Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the uoatoffleeat YY’riglits
vill? as second class mail matter.
One Year $1.00. 3 Months 25c.
G Months 50c. 5 Weeks 10c.
Wmghtsvh.i.k. Ga., Nov. 16, 1900.
'Vc will give y,,u Tnu Record and
any ef the papers named brlow, as
Dalton Herald, $1 2 ?
Atlanta Journal, 1 2 Z
Georgia Tribune, 1 25
AI lanta (tonsl i'.nt ion, 1 3(
Missouri World, 1 If
All combination subscription orders
must be sent to ibis olllee and cash in
advance must accuipany tile order.
Good by Bryan, good by.
Thu democratic party simply
wiis’nt iii it.
What on earth ia tho Georgia
legislature doing?
Aguiunldo hasn’t yet hoard of
McKinley's election.
Slate fiura, etc, in Georgia are
being run in the ground.
Bryant forget to congratulate
Roosevelt. Wonder why?
It seems now Lhutliauna bought
everything ns he wont along.
McKinley even carried Bryan’s
home state. Now Ill’s was too hud.
Tho party that will tamper with
tho ballot will not do to Im trusted.
Wonder what some editors think
haw who p red idiot a democratic
llnnnn’s “full :Iii> 11 c‘r pail” gol
there with both feet in several of
the states.
Many a mothers’son is falling in
tho Philippines that imperialism
might reign in America.
Tullahasso won the light for tho
state capitol over Jacksonville
with both hands down.
The election boomed stocks in
Wall st, for awhile. In a measure
it was Wall street’s election.
It is a great pity that we should
kill the Philippines to Christian
the half dozen that loft.
Both tho army and navy will
havo to ho enlargud. Tho poopla
pay it, so tin; hills will ho met.
Tho result in ihe country last
Tuesday week proves that the par¬
ty which has plenty of money for
•lection ex [lenses can elect its
Its seeirs to the mail up tho tree,
the democratic party Is in the same
aomlitkm they said the populist*
wore in in ’92: dead, never to be
rasurooted again.
From the way tilO southern
itates [).H['Cl'a ‘ 1 boomed Bl'VlUt and
1’Uf democracy one would , ha-ve be- ,
jitJVOtl that .
VO cafrv everything ill sight. Bill
the racket failed to work.
Did YOU ever think of it that
ihu Cubans fought n to down , just J .
wlmt , the , American . , people , are now
being taxed to do: to , keep up mil- ..
iatnryism and taxed to death that
grand rascals might Intro easy and
|, jirjj salary 1 v •' iohs
-v- 1 .... -------_!—;
The democratic party 1 will or
guuize itself in duo time. . At tllO ,
proper time it will sptnv out free
f»iiver from its mouth.—Savannah
Press. It seems that the demo¬
crats are now sorry they stole the
populist platform. Why don’t
they come out like men and say
With the overwhelming defeat
of Win. J. Bryan the second time
pasees from public life the one
man who lias retarded the reform
movement more than all other
things put together. Had he been
truly a great man and accepted
Turn Watson as his running mate
in 18t)G tie would he president to¬
day.—Dalton Herald.
Reduced Rates to Augusta.
On account of Georgia Reunion of
Confederate Veterans,November 1 4-l(>,
|!K)0, the YV, & T. H. R. to., will sell oil
November 12, 1J and 11 with final limit
IStli tickets from Wrighteville, Ga., to
Augusta and return al $2.25 for the
round trip. Children of 5 and under
12 years of age, half this r.-.te.
The YY r ri)rlitsville <fc Tennille Rail¬
road will sell tickets from all stations
to Tliomasville, <ia., and return on
Nov. lit, II, 15 and Kith with final
limit Nov. 17, inclusive,al one fare for
the round trip account of the street
Carnival and races to he held at that
point on Nov. 14,15 and lli.
bow rales from YVri K litsv. lie & Ten
llllle sial loivs lo A Ug 11 s I <*l .^(TOUlit of
('iinlcderale Wrightsville Veterans Re-union: The
& Tennille railroad will
sell tie,Itefs from all stations to Au¬
gusta and return account above occa¬
sion at 1 cent per mile traveled.
Children of 5 and under 12 years i f
age half these r.-Ces. Special coaches
will start from Hawlcinsville arid Dub
Iiti on Nov. Kith and run through lo
Augusta via Hie Cent ml Railway
from Tennille without change.
