The Georgia grange. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1873-1882, January 01, 1875, Page 8, Image 8

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8 grips T & - -• J There are 100 Granges in the Slate of Ohio with a membership of over 75,000. W. J. Conner, of Goshen, N. Y., has re cently imported a herd of Holstein cattle, con sisting of six bows and one bull. The Patrons of Storm Lake, lowa, have constructed a warehouse, which they report has already proved a success. There are said to be about 5,000 Patrons in Kansas, and a like number in Nebraska, who are suffei ing from the ravages of the grasshoppers. The Illinois State Grange meets at Spring field on the 12th inst. The basis of represent ation is one representative for each county, with one additional for twelve Granges and two for thirty-nine. The English sparrow which, within the last few years have been introduced into sev eral States of the Union, are said to be multi plying rapidly. We may, therefore, expect the whole country to be thoroughly stocked with them. -« The following salaries are paid to the offi cers of the Indiana State Grange : Master and Secretary, SBOO each and expenses ; Treasurer, SSOO and expenses ; Members of the Executive Committee, $2 50 per day, and expenses. The cheese factory of South Paris, Maine, has converted 412,000 pounds of milk into cheese during the present season, producing 49,850 pounds of cheese. The Patrons of Minnesota reject the pro position of the National Grange in regard to the new basis of representation, and Lave determined to adhere to the original rule making the master of each Grange a repre sentative. The National Wool Growers Association I have issued a protest against reciprocity witii Canada, apprehending that thdpoljcy would make that country the gate through which all foreign importations of wool would reach the United States. I'hvE months is dip age at whiph colts should be weiincd. Weaning, as some du,at three months, is 100 i-uily, and six months too late, jf dieimire is put ii) breeding again sunn after foaling, for Ihu coll will withdraw a porlion of the imliiuiint iTi|Wirud for the Imalty dctalopnient "I the fminsin th> utrpu • -» lirungi; Tin* Vitrioita .Masieraol Him diHemit Muir iltmt'fj Imvn g#»vl»* followiiu whnli will nnilrtiiiHv itid Milt* rtliititti* Ginn gt'a in lht*if di‘liltt*riiliitii*» • Mciiilii to not ' l> at tut Ilia liimta flliiiiild Ind la gtvi'ti Hit' mutual wind A Fil'd Milpti t liilN till' teiililt l light life mi.v olht'i tin lulu i, mid mi mmi Grrnigfu i mimii i ‘luoiiiiiiiiiii dlv n btml i i ft hill uiiy id the tfiiliallim li'tp. A ftilmidiiial" tlrai’it ■ cmiiiol ( hmig" tin liv biw i(i|iiiilng tiiimiy to miompmiy th" pellttiiii. A Gliibgi* iiilitii l lulo' It ttiill'lot h'lfe ci Vi’lo Im k iiiiy lets al li r I lit y liu Vi* oih t lain I'ithl in. Mtiiiidihg i * I’li’illli i p on iipplii iilio’H ait illegal, all i omiiiitlei p on iipplit idioii® must lie ppeeinl. I'ltiinlp life no! Io be disti ibiiled mt otig the diHercnl liiemla h of the Giiingti, but to be kept by the oflh t r. No dispehsioii emi lie filled out after the Application has been sent off by the deputy. Every emididate lor initiation must lie tail lotted tor, w hether Uie committee report pro or «>«. When the M. mid O are both absent, a 1’ M should take the ehair, ii there be one pres ent. If not, then chit a Master pro trot. There is no authority to make the Steward Master, as he Is outranked by the Lecturer. A Grange cannot change its place of iner t ing into the jurisdiction of another Grange without