The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, September 10, 1909, Image 1

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—vM «h\>****»-■•• *tvy. **•*»- THF i 'JP& ■5 #: '\ v >L\) ■ t i I \ IV \\ n v\3 '.safe WE MUST MAKE ROOM, Ladies and Mens Low Cut Shoes at 83 1-3 off. Sole agents for/ Schloss Clothing, King Quality 3hoe§ u to® ..aid Dutchess Trousers *»8' ’UTCHBSS TROUSERS ev sy in any position. Liberal use of cloth in hips and scat makes them com fortable as well as stylish, and they are cut to fit, shrunk to shape and made to stay. McCommons-Bush-Boswell Commny lag . tri u.- xax.-ut sS» '■'IS* ■jo-pel Ten! Heeling At The Mills- r- vr• service opened on Thurs- ■i the 2nd. inst., and has pio- i with increased interest froth : rrt until now. ■ f>:r- :ome at the Mills Who do ' i the service for reasoon (or ■ 'uses Known to themselves But great congregations Died- With hushed voices, aching hearts on the night of Sept, the first after (2) weeks sickness with scarlet fever God’s messenger visited ttic home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Waller and carried the household treasure hack to the gates of Heaven where angels were singing songs of praise to God for taking another loved one front the sorrows of it each night service and i 1 number at tho day service.: Comoro the sun will shine, the dcs the resident ministers the fol- ; flowers bloom or birds sing for little have been ill attendance. Rev. j George. We wl.ll see no more the rose Morgan of the Bearing charge ; or smile upon his face or hear his voice Rev. ’.V*. R. Foote of the Warren- | ringing In innocent play, but in God’s • ration, to have boen forward ’ K«rden where the sun ever shines we I • e alter for praver.- and many have j Will meet our loved ones in eternity, j ■ sod to have been blessed by the j where there's n healer far beyond the j imp, | touch of childish pain. We cannot -nr have joined the ltnptist church | understand why ids voice is hushed 01^ , dst-. j his face is taken from us, but God ini wisdom saw proper to take him to' Himself. He was the joy and pride of, the home budding on earth to bloom 1 in Heaven. Fond parents you will meet your j darling again, may God bless and com* | fort the broken hearted loved ones left ; behind. May his going draw us all j closer to God. Little George was born Jan. 71.h- 11908, died Sept. 1st., 1909. They laid | him away in the Ivey eemetary after a short service try Bro. J, O, Adams. “Grandma,” Q Vv king lias been done by the misters: Rev. F. It. eu- Morgan, R. A. K'lunnd- f v'of■ and Thus. id. Tira- '• • '<• J. H. MeLemuro has I won *•<’!! ; t not rib!- 1 to preach, l b1 ■ og will continue until next ■ -i c ii night when t lie closing service •11 be lieldi Tuns, H. Timmons. uperior Court. !. ' .(fie Lupe-i t Court, convened i.-.y with Judge Henry C. llam- rid pweidh:.; and Solicitor vomeral Uevnolds representing the State, rid jury wa« organized by eleet- ’ Mr, W. H 1- lul'er foreman and H, T. Clarv clerk. .a nut g tlie visll ing attorneys were: U'vr Judge I 1 ' 11. Galloway, Ati- ■-lH, ' . 1*. Davis , Marlon Felts, E. T, t-url--\ , YV. M. , ( awes Warrcntou, S. ;. Si bl v Union Point, Hawes Claud, : a\r fo rdvillo ruid Mr. V.ponce of At- The c '•il docket was largely disposed ' 11V Cement-- ar.d continuances, tho 0 ri 1 n I 1 a 1 docket was reached i.-Kda, The most important - , il Cl; :cs dispose 1 of were the damage son Mr. J. Q. Richards mVl Mr.s Pichnrds against the Mayor and '■nncil of Thomson for tlie death of v son ' 'nr!ton, by coming in con- -■■ith a.n electric wire in February 0- The case of Mr. Richards was .smissed and ri consent verdict of .500 whs rendered in favor of Mrs. Letter To John D- Curtis. Thomson, Ga. Dear Sir: North Dakota has a pure paint law and is branding the paint- manufacturers. Here’s how one of ’em gets the tiot iron. Almost Half of his “oil” is benzine and water; more than half of his “pig ment" is whiting barytes and suolt. Benzine and water dry-out in