The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, November 28, 1902, Image 4

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COUNTY NE'VS NOTES -» * <* SENT IN BY OUR CORRESPONDENTS. ANTHONY NKW8. ur'imowx rye*. On till* cloudy anil ilrnury nftnrnoon, Nov. at, I will try and write you a few line*. W« linve linen haviriK Home t»iiutl- fnl weallier, Imt the whlHtllna wind and flying cloud* look a* If Wo are going to have Homo a* ugly weather a* we have hail beautiful. Mlaan* Muttlc Cone und Ln**lc Hunt, two of Anthony'* prufli«Ht young Indie*, were III Thomaon Saturday luat. Mr. T. H. Hunt and O W. Dent paid n ►hurt vUlt to Wrlghtsboro Inst Sunday. Mia* Carrie L. Dozier nccoinpunicd by her father und little brother Hubert Willie, attended the ICIka Carnival in Auguntn lo*t week. They report n large crowd and n very nice time. They hud the pleumire of Hoeing "George” once more, but are eorry to any did not hoc “I’curl. " “Hurry, burry If you want to tee Pearl tho fluent girl In the world." Mr. E. R. Reese and 0. W. Dent visited Washington Friday lust Me**r*. George anil Raymond Russell and Wot Maston were in town last Sunday Mr*. George nunt, her bright little son, Tbinlcy, and Mrs. Columbus Weather*, all of Augusta, after a pleasant weeks visit among friends and relatives around In An thony, returned homo Sunday last . Mrs. Dovlo Hunt and her little grand daughter Currie Lon Young have returned home after a very pleasant visit in Mvcon. Mr. Raymond Russell had the. ploaauro of carrying two of Anthony’s pretty young ladlus to tho Boro Sunday last. Mr. J. U. Williams, one of Wi Iglitsboro’s handsome young men was In town u short while Saturday afternoon last. Miss Mattie Cono spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Lessle Hunt of this place. Mr. E. B. Rooso and Miss Carrie L, Do zier spent a few short moments nt Mr. J. V. Reese’s Sunday last. Mr. L. Dozier, one of Anthony’s hand some young men, spent Monday night in Wilke* county, with his aunt niul uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shank. Mr. W. D. Hunt and his charming wife, of the Columbia Minos, passed through An thony Sunday last on tliclr wny to Wrlgbtaboro. A IlAi’i’V Maukiaoe:—The marriage of Miss Bailie Johnson to Mr. W. C. Arnett took pluoo at tho homo of Mi* brides pa rent* Sunday last at 3 p. in. Tho guests were Messrs. J. S, and W r . A. Banks und wires. Mrs. Ida Morris, Mrs. Ada Fried man, Mr. Percy Woodall, Miss Mattie Lou Green, Mr. .Too Porter, Miss Annie Smith, Mr, George Russell, Miss Lessle Hunt, Rev. Joe Slmnk anddnughter. Miss Kozoll Wynn, Mr. Jiut Cnlllas, Edgar and Lamar Griffin, Miss Mattie Conn und others. Rev. Joe Sluink performed the ceremony which was short, and sweet. After tho marriage the bride and groom accompanied by Mr. Georgo Bussell and Miss Lessle Hunt, Mr. Luthor Johnson und Miss Mat- tie Cone mudo a flying visit to Anthony. After spending a few pleasant hours with MIm Lessle Hunt, Mr. aud Mrs. W. C. Ar nett retnrnod to Mr. J, W. Johnson’s whore they will muko their home until Xuias. Mr. Will Arncit is one of McDuffie's handsome young men and Miss Sadie la ono of McDuffie’s ehnrmlng young ladles. All hate to glvo them up. 8eems to mo it would bo somewhat dis couraging to some who are being enrolled on tho "Old Maids" list, to soo those who are much younger carrying on such a good "work" and they not engagod in It, hut while they cau't they wish Mr. und Mrs. Arnett a long and happy life. MT. AUBURN DOTS. PKIISIMMON AN» POMEOllANITE. As Mr. Gross has so kindly given up one. corner of tho Pkooeess to his correspond ents, Persimmon und Pomcgranlte sug gests that we, as correspondent* wlll'en- deuvor to make the corner Just as Interest ing as possible, lets get wide-awake about our county’s interest, and keep thing* pushing upward, so Mr. Gross will be proud of u*, wo promise to do our bus'. How many agree with us? Rev. 8. 