obtaining the* coiocut ol the Grange in whose jurisdiction they ptopost to hold the meetings. Where persons from one jurisdiction are taken into another Grange without consent, the Grange whose territory whsencrachedon may claim tees but the other Grange retains the meinl>er. The Great Piano and Organ De pat. Atlanta cau uu* Uuaal of the laigeat Muaieal Emporium iu Um South. Gviuxuux Woon A CO., lifting mV -red Uus as their disUahutiug point, thax kfcep the large*, stock of I'iauoe, Organ*, Sheet Music and Mu sical Merchandise in the South, and are the only wholesale manufacturers' Agents. They are General Agents for the celebrated Chlekorhig Pianoti. who took the “t'uand Cross of the Legion of Honor' al the World's Fair in Paris, also the Steck Piano, who took the Gold Medal at the World's Fair, held at Vicuna, also the world renowned Dunham A Sons, Guild. Church A Co., and o<her» -but after an experience of eighteen years, they believe the Chicluring Piano to be, in purity of tune, elasticity. and evetmese of action, and dunildlity, the best iu Ute world, and they give a writpa warrantee to due offeei. As to Organs, they challenge the world to produce an Organ that can bear even a fa\orabie ix’tupanson to the Emsv Oguaw. Has is now the largest organ niauufactoiy m the world. Hiey want reliable agents in Georgia. Alabama. South Carolina. Florida and Tenness< e. Special Jist'ounts made to chiucliee, schools, ministers •nd teachers They Lave just added vi.OOd worth of Sheet Music to their stock, already large and are prepared to fill any orders, st the lowest rates. They also publish one of ti.< Lee-t Musi s! Join i.ais in li.c I . it» 4 "i..t< - . s : g < gbt pa; e• f the latest s!.e« t t ins: m each isrute, taikd Th* tn i.... M’Ui J I’J.n. .. Th- wild... t u i. Ai .i L. Georgia State Grange, Secretary's Office, Macon, Ga., December 31, 1874. To Delegates to State Grange Meennt) : Please bear in mind the following items of in formation : Those of you passing over the Wes tern & Atlantic Railroad will have tickets for warded to you ,which you will present to Agents of Stations along the route, who, in return, will sell you “Excursion Tickets” at half fare. Those passing over Selma, Rome & Dalton Railroa i are allowed to buy “Mileage tickets” of Agents. Over Georgia Railroad and branches, “Return Tickets” can be had only of Agents. The fol lowing roads allow free return to those “paying full fare going, upon our certificates of attend ance, viz: Richmond & Air Line; Savannah. Griffin & North Alabama: Central, and divis ions : Maeon & Brunswick, and Savannah & Gulf. The time of meeting is 9 o’clock, a.m., January 20, 1875, Harmonic Hall, Macon, Ga. Board can be obtained at following rates : Lanier House, $2 per day; Mrs. Dense’s Plan ters’ House. $1.50 per day; Mrs. Whitehurst’s Stubblefield House, $1.50 per day: Isaacs House, $2 per day, and Brown House $3 per day. Fifth ®cgree will be conferred upon those en titled to receive it, and other business of impor tance transacted. E. TAYLOR, Secretary. DIRECT TRADE UNION OF THE Patrons of Husbandry. H T E arc now in operation and prepared to V V receive cotton on consignment, and will advance three-fourths its value on the same, when shipped to Europe, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum. No commissions charged on advances. Merchants ami farmers not stock holders are allowed to ship their cotton on the same terms. When cotton is ready to be ship ped, it should be properly marked, taken to the nearest railroad station and consigned to Chas. H. Olmstead, Savannah, Ga. Send him the railroad receipt, inform him by letter of the ship ment, and give him instructions in regard to its disposal, whether to sell in Savannah or ship to Liverpool. On arrival in Savannah the cotton will be classed and valued, and if an advance is required, it will be forwarded by express or otherwise, as he may order it. Parties wishing to ship their cotton can receive the* three-fourths advance from the agents —J. Reese at Atlanta,E. 