The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, August 24, 1906, Image 3

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Here and There. Mr. Ij. p. McCord spent Sunday TI1 r i!)«> n.—V T arren Nc wk. Mrs) Hg&tUs Mctican of Timm; •vas the guest; of M ts.s Gjid.rS Rtu Uie first of last week.—Warhfio MR insurance—Fire and Tornado, a. L. McLka The SiitIbk nt the Mint. One of the most exciting hidden! ; in (he history of the destruction of Sun Francisco was the font of the men vim saved the United States mint from tv in;;' devoured by the flames. Thu mint is an imposing stone bulldiutf, and in const ruction proved to be of a charac- resist to the utmost the new H 4* he Viscountess A"' it tins time she m ■ ras the Baroness \ ■ f a German cava! ambassador is six and has been tv 1 affairs of his co,: is ter to Germany. wise for his family'. The mail who Insures his health fr wise both for Ws family and himself. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Smith spent Sunday with Mrs.,Smith's ftitlur, Si r. C >'fhf- R'U*RP j’F Harrison of Autney, who, Ve re- irvet tri team i-a m Vm- nny inaureicafth by pmrd- <r -K It. ft lc worth guariffftg. Ai the first attack of dtsenre, Vr kleh generally approaches through the LIVER and manD tests itself la innumerable wavs TAKE. spent Monday Mi. (J. II. Morris Appling. Miss Bennie Thompson spent Sun day at Norwood. Mf .1. C. Grubbs of Harlem, was in town Sunday. Mr. Henry S. Davis spent Monday in Augusta. And oavo your hordih* Land For Sale. 1 offer for sale a tract of land contain ing 200 acres, for $1,500. Rented this year for live bales of cotton. Will rent next year for six or seven. Ira E. Farmer. The Aliens Mutual Fire Insurance Co Mr. H. P. Quin who has visited this city, representing this company has ap pointed Mr. R. B. Malsby local agent in Thomson. See Mr. Malsby, he will save you big money, and more in the future, $2.50 paid hack out cf every 910.00. Rates same as other companies. Rev. .1. W. Ellington of Harlem, w*ns here Monday. Mr. A- N. Reville visited Harlem Monday. Mrs. O. S. Lee visited Augusta Mon day. Mr. P. A. Young went to Augusta Wednesday: Mr. R. 1.. Howell went to Harlem Tuesday. Dr..!. B. Robins was in Thomson Tuesday evening. Dr. D. A. Rogers of Dearing, was in town Monday. Mrs..). L. Shipp left Tuesday for At lanta. Mrs. Q. T. Neal left Tuesday for a visit to Norwood. We regret to hear of the illness Mrs. F. A. Winter. Lot For Sale. 1 offer for sale the lot, on Wliiteoak street, between the residence of .1. P. Jones and A. S. Quinn. fha E. Farmer. tlotice of Local Legislation. Notice is given that a Hill will be in troduced at the next meeting of the Legislature to dmnge the Charter of Thomson Georgia, incorporated as a town, so that said municipality will he incorporated as a city, and to otherwise amend the charter of Thomson., and conkr additional authority upon -the in ay or and council of said municipali ty. Tills June 5th, 1906, TYNET{SDYSPEPSIA REMEDY. A Guaranteed Cure; EM any Have 2)ysyepsia and don't Know it TIii- pareliavs price 60e, of Tyner’s Dys pepsia Remedy Will tie returned if ii. fails to euro or rnb'eve dyspepsia or indigestion in any form. Take, ns directed on label. Many people have fluttering of the In-art risings, or pimples on tile skin, dizzy feel ings, aelies and pains in side or hack, weak kidneys, constipation, beleliing of wind blurred eye sight, tainted bad breath, hawking and spitting, bead aches, acid stomach, pale skin and don’t kno-.v it’s dyspepsia. If,you have any or all of those symptoms take Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy and a cure is certain, saru and lastin Tyner’s Dyspepsia cure strength) weak stomachs, h-Mpi digist your food, stops aches an < pains 1 stops ewlic imme