K. K. Huyan, Jit., 1\ A.
Low Rates to Augusta Over the
Central Railroad.
Low rates to Augusta, Ga., via the
Central,of Georgia Railway, account
Confederate Veterans Reunion and
Klks Carnival, Nov. 11-1(1, 11)00. Cen¬
tra! of Georgia Railway will sell ex¬
cursion tickets to Augusta, Ga., and
return, from all points in the stale of
Georgia, Nov. 13, I I, and 15, and for
trams scheduled lo nrri.e in Augusta
prior lo noon of Nov. ll>, at the rale of
I cent per mile,distance traveled :linal
return limit of tickets Nov. lslh. For
furl her particulars, rales, schedules,
apuly Railway. to any agent Central of
Gkohoi .— Johnson County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in the city of Wrightsville, John¬
son county Georgia, within the legal
hour*'of sale, on the first Tuesday in
Decern tie, 1900, the following described
property tn-wit:
One certain Wrightsville* lot or parcel of land in
tliecify of Johnson coun¬
ty Georgia and bounded as follows:
on the north and eost by lands of Dr
J. M. Page, on the south by lb * lands
of K. A. Outlaw and on Hie west by the
lands of YV. t>. Out law, containing t liree
and one- half (8 1 - 2 ) acres more or less
and being the bouse and lot now occu¬
pied by file defendant, J. YV. Rowland
and levied on as the property of said
J. YY’. Rowland to satisfy one Justice
court li fa issued from Hie 1291 district
G, M. of Johnson county Georgia in
favor of 15. It. Tanner, leasee, vs J. YY'.
Rowland and U Walker, indersee. Lev¬
ied on by It. K. Jordan, L. 0. and re¬
turned to me as coroner because ot (be
defendant, J. YV. Rowland, being sher¬
iff and disqualified. This Nov. S. 1900.
A. S. ISsltNKS. Coroner, J. C.
Gko uffi a—J ohnson County.
To all whom it may concern: A.T. It. Hall,
executor of the last will and testament and of
the estate of Julian Viatina Hall deceased, has
in due f»rm applied to tho undersigned for leave
to foil the timber on four hundred acres of land
more or less situate, lying and being in the 1,-
201st district, G. M.. of saitl county and being in
th© fork of Flat Bock creek, ami Cypress creek
and bounded on the north by Mrs. Jane Under
and the W. U. ilnU estate, on the cast, sou tit and
west by lauds formerly belonging to J.C. A.
Wileher. said timber to be sold for turpentine
purposes, ami enough also to cut 100 pieces of
ranging timber H» pay the debt of said Julian
Yiaua llall deceased, said timber bring on the
lands of the said Julian Vianna Hull deceased
or to her estate, and said application will die
heard ai my office on the first Mundayxin De ¬
cember 1900. This jtii day of November, i900.
J. K. I*AflK, Ordinrry, Johnson C'o.
Gxokuia— Johnson Count.
By v irtue or an order granted by the court of
Ordiimry t>f said county at the November tcr.ii
1900,1 will sell cm the first Tuesday in Decern
ber, 1900, before tho court house door in said
county tins following JccriW l»iul, to-wit:
law No. S. of the »>stau> of K. W. Flamlor.i .Irawn
ncn-s.aml iLmmUnl'aVro’uowLVon Uie n'ovtfi bv
lot Xo.S, drawn bv K. F. Klumlcrs; on the east
by l!>tXo.U, di-awu by W. S. FlamU-rs: on the
donth by lot No. 4, drawn by Stokes. J. e. FUudors; on
ihe west by the estute of N.
iV.'oamuVisiidbuteoof itaflisUt*o P tu*T!V'iau.
»• .tate.
:i( . , A „.r otl nson petitiouev> County. have appli
u hereas certain mane
ran. n to this court pray in.* for an order ;:rnnt
j»IS Ou- eslablisemout of a new road commune
u — 11 situsjiinc school house and
tbv d.rection of W iikIUsviUo, on tbc lnn Inc
between Jordan Stoliss am] 11. M l>ci.t and M ss
Martha blokes across Mt.^iou creek
, A 1 '*® t
'imneiu ".Tu
utiHivaml couvenioncc. Now ibis is lo oiic
and iidmouisii all persons that on ami after the
uay of December, 19(K\ said new raoil A yiii
eoiurary. Given under my^lmml anji *«at, this
the itb dfit ' of November, J.£. rAO*,Ordinary, 1 SKD. J.C.