'Taylor, Macon, J. H. Echols, Augusta. T. B. King, Grifibi, A. C. Bell, Americus To Stockholders. The last installment on your stock is due on the first of October. You are requested to pay up promptly, either by shipment of cotton, or remittance bv postffiee money order or registered letter. ‘ A. H. COLQUITT, oct-tf President Direct Trade Union. Grangers’ Warehouse. npilE UNiJEiISIGNED is doing a M otion and <«riH‘ral <'oiiiniissjoii lltisiness for the Patrons of Husbandry, in the city of Savannah. His charges on storage is 25 cents per mopth, and it) cents | er ruunth iusirrauce, and one dollar per bale for selling. St/ ■ All piui-hases imide for Patioiis I’l-cr pf I ’llilFli'lQ lit L* lb,l H * iii tiff its possible. Olljee : Bay til’' II'U'I h e:li:, |iifc| ifiinr West Ilf |!',S(:|l4l|gS p.inldii.g. iuiv-Jiu Oliit i: HAIiJUfiON, Mil 4r J k. rr g: ST- ; • if ■ r : I HIM IM IUK Hl ■!!' < H I Ills Pniron's , Lt will be sci.t to any ad lre.-s, »cc >mpanie<l with a Pliot.’graph, sixo 12*14. on receipt of 1 price. Bcld, $8 50. Ptrreffihfr, |2fo Orek’e.fcl 75. Moiiuv ran be scut bv po-l.>lliee aider. FAKLEY A CO.. No. bl I'aik Place. NEW YORK. ma> ts BRINLY PLOWS. < ' : BEST AND CHEAPEST IN VSO. <?* Have taken over Three Himdrid P.-emi ums at Fail s thnmgtK".'.t the South Send for illustrated Catalogue, with Price Lis., and eer ’ titivates of planters wlu> use them BRINLY. MH F> A H GIDY. Sole Manufacturers, 12s to 1 W East Main street. IxirrsvnxF. IG. may ts nod RIIGER. x 15,000.000 Jtla**. Xv* 10.000 Kli.crra, 6,500 Tougi ** V » Xe. Hardwire SCI Pbru.. K ;;frr. Kr;>fa | r I’WfkU. Tes.^» |. l . *.4, ■ Oscular* t<»». aaar-M i ->y 11. W. im.L 6 CO, Occaau, IU, * The Cheapest in the South. $12.00 Per 100 FOR APPLE MU Pffl TBIFS, Vi n f -USCRUIA lll.■■■■■■ . JTOUC _[the Steasii Piintiiw House. s -iM ®i R BißufeW? l s 1 SMSft fill 1 ME AW, Mm ESTABLEHMOT. | Unsorpassefl inflifl SflßtliJ Work Dene by Artists, and Patronage Drawn by Lev/ Prices and Ability to Please! To the Public — The want of preparation has, perhaps, been more detrimental to busi ness men and to hibtitutions generally, than all other causes combined. If the merchant has not stock to meet the demand, then he is unprepared for the. transaction of business, and so the doc trine applies with equal force to every on.*, connected with business, or following in the paths of public life Appreciating this fact, and taking advantage of its suggestion, we have entirely re stocked THE FRANKLIN STEAM I'IHNI iN<! HOUSE, and at no time has it been so thoroughly prepared to execute every variety of ~ BOOK AND JOB PRIHTUTG, ~ SPEQIkLTIES. I jl I V1: M-ll 1 ! byjlhj vicjoii of pimt- PFPjT’IIM J I* mi 'Ph ■yin# uiH WMik nt imw ' rilf. I'IiANKMN li'ife ■' I th d t’i'l ”f''’ti'l'iti'tiH HI A 1 Hi Ul. I'HIN'I |N(i with clieftpiiesn, I Lila HIVIIIH iitif I’Mli il'lfe ii’ l HIT 1 '! 1 DIH 7"I“ I ' ’Ui-Ulltf llieir gtlb’l lf|S|” -IS well Its WiHM: ISe iiivife yntt pt Ih ■ ■ !fi h *ill l" : ph I" "Mil it* MitMiiieiis nf mir wiili mid niftlic W" elHipl.V .pl. ■! 'li'll; lief”'’’ O‘ : !