The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, March 13, 1903, Image 2

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The McDuffie Progress. M. W. GROSS, Editor and Proprietor. The Official Organ of McDuffie Co. Entered at the Postofflce in Thomson Ev ery Friday, as Second-class Matter. Tutt’s Pills THOMSON, Ga., March 13, 1903. Grover Cleveland says he is out of politics for good. We would hate to see him get a chance to get bnck in ollicc again. Atlanta is soon to have a large Presbyterian University. The money for this institution will be raised by popular subscription. Congressman llartlett of the sixth district had quite a clash in Congress one day last week. He told one of the leading republicans of the house to “go to Hell” with ns good grace as you please. The Warren County Reporter speaks of hanker, W. S. William in very de nunciatory language. From all that people say of him, Whilam is a had man. Home things arc often made a great deal worse than they ically are Considerable excitement has pre vailed during the last two weeks in Warren ton by reason of the fact that the old hank question has again arisen. We hope that the people of Warren county will be able to settle thier dif ferences outside o$ court. ltoosevelt is a daisy. After doing all lie can to win the negro vote and feeling satisfied with the results, he now seeks to right himself in the eyes of the Southern white people. No white man could, who has any feeling for the South, vote for such a man as Roosevelt. After eating, persons of ■ bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. If you have been DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE —- and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy feel* Ings. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Superior Court- Fanners inform us that they have been able to prepare very little of their laud for this years crop on account of the continued wet weather. We hope that we will have fain weather fora while and that our farmers will prepare for a big crop of corn, peas awl potatoes and not so much cotton. We. have been informed by ■‘Hon. Ira E. Farmer that some course will he taken about the artesian well in a few days. Col. Farmer says that Mr. Audrews, the contractor will be here iu about a week and then ho will ho able to give out some information concerning waterworks. On Mouday of this week iu Olean New York au oil train was wrecked and oil was thrown over more than a hundred bystanders. The oil became ignited and the people looked like torches. About seventy live were burned to death nnd a number were injured who it was said would die. What's Iu a Name. Everything is In the name when it conies to Witch Hazel Salvd. E C. Do Witt & Co. of Chicago, diseovoiod, some years ugo how to make a' salvo from Witch lluzol that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleed ing. itching and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts, hums, bruises and all skin diseases, DoWitt's Salvo has no equal. This bus given rise to numerous worthless counter feits. Ask for De ATM's—the geuuiuo Gibson Drug Co. i The Hon. Mark Johuston of Mill edgevillo has connected himself with the Atlanta News as travelling repre sentative of that paper. Mr. John ston numbers his friends throughout Georgia by the score and we feel sure that ho will ho successful us a news- paper man. A Remarkable Case. One of the most remarkable eases of a cold deep-seated ou the lunge, eausiug pneu monia. is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Iml., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cougli Cure. She says: “The coughing and straining so weakened me that I run down in weight faoiu Its to 93 pounds. I triee a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cougo Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured mo entirely oi the cough, strengthened my lungs aud restored me to my normal welSIit, health strength." Gibson Drug Co. The Spring Ti-rin of McDuffie Supe rior Court convened in Thomson on Mon day last, with his Honor, Judge Wtin. T. Gary, presiding. In addition to the lo cal bar there were present Messrs H. H. Sibley, of Uuion Point, and E. T. Sbnr- ley, of Warren ton ; also Solicitior Gen eral Reynolds aud Court stenographer