The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, May 14, 1909, Image 1

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the McDuffie progress j r,, t VOi. •« T T vvr v ill. THOMSON, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1909. '-V .SIN V 0” s ' '-D ,?• • .'KN- ,t\3 atg % f I GOODS AND FURNITURE *» «- fe? s In The Dry Goods Department. 12-1-2 Quality Whate Madris and Pique at 9-1-2 15c Quality White Madris and Peque at 11-1-2 Large Assortment of Linen Torchon Lace to go at 4c per yd $1.00 Qqality in Voile, Brilliantine, Mohair at. -88c per yd Large Assortment Handkerchiefs from 5c to 25c The Griffon Scissors all styles and prices, Ladies White Shirt Waist from 50c to $1.25 25c Wash Ties at limit 10c Bordered Muslin at ..5c Baby Rubber Pants at 25c Underwear. You will find the medium and popular qualities here as well as the Standard Brands from well known mills. Umbrellas and Parasols. We show a complete range of the latest and most popular styles and prices. A few prices 15 per cent to 25 per cent under the market. 50c umbrellas at ■ * * - 43c 75c Umbrellas at. - 63c $1.00 89e $1.50 $1.33 $2.00 $1.79 No. SI. In The Furniture Department. Screens. 60c Music and Magazine Stands. Carpet Fringe and Matting Binding' Water Coolers. Window Shades 25c to $1.00 Hammocks all prices. New Home Sewing Machines- Cooking Stoves all grades and prices. The New Perfecting Oil Stove. Baby Carriages and Gocarts. Large assort ment of Rugs and Art Squares., Crex Rugs and Art Squares Glass front Book Case $12-50 Combination Book Case and Writing Deck $13.50 Organs from $50.00 to $75.00 Felt Mattress very best at $15.00 0 MCCOMMONS-BUSH-BOSWELL COMPANY, iw^KarrowwiwMBiMawwai—m Main Street, Thomson, 6a. v ; 0 w w m m m Sfi >?> W W W W ~ New Store - 0/ iiif Uj ih Obstacles To A Revival. do not, tliink that I 11hut the dealers are tlie old blooded | I enemies of the people, h.difleront to] their suflvrin"- i 1 1,0 1,ot ,llillk 11,1,1 1 «»» Riven to ! The place in question says iho Un-! t hc h,,hit " f meoll,, B l lu(> l lle wilh ion Signal, “is only one out of (100 11- li ves which are depressing, hut rather censed places in Washington city, one that will not breik the law, not one that will not Wink at Not and 1 he CL W. 6c G. F. Granade announce to the public . , iu) that they have opened a Grocery Store on Railroad \V. i ruin of young girls und boys. Notone i Street in the building recently occupied by ). P. T I‘“« l wil1 " ()t /«*« 11,0 ^ ^ where llicy Will constantly keep on nund ll ^ in the street to he carried to the st: complete stock of lii/ Fancy and Family Groceries. fair share of the patronage of the \il They solicit a fair share of the patronage of the public, and guarantee fair prices, correct weights il/ and first-class goods. G. W. & G. F. GRANADE. $ Railroad Street, - T HOMSON, GA. $•; Sf S' ei & Sr. ^ S-: ^ *, 1 908 BANNER YEAR, i ' t Not-wiihstanuing the panic and other business drawbacks, our sales were larger than any previous year. We are better prepared than ever to serve you and can give you your money’s worth every time. Agents for Sucrene Food. tion house, or go to his homo ns n raving maniac ven'lii.g his fury on de- , fe use less and helpless wife and olii!- jdren. Oh the shame of it in the nit- : lion’s capital oily. Ihit we see the beginning of the end. There is every hope that the District of Columbia will he dry within lire years. DOC'fOIlS BI’RAK IN C’lJPIK’IlKS. The mcdieai profession Is gallantly “bringing up reserves” In the great battle the nation is lighting ugninst the liquor trallle. During the meeting of 1 he American Kojiety for the study of alcohol. and other narcotics, in the month of March, many pulpits in Washington city were tilled on March “1st by physicians of national prom inence who were in attendance on this conference. Dr .1. W. Quackciiboss of the New of medicine spoke to fashionable audience at the Chinch of the Covenant. He de nounced the men and women of the “smart set” who drink and smoke eigaretls. He deplored the fact that S 2 ' Vj York Academy ■ I S a