a few minutes and hours; they don’t do any harm. Those “pigment" don't dry-out; and perhaps they don’t do much harm. is that what paint l« for: not to do much harm? Do yon pay 95 a gallon for paint and putting it on, not to do j much harm? I The lead zinc and oil in that “paint” is a little less than half and tho trash is a little more than half. ilow many gallons, half trasli |and j half paint, will it take to paint a 1GV ) gallon job two coats? how many coats, j j half trash and half paint, will it take 1 to cover? and what’ll baoomo of' f, aad elsewhere will be f. i:.;entmonts of the grand jury lchards. , , . . . , ,» pigments not paint/ T he criminal docket was d is pored of, 1 , , , ‘ Andreckontlieco.slsjvoiicanrnugh- “ Inesdav smi court adjorned. 1, ,, ,. , ,, __ ,, , „_.j ly. Half trash, 20 gallons, ?5 a ga'lon, 1 sewhert a list of the casas disposed | ,, rs ’ . „ found the i ’ 100; i0 (? a l lo,1s Levoe, ?o0, A gallon ' of trash or paint put-on is 95. There's one Devoe; there are 8 pure paints; and over £00 adulterated and 100 shart measure. Yours truly F, W- DEVOE & CO. P. S.—Thomson Hardware CO' sells our paint. ■jo //ith A RllSh- fie demand tor that wonderful - .roach, Liver aed Kidney cure, Dr. Kidg,s New Life Pills—is astounding j '.ay they never saw the like. Itsbe- cau they never fall to cure Sour Stoiur ach. Constisation, Indigestion, Bilious ness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Chills and Malaria. Only 25c. sold by Gibson Drug Co. and A, J, Mathews. A Narrow tscape. Edgar N. fiaylisa, a 1111,reliant of Robin- Sonville, Dot., wrote: “Al>-»ut two years ago I was thin and siok, and ..coughed at the lima and if I did ac.t have cousump* scalded—Pa can't walk tor piies-rUiir A Hurry Up Call- Quick! Mr. Druggist—Quick!—A box of Bucklens Arnica Salve --Here’s a quarter-fl/or the love of Moses, hurry- Baby’s burned himself, terribly—John* ie cut his foot with the axo—Mamie's tion, it was near to it. 1 eojurnrueed nsiug i lie has boils—and my corn aobe. Bhe Fbley’s Honey and Tar, and it ssopped gQl ^ and S00I) cure d all the family. Its my cough, and l atu now entirely well, and have gained twenty-eight pounds, all due to tho good results ;troiu tutting Foley’s Honey and Tar,” A. J >IatJiews, got the greatest healei on earth. Sold by Gibson Drug Co. and A. J- Mathews. Does the College Graduate “Fit?” The question has often been raised tlirouout the Cnited Stales. "Does the college graduate “fiL”iiito life?”.“How ever, attention Is hero called to the fact Hint the question is never raised con- cerirtg the graduates of a |technioal college such as the Georgia School of Technology: On the contrary, it Is a “question” of how to fill the demand, for it is n fact that Hie demand is great er than the supply of technically train., ed young men, ami il ls to train our Southern hoys for exaolly this opport? unity that the Georgia School of Tech nology Is striving. The new era of prosperity and developeinent in the South which is no widely and enthusiastically predicted by the lending men of the country, is purely TeehiivU and toxital and the richest rewards await the young men most capnly trained to “fit intc the demands. The Georgia School qf Technology is better p repaved and equipped than ever before in its history. Offering advanced courses in Mechani. cat, Textile, Electrical and Civil Engineering, Engineering Ghomi'try, Chemistry and Architecture. The cost iN very rcsonablo, placing witlicn reach of any ambitious young man know ledge which enables him to take full advantage of a period of unprecedent ed opportunities. Write at once for illustrated catalog, etc., to K. G.MtRh- eson, President, Atlanta Georgia. hireman’s Barbecue- One of the best, and perhaps the last, barbecue of the season was that ( enjoyed by the Thomson Fire Depart-; nrieut Monday, given bv the citizens of, the town as a token of appreciation of ( the valuable services rendered to the; community. The diunor was served at the engine house and only the members of the company, and city officials, were present. There was an abundance of everything and quantities left over, oven after Hie colored hose squad had been tilled to satiety. Chief.1.