Newspaper Page Text
Three dollars per annum.']
Volume f.j
| February Term, 1815.
Pin Milner , ‘J
Leroy Pope, f IN EQUITY.
Tbo's Bibb and }
Nicholas Pope. J
It appearing to the court
that the defendants reside out of
the limits of this state—On motion,
It is ordered , That the defendants
plead answer or demur, not demur
ring alone within fix months or the
‘bill will be taken pro confesso And
this rule be published once a month
for fix months, in one of the pub
lic Gazeetes of this State.
Copy from the Record ,
, Test
D. TERRELL, Clerk.
March 10.
Nine months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable
die justices of the Inferior court of
“Wilkes county, for leave to fell 3
tra&s of Land, lying in Clark coun
ty —One containing 1000 acres, ly
ing on the Appalachee river—one
containing 690 acres, on the mid
die fork of the Oconee river—one
containing 600 acres, lying on Bar
ber’s creek in said county. —Also,
a trad, in Wilkes county, contai
ning 200 acres, lying on Rockey
creek. The above, the real Estate
of John Wingfield, dec.—Sold for
the benefit of the heirs of said de
VVm. Simpson, AcTmr.
June 2, 1815.
INE months after date ,app*
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Lincoln coun
ty for leave tfl fell a track of two
hundred and fifty acres of land on
Ahe waters of Pistol Creek, adjoin
ing J. Wade and in said
county, it being part of the real es
tate of John Ruffed deed, to be
fold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said decci.
Clariann Rufieil, adm's.
Benjamin Rufieil,}
> ad.Tir’s.
Thomas, C. Rufieil, )
February Blh 1815.
NINE months after date applica
tion will be made to the Justices of
the Inferior Court of Wilkes coun
ty, for leave to fell certain trads of
1 land, lying in the counties of Wilks
and Wilkinson. One trad lying
on the waters of Little Rriver, con
taining 130 acres—the other trad
Contains 202 x-2 acres.
Ailing guardian for J as. Bal
lard* s Orphans.
‘June 30, 1815.
NINE months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble the Inferior court of Wilkes
county for leave to fell 46 and an
1-2 acres of land lying in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Kittle
creekj being the eftateof Jtjnathan
MoCtgwmery. %
Absalom Montgomery,
k Administrator.
?&ay i t 1815. 18-mpm
IP AS IIIN G 7 ‘ON, ( Geo.) _ FRIDAY, BEp 11 MBE Rl, 18 15.
months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble the Inferior court of Greene
county, £or leave to fell five hun
dred and forty-five acres of land,
more or less, in said county, being
the real estate of Wm. Veafey, dec.
for the benefit of the heirs and cre
ditors of said deceased.
January 27, 1815. Executrix.
. Notice.
JMf INE month* after date appli.
cation will bemade to the honora
ble Inferior court of Wilkes county
for leave to fell two hundred and
thirty acres of land (niore or less)
in said county, on the waters of
Fishing creek* adjoining the widow
Bolton and others; it being the
real estate of Obadiah Wynne,"dec.
and fold for the benefit of the heirs
of said deceased.
January 13, 1815 adm'r.
Woollen-Factory Lottery.
Dols. Dols.
1 Prize of 10,000 is 10,000
2 do 5,000 - 10,000
4 do 1,000 - 4,000
8 do 500 - 4,000
20 do 100 - 2,000
4° do 50 - 2,000
100 do 20 - 2,000
200 do 10 - 2,000
4300 do 5 - 21,000
4,675 Prizes 75,5 00
6,825 Blanks
11,500 Ticket at 3 and. each 75,500
More than two Prizes to three
blanks, being more favorable to the
adventurers, J%i any scheme
heretofore published in this coun
try. ! 3
Stationary ’ Prizes,
Ist drawn “No. on the Ist day's
drawing Dols. 1,000
. do sth do 500
do 10th do 500
do 12th do 100
Last drawn number 5,000
Prizes payable twenty days after
the drawing is completed, fubjeft
to a deduction of fifteen per cent.
All prizes that are not called for
within twelve month after the draw
ing is completed, will be considered
as given for the benefit of the Fac
The proprietors feel happy in
the belief that, from the rapid sale
of tickets of late, the drawing will
j commence about the time of the
j convention of the next Legifla
! ture.
Prizes made payable at What
ley's Mills, Greensboro* or Mil
ledgeviile, as may best suit the
£? Tickets for sale at the Post
Office, and Mr. Leri Echols's,
July 21, 1815.—29 ie3w ts
Nine months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the justices of the inferior court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell
two traSs of land j one lying in
this county, the other in Wilkin
foft, containing 200 2 1-2 acres,
(more or less,) the said being the
Real Estate of James Pollard, dec.