large and fasl with aliinnati ves which arc er.counig- i:g. Mul, sometimes, it is wise to look diliicullies in the face. 1 That there are impediments to a spiritual awakening and Christian progress no careful observer can deny. 1 The first obstacle and one that is] mighty and malignant is the common adversary of Cod and man. Some deny the existence of the devil, hut such denial does not. disprove his exis tence nor destroy his power Therein so much badness in the world Ihat to call in question the existence of Satan is to place humanity so low in the scale of moral capability and spiritual sentiment ns to almost destroy our respect for the luce and our hope of its redemption. Our l.ord tells us of how he met him, of iiis int’Iegence and causing, of how lie himself wasprotrated at the close of tho conflict, of how the angels came to congratulate him upon ids victory over the devil and to sup port him in his weakness. The Lord Jesus Christ was well ac quainted with the world of spirits. Iiis mind could grasp the most mys- , terious su hjeets, his eye could scan the depths of the ocean and the vast do mains of space. Why should mortal man id iciript to rule out of iiis religious creed the cenlrul teachings of him who knows all things and who was never known to deceive iiis people by telling Arrington Bros. & COmpany. LEADING GROCERS, 863 BROAD, ST., AUGUSTA, GA. Salem. TOMMY F.VH. Rev. J. A. Luzon by fi.! <1 Ins •regular appointment af Swoet- <wat*r Sunday. He had a large .congregation to preach to. GEORGIA W. C T U Theresa Gritfm not only women, but college girls, de-; tjiein n tiling that is not so, er to' eau- C, : hutantas and even snail school girls | l j on them against the power of dark £ are following this pernicious example : ness - 'Dr Q.uackenbos asserted tnat the 1 of the liquor habit among wo- especially is attracting the nt- , tentioa of reformers and philant.ropists, I and declared that spiritual conscious- 1 ness is the only means of stamping ■ out the vice. Hartford, S I Dr Q.i W | growth S ' men es You ask me to explain Iiis existence. I r I could explain how lie exists I could explain all occult truth and their would lie no reason for asking people to believe anything they cannot grasp with the understanding. This mighty foe is going about seeking for a place into which lie can enter and do I’OI.K'K Al'IMtAL TO \V. C. T. U. The accusat ion cf being officious med dlers is often made against tlld W. <J. Miss Mario Evans was-a guest at | ^ u,, though furlunutelv llie mass of the home of the wi ited Sunday night and Monday vlr. and Mrs. George Whitaker •wereguost°.of Mr ami Mrs. Vi il- lie Rogers Sunday. Mrs. m R. A. Dunaway visited relatives in Boneviilo Sunday, Masters William and W. Y. Dunaway attondetl tlie Childrens •day exercisvs Sundav. Miss Joe Ivey was the guest v)f siiss Ruporta Sills from Friday night until Monday morning. Mrs. m. H. A. Dunaway ifamily were guests of Mr. J. It. Sills Saturday night and enjoyed an ice cream supper very nice one. •way was a little sick and did eat but 1- saucers full of cream. the people know better than the iieve it. No organization in the world attends more strictly to its own busi ness and its business is to make senti ment for total abstinence for the individual and legal prohibition of the liquor trollic for the, state and, nation. Ho well does our organization j attend to its own rjusiness thut its help is sometimes asked by the powers that • he in their hand to hand struggle with aggressive vice caused by this shameful traffic. An instance in point is one notorious 1 saloon in Washington city where I young men and girls have frequently and ! been arrested, and which lias become i so flagrant in its wickedness that rc- J-cently the sergeant of police of that t prccint appealed to the district W. It was a : T. U., to help in gettin Stale Press Slid! Dr ’ T> W * C ’ rothers of ’ j Conn., syoke in “1 he initure. of the i j,] s wor ] { 0 f darkness and destruction.. Alcoh»lic JTohlem,” and Dr. L. Ib j jf e does not scruple to enter the most 1 Mason of Brooklyn