Newspaper Page Text
‘‘Three dollars per annum?]
<-.LME I.]
On the first Tuesday in Oflober next,
at the Court-house in Libert county ,
between the hours of ten and three
o'clock, the joi!owing property: viz .
One nadt of land lying on the
south fork of Davis creek,, in El
bert county, containing one hun
dred acres moVe or less, joining
lands of William Faulkner and
others'; levied on as the property
of William Poll, to fatisfy an exe
cution in favor of the Eexecutors
Os Middleton Wood, dec on the
foreclofure of a mortgage against
laid Poll.
Conditions cash.
D Sheriff.
September i 1815
On the first Tuesday in Tlober
at tfe’ Court House in F.lbert
county between the hours *of ten iy
three o'clock , the following proper
ty . viz :
•2662 pounds gin fcotton, in
bales ; levied on as the propertv of
Thomas Carter, deed, to fatisiy an
ex cution in favor of Richardson
Hunt, and Nancy, his wife. Pro
perty pointed out by the admrs. of
laid deed, and in the pofTeffion of
James Carter.
One negro man, named Peter,
ahpur 40 years old ; levied on as
the property oi Elizabeth Whit
man to tatiry an execution in fa
vor of Thomas Napier, indorfee,
vs; William and Elizabeth Whit
man : said n%gro pointed out by
; and in the pofTeffion of the defen
One small bay horse ; levied on
as the property of Robert Rice, at
the inftrnce of Thomas Oliver and
others—-laid horse pointed out by
the plaintiff, and in the poffeflion of
Capt. Chifolm.
One negro woman, named Mil
lev, 30 years old ; levied on as the
property of Zachariah Smith, to
larisfy sundry executions, (in the
poffeflion of and pointed out by
the defendant ;) levied on and re
turned to me. by John Childers,
Conditions cash.
House Ol Tift itrnnmetit
William O. Springer, takes
the liberty of informing his friends
and the public in general, that he
has purchased that well known ta
vern in the town of Sparta, form
erly occupied by Mr. John Aber.
1 crombie, where every attention
will be paid to those who may think
proper to call on him.
Sparta, Auguff 15.
To Lease or R tit.
THE House and Lot, lately oc
cupied by Mrs. Bowen For terms
apply to O. Id. Prince.
Washington, June 16.—241 L
WASHINGTON, (Geo.) Full) At, SEP \ t MIA it 8, 1815.
Miscellaneous Articles.
’ * -.*■•** itp*m 1
From a New Brunswick Paper.
Copy of a letter from the High Sheriff
of King’s county , to the Attorney
General of the Province of New
Brunswick , dated , June 2G, 1815.
Mr Dear Sir.
Having heard nothing from you
since the late Goal Delivery at
King’s county, I beg leave briefly
to (late to you f >me circumftat.ces
of the conduit T:he criminal Hen
ry Moore Smith, since his trial and
sentence. After securing him with
flrong chains to his neck and legs,
and with handcuffs in Goal, he
continued bearing the floor with
his chains; hallowing day and
night with little interrtiiflioft ; ma
king diff rent founds; sometimes
with jinkiing his chains, and
fvuetimes without, apparently in
diff. rent ‘parts of the Goal, inso
much as the Goale'r frequently feat
for mt.Tuppofmg he muff be loose
from his chains, which I conceived
and frequently ohferved wqs impos
sible; bping far beyond the p *wer
of human (irengrh or invention in
his situation—until the 24th of
Mav, when going into the Goal
early in the morning (after having
examined his chains at two o’clock
the day before) found three links of
his heaviest chain separated, and
lying on th floor ; being a part of
the chain without the ftapie.—He
continued in that way until the 2d
of June, when we found the largest
chain parted about the middle and
tied with a firing, which clearly
proves that Irons and chains are not
secure for him. I then put on him
a light chain, with which he has
been ever since I never difeover
ed him at work at any thing, but
he frequently produced effigies or
likenefles,-very striking, representing
his wife He now produced an
effigy of a man in perfect shape,
with his features painted, and joints
to all his limbs, and dreftkf with
clothes made in good shape and
fafhion, out of the clothes that he
had torn off himfelf (being now
naked) which was admired for his
ingenuity. This he would put
sometimes in one position and
sometimes in another, and seemed
to amuse himfelf with it, without
taking the least notice of any thing,
else; and continued in his old
way hallowing without any altera
tion until the 13th, when the
Goaler informed me that he re
fufed to eat, and no doubt was sick
—I went to fee him every day—
found he did not eat—all the
bread and other provisions convey
ed to him he gave to his effigy,
strung on a firing and put into his
hands—He lay perfectly (Till day
and night, and took no notice of
any thing—would drink tea or
milk which I gave him twice a day
for five days ; he then refufed to
drink any thing for two days, which
made seven days he had eaten no
thing.—ln that time he began to
speak—would ask questions, but
would held no conversation. But
the molt extraordinary , the mofi
wonderful am* mysterious oi all is,
that in tins tune he hau prepared,
undiscovered , and a once exhibited
the molt finking psttu.eor g nius,
art, talk and invent ion that ever
was,'and I presume ever will be
produced by at.y human person
placed in his situation, m a dark
room, chained and handout!'u, un
der lenience ol death, without lo