|L"H H'lli Ufllk '‘i'li’rt'h j'll'l H Hat Hill ep In |i|ejp:i yitl| ''Mlll'liliH h'HH" l“ I llfMlr Illi’ I li.AUhl I 1 •■lili’l" >ll"itl I" IlMlilY IHp hi pepnua, ...,i i ■" ii.m ml r »ln”l4ll.t I li'lfe ftu r fl'il’l" lll’' I’l’lflls..' HiraßAViiTa. I Tip Alf'dlliHll t’f !• i i'ff- Hi' ii i« •=! ’ ■••illf I" Hii- bli'l' It "f Hfii I'iiPiiiHPP; At" t1” Hilt I'ro |,(,c .p, | lrt -,':. ( ’li’MtlHe ’I 'I e i'-r eilldlig. ill hi-’L i I ■< Illi- pnfi <n<|| dll' i-i|st nnT 11, hllil'i lilti.,-:. I~f tri-. 11l gieid l'ii‘ ! < ori'ittih I■■ d i nil -i knt ILlilst m‘-i= IS" i-i'i fiiiitl-'H t'liffe us I’i-f lPip ■ ■ I ll |\ rS ls •. 1 ' I S’ I <■: . ■ ’ 'l: *l’l I.l*lll ii ■ I. •. ■li leitli*’ i J llftil. I "H"I 1t;... j. ■ lie’lda, L(| ; , ;i|.ph I'ifciibp.-. Vi'iili'ii* niiil Wi M in; I'i i b In wry nt i’ fy t I f>hle. Ut'i lilli nlt h <>f Stuck. J'ihllh, Nulea. etc. rshmntc-’ finni-l’"d. CzTWe receive everything new and elegant in the way of Type Jtorders. Rules, etc., and are therefore Always up with the Times! Our facilities for turning out work expeditiorodv ABE UN'S! E 1’ASSI!!) 1;Y ANY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE. AU orders fr.'m a distance conn Jed io ua will be ffUed. in al! iespeefte. as if the patron Wre pres ent in person. BLAUK BOOKS- ~ Our BINDERY’ being supplied with all the latest and MOST APPROVED MA< HTN'EItY and TOOI.B and Lav ng the i’-i .-r W.uuimen employ' d--w<. are } rej ared to ftunisl:. at the lowest rates and in the very beet style. Blank IkroKs. of any d. sired styla or ; attern, such as Bills l a Lng Books, HOTEL REGISTERS, LAWVERS BRIEFS, Bill Books, Invoice Books, County Record Books, Cotton Purchase Book >, Journals, Docket Books, Cotton Lorwarding Books, Receipts for Cotton Note Books, Cotton Receipt Books, on Storage, Land Flats, Consignment Books, Cotton Journals, Receipts for 'Faxes, Cotton Ledgers, Etc., etc., etc. Receipts for Money, Cotton Sales Books, . rnrrne Orders of Courts, Cash Books, v i Tz- Felty Ledgers, Cotton Abstract Books, ror Cash and Current',, promissory Notes, Draft Becks, Marriage Bonds, 1 rial Balance Books, Freight Ledgers, Marriage Licenses, 1 rial Dockets, BANKERS AND RAIT ROADS! JAMES P. HARRISON & CO, CARDS.’y BRIEFS. FOSTERS? * HUKE IS, EN\ ELOPES. CIRCULARS, Mill HEADS, O ST un.ME.x rs, LE I I LK HEADS ’LEGAL Bl ANKS. B I Li. HEADS.TT INVITATIONS, PAM TUI E IS. W HAND BILLS, DODGERS, m PLACARDS, ETC., &c. **• ETC., icc. i PRINTED AT THE Shu Frilling Ems, Park Medical Institute and Dispensary. W . an experience’ of 24 years P.a tox No. l> ge itkmla,° Wa. ad BUWte ’ Q " P KroudbmG, Letters of inquiry must always contain a postage stamp. Treatment of all Diseases of both sexes. Especially diseases of long standing, and those upon which other Physicians have faUed 't estimonials, and printed Questions, with blanks for answers, ! fdAlrded nostk4 Re paid, to anyone who will send their address to Dr Park. ‘ 1 1 os .a„eyh€ £ JL- 8 ©Xl"ft £5? OF EVEItY DESCRirnoN FOR SALE. A MONG which are an Automatic Gate, self-shutting, self-elevating, tieif-adjusting, self-latching, no sag, no friction, no wear— Cheap, dncable, easily applied. Send for circular free. A Fruit-box, Crate and Safe, for transporting delicate Fruit without damage. The best ever invented; secure this. CORN PLANTERS, FLOWS, and many others too numerous to mention. With any of which a fortune can easily be made. State, County, Town, Farm, Shoprights’ and Manufacturing licenses. Patents bought and sold. Special Agents wanted in every town. Special terms to Granges or Patrons addressing me through the Secretary of their Lodge. Patents. AMERICAN and FOREIGN, procured for inventions. 