8. Story, who preaches at Sweet water every third Sunday afternoon, filled his regular appointment lust Sunday. Mr. Story 1* young und Inexperienced, and wo are sure It is a great pleasure to his friends to know he has chosen such a noble pro fession. We tinder* land his desire is to go to Mercer University to prepare for iho ministry. Gordon Furr and Scab Ivey visited Au gusta last week during the carnival. W. T. Wiggins Is hauling lumber from Mt, Auburn to Thomson. John Hart, who runs a saw mill, has finished sawing lumber for 11. W. Gross near Mt. Auburn, and has moved Ids mill on 11. F. Norris' place. Miss Bernice Luzonby and mother vis ited Augusta last woek. Little Miss Susie Kate, tho bright and pretty little duughtcr of Mr. and Mr*. Mil- ton Farr, visited the home .of her grand parents, Mr. und Mr*. W. T. Farr last week. A certain “Llttlo Boy” of Mt. Auburn, kissed ills best friend good-bye not many days ago. Can you guess the name of the “Little Boy”? Maudie, you write very interesting let ters, hut they would be tnuro so if you would only toll us the owuurs of that top One of Mt. Auburn's popular young men visited MurHhull neighborhood one Sunday recently. In search for him u "cook.” Wo luivo loomed recently that this young man succeeded in finding Ills "nook" lmt will wait until some future day to bring her homo. A certain young man and young lady were riding up tho streets of Thomson a few days ugo, being so confused over wliat they were talking about, the horse enmo very near running into the Rank. John nie.cun you guess the oouplc? Ono Minute Cough Cure. Is the only harmless cough cure that gives quick relief. Curas Coughs, Colds, Croup, Rronchitis, Whooping Cough Pneumonia, Astlinm, LuGrippe and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles, I got soaked by rain, suys Gortrudo E. Kenner, Munclo,Ind.,and contracted a severe cold and cough I fail ed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. My druggist re commended Ono Minute Cough Cure. The first bottle brought relief; several cured me. I am buck to my old weight, 148 11)*. One Minute Cough Cure cuts tho phlegm, relievos the cough at once, draws out In flammation, cures croup. An ideal remedy for children, Gibson Drug Co, Things We Like Best Often Disagree With Us Because we overeat of them. Indi gestion follow*. But there’s a way to escape such consequences. A doso of a good digestant like Kodol will relive you at once. Your stomach Is simply too weak to digest what you oat. That's all indigestion is. Kodol digests tho food without the stomach’s aid. Thus the stomach rests while the body Is strength ened by wholesome food. Dieting is un necessary. Kodol digests any kind of good food. Strengthens and invigorates. Kodol Makes Rich Rad Blood. Prepares only by E. C. T)eWitt A Co.. Chicago Tho |1 bottle con tains Zhi times the 50e. AUe. >>ifh)«u i rug (Jo. amiaSrefeQeg A Thanksgiving Dinner. Hoavy eating Is usttully the first cause of indigestion. Repeated attacks inflame tho mucous lining tho stomach, exposes tho nerves of tho stomach, produc ing a swelling ufter eating, heartburn, headache, sour rising* nnd| finally catarrh of the Htoinuoh. Kodol relieves the inflam mation, protects the nerves and cures the catarrh. Kodol cures indigestion, !dys pepsia, all stomach trouble* by cleansing and sweetening the glands of the stomach. Gibson Drug Co MESENA DOTS. BLUR EYED A1.F. We have a flno school In this place of about 00 pupils. Mr. Nczbort Baker is the teacher, aud he knows how to manage a school. There will be an oyster suppor on De cember 1‘Jth, at the ucadomy In this place. The public is cordially invited to attoml. There will probably be some speaking, Arthur Pute visited Augusta this week and reports a nice time. Mrs. Dessie Pate went; to Augusta to spend some time, We hove a flourishing Sunday school at Macedonia. Mr. Adam Cason, of Burko county, died nt his homo on Wednesday, Nov. 12th. lie was buried nt Hopeful church, Nov. ltlth. Mr. Cason was brQlher of Mr. D. W. Cason, of this county. lie was born and raised in Warren county and moved lo Burko in bis young manhood, lie had for number of years been n member of Ilopoful church. By Mr. Cason’s death we feel, although ho was not a resident of our county, that we have lost a vciy dour friend. We extend to the bereaved ones our sincercsl sym pathy. If you are blllious and seeking advisers, Take-DeWitt’s Little Enrly Risers, Just before going to bed. You will And on the morrow, You are rid of your sorrow— That’s all; just enough said. Those famous pill* do not’gripe, hut movu tho bowels gently and easily, cleansing