The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, April 16, 1909, Image 2

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i M 3 i V .CDUFFIE PROGRESS* Fcumhiucd Every Friday loft One Dollar Per Year. IRA t. PADMHR, Editor. f. B. Farmer. . t,. M. Farmer { Polishers. Entered at the Postolficv in Thorn ton no second cJiibb matter. "W 1 11 U, .,I i. ■ IV** Official Organ of MoDufkik County. AJvenlufiinrnt* from rciponHlblo partian trill be pitbllaht'd nulil urilnrol om when tliat'.mo l* mil specttkil on Um copy and payment uiuuit-<l accordingly. Cointnunlcaiiena lor ImtlvMnnl betel!, or of a pnrHonal character, charged lor a advortlaementx. Obituaries, the first hundred, words free ol charge. Rach extra word, ono cunt per word, oath wltU copy. p Hntion spreading to ovary quarter of tlie world, the Campngna lying at her very gates, was depopulated by ix fever, the origin of which was unknown. Recent discovery hos shown that the bite of the mosqui toes from the iu n is lies produced the fever, and by intelligent met hods a vast area of nbanonod land is being reclaimed. And so the common house fly has for centu ries been t,ho unknown dissimii n- tor of disease und death. Take him any way you will he is a nui sance* Whether he ho walking w ith military trend upon a bald ( head floating lieaually in a bowl of J handed iib the following clipping from the Hobart democrat which will give u pretty good idea of the kind of news they are distributing out there in order to get in a large crop. It might be well t: explain that “Mr, Harris’’ is tho Heore- tnrv of the Ilarris-Irby Cotton Co., of Oklahoma. The clipping is us follows. . “All of the mills are running on full time and the present indi cations are that uv re cotton will be needed the mining year,” said Mr. Harris. The general opinion of the cotton trade in that on ac count of the absence of winter rains and the long drought in The Value Of THOMSON, GA., Al’R. 10, 1909! THE PRICE OF GRASS. Tho price of grass continues to advance. Read this: “Fur prom pt shipment we offer you liny at the following prices f. o. b. Thorn ton : Choice Timothy 120.00 No. 1 Tiniot.hy 19.00 Clover mixed 18.50 Hear in mind that these prices are for cur lots to merchants, and cash on delivery. To them must be added a fair and reasonable profit for isasli, anil if cn credit a little more. And think «f the thousands of tons of Western glass wo if the South will buy this year at tho prices named. It is trim that ft few acres in peas to tho plow will make more hay than the horse will use, but then wo prefer the Timothy! And yet we sometimes ask “Where does all tho money go? A Check Account Every person who receives and pays out money should have a check account, but there are many people, not orilv business and professional men, but salaried employees, far mers, and housewives, to whom such an account would he a great help and convenience, who, for some reason have failed to take advantage of their opportunity. Payment by check is the most practical, convenient, and safest method of handling all financial transactions, whether of a business or a personal nature. Come in and see us at any time. Open an account if you wish, with what you have on hand. Pleaao tioto that ho does not miss anything Tho “drought in Texas,” tho “excessive rains and overflows in the Southern States” and tho boll weevil aU are brought i ito play. But watch this follow, and in July and August ho -.-.ill say that tho greatest cotton crop tho world has over soon has boon made, and that oven the treos are bearing cot ton. At tho present time (planting time) such artiolos a-i those are appearing ull over the cotton belt, The oil's :t is to get in a big crop. Will they do it? The First National Bank Of Thomson. THE FIGHT ON THE HOUSE FLY. From all Mictions of tho state comes tho infurmatin that a sys tematic fight is to be made on the house fly thm yonr, und it is to bo hoped that tho municipal govern ment of Thomson, us well as all of tho citizens, will take an uctivo hand in the fight. When Romo was the mistress of tho world and with a teeming ion- soup, or scattering with his filthy feet the germs of typhus, ho is al ways the same fit victim for exter mination Let the entile community make war this year on tho house fly. HOW THEY TALK OUT WEST■ Wo have before called atten tion to the fact that in the West ern slab's of tho cotton licit they are tolling of the disasters we are having in this section in order to induce tho planting of a large crop. Mr. J. Burt Stovall has Texas, caupled with the excessive rains and overflows in the south ern states, ami the certainty ot destruction by the boll weevil in Loimanu and tnc Mississippi val ley, these sections cannot hope foranything but a very short crop tho coming season and a great many of thebest ported cotton men look for the now crop to open up at 10 l-2c to 11 l-2e a pound. “It is to he hoped that Okla homa farmers will have a good planting season. I believe that Oio coming season is going to lit the banner season for Oklahoma. This will, however, lie greatly helped by a good planting season.” THE BEST CROP IN COUNTRY AND CITY Someone who has been rending my articles for some years asks me the best crop to plaid, one that will give returns most any where. Sow kindness. Plant in n' desert und it brings an oasis. .