The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, April 23, 1909, Image 2

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MCDUFFIE PROGRESS PUBUSHKO EvKHY FRIDAY. SvhscrlpttoB One Dollar Per Year. IRA C. FARMER, Editor. (. E. Farmkr, L. M. Farmer Publishers. your voice. And now that tho I that Thomson learned the lesson drought has eome our wry letsdont 90 H0 . jn , it is true that our complain i water works system is not perfect, ror is our fire fighting equipment No one can doubt that it is a Watered at the PostoflBce in Thoin- • on as siwoni class matter. IV* Official Organ of McDuffie County. AilVvrtisemrBta from ronponsltili! psrrtes Will bo publUlii'd until ordprptl oui when the time In not nfirc'lllril on thn <’<»py trad payment exuctrd accordingly. Communication* for Individual l>ci cfl, or of a' personal character, charged for a ndvnrtlinmcnta. OMtuarlu*. tho first hundred wordafreu of charge. Each extra word, one cent per word, caah with copy. THOMSON, GA., APR. 28, 1909 lileesing, and especially to the tb* equal of that of tho larger Eastern section of the cotton belt, I cities of the state. Rut we believe Already cotton is selling at ten j that with the resources we have at cents in Thomson and any one | hand tho Thomson Fire Depart- who wishes to sell the cropot 1900 ment is not likely to meet a situa at ten cents may do so. tion they cannot hondle. The After all the Dtiler of tho Uni- young men who com pone tho Corn- verse has to taKe a hand in the pahy are volunteers only, but cotton crop. Organizations Wo they have tho interest of tho town very little good, newspaper edi- at neart and when called upon torials do less, hut when the rain fight fire like the veterans of a is wiili held by the powerful hand paid department, of the Divine ruler every mill man in the world outers the market for cotton at any price. Take courage from the fact that a stronger hand than yours is guid ing tho craft hay as 1819 Odd Fellows Anniversary 1909- The liOilgC 29C I. O. O. K. will celo- as many people who buy there are who buy corn. It is true that Alfalfa is the; Grate the iXHli Aunivcrsaro oftlie or- king of clovers and it ha9 been Ider on Monday April fi6lh. lhe follow- demonstrated time and again that ALFALFA CONVENTION. “Talk about your corn conven tions, The Progress wants to start an alfalfa campaign in Georgia. Tho market can’t be supplied with WITH THE PROGRESS We take pleasure in announcing that Rev. Thus. H, Timmons ip now a member of tho Progress editorial force and from time to time will contribute to our colu mns over his own name. Mr. Timmons needs r.o intro duction to the readers of the Progress. As n preacher he is lenown in almost every commit li- ty into which the Progress goes, And as a writer, the articles from Biis scholarly pen have so often appeared in tho Progress, and tho paper of lhe denomination of which he is an honored member, that nothing we could say would make him uetter known. In this issue, on tho first page appears an article from his pen ''Memorial Day” and from time tb tii»« others will appear, as ho limy see fit and proyor. llON'T BE DISCOURAGED. tibtl’t be tfiscoufaged tor sooner dr later she rains will come. It is true that they may not come exnctly when you want them, but just remember that von are not FunniDg this old world, and if you were, you would probably run it for yom* own selfish use. When it was dry m* Texas you did not complain—in !n.*t there was a look of satisfaction in your face and a gnod mellow tone in The Value Of A Check Account Every person who receives and pays out money should have a check account, but there are many people, not only business and professional men, but salaried employees, far mers, and housewives, to whom such an account would be a great help and convenience, who, for some reason have failed to take advantage of their opportunity. Payment by check is the most practical, convenient, and safest method of handling all financial transactions, whether of a business or a personal nature. Come in and see us at any time. Open an account if you wish, with what you have on hand. The First National Bank Of Thomson. it can bo successfully grown in Georgia, and yet this year Geor gia will spend more money for foreign grass than any year in her history. IN THE BEST OF SPIRIT No. Pro. Farmer, you are wrong in thinking that Lincolnton is jealous of Thomson. To the con trary, sl.e is happy to have such a progressive, wideawake, hustling, uptodttte town near enough to be called neighbor.