The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, January 29, 1909, Image 1

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wmm ■ V ' i\W Clerk Buperior Court THOMSON, SA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1909 Bonevifle. rKDAIAII. Tat ham Mines, HANNAH. J. It BOYD, President, B. F. JOHNSON, Vice President. P. A. BOWDEN, Cashier, I. E. FARMED, Attorney, J. 0. SHIELDS, Assistant Cashier. Announce to the people of McDuffie and adjoining counties that they have recently greatly enlarged their business and are now better prepared than ever before to furnish their customers, friends and the public generally with every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. At our store on Railroad Street you can al ways find a-large stock of Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Sugar, | We niv having regular Spring- jum.‘ \ I think this j ^eniher is beginning to make the j farmers think of starting their j crops. Very little has been clone 1 towards.unoi-her crop around here ; hut if this weather continues long I enough it will make the farmers J get a move on l,hem. j Well Frown eyes I certainly was glad to sej your letter in the I Progress last week. I'm certainly glad to see you have awakened iram your long silent slumbers., you have been keeping so close and cpiii t, so long. Now old girl donl go t, i sleep and tr* at us 60 bad.again. Whore is Jack and Jill they are !wping silent. Miss Marie Huston have re- j turned to her homo at the Coluin- j hia Mines after several weeks stay ; in and around Thomson with friends and relul ives. Miss Jennie Davey was the guest of Mrs. W. J Wynn last, Sat unlay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanks from near Oobblmm spout Sunday with r.dut ives at t he M mes . Mr J. W. Johnson spent Satur day night and Sunday with his 1 f imily in ar Thomson. i Mrs. J. W. Dutiglaa lias return ed to her home near hero after a month.i stay with relatives in Au gusta. and Ridge Springs, S. C. Mr. 1) R. Wilson was called i I to Amity Friday last to see one of ins little boys who was quite sick Mrs. Otis Smith was the guest ol Mrs. Will Arueltfj and Mrs: Dollie Johnson at the Parks Mine Friday of last week. Mr. Hen Simons and family moved from the Mine last* Satur day to hear Anthony. We hate to nee people move olV and none Molasses, Salt, Tobacco, Bag ging and Ties .'\nd many other Farm SupplieSi The buantities in which we will purchase these goods will make us buy and sell at the LOWEST market prices. We solicit the patronage of the trading public. Mies Clara Mamnim afle Thomson Mercantile Co Statement at close of business Jan. 11th 1909 w\ ' made to Stockholders meeting. m \ $ w ( n $90,000.00 w 28,000.00 Jj' 12,899.37 W ¥ 9)\ 117,676.31 fi}\ 2,546.81 |j 17.38 W ft j 251,139.87 2J 9)\ m dividai of w .e following. w; 9) j Mrs, S. Lavmgo is visiting her dnug’nlcr, Mrs. C. A. Jansen, of (IrovetdWli this week. Mr. H 0. Simens spent Monday in AugiM a. Mr. A. 1>. Morris of Augusta, is tlie gu.'sl, of Mr. I>. C, Simons ami others in this comminuty this week. Misses Myrtle and .Johnnie Farr were recent visitors in Augusta. I see in the papers that R. 1*. Hobson, of Alabama, has again become alarmed at the altitude of Japan, and is predicting a war between that country and ours. Let Mr. Hobson calm his fears, at least until the balance of '.he cot ton raised hist year is sold. 1 hope however, that our friends in the Orient are convinced ere this that our hero of Merrimae fame is a harmless jingo G. W. & G. F. Granade announce to the public that they have opened a Grocery Store on Railroad Street in the building recently occupied by J. P. Jones, where they will constantly keep on hand a complete stock of Fancy and Family Groceries. They solicit a fair share of the patronage of the public, and guarantee fair prices, correct weights and first-class goods. G. W. & G. F. GRANADE. Railroad Street, - . THOMSON, GA. $402.50 23.000.00 2,609.51 178,902.17 Capital Stock, Surplus Undivided Profits Individual Deposits Subject To Check l ime Deposits C 'ashier ( heck Premium on u. b. lionets to 5. Bonds to T , .... urmture and Fixtures to Rills Receivable to Overdrafts Secured and to Unsecured to Cash in Banks to Cash and Checks on Hand 10,486.88 20,818.61 14,920.20 $251,139.87 At the Stockholders m ting Mine Thousand was declared and Directors Elected: tiling ii Mr. ;m<l Mrs. I hoinpsoir Craw- j ford have imuiy frirmis in this cummuii'ty who symputhizi: with J Ilium in lho s;td dentil of their lit- j tie daughter Florins, which oo- : 3i:rrod at their home at Amity.on the Lilli. Little- Florine was a bright smart, little girl just, J years old and the oldest child of Mr. ami M rs.'Craw ford, and she was a favorite with every one but the dear laird saw lit to take away from them this blight sparkling jewel. She is not dead she is only asleep in Jesus where she is ever more free from ner suffering and pain. Sweet litth* darling light of the home, Looking for some one beckoning Gome bright as a sun beam pure as the dew, Anxiously looking mother for you. Jn from Hannah. I announce to the public that •-'have opened up a restur* ant in the building at the corner of Journal Street and Scott’s Alley and am prepared to serve the public. East McDulfic By Hktioy. Well I am here again aLrr a' silence of several weeks. ; Wo are having some beautiful weather at proseiR, ir, seems like Spring. Flower-are still bloom ing in the yard. Won’t, get cold enough to finish killing hogs. As the old saying is, had always fol lows the good, so 1 guess we will have some eohl weat her yet. Thu farmers are starting to plowing. Hope they will raise more home supplies this year so they wont have to grieve over 8 cent cotton next fall. Mr. Jesse Smith has a little hoy at his homo. Como to stay. Also Mr. Clifford Morris is all smiles over a little girl. Mrs, Clarence Morris was a pleasant visitor at Mr. Bosh Mor ns last week. Miss Lottie Arthur spent a few | days willi MYs. J. A. Smith last. I week, and attended meeting at Marshall church. Wo had two good so Every thing NEW and CLEAN. Give me a trial. Fresh Bread Always Kept In Stock FREEMAN - GEORGIA. THOMSON credit for every egg they lay and every carcass they give up for food. This naturally implies Unit you must keep an egg record as well ns a ledger ac count. You must know just what the hens are doing and what they cost you. An element that is often lacking in poultry food is protein, the most ex pensive part of the food and most need ed. It makes blood, muscle, bone, eggs and feathers. It may be supplied in feeding lean meat, green cut bone and straps, wheat, oats, alfalfa and some clover. During summer, when fowls have their liberty, they are able to pick up a good deal of food containing this material, thereby balancing their own ration. From January Farm Jouknal. The Poultry Yard- Corn should be fed at the eveninu j feed as it is very heating and slow in j digesting. Don't buy too large an incubator for j the iirst attempt. One-hundred-egg size is large enough if the hatch hap pens to be a failure. Live the liens oats to help out Hie bill of fare. I f the oats are in the sheaf, so much the better. Thrashing out a bundle of oats is good exercise for the; hens on a cold morning. Grit must lie hard and sharp to do the work of properly grinding up the food in the crop. Gravel, as a general thing, is not rough enough, and crack ed oyster shell is too soft. The farm poultry flock loo often is] composed of chickens, ducks, geese, ] turkeys and pigeons, all living together as one common family. That is a mi: take. Each kind should have its own quarters. The best way to keep the premises clean of lice and mites is to begin in January to wage war. Once a week pour kerosene over the roosts, into the i cracks of the nest boxes, and along the 1 dropping boards. By making this ] weekly duty there will not be anytrou- 1 hie when hot weather arrives, j Nature has kindly provided such I warm coats for ducks and turkeys tiiut they can well stand the cold. A dry, ] open shed makes a very good roosting place for either ; but the turkeys prefer ; to roost on the Jimb of a tree, and the i higher up the limb the better tiiey are suited. Open up an account with the hens. Charge them with every item of ex- but do not fail to give them Jack London’s Lafes 1 Novel. UXLl.K It KM US’s— 1 IT IK IIOMIi M A O A - ziNE makes the important aim ounce- men t that it has secured the serial rights of Jack London’s latest novel, “Martin Lden.” it will begin in the j February issue of that popular Maga zine, widen was founded by Joe! i Chandler Harris and is edited by .J ulian j Harris and Don Marquis. The critics who have read “Martini Eden” state that it is gripping, vivid and picturesque,- and is such a storj ! i s only Jack London could write. The| editors of Uncle Remus’s—The Home; Mac: vzinh liclieve it to be a story that i every man and womam should read, as it contains a big lesson, and in its ar raignment of false ideals, is both noble and notable. Martin Eden, t he character who is ! really the book Is so keenly true that; lie seems lurid with life. He is intense, big in bis ideas and ideals, and with out faltering, yet unselfishly, he strives ceaselessly and courageously for the genuinely l>est in life. “It is just the story that should be printed serially,’’ stale Llie editors ol Uncle Remus’s— 1 The Home Maga zine, for there is much you will want to learn more about and understand Potter before going on, and the lime be tween each issue of the Magazine gives the reader ample opportunity. Mend oO cents in stamps to the Sunny Mouth Publishing Company, and they will send you Uncle Remus's—The Home Magazine eight months, begin ning with the February issue which contains the iirst installment of “Mar tin Eden.” To My Patrons, Friends and tho Public, the Holiday season is upon us, and j am prepared as heretofore to meet all de mands and requirements in the different linss and accessories, heretofore hrmlled by us. Those who have been successful, and want a first class Victoria, Station Wagonr Surry of Stanhope, 1 am the man and can supply them, and aceompying necessi ties, harness, all of the very best assortment from three of the lines*, manufacturers in the United States. Robes there is only one manufacturer in the United States worth naming,—Chase. We have them in great varieties, blankets of course you must prot ect your horse. For Christmas and Holiday gifts, we have a large variety of tine imported saddles, whips, crops, leggins, and etc, and for tho children, boys and girls, W6 have a larger variety than ever, of Railroad Steam Engines, Automobiles, Goat Wagons, Goat Curts, Hobby Horses, Shoo Flys, Irish Mails, Bicycles, Velocipedes, Tricyclesuind Toy Wagons, an endless variety about a carload and a half iu all. Don’t fail to crime and make early selections. inoiia Sat- t en with mayonnaise dressing. Mound urduy and Sunday dy Hro. R. J< | on a nest of crisp lettuce leaves und Mincoy from Locust Grove. He | garnish with curled celery and canned is traveling in the interest of pimentoes cut in strips or fancy shapes. Locust Grove school, “(Juried celery often makes an attrac- Mr C W II. Smith left again tivc garnish, anil I ain wondering if this week for Union City. you all know how to prepare it. Cut | thick stalks of celery in two-incli pieces. | M iss IHorinf' Jo. nson has a wqq a sinirp knife, beginning at the flourishing school at hair Mount, outside of the stalks, make live cuts Miss Carrie Morris and sister, parallel to each other, extending one I Miss Love, visited the Misses third the length of the pieces. Make Whitaker Monday evening. six cuts at right angles to the cuts al- , readymade. Cut the other end in the We 1 I wi stop an? give room J • ,, ’ 1 n same fashion. Put the pieces iu cold to some oneiced water, and let stand for several Many thanks dear Editors for [hours.'’ tlie Delineator, J dont feel that 1 deserve it. — Brave Fire Laddies Ooiit Get A Divoce. often receive severe burns, putting out A western judge granted u divorce on ! iircs, then use Liucklen’s Arnica Salve account of ill-temjjerpnd bad breath. , and forget them. It soon drives out Dr. King's New Life Pills would have ] pain. For Burns, Scalds, Wounds, prevented it. They cure Constipation ! Guts and Bruises its earth’s greatest causing bud breath and Liver Trouble healer, (Quickly cures Skin Eruptions, 1 *ho ill-temper, dispei colds, banish ] Old Fires, Beils, Ulcers, Felons; best , heudaches, conquer chili.-;. 125c at Gib, [ Pile euro made. Relief is instant. Doc ’ son Drug (.6, ' at Gibson Drug Go. A Horrible Hold-Up. ■ “About ten years ago my brother was “held up" in his work, health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless Consumption,” writes W. It. ixnscoinb, of Washington, N. ('. “He took all kinds of remedies and treatment from several doctors, but found no help till lie used Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles, lie is a well man to day.” It’s quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, l.a Grippe, Asthma and all Bronnhinl affections. 50c and £1.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Gib- Son Drug Co. 749 and 751 Broad St Augusta Ga Largest in Our History. Gall on us or write for prices before placing your orders. Arrington Bros. & Company. WHOLESALE GROCERS 683 Broad Street - - - - Augusta, Ceoorgft. CAMTHOi. for Catarrh Relieves head 25c. pease,