~m v it I. the water and it pro duces 'ux iriantly. Scatter it in . .mi.I I lie barnyard and it nukes gentle animals. Speak it to the tows and horses and they ansv er with mute love. Use it in the poultry yard and it makes beauti ful chickens and more eggs. I don’t know anything that it capable of such dividends whou counted, even from the pecuniary standpoint. Taking it from the other side, nothing on earth can compete wild it in ultimate re turns in other wavs. L*t kindness predominate in the household and watch the boys and girls stick to the farm, it is the best antidote for discontent that can be found, and will surely eause lasting happiness after most things have passed away The world needs kindness, and no part of this great sphere needs it more than the farms of the coun try. It thrives in any [climate, pro duces on any soil, responds to any cultivation, makes a good crop anywhere, keeps throughout the entire year, is suitable for all purposes and is really in a class by itself. I've been farming for several years, planted nearly everything that will germinate in thw glorious section where nearly everything grows, Lut there’s nothing near so good ns kindness Above all it makes a happy home, and no crop, however hunTiut, n i season, however propitious, can approach the pleasures of watching develop ments from kindness. Try it# neighbor. Use it in every way. Count up tho difference in divi dends at the en:l of the season, and watch the proportion in favor of the great crop, one which is al ways in demand, salable any where, everywhere, all tho year around.—Milledgcvi!Ie News. Prof. Rjy Re-elected. At a meeting of the City Boar! (f Education held last Thursday night Prof. K L. Ray was unanimously re-elected to the superintendency of Vidal in’s schools. Tills action of the ixiad has the hearty endorsement of the potions of the school and others who are interest ed in the welfaee of our school and city. There J»as lieen no factor of greater importance in building our city than her system of public schools, and the growtli lias been almost phenomenal under Prof. Ity’s management. He has served for a term of live years and during that lime the school has pros pered beyond the expectations of its most optimistic sun parlors. Five years ago school was opened in a th’ce-room wooden building!, witli and enrollment of sixty-eight and three teachers. Today we have n fifteen thousand dollar brick building, thoroughly equipped and furnished, nn enrollment of more than three-i.un lred and eight teachers. Surely has the lulxir of Prof. Ray as superintendent of our public schools been crowned with wonderful success. Kodol For Dyspepsia Almost Instantly. Will Relieve You Kodol supplies the same digestive Slices that are found in a healthy stomach. Being a liquid, it starts digestion at once. Kodol not only digests your food, but helps you enjoy every mouthful you eat. You need a sufficient amount of good, wholesome lood to maintain strength and health. But, this food must he digested thoroughly, otherwise the pains of Indigestion and dyspepsia are the remit. When your stomach cannot do its work properly, take something to help your stomacli. Kodol is the only thing that w ill give the stom ach complete rest. Why? Because Kodol does the same work as a strong stomach, and foes it in a natural way. So, don’t neglect your^stomach. Don t become a chronic dyspeptic. Keep your Btomach healthy and strong bv taking a little Kodol. You don’t have to take Kodol all the time. You only take it when you need it. Kodol is perfectly harmless. Our Guarantee Oo to your druggist today and gat s dol lar bottle. Then after you have dm tba entire contents of tbe bottle If you can honestly say that It has not done you nng f ood, return the bottle to tho druggist ana e will refundyour money without uue»- tlon or delay. We will taien pay the drug gist. Don’t hesitate, all druuglsts know that our guarantee Is good. This offer ap plies to I he large bottleonly and to hut one In a family. The large bottle contains times as much as tho fifty cent bottle. Kodol is prepared at the laborator ies of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chieagi. Sold by Gibson Drug Company Notice. George MeDuflie Camp No. 823 U- C. V., will meet at the Court house, on Monday the20th inst, at lOo,clock a. m. sharp. Let every member be present and prepared to pay (lues for the new year. By order of It. H. i’KAKCK, II. MCC’OKKI.K, Adjutant. Commander. April loth, Strayed During the spring every one would he benefiited by taking Kjl-y's Kidney Item edv. ft furnishes a needed lotiie. hi the kidneys afte r (tie extra strain of winter, and it purifies the hloocl by stimulating the kidneys,and musing them to elemimite lln: impurities from it. Foley's Kidney Remedy imparts new life und vigor. Pleas ant to luxe. Sold by Dr. A. .1. M'ltheWH. We often wonder how any person can he persuaded into taking anything hut Fo ley's Honey nnd Tar for coughs, colds and iijng trouble. Do not. he footed into ac cepting “own make” or other substitutes. Tlie genuine enutuins no harmful drugs and is in a ye 1 lew package. Sold by Dr. A. ,1. Mathews. One black sow, weight about onr hundred and twenty-live pounds. Owner may get same by paying fur this ati ami feed bill. It. Gordon 1‘ahh, Letter To J. E Moye, Thomson, (in. Deal Sir: Why shouldn't tlie old est business firm in Amerlcn (we were established in 17-V4) make tlie paint Hint takes lease gallons and wears longest? Yours Iruly 07 F. \V. DKVOE A CO I*. 