The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, April 30, 1909, Image 2

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r ; ! U : A ICDUFF1E PROGRESS PUBI.ISHKD EVRRY FRIDAY mAHM ■■«****;*•- t>.- . SvbscripUon Orc Dollar Per Year. IRA E. FARMER, Editor. f. K. Farmkr, ) v ... t. M. Paumrr S P«'»l«»ner». tu> more, and will of eburse tfirti , t in* landing of tli*. Pilgrims and to the cow pea for help; rtonic * t he founding of New England, have learned that after n crop ta 1 Now E lgltind lias never had a gathered a shower of fertilizer : World's lair and the three hun- miininsto enrich the land for | drftdtli atinr’ers,ary of the, landing enough to do all necessary trad ing before the lato afternoon, and we believe that the public will take this view of it. other crops to follow, I lit with all of this the acreage planted in peas this veur will not ho ;r.: rennet. fVv Official One,an of MoDuffib A 4 v.v County. Entered at the Postoflice m Thom- 1 . 11 ° ° »oii as second class mutter. j The Progress would be glad to follow the suggestion of our friend land urge Ihe planting of peas, ; but we cannot. Already land pre- Adri*rilsetn«nts from rcxpotiHtlilR purlieu! pared for corn is t.o ho planted ir, trllllM! puMInlirt! until or<l.iri;tl cm when • to,) and wc doubt if it is in the tlio time lit not Hpndlti'il on tho ropy 1 .. . . • ,. . Ami payment «»ea-.l aeeonlin B !y. H‘ nv,)1 ’ ot m,ln to n1uto,lall > change ComuinnlvutloiiN for lntlivltluul fl, 1 tlm results. The South will doubt- t>r of a pornmial character, -charged for I ] efH ni j. S( , more cotton than can bo « advert iHi'inmi I.i. I , , . , , , ; sold at ten cents, and m x year will nil buy Western grass stssb Obituaries, the flrnf. hundred words free *>t clmig». Kach extra word, one cent per word, easli with copy. THOMSON, QA., APR. tj(), 1901) EDITORIAL NOTES. Said ngood farmer to the Edi tor of the Progress: ’’You have discussed pretty well the crops we should plant, now let us hear from ' you on cow peas-” We promised to do so, but we really have’nt the heart. o o o When cottoi is selling at ten cents or more it is useless to talk of planting any thing else, for it * had ac well be understood onecj and for all that all tho cotton will J 1»e planted that can be got Uni into the ground, and a talk of j planting peas r. ill bring a horse I laugh. I o o o | It is true that within tho last two years this country lias been on the verge of ruin when cotton brought ton cents or more; it is true that the high price of col ton cuus'hI the reduction of other crops until tlie South’s consumption of | foreign hay this year will bo the ( greatest in history and the crop made more expensive , it is true that peas furnish both hay and fertilizer which are purchased by the farmers of tho South in large quantities; all nl those things are again. of the Pilgrims presents u pr time ami occasion for si and when one is held • a proper| ich a fair j in New CHICKEN CATCHERS The Progress learns wish regret that there is a hand of boys in England, Heston of course is the , r < , , , .. • h ’ j 1 iiomsor. who are devoting llie.r place. propc 1 time to catching chickens, in mind that those bovs an Sma'lpox. In the last Issue of the Pr mress ip reported that Mr. Cnnp Watson was’ suffering with Spallpox. V e are ulml j to report this week that he is doing | well and his friends expect him to be i up and about us boom us the infection : perion is passed. No other eases have developed so far, and it is hoped tire tins case will be the last one. However, ! quite n number of Mr. Watson’s rein-1 lives were exposed, audit would not! I« a sur|wise if some of tijem took lliej deseuse. A strict quarantine is main-j , | tinned, and there is no danger of the not | disease spreading. Hear Let Kodol tfest What You Eat. Then You Can Eat Whufc You Like- * You oner could eat anything you stomach, and therefore will do tho wanted, and vour stomach would j same work as tho stomach, when it is digest it. * I well and strong—the only difference But now thero’a somethings which 1 is, Kodol never gets tired—and Kodol vour stomach won’t digest. Your is the only digestant today, that will stomach absolutely refuses to accom-. digest all food and do it as win* modat.e you when you eat certain food—so you have been forced by your pletelv, as a strong, healthy stomach. Get a bottle now and have it ready tARLY SUMMER CLOSING . . , t „ , n.^groea as one might naturally _ , . , Beginning next Monday a J think, but they uro whit/* boys,] Sr/ioo/ Teschers To Be Elect, d number of ^ho stoiob of j Qjjfj whpn t-ln* ohicknis urc* fiu^ht i bore will bon mooting of t!io bit # y Thomson will begin to close in they aro 8()ine times eaten' and | «o«rdof Kdiic*,..