on the “I rgent I Hrtere( t precincts. We should not be I Needs of Die-brinies.” ! ignorant of his devices, or give him terri j Dr. Purvey W . Wiley described ] t or y. He will come without an invi-j the process of making liquors, saying j but he is too courteous to stay be _jthat beer contained from ii to 9 per j if he ls not we i come . ! cent of nieohol, cider from to t» per ■cent, wine from 7 to 10, and brandy, I whiskey and rum from 4o to 55 per Another obstacle to a revival of, righteousness is the effort to inject; ,, , . ,, - false doctrines and impose false tcacli- cent. He declared that old age was .. , i . .... . r , ors upon a community. I here are doc- accelcrated by tlie excessive use of . , • I trines that approximate tlie trutii and u co to • 1 seem plausible, but will not bear (lie 1 test. And yet they work like a leaven in Hie hearts of men. One of tlie most fascinating influences in tlie world is one who claims to have communications with tlie world of Petersburg, who came to this country <,r onc w,, ° «*»> Peep into ttic .. ........ future und tell people their ‘fortunes’. HE \\ n.L KNOW IT AI„D. Among the attendants at this con ference for the study of alcohol in Washington city in March was a Rus- iian, (Emit Louis Karzynski, of St not ice tlie license JihIpoiiS. Dunna- i revoked, with the remit that the re-1*1 : newal of tlie license has been refused and the place ordered closed. The i proprietor sued the Excise Board on a writ of mandamus giving him a right to continue his trade in the j same place until October next. The ! policemen on that beat ami theser- ! geant appeared before the Board to i We often wonil. r imw i.nv person c<mi be 'testify to the exceeding wickedness Persuaded in-.y taking anything but ianu near Thomson. One twenty acres,. -• b Foley’s Honey and l*r f»r oougbs. colds one ”5 actw, one forty acres, and one!" p • e ' fitly-six acres. Any 6ne rtesifing Land for Sale- I have for sale several smalt tracts of | especially to study tlie temperonce question in all its phises He had ! al ;o gene to the Department of Com ma roe and Lalior and to tlie head quarters of tiie National \V,(’. T. U. | in Washington. Later he will visit jour national headquarters at Evan ston, Illinois, and then travel in j K tu he may visit the stales under prohibi tion. After going across he hopes to attend tde anti-alcohol congress to lie held i:i Loudon, England, in July. future and tell people There arc people not a thousand miles from where (. pen these words who believe in Spiritualism, and who have been tricked more or less by these bold deceivers. The true revival is hindered by ‘Christian Science’ which is Seif Contradictory and is tlie greatest trav- ansas. Oklahoma, and California, re-j ,;rsiil Y of t!)C Nineteenth (Blth) Century truing !: V the soutnern route that «pon the religion... Christ, iilie doc- * may vDB the states under prohibi- trine of a Second Chance which appeals ffmill far ra near town can Buy from use 41. Iiu E. Fahmep.. Tlie case is still being fought and just such instances arc ringing tlie .death knell o/tbe liquor business all ov*r the laud. It proves to the world arnl lung trouble. D > not hr fool.-l into accepting” own make”or otlier substitutes- The gt-naiae roatains no inruiful drugs and isdn a yellow package. Sold by A, J. Matbewa. ro Strongly to men’s lo've of tlie world, the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life, as well as to their disposition to postpone repcntunce to a lime they imagine to be more convenient tnan the present is a formidable obstacle to a rev ivul of . ighteousness and true holi ness. Beware of that doctrine that quiets the conscience in a doubtful course, that comes In between Urn Soul and Jesus Christ, that disc ts the ■ at notifying poy, -.r: of the Holy Gcoet, that discourages activity and progress in the religious life and destroys Chris-' tian fellowship. These tilings are Hi- i tokens of spiritual dissolution. i The inoonsistencies of Church Mem- j tiers is a tremendous obstacle to a 1 revival of vital Cod 11 