Newspaper Page Text
=SBSi- 5 —_r-'-
To Thalsarchus.
You see Soiactt’s op which now
Stands covered deep with shining snow ;
Tlie laboring trees can scarce sustain
The loads that on their boughs remain.
So sharp the frost, the rivers too
Are solid ice, and cease to flow.
Dissolve the cold with blazing fire,
And pile ihe plenteous fuel higher.
O ! Thaliarch, with thoughts benign !
The four years oltl unmix’d Sabine
Dra>.\ forth and bring from yonder jar,
Leave to; the eiodavh other care.
If‘they, the furious winds have laid
That war had with the Ocean made,
The winds are still, and calm the Sea,
Nor moves the Ash nor Cypress tree.
Ask not to-morrow’s fine to know
What fortune doth to-day bestow,
Employ for gam; nor scorn sweet love.
Nor \ ■ uth . nor in the dance to move,
Ere hoaryness attack thy bloom.
Now in the camp, or public walk,
The softly whispering lovers talk
True to the appointed hour they meet,
And under night die same repent.
Now is tht sportive hidden maid,
Froth out the corner snug, betray’d
At winch the hearty laugh is rais’d
Andirom her arm or finger seiz’d
The token is in triumph gam’d,
Which she, in rogueishness maintain’d.
Mary. •whenfirjl thy face If aw
Adorned with youth and charms ,
Struck With a reverential awe,
Aiy bosom thrb’d alarms !
Since then no peace can joyr impart /
Ah! long the day Til rue
*Till v u return again my heart ,
Or take the body ico. C.
m;:. ■-- y ■
Neg roes For Sale.
THE subscriber has thirty ne
groes in families, which he will fell
on reasonable terms for cash Per
sons dilpofed to purchased are re
quested to call at Millford, where
one half of the negroes may be seen
-—the other not far distant.
The negroes to be delivered i on
the SOth day of December next.
November’ 13, 1815. —46 ts
• Mr SAMUEL HEAD and my
fclf had a conference yesterday and
finding that our interest would ma
terially clash as to the ensuing She
riffs election for this county, we fi
nally agreed to leave it to our
friends (~prefentj to determine what
should be done—the determination
was, that Mr. Head should goon as
a candidate for the High Sheriff’s
Office & myfelf take a deputation,
in case he was ele&ed ; upon that
determintation, I withdraw my
name as a candidate
I do sincerely thank my friends
for the friend (hip they had towards
my election, and hope that this
change will not make any differ
ence in their friendfhip towards the
cause, as l (hall be equally benefited
in the e*e&ion of Mr. Head, by
having a deputation.
November 20, 1815. —46 3/
Administrator's Saie.
Will be sold on the 26 th of December
next , at the house of the subscri
her, seven negroes , belonging to the
estate of F Murphey , dec.
CONSISTING of men, women
and children. Terms of sale—-one
third cash ; the ballance twelve
months credit, with foiall notes and
approved security,, with interest
from the date if not punctually
September 23, 1815.
The subscriber informs the Pub
lic, that he has just received a sup
ply of frejffi goods, which he will
dispose of on reasonable terms for
cash or produce.
September 15.
IF he yet lives, or has left any
children, he or they, by communi
cating with us, (hall receive infor
mation of a matter, in which
have become interested to their
Thos. & W. A. Turner.
Windsor , Birtee county , 1
N. C. September 7,1815. 3
0 vVe will thank the editors of
the several newspapers printed in
Georgia, to give the above adver
tifemenr, a place in their refpe&ive
papers for three months—and to
fend us, each of them a paper con
taining it; on the margin of which,
if the amount due tor the publica
tion shall be marked, it shall be
sent them by post, or it shall be
paid in any way that they may
point out.
T. & W. A. Turner.
Nov 17. —45-301.
Aclmimbu.-itoAs bate.
Will be sold, on the 20 th day of De
cember next, at the late residence
of'Jon Daily , late of this county ,
* deced. all the personal property of
said deceased —
CONSISTING of hogs, horses,
cattle, houlehold and kitchen fur
niture, and the corn and fodder—
-611 a credit of twelve months ; the
purchaser giving bond with approv
ed security.
On the fame day will be rented,
part of the plantation whereon the
deceased lived
Temporary Admrs.
November 9, 18i 5 —4s—
The copartnerfhip of Sterling
Gslnes, Nickelfon, & Cos. has ex
! pined by its own limitation Thos.
i W. Gri ines and Andrew Knox,
having purchased the interest of
Sterling Grimes & James H. Nick-
I elfon, in the above firm—thofe
, having claims on, or (land indebted
! to said firm will apply to Grimes
! and Knox for settlement; who are
duly authorifed to close the fame:
The undersigned having become
foie proprietors of the Fontainville
Mills have removed their residence
from Greenfboro’ to that place
offer for sale that well known (land
for business lately occupied by
them. For terms apply to Thos.