Georgia—J ohnson County.
Will bo sold.on the Hrst Tnesday in Decern
bor next, at public outcry at the court
door lit said county, within the legal hour# of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain
property, of which the following is a full and
complete description: One certain tract or
parcel of land lying, being and situate in the
55th district G. M. of said state and county, and
bounded as follows: on the north by lands of
8. ft. Uiner.east by donas Wilson,south by lands
of A. Wood and on the west by Isaac Townsend,
C< ntaining one hundred acres, more or less.
Said property levied on and to be sold as the
property of Jas. A. Townsend, to satisfy an ex
edition issued from the City court of W right*
villc of said comity in favor of J. L. Martin
against said Jas. A. Townsend and W. J. Will
iaius. Haid property being in the possession of
Jas. A. Townsend. This 7tb day ef November,
1900. J. W. Bowlami, Sheriff, J. C.
( i boko i a—J ohnson cottntr.
Will be sold before the court house door in
tnccity of Wrightsville, .Johnson county, Geor
gia, on the first Tuesday in November, 1900,
within the legal hours of sale, the following do
scribed property to-wit:
AH that tract or parcel of land situated
Johnson county to-wit: 200 acres more or leas
on the west si<le of the big Ohoopee river, in the
the 1260th district G. M. said county. Bounded
on the north by lands of J. M. Edwards, by
big Ohoopee river, on the south by .Sandy Wil
son,on the west by lands of J. M. Smith, known
as the W. H. Smith home place. Said land lev
iod on and to be sold as the property of W. II
Smith,defendant in li fa. under and by virtue
of a ri fa issued from the Superior court of said
county i» favor of Harriet ?>. Jcnka against W.
II. Smith, defendant in fi fa. Legal notice given
defendant in li fa. This Nov. 7. 1900.
J. \V. Howland. Sheriff, .1. C.
{4 bo kg i a— Jolm-.on county.
Wiil bf* sold before tlift court homo door iu
the city of Wrightsville, Johnson county Geor¬
gia.on the first Tuesday in I »eccun her, 1900. with¬
in the legal hour* of sale, the following dnscri
of cor a more or less, sjm pounds
H<>t*d cotton mnr«M>r bushels lex**. of 1.000 pounds seed of fodder
nun . nr loss, SO cotton more or
lo**. 1-4 auto sugar cane, 1-2 acre sweet potatoes
more or less, 20 bushel* field prim more or loss*
I two horse wagon, 1 black horse in tile about 1
years’old* 1 bu$gV and liar now, 1 black .sow
marked jrop and and under bit in one ear and
crop iu the other, 12 shoal of various colors and
1 grind atone. Levied on anti to be sold as the
property of L. 11. Blizzard by virtue of distress
warrant fbr rent in favor of M. M. Williford vs.
L. K. Blizzard. This Nov. 7, 1900.
J. W. Howland, Sheriff, J. C.
UkohiiiA--.I sold ebnsmi (Iminly.
Will be before the court house door in
the city of Wrightsville, Johnson county Geor¬
gia* tiu the 11 vat Tuesday in December, 1909,
within the legal hours of sale, thu following
described property to-wit:
One set of mill rooks three feet in width and
known as the W. H. Price set of mill rocks.
Levied on and to be sold as the properly of W.
P. Williams by virtue of a fi fu issued from ih*»
Superior court of said county in favor of T.
.L Cfaxton, et nl. against W. P. Williams, et al.
This Nov. 9, IP. J. W. Howland, Sheriff, .J. C.
GROttOIA-r-JoImson County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
the city cf Wrigbtsvillo, Johnson county Geor¬
gia. on the first Tuesday in December. LK>0,
w ithin the legal hours of sale, the follow ing de
mr 4.500fpihiAU ib M jft w t y wy to-wit: lc«s.60
*ccd cotton nioref or bush¬
el* of coj*n more or less, 700 bundle* of fodder
more of 4 head of hogs. 5 head of cattle
confgl d!<l, tiffif&f Mh’ow3 2 cows, 2 calves and 1 heifer two
years sugar cane 75 yards long. J
bay horse about 12 years oM. Levied on and to
lie sold a* the property of J. F. Brantley, de¬
fendant, by virtue of a distress warrant in fa¬
vor of \V. (4. Sammons vs. J. F. Brantley. This
Nov. 7,1909. J. IV. Rowland. Sheriff,.I.C.