ness. Christians ; are expected to love anti aid each other j but hsw often do they treat each other unkindly,—speak against one another ! Wo critscise each other uncharitably, and by <*ir examp le we hurt the very cause we are set to defend. How much better if the outside world could say, “Behold how these Christians love I” Home Church members are openly im moral,—they violate the law of (lie Sabbath, they are intemperate, they are crocked in business. I’orterwith Iiis Mortar Fleet- inflicted a mortal wound upon the Confederacy at Vicksburg, so j these thoughtless immoral members are dealing a terrible blow upon Hie interests of him whose cause they have , espoused. Barents are sometimes an obstacle to; the<r children. A futner ougbt to be | not only religious, but very religious ! for Hie sake of iiis children. 11 is next to impossible to overconietho influence! of a father over his children. He may imagine that iiis children do not take | notice of iiis careless ungodly life, hut lie is sadly mistaken. A man’s chil dren up to a certain age or point of de velopment look upon him as the great est man in all tlie World. No preacher, no Sunday-school teacher is equal the unholy influence of a futher,—and if he fails to lie priest of iiis own house hold, lie will And when it is luo late, that lie lias kept his children from! entering Hie kingdom of God. We have hut to open our eyes and look] about to see tlie stumbling blocks that. obstruct tlie Chariots of God. Men j are in love with themselves, or some; object besides the God that created I them, from whom they derive all good 1 tilings. Then we make a Fetich of uni forms, or attacli undue importance to our philanthropic institutions; or im agine that our Altruism will save us, aim thus we wrong aurselves and in sult tlie Godrof Heaven. Jf we will but call a brief pause and look at the mountains of obstruction to a real revival, we will not q« surprised at tlie absence of tlie supernatural in our religion. In conclusion,—Wc should never forget Hint no man can forgive his own sins, no priest can forgive, tlie Pope himself cannot, forgive. No man can cleanse iiis own heart, no forms, no ceremonies can wash away sin. “No bleeding bird, nor bleeding beast, Nor liissop branch nor sprinhling priest, Nor running brook, nor flood, nor sea, Cun wasli tlie dismal stain away,—” Jesus alone can save. But wc can pre pare the way of the Lord by repent ance and (liumple submission, and when we do tills, then we shall see and know that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. THOB. H-TIMMONS. Thotnsan, Ga., May 11, 1000. Kills To Slop The Fiend. The worst foe for 12 years of John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., was a run-i ning ulcer. He paid doctors over $400.00 without benefit. Then Buck- len’s Arnica Salve killed tlie ulcer ami circd him. Cures Fever Sores, Boils, Felons, Eczema, Salt Rheum. Infalli ble f:v i'l'.a, Burns, Scalds, (Juts, C- ms j'.c at Gibson Co. and Dr. A. J. Mathews. Thomson Mercantile Co. Announce to tlie people of McDuffie and adjoining counties that they have recently “rently enlarged their business and are noW better prepared titan ever before to furnish their customers, friends and the public generally with every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. At our store on Railroad Street you can al ways line! a large stock of Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Molassos, Salt, Tobacco, Bag ging and Ties. And many other h arm Supplies! The buantities in which we will purchase these goods will make us buy and sell at the LOWEST market prices. We solicit the patronage of the trading public. Thomson Mercantile Co, OUR PRICESOn]__ Building Material . . . Will Save You :From .. . 10 TO 20 PER CENT Lime, Cement, Plaster, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screen Doors, Screen Sash and etc. Mantels, Grates, Tile, Paints, Var nish, Glass. Building material of all kinds .. .. Our services are prompt. Our material is the best 5. J. HOBNE & CO. 067 Broad Sfc. Augusta, Da. Long Distance Phone 473.