(1 Irving and Mr. O. D. Hill find charge of the dinner, and Mr. J. F. Johnson placed every member of the department under obligations to him by cooking one of the beat cues Thomson has ever know n. Mrs- Sarah J- Hill Hurt. Mrs. Sargh J, Hill fell and was palm | fully hurt at her residence Monday 1 evening. She was going down the | steps of the hack veranda, and in some way stumbled at tho bottom step fall ing heavily to the ground and severely Injuring her hip- " Night On Bald Mountain• On a lonely night Alex. Benton of Fort Edward, N, Y. climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neighbor tortured by Asthma, bept 01. curing him with Dr, King’sNew Discovery, that had cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon veileyed and quickly cured Ills neighbor, Later it cured his son’s wife of a severe lung trouble. Millions believe its the greatest Throat and Lqng cure on Earth. Cough Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages und Sore Lungs are surely cqred by it. Best f ir Hay fever Grip and Whooping Cough. 60c and $100. Trial botte free Guarane teed by, Gibson Drug Co. and A, J, Mathew* I leiierscinnn Club. Jen'orsonian Club No. 1, with head quarters at Thomson, was organized ai the Court House ou ,Saturday evening, when Colonel John A. Wilkerson was elected President, and Mr. 8. (!. Hawes btacrctury. The object pf the club, ac cording to Hie pledge signed by the members, is social, civic, state and nor mal reform, the principles and plat - form to bo laid down and voted upon by the members of this and allied clubs in Georgia au.i the Month. This is the (irst olub of the scries. Other- Jefle r -. simian clubs gre now being organied in Georgia, Florida, tile Carolines, Ala bama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennes see and Texas, The next meeting will ho held at the ultlce of \‘V. A. Hnss, J. P., Saturday. .September 18th, at .1 p. in, — ■ --«»♦*—- — I'ublic School Opened Monday- The Thomson public schools opened last Monday and the crowds of child-1 pen on the street gave new life to the town. For the next few months they will be sealtered around at the various improvised school houses and then they will all go into tlie new building. The number of pupils . nrollod in the white schools was ;50. This would in dicate a large white population for Thomson as next year’s census will show'. Oarwood—Albert. Miss Mollio Edna Garwood and David Clarence Albert were married on Monday, September 5th., at 8 o’ clock, at the home of the brides par ents, Rev T. II. Timmons olTiciating. Miss Garwood is the daughter o' Mr. and Mrs, J. ll. Garwood and has many friends here. Mr. Albert has made Ins home here for several years, and is a valued employee of the McDulTe Oil A Fertilizer Co. To Mee* at M-sena The general meeting of the Second District Georgia Association, will meet with the Baptist church at Mescna. on Tuesday nc:.t Bept, Mu- Mth. Rev, J, A. • 1 arris, is to preach the introduc tory sermon, The fast train No, 28 cpming down will slop, provided w can gel as many ten passengers from Thomson, and community, It is hope 1 t hat a large delegation will attend. Young Men Learn Telegraphy! Telegraph Operators Are In Great Demand. BUYS, Til 18 IS YOUR OPPOR- I HNl’I Y to learn a first-class trade I hat pays a good salary every month in the year There will bo a greater demand for Telegraph Qp.rat.ors this Fall and Winter than there lias been for many yours past. r i’he prominent railroads of the Mouth and other parts of the United States are writing us to quulify as many young men of good character for their service as we pnssi bly cap. We trust that the reliable* ambitious boys of Hie Mouth vill rally to this golden opportunity. students qualify for service in only four to six months. We guaran tee positions. Graduates begin on $46 to Mi5 per month; easy nnd pleasant work; permanent employment; rapid promotion, Our tuition is reasonable; board at low rates; Newnan is extremely lira!I iiful; line climate; excellent drink ing water. Write at once lor our new- illustrated catalog. A letter or postal will bring it. TT IS FREE. Southern School oi Telegraphy, BOX 272, ?