63" Correspondence solicited and promptly answered in all matters appertaining to Patents. C. nAXWKI.I. WffTEI., Solicitor, Attorney and Dealer in Patents, ang-ly No. 289 21st Street, Efrooklyn, A. T. THE BEST INVESTMENT! TOTTITCS- IviTJ.tV Who wish to obtain a THOROUGH PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION, and prepare j themselves for the duties of ACTUAL BUSMESS MEE, Under the instruction and advice of EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANTS,! Should attend A STANDARD INSTITUTION, AND Leading Business School in the South Conducted on Actual Business Principles, Supplied with Banking and other offices, copi|>in ing every known facility fur imparting a thor ough, practical, and systematic kuowle lge of the j Science of Aveounts, ip the shortest lipsbible time, and at the least expei se. ihFjio vuciilioih St'iileuts gilffliite4 nt piy time. CireularH. containing terms, etc. mailed mi application, A’lilresa R, F, MOOBBi A.M.; pmideut, ii J M; f Lii<l<r« lilkHlitia FiHil /tr. j \ Atlanta, Ga., Get. »!1, 1H74. i A U. Ladd, Eeq : I>kar Sin I have used your Alkaline Fertilizer | thife Reason mi turnipß, alongside of three Hfnnd ard fertilizers. They cost S7O per ton, yours $27 per ton. Yours it; equal in ploihietion !o either | of the liigb-j riced fertilizers. i Yours respect ftillv, I I L. F. LIVINGSTON. / Atlanta. GA..Sept. 1, 1874. Mr. A. C. Im‘l'l — Deah Sin : Please ship me j at Decatur, Georgia, twenty tons of your Alka line Fertilizer. 1 have tried it throughly this season, side by side with all of the best brands | of Fertilize: s sold in the market, on corn, cot ton. oate and wheat, and I have no hesitation in stating that it has paid me a double per centage ! over all. Send me five tons at once for my wheat. Ven- respectfully, IL A. ALSTON. Atlanta, Ga., October 5. 1874. Mr. .4. C. Jxviil, Atlanta, Ga.— l >kar Her : It | affords me pleasure to give you the result of ex* i periments which 1 made this season with Ladd's ! Alkaline Fertilizer. 1 put 200 lbs. per acre as a top dressing on my I wheat in March last It made 12 1 Lnshels per acre on land that would n >t have made more than ‘Gto 8 bushels at best. I left from 3to 5 bushels i |>er acre, having a new reaper that I did not un derstand wmking well, and the laud being rough I ha ve since cut off' from that laud from 2,000 to 3,0i10 lbs of the best crab grass that I ever saw, ' j which I attribute to the use of your Fertilizer. | My neighbors around me med other guanos three times as costly a- mine, but did not make , as much wheat, ai. i failed on the grass crojis. I have tried it on about 1,500 fruit trees. A 1 good many were dying,but now they look healthv: i it killed ail the insects and they are doing well. . Mv grapevines done splendid. lam satisfied it ! is exactly what we need in Geoigia. I have not yet gathered all my cotton. When 'ldo so I will give you results, i will say this . much, it is Mattering. My c .rn crop is splendid : better than any I ever saw grow in DeKalb coun tv. according to the land. Yours resjsictfully. EDWARD CUE ATLSNTA, (ih., Nil*. 11. 1574. ; .4 C. Lada. fug. I used yuur Alkaline J i on oats the last reason, and the yield fully double o'.i.-r nate -- !c by t le. It it the Lest J-'.rlilize; I Lune e'er und. WM. 1.. • LL\ J.LAND, M. U The above fertilizer took the first premium at the Georgia state I'air of J -74. aij*l the ejlver . medal—the rind premium at the Greenville, - r . Fair. 1*74. Also, a silver c.q. at the n<-w f... r of li.-.- > ar< iinas. at < harl ute. Nov., i*-74 GAME BEI/!’