The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, August 27, 1909, Image 1

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**6. >»«.«*•. 148 Pair Ladies low Cut Shoes is all We Have g We don’t bel'eve it wise to carry good# over from one g season to another. Thats why we are selling at Seduced § Prices SOME OF OUR “DON’TS.” We make no statement we cannot substantiate; offer no values we cannot show, quote no prices we can not make good A MV Wain Street, n IN I , Thomson, Ga- i v®'k® x0\f> vfi)\d\fl vA\» * For Sales Slips for Articles Advertised in August in the Progress, To the five persons showing the largest number of Sale,s Slips for articles advertised in the Progress dur August, We Will give First Prize $1.50, Second Prize $1.00,' Third, Fourth, and Filth Prizes, ( Subscription To The McDuffie Progress. The amount of the slip will not enter into the contest, but the largest number of sales slips presented will win the prize Preserve your Sale Slips and hand them in or mail them to THE McDUFFIE PROGRESS on September first COuntdd later’than 4 o’clock on that date. If the merchant does not give Sale slips, a receipt, properly signed, will answer, ■ «r THOMSON, GA., FRIDAY, AVSgAv^nm. Vat K. The holiness Campmeeting— Indian Springs This campground is located in Mutts county, five miles from Jackson and about one mile from Flovilla on the Southern Railway. great wisdom and skill, in her manage ment of childrens meetings. Her dis course on Heaven was one of the fines* ever delivered. The leaders are very calm and do- lloerate when they invite persons to I seek the witness of the Spirit of sauctl- 1 he annual oampmeeting opens on : jjcatlou, and they teach that It Isas I hursday night before the second Sun-1 definite as the blessing of justification day in August and closes on the third ; or pardon. Those people have little to Sunday night. ihis eampnieeting 1 af> y 0 f s j n j n 0 p 0n expressions; ther stands for the dantrineof Sanctification (I(!al wilh pos | tlvc trllth an d hold as a second work of grace distinct from Justification, up Christ as a Bavlor from all sin, inward and outward. They insist that this 1 he managers of the annual services movement is of Gob and is Intended to redeem the church from the dullnew and deuduesa of formality. TFQ8, li, TIM MON8, Thomson, Ua., Aug. 24, 1909, GRAND JURORS, September Term, 1909. T. A. Brinkley B. M. Haywood W, J. Howard J. E. Wilkcrson Hillman Mathews E. A. Wilson J. 8. Boyd Oliver BAston \V, 8. Mobley W’.T, Wiggins J. T, Neal \V, I). Matlock B, F. Heuslee J. 8. Mcgahee E. H. Williams. make it u point to secure the ablest advocates of this doctrine and experien ce which they claim is strictly Wes leyan. The meeting Is largely attended, not only by Georgians, but from several other stales Most of the rneu and women that attend, claim to be in the experience of j>erfect love. Many of ! J- E. Wilson them are as intelligent people as are to ; W. 8. Whitaker be found anywhere; most of them b - j Lawson Lavlguo ing members of the Methodist church, j 1L Johnson There arc a few who are xuombers of j ^ ca 'V. May other denominations. j J- VY. Sparks There seems not to be the slightest P- F. 8mlth tendency to the spirit of 11 Cora 8-out* j J° 8 - N. Hughes tism. 1 ' If tills spirit shows itself to H. T. Clary any degree, it is quickly throttled by j A. II Thrasher the leaders. They urge the duty of; A. 15. \V ilkerson loyalty to ttie organized churches, to B. C. Waller their Sunday schools, prayer meeting,; J• W. Boatwright mission societies and all the appointed ; H. H. Davie means for carrying forward fhe work! W. II. Fluker of evangelizing the world and building j Tnaverse Jurohe, up the Kingdom ot the Lord Jesuit j September Term 1909. t - ;tirist - | Win. U. Rickards Tire re 1b no time lost at tills great t>, Johnson annual gathering. The bell rings In j p e. Bradshaw the morning at 6:30 o'clock, for the q, p McCorkie people to rise, and assemble at 8 o’clock j ^j ac jjoyd for prayer in the auditorium; and there \\- a. Wilson js seldom a less number than five