Daniel Owen,
Qualified Guardian
March 24, 18i5. (m9m)
•*—■ - - - -- -
Nine months after date applica
tion w ( ill be made to the honoura
ble Judges of the Inlerior Court of
Wilkes county for leave to fell cer
tain tra&o of land amounting to two
thousand acres, more or kis, in the
counties of Wain, Wilkinson and
Morgan, the fame being the real es
tate of Andrew Craton, deceased,
for the benefit of his heirs and cred
itors. Joseph Orr.}
& > Ex'rs.
Christopher Orr. j
Feb. 13th 1815,
Nine months after date, applica
tion witll be made to the honorable
the Inferior court of Oglethorpe
county, fc e to feel a lot of
land, lying . Aiax creek, belong
ing to Elizabeth Thornton, deed,
containing 58 acres ; a part of
the tradi of land belonging to
Dread Thornton, deceased.
; Wiley Thornton,
March 13, 1815. *
One hundred weight of Bacon
{ Hams; lor which caffi will be giv
, en—Enquire at this office.
August 25.
Having commenced the pra&ice of
Physic in the town of Waffiington,
informs his friends and. acquaint
ances, that he will always be ready
to serve them at any hour.
August 11,1815. 32. ts. * f
sheriff's s alel
On the first Ties day in O Bober next ,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten
| three o’clock , the following proper
ty — yjz.
Four hundred and forty acres of
land more or less, ill, Wilkes coun
ty, on the waters of Morris's creek,
adjoining Raphael Wheeler and
others, whereon Stirh Barksdale
now lives with the improvements
thereon; taken as the property of
James Thurman, to fatisfy an exe
cution in favor of Wm. and Felix
Gilbert, vs. said Thurman—Point
ed out by plaintiff.
Conditions Cassi.
. D. Sheriffs
August 29 thy 1815.
[Payable half yearly.
[]Nlm&er 35.
Miscellaneous Articles.
The vafi: import ance of LouL
liana to the Union is evident, from
a mere glance at the commerce of
N. Orleans The great number
of clearances from that port for
Europe and the United States—
the recent arrivals in Philadelphia
and New-York, bringing the rich
est and heaviest cargoes from the
banks of the Mifiiffippi, evince
the itnmenfe wealth of that portion
of the. Republic, and develope the
motives that induced Britain to
make her greatest ‘*demonftratiou' >
upon that point.
Cotton of a superior staple, and
produced in this Hefperides, and
are daily and hourly wafted over
the Atlantic, in the Irageft quanti
ties, and in vessels of considerable
magnitude. This is bur the firft
start after an aMuous war, which
has reftrifted all exports, and had
Iqcked up the untold riches of the
foil. The spell has been destroyed
by the sword of viftory, anti the
genius of commercial enterprize
walks forth bold and unimpeded.—
Ihe locality, of New-Or!eans, the
nature and productions of the sur
rounding country, render her at
once the refervoirfor uniting and
(hipping the riches of the weft, and
the great mart for receiving and
distributing the manufactures of
Europe throughout the whole state
ol Louisiana. .
I ho 9 cotton is her principal sta
ple, the industry of our wefterd bre
thren, and the exhauftlefs riches of
her foil, have favored the culture of
Sugars equal to any in the world,
and daily increasing in quantities to
supply the whole United States:
In every point of view in which
the state of Louisiana may be con
sidered, it exhibits important ad
vantages to the Union. Her me
tropolis promises to become the
firft commercial city of the western
hemisphere. Her line of boundary
is at once strengthened by natural
advatages, and forms a barrier to
our middle states. Were such a
country, so rich, so extensive, in
the hands of a foreign power, the
points of contact would be infinite
ly multiplied, and we ffiould be an
noyed with perpetual border wars.
The French once planted there, the
imperial eagle would often be Soar
ing in ourfky, and ambition would
have a resting place for his unbleft
footing. Btitain knew the conse
quence of possessing such a point,
and we may bless the destiny that
gave to the valor of Jackson and
hfs gallant men, the victory of Or
leans. It for ever scattered and
annihilated the dangers of a western
invasion, while it rooted from the
foil all the feeds bf foreign growth,
Louisiana is now completely Ame.
crican. The calumny thrown up
on the purchase of Jefferfon has
long been hufiled in admiration at
his far sighted wisdom; and those
who deemed it cheaper to conquer
than to buy, may now admit our
double ckftrn to this western barrier