The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, March 05, 1909, Image 2

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190S The Spring of 1909 will soon be with us. The T. A. Scott Co., will have on hand one of the largest and best selected stock of Spring and Sum mer goods ever shown in Thomson. These goods are arriving daily and you are cordially invited to call and examine them. just arrived: A supply of the famous W. B. Corsets, made up in modern form and style. It is useless for you to longer send your money to Atlanta and Augusta for corsets when you can get all of the elegance, beauty and comfort in a modern and up-to-date corset at home. Remember the W. B. Corset. SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS Our Spring and Summer Dress Goods were bought from the H. B. Claflin Co. of New York, one of the largest dry goods houses in the world. These goods are now arriving and in a few days our line of Em broidered Swisses, Ginghams, Muslins, all in the latest paterns will be complete. Now on Sale, White Cotton Crepon for shirt waist, Southache braid, silk and mercerized in all colors, Chiffon Taffetas and satin Messa- lines, Handkerchief Linens for shirt waist. Fancy Work Centerpieces and Sofa Pillows, Corticolli Embroidery Silks in all colors, Pillow Ruf fles, Peri Lustre thread for embroidery. Corset covers stamped on long cloth ready to embi*oidor. Coronation and Refousse Braids. For Children. ■iMIMHI.UHWI We have just received a large line of R.T. Wood’s Shoes for children, in black an.l also in colors. We can satisfy the most fastedious. For Ladies. Queen Quality Shoes. Nothing more can he said, nothing better can he said. Some may claim that they have “ J list as Good” hut none will claim that they have “better’’ than Queen Quality- ir!OT«3Pss5taaa» imhiii wmi'iii ttrBSKHHSfiLS:- MAIN STREET, THE T. A. SCOTT COMPANY, MCDUFFIE PROGRESS PUBLISHED EvKRY FkIDAY, rSubscription One Dollar Per Year. IRA E. PADMER, Editor. J>ntered at the Post-office m Thom- fou as second class matter. JV® - OfficialOrgan of MoDuffuc County. Advertisements from responsible piirtiuH will lie published until ordered out when the time In uot spocilled on tho copy ■fld payment exacted acoevt'.iugly. ( Communications for individual hot ell, nr of a personal character, charged Tor US advertisements. Obituaries, tho first hundred words free of charge. Each extra word, otto cent per word, cash with copy. THOMSON, GA., MAH. 5, .1909 McDuffie Superior Court. McDuffie Superior Court convened in regular Spring session last Monday, with Hon. 11. C. Hammond presiding, and Hon J. S., Reynolds Sol. Gen. iep- resenting the Stute. The session was short, owing to a number of eases being continued until the September Term. Court adjourned for the term Wednesday afternoon. Elsewhere In the Progress will be found the presentments of the Grand Jury, which was organized with Mr. J. F. Shields as Foreman, and Mr. R. E. L. Evans as Clerk. The following eases were disposed of at this term of the Court. Minnie \V. Phillips vs. Dave Phil- allps. Divorce. Dismissed. Mary iCurry vs. Jim Curry. Divorce. 2nd Verdict. Polly Hamilton vs. Hob Hamilton Divorce. 2nd verdict. Mrs. M. L. Johnson et. al. vs. W. C. McCommons et. al. Suit for Land. Verdict for Defendant. J. F. Shields vs. R. W. Ramsey. Buit on Note. Verdict for Defendant. \V. C. English vs. Geo. and Camille Douglass. Illegality. Dismissed McDuffie Hank vs. llobt McGahec. Foreclosure. Verdict for Plaintiff’. Irene Flaniga > vs. O. M. Gerald. Bull on Note. Judgment for Plaintiff". \V. B Clark Adm. vs. H. u. Willing ham, O. M. Gerald. Buit on Note. Judgment for Plaintiff". Mnytield Mills vs. J. F. Shields. Buit. .Judgment for Plaintiff". Stale vj. Mark Ansley. Breaking l’ond. Settled on Payment of Cost. State vs. Peter Penny. Burglary. Plea Guilty. 12 months. Plea Guilty, 12 months. State vs. John Pryor. Larceny. Plea Guilty. 