much as ayuil of any kind of tiling
to work with but his hands; ana
naked. Ihe exhibition is far be
yonu my pen to deicnbe. iogive
you iotne feint idea, permit me to
lay that it confiits ot ten characters,
men, women, and childrai—all
rnadt anu painted in the mofi ex
prefiive manner, with all the limbs
and joints 01 the human trame —
each performing different parts j
their teatures,-fiiape, and form, ail
exprds their oiiicrtid offices and
situation in which they perform ;
their Orel's is of different fafhiohs,
and uniform - to’ the stations in
whica they act „
* i o view them in their different
fiation they appear as puiett as
alive—eaeh ol Uieir teaines ex
press the part they are to perform,
with tiie air and gaiety ot an attor
o.i the Rage. lets in his
Deu oy LLc lide ot the goai—lns
exniDitioii helming ao ut two feet
iroiu th. tiuor, and compafitfs the
wimie ipace ot tne celling. 1 Ihe
uppc. auit is a mail whom tie cans
ttie iaiiibaiiiic playei, or iorrienmes
DoCiOi Biuiu, ttaiiuiug witii ail ttie
pride ana appearance oi a mailer
munciali ; his iett hana akimbo,
tns right on his Tatnoaune, ureii
ed in lUitaDie uniform. him,
below, is a lady genteelly dretfeu,
graceiuhy fitting in a iiandfome
ivving ; at her teit hand hands a
man neatly drefiec, in the charac
ter 01 a lei vant, nuiumg of the fide
ot the twn.g with las right, his left
on his tup in an easy poiture, wait
ing die ladies motion On net
light hand nanus a man genteelly
artlku in the cnaradUr ot a gallant,
in a gractiui poiture tor dancing —
bentaui tnoie thiee figures fits, a
man and a young girl (up
patentiy about i4j in a pottuieoi
tilting ‘.h each ttiu oj tne ooatd, de
em iy e n o — : one. i unuer theie
llanos out. v. Uom calls Afuna
paite, or tometuncs the laihtr of
his family ; he hands etedt ; his
features are prominent; his cheeks
leu ; ins teeth w hite, ict in order ;
his gums anu tips led ; his note
ihadeu black, representing the noi
trils j his til til is that ot the Har
lequin ; in one hand he holus an
imam, with the other he plays or
beats muhe; before him hands
two children, apparently three or
four years old, holding each other
by the hand in the abt of playing,
or dancing, which with a than
dretlcd in fafhion who appears in the
character ol a Steward, sometimes
in one situation and sometimes in
another, completes the exhibition
which you have at one view.
1 hen commences the
The firlt operation is from the
“iatnbarine player or mailer, v.ljo
[Payable half yearly.
[[Number 36.
givps two or three finglc strokes on
his tambarine |hat may be heard in
any part of the fioule, without
moving any other part of his body.
Tie then dances gracefully a i>w
fieps, without touching the tamba
rine ; the lady is then swung two
or three time?, by the Steward; then
tin gailant takes a few fieps; fin n
the twe below tilt a few rimes in the
molt easy. pleasant manner ; then
the two children dance a little,
holding* each other by the band ;
af tet this Smith begins to sing or
. whiule a-tune, to which they are to
dance; at which, the tamharme
firikes and every one dances to the
tune. With motion, eale and exaft
r.ofs not to be deferibed. Many
have been the qhfervations ot fnec
tators ; amongfi them an old Ger
manobftrved, “that when he was
ft a rving rhe ieven days, he w ; as
makings league with the Devil. &
that he helped him ” All acknow
ledge with me, that it exceeds eve
ry thing they ever iaw or imagined.
His whole condud from the firft,
has been, anti one continued
feene of profound n.yftery. He.
has never ffitnvn any idea o know
ledge of his trial or prekr.t liqua
tion ; he seems happy ; his irons
and chains me no apparent incon
venience’; conteHtcd like a'dog->r
a monkey, broke to his G -i ;
fiiows no more idea of any thing
pafi than if he had no recollt efion.
He in short, has a rf.yfteriou* ,‘n of
invention, capa- i
I am almofi afhatned to forward
you To long a letter upon the fiib
jeft, and fc unintelligible ; I think,
if I could have done juffict m de
ferihing the exhibition, it wcmld
have been worthy a dace in the
Royal Gazette , and better worth,the
attention of the public than all the
wax work ever exhibited in this
P S Wednesday: the ‘2Bth
morning 1 found he had added to
his works a drummer, placed at the
left of histamharine player, equal
in appearance and exceeding in
performance ; bears the drum with
cither hand or both, occafionaily
to the time in'concert vbh the
fatnbaiine, with perb bt exachiefs,
sometimes fitting, at others (land
ing or dancing -He had aifo in a
mofi finking manner, changed the
position of his feene. Ihe la.iy a
bove deferibed to be fitting grace
fully in her swing, with so many at
tendants and admirers, is now re
presented swinging in a deje&ed
pofiure, with a young infant in her
arms ; her gallant has kit her and
has taken r he young girl (before
deferibed about 14) by the hand,
with all the air of attention lead
ing her and dancing to the tune in
concert with the music to perfect
exa&nefs, representing more than
can be deferibed—On view of
which an old Scotchman observed,
“ feme fay he is mad, others he is a
fool ; but I fay he is the sharpest
man have ever l’een ; bis per
foitmjcce exceeds all I ever met
with, and I do net believe it was
ever equalled bv the hands of man?*