The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, November 28, 1902, Image 1

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' - ■ ■ *•-•' -f> mmm*r ■wow .m, nlinirrr J V'v -»• £<j. ... -. . • „v, "? . ■ a — Val.II. m Thomson, Da., Friday, Nov. ZB, 19BZ. No. 4B. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Personal and Other Locals'Gathered Up to Interest Onr Headers. J. U. Roney visited Harlem Tuesday. John Scott is in At'anta this week on a visit. Mr. Claude Ray visited Norwood Sunday. • Mrs. M. A. Roberts, of Harlem, was in the city Friday. Dr. G. T. Neal, the dentist, is in Warrenton this week. Claude Fuller visited Augusta sev eral days this week. Arthur Porter, of Tatham, was in town Moaday. Cliff Boyd, of South Georgia was in Thomson this week. Mrs. I,. H. Uolaeudorf made a shop ping trip to Augusta Tuesday. J. M. Pitman, of Atlanta, was a visitor in Thomson Sunday. P. B. Johnson and J. T. Neal at tended Conference in Atlanta. Min-J. D-JJarncs visited Macon this week on a busiuess trip. Dr. Z. M. Story, of Columbia coun ty, was in Thomson Saturday. J. C. Irving visited Atlanta Saturday and Sunday on busiuess. Mr. Dozier, of Lincoln county, was in the city this week on busiuess, Kirby Willingham, of Augusta, was a pleasant visitor in our city Sunday. Alva Watson and T. L. Muye visited Augusta Tuesday on a busiuess trip. lion. B. F. Walker, of Gibson, was here this week on a visit to his family. It. H. Pearce, Jr. has returned from Washington, D. C., where he spent last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkinson have returned from a visit of several days to relatives in Greene couuly. D. A. Bynum and W. P. Meadows have started their saw mill to running near Ilarlcm. Mr. and Airs. L. J. Porter, of Ea- tonton, have been visiting Mrs. Por ter’s parents the past week. Mies llnrrison, of Norwood, linsbeen visiting the Misses Waddell the pas^ week. The Gibson Drug Co. has the best line of novels and other books over carried in Thomson. Why not drop in aud renew your subscription, and subscribe to the Progress a year in udvancc. >: Our good friend George Hamilton has returned from a trip of several weeks in South Caroliua. Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Wilder, of Au gusta are off a vist? to Mrs. Wilder’s parents Mr. and Airs. J. T. Neal. Richard Bush, one ’,of Thomson’s South Georgia saw mill mew was iu Thomson this week-visiting his family. We are glad to see Julc Ivey out again after his lecent severe illness. Jule has been sick some mouths with rheumatism. Our young friend Master Grover Mc- Gabee has been quite sick during the past week but we are glad to say that be is better. We are under many obligations to our good friend C. G. Woodall for some nice sugar cane syrup, which was made in his new evaporator. Hon. Thos. E.Watson received quite au ovation in , Savannah last Friday night while delivering his lecture on the South, we sec from the Morning News. Mr. W. E. Hobbs has gone to South Georgia whqjg- will be iu the lum ber business with Messrs. Knox & Rcville. We regret to lose Mr. Hobbs from our city. We are glad to learn that a majority of our farmers are sowing wheat this fall. The ODly way to make a farm self sustaining is to raise everything you can at home. Hon. Geo. W. Gray, the efficient Ordinary of Columbia county, was in Thomson Monday. Wc are always glad to see our Columbia county friends. Hon. John T. West has returned from a trip’of several weeks through South Georgia, Mississippi aud Ala bama. Mr; West will soon have his saw mill business straight and then he will leave us for good. The W. C. T. U. will hold its uext meeting afUitf home of Mrs. J. O. Shields, Monday afternoon Dec. 1st, 2:30 o’clock. The members are urged to be present as business of importance must be transacted. Laxative Chocolates cures Chronic Con stipation and Liver Troubles. Pleasant to take, Purely Vegetable, - Guaranteed by Gibson Drug Co. Jack Carter, of Augusta .was iu towu yestciday on a hunting trip. lion. John L. Bynum, of Harlem, was in town Wednesday. Loans