the liver. Their tonic gives strength to the glands, preventing a return of tho disorder. Gibson Drug Co. Tariff revision continues to be the most talked of subject in political cir cles in Washington despite the slate- mont, given unofficially at the While House last week, tli&L there was no prospect of a change in ihe tariff schedule* at I be coming session ami that even the President's pioposod recommendation of a tariff commission would not imply tho necessity for im mediate revision. It i* now stated tlint the President has “left open” I hat passage in his message which deals willi this subject and dial lie will not complete it until lie lias had a number of conferences with the parly lenders, some of the most important of which will take place today. Tutfs Pills After eating, person* of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. It you have been DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE —, %lo. . I of good land in l^itsboro with good i sale. I will sell right. Call (,o see me. * j I also have 215 acres within 2 miles of 1 hom.son, with a good 8 room dwelling and cook rcor.i lie sides Dwel ing nicely ceiled, finished and paiyited, und the best :>f other improve merits—in fact about bcBt improved i place in McDuffie county. There is a good orchard of peaches and some apples. If you want a bargain call to see me. -MATT W. PRO* S. TO THE PUBLIC. It lias been reported that we are out of business. This i* a lui.-Mkc. Wears still doing Wlieclright and Blacksmith work at the Wiley shop, and will for tho next 00 days, and will continue in the business longer. We will appreciate any work Iu our line and will endeavor to give sati* faction. RONEY & ATKINSON, Nov. 11, 1 ;;02. Thomson, On. and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy (eel. .. gloomy Ing*. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. WANTED Two hundred young men and ladies to qualify for paying positions. If you are interested, write us for our handsome illustrated catalogue. THE LANIER SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE, oct. 31—ly. Macon, Ga. Dr. G. T. Neal, the Dentist, will divide his time between Thomson and Warren ton, the first two weeks in the month in Thomson, and will ho in War ren ton Monday after the 3rd Sunday iu each month and re main two weeks. MATT. W. GROSS, Attorney at Law Thomson, Ga, All business promply attend ed to. Loans negotiated at 7 per cent, on improved farms on the best terms ever ottered. President lloosovolt lias decided to return to business after killing nil ihc bears iu Mississippi. DR. FENNER’S KIDNEY x Backache CURE All diseases of Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs. Also Rheumatism, Back aohe.Hs&rtDlsease.Gravel Dropey, Female Troables. Sob t become discouraged. There Is a rare for you. If necessary write l>r. Fenner. He has spent a life time curing Just such eases au.yours. All consultation* Free. •“Your K;*uey and Backache Cure no* cured two very bad cases among our custo mers the past year whom the doctors had given up. J. L. STILL A CO., Woodland, la.” Druggists. 50c., M. Ask for Cook Book—Free. Women ttiid Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man—that is tbc order of a woman’s preferences Jewels foim a magnet of mighty power to the average woman Even that greatest of all jewels, is ’often ruined in the strenous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, tlun let her for tify herself against the insiduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections liy the regular use of Dr. BoscLec’s German Syrup. It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal the affect ed lungs and bronchial tubes and drive tho dread disease from the system, it ia not a cure-all, but it iB a certain cuie for coughs, colds aud all bronchial Doubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable reme dies at Harrison & Hadley's. Get Greeu’s Special Almanac. GEORGIA RAILROAD. For Information as toRoutes- Schedules and Rates both PASSENGER 1 FREIGHT C. C. McMILLIN, A. U. JACKSON, U. A. Puss. Dept., U. P. A., A. 0. DAWSON, S. A., Augusta Ga. S. E. Maglll, S. W. Wilkes, Geu’l Agt. T. F. A Pass. Agt, Atlanta, Ga. W. W. Ilardwlek, W. C. Kagin, Gen'l Agent. Sul. Agt. ftlucon, Ga. W. M McGovern, G. A., Augusta,Ga. 300 Acres of Land for Sale ! I have !'