Tarver, of Augusta. Too Grand Jury wus organized by the election of J. E. Wilkersou, Foreman, and John S. Boyd, Clerk. Judge Gary’s charge to the Grand Jury was one of the ablest and strongest, and certainly I lie most original, deliverance ever heard in McDuffie county. It made a fine impres sion upon all who heard it. The Civil Docket. The Court being organized, the Civil Docket was taken up aud tlio following mimed cases were disposed of: Bei-sie L. Shields vs. Wm. E. Shields. Divorce, Final verdict for libelant, M. J. Ciark vs. John B. Clark. Di vorce. Final verdict for libelant. Jno. S Boyd vh J. F. Shields. Eject ment. Verdict for plaintiff. John B. Clark vs. M. J. Clark. Com plaint. Verdict for piaiutiff Mary F. Sutton vs. J. F. Shields.— Complaint. Continued. J, F. A. Jones vs. J. W. Moore, mul Geo. B. Mooro, Claimant. Continued. Joseph R. Edwards vs. Eva Edwards. Divorce. First verdict for libelant. Criminal Docket Slate vs, Ross Jones. Concealed weap on. Two casts. Plea of guilty. Fiutd $25 or 3 months on chaiugang. State vs. Go. Davis. Burglary Ver dict of guily with recommendation for misdemeanor punishment Three mout s no chaiugang. State vs. Charles Brinkley. Concealed weapon. Verdict df guilty. $30 or 2 mouths on chaliigaug. State vs. Will Ross. Simple larceny. Plea of guilty. $75 or 6 months on gang. State vs. Peter Penny. Cattle stealing Verdict of guilty.; Two years iu peui. teutia.iy. State vs. Gip Reese. Gambling. Plea of guilty. $60 or 6 mouths iu gang. Stale vr. Peter Abram. Gambling. Plea of guilty. $60 or G months in gang. State vs. George Euibree. Assault with intent to murder. Verdict of guilty Five years iu penitentiary. Stute vs Ophelia Rameau. Assault aud buttery. Verdict of guilty. Six mouths on ohuiuguug. State vs George Embreo. Concealed weapon. Verdict of guiity. Twelve months on gang. State vs Joliu Cason. Soductiou. Ver dict of not guilty. State vs. George Davis. Concealed weapon. Plea of guilty. Twelve mouths on gang. State vs. Perry Wilsou. Laroeny. Plea of guilty. $75 or 6 mouths ou gaug. State vs. Mollie Watson. Selliug liq uor. Ooutinued. Stale vs. Will and Frank West. As sault. Continued. State vs. Chns. Marshall. Resisting oUlcer. Plea of guilty. Twelve mouths on gaug. State vs. Pierce Paschal. Laroeny. Verdict of not guilty. Stale vs. Albert Reese. Gambling Ver diot of not guilty. State vs. Jaok Thomas. Larceny. $75 or 6 months on gaug. Stats vs. Clias. Blackburn. Concealed wenpou. Plea of guilty. Six months ou gang- State vs. Ed Adams. Concealed wenp ou Not guilty. A Fake. Miss Annie Mae Abbott, the little “ Georgia magnet” gave one of her exibitions here Wednesday night. The editor of the Progress went there a doubting Thomas and came away confirmed in his opinion that Miss Abbott is the woist fake and the gieat- est humbug that ever struck Thomson or any other town. This editor participated in the amusement of the evening by lifting Miss Abbott from the floor aud force- iug the chair to the floor, etc. There is no more magnetism about Miss Abbott than about any one else, but she has the advantage of position .ami she is naturally a very strong wo-1 man, having by practice developed her physical power. She always makes the person lift or pull at arms length while he braces against her body and has '.lie advan tage of her arms in the right position. This editor found no trouble in lifting her except when she pushed him off at arms length. All she did was by slight, advantage of position aud her strength and uot magnetism. Do You Enjoy What You Eat ? You can eat whatever and whenever you like if you take Kodol. By the use of this remedy disordered digestion and diseased stomachs are so completely restored to health, and the full performance of their functions naturally, that such foods as would tie one into a double-bow-knot are eaten Without even a “rumbling’’ and with a posi tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what ts more — these foods are assimilated and transformed Into the kind of nutriment that Is appropriated by the blood and tissues. Kodol is the only digestant or combination of digestants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact, it contains, In assimilative form, the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all disorders arising therefrom. Kodol Digests What You Eat Makes the Stomach Sweet. Bottles only. Regular size, $ 1.00. holding 2% times the trial ilie. which sells (or SO cents. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, III. Gibson Drug Co. If you have money to lend or invest call on me. I can also secure you loans as cheap as any one. Call to sec me. Matt IV. Ghosh. More Riots. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will lie followed by utter collapse, unless u reliable remedy is immediately employed. There’s nspiing so cftlcient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys us Electric Ritters. It’s a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down sysrems. It dispels Nervousness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only 50c, and satisfaction guaranteed by Harri son Si Hadleg, Druggist. Cleurance Sate. J. F. Shields, will have a clearance sale commencing March 17th, next Tuesday and lasting only one week. We will sell ladies 2.00 shoes at $1.09, shoes worth $1.60 at $1.23 and $1.00 shoes will be sold at 89c Mens $6.00 shoes the best on the market at $3.99 and $3.50 will be sold $2.89 and $2.00 shoes at $1-09, these goods are new and up to date hut we are over stocked. Ladies dress goods, consisting of silks, wash silks,Lawns. Dimities l’er- cals, Gingham# and Calicoes at 4c up, silks worth $1.00 sold at 79c, I’ercals worth 10c sold at 7c, Lace curtains, a big line from 49c to $6.99, 2 wheeler A Wilson sewing machines will be sold, but only 2 at $27.50 worth $40.00, we have 23 pair of boys shoes worth $1.50 per pair we will sell for G9e, the num bers are 12 and 13 and a few pair of No. 3. 00 shirts, stiff bosom worth $1.00 will he offeiedat 50c made of best per- cals. Remember the date March 17th aud last only oue week. J. F. Shields. For Rent. I have a five room house with wide hall, bathroom and pantry, well of good water in bask yard. Large lot barn and garden on premises. Will rent cheap. Apply lO MATT W. GROSS. $10.00 PRIZE. We will give $10.00 in cash on De cember 24, 1903, to the person who will send us the largest number of sub scriptions at $1.00 each by that time. Go to work during your spare lime, for Thk Progress. We are giving you the best country paper you ever had. You can make some money for your self and help us during your.spare mo ments. we will publish the names of aU and the number of subscribers sent, in our issue of December 25, 1903. Evans & Wall •^Attorneys at Law.4€~ Prornpt Attention given to nil Busines» Collections a Specialty. Office Over Harrison & Hadley’s. G. L. Callaway, Attorney at Law, Thomson, - - Georgia. Prompt attention to all business. Loans quickly secured at lowest rales. Office over Wilson’s Stables. PROF. P.M. WHITMAN, GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all cierects o* ileht, grind* the proper gimmes and WAli- '-l A ITS them. Lenses cut into your frame while you wait. FREE OF CHARGE, J&Z&X* 2097 St., Augusta, Ga. LUMBER! DUMBER!! LUMBER!! f I have 75,000 feet of lumber at my house in Thomson for sale, consisting of weatherboarding, framing and plank of different kinds. If you need lumber come to see me. matt. w. Gross. Jan. 14, 1903. WANTED Two hundred young men and Indies to qualify tor paying positions. If you are interested, write us for our handsome illustrated catalogue. THE LANIER SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE,; oct. 31—ly. Macon, Ga. and Thomson Steam Bakery Carries a Regular Line in FANCY FAMILY GROCERIES, Confectioners, etc. Fruit cakes and Poundcakes always on hand and made to order. Call and see our line of cigars and tobaccos, Manilla Crooks 2 for 5c. Grand Sessions on hand. Flour Our Leader. ’PHONE No. 6. Underwood Typewriter Apply at this office. for sale. Road Tax Notice. To whom it may coueern. The Commutation Road Tax for 1003 will bo $2.50, which may tie paid for $2.00— $1.00 by tho 10th of May and $1.00 by tlie 10th of Oct. It tlie first $1.00 is not paid to the Ordin ary by tlie 10th of May collectors will be scut, out after that duto and it will cost $1.25, The county only wants $2.00. The mau who waits for the collector to hunt him up at big expense to the county must pay the cost. There is no justice nor equity in puttiug that man on equal tooting with him who comes to the office and pays his Road Tax as he does his State and county tax. He who fails to pay his State aud county tax by tlie 20tli of Dec. each vear lias an execution issued against him which costs an additional $1.00 which is paid to tiie officers who do tho work, “to-wit:" the Tax Collector aud Sheriff. This ex tra twenty-five co^ts on those who do not pay by the 10th of May and Oct., respect ively," will also go to the officers who col lect it. I write this notice so far ahead of time in orders to serve the convenience of those intending to pay their Road Tax in stead of working it out. The time will be ten days. Those expecting to pay can dc so anytime between now and tlie 10th of May. C. H. ELLINGTON, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, March 11, 19)3. JULI AN H. BOYD, BEN. F. JOHNSON, President. Vice President. PAUL A. TiOVVDEN, Cashier. IRA E. FARMER Attorney. m FARMERS E MERCHANTS BANK Thomson, Ga. We solicit the business of Merchants, Planters, Firms and Corporations. The policy of the Bank is: To he strong, to he liberal, to be prompt, to serve its depositors well, holding their interests as identical with its own, and to be- courteous to all. JULIAN H. BOYD. BEN. F. JOHNSON. DIRECTORS B. H. WILLINGHAM. PAUL A. BOWDEN. DR. STERLING GIBSON. IRA E. FARMER. J. E. WILSON. Burglar and Fireproof Safe and Vault and Safety Deposit Boxes. We carry Burglar Insurance against Day and Night Robberies. nov.281y State vs. Joliu Chsou. Seduction. Ver dict of not guilt}. Tiie defendants in all of the foregoing criuiiual oases are negroes. Parlies desiring to purchase a home in Thomson would do well to see me before buying, ns several desirable houses have been placed in my hands for sale. If you wish to buy I can suit you. G. L. Callaway. See me before borrowing money elsewhere. As I can furnish loans a cheapest rates. G. L. Callaway. Trngedy Averted. “Just in the nick of time our little boy wa saved” writes Mrs. w. watkins of pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cougli set in besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length wo tried Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, and our dsrlig was saved. He’s now sound and well.” Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure fo Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by Harri son & Hadley Druggist. Price 50c and 1,00. Trial bottles free. Dr. G. T. Neal, the Dentist, will di vide his time between Thomson and Waueuton, the first two weeks in the month in Thomson, aud will be iu Warrenton Monday after the 3d Sun day in each month and remain 2 weeks. Money! Money il Money!!! If you have any money to lend or invest, or if you desire to borrow any, call on me, as I can get it cheaper and quicker than any one in Thomson. MATT W. GROSS. Whiskey $1.10 per gallons*- We claim to he the Lowest Priced Whiskey House. We really sell whis key as low us $1.10 per gallon, and mind you: distilled whiskey—uot a decoc tion of chemicals—hut of course it’s new and under proof. “CASPER STANDARD” 10 Year old whiskey is a liquid joy! It i3 act ually produced by houest Tar Heels in tlie Mountain Section of North Carolina bv the old lime process. Every drop is boiled over open furnace wood tires, in old style copper stills, in exactly the same way il was made by our grand fathers a century ago. First rate whiskey is sold al $5 to $6 per gallou, hut i» not any belter tliau “CASPER’S STANDARD.” It is the best produced and must please every customer or we will buy it hack with cold—we are incor porated under the Laws of N. C., with an authorized capital of $100,000 and the Peoples National Bank and Piedmont Saving Bank of Winston-Salem, N. C., will tell you our guarantee is good. This old honest, mild aud mellow whiskey is worth one dollar per quait, hut to more fully introduce “Casper's Standard” we offer sample shipments of this brand at half price, (packed in plain sealed boxes) 5 quarts $2.95,10 quarts $5.00, Express Prepaid anywhere inU.S. All orders and remittances in stamps, cash or by check, etc., as well as requests for confidential price list.must be addressed as follows: M. P. CASPER C0-, Winston Salem, N. C., U. S. A. Maim Offic. awd Wakxhoom: No’s 1045-16 library and 1, 3, 4 and 5 Maple St*) Whiskey $1.10 per gallons*-