Statk of Gkorki a—J ohnson county.
.Will be sold before thu court house door in
the city of Wrightsville. on the first Tuesday in
Deco Tiber, $00, w'i thin the legal hours of sale,
the following described property to-wit-
200 acres of land ill the 1096th district (4. M. of
said couuty amt state and bounded as follows:
on the north by Win. Frost, on the cast by Loyd
Price,on the south by W. II. Price and W. H.
Frost,on the west by Thomas Lihdscy. Levied
on and to bo sold as the property of Mourning
L. Pag© by Virtue of a tl fa »n favor of British
it American Mortgage Co. vs. Mourning L. Page
Legal notice given defendant in fi fa. Property
in possession of defendant in fi fa.
This Dec.8, i960. J. W. Rowland, Sheriff, J.C.
(,KOBtii a —Jtihnson County.
Will bo sold before the court house door in
the city of Wrightsville. Johnson county Geor¬
gia, on the" first Tuesday in December, 1900,
within the legal hours of sale, the following
described property to-wit:
1 bale of cotton ginned and in merchantable
condition, weighing fiOl pounds stored in the
cotton warehouse of Walker A Simpson, i evied
on and to bo sold as the property of W.T. Brid¬
ges by virtue of a Land Lords Lieu fi fa in favor
of Mrs.M*dHc Buttorly vs. W. T. Bridges, de¬
fendant. This Nov. 7. 1900.
.1. W. Kuwlano,S heriff, J.C.
okoroi.v, Jalinson Cmiaty.
Wilhbe sold before the court house door in
the city of Wrightsville. Johnson county Geor
gia, on the first Tuesday in December, UKH.dur
ing the legal !u>nrs of s ue, the. following des¬
cribed proper iy , to-wit:
175 bushels of corn m<«;*e or less. 1992 bundles
of fodder,990 stawk - gar cane, 10 bushels of
field peas. Lt vied on a •’ to be sold as the prop¬
erty of p. M.Outlaw l> virtue of a Superior
court'll fa issued from i lie superior court of
said county in favor of L. walker vj. l>. M. Out¬
law. This Nov. 7. h*V>.
•J. W. Rowland.She:iff, J.C.
gkoroia— ooiuHvni ri , t i o.sos \.
Will he sold before the court house door in
the city of Wrightsvill •. Johnson county Geor
gia, on the first Tuesday in December, 1900.
W iUiin the lesat lioins of sale, ike followins
dow ri bod property, to-.vit:
1 llu y<‘size horsi* mule umlcr {! years olil, 1
1,a . v vuiiv '»«>•'. I MW size, about 9 years
obi, i largo daii: horse mule under ti years old.
J dark bav mare mule, large size, under 5 years
old, and one large size dark mare mule under J
>'«'»■•» Hd. I-enyd on ami lobesold usthe prot
env of J. U.Unco. under and by virtue of an
?^K,,rtVwr7^v.rrra^ tnt- u-ity t onrt or w 1 iguta\ me in nwor of «». iT iv..
McAfee vs. J. It. mice. This Nov. 9,11)00.
J. \V. Uowiiu,it. Sheriff. J.C.
QgoKSlA—Toimsou C-ountv. the'eoorf
YY ill be sold before h..r.,i-o the court hense door door in in
the city of WrlKhtsville, Johnson county Geor
011 tho filst Tuesday in December, 11100
wuhi.. the legal hours of sale. Hie followins
me.’ ^!!k»ow„as the .t iNv! e
under i,™ nude known men.
Goronto mnlt> I.eviofi on and to be solfi as tho
property of W. 11. Smith untie rand by virtue of
a Superior court 11 fa issued from the Superior
8naJ i v «* w'J ' v * « J. 0 ^ M. sViitb Smith. ^Tl'i^N I his Nov. U 'A 8,1900.
J. W.Rowland,Sheriff, J. 0.
T HE Wrightsville Gin and Warehouse Company are now pre¬
* prepared. with the latest improved facilities, to gin your cot¬
ton and press it in either round or square hales as customers de
sire. We are also prepared to store your cotton at 35 ceuts per
A bale per month in our
/\fR Gin and Warehouse being located on the Railroad saves
v/cost <>f handling. Bring us your cotton.
