4,675 Prizes 75.500
6,825 Blanks
11.500 Ticket at 5 and. each 75.500
More than two Prizes to three
blanks, being more favorable to the
adventurers, than any fcherne
heretofore published in this £.oun
try. h
Stationary Prizes,
Ist drawn No. on the Ist day’s
drawing Dols. 1,000
do sth do 500
do 10th do 500
do 12th do 100
Last drawn number 5.000
Prizes payable twenty days after
the drawing is completed, fubjeft
to a deduction of fifteen per cent.
All prizes that are not callecVfor
within twelve month after the draw
ing is completed, will be considered
as given for the benefit of the Fac
The proprietors feel happy in
the belief that, from the rapid sale
of tickets of lare, the drawing will
commence about the time of the
convention of the next Lagifla
Prizes made payable at What
ley’s Mills, Greensboro* or Mil
ledgeviile, as may best suit the
£? Tickets for sale at the Post
Office, and Mr. Levi Echols’s,
Washington. 4
July 21, 1815—29 ie3wtf
S ALE. ’
WILL ii.: >.jLOj
On the first Tuesday in August j next,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten tS*
three o'clock, the following proper•
ty — v j~.
One bay horse, about 5 feet
high; taken as the property of
Peyton Harris, to fatisfy an execu
tion in favor of Peter Lamar, as
signee of Win. H. Norman, vs.
Jeremiah Walker and Peyton Har
ris. Pointed out by the pltff.
Conditions Cassi.
D. Sheriff.
June 30, 1815.
**” *"*” ‘■ ■■■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ Mil
For sa,e at this Office* the
following BLANKS :—
Warrants of Appraifement,
Letters of Administration,
Do. Teftimentary,
Do. Guardianfliip,
Administrator’s Bonds,
Constables do.
Collectors and other Deeds,
Marriage Licence’s,
Subpcenses, Executions, Justices
Warrants, Fi-fa’s, Guardian’s
Bonds, Indentures, Ca-fa’s and
Commission of Interrogatories-
May 12.