diately. t; taste good and warms your stomach from the first d,ne. Cures where else fails. Try it. Druggist a bottle. Cin-tilar and medical advice freejlty writ ing Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy Co. Anyu ta (5a -nied.v j ithen.TT, No lice of Local Legislation. Notico is hereby giveh that uL Lire next meeting of the General Assembly of (icorgia a Bill or Bills providing for lo cal legislation as follows- » To so amend the Gharler of the town ef Thomson in McDuffie county sis, to incorporate Mtmeinulily a-t a city un der the name ami sty 1 of City of Phoin son. To authorize the nt moipality of Thomson to issue bonds to the amount of Eighteen Thousand Dollars for pur pose of erecting and equippingu school building or buildings, for the'munici pality of Thomson. To authorize and empower the Mayor and Council of the rnuncipaliy of Thom son to establish and maintain ft system of.public schools for said municipality and to provide necessary revenue for said purpose To otherwise amend tbu (.'barter Thomson. Tills J une 5 190(5 of Anti etc at- I‘. gives me ureal p'cnsnn test.inoniul to thai of in uiv your wonderful in .-'-■ine, septic Iiivigoi-.itoi'.'- . had a tack of LaGrippe aud it broke it up al most in one night. I think it is a won derful medicine. W. II. Narors, New Decatur, Ala. . A. J. Mathews arid Gibsc-n Drug Co Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Winter of Angus tn, were in town Saturday. Mr. Herman Sturgis of Augusta, was in Town Sunday. \ Mr. William H. Crawford of Appling was in Thomson Monday. Mr. Will Paschal of Harlem, is spend lug th; week here. Mr. Edward S. Harrison, J r., went to Augusta Tuesday. Mr. Claud Moore of Hlckox, was In town Wednesday. Mr. George W. Granade went to Au gusta Wednesday. Miss Eddie Jeaii Gheesling left for Savannah on Saturday last. INI r. Wm. B. Winter of Augusta was in town Monday. Mr.-8, F. Morris returned Tuesday from Virginia Beach. Rev. T. H. Timmons returned Tues day from a visit to Monroe. Mr. John E. Gross is visiting Mrs. L A. Gibson at Savannah. Miss Sophie Straehum of Augusta, is visiting Mrs. Myer Steine. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Timmerman of Rntesburg, S. C., Mrs. Scigler and her Mrs. Mary F,, Morris left Tuesday for a visit to relatives in Decatur county. Mr. Peter C. Dill of Clayhill, was in town Tuesday, en route to Savannah, son, Mr. Cecil Scigler of Euieka, S, arc guests at the home of Mr. W. S. Mobley- Mr. J. C. T’liutket of Augusta, is on a visit lo his daughter, Mrs. J. (I. John son. Mr. Roy Johnson, who is connected with the Bunk of Danville, is at home on a vacation. The cot la go prayermecting met Tues day evening wit!) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 1 rvlrtg. Mis. J. M. Fullhriglit has returned to her home in Atlanta, after a v isit to her mother, Mrs. C. C. Young. Mrs. Ed Fuller aWd Miss Eilic Whit aker of Markin, spent Tuesday with Mrs. C. E. Atkinson. Mrs. B. F. Lliley, Jr., left Monday to visit her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Durham at Woodville. Mr. W. IT. McGee of Augusta, spent Sunday in Thomson with his sister, Mrs. J. E. Moye. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Perry of Camuk, were the guests Sunday of M r. and Mrs J.C. Cliatt. Mr. Edward S. Harrison of Cliatta- no*ga, Tenn., is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Harrison. Dt. Cicero Gibson and little Miss Eli zabeth Gibson left tiunduy for a visit to the Isle of Palms, 8. ( !. Mrs. Mary Baldwin of Dawson, is vis iting Mrs. T. J. Watson and other rel atives in and near town. grot to learn, is quite sick. Messrs. O. C. Hall and J. G. Dozier have purchased lots from Mr. J. F Wllkerson on Gordon street, and arc erecting handsome residences. Mrs. Sidney W. Sturgis of Dublin, who has-been visiting relatives in and near taivu, left Tuesday for Duluth. Mr. Sturgis returned te Dublin S.stur- day last. -Mr H. A. Price has purchased from Mrs. Minnie N. Barnes the- house and lot now occupied by iter on Lee street. Mrs. Barnes will make her home in At lanta in the future. Misses Palmyra Burnside and Bessie Woyd ot Richburg, Ala., returned Tues day from a visit to Auguatn, where they have been the guests of Miss Ber- tha Burnside. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of Augus ta, stopped over Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Willingham, while en route to their home in Asgusta from a trip to Washington and Athens. StatesEicdion Wednesday. The state democratic piimciv elec tion was held Wednesday. Polls were opened at all the precincts In the coun ty and the total rote cast, was 806. In terest in the campaign centered in the race for governor and very little atten tion was given to (he contests for comp, t roller general and state school commis sioner Ini the race for governor the vote by precincts was as follows: James M. Smith—Thomson 267; Le- publicau 19; Dealing 107; Wrightabor® ■12; and Mt. Auburn 0-1; giving hint a to tal of 4(59 votes. The. same precincts reading the same way gave Moke Smith IS1; 8; 88; 16 and 30; making his total vote In the county 323. From this it will.Ve sfcen that the county went for Farmer Jim by a plurality of 140. The vote for governor, was practically con fined to these two candidates, there be ing only four scalteri . g votes, two for Este!!, one for Howell and one for Rus sell. In the contest for comptroller general Wm. A. Wright received 42(5 and V. T. Hanford 199, while Mark Johnson carried the county for school Merrit by a vote of 445 to 158. Congressman Hardwick was heavily scratched, receiving only 454 votes, while Judge Henry (.’, Hammond led tno.'ug ir;n the oxentwmn dlher 1 rip you want to Varsity collar; Corliss Coon latest creation. Boatwright & Son sell them. HAYING a Suit , made don’t think of going to a blacksmith or cowboy to take your measure. Call on Bcmtwrighl & Son ; they are making a special study in tail oring. PANTS’ thyself at Boatwright & Son. Special values this week. Just received a-lug lmo-of sample pants m 1-8 off. YOUR fehbe hull will amount to less if you buy dioncit made shoes from Boatwright & Son. YOUR health is your pleasure; your stock is your property ; stive boll; by buying honest Groceries from Boatwright it Son. Mr. Jeff Tuft ,Shot. • D,. Jell Tutt, wes accidentally shot b.Y he; father, Mr. G, E. Tutt, at his home near town, a few days ago. The ball entered ’ right . idc, Its 'flitting a wear t’-w b !n * r -ful wound, but it is healing rapiil- ' ly and no danger is apprehended, j NV- Tutt had cleaned the pistol handed ft to his father, loaded. Tutt not knowing this snapped weapon when it disvhavged. Want II L Boatwright At. the old stan,I of ,1Boat wright & Sc Grocery Department, the ticket with 744 votes to his credit., r , r . „. The election passed oil’ quietly at all | J ' llc *’ Grits, v hec; vf the prrelucts, fl’iere being only one minor disturbance. Do You Sufferes from Kidney Troubles ? We guarantee ono bottle of Smith's Hurc Kidney Cure to benefit or cure, or your druggist will refund your money. Brice 50 cents. Dr. A. J. Mathews. Will be glad to meet his friends and all the customers he can secure, trusting to hold them -bv courteous and fair treatment and giving the best values for first class goods. Will always have on hand at the lowest prices, Corn, I lay; Oats, bine heed, Salt, Syrup, Molasses, Flour, Meal, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Hams, Tobacco, Snuff, Farm Implements, and all the best shell goods. Will add a strong line