Mantels, Business Desks, Book Cases, Wardrobes, Stands, Safes
A Cabinets, etc., Furniture repaired and varnished, Upholstering
|* :* •j Furniture Baby Carriages, etc. A’.l work entrusted to my cars
i. j will have careful and prompt attention.
/ Patronize home-folks—Satisfaction Guaranteed.
New Drug
New Goods
I have opened up a new
store in the store house nd
joining the brick block « i
Elm street, where r kc^p i
well selected stock of
Drugs, Medicines,
Soda Water.
is In kept fact, everything class thai
in a first
drug sore
* mm
am** m
SB r
& ft ■*S m ■■
<1 fi! ILU fi CIHQpC i.l/llli L mil *» I LLI I URIC Mill J. !l
Wo ship niarks on approval indicate in plain, sealed
with no t«« contents. When you
receive it it and test it.if it .id is not will satisfactory’re
turn at our expense a we return your
$9.50. >Vi» guaranree this brand to be#years
old. Li .rlit bon bvs for ex pres *,
12 bottles for $9.*0. express prepaid,; 1 gallon
jug, prepaid. e> Dress prepaid. ?;».C0: 2 gallon jug. express
♦".50. N » charge for boxing.
We handle all the leading brands of Rye and
Bourbon Whiskies in the market, and will save
you .>0 per cent, on your purchases.
Kentucky Star Bourbon o-”»
Kikridgc Bourbon 49
Coon Hollow llonrbon 45 1 GO
M ell wood Pure Hyc 50 190
Monogram Rye 55 2 00
McBvayev CO 2 „.
Baker’s AAA V 65
O. o. p. (Old Oscar Pepper) 63 2 40
^ 75
1 ;’L 1 " ' S < ‘" L‘' "ivc 73 l;s
|I | a n ^ , 1 1 90 xoo
ow ® v^raild, - *i 1 25 oo loo S 50
■[>| u , a j )0ve arp on | V „ ,, nv brands of the many ”
in stoefe. Send for "
we carry a eaialoituo.
All other (foods by tho gallon, sneb ns Corn
" Idskey, Vs Pencil and Auple Brandies.etc.sold
eq „ allv tow.from t!23 pcrsalion and upward,
\v« make n speciaMv of the Jh(f trade, and all
orders by mail or telejrrnph wit! have our
auention. Special inducements off. red.
Akmayer & Flatau
Liquor Co.
son ASr>5*8 FOURTH ST., - - - MACON, GA
(Near Passenger Depot.)
Mail Orders shipped same day receipt of order
I am prepared to sell yon most any¬
thing you want in the hardware line,
and at prices which can not be excelled
I also carry a nice line of crockery
ware, Glass ware, Tinware, and enam¬
elled ware, which I have recently add¬
ed to my stock. I will only mention a
few articles lo show yo what we are
doi ng.
Pie plates for 5c.
Cake pans at...............15c.
Jelly cake pans at 5c.
Muffin pans...... ir»c. ••
Six qt milk cooler for.....40c.
Two qt graduated measure 15c.
Fly traps for.............15c.
A fi rsPctass pctttm pea I er $lM
A couble burn*! breech loading Rogers
gun for $11.00. to $ 15 . 00 , A singly
barrel Rogers gun for $6-50 to $ 7 . 5 ©.
And many ot her
things Which I
have not the
time and space
to mention here.
Bat will ask you
to come and see
my stock Hard=
ware, Buggies,
Waggons etc. and
rny prices and let me convinc
you that I can savn you iiiomy.
A’ours for success,
wr i g ii ts v j ri t;e . geoug i a
Iii w nr
)*, a
J. A. COBB, Proprietor. .
Dealer m Fresh IVef, Pork, Sauce
age, and Oysters. Polite alteiiliun
to all. S.-.tisfaclion guaranteed.
Market prices paid for beef cut
He, pork and green hides,
Send in Orders Mon-day
----— -
WediittFilav nnd Frida v.
Plione, 23.
Your Pafromige licspectfuliy Sol let oil
When you go to Macon
STOP AT THE Grey House.
(5,">J Pine Street)
Convenient to Depots. Pleas¬
ant litmus. Well < lured for.
Rates Jfl.OJ and ifl.50 pef day
F F? F F~ ( — 1 A C ^