8. THOMSON HARDWARE CO. sells ot. r paint Children especially like Kennedy's L»X- alive Cough Syrup, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. It not only heals ir ritation and allays inHaina'-ion, thereby stopping the cough, hut it - also moves the bowels gently und in that way drives tlie cold the system. It cop tains no op iates. Sold by Gibson Drug Go, To Rent One five room dwelling in repair for terms, apply to Mas.jPid.v Cmatt or \V. A. Watson. Children's Party. Little Miss Ktlle Johnson entertained a large party of her little friends on Mon li y ufteroon with and Easier hunt bunnies and chickens were hidden nlxiut the lawn and inter ice cream and cake was served the little guest. W c. T.U The W. G.T U., will meet with Mrs. Dr. Pitts, April 20th, at half jmst three o'clock. The subject for study will lx;, “Hibhnth observant e.' 1 I' you ha e backache and urinary trou bles you should take Foley's Kidney Rem edy to Rtrcn eh ten and build up tlie kid neys so they wiil act properly, as a serious kidney trouble may develop. Sold hv Dr. A. .7. Mathews. o £ y Miss Lucile Ware Entertained. Miss Lucile Ware entertained n few voting friends very de lightfully Friday evening the fr.h. Those present were Misses Lois Bar nes, Klise Harris >n, Louise Blanchard, Ada Ha'*’e», Lucy Wilson, and Lucile Ware; Messrs Harvey Hall, Mari m Dunn, Willie Hardaway, Jim Winter, avid John Elis Hawes. Hi t choctlate and cake w re s rv dat leres'i meats. The regular business meeting of the E tgenic Harris m Chapter of the O. E. 8. will be I o'd at the Masonic Hail on Thursday, April 22nd, at 3 o’clock. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the best known pills and tbe best nills made, urr easy to take and act gently and are certain We sell and ro lommend them. Sold by Gibson Drug Co, FOR SPRING & SUM Shoes For Spring. You must have Shots. Then why not have the best value for the money? In tlie selection of our lines we have been particular to look after the interest of our customers, for the simple reason that a satisfied customer is the best advertise ment. A lady who once wears Queen Quality shoes will wear no others. We found this out before we handled the “Queen Quality,’ ’and experience since has confirmed this opinion. There are more lubes wearing Queen Quality shoes to-day than ever before. The reason: A customer once made is a customes forever. Shoes lor Men. Men must wear shoes even though the weather is warm. There are shoes that sell at higher prices than the Crossett shoe for men. but there are no better shoes. When it comes to value there are none higher than the Crossett, while the price is moderate. The fact that the Crossett is the most popular shoe for men sold in McDuffie County, is evidenced by the fact that their sale increases with each season. When merit counts, the Crossett is A No. 1. Sold in Thomson by THE T. A. SCOTT CO. Ladies Dress Goods Recently we extended an invitation to the ladies of the community to call and examine our new spring goods. Several hundred of them accepted the invitation, and we are led to believe that they were well pleased by the fact that there has since been a constant demand for these goods, In some instances the demand has been so great that we have been compelled to utilize the Express Company to replenish. We are willing to compare them with anything in Augusta as to style, quality and price. If you have not done so, we will be glad for y ou to call and make a critical examination of our stock. We believe that we can please you as we have pleased others. THE T- A. SCOTT CO. Clothing for Spring And Summer If you see a man well dressed, hut at a moderate cost, the decided propability is that he is wearing a suit of STROUSE & BROlHERSCEOIHING. If he is not the decided probability is that he has paid too much for his suit. One of those "just as good as StrousC &. Brothers” will either fail in a short while, or you paid from four to six dollars more for tlie suit than its real worth. Strouse ik Brorhers High Art Clothing have stood the test of years, and the friends that they have made become faster as the seasons come and go. 4 THE BEST” and “THE CHEAPEST” is the verdict of thousands who will wear nothing else. Sold in Thomson exclusively by THE T. A. SCOTT COMPANY. The T Scott Company.