Shoes, Hats, Notions and domestic Dry Goods. Railroad St. Thomson, - Georgia, CLARKE & BUTT COTTON FACT0R5 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 8-'i3 REYNOLDS ST., AUGUSTA, CA. LIBERAL ADVANCE. CARGES REASON ABE. PERSONAL ATTENTION TO A BUSINESS. Write us before arranging for advanced. t\ e handle Bagging, Tics ami Best Fertilizers. Agents desired. Reliable and cnci-gHlic Solicit ill" *sJusi Received FSSEzzrmzzcd — Miss Belle Polier returned Monday to her home in Aiken, 8. after a visit to Mrs. Myer Steine. Watson’s Magazine is no.v 315.1 per year, butoweingto very liberal club bing arrangements, we are enabled to offer tile Progress and Watson’s Maga zine for one year for 91.75. This Is an opportunity for securing ymr official county organ and the most readable monfaly Magazine published, for al most the price of one. (Send us your subscriptions. Tun McDi. ruK Proorehm. G&mmuE Those who are Kainlnfc-flesh and strength by regular treat ment with Scott’s Emulsion should continue the treatment in hot weather; smaller dose end a tittle coot it:;!!': with tt will do away with any objection v/htch is attached to fatty pro ducts during t h o lie at ad season. Send fjr free simple. SCOTT X bOWX- r Ciierubts. 4<T>-4>5 Vearl Street. New Vark. Miss Annie Tom Morris of Wliiteoak has been appointed day opefalor at the telephone exchange. Miss Ava West returned Saturday rrom a visit to Tate Springs, Tenn., Rome, Ga., and Eufaula, Ala. Mrs. Benuing and family will occu py the house where Mr. II. vp. (jtury now resides, after Oct, 1. Miss Louise McCord returned Mon day to her home in W hterville, after a visit to Miss Madeline Gheesling. Mrs. A. B. Thrasher, Mrs. T. A.Scott and Mrs. A. H. Curtis moved out t6 White Oak campground Monday. Mrs. Len McCoininons returned Sun day to lier home in Greensboro, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. John T. Stone. The younger society gave quite an enjoyable party at Mrs. Cora Harrison’s residence Thursday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McCommons of GrcsharnviUe, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCommons Sunday. Mrs. K. C. Lowe wlro has- lieen the guest of Mrs. Thomas E. Watson, re turned Monday to her honrJ in Athens. Mr. John Quinn West left Wednes day for Waynesbt ro, where lie will lie the guest of Mr. Robert Cates for some days. One Car load Webber Wagons " One Car load Wire l c fencing One-half car load Cooking Stores One-half car load Baggies We buy for cash and in large quantities which is always guarantee that our prices are right. We want your trade Yours truly, Thomson Hardware Company* Mrs. Henry Printup who lias lieen spending the summer with relatives in Thomson, left Tuesday for her home in Atlanta. [ Mr. If, T. Clary has purchased t’aft | residence of >. r r. If. \. Price on White l (Jak street, aud will <><•»v it alter Oc tober], The Boatwright Boys. Elsewhere in this Issue will be round notice of dissolution of the Arm of J. W Boatwright & Son. Mr. J. W. Boat wright retires from the mercantile bus iness, and tlws old firm will be succeed ed by r his two sons, J. A. Boatwright and Harry L. Boatwright. Mr. J. A. Boatwright, who will in the future own und control the dry goods business was a member of the old firm and is too well known lo need any introduction to the readers of the Progress. He is progressive and and will keep his business in the front rank of Thomson’s mercantile establishments. Harry Boatwright, wJio succeeds to the grocery business is quite a young man but has had a number of years ex perience as a clerk in the business he has purchased. He is as full of energy as an egg is full of meat, accommodat ing and obliging, and possesses the qualifications of » successful business man. The Boatwright