The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, January 22, 1909, Image 3

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1*T .ttiMHiniMM Personal Mention Mr. James, A... Davey of North Mo- Duffle, waa here Tuesday eh route from Augusta where he h«.<* been serving rs ajtn.r in tile United Htatts DIstrUt Court. Mr-.E.U., 0|eqr,l|BS removed fronfv Greensboro to Thomson • I m ; Mr. T. F. Ivey spent Sunday in A* 1 gusts. . . . . . , . •• I " ' !f - ■ SV • * Mr. MyerBtejne spctit.^nndny at th«' home of Mr. Joseph Steine in \Var/cn- ton. ........ l . 1 ' J ' *■ Mr. Wililsm H- Howell of Appling, was here Monday. , J Mr. \> . L. Adkins went ro Augusta Monday. '• ; - f • v ' ; • v Mr, (J. H. Story will leave tbls .wecl^ for Blgcksh'iie, V., Washington and., Baltimore. ... ,«j® Mr. L. C. Orlifin went to AuraME I Mrs. M. H. Cook Is vIsltBffi^IV wood tliis week. W[lpj!afe Mr. and Mi i. Joseph. cry were the quests of fi4emfl$M - &j] roll Monday. ’"999B Mrs. (A L. Bussey wt'nt to AugiUMB Tuesday. ^1 Mpq. T. A., Brinkley tpui. Mastcf* Thomas Brinkley spent several days with relatives in Hharon this week. I)Irs. A..H. Thjrftslior and. little Miss. Mary Thrasher went to Augusta Mon* day. •' > ‘ r I Mr, John Quinn West weiit to Au gusta Monday. Mrs. J. M. Watson and Mrx T. (J. Simmons went to Augusta Monday. • •• b • f Mr.. It. W. Lane .ofCobbhatnwas here Monday en route to AuK Mr. A. 8. Laramore of ^pasflpgjW lureSunday. SSfeTifaSBKWVs- The Financial Statement 01 The Town of Thomson for 1908. To the Mayor and Council of the Town of Thomson: Your Finance Committee beg to submit this their annual report for the fiscal year, 19J8: . Wc have carefully examined all.the books, viz., tne Treasurer’s, Marshal’s, and the Clerk’s and lind them corract and in balance. Wc find the receipts and disbursements for the year to be as follows: RECEIPTS— Wc find lhe Treasurer had on hadn for the last Annual Report *2605.37 He received for properly tax for 1907 218.81 Jle received for property tax for 1908 ...11049.24 Received from Electric Light 4288.23 Received for Special Licenses 1871.50 Received for Street Taxes 442.00 Received fr r Water Rent 22. 230.00 Received for sale of Sewer pipe 79.12 Fines in Police Court .852,26 Loan ., . ....1000.00 $22138.02 DISBURSEMENTS— We find the Treasurer has paid out Vouchers as follows: Officers Bala lies $615.00 For Police Salaries A..1023.32 Salaries at Power Hones 1892.95 Repairs and Extensions of Electric Line and Power House 1338.38 Coal .......3026.02 Board of Health and Sa dtary Department.. 102.85 For Street and Drainage 1298.35 Interest on Bonds and Notes 1603.87 For Fire Department.. j 453.45 Taxes refunded, collected In error... 9 00 Banal of Win. Richards 98.75 Paid Notes in Banks 3000 00 Paid Board iof Education ,.4000.80 Insurance 05.00 Printing and Advertising 42.62 Artesian Well „ 572.64 Sinking Fund Commission - 1200.00 ORANGES Barac'ca Class Organized in Connect- with The Thomson Methodist Sunday School. On last Sunday, Jan. 17, Rev. R. A. Edmondson organized a Baracca Class in the Methodist Sunday School. This class is composed of the young . wfi he,K,vo we W,H Bel1 you. your enofthe school and is to be run Chnstmas Oranges. They are Just received a. fresh shipment Of Chase’s Florida oranges. These oranges aiv sweet and juicy. If you will buy a trinl dozen from us men somewhat on the plan of the Y. M. C. A. At the meeting the folio ving ofllccra were elected: * P. A. Bowden, President Cu ry Colvin, Vice President 8. (5. Brinkley, Secretary ■ li. L. Boatwright, Treasurer R. M. Arnold, Teacher. Membership and absentee committees were appointed, also the matter of hav ing a separate room Tor the class. The young men of Thomson are most cordially invited to join this class ant! aid in making it a complete success In e. - ery respect. Those who have already enrolled are: Messrs. P. A. Bowden, Leon O’Neil, O. C. Colvin, Curry Colvin, Charlie Porter, W. W. Downing, 8. U. Brink- ley, Harry Boat wright, R. M. Arnold, R. A. Edmondson superior to any we have ever dandled. Oivo us year Christmas order for traits, nuts, raisi»s, etc. We will do our best to please you. We will sell you 8 5c bnrs of Swift’s German Family Soap for 25c. This is a good laundry soap. Don’t forget that wo haven good lino of shelf goods, and that we want to sell them. We will put down the best sellers. Pineap ple chunks, Von Camp’s Hominy, Von Camp’s Evaporated Milk, Maraschino Cherries, .Tello. Jell. Ice Cream Powders, Corn Starch, Horsford’s Bread Preparation, Sa- polio, Lamb Tongue, Koval llak- ng Powder, Magic Yeast, Peanut Butter, Spices, Clipper Brand To matoes, Tripe, Dried Beef, Maca roni, Pork ami B»ans, Canned Pigs Feet, Cambell’s Soups ana Ketchups, Walter Baker’s Cocoa ! and Chocolate, Durkee’s Salad Land for Sale• I have for sale several small tracts of) Dressing, Lipton Tea, Knox’s Gel- land near Thomson. One twenty acres, — Alb fl ud Olives. Mr. H, C. McCorklo wont t» Augus ta Wednesday. Mr. J. T. Neal went to Augusta Wed nesday. Mr. P. C. Dill of Mistletoe was here Wednesday en route to Augusta. Mr. B. F. Johnson went to Augusta Wednesday. Mrs. H.N. Bussey visited Augusta this week. Mr. O. L. Williams went to Augusts Wednesday. Mrs. W. W, Moody went to Augusta Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J, L. .Shields returned Tuesday from a visit to Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McWhorter and .Miss Louise Durham, of Woodvllle, Rev. Dr. B. I). Ragsdale, of Locust Grove and Rev. Dr. U, F. Riley, Sr., of Dallas, Tex., were guests at the home of Dr. B. F. Riley, Jr. this week. Mr. F. (L. Cunningham of Spread, after a visit to friends here left Tues day for Bouth Carolina. Mr. M. H. Pearce went to Augusta Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs - (’. A. Churchill went to Augusta Tuesday. Colonel Robert E t L. Evans returned Tuesday from Atlanta, where he has been in attendance on a meeting of the Farmers Uni«.n. one 25 acres, one forty acres, and one fifty-six acres. Any one desiring a small farm near town can buy from me. 4t, InxE. Farmer. H. L. Boatwright Railroad Street, THOMSON GEORGIA. *20241.20 Total Receipts __ $22106.02 Totnl Vouchers Paid . 20211.12 Balance with the Treasurer 1894.82 Projrcrty Taxes uncollected.. $324.62 Due and uncollected for pipes ...43.70 Due for Electric Light • 8.50 Due for Special 1 license 30.00 Total - . . $406.82 Your committee begs t j report further that two years ago when the adminis tration entered upon the duties of our ojtlee, the town owed a floating debt of more than Three Thousand ($3000.00) Dollars, due to the fact that the Electric Light Plant and the Water Works cost more titan was received from the saleof; moreover, we have had extraordinay expenses of more than Two Thousand ($2000 00) Dollars, Putting in New Boiler at Power House and the repairs on the Engine House The end of our term finds our finances as shown above, and the town clear of debt except orre note of a Thousand (1009.00) Dollars. Respectfully submitted, 11. A. Burnside ^ J. E. Guoss. Finance Committee REPORT OFEINIvING FUND COMMISSION. Wc keg to report that Mr. J. S. Boyd, Treas., has paid to us $000.00 for each of the years 1907 and 1908 for the Sinking Fund. We have invested this in a Time Certificate of the First Nat ional Bank of Thomson tor *600.00 and a Time Certificate o' the Bank of Shomson for $600.00; each of these Certificates bear ing interest at 6 per cent per annum and payable one year after date. P. B. Johnson, Mayor. J. T. Near P: A. Bowden Winking Fund Commission. Tire foregoing is is true copy from the minute. P. B. Johnson, Mayor. H. A. Burnside, Clerk. Simple Remedy For La Grippe Hacking la grippe coughs that may de velop into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley’s Honoy and 'lar. The sore and fin lamed lungs are healed anil strengthened, and a dangerous condi tion is quickly avctgaj. Take only Foley’s Honey unit Tar in the yellow package. A. .J. Mathews. Just a New Name but It’s an old established business, he oldest Furniture House in Au gusta. Established 1873. Incorporated 1903. Known for a long number of years as Fleming & Bowles, and later, J. L. Bowles Furniture Co, this concern will now be known as Georgia- Carolina Furniture Company. We have added greatly to the ap pearance of our stock, and made it complete in every detail; cheap and medium grades, then the latest styles and patters too. All made right, and prices right. In Honor of the Daughters of Confederacy. the Mrs. Ira E. Farmer entertained on Tuesday afternoon at afternoon tea in honor of the Daughters of the Con federacy. The colors of the order, red and white were used in the decorntlom. Receiving with Mrs. Farmer were the other officers: Mrs. Ira Brinkley, Mrs. P. A. Bowden, Mrs. E. M. Pace, Miss Mattie Belle Burnley and Miss Marlon Gross. Mrs. G. F. Grunade poured tea and Mrs. C. A. Farmer poured choco late Others assisting in receiving were Mrs. A. H. Thrasher, Mrs. J. S. Boyd, Mrs, R. H. Pearce, Mrs. Lilia Hamilton, Mrs. U. H. Ellington, Miss Emmie Harrison, Mrs. J. L. Neal, Miss Gertrude Jones. Misses Ava West, and Lula Willingham and Mrs. J. H. Cur tis played durinv the afternoon. Miss Nana Johuson, accompanied by Miss Ava West played several violin num bers. Odd Drcssers-$11.951 Ladies—Having made quick sales of my advertised weekly Furniture Bargains I offer for sale this week four pretty Princess Dressers made of Solid Oak, quartered top and swelled drawers. Have never S ssld one of these Dressers for § less than $15.00. They are g easily worth $10.50 Will this week for 2 close them out about cost, only $11.95. . R. W. BOATWRIGHT, 2 Railroad St: Furniture Store. P. 8. Only BargiitH a ro advertised in this space. Elected Mayor of Monticello, Fla. Mr. William Elbert Evans who some years back wus a well known amt pop ular citizen of Thomson, has recently New. ity Officers Go Into Office. The newly elected city officers have assumed the duty of Governing the l town. The change was made Tuesday I .teen elected Mayor of t lie progressive ' night. and thriving town of Monticello, Fla., whore he now resides. Mr. Evans is a brother of Colonel Robert E. L. Evans ot tliis town and has a number of friends here who extend their congratu lations to him in which 'lire Progress heartily joins. arc You won Id not delay taking Foley’s Kid ney Ketuerly at the first sign of kidney or bladder trouble if you realized that neglect might result in Bright's disease or diabe tes. Foley’s Kidney Remedy currents ir regularities and cures ull kidney uud blad der disorders. A. J. Mathews. Hon. William II. Taft's Visit to Thomson. Gcorgia-Carolina Furniture Co. 904 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Foi nierly, j. L Bowks Furniture Company. Died Pursuant to the announcement in last week’s issue, Hon. William H. Taft, President elect, was in Thomson Friday mnrning on his way to Atlanta. He did not leave the train, but made a tulk of a few minutes duration from the rear platform of the last car. His remarks were replete with good humor and good feeling aud tile impression produced upon the large number of people assembled was quite favorable. Mrs. Martha Johnston, aged 78 years, died at her home here on Wednesday, January 20, 1909, after a long illness. Her remains were interred in the ceme tery here on Thursday, January 21, Rev. R. A. Edmondson and Rev. T. H. Timmons conducting the services. Mrs. Johnston had been for many years, a member of the Methodist church of this town. She was a daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Washing ton W. Btone and was the widow of the late Captain William Johnston, who commanded the Thomson Guards during the wur between the states. Four children survive hei: Misses Luna and Ora John Aon of Thomson and Mrs. William H. Lofcey and Miss Maud Johnston of Augusta. The Progress extends its sincere sym pathy to the bereaved. A Horrible Hold-Up. “About ten years ago my brother was "held up” in his work, health and happiness by what was believed to be hopelfcss Consumption,” writes W. R. Lipscomb, of Washington, N C. “He took all kinds of remedies and treatment from several doctors, but found no help till he used Dr. King’s New Discover} - anti was wholly cured by six bottles. Ht is a well man to day.” It’s quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs, Hwnorrhages, Coughs and v ((olds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, AUhma and all Bror.ohial aflccUasiS. Cite and fl’.OO T»Wat tioltfi - frw. f?u«r*rg*ed-by «ih- SOU Drug Co, Died. Mr. Phoclon Ramsey, aged 86 years, died at his home in Grovetown, on Monday, January 18, 1909, and was buried there on Tuesday January 19. Mr. Ramsey left a wife and several children, among whom is his daughter Mrs. Ralph N. rimith of Thomson. Knox Land Co■ Lots. I have two or trim lots of the Knox Land Co. land unsold. Parties desir ing to purchase should do no before Eeb. 1st. After that date they will be rented for the year 1909. litA E. Fakmkk. Baptist Y- P. M. 5. The Young Peoples Missionary Soci ety of the Baptist church, «ill hold their monthly meeting with Mrs. Ira Brinkley Monday evening the 25th at 7 o'clock. The young men of the So ciety will have charge of the program. All of the member.', and all who would like to join the Society are corilally in vited to attend this meeting. A great many people have kidney and bladder troubL, mainly due to neglect of tho occasional pains in the back, slight rheumatic pains, urinary disorder*, etc. Delay in stick casos is dangotous. Take De Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are for weak buck, backache, rheumatic pains aud afi kidney and bladder trouble. Soothing and antiseptic, and act promptly Don’t fail to get De Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills. Accept no substitute. Reg ular size fine. Sold by Utbson Drug Cu. The officers and committees follows: J. H. Boytl, Mayor, J. K. Gross, Mayor Pro Tern. H. A. Burnside, Clerk, J. S. Boyd, Treasurer, COMMtTTKKS ON FINANCE. J. E. Gross, H. A. Burnside. STREETS AND DRAINS. J. 8. Boyd, H. A. Burnside. FIRE DEPARTMENT. J. E. Gross, J. o. iihields. KI.ECTUK! EIGHT AND POWER HOUSE. J. H. Boyd, J. o. Shields. D O 0. Club. The D. & O. Club met Wednesday night with Miss Blossie Scott, Dr. Clarence Heckle, a former Thom son boy, but who is now a citizen of Crawford, visited relatives here this week, and during his stay paid The Progress office a highly appreciated call. Miss Erin O’Neal of Macon visited Miss'Marion Gross, this week. Mr; G. N. Boswell of Grecne-sboro vis ited relatives here this week. C’AMTHOL for burns Instant refief Mr. C. A. Ouyts of Baltimore spent Saturday and Sunday here. Mrs. Ueorgc West returned Tuesday to iier home in Catuak after a visit to her daughter Mrs. John T. West. Miss Julia Geer returned Tuesday to her home in Greenesboro after a visit at the home of Mr. E. C. Geer. Miss Louise Durham and her grand father Mr. W. *P. McWliorther of Woodville, left Wednesday for Augusta after a visit at the home of Dr. ii, F. Uileyy Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Pitts went to Augusta-Wednesday. Mr. W right Smith went to Augusta Wednesday. (-’apt. John M. Barnes went lo Au gusta Wednesday. Mr. and Airs. M. W. Dunn have re moved from Cohbhum to Thomson and are occupying their handsome home on Lee street. Why buy a “Cheap John hand me doWn” when you can huvensuit made to measure by St rouse & Brothers and very near the same price. Their spe cial representative will’be in Thomson January 27th and 28tli, at The T. A. Scott Co. fit. Mr. C. W. Smith went lo Atlanta Sunday to attend the Farmers Union meeting. Mr. T. L. Jordan vLitcd Mayfield Tuesday. Mr. J. K. Bradshaw tins neen.elccied inside Guard of the Knights of Pythias and Mr. J. B. Ivey Outside Guard. Air. W. W. Hardaway, Past Chancellor Commander, was elected representative to the Grand Lodge. At the meeting of the Independant Order of Odd Fellows Tuesday night, the Third Degree was conferred upon one candidate. Why pay extravegnnt prices for clothing hiade in Augusta or Atlanta when you can have a euit made to measure bv Strous & Brothers. Their special representative will be In Thom son Jan 27 and 28. The T. A. Scott Co. 3t. Mrs. R. N. Smith left Monday for Grovetown. Miss Susie Corbin left Sunday for a weeks stay in Washington. Rev. J, A. Harris went to Augusta Monday. Miss Kate Benning visited relatives in Cobbhamthis week. Mrs. B. F. Johnson and Mrs. J. M. Barnes arc visiting relatives in Thom, asvllle this week. Mr. J. Quinn West of Hinson, Fla., visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. West this week. Miss Clare Ellington left .Sunday for Augusta where she Is taking a business course. Mrs. Enla Young of Harlem is visit ing Mrs. II T. Clary. Mrs. L. A. Boyd of Rich burg, Ala,, returned home Tuesday after a visit to Mrs, D. L. Farmer. Mrs. W. L. Burnside and Mrs. Flor- rie Butler of Augusta spent Sunday with Mrs. D. L. Farmer. Air. J. D. Howell of Appling was in Thomson Tuesday. Miss Carrie Dozier returned Monday to her home in Cohbham, after u visit to her sister Airs. Sarah Kean. A! r. W. P. Dozier of Cobbham was here .Monday en route to Augusta. ltcv. Mr. Key of of Washington ar rived Alonday to attend the protracted services at the Baptist church and dur ing his stay here will lie a guest at the home of Air. - W. 8. Mobley. Miss Mjiggle Mac West of Cnmak was a guest Sunday at the home of Air. JohnT. Btone. Miss Julia C’lark of y\ugqsta 3 Saturday and Sunday at the homj Mrs. Alary E. Usry. Aliss Ava West . returned ..Bum! from An. extended visit to C’oluml and Alaeon. . . Mr. J. H. .Move visited Anguj Friday and Saturday. Dr. y.T.- Afeal and family sjj Sunday in Norwood. fi • Died. Janie L. Dye, aged 9 months, the] tic daughter of.Mr. and Mrs. G,. Dye who live at the Cotton Mill, til of pneiitnovia on Friday, JanuaryvSl 1909, and was, buried in Afcitchell \>ta Sulurduy, January 16. Mrs. Willie Barksdale retunned Mon day from a visit to Crawfordville. DR. F. W. WOLF EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. “OLABSCS RlaMTOOODBI NUFFSAIDVi at eureka hotel’ Thomson,'Jan. 12,13,19,15, 16. AT COST -Beginning- Land For Sale or Rent. I ofl’er for sale or rent the land of T. J. Connell in Deariug district. This tract contains 260 acres. This land can be bought on terms that are satis- faclory. Will rent it for the year 1909. Ira E. Farmer, Thomson, Ga. SEEN ON HER BED. The beautiful suit that her husband just had tailor meas ures taken by J. A. Boat wright- Call today and the new samples for 1909. HUX3S TOO TIGHT some people in taking ures make the coat hug the shoulders too tight- Let take your measure I guaran tee satisfaction, or you don’t keep the suit. J. A. wright. NOTICE. Don’t think of suit made for it If you Jan- 18 don’t want April 1 you may grow larger or get sick lose weight and the suit will be an awful fit. Have your measure tt when you need the suit you will get the right fit. J. A- Boatwright. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, The T. A. Scott Company i ■Will Begin Selling At- ACTUAL COST The following Goods and Merchandise: 75 Ladies, Misses and Childrens Chats,- 40 Mens Overcoats, 50 Boys Suits, mostly 11 to 16. 72 Mens Knit Workshirts, 36 Comforts and Quilts, 48 Pair Childrens Shoes mostly d.and 7’s. 0 Wool Blankets, 360 pair Fay Stockings 1-2 to 9-1-2. 20 Ladies Wool Sweaters dost 1.75 to 2.00each, and will he sold at 98 cents each. Following our usual custom when we cut prices we will cut to the bottom. There Will hdt be a cut profit added to any of the articles enu merated above. These goods are first class in respect, and as good as can be bought for money. If you are in need of any of the articles mentioned above it will be to your interest' to call and examine them. Georgia