The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, January 03, 1902, Image 1

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■mss >. Wfarfa "mr***” ^h^AAs ‘ ,/} s(£j ^ Jf./ <2 J(p to't uX/t I f A Jyt THE TIPTZE OFFICIAL ORQAIT OTP M 3 DUFr’IE COITI\i T'Y'. Tin 1. l. Thpraspn. Ba., Friday, January 3, 1S1D52 2fa. 50 HOME NEWS. Hon. R. R. Reeves, of Head stall, was here yesterday. Judge >S. C. Hawes, of Wrightsboro, was in town yes terday I Miss Gussie Atkinson visited relatives at Maxeys, Ga.. last v.oek. Mr. J. R. Whitaker, of the Avondale neighborhood, was *n town yesterday. Mr. T. L. Story, of the Ml. Auburn district gave us a pleasant call yesterday. We had a pleasant call from Mr. E. C. Lanier, of Harlem, Wednesday. Miss Annie Mae Atkinson visited friends in Columbia, S. O., during Christmas. Judge U. H. Flinty, of Luther, Warren-county, stopped over in Thomson last night from a visit to Atlanta. We arc glad to learn that the small grain crop has not been materially injured by the recent cold weather. Misses Belle Hawes and Jennie Hogan, of Lincoln coun ty, and Miss Annie Mundy, of Hephzibah, Ga., were visitors to Mrs. B. F. Cliatt in town this week. Mr. B. F. Cliatt and family of Columbia county, have moved to this place and are occupying their new residence on Jackson street. We wel come Mr. Cliatt and his family to our town. Mr. Cliatt is in terested in The Thomson Basket and Veneer Company, a new enterprise that will soon begin operation in our town. Sheriff Hawes went down to Hous ton county just before Ainas and Caught .Thu Hamilton, col., who kill ed Charley Jones, col., near White t) a k church last August. No county has a better, more vigilant Sheriff than McDuffie. He also went down Wednesday and arrested .Hr. John Clark near Dealing on a peace war rant and put him in jail but lie gave bond yesterday. The following were visitors to our town during Christmas : A/isses An- hie Laurie Rogers, Gibson ; Jessie bind Annie Neal, Glascock county; Carrie Jarnigan, Warrenton ; Annie McCombs, Sparta ; Gertrude Pollard, Atlanta ; Leila and Ethel Hatcher, Harlem; MBs May Story, Spread; Vlrs. Finley, of Decatur; Messrs. W. E. Mark waiter, Washington ; C, T. Mason, Liu ford; It. Frank Gross, Athens ; Kirby Willingham, Atlanta ; Willard Lewis, Philadelphia ; Mrs. E, M. Pace, Chicago. Pensions. Attention Confederate Soldier! The blanks for the pensions for Ml of the soldiers and widows already 'on the pension roll have been receiv- < - • cd. Let all the pensioners come and fill out their papers at once and tell Mothers to come, as none will be SENT OFF UNTIL ALL tllQ blanks are plied out. The sooner all come the rooNEK the monet will he received. C. IL ELLINGTON, Ordinary. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the peo ple of Thomson and all other friends for their kindness in our recent bereavement in the death of our brother, Mr. D. E. We assure them jPhschall. ,'.hat their kindness will never V forgotten. T. S. PAScnall, brother. Mils. D, E. Paschall, Hughes Dixon. Po You Want Honey >[r Joseph Hughes of this .county, and Miss Juranie Dixon ,.f Glascock county^ were mav- ; ied at the home of the bride on Dec. 25th. Rev. A. .J. Lazenby officiating. We offer congratu- Mr. Herbert Neal Dead. Our town was terribly shock 'd and grieved last Wednesday veiling when the Picayune came up bringing the body of Mr. Herbert Neal, the 17 year :dd son of Mr. John B. Neal, and it was ’phoned over town that he had committed suicide. That morning he bought a buttle of laudanum from Dr. A, J. Mathews, got lib father’s pistol, and took the noon train and went down to Bonoville four miles from Thomson, got off tho train and wandered around i ho mill pond there un til about dusk, took the lauda num and then shot himself twice, in the abdomen and the right temple, producing instant death. Our town was shocked at the suicide of this