boys will he backed by ample capital to buy their goods at the lowest prices in the wholeeale mar ket, which will enable them to sell to their customers at the lowest prices in the retail market. Fountain Campmeeting. The meeting at Fountain was unus ual !y success Til this year. A very large attendance was present, especially on Sunday. In the afternoon Sunday, Rev. (t. E. L. Harris of CrnwfordviUe, was invited to til] the pulpit, when he delivered an able sermon. A Card. In retiring from the mercantile busi ness, I wish to sincerely thank my friends and the public generally for their liberal patronage, and respectful ly solicit ir continuance of same to my sons, who have had thorough training in correct business methods, and fair and honest dealings. Respt. J. W. Boatwrioijt. In Self ^Defense Major IXamni, editor and manager of tho Constitutionalist, Kminance, ivy., when ho was fiercely attacked four yoais ago by piles, bought a box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, of which he says: “It cured me in ten days sad no trouble sln< o.” (yij,.!- hrylrti- of burn:;, sores, cuts and wotm at Oil's u Drug Co; A j Math Crops in Columbia. From almost every locality In this county the report comes of short r >ps, especially that of cotton, and even cx -u is not what it at one time appeared to be. We are gratified to know, in this connection that sonic of our fanners arc giving attention to the hay crop, which in ninny instances will be very good.— and M r. the Galveston's Sea Wall Makes life now as safe in that city ns or tho higher uplands, E W Good toe,, who resides on Dutton at root, in Waco, Texas, needs no sea wall for safety, lie writes • ‘T have used Dr King's New Discovery for consumption tho past live years and it keeps me well and safe, lichee that tim I had u cough which for years had beer, growing worse. Now its gone.” Cur. s evonie coughs, lagrippe, croup whoopin; cough and prevents pneumonia. Pleas,sa to taka. Kvery bottle {.ymranteed at Gil son Drug Co; Dr A J Mathews drug store Price 59cand $1. Trial bottle free. Warehouse t > Ren'. I offer for rent the w.ivehouiio occupied by R. E. L. Evans, lease for a term of years, or sell. 1RA K. Faummi $1000 To Lend. A party desires to lend $1000 with veal (talc ns security. Apply to, Ira K,. Fanner. Land For Sale. I have for sale a tract of land containing two hundred acres, located about three miles from Thomson. Well watered, good farm lands and good pasture. •G IUA E. FARMER. Notice of Dissolution os Partnership The partnership of J. \V. Boatwright & Son, composed of J. \V. Boatwright and J. A. Boatwright, has this day been dissolved by mutual agreement Either member af firm will receipt ft ; collections. J. A. Boatwright will own •'•ml control the diy goods store, and Ii Ij. Boatwright will own and control the grocery store. J. W. Boatwright. J. A. liOATWIlKli-.T. Thomson, Ga., Aug. 20, 1900. A SMystery. SolVed. “How to keep off periodic attieks of till ip tunicas and habitual 'constipation was a myst.-ry that Dr King’s New Life Pills solved for uie,” writes John N Pleasant, ol Magnolia, hid. The only pills that arc guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybody or money refunded, Only ?5e at Gibson Drug.Co; A ,T Mathews drag store. On ’nslallmcni Flan. The Knox Land Gompauy v'! sell you a building lot on the iu. d.-dimeiit plan. Payments to null your tonw.. i?ucc. 1 ra E. Fa ti.'i Seed Oals For Sale. I have 609 bushels Georgia raised rust proof oats.- .4 t B. F. Johnson. Residence For Rent. I offer for rent the six room residence on Jackson street, now occupied by Mr. J. II. Shipp. 41 J. (J. Gl.!ATT. Summer Clubbing Rate. Until September first, wc will take ■•ubseriptlans for Progress' «mi Southern Cultivator $1.25 | i’QG rpsd4j unH \ I Inula 1 IXt' l_t-_ ress and Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal - _ $l. l *5 Atn r that dale, the price for each chit) will be 21,50. Ordinary G. 11. Ellington and John T. V* cst, Esq., of Thomson, spent Sun day at Bevz ■ a.—Columbia Sentinel. Horn) to (AVoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually eenstipated. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup lines chronic eon- stip.uien by stimulating the I vei-uad how ids and n-atores the natural action of t!m hnvcjk. Orino Laxative Fruit Syt-up docs no lyfiusoiite or grino and Is mild and pleas ant,so take. Ilufiiso suhst'Iutes. a J Mu', hev.-s ; C Iioss Walt iGneville. Miss Etliel Atkinson of Thomson, spent Sunday in Harlem.—Colurnblr, Sentinel.' Wagons For Sale. I have for sale tty<> new home-made t wo horse wagons, one iron axle and one thimble skein. Cheap for cash. Apply to 4L J. M. Riiicsh. Professional Cards♦ lb'. G. T. Neal, tho Dentist, will divide his time between Thomson arid War- ienlon,tbn first two weeks in tin- month- ia Thomson, and will lie in Wiin, ntivu Monday after tho (kl Sunday in each month and remain two weeks When in need of Insurance call ott •sic at The Bunk ol Thomson. 1 rep resent only strong and reliable Stock Companies and will personally atten I to all business placed in my office, The SMTlnrr of Ono of tho L In the history of t Francisco was the saved the United ! hi;; devoured by t ic flit (fliiincl'iir a 11 for I of tlio fire. But It was surrounded by largo buildings which wore going up in smoko, and only brave and skillful work on the part of the men who de fended it prevented the mint from sharing a similar fate. MONEY TO LEND Chtia.]) Rates and Good Terms. Viscount Aokl. Viscount Sitizo Aokl, first ambassa dor of .Japan to the United States, Is character of exceptional Interest from the fact that: lie is the first Asiat ic diplomat to introduce a European wife to the ambassadorial circles of II you wanj^ lo borrow money on your real estate, call on me and 1 think I cmu m.-.kc it to your interest. Valla hi.ic Fa hair a-xi> Town JOHN T. WEST St. Vitus Dance Are nerve diseases, and unless -checked, lead to destruction of both mind and body. The weak, shattered nerves must have something- to strengthen and build them back to health; Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is a remarkable nerve tonic and stimulant. _Jt strengthens the nerves, relieves the nervous strain, and influences refresh ing body-building sleep and rest. Persistent use seldom fails to relieve these afflictions. MONEY. Parlies desiring to borrow money 01. •■cal estate should apply lo mo. Loam quickly negotiated, and at reasonable •a’.cs. lit A E. FARMER. 1 be Knox Land Company has cd on the market a number of csKletice lots. Them! lots are the 1 vet ottered. It you desire lo build you a homo, or buy a lot as an investment, apply lo Ira e. Fakmkk. “T wan taken with oplloptln fits; h.ul Cloven In loss than I.! hours. ;,iy family physician, father Bent for our Jamlly physiol but he could do very little for me, 1 Ki-ew worse every day. and at last tlir.y had three doctors with me, and 1 ? 111 E’f v’ccsc. My father hoard of J’r. Milos medicines and bought a uclUo of -'erytno and a iiox of Nerve tind Liver tails. I had taken only a few 1 loses until r began to feel Iv-ttor. l too.< IL l'olLles, anrl it cured mo sound and well. It has been worth alt the world to roc. I recommend it Wherever J. go. Von may use this ns' a III e-long testimonial to tho merits of your mrdicine, for T am enjoying the best of health, and feel that my lilt; and l.e.alth Is duo to lids wonderful aiedlclno.” LEVV WILLIAMS, R. F. D. No. 3,. Boston, Ga.