quickly negotiated atiheep- cst rates. G. L. Callaway. I. V. Ballard, of Harlem, attended the Shields—Neal wedding Wednesday evening. Wcarc under obligations lo Bev. G. W. Duval for some very line tomatoes of his own raising. We are glad to note that. Mrs. A vary is able to be out again aftar an illness of six weeks with lagrippe Mrs. Carter Wiiglit, of lloanoke, /tin., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Worrill. Sec me before borrowing money elsewhere. As I can furnish loans at cheapest rates. G. L.' Callaway. Mr. Cloud, of near Norwood, was in our city Monduv. Mr. Cloud came down to do some surveying. Miss Canute and Percy Dan forth have been the charming guests of Mrs. Bessie Shields this week. Tom Lewis, of Augusta, was up this week ou a visit to his parents. Tom has a paying position iu Augusta aud is doing well. I have in a new lot of first class nov- ls, I will sell cheap, call to see me nud purchase a book for un Xmas present. Gibson Drug Co. Dr. J. T. Burkhalter was iu Thom son Saturday on a visit to his wife who is spending sometime with her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Johuson. Miss Maiion Binion, one of Augus ta’s most beabliful aud attractive young ladies was in town last [Saturday the guest of Air. aud Mrs. C. B. A vary. A freight car was wrecked on the sidetrack in Thomson on last Friday. The wheels were torn from under the car and both sidetracks wore torn up for a considerable distance. S. W. Boyd went to Augusta Satur day lo get oue of his negroes out of trouble. The negro seemed to tiy to have a little fun by getting tipsy. lie forgot to take a broken pistol out of bis pocket and they pulled him for cou coaled weapons. If you want to know anything about the coti.ou crop get Wednesday morn ing’s Chronicle and read what T. E. Massengale has to say. He tells you all about it in there and if you can't fiud out what you want then just write him at Norwood aud he will gladly ex plain. Pierce Institute suspended school on yesterday, observing Thanksgiving Day. Nearly every boy in the seliool who was largo enough shouldered u gun and killed all the sparrows aud bluebirds iu the country Those who stuye4^iir town yestir.lay certainly found it lonesome. The Young People’s Missionary So ciety met at the home of Mrs. A. L. McLean last Monday uight. The pro gramme rendered was very interesting indeed. Mrs. A. L. McLean read a very interesting paper on missionary work. Members of this Society miss a great deal by not attending its meet- imts. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Alias Carrie Lou, the daughter of Judge Frank Stone, of Columbia couuty, to Mr. Overton McDaniel. Alr.AlcDaniel is one of Columbia’s most prosperous young business men. Miss Stone is one of Columbia’s prettiest and most accomplished young ladies. The marriage will take place at Sharon church ou the ahernoon of Dec. 3rd. The North Georgia Conference finished its work last Tuesday A num ber of changes were made and the Au gusta District figured largely in these changes. Rev. G. W.|Yarborough was sent lo Thomson. Rev. J. B. Robins was made presiding elder of this dis trict. Our people will learn with re gret that Bro. Duval will not be with uS another year, but we feel that we can congratulate ourselves upon our good fortune in getting such a good man as Mr. Yarborough is. When Rev. G. W. Duval preached at the Alethodist church Sunday before last, few had any idea that he would preach for us again last Sunday. He very kindly came down from Confer ence Saturday night and preached two of the strongest sermons Sunday we ever beard. Good congregations were out to hear both sermons which showed the high appreciation in whieli Bro. Duval is held by our people. He re turned Monday morning to Confer ence. An Enjoyable Entertainment. Quite an enjoyable entertainment was given at the home of Mr. Charles Stockton in town on Alonday evening of this week. The music rendered by the Messrs. Moye, Anchors, McLean, Tutt and Payne was splendid. A large crowd was present and all enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. Slitelds-Nenl. The wedding of Miss Irelle Shields to Mr. James Truman Neal which was solemnized at ihc home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Shields Wednesday afternoon at 0 o’clock was an event of the greatest social interest iu Thomson. The wedding was a quiet home affair only the relatives and a few friends be ing present. The decorated parlor m which the marriage look place presented a beuu- liful picture ns this happy young couple entered amid the sweet strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. J. B. Hit bnnls. The u ill - relatives of the ’itiile nnd groom stood with them, while Rev. \\\ T. Bell of Uat'lcm performed the mar riage ceremony m a most impressive manner. The presents received were numer ous ns well ns expensive. Mr. Neal is a young man of rare in- teffect and ability, lie is in the employ >f the Georgia Railroad at Harlem, which place by his ahilil w'lesc busiuess qualities he lias hold for some years. As Miss Irelle Shields, no young lady was more popular or had more friends She is a young woman of many lovable traits of character and wo congratulate Mr. Neal in his good judgment in choosing his life companion. Imme diately alter the ceremony the happy young couple boarded the seven o’clock train for Harlem where they will make their future home. ! tn'- Progress wishes for the young couple many years of happy wedded life. ^VWVW^tljW' WHEN IN TOWN you’ll be “I1T” MONET if you make your needed purchases in Men’s and Boy’s ( Fall Clothing, Shoes, Mats and Furnishings, 1ST HERS. . That's just as sure as taxes. • In addition to that, jou’ll have the privilege of se lecting from a stock that is so large, so varied both in quality of goods and range of price that whether you own>a plethoric or a pinched purse, you’re bound to find just wliat yon want at just the price you intended to pay. ... - AUGUSTA.GA. Mr. John \V. Montgomery is with this house and be pleased to oeo-iiis monds from McDuffie. l!urke—Story. At the residence of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. I). G. Story in ibis county on last Sunday at high noon Mr. Morris E. Burke, of Augusta was married to Miss Willie I). Story. Rev. J. II.'Oliver of Augusta officiating. The bride entered with the groom aud was attired in a tailored suit of tan broad cloth neatly and tastefully tiimmed in velvet, with which was worn a beautiful while crepe de china waist. She carried a bouquet of large white chrysanthemums and asparagus fern. The ceremony was performed in the presence of quite a number of relatives and friends. After the ceremony and the congratu lations of friends had been extended a most sumptuous wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Burke, accompanied by the bride’s sister, Airs. Morgan, Messrs. A. II. Ulin, Ii. S. Belding and Geo. Wright, left on the fast (rain at 7 o’clock Sunday evening for Augusta where Mr. and Mrs. Burke will be at, home lo their friends at 13oC Alay avenue. This happy couple enter their wed ded life under most auspicious circum stances and their many friends join the Progress in wishing for (hem every joy and prosperity without any sorrows to darken theii pathway through life. Died. The little three weeks old infant of Mr. Cliff Boyd died at Mr. Boyd’s home in South Georgia last Tuesday and was brought to Thomson Wednes day for burial. The remains were in terred iu the cemetery at Shiloh Metho dist Church Wednesday morning. Mr. Boyd lost his wife about two weeks ago. Wc sympathize very deep ly with Mr. Boyd in tho loss of hi# little infant. If You Suffer From Kidney Troubles Use Smith's Sure Kidney Cure. Nothing like it for diseased kidneys, 5U cents at Gibson Drug Co. A Linen Shower Party. On last Friday evening in honor of Aliss Irelle Shields a Linen Shower Daily was given at the, beautiful home of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Harrison. A number of friends were preseut and a nice lot of presents were received. A very pleasant evening was spent by all who attended. Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith s Sure Kidney Cure will produce both. Try a bottle and be convinced Your druggist it for 50 cents, at Gibson Drug Co. Conference Appointments. The following appointments for the Au gusta District were made by the North Georgia Conference: John B. Hollins, presiding elder; Augus ta, St. John, J. H. Hakes; Augusta, St. James, 8. It. Belk; Augusta, Broadway, Casper Wright; Augusta, Asbury, H. L. Edmondson; Augusta, St. Luke, T. J. Warlick; Augusta, Woodlnwn aud mis sion, T. V. Pierce; Hephzibali circuit, C. L. Patillo; Grovetown and mission, L. 8. Embry; Appling, J. H. ‘Little; Richmond mission, to be supplied by R. V. Reed; Harlem, W. T. Bell; Tlouson, George W Yarbrough; Mesena and mission, J. M. Sewell; Warronton, J. A. Timmerman; Culverton circuit,A. C. Cantrell ;Norwood, Oscar L. Kelly; Hancock mission, to lie supplied by W. I. Delph; Hancock circuit, E. H. Wood; Sparta, J. 8. Bryan; I’aina institute, R, L. Campbell, professor; Consult ruble excitement was created in our city Saturday afternoon by a light between Messrs. E.' W. Rhoden and T. L. Story. Tho light started about some very frivolous affair which Mr. Rhoden had against Mr. Slory. Ml. Rhoden received a very ugly gash in the face from a knife at the hands of Mr. Story. Mr. Story was cut back of tho ear and made a very narrow es cape from having tho jugular vein severbd. We arc certainly very sorry that this happened Lo these gentlemen as both of them are good citizens and have heretofore been the best of friends. Their injuries though very painful will not prove fatal. RAMBO 3 For 5 Cents A Cigar Mild and Sweet. For Sale by all. up-to-date dealers and at A. J. MATHEWS, PROGRESSIVE •' DRUGGIST. ASK FOR RAM BOS m Guaranteed by I SANFOBTH & CARTER, I Quality Will Tell. MY ENTIRE STOCK OF lluallli, KmIiii'Js Mruiis I.unir Life. If toil want to restore your kidneys, to ttae-r former healthy sluio hike Smith Sum Kidney Cure—50 cents >u (Jibsuii Drug .Co /The Fairbanks Moss Co. has been figuring on placing a pump in the artesian well at this place for tho pur pose of testing the well../.-M>ey will place a pump hole that wilPpfiWlf?' the water 1U0 feet above the level of the earth and it will have a capacity of 30,000 gallons per day. We will soon know whether or not our well will supply the town. The Streets of Thomson. We would suggest, if wo were allow ed to do so, that (he streets of our eily be looked after. The sidewalks are in a dreadful condition and il is very diffi cult for one to walk on them in wet weather. The sidewalks are too low, the water does not run off of them. It is there to stay, until it is dried up. Besides looking bad it is very un healthy for our streets nnd sidewalks to be in this condition. Just such mud- holes ns wc have in our streets bring , on fevers that cost so many people their lives, when a little care, and money would have prevented it. So let our town officials look after the streets nnd then when a stranger enters the gales of our city we will not be ashamed of what we have not done. | Clothing, Hats, Shoes, |l)ry Goods, lotions, Etel' Wood’s Seeds. Vetches. Cured of Piles After 40 Years. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, hail tho diles for forty years. Doctors anil dollars could (lo him no lasting good. DoWitt's Witch JIuzol Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for outs, burns, bruises,sprains, lacerations, eczema, tetter, salt rheum,and all other skin diseases. Look for thouiiino DoWitt on the puckngo—all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. Gibson Drug Co. Photograph Gallery. I have opened a photograph gallery iu the old stand formerly occupied by Mr. B.C.Brown on Main street, and will take photographs on Tuesday, Wed nesday and Friday of each week. My Photograph Gallery will be open until Junuary 1, 1903. Miss Ekfik West, Thomson, ifh. " The HAIRY WINTER or SANDVETCH makes a hay or forage crop superior in feeding and nutritive qualities to Timothy Huy. J t will also make the largest yield of dry feed of any crop that