e. G Farr hundred at this service. | a, B. McCorkie This early morning service sets the' j na ^ Jones keynote for the work and service of the ■ Wm. J. Neal day; it consists prayer, song, testimony and requests for prayer for loved ones, or for themselves, their home churches, pastors and other objects. There is a song service at9 o'clock, preaching at 9:30, another song service | j, e, Whitaker and preaching at eleven. The same In! j, m . Wiggins the ufternoon. After supper, there U -p ^ y oun g held a prayer service on the verandas. £ jj Wiley of more than fifty cottages. Bong ser vice at 7:30 p. rn. and preaching at 8 J. B. Neal J. P. Waller Jno. W. Whitaker J. D. Young R. J. Willingham R. J. Newsome G. A. Young s W. T. Parish At ten p. m. the bell rings for the peo-1 Charlie Phillips pie to retire; and it is out of order for' anyone to speak except in an under tone, after the ringing of this belt, The music and singing in these ser vices could scarcely be surpassed. The singing is led by Mr, Charlie D. Till man. The orchestra is composed of trained and skillful musicians To h a* two thousand enthusiastic men nnd women lift up their voices as many waters, and pour forth their soul In sacred song, until the very atmosphere vibrates with the music—maxes an that will not soon wear mith who has heard the the world said he had heard none equal to the singing at In dian Springs! Special services are held for Children every morning at 9 o’clock under a large tent. These meetings were eon* duoted by Mrs. J. H.Smith, the wife of evangelist Smith. Thla fleet lady , has a face that shines like the light. ■ She has been a literary teaeher, and j also a missionary in the cities of Fhila* deiphia and IJanFrancleo'M she display* , D. C. Nlathewa T. J, Hardaway J. II. Laseter R. H. Fluker Jos. W, Tohnaon 8. G. Story Thos. Boyd N. J. Harris J. H. Bartlett B, F. Johnson Jno, B, Samuels Wm. E. Bross J. L. Shields P. A, Young Joe B. Ivey Jan. E. Harrison O. L. Williams W. A, Speers (J. C, Ivey R. L. Lucky W, D. Hunt J. H. Kendrick G. O. Farr Herbert Hunt, Dlxte, The confederate soldiers have fre quently told us that the words o f Dixie as published are not the words used by them during the war. We wonder If those given below arc tho one's they sang? DIXIE’S LAND. (As sung by the Confederate soldier.) Away down South iu de fields of cotton, Cinnamon seed and sandy bottom, Look away, look away, Look away, look away. Den'way down Mouth in de fields cotton, Vlncgnr shoes and paper stockings; Look away, look «Way, Look sway, look atfny. Den I wish I was In Dixie's Land, Oh—oh ! Oh-oh I In Dixie’s land l'll take my stand, And live and die In Dixie’s Land, Away away, away, Away down South Iu Dixie. Pork anrl cabbage iu da pot, It goes in cold and cornea out hot; Look away, look away, Look away, look away, Vinegar put right on red beet, It makes them alwayk fit to eat ; Look away, look away. Den I wish iu Dixie’s Land, Oh—oh! Oh—oh I Tn Dlxie’siand I’ll time my stand, And live and die in Dixie’s Land, Away, away, away, Away down South in Dixie. Program of Woman’s Missionary Socirly at Baalist Church— Aug. 31st, Sept. 1st and 2nd. I). Cotton Seed Market Opens The cotton seed market has opeaea for the new crop seed at 24 cents o bushel, which Is sovcral corns above the ususal price for naw seed. For several years the market has opened at 17 or 18 cents and then gradually advanced. The Indications arc for a good mar ket during the coming season. Business House For Rent. I offer for rent the store house of the Masonic Investment Go., on Railroad street, consisting of the firstand second stores of the Masonic Temple. 4t. I ha E. Faumek. Tuesday Evening, 8 i\ m. Address—I)r. B. I). Gray. Wednesday Morning, 9:30. Devotional Service led by—Mr; W. Key. Addresses of Welcome, Response to Addresses of Welcome-.- Mrs. E. D. Ray. Enrollment of delegates, Reports from Woman's Missionary Societies. “The Power of Prayer,-Mho tnie Spirit of Worship to God,”—-Mrs. Mary Gunter. Appoint lime anti place of Execu tive Committee Meeting. Close with prayer for Ltev. II ('. Buckhoh, our evangelist. Wednesday Ai tk it noon. Devotional Service led by—Mr.