- Dr. Miles 1 wheel fully commend to my friends and tlie public Dr. Pitts’ Antiseptic Inviguralor as i lie bust remedy I have ever tried in a case, of nervous debility. For several months [ was almost help less. After taking several tin es I com mon ■•ed to improve in health aud strength, i am now much improved both menially and physically atthe ago of seventy-seven. E. S. Harrison, SR. Thomson, Ga., May 17, 1803; 'A. J. Matrcws, Gibson (.'rug Go. Nervine Is sold by your tlrugqlct, who will guarantee that the first bottle v/ill benefit. If it falls, ho will refund your money. Miles Medical Co.,. Elkhart, Ind DON’T THIS | RING TRUE? ) CASTOR 1A Por Infants aud Children, Ihe Kind Yea Have Always Bought Boars tha EiKnalure of Washington, for tho is a German nml at ried the viscount - Kaliden, widow of a olHcer. The uetv r--’ one years of ; minister of f. try and twice Saw Mills SI29 JO £929 00 filth Impi-ored Rope and Bolt Feed 8AWH, P'll.rcs und TKKTII III rtnrk. Kngiues, Boilers r.nd Machmcrj All Kind- Rrpulr® for • .1 !TI#. Pi.llev*. Rrltlna. Plj,«- V»iv« uud I’.uij'in*, OMBftiR) IRO.MYtOftK-’i UPFLS'CC AVOO Y*A. «A. Ebony Varnish Stain. Tour ounces gum shellac, onc-l‘ minco^ gum mastic, one-half ou oil of turpentine, four ounces gum snndarack, one ounce ve; turpentine, ten grains of oampl twenty ounces of wood alcohol ; one-fourth spirit black. Crush gums all together in a bottle, tightly and shake at intervals v;. it is all dissolved. Strain caref and apply with a camel’s hair In and set in a warm room. Sev coats may be applied at intern k half an hour, - ?e to j oney S e in p Columbia Sentinel. Ifyou will go over your books and pick out all the ac counts that you arc satisfied in your own mind you can never collect and send them to us, wc will guarantee turn most of them into money That you may feel safe taking our word, wc will up on application send you the names of al least tern linns whom you will know for whom wo have dorie what wo want to do for you. Another poiiit, wo guaran tee to collect live times as much money as our fee amounts to dcforc asking com missions, and then all we ask is six pur cent. For a clear complexion take P Pleasant to take Given Up to Die. Ji Spiegel, 1204 N Virginia .St., Evans villn, Ind., writes: “For over fivi> years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused mo milch pain aiut worry. I lost flesh and was all run down and ft year ago Und to abandon work en- i * tirely. I had three of the best physicians 4 who did me up goo I sink I p,. ,;i.. , L I given up to dr... F.jJcv’ ■ K'dnej C,;ro ‘ j iccomiin nded and the first hot lie gaw no- j great relief, amt after taking ti.-j ; bottle I was entirely cured.” A J Mulhcws ' <! Roes Wh.'I. Rone-ttie, The National Collecting Agency, ORINO cleanses tho system, and makes sallow blotched complex ions smooth and clear. Cures chronic constipation by gently stimulating tlie stomach, liver %nd bowels. Refuse substitutes. To Clean Brown Kid Gloves. Cut four ounceft of white c iiito small pieces an.l boil wit! equal amount of water unt; smooth paste is formed, ad- more water to make up for the m oration and one drum each strong ammonia and javellt w. Tho gloves should be strctchc a wooden hand and rubbed Well \ the cleaning compound and i with a clcau flannel arid then aim ed to dry. Dr. A. J. Matliows, Thomson, Ga. Ross • Wall, LJeueville. Perfect Popcorn. To jj/jp corn successfully so tl r the kernels will bo so^ througho . put enough in the ivire popper , barely cover the bottom. Turn f coW water from the faucet over tr com and tet it be saturated befo; placing over the fire. .Shake ti water from the popper and put it i , the dry. Then pop over a bright fire. This is perfect popcorn £ 'a X . b ii A u Ci J: • - *%i io * Loilpr v/oi k • . - DM.I O.pJH.,, • G ill . U-Uil S’ j road Cistim* I'nlitV; 1 T