12 months. State vs. Charlie Hamilton end John Harris Murder—Verdict Guilty. Manslaughter—Hamilton 10 years;nar- tIh 1 year. State vs Madison Moore Assault to Murder l’loe Guilty 6 years State vs J ulan Murray Assault to Murder Verdict Guilty 0 years State vs Nathan Moses Murder Guil ty Imprisonment for Life State vs H K Holliman Selling Mortg. aged Property Nol Pros State vs Jim Hardin Selling Mortg aged Property Nol Pros State vs Frank Holton Misdemeanor Nol Pros Stato vs R F Jnnkec Selling Whis key Not Guilty State vs iiomer Carter Murder Not Guilty State vs 1< or rest Whitaker Peace Warrant Dismissed on payment of Cost by Defendant State vs Cicero Wheeler Peace War rant Dismissed with Judgment for Cost against Defendant State vs Jack Reeves Peace Warrant Dismissed with Judgment for Cost agau si Defendant Clem Hamilton vs J S Megahee Dis missed with Judgment for Cost against Defendant Fires Monday Evening The store of J it Johson on Railroad street caught lire Monday evening in the millinary department and the stock of goods totally destroyed by the lire and water. The lire was discover ed about eleven o’clock and at First seemed to be In the store o? J. J. Bon ner which adjoins Johnson’s and from which douse volumes ol smoke were i issuing. This store was broken open ! before the Fire was located. Bui for j the quick work of the tire department I a disastrous tire would have resulted, but by their efforts the blaze was eon- lined to ihe one building. Johnson’s carried $2,000 insurance with loss of $4,000. Bonner’s stock was slightly damaged by water, fully covered by Insurance. About dusk the same evening an alarm was turned in supposed to be from tire oil miff. After a ruu to the mill, the lire company heard the tire was at P. A, Bowden’s residence. This also proved to be a false alarm, the excitement being caused by a chimney on the residence of Mr. Barnes on White Oak street. “Mv three year old hoy was badly cou- j stiputed, had a high fever ami was iu an an tul condition I gave him two dcoes of . Foley's Orino Laxative and tlie next morn ing the (ever was gone add he was entirely well. t‘\ Orino Luxativ. saved Ids life." A. Wolkusli. Ca;liner. Wis. A J. Tennis Club. The Tennis Club held u meeting last week and perfected organization with the following officers: Miss lilosste Scott, President, Mrs. J. H. Montgom ery, Booty, Mrs. J. L. Neal, Trcas. Miss Stoll" Johnson, Schedule Keeper. The club was divided into four teams, as follows: 1st Miss Marion Gross, Cap tain, Miss Mattie McLean, Miss Mo- y.ellc Neal, Mrs Ira E Farmer; 2nd Miss Ava West, Captain, Miss lade Ware, Mrs J L Neal, Mrs J W Monl- gotncry;ilrd Miss Jeannette McLean, Captain, Miss Stella Johnson, Miss Needham, Miss Yawn; 4th Miss Pallic Burnside, Captain, Miss Ruth Knox, Miss Emmie Shields, Miss Jllossie Scott. Another Gold Mine in McDuffie The Daughters of the Confederacy. Program for March 16th- Ueoiuhaxk: RiCKAim Malcolm Johnston. Horn Hancock County, March 8, The life led oil plantations was hap pier limn 1 hav e ever seen elsewhere. The world outside of the slavery belt never did understand, and many scorn ed never to wish to understand, the relations between tlie whites and their slaves'—R. M. Johnston. Questions : 1. Tell of the lineage of Richard Malcolm Johnston. Where did he spend Ids early days, and what gave him the impressions which in after life determined the character of his writing ? 2. Describe Geoigia plantation life THOMSON, GEORGIA. Mr. I). C. Btanbaek, left Wednesday for Walslbury, N, C., where he went for I and the relations between muster and the purpose of interesting the Southern j slaves. What did Johnston say about Mining Investment Development Co. j tbe loss of his slaves? Giv e an instance in the Landers mine, which is being of a slave's devotion to him. worked by Mr. W. D. Story. Mr. J. I a . Tell of his school days. Give an A. Overton, a mining expert from Sul-1 accou m of his llrst love affair, and in slbury made an investigation of the w hat book does lie make use of the mine recently, the result of vvi.loh Mr. Stnnbuck was summoned to Salsibury by the aforementioned company to meet with them March 4th. Mr. Stanback has been very success ful in exploiting McDuffie gold mines and interesting eutsido capital. He is working now to organize a company in Thomson for the purpose of develop ing and advertising the mineral ad vantages of McDuffie Program for B. Y P- U. March 7th Subject Ciihistian Services. Songs Nos. 104-198, Prayer. 1st. What Jesus taught about doing our best.--Mr. Edgar Burnley. Reading—“A Hattie or a Lurnary." —M's. Lillu Hamilton. Reading—“Serve to day.”