-. Gunter. Report from the Orphans Home— M rs. \V. A. Johnson. Discussion,flow Cun 1 Make Mission Work a Personal Responsibility for Each Member, led by—Mrs, 1!. T. Pickers Address, “The Pnrpcse of Missions,” — M iss Dora ('aim Discussion on Timing, led by—Mrs. Boswell. Pledges called for. Close with prayer. Wednesday Evening Hath. Ad-JressA Dr. Porter, Richmond, Vu, Thursday Mornino. Devotional, led by—Mrs. Cain. Report from Margate Home—Mrs, Davidson, K port, from Training School—Miss Ne'lie Roberts. Renew pledges :or Scholarship. Memorial Exercises— Miss Neeson. Report from Nominating Committee. Election of Officers. Appoint Program Committee.Jl Time anil place of Mooting, Close with prayer, Thursday A ftrskm>on. Devotional led by Miss May Fluker. Report from Sunbeams urul Young Peoples Societies. Model Sunbeam Society—Sparta Discussion of Mission Study Classes —Mrs. J. S. MoLemore. Y.-ung Peoples Work—Mrs. F. <!. Wallis. Resolutions. Devotional, Letter to J, C. Watt, Thomson, Ga, Dear Sir : Suppose you arc feeding pigs milk ; how much will you gain by watering milk a quarter? half? three- quarters V 100 quarts whole mill: they sleep 80 of milk and 20 of water they squeal 60 *• Thomson Mercantile Co. 60 ‘ 1 more squeal 76 1 still squeal 100 i 1 no squeal. 0 “ Suppose you arc painting a house; how much will you gain by paint adul terated a quarter? hail? three-quarter.,? 10 gallons Dcvoe put-on §60 16 “ 1-4 not paint 75 20 “ 1 -i5 “ 100 40 “ 3-4 “ 200 The cost of paint put-on Is about §6 a gallon, no mutter what paint you buy. Hut nodody really gets 30 ga loim on a It) gallon job ; so nobody real y pays §200 for painting a §60 job; lie slope at about §100, Two coats ofJl-4-puint-und- 0-4-trash doesn’t make a good job ; nor throe ; nor four, | These lessons are useful. Yours truly 1 78 F. W, DEVOE & CO, P. 8.—Thomson Hardware Co., sefls our paint. Announce to the people of McDuffie and adjoining counties that they have recently greatly enlarged their business and are now better prepared than ever before to furnish their customers, friends and the public generally with every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. At our store on Railroad Street votl can al ways find a large stock of Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Tobacco, Bag ging and Ties* And many other Farm Supplies< The buantities in which we will purchase these goods will make us buy and sell at the LOWEST market prices. We solicit the patronage of the trading public. Thomson Mercantile Co. i 1 903 BANNER YEAR.^ ^ Not-withstanding the panic and other business drawbacks, our sales were larger than any previous year. \Ve are better prepared than ever to serve you an 1 < an give you your money’s worth every time. Agents for Bucrene Food* Arrington Bros. & Company, LEADING GROCERS, 863 BROAD, ST„ AUGUSTA, GA. More Real bstate For Sale■ J ofFer for sale the farm known us the Shields Republican Place, contain ing 900 acres more or less, Will sell an a whole or divide in half. Also, a tract of land in Republican District containing 100 acres more or less, and known ns the Geeter place, adjoining the lands of J, S. Boyd, Mrs. J. B. Smith, and others, Also, a small tract of land on the Milledgevillc road three miles from Thomson and known us a part of tho Cason place and containing 33 acres, more or less, IRA E. FARMER. Improved Te ephone Service> The Southern Bell Telephone Com pany has made a move for a decided Improvement in the telephone service for Thomson; which will be highly appreclaten by their patrons here. Manager Reddy announced Monday that another day operator had been put in the Thomson exchange which will give t*o Operutors during the day hours and Insure prompt attention to all calls. Manager Reddy sti tes that nothin# * will be left undone to give Thomson as good service os Is enioyed by any other town iu Georgia. For Sale, One Iron Fire Proof H»(e, br»n4 now. Cost $7800. will SSll to VfoM moving it, at $&00, »aiph V. gmitft, Thofltwn, di /'»