. j-if. tel. I.TuorPi v <'*/ t-r L' Mo, •'.-i7-4r.. •-j? p td K Si P-3 JC §3 CP A v CO p- o' ;1 g. |r ’ - | J s o’ ’ "2 = ® *l-1 £.=■ 2*l CD ?“ •ii ™ H td |x h $ la IT O I*s 11 > CD |_3 r p § 0 X 15IIEH* ! ' Graiii, Spre aii Upright Pirn HAVE received upwards of FIFTY FIRST PREMIUMS, and are among the best now made. Every instrument fully warranted for : five years, Prices as low as the exclusive use of j the very best materials and the most thorough ' workmanship will permit. The principal pianists i and composers, and the piano-purchasing public | of the South especially, unite in the unanimous ' verdict of the superiority of the STIEFF PIANO, j The DURABILITY of our instruments is fully established by over SIXTY SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES in the South, using over 300 of our Pianos. Sole Wholesale Agents for several of the prin cipal manufacturers of Cabinet and Parlor Or gans ; prices from SSO to S6OO. A liberal dis count to Clergymen and Sabbath-schools. A large assortment of second-hand Pianos, at prices ranging from $75 to S3OO, always on hand. Send for illustrated Catalogue, containing the names of over 2,000 Southerners who have : bought and are using the Stieff Pianos. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Ware-rooms, No 9 North Libertj* street, liALnitiuiE, Yin. Factories—B4 and 86 Camden street and 15 ami 47 perry street. REMINGTON, if | Xjffl I 'l" lb'iini glii.'i Mi r.liig llrti'liiiiH lifts f tit ’ll g tßjiiim iulu hi'.*'!' ns pH'ipi’isiiq; ||i*’ fiesf ( * ml i , mil It Hi of good qualities, iiaiiit-ly: Light rti"- idiig. Pinootli, tio|j|‘|i'PH, in|iii|, (Imalile, with pel i eiit Lock Stiti li. It Ih it Shuttle Ma hioe, with Alilotualie Drop i Feed. I'epigii ben'itiliil and fOosiructioii the 1 very best. i Itoiningtoii No. 1 for family use, in the third year of its existence, hap met with a more rapid increase of ratio of sales than any | machine in the market. Remington No. 2 Machine for niauufacturing and family use, (ready for delivery since June, 1 f° r ,a,l g e - perfection, and vaiiety of work. is without a rival in family or workshop. <Joo«l AirvnfM Wanted. Send for Circular. REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE CO. Ilion, New York. Drawh Gfices of Ucinington (tornpanics : E. Remington A Sons, | Remington Sewing M. Co., ?• Ilion, N. Y. ■ Remington Ag'l Co., I 281 and 283 Broadway, New York. Arms. Madison Square. New York, Sewing Machines. Chicago, 237 State st., S. Ma'diines and Arms. Boston, 332 Washington st., Sewing Machines. i Cincinnati, 181 West 4tb st, Sewing Machines. Utica. 129 Genesee st.. Sewing Machines. Atlanta. Ga., DcGive’s Opera House. Marietta street, Sewing Machines. Washington. D. C., 521 Seventh st., Machines. t i jan.2m I - —y. ~- j x—z -L LJ JjvCL _ ! TUL ( OLLINS- PAINLESS OPIUM ANTI i 1 * DOTE cures without pain or mateiial in convenience. ** Thenaki” an interesting <pur- j tarty magazine, of about IGA pages, with 80 pages of testimonials, devoted to the interest of the opium afflicted, and all necessary particulars j sent free on application. Add) esH B. M. WOOL LEY, Agent. Atlanta, Ga. Office—lo the Medical Institute, coiner Broad ! and Mitchell streets, up stairs. jan.6m tT. f. grant, No. 102 Bay Street- - SAVANNAH, GA. OKJS’KTtA L, Commission Merchant. ItZ Cotton sold for Grangers on a. brokerage I of FIFTY CENTS a bale. i aug ts L Seeds and Bulbs. I LLFSTBATLD opKiNG I A'l ALOGUJ! FOR L I I'.-v iC‘*i»«ly sent, with a . .flj * t Ft- Ai .ri'uin Garden, am- fills P t de... Ail. i'!.i.,.l M ll* *t. ■ .; i i-i ten nt.. ?r . 1. it:. iU , eoib-UMi, M