—Miss Gertrude Wan. Song No, 90. 2nd. What Jesus taught about the of our lives.—Miss I-ucie Wilson. Reading—“A Parable of Capacity.” called him “The Vicar of Wakciield of —Miss Jeanette McLean. America Literature? ” Reading—Ella Belle McLemore. j io. Give his war record. To what Song 114. ! governor was he aide? 3rd “The rewards of Service." How God pays men.—Mrs J. GlenUkovaU. Reading—“The Old blind Horse."— incident? 4. Where did he graduate and what profession did he adopt? Who were his partners? Where did he practice, and what weresomcofhisexperirnces? What Mattering offers el id he receive, and what position did lie accept ? 5. While living in Athens, what text book did he write? (I. Wliy did he move to Baltimore? What was the name of his school, and for whom? What fact, proved the de votion of his Georgia pupils? What was the character of his school? 7. To what did he devote his last .veins? llov. old was he before realiz ing his genius? (Page 821). 8. In what magazine did iiis Fust story appear? How was it received, and what person was most surprised at the success of his First literary venture? Who persuaded him to publish Dukes- borough Tales ? What pittance did lie receive ? 9. Wliat were his soubriquets? Who i CAPITAL, j JOHN E. SMITH, $25,000.00] President. We solicit the business of -.ill SURPLUS, j $25,000.00 B. P. O’NEAL, classes of our UNDIVIDED people, and of- PROFITS, Vice-President. fer them every favor consistent with safe hank- $25,000.00 STOCKHOLD- J. T. NEAL, ing, that can be extended hv a ERS LIABILITY, Cashier. hank with large resources a n d exp e r icnced $25,000.00 AVERAGE DEPOSITS, H. A. BURNSIDE, As’st. Cashier. management. $125,000.00 TOTAL, $225,000.00 Miss Edna Cliatt. Bong No. 210 Benediction. [ 11. Why was he so universally be- I loved? Of wnat well famed class was he tuc most perfect representative? 12. What wan the golden thread through all his writings? What issaid I „ ■ r* of his reverence for woman ? Name 1 How can any person risk taking soon*.. , . , ... , , . , ! his vvor.Js. v\ hat thoughts on lus death unknown cough remedy when tolovs n j Honey and Tar costa them no more? ft is ^ed £•" e -dm joy . In the late years of a safe remedy, couiaius no harmful drugs,, bis life to what Northern magazines t"and " cures tho most obstinate coughs and I did lie contribute ? cold- '.V’.v cxocnui.- lit with you:- health ? (Answers to questions may be found 1 upon having the gen mo. re..; A . . u South i;i lfistorv and Liuru- Ue-wv and fa? A » ■ ..... ... n ,,. c „ • Deposit your money with a safe strong bank. Foreign Exchange Sola By Our Check Direct On All Principal Points. 1 The Sewing Circle. The Sewing Circle held a pleasant meeting Wednesday afternoon with Mrs G F Granade Dyring the after noon delicious refreshments were serv ed the guests. Tiie next meeting will lie held with Mis J E Harrison Mr- 0. M. Gerald. M r O M Gerald has returned from Bt Louis afid is occupying his Conner po sition ivith the T A Bcott Co. Sexton Employed at Cemetery A long felt want nas been lllled by the employment of a sexton at the cemetery. He will be employed by the cemetery company to keep the walks and drltes in order and the see- tiou owners can secure his services to keep their sections in order by the pay ment of a nominal fee. Those desiring to make this arrangement wil confer with Mr. John David Curtis. Carter—Heckle. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, utrengiheus tbe lungs and sxpols cold: Get the geuuh.-' iv. a i a-k- A J Mathews Money Made.ln Thomson The First National Ban'., lias reeeiv, ed its first installment of currency The bills have been signed by the presi dent and cashier and am now hi ci.-cu Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Carter, ©f Bcott, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel Melvina, and Mr. ! Clarence A. Heckle, of Crawford, the ! wedding to be soli mixed on April 7th, at the home of the bride’s parents. /; Saved His Leg. j “AH thourtlitT'd lose my leg,” writes I J. A-Swousem, Watertown, Wis., “Jen M years of eczema, that 15 doctora'eouhj ^ | not pure, had at last laid me up. Then Buckieu’s Arnica Salve cured it sound and well. ’ Infallible for Skin Erup- j tions, Eczema, Balt Rheum, Boils, Fc- ' ver Sores. Hums, Scalds. ('ul« and