*( EW NA N', G ISO KG 1 .yra . l ^*6’ft«a«8aiwwi£bhkud«9i Thomson Mercantile Co. Announce to the people of McDuffie and adjoining counties that they have recently greatly enlarged their business and are now better-prepared than eve* - before to furnish their customers, friend-; and the public generally with every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. At our store on Railroad Street you can al ways find a large stock, of Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Sugar, ]j Molasses, Salt, Tobacco, Bag- ging and Ties. And many other Farm Suppliesi The buantities in which we will purchase these goods will make us buy and sell at the LOWEST market prices. We solicit the patronage of the trading public. Thomson Mercantile Co. The Road To Success- lias (uany pbst ructions, but none ko desperate ts poor Success to-day demands health, but Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder the world has ever known. It compels period ac tion of stomach, liver,'kidneys, bowels, purifies and onriehes the blood, nod tongues und invigorates the whole system. Vigorous body and keen brain j fowllow their use. You can’t alien'd to ) slight Eleetjio Bitters if weak, run , dowd or sickly, only 60c, Guaranteed ! by Gibson Drug Co, und A, J. Mulh- aw-s, For Sale, Ope Iron Fire Proof Safe, brand new. Cost $7800. will sell to -.avoid moving it, at $6600. Ralph ST. Smith, Thomson, Ga. •}>1 Y. P. M. S. The Young peonies Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church will meet Monday night Rttli., at 7.30 at the home of Mrs. Herlt Johnson, USED AND ABUSED— THE HUMAN EYE By quacks who go 11 around through j the country—do not know the right eyo from the left, EXTRA. At fhe request of the people Thomson I announce that I will beat “The Gib son Drug Co,” commencing Monday Sept, fitli until the 10th Eyes tested freeof chprge. Special attention given to children. I will put 100 pair of Glasses to lie sold (luring these four days. 5.00 values at 92.60. Torio Len ses and Alaska Pebbles, Solid Gold Nose pieces. Reference—The best Oculist, Now York City and Georgia—Thirty Five years experience. Dr. J. Su-veu, DR. OF OPTICS, Augusta, Ga. IV. F. M- S The regular monthly raeotiug of the W. F. M. S. will be held with Mrs. P. U. J h son, nent Monday afternoon, Sept. 13th.. at 4 o'clock. New Wagons for Sa/g. The MeDuftie Oil and Fertilizer Com pany lias for sale four new two-horse wagons complete. Never beep used. Apply to yWQy. B.F f JoifKgox, President. «*- Fine Business Opportunity• On account of poor Health. I offer for sale, my furniture business j# Thomson, Ga. All new stock. t. f. R. W. Boatwright, August la, 1&01V c. waaaMguaegMMBHaBgMaaaMMaMaawaaiaBMHWMtaMHai 1 908 BANNER YEAR.\ Not-withstanding the panic and other business drawbacks, our sales were larger than any previous year. We are better prepared than ever to serve you and can give you your money’s worth every time; ^ I Agents for Sucrene Food. Arrington Bros, & Company, £ ,r,nmn GROCERS, > AUGUSTA, GA. } LEADING 863 BROAD, $T., More Real Estate For Sale- I offer for sale the farm known a« the Shields Republican Place, contain ing 900 acres more or less. Will sell us a whole or divide in half. Also, a tract of land in Republican District containing 100 acres more or lev>s, and known as the Ueeter place, adjoining the lands of J. S. Boyd, M rs. J. B. Smith, and others. Also, a small tract of land on the Millcdgeville fpad three miles from Thomson and known as a part of the Cason pjaee and containing 33 acres, more or less. IRA ]£. FARMER. G. T. NJBAL, Dentist, Will be at Tjum th: 1st ?0 ?0>b Of rafli r-M>iUh- p Wