The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, May 01, 1903, Image 3

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OUR WASHINGTON BETTER. (From our regdtlar correspondent.) Washington^ 1). April 27,11)03. Sensational developments id the Post- office investigation have been the chief source of public interest in Washing ton during tlie past week. The wife of Judge Tyner, attorney general for the Poslofflcc Department, accompanied by her sister and a safe expert, entered theoiliecof the law division of the Po8totliee Department and abstracted the entire contents of the safe. Judge Tyner lias been stricken with paralysis and his resignation was demanded hist March, not only because be was physi cally incapable of transacting business but because grave irregularities bad been discovered under his jurisdiction. The Postmaster General secured the vesiiMta.ion but permitted it to take eileet on May 1, with the understand ing that the Judge was to perform no otlieiat act in the interim. The sister who accompanied Mrs. Tyner on the exp; dtlion was Mrs. Harrell, mother of Harrison J. Parrott whose conduct as law clerk of the Postutlioo Depart ment is under investigation and whose lias Cured Thousands,Will Cure You If you are troubled with Kidney o Bladder troubles, such as Dropsy, Pl ight’s j Disease, Catarrh, Gravel of the Bladder, Albumen in Uriaoond unhealthy deposits, j or too frequent discharge of the urine, pain iu the hack and bladder, dropsical : Swelling of the 'feet and legs, ete., etc., we. guarantee that by using Smith’s Sure Kid ney Curef a complete cure will he elfeeted. Price .">0 cents une SI.00. For suit: by Gibson Drug Co. There is distress iu the German | Emnassy because tile credentials of i I the German Ambassador have failed I to arrive and it is bared that at the j Saint Louis exposition ceremonies, to I which lie will go this week, he will ntUliatioii with a turf investment con- haye to accept the rank of a Minister ecru which has been disrupted by the on extraordinary business and take hits I Missouri authorities, is well known. ; seal between Cliekib Hey, the '1 ttrkisli | It now transpires that, nolwithstand . Minister, and S nor Pulido, the ing the. fact that the law division has Venezuelan chargeJilalTnirs. Mo hum- j been so long under investigation, tin i ble a position would prove most trying j Postotlioe officials had never examined ' |o ih<> special representativo of the the contents of litis safe and there!ore | Kaiser, they are unable to say it Mrs. Tyner j h is removed Government papers and prosecute accordingly. It is intimated by the ollicials that this meshes ol Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Pristow's diagnetare closing around Superintendent ^Lichen ttnd that lie will lie forced to resign at a compara tively early dale. Numerous investiga tions having tSuperilib nde'U Peaver’s Administration under examination have been conducted and some most sen-a 1 tonal discoveries are alleged although all details are withheld from the press. How much will eventually he made public depends ol) Mr. Payne who ad mits that a full and complete report will not lie given out. Mrs. Fred UnrsvtK. President Country Club, Iieuton kins-viol*,* .11 ten. "After niy first baby was born I did not s:ci:i to regain my strength although the doctor gave tee a tonic which he consid ered very superior, but instead ci getting belter I grew weaker every day. My hus band insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for a week and sec what it would do for me. I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning. In two weeks 1 was out of bed and i.t n month 1 was able to take up my usual duties. 1 am very enthusi astic in its praise.” W incof Cardui reinforces flic organs of generation for 11m ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth. Ii prevents tuis- carringe. No woman who takes Wine of (,’ardui need fear the coming of her cliiHI. If Mrs. Unratli hail taken Wine of I'anlui before her baby came site would not have bei u weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. "Wine of Cardui regulates the. menstrual ilow. i t'v ti »,; vsi ii FOR TORPID 3.IVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheti- HidtisfP!, Sallow Skin end Piles. There is r,o better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT’S LIVER DILLS, ns a triul will prove. Take No Substitute. We have, the following clubbing rates to make to our subscribers: Pttott- j mess ami Home and Farm one year I Nearly half of the ti 100,000,000 worth j § and Southern Gulti- of 2 per ei tit bonds which the Secre-j valor one year §1.50. Pitoott:-:ss- and tiry of the Treasury ream Jy offered to 'exchange for bonds hearing a higher rate of interest have been taken up mid many have been deposited with the Treasury Depart incut as sccuiiiy for national bank cum ney. This is re garded as a triumph for My. Shaw’s sehetnc and as aguring well for tlie money market litis lull when a scarcity of cuiteucy has been leared. The en tile i--uc of Philippine loan certificates, amounting to £1,000,000 Ims been sub scribed, which is indicative of the prosperous condition of the people generally. Atlanta Semi Weekly Journal one year £1.50. and Constitution one year <?l.d0. PitotiUKss and Chroniele one year §1.50. Notice to Teachers. 1 hereby notify you that the. next j general examination for the. teachers of the state will be held on June 27th at Pierce Institute Thomson, Ga. be ginning promptly at K o’clock, a. m matt w. Gross C. S. C. Grippe! Grippal! T'ltc country is full of Grippe, and it It is believed in Washington that the t behooves each pet son to be prepared President lias intimated to all govern- j p, ward off the disease, or cure it after meut otlieials of prominence that lie re- i p, bas gotten hold of you. Eradicate gatds it a- in hud taste to extol the ex-1 p front the system by using the lernl- cc lie nee of the military and titiva I j jpg Antiseptic on die market. Autisep- forees of this country as compared j ti<; means a germ-destroyer, and the with those of other and friendly of other am lions, and that especial caution has been given regarding giving offense to Germany. T he feeling ol resentment occasioned by the recent hostilities in Vouezud i has not passed away, hut manv prominent men are beginning t• > believe that German officers were more to blame tor the altitude assumed at that tune than was the government it self. At all events, the President depucules bellicose utterances. It. is said at the War Department, that the Secretary of War lias de- tinitelv determined upon the new style ,.f army title which was recently recommended I>v the Hoaid of Ordi nance This rifle is to be 22 inches in length oT barrel, instead of -TO inches, the length ol the former rifle, and it will h served to cavalry as well as in- fanirv.taking the place of the carbine now it, list: by the former. As this is doubt:-ss the style of gun which state tniliti;. organizations will lie expected to use the decision is of especial in terest. Navy Department has just d» on tlie commissary supplies next,fiscal year. Judgtig iy ittti of food consumed the • ues has a good sized navy, rtiatnents call for 4)000,000 f meat, including 220,000 frankfurter sausage, 141,000 fiiuerkraut, 220,000 pounds - msage, 285,000 pounds of dickens, 71,800 pounds of irkeys, 1,500,000 pounds of fresh he. f and various other supplies. Consul- ring the quality of provisions rletuaiu'".!, Jack Tar is certain to be Well ft ! during the ensuing year. The asked for thi tlie ai • Unite.; The a pound pound• pounds of pon. dresseo dressed host one for till contagious diseases is PiLts’ Antiseptic Invigoraior. It puri fies tlie blood, tones up the stomach, acls on the kidneys and is the best to ho had for nervousness- (.'till on your druggist, or Pitts’ An tiseptic Invigoraior Co., for it. t) kits! bl» ^ Qt * a3f ‘)lgMimw.X)3i.L.r.'-yaa •irrxvauwaiyaw MONEY TO LEND Cheap Rates a.nd Good Terms. If you want to borrow money on y.iur nal estate, call on me and I think 1 can make it to your interest. Valuaiilk Faumajani) Town Phoiucuty for Sam:. I have some very valuable farms iu Lincoln, Columbia and McDuffie coun ties for sale tit real good forms. I also have some valuable Town Property in Thomson, belonging In other parties, which 1 wish to sell for them. If you want to buy, call i<> see me. JOHN T. WEST, Poh 2, ’O.'i. Thomson, Ga. DO YOU WAN l’ MONEY'.’ Tf so call on Matf AY. Gross, bring your land papers and you cun get it. at 0 per cent, if security and amount large enough, or 7 per cent, if small amount. Evans & Wall. •5?Attorneys at Law.SC- Prompt. Attention given to all Business Loans negotiated atto If per cent, on ITom 1 to to years t mm. Office Over Harrison & Hadley’s. See me before borrowing money elsewhere. As 1 can furnish loans at cheapest rates. G. L. Callaway. Loans quickly negotiated at cheap est talus. G. L. Ca i,La way. If you have money to lend or invest, rail on me. f can also seetiro you loans as cheap as any one. Call to see too. , Mat! 1 W. Gross. Give ©a Trial at Job WorK We Can Please you in workmanship and prices. Call on John B. Neal and see the OSBORNE MACHINERY •KfMch. is th.e Best on the Market. \\ ■1Y32EJ If yen i a Mower, Disc Marrow, Peg Harrow, Spring Tooth Marrow, ®aKe or Cultivator See me before buying. JOHN B. NEAL, Agt D, M. OSBORNE & GO’S MACHINERY. WHEN A MAN GOES TO BUY It is natural lor him to go where he can get Tlio Bost Goods at the Loturost Pricss. We are after your patronage, anil we guarantee to please you. Give us a trial. ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Shelf Goods, Cigars and Tobacco OUR GOODS ARE ALL FRESH. Yours to Please, D. J. E. COLVIN, Railroad Street, Thomson, Georgia. I. J. DOWNEY & CO, -WHOLESALE) AMD RETAIL WANTED Two hundred young men and la.lics to qualify for paying positions. If you are interested, write us tor our handsome illustrated catalogue. THE LANIifilt SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE, eet. til—ly. Maeou, Ga. Parties tlesiting to purchase a home in Thomson would do well to see me before buying, as several desirable houses have been placed in my hands for sale. If you wish to buy I can suit you. G. L. Callaway. Georgia Railroad. Fol - reformation as to Houles, Schedules and Hates, Hot PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. G. C. MeMI.J.LIX, G. A. Pass. Dept., A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A., A. <L Dawson, 3. A., Augusta, Ga. S. E MAOTLL, Gen’l Agent. S. \V. WILKES, T. J-’. and Puss. Agent. Atlanta, Ga. w. w. Hardwick, cien’l Agent. W. C. ltagin, Sol. Agt., Macon, Ga w. m. McGovern, g. a.i Atigustu, Ga C. D. COX, Gon'lAgt., Athens,Ga. LIQUOR DEAEHS, 016 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Wc appreciate the liberal patronage of our McDuffie couilty friends in the past, and respectfully solicit a continuance of same, and guarantee satisfaction in every respect. Give us a trial and be convinced. Jug trade a specialty. Yours to please, ! Olff Hrond Stmt. ] Augusta, Georgia. Send your Job Printing to this office the best of work at lowest prises, M. J DOWNEY & CO, PIERCE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Instructors in LITERATURE, MUSIC, BOOKKEEPING,3ART AND ELOCUTIOW- i’aculty : Ed. L. RAY., Principal. Miss Luna Johnston, Miss Rufortl Johnson, Miss Laura Jones, Extra Teacher to he Supplied. Miss Mamie JStirri.-ou, Music Teacher. School Building adequate and well arranged f’«w School Purposes. Full Term begins Monday, Sept.1st, 1 i)()2. Expenses—Board in families per month,$8 00 to $12,00. Tuition, Private Term. 8/h, ythaml 10th Grades : [,: i $J. 00 per month, jd, J,/h, jt/i, (Uh and "1th Grades t : Sl.oO per month, ls/ ) ana 2d (h ades : : . >: q tl.OO per month> PUBLIC TERM. All pupils will he admitted free except those wh » have one or more studies above the state school curriculum. Sueh pupils will pay 50 cents ettclt per mouth. Non-resident pupils will be charged regular rates ol tuition. INCIDENTAL. FEES. Each pupil will pay 50 cents as an incidental lee on entering school tor the Fail Term and also for the Spring Term. Pupils who enter tor the Public Term alone will pay only one incidental fee ot 50 cents —this to he paid in advance. ADVANTAGES. A thorough preparation for College, a hoalthlul location, the best uf religious and motal influences, excellent instructors in literature 1 music,Htt and elocution, exceedingly low rates of tuition A complete commercial course can ho had at reasonable rate of tuition by making application to the principal. For further information write to or apply to- VTh T 1? A Y President Pierce Institute, lYUL !/• Hill, THOMSON,GA- or T. A. SCOTT, President Board Trustees*.