popular young man who was tho pet of the whole town and the idol of his father’s homo. While he had been in bad health for several years, yet but few people thought it was preying on his mi,id. lie left a letter to his mother asking all to meet him in Heaven. He seems to have brooded over his bad health un til his mind was deranged and he sought relief in death. No young man had more friends and was moro beloved than Herbert Neal, and bis many friends are grieved at his tragic end. Herbert was a member of the Baptist church and was held in high esteem by all who were acquainted with him. The largo concourse of people who attended the funeral—one of tho largest gatherings of peo ple ever assembled in the ceme tery—attested the popularity and esteem in which ho was held. Five of his school-mates, Messrs. Durham Watson,Edwin Harrison, Alva Watson, Quinn West and Clarance Heckle and bis cousin, Ray Neal acted as pall-bearers. lie was interred in the cemetery here this morning at ni^j o’clock, Revs. G. W. Duval audit. E. L. Harris conducting the services at the home of his father. To tho heart-broken family our sympathies go out in this dark and grief-stricken hour, and we pray God’s sweetest consolation upon thorn. Foil Dead. Mr.'.V.S, Ruvnker, of Lurny, V;i. 'who traveled for Konho, Hoiiii'ion.' &. f'.o . diet! suddenly Monday morning. Ho lmd boon in poor hoaltli lor u day or two and car no to tho homo of Mr. J, f. Shields his friend, to roenporato. Under Dr. Gibson’s core be tv.ts during apparently ns well as could bo ex pected. i In Monday morning he with Messrs, J. F. Shields and J. C. Johnson started out. on a bird hunt, lie war in high spirits, hop ing to get >i good lot of birds to send hi., brother in Baltim,;>■•,. They had just got out ot the nviago and started on tho hunt, when • M'\ Rnrakor suddenly throw up his hands j and groaned and foil forward on his face, j Messrs. Shields and Johnson qnlcltly raised j him in a silting position, but in a few mic. ; rites i,e in r, lead, wi'hout u word or a druggie. Mr. Biwakor was a great favorite i .u our town—ho was generous and cordial i and made !ilend., easily, 11 is remains were hippi d to !.uray, Va,. where he has a wife j and five children. Wo extend our heartfelt j sympathy to his loved ones at homo. v^rsn nswn ft;*ee tanoraBBa Hour ille Hois, ir. r>. e. l. Miss Annie Lary, ,of Boneville, spent Xmas with her cousin Air. Sol Jones. Air. Walter Smith and wife, of i Cudlcy, spent Friday aud Saturday with their father and mother Mr. and Mrs, Tom Smith. Story-Norris. Mi. Elbert Story of this coun ty and Miss Elsie Norris, of Warren county, were married at tho homo of Judge Jefferson (Adkins on Dec. 22nd. Judge t m Adkins officiating. Thk Bko- gukss extends congratulations and best wishes. Master Joe V ill, of this place visited relatives : t Camak this week. Miss Leona We lord of this place is spending a while ; , MoBcun. Mr. Joe Fullbright is spending a Don't live Together. Constipation and health never go togeth er. DeWitt's Little Burly Risers promote easy action ot the bowels without distress. ‘■I have boon Ironb'erl with oostivenossnine years,” says J. O. Greene, Depruiw, lnd. “I have triuda many rertrodies but Little Marly Kisers give best results.' 1 Gibson Drug Co Lnngliuu—Simons. At tho homo of the bride's father, Mr. I). T, Simons, in this county near Mcsonn on Deo. 24, 1' 01, Mr. W. L, Lnnglmm was mnrriefl to Miss M. L. Simona. Rev. Mr, Spot r of (ho Mesena Circuit offlointing. Mr. Lnngham is an industrious young farmer of this county and a non of our fel low couutynmn Mr. 11. C. Langham of Ml. Auburn district, and Ire was a pupil of this scribe when we taught at Springfield Aca demy. Miss Simons is a pretty and accomplished young lady ol excellent traits of character. We extend congratulations. May their lives be happy and cloudless. Child Worth Millions. “My child is worth