—Luicoli Jour nal. BASE BALL FOR THOMSON Atlast the real sign of summer is here—the hoys have made a move looking to tho organization a biiseball club for Thomson. Rut « iiv this delay? What has i„. n the i rouble? For more than -,«mt li mlier towns liuve been practising • heir man and getting them in snupe for the ball season, but here in Thomson’ we have done nothing. Lets 'organize the city league again. Last year we had the l est ing programme will be carried out—to which the public is Invited. The members of the order will meet ut Odd Fellows 11 all at!) o’clock .a m. and at 9:-10 will form in line and march to Court House where they will assem ble in the County Court room. Meeting called to order by Noble Grand. Opening Ode by members of the order. Opening Prayer by Chaplain. Heading of Proclamation by riecty. Why this meeting by Noble Grand. Response by Vice Grand Prayer by Chaplain. Oration, Rev. F. It. Healxirn. Addres, Rev. Ellison It. Cook, '•Sparta”. j Closing Ode by m mtiers. Benediction by Chaplain. The members will reform and march to Hall. DeWitt’s Little Early Riser*, the best known pills and the best nil Is made, art easy to take and net gently and are certain We sell and recommend them. Sold In iiibsun Drug Co. Kodol For Dyspepsia Will Relieve You Almost Instantly. Kodol supplies the same digestive juices that are found In a healthy stomach. Being a liquid, It starts digestion at once. Kodol not only digests your food, but helps you enjoy every mouthful you eat. You need a sufficient amount or good, wholesome rood to maintain strength and health. • But, this food must be digested thoroughly, otherwise the pains of indigestion and dyspepsia are the result. When your stomach cannot do Its work properly, take something to help your stomach. Kodol Is the only thing that will give the stom ach complete rest. Why? Because Kodol doe3 the same work as a strong stomach, anu ioes It in a natural way. So, don’t neglect your stomach. Don’t become a chronic dyspeptic. Keep your stomach healthy and strong’ by taking a little Kodol. You don’t have to take Kodol all the time. You only take it when you need it. Kodol is perfectly harmless. Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today uodket a dot- lur bottle. TheipAfter you have u*ec tb® entire content* of the bottle If you cun honestly buy that it has not done you tiny good, return the bottle to the drugglatand he will refund your money without ques tion or delay. We will then pay the drug gist. Don’t hesitate, fell druxglsts know that our guarantee Is good. This offer ap plies to the large bottloonly and to but one in a family. The large bottle contains times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol is prepared at the lnborator- lea of K. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicagt. Sold by Gibson Drug Company. Fora Mon'hs Vacation. WELL LEARNED LESSON. Early Monday morning the business section of Union Point was destroyed by fire, the loss reached more than fifty thousand dollars. Nine cf the principal business houses were destroyed. This (lestruet've fire, following s i close the fire in our sister town Warren ton which wiped out tho court house and several other buildings shows how well it was Thomson, and there is no doubt that it was largely due to the city league. Lets nil hands stir the matter up and have a winning ball club in Thomson this yeas. A Card. 21 April, lfH)9. Mr. \V. W. Moody, Thomson, Gn., l.)jar Sir: I lhank yon very much for the “VVorcrstcrs Unnbri-Jgcd Dictionary” just received. There are dictionaries fur more comprehensive than Worces ter s, but for scholarly, etymology and orthoepy “Worcester” is easily in a class by itself. Very truly yours, John M. Barnes. Will Teach Summer School• Miss Maty Belle Fuller lias closed her sctiool at 1‘hiuizy awl in now at her home in Thomson for n short while. After n little rest she will begin teach ing a Summer school at Winfield in ,, , . i Columbia county, the good jieople of tlon of Georgia that cant, raise its. that csmimmiiy having decided to forage. And yet there arc almost, maintain a school during the Summer ° J I months. Mr. P. B. Johnson leaves to-day fora months vacation. First he will go io Meridin, Miss., to visit his son Shelton who is in school there. Then lie will go to Memphis, Tenn., to attend a meeting of the Church extension board of the Methodist Church. From there bull playing we have ever had in he goes to Biloxi, Mbs., and Whip Is tin demand. Western farmers ' it, huskies land. It make .1(100 an aero on it greatly enriches tho is tho king of clovers.”