can be sown in the Fail. In this respect it is superior to Crimson Clover ns it not only makes a larger yield than that crop, hut is very much superior in feeding qualities. Wood’s Fall Catalogue tells all about Seeds for Fall Planting, Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Grass and Clover Seeds, etc. Write for Catalogue and prices of any Seeds desired. T.W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Wood’* Fall Catalogue also tells about Vegetable and Flower Seed*, Straw berry and Vegetable Plants, Lawn Oraas, Hyacinth*, Tulips, etc. Catalogue mailed free upon requeit. Must be clo ed out by January 1st. If actual cost prices are what the people want on the above goods, they cannot have any excuse for not buying of me. I will positively do everything I ad vertise to do, and you cannot do better than to take advantage of this sale. TOURS TRULY, MYBR STBINB. Next Door to Bank of Thomson. KHEwaass®® SfW.Be&tiwrififef & Having doubled their Store capacity,on Railroad Street, now have a tully equipped Dry Goods and Grocery Departments. G. L. Callaway, Attorney at Law, Thomson, - - Georgia. If you have money to lend or Invest call on me. I can also s'ecufe' you loans as cheap as auy one. Call to see me. Matt W, Gross. Prompt nltentioR to nil business. Loans quickly secured at lowest rates. Office over Wilson’s Stables. Moneyl Moneyl! Money!!! Notice. I am prepared t,o plow gardens fur peo ple desiring work done. I am also pre pared to carry passengers to the country who desire to hire a team. My prices are right. T. B. EVANS. WANTED.—A load of stove wood atoDce at Progress office. If you have any money to lend or invest, or if you desire to borrow any, call on me, as I can get it cheaper and quicker than any one in Thomson. MATT W. GROSS. Both well stocked with now Goods. We do not buy bank rupt slocks carried for years, by other merchants, aqd offer, them as Bargains(?) Wo buy direct from manufacturers for cash. Wo have special Bargains in both Departments. IUNT GROCERY DEPARTMENT Flour, Hams, Lard, Corn, Hay, Fine Feed, Bran, Meat, Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco Hardware, Woodenware, and all the heel Canned and other shell Goods. Big line of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, &c.| IJV D<R Y GOODS &E1-AIITJUJE NT, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Clothing and Neckwear as special bar gains. A Iso attractive lino of Dioss Goods, Lacos, Em- hroderies, Hosiery, Bleaching, Shirting, Sheetings,Notions, &c., &c. Call get prices and examino stock. Respectfully, J. W. BOATWRIGHT & SDN # ~~ nov. 28iy. Railroad Street, Thomson, Ga. Your Attention F ° R Moment WE SELL Stoves, Heaters, Grates. Grate Fenders, Nursery Fenders, Crockery, Gray m ambled ware, Venetianwarc, Lamps, Hall Lamps, Parlor Swinging Lamps, Glassware,Churns, Jugs, Stove Pipe and Elbows, Rope, Leather, Axes, Spades, Shovels, Chattanooga Plows. Dixie Boy Plows, Wagon and Buggy Material, Tongue Chains, Strether Chains, Buggy whips. All kinds of Locks, Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks, Collar Pads, Duck Collars and lots of other things. Won’t you give us a call and let us price you before buying. TURNER HARDWARE COMPANY. ALL WORK AND NO PLAY Makes Jack a Dull Boy, IS AN OLD, BUT TRUE SAYING.. You have worked hard, now take a day or two off and eome to Augusta during the Elks week of fun. You will receive a cordial welcome and a hearty hand- shake from the old reliable firm of i. a §@m &,oo. Old Stand 838 Broadway, Tailor-Fit Clothiers, Augusta-, Ga 100,OCO Fcot Lumber For S tie ! Iam going to saw 100,000 feet of lumber ou my place near Mt. Auburn school-house about four miles from Thomson. All par ties wanting lumber ■ an have it laid down in Thomson by me for 810.00 per 1,000 feet for the best and 8S/-0 per 1,000 feet for cheaper grades. Bring me your, bills at once. MATT W «ROSS Do You Want Money I If so call on Matt W. Gross, briny vour land papers and you' can get it at 6 per cent, if security and amount large enough, or 7 per cent, if sm<t\i amount.