millions to mo,” says Mrs. Mary Ilird of Harrisburg, l’a,, “yet 1 would have lost her by croup had I not pur chased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure ” Olio Minu'c Cough Cure is sure Cure for coughs, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough cure which acts immediately, Tho youngest child can lake it with entire safety. Tho little ones like (lie taste and remember how olten it helped them. Every family should have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure handy. At this season especially it may be needed sudden ly. (jibson Drug Co. Letter from Stale School Commis sioner. Mrs. M. A. McLean Head. Mrs. M. A. McLean was stricken with paralysis Monday evening and lingered until Wednesday night and died. Our town has been sore strick en this week with death, and when it was known that this good woman was dangerously ill inquiries about her were on every one’s lips. No more noble, patriotic, and golden hearted lady ever lived than this ex cellent lady. She was chairman of the Memorial Association aud was connected with every work and or ganization for the perpetuation of the principals for which the Confed eracy contended, and the keeping alive in the hearts of the young the admiration anti love for the valpr and undying bravery and heroism of the men who wore the gray. She will be interred in the cemetery here this afternoon at two o’clock, Bro. R. E. L. Harris will preach the funeral The Veterans and Daughters of the Confederacy will escort the body to the grave. To her children and family we offer our condolence, and pray God that the life and works of this good wo man may be an inspiration to the children and grandchildren. //so call on Matt IV. Gross, briny your land papers and you can get it at 6 per cent, if security and amount large enough, or 7 per cent. % f small amount. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 17, 1001. To t.he McDuffie County School Com missioner : Ny Dear Sir: The amount apportioned to your county for 1902 is 90,819.99. At the present moment nobody can tell how the payments will be made next year. If the decision of the Supreme Court makes the Howell resolution legal, wc will certainly be able to make two payments next Spring, of one month each. Until that matter is settled the Treasurer cannot stafio definitely how much money will ho available for payment to the teachers in tho early part of tho year. IFe will continue to ufec Roark’s Methods next year, and in connec tion with it the teachers will also study Shaw’s School Hygiene. This book can he bad from the Southern School Book Depository, Burgess Smith, General Manager,Atlanta,Ga. You will find this School Hygiene by Dr. Shaw a most helpful hook for yourselves as well as your touchers. The legislature passed a law re quiring the teaching of Physiology, I will send you a copy of tho law as soon as the Governor signs it and I can have it printed. The teachers will have to be examined on Physio logy and Hygiene next year. I will send you in a few days a supply of the new manual and copies of my report to the legislature, to gether with all the supplies you will need for next year. Yours truly, G- R- Glenn, State School Commissioner. Advice to the Aged* Asre brings Infirmities, such as slug gish bowels, weak kidneys and blad der and TORPID UVIiR. futt’s Pills have a specific effect on these organs, stimulating the bowels, causing them to perform their natural functions as in youth and ! few days with his mother and father of this place. Miss Willie Fred Simons, who has been spending a few weeks in An, gusca, has.retiirneUjlionic. Mrs. David Street is quite sick. We hope she will soou recover. Messrs. Emmett Hobbs, Sim Jones, Misses Ruby llohbs and Nancy Jones, of Brier Creek, were in Boneville awhile Sunday after noon. Miss Altoona Smith gave an enter tainment at her home Thursday after noon. There