(J0 acre* of good land—oak aud hickory-one inf lo from Mistletoe. Ga., in Columbia county ami one inite each from tho line* of Lincoln and McDuffie countie*, 3 miles of Sharon Church, 4 mile* from Shiloh Church and 15 miles from Thomson, 0 horse farm open ami plenty of water. MATT W. GROSS. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. Bead wherever the English Language is Spoken. The Thhtck-a-Werk World was a bril liant success in the beginning and has been steadily growing ever wince. Time is tlie test of all things, and lias set its seal of approval on the Thrice-a-Week World, which is widely eirculated in every State nml Territory of the Union, anil wherever there are people who can read our mother tongue. This paper for tli" coming winter and the year lilOS, will make its new* service, if possible, more extensive than ever. All events of importance,no matter where they happen, are reported accurately ami promptly. The sill) rriber, for only one dollar n year, get* three papers every week and more news and general reading than most great dailies can furnish at five or six times the price. The Thrice-a-Week World is Absolutely fair in its political nows, Partisan Ida* is never allowed to affect its news column*; and Democrat and Republican alike can obtain in its pages truthful ace omits of all the great political campaigns. I a addition to ail the news, the Thrice-a- Week World furnishes the best serial Ac tion, elaborate market report* ami other feature* of interest. The Tliriee-u-Wt.ek World’s regular sub scription price is only .31.00 per year and this pay* for 158 paper*. We offer this uu- cqnuled newspaper and McDuffie J’ro- OUKks together one year for $150. The regular subscription price yf the two paders is S'-i.OO. Wanted Com in iho ear and good country raised hav. 0. H. ELLINGTON. FOR SALE. Having decided to leave Thomson, I will sell my house and lot on Jackson street, cheap. You will get a bargain if you call at once. J. L. Atkinson, nov.7—lm. Thomson, Ga. You will get good results by adver tising in ibis paper. JULIAN IT. BOYD. BEN. F. JOHNSON. C. D.Tox, Gen’l Agt. Athens, Ua. ST.VITUS’OANCE Fenner, Frcduniu.N.Y WMt SALE BY A„ J. MATHEWS. Get our prices ou Job Print ing. You will save money. Parties desitiug to purchase a home in Thomson would do well to see me before buyiug, ns several desirable bouses have bceu placed in my bauds for sale. If you wish to buy lean suit you. G. L. Callaway. For Sale. Scholarship iu shorthand,best college in Atlanta at reduced rate. G. T. NEAL. Saw Mills SI29 TO S929 00 With Improved Rope and Belt Feed. SAWS. Tll.KH and TEKTU In Stock. Engines, Boilers and Maohinerj All Kinds an* Repairs for aaros. Shaft Ing, Tul t*ra. Bolt I n e. I njcctors, Pipe* Valva* and Killing.. LOMBARD IRON TW1 UPPLYCO Aeon tA. OA. CRN REPAIRS Ml mm saws,ribs, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &o., FOR ANY KlU OF GIN. FNGINEs. BOILERS AN' PRESSES Shafting, Pnllsya, tiros and Fittings WORKS 4 SUPPLY CO, avodra. u. DIRECTORS ii. h. Willingham. PAUL A. BOWDEN. DU. STERLING GIBSON. IRA E. FARMER. J. E. WILSON. PHILADELPHIA DENTAL PARLORS, 722 Broadway, Augusta, Georgia. Next I'oor to J. II. White’s Dry Goods Storo. 17 OFFICES IN THE UNITED STATES. No More Dread of the Dental Chair. Aropheno for painless extraction of teeth. Absolutely harmless. Simply ap plied to the gum*. No bad results follow. Wo cull the attention of tho nervous and delicate to onr Painless System of Dentis try iu all its brunches. Great Slaughter Sale COOES AT COST Every Friday and Saturday. Having removed my family to Bath, S. C., I will close out my Stock in Thomson. I now offer my entire Slock of Goods nt cost until Christmas. I will only have tuv store in Thomson opened on Friday and Saturday of each week. GOODS MUST BE SOLD. This is no fake but facts. Come every Friday and Saturday until Christmas if you want the greatest Bargains ever offered in Thomson. B. Serotta, Railroad Street. Thomson, Georgia. J. F. SHIELDS Has the Handsomest Line of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY EVER BROUGHT TO THOMSON. His Prices are th.e ILcwest and Goods the Best. GIVE HIM ATRIAL. Millinery Store is one door above