—Wanders- ville Progress. The Progress L right. It may bo contended with some force that in some localities sufficient corn cannot bo ruised for tho use of the farm, but it will hardly be contended that there is any sec- hind, where lie will visit his daughter Mrs. l)r. Burkhalter. Afrer a visit there tie will return to Thomson. ROAD NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: by the 10th of May, date and it will cost The man who waits at big expense to the Chih’ri li r spr, hilly like Kennedy’s Lax ative Ci.unli .Syrup, it tastes nearly as gnud as maple, sugar. It not only heals ir ritation and allays inlbuna'loo, thereby Stopping th” eollg’i, but it also mores the laurels gently and in that way drives the eo!»l frMU the system. It. contains no op iates. Sold hy Gil,sun Drug Co. Personal Mention EVERYBODY’S MAG AZINE has come back to town on a visit, after nearly two weeks’ absence. He says he hopes to stay quite a while with a number of the best families ; he brings with him a lot of new stories—good ones ; his health is much improved. For Hale by \V. W Moody. THE Commutation Road Tax for 1909 will be $250, which may be paid for $2.00:—$1.00 by the 10th of May and $1.00 by the tenth of October. If the first is not paid to the Ordinary collectors will be sent out after that $1.25. The county only warns $2.00. for the collector to hunt him up county, must pay the cost. There is no justice nor equity in putting that man on equal footing with him who comes to the office and pays his Road Tax as he does his State and County Tax, He who fails to pay his State and County lax by the 20th of December each year has an execution issued against him, which cost an additional $1.00, which is paid to the officers who do the work, to wit: 1 he 1 ax Collector and Sheriff. This twenty-five cents on those who do not pay by the 10th of May and October, respectfully, will also go to the officers who collect it. I write this notice so far ahead of time in order to serve the convenience of those intending to pay their Road Tax instead of workin it out. Those expectiug to pay can do so any time between now and the 10th of May. W. F. GHEBSLING. Ordinary. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, April 22nd, 1909. Little Folks Entertained. Mrs. E.a Hardaway entertained her Sunday School ( lass at her home on Jackson sljeet on Monday afternoon. A large number of lil'le folks were present. Bonbons, cake s and cream were served. I' you ha• o iMOX-ii-m: iitui urinary trou ble'' you should take Foley’s Kidney Rem edy to Hlrenchten and build up the kid neys so they wiil net properly, as u serious kidney trouble may develop. Sold by Dr. A. J. Mathews. To Rent One live room dwelling in repair for terms, apply to M KH. JULIA Cliatt or (V. .A. Vv.vrso* Peas For Sale Buy now, ns prices will advance May 1st, McDuffie Farmeu.h UXION \V AllKHOUSK Co. FOR SPRING & SU 1 Shoes For Spring. You must have Shots. Then why not have the best value for the money? In the selection of our lines we have been particular to look after the interest of our customers, for the simple reason that a' satisfied customer is the best advertise ment. A lady who once wears Queen Quality shoes will wear no others. We found this out before we handled the “Queen Quality,’ ’and experience since has confirmed this opinion. There are more ladies wearing Queen Quality shoes to-day than ever before. The reason: A customer once made is a customes forever. Shoes for Men. Men must wear shoes even though the weather is warm. There are shoes that sell at higher prices than the Crossett shoe for mens but there are no better shoes. When it comes to value there are none higher than the Crossett, while the price is moderate. The fact that the Crossett is the most popular shoe for men sold in McDuffie County, is evidenced 1 by the fact that their sale increases with each season. When merit counts, the Crossett is A No. 1. Sold in Thomson by THE T. A. SCOTT CO. Ladies Dress Goods Clothing for Spring Recently we extended an invitation to the ladies of the And Summer community to call and examine our new spring goods. If you see a man well dressed, hut at a moderate cost, the Several hundred of them accepted the invitation, and we are decided propability is that he is wearing a suit of STROUSE led to believe that they were well pleased by the fact that 6c BROTHERS CLOTHING. If lie is not the decided there has since been a constant demand for these goods, In some instances the demand has been so great that we have probability is that he has paid too much for his suit. One of those “just as good as StrousC 6c Brothers” will either fail in a short while, or you paid from four to six dollars more been compelled to utilize the Express Company to replenish. for the suit than its real worth. We are willing to compare them with anything in Augusta Strouse 6c Brorhers High Art Clothing have stood the as to style, quality and price. test of years, and the friends that they have made become If you have not done so, we will be glad for you to call and make a critical examination of our stock. We believe faster as the seasons come and go. “THE BEST” and “THE CHEAPEST” is the verdict of thousands who will wear nothing else. that we can please you as we have pleased others. THE Sold in Thomson exclusively by THE T. A. SCOTT T- A. SCOTT CO, COMPANY. The t Scott Company