were quite a number of friends present. Mr. Sidney Scott and his mother from Adrian spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Sam McCorklc and her sister Miss Lillie Simons spent one day this week with Miss Ola McCorklc. Mr. Alex Culpepper spent a l'ew days in Augusta last week. Mr. William McCord is visiting Cadley this week. A Profitable Investment. “4 was troubled for aboutHovcn years with my stomach and In bed ball my time,” Hays L Detnick, Somerville,!ml. “1 spent about $1,000 aud never could /{el anything to help me until 1 tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 have taken a lew bottler and am entirely wolf” You don’t live trj you eat, but by wliat you dlgoal and,assimilate. II your stomach doesn’t digest your food you are really starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure dues the stomach's work by digesting tho food. You don’t have to diet. Rut nil you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure genres till stomach troubles, Gibson Drug Co MB.18KD; miii mm3 ■To Reduce Their Stock— A Now Hoarse, Our friond. Mr, A. If. Curtis has just re ceived from Jackson G. emit!) of Rarnesville, Ga.. a v. ,'y fine new hearse. It is u beauty indeed. •i. w. auiuvsmHT & aim, For Iho Next SO Days will sell iff Cut Prices, Fine Shoes, Clothing, Dress Goods, Under wear, Fruit of Loom Bleaching, 10-1- heavy bleached Sheeting, yard wide Sheeting, Phvi'K Etc. j'And for till olhor goods carried by ; find class ' Wore, .ff, th- .i lowest Possible Prices, including Mi . E. A. Friedman Petit!. On the morning of December 24, ip 11, just as others were preparing to celebrate Christ mas the spirit of Mr. K. A, Friedman took its Might to another world. lie bad been ill for several months and his death was not a stir prise, lie was a good citizen and neighbor, and lias been manager of tho Tatliam mine or several yean), coming hero from Phila delphia some years ago. Ho leaves a widow and two childr u to whom wo extend our deepest sympathy ill this trying hour, lie was interred in tho Grifiin burial ground on Christmas day, Rev. Rufus Shank conducting tho services, This Will Interest Many. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B.B.), the famous Southern blood puri fier, quickly cures cancer, blood poisoii, pimples, boils,carbuncles, ulcers, eating sores, scrofula, ec zema, aching hones joints or back rheumatism, catarrh, and all blood and skin troubles. B. B. B. heals every sore and makes tho blood pure and rich B. B. B., tho finest blood purifier. Druggist, $1. Trial treatment free by writing Blood Balm Co. Atlanta,-Ga. For sale by Gibson Drug Co. 3 Boneville Items, UV RAMBLER, Dentil of Mrs. Muttle Johnson. Mrs, Mattie Johnson, aged 35 years, wife of Mr. Albort Johnson, tlietl at her home at Hearing, on Dec. 25th, She was buried at the Johnson burial ground near Bone ville on Dec. 20th. Rev. A, 15. Thrasher conducted the burial ser vices in a very impressive manner. Mrs. Johnson bad been a sufferer for several mouths with dropsy of the heart. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her de parture, to whom we extend our heartfelt condolence. Personal. Blr. B. Lee Wall, of Augusta, was up on a visit to relatives and friends at this place during Christmas. Mr. Wall has just been admitted to the practice of law in Augusta, aud he stood a splendid examination. He is a young man of rare Intellectual ability, and his friends here at his old home wish him great success in his choscu profession. Miss Annie Morris of this place has been on a visit to her sister Mrs. George Wright in Thomson. Children Especially Liable. Rums, bruises anrl cuts are extremely painful and if neglected olteu result! in blood poisoning. (.Inldren are especially liable lo such mishaps because not to cureful. Ah a remedy DeWitt’s Witch Uazel Salve is un equalled. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counter feits. Sure cure for piles. “DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema ufier two physicians gave her up.” writes James Mock, N. Webster, lnd. “The sorts were hq had she soiled two to five dresses a day.” Gibson Drug Co. LUNDS FOR SALE, RET OR LEASE, Thos. E. Watson will sell you land for cash, or on time, cheaper than any man in the county. If you want to rent, buy, cr lease call to see him. Dec, 20, 1901. Win. A. Cary, Crawfordville, Ga., writes: “1 believe Pitts’ Antiseptic Invigoratin' will do all that it is re commended lo do. It has clone me more good than all other medicines I had ever taken. It has nearly cured me of a very bad case of indigestion. I can now cat almost anything I want without bad effects. It also cured me of a hurting in my left side the doctors said was spleen affection. It used to hurt all tiic time. Now it never bothers mo at all. f can not say too imiCli in praise of a medicine that has done so much for me. I expect to keep it in my house always. Staple Dry Goods Domestics. Shoes, Hats Hosiery, Un derwear, Meat, Flour, Meal, Sugar. Molasses, Coffee, Rice, Lard. Grits Tobacco, Snuff, Cheese, PLOWS A-TSTXD IPXaO’W FIXTURES, CADDIES, RAISINS, FRUITS, NUTS, FIREWORKS, TOYS, ET0„ ETC’, uov. 281y. WALKER & Cotton Factors, 827 «nd 841 Reynolds Street, Augusta,. Ga.. The mo9t modern and complete Fireproof Warehouse, Dowes't insurance and Storage in tho city. Liberal advances and Lowes 1 ', possible terms. BAGGING AND TIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Personal attention given all business and satisfaction guainnteoct. WHEN YOU TUTIBIT AUGUSTA Call on Reliable JEweier and FaiflFis brake CAN SAVE YOU 25 PER CENT ON ALL PURCHASES- Shot Guns from $5 00 Up. Sewing Machines from $10.00 Up. jr.Tclc.so2i, fit* R 1st QiOpx Iiqiol II years under Arlington Hotel. TO STOCK RAISERS I have a line registered Devon beast, Leo Frank. Number 7190. Site. Lee Joe S. *5G9S. Darn. Albee 9190. Call and see him at Thrasher & Wilkerson’s stables. J. E. WILKERSON, Thomson, Ga. FALL HATS SHIELDS’ MILLINERY STORE Will offer the Gi’ea<- In our Boys’ De partment we have all the Precise Mother could wish to clad tlio dear little follow. Is tiffs seasons display of the newest and most attractive Goods brought out by us for them, and all are particularly invited to visit our Big, Beau tiful and Bounteously Stocked Departments for their especial benefit. Come and Inspect. T he bright newness will charm. J. WILLIE LEVY, Outfitter for Men Women and Children- 84r4 Broad. Street, - -Augusta,, Ga OOOOCWeOQOOPOOOQON est Bargains of the TtTKT OmABB season for the next Don’t forget the place ! just one door above the postoffiee. Wo have just oponed a Green Grocery Store and Beef Market on Railroad Street, and are prepared to servo the people with the Lest Beef and other eatables that the market affords, Wo shall make it a point to keep the best tpm BEEF, FORK and SHTTSAHE IMPARTING VIGOR- to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER. They are adapted to old and youmr Do not pay from 8 to 12 per rent, for money when Matt IV. Grogs will get It Jot 0 and 7 per cent Come to see him. Auction Sale. Before the Georgia Railroad Depot in Thomson, on the first Tuesday , in January, will be sold to the high est aud host bidder, the following property: Wagon, Harness’, Plow Gear and Dow Stocks, Horses and Mules belonging to the firm of Gross Boyd. Sold for the purpose of distri bution, Also -Beds, Bedding and Household and ! Kitchen Furniture, my personal I property C, H. BOYD. I and to sell at tho lowest possiblo figures. Wo will do our best to outer to tho .vislies of the peoplo, and solicit the pntronugo of the public, and believe wo aro in a position to please all. Give TJ.s a Call- BENNETT & ELLINGTON, Phone 25. '■’''■'KssiKeesv/iaa THOMSON, GA mss3c:mem The McDuffie Progress Qnty $1.00 a ‘ifem 4 4 ■