W. Grimes •at the Mills near
Greenfborough, or to Andrew
Knox, Savannah.
Fontainville Mills ,
Appalachee , Ocl. 14, 1815. )
for sale, ~
THAT well known trad of land
whereon Elizabeth Daracott now
lives. For terms, apply to Major
John Terrell.
Nov. 24, 1815. —46 ts
0 The cause of ihe dissolution
of co-partnership between Robt.
Chivers and myfelf is rafeality and
illegal proceedings by Robert Shi
vers. Aifo, Ido hereby forwarn
nay person or persons whatsoever,
from paying him any money on
the Book of Harrison and Chivers
for the year 1814.
April 25, 1815.—rm’ 17th
Executor's Sale.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
January next , at the Court House
in Wilkes county , all the personal
estate of Richard Hi lyard, dec.
CONSISTING of the follow
ing negroes:—Spencer, George,
Jess, & two women, named Sarah.
Twelve months credit will be
. given—the purchaser to give bond
with approved security.
WM HILYARD, Executor.
November 10, 1815. —44-6 t
Executor’s ->ale.
Will be sold, on the 23 dos December
next , at the late residence of Wil
liam Thurman , dec the following
property :
Four negroes, household and
kitchen furniture, one horse, a flock
of sheep, and fome geese.
I Terms of sale made known on
I the day of sale
November 10, 1815. —44 ts
On the fir st Tues day in January next ,
at the Court House in Oglethorpe
county, between the hours of ten &
three o’ clock? the following proper
ty, viz:
One dark bay inare, ten or ele
ven years old, and one sorrel mare,
fix years old ; levied on as the pro
perty of Thomas Scroggin, at the
inilance of John T. Lawrence.
One hundred and fifty acres of
land, more or less, on the waters
of Clouds creek, joining Fielding
Dillard ; levied on as the property
of Young W. Short, at the in->
fiance of Susannah Billups, and
William Billups, Executors of John
Billups, decafe, and Robt. Bledfoe.
Also ,
One hundred acres of land, on
the waters of Big creek, joining
John Armfted ; levied on as the
pioperty of John Rodgers, at the
instance of Jno. M‘Carty. Also,
One bay mare, and one feather
bed and furniture; levied on as the
property of Wm. B Brown, at the
instance of the trustees of Meson
One negro man, by the name of
Daniel; levied on as *he property
of John Center, at the instance of
Tho 6. Burdell, for Ferdinand Phi
nizy, and Paschal Murphy, for Jas.
One hundred & sixty five acres
of land, more or less, on the waters
of Indian creek; levied on as the
property William Kidd, at the in
stance of Robert Freeman, for John
f Lawerence. Property pointed
out by W. Kidd .
Conditions cash.
Nov. 30, 1815.
Moun&Pleafant Academy
WILL go into operation on the
firft day of next January, under
the immediate diredion and con
troul of the subscriber. In this in
stitution provision is mare for the
inftru&ion of both Male and Fe
male pupils. Mount Pleasant
lies about five miles North of Pe
terfburgh, in Elbert county.\ Per
haps there is not a more healthy
spot in the (late of Georgia, than
this vicinity. The rate of tuitioifl
will be two dollars per month, ofl
1 o dollars per feflion. Board with
the exception of candles, will be
eight dollars per month. No stu
dent can enter this inflitution for a
Shorter period than one feflion
The firft feflion will end the last of
May. The second feflibn will
commence on the 10th of June, &
end on the 10th of November. It
is expeded that tuition will be paid
one half in advance. The ReOff
will receive into his own familykf
bout 10 or 12 Boarders.
November 18.—47 3t.
JLook Here !
Having moved our STORE on
; Main Street, one door below Messrs.
WARE & STONE. We will al’
ways be glad to fee our friends, as
we still continue to give good bar*
gains. We have all’o just received
an assortment of frefh goods.
T. W. SIMS, & Cos.
November 31. —47-4 C
Now is she rime.
for sale cheap for cafh—Enquire of
the Printer.
Nov. 27.
Will be given for an hundred or
two weight of bacon—enquire at
this office.
’ TosT,
X)N the 26th inftanton the roadl
leading from Washington to A 4
thens, a small book, containg a five
dollar bill, and a note for nine dol
lars, on James Norris, in Ogle
thorpe ; there was also, a few lines
in it, addressed to Mr. M‘Kinney
of Augusta. The person who has,
or may find the book, will confer
a favor on the subscriber by leaving
it at Mr. M‘Cords, Oglethorpe
Nov 30.,
For sale at this Office , the
following BLANKS :—
Warrants of Appraifement,.
Letters of Adminiftiation,
Do. Teftimentary,
Do. Guardianship,
Administrator’s Bonds,
Constables do.
Colledors and other Deeds,
Marriage Licence’s,
Subpcenaes, Executions, Justices
Warrants, Fi-fa*s, Guardian’s
Bonds, Indentures, Ca-fa’s and
Commiflion of Interrogatories