Postofficc. JULI AN K. BOYD, IJEN. F. JOHNSON, PAUL A. TtOWDEN, IRA E. FARMER, President. Vice President. Cn*hicr. Attorney. the FARMERS I MERCHANTS BANK Thomson, Ga. Wc solicit Ihc business of Merchants, Planters, Firms and Corporations. The policy of the Batik is: To he strong, to be liberal, to he prompt, to serve is depositors well, bolding their interests as identical with its own, and to be courteous to all. MOYE BROS., The Leading Fancy Grocers. ALL KINDS OF FANCY GROCERIES CHEAP FOR CASH. We carry a large stock of first class shelf goods and fruits of all kinds. Soda fount at lower store formerly occupied by R. J. W.Hayes. We have a store on Main St. above creamerv. If a penny saved is a pennv earned. You can earn money by putchnsin<v goods from us. This is especially true of our new line of JEWELRY recently purchased of the St. Lout* Jewelry (Jo. We have the latest designs and pat terns. Prices to suit everyone. Each article is fully warranted by the manu facturer. Call lo sec us. MOYE BROS. & J. E. MOYE. oct.10—finis ‘Phone 58. THOMSON, GA. Hatchet Tobacco! THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY. For Sale at all Grocery Stores* TAGS REDEEMED at 1 -2 CENTS EACH. HOST. HAEEIS dk BEO., oot. 10 6ms. Reidsville, N. C. Burglar and Fireproof Safe and Vault and Safely Deposit Boxes. We carry Burglar Insurance against Day and Night Robberies. uov.28ly J. WILLIE LEVY, PRICES Best Set Toetli, either upper nr lower 38.00 Partial Sets Teeth 31.00 to 37.00 Solid 22k Gold Crowns 85.00 Gold Killing* | 31.00 up. Amalgam nml Cement 50 to 8L00 Extracting Teeth, Painless 50c Extracting Teeth, old way 25c ALL WORK WARRANTED. We examine your teeth free of charge nml tell you just what your work will cost. All we ask is a visit to our office anti we will*plea«e you. LOOK FOR OUR SIGNS. DR. 0. W. SHACKELFORD, D. D. S., Manager. u> I ILL Jig FIT ALLY SIZE HVC-ATT. We will show this season the finest line of Men Boys and Children Clothing ever brought to Augusta, also a lull line of Furnishing Goods ami tats. For tho ladies we have a grand line of J Ladies Tailor Made fruits, Odd Skirts, faille and flannel "Waists, TO WE^4E IljZTS. Take Elevator to CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT and fjt examine our line befoie buying elsewhere. J. WILLIE LEVY, 844 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga UILT Y YES! Of having gotten together' all the Stunning Single and Double Breasted Suits of the Season at $7.50, 12, 15, iS and up to $25. YES ! Of being able to give you the Best Overcoat made for £7.50, 12, 15, iS and up to 25. yes! A great showing of Men’s Neckwear, Under wear and Pall Shirts, None BettenThan our $1.00 and $3.50 Hats. E. S. McCreary d? Co., 7T6 Broad Street, .A_ugiisla, Ga- **VVV*VV%'V‘VV'VVVVVWWWWV Uy* ^ ^ ^ ^ sr ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i>< Repairs for same. B.lUc*, Injectors, Pipes, Valves an* Putin*. Do not pay from S to 12 per cent, for money when Matt ]V. Gross will get it for 6 and 7 per cent Come to sa him. 4 GROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! g When in need of Groceries or anything carried in a Sr •$ first class general store, such as & 3Bacon, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Etc.! & £ MY STOCK OF £. 1 DRY GOODS IS FIRST CLASS I og in every respect. I have a splendid line of ^ |SH0ES FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST| I also carry all Table Delicacies. My Can Coods are the best Sr i 2 I am still handling Green Meats of the best quality. g! Give me a trial. Respectfully, W. A. WATSON, f. \k & it/ ft i!/ Great- BARGAMS IN FURNITURE m m w is what wo give, and if you don’t just corns and see, or wiite I" r.,^ 4..0* »b; n i- „»• „ i ito for prices, just think of a nice Solid 0al\ Suit 10 pieces for $25.00. ty0al\ Sideboard 43 irsfyes Wide for $14.50 / ’PIIONE S. Oct. 17—Oms. to to to <91 or ' 1 T to Nothing of the kina over heard of before. Everything in proportion. We keep everything \*> F URNII URE, STO YES. CARPE TS. to ii/ MATTING, SHALES. LACE CURTAINS, £ \kt BAB V CARRIAGES, GO CA RTS *J \b Everything to furnish your house. Everything guaranteed jL W price and quality. £ | FLEMING & BOWLES, m 904 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. ^ *dS9 I