-’,. on Tuesilay May «r 6:80 "A* ,4 « will bo leadily aeon that Huh^ jjow tho Progress docs not movement u ns not begun nor car-j j. n()lV Hie names of all of these ried n to effect for the profit of. hoys and we do not want to know, the merchants, init rather for | li'nt we want tdieir parents to ktit w benefit of the clerks and other em- A Bank for Idle them tnat they may inflect the necessary ])iinishment and cor rection befors the liurnl of the law is forced to take hold of them, Several times heretofore we had Or Working Money. lie schools Tor the m xl seliolaslit year. All persons desiring positions as teachers will have to file theij appli cations hi writing will) the President or Secretary of the Houri. At this meeting to t>c lieldon the Utli of May it is probable that the Hup 'rintemleni and a full corps of teachers will lieeler- ted. A t a i.'cedt meeting of tiie Hoard the sa'nties f ir tlie ensting year were fixed. The salary of tlie Superinteudtiit was I, i ,• . ,, , , , 1 fixed al ‘dnitO.OU per year, the I’rineipai i '-"-I to the fact tnai n ilt s 7 0.0<» per lr and all ether-a-1 n:- -tlx r • f I Tie smaller boys of | larics tlie mine as tliiyea r- • T'>otnfi..ii ware daily violating tip* j : In -- tb, hind and that t hey re-j stomach to eat food which vou de- to help your stomach at times when tested, and pass up those delicacies you need an assistant. Kodol is at that you would have really enjoyed. rianer «rn»« There is row a way to eat any thing- you like, if you will let Kodol digest it. Kodol will do this, too. It won’t talk'hack or command, but will go right ahead with its work and digest aiT the food you eat. Kodol will let you eat ani thing you like. Kodol will do exactly what your stomach does, when your stomach is well and strong, and more, when it is tired or out of order. Kodol is composed of exactly the same juices as found in a healthy the nearest drug stole. Our Guarnatee Go to yourdruRglst today and got a dol lar l>oute. Tlien after you have used the entire contents of the rottle, If you can honestly say, that It has not doDO you nny sued, return the bottle to the dru^'ylst and he will refund your money wtlhont qnes- tlonordelay. We will then pay the druu- slst for the bottle. Don't heslta'e, all nrusitflsts know that our puaranteelsROoo. This offer applies to the largo bottle only and to but one In a family. The larf,’a bottle contains 2H times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol is prepared at the labora- toriesof E. E. De\Vitt&Co.,Chicag(x ooId by Oibaon .)rtig Company. P ROG liESSlVE HU SIN I'SS MEN know Umt every day op ,,-lqirn flit portunitics arise for safe and profitable investment, and re alize the great importance of ready money in taking advantage of them. Tlmy also realize tho advantage <f having their ac count in a strictly up-to-date bank whose management keeps in constant touch with the pulse of trade and tinunoe. Hut there are people in every community whose savings lie idb I) ‘cause they have not tho time or experience to limit up invest ments. This bank solicits the accounts of both of these classes, insur ing them courteous treatment ami every accommodation within the power of modern hanking. The First National Bank Of T omson. WORLDS FAIR FOR U20- The year 1920 s a long way ofY, and yet so far ahead a World’s Fair has been announced for tluvl true, but still {fig acreage in pec* j V««i p and preparations for ployees who irud r faithful ser vice during tho long hours of the sum mi r days. Now tho public can 1 i*• 1 j> in this t,j u J undertaking, and if you are in i In' n 11 on t ion of 1 heir pa v- j Again we make the point, j and if there is not a change he J fore another year is out a numbr r ’ of these youngsters w ill be in t he J hands of the oflin rs of the law for, violating the criminal laws of the Stnt.-. Lelter fo J F■ Watson, I Thomson, Ga. j Dear Sir: Wc make you and every i property owner in Thomson this otter : J I’aint half your joli Devon; paint the j other Half whatever you like. I f I levee j Doesn't |nice less gallons and cost less I money, no pay. | Yours I ruly (10 K. \V. DKVOK .V CO I*. S. THOMSON IIAUDWAUKOO. sells our paint- For Sale. Two mules and one horse fur sale. Apply to J. F. Wats n. A^fluioas Attack,” Sy 'jTfiij. Sour stomach, nasty taste in mouth, sick h. -dachc, sallo'v complex- fort, thvi world your enemy. Cr. Constipation, inact- i in liver, overflow of bile into the system. Rcg ! VI. Treatment for two rA^ht.3 before retiring with UVER/* /.no TONtG PELLETS One a night, don’t worry, sleep well and Nature’ll do the rest, tntiro Treatment 25 C»a. this year will not he increased- a o o Of course, eomo farmers will . Mr. F. (J. Kritts, Onconta, N. Y., wriics: "M.v Unteglrl was great Iy henelUun I.. tiiWag Koli-y’H (Mian baxulire, and 1 llWak it wt llm bi-sl remeity fornoisti-fi.itii'n sympathy with the movement, do nn<l livar troiible." Foley’s Orirt 1 ,, r . i • i ... - ‘j. \ ;. j live Is lie-.t fi»r women ami < ■ 11 i I < I n ■ n. a^ If position will beheld at Boston, !l ^ of your I,blading ’'* 011 -' is mil • I, plrnsjinf. ami HTi’C-tivt*, arnl is Mass., and will commemorate tho the afternoon. It will lmrdly be j »» P irmiifl spring umdimim,as it «i. o.s,.s great, show have begun. This ox- plant, them. Some have register , , . . . Cd a vow that they will buy grass i t-lirco lniiulifdtb anniversary of domed that the days ai.' long tlm syst.'m and rVnr.s t),. j Sold by I Mv A. -I. Matin' 1 niplnxlon. Not a Dull Spot in the May EVERY- BODY’S MAGAZINE. That’s why it holds the undoubted supremacy. Even if you arc not a mag azine reader, try it. There i« an unusual line of fiction this month. Read “Grimsden House” if you like a “ thriller.” For Sale by W. W Moody. ROAD NOTICE T<) VV110M 1T M A Y CONCERN: iTOE Commutation Road T a x for 1909 will be $250, which may he paid for $2.00:—$1.00 by the 10th of May and $1.00 j by the tenth of October. ; It" tlie first is not paid to the Ordinary by the 10th of May, ! collectors will he sent out after that date and it will cost $1.25. The county only wants $2.00. The man who waits for the collector to hunt him up at big expense to the comity, must pay the cost. There is no justice nor equity in putting that man on equal footing with him who comes j to the office and pays his Road Tax as he does his State and ; County Tax, I le who fails to pay his State and County Tax ; by the 20th of December each year has an execution issued against him, which cost an additional $1.00, which is paid to the officers who do the work, to wit: The Tax Collector ! and Sheriff. This twenty-rive cents on those who do not pay j by the 10th of May and October, respectfully, will also go to I the officers who collect it. I write this notice so far ahead 1 of time in order to serve the convenience of those intending : to pay their Road Tax instead of work-in it out. Those | expecting to pay can do so any time betw een now and the • 1 Ofth of May. W. F. GHEESLING, Ordinary. ORDINARY'S OFFICE, April 22nd, 1909. HEADQUARTERS : FOB: High Class Job Printing. Progress Job Dept. RING Shoes For Spring. You must have Shots. Then why not have the best value for the money? In the selection of our lines we have been particular to look after the interest of our customers, for the simple reason that a satisfied customer is the best advertise ment. A lady who once wears Queen Quality shoes will wear no others. YVe found this out before .we handled the “Queen Quality,’ ’and experience since has confirmed this opinion. There are more l ubes wearing Queen Quality shoes to-day than ever before. The reason: A customer once made is a customes forever. Shoes for Men. Men must wear shoes even though the weather is warm. There are shoes that sell at higher prices than the Crossett shoe for men, but there are no better shoes. When it comes to value there are none higher than the Crossett, while the price is moderate. The fact that the Crossett is the most popular shoe for men sold in McDuffie County, is evidenced- by the fact that their sale increases with each season. W hen merit counts, the Crossett is A No. 1. Sold in Thomson by THE T. A. SCOTT CO. Ladies Dress Goods Recently we extended an invitation to the ladies of the community to call and examine out hew spring goods. Several hundred of them accepted the im itation, and we are led to believe that they were well pleased by the fact that there has since been a constant demand for these goods. In some instances the demand has been so great that we have been compelled to utilize the Express Company to replenish. We are willing to compare them with anything in Augusta as to style, quality and price. If you have not done so. we will ho glad for you to call and make a critical examination of our stock. We believe that we can please you as we have pleased others. THE T. A. SCOTT CO, Clothing for Spring And Summer It you see a man well dressed, hut at a moderate cost, the decided propabihty is that he is wearing a suit of STROUSE N BROTHERS CLOTHING. If he is not the decided probability is that he has paid too much for his suit. (ffie of those “just as good as StrousC N Brothers” will either fail in a short while, or you paid from four to six dollars more for the suit than its real worth. Strouse 6c Brothers High Art Clothing have stood the test of years, and the friends that they have made become faster as the seasons come and go. “THE BEST” and “THE CHEAPEST” is the verdict of thousands who will wear nothing else. Sold in Thomson exclusively hv 'FI IE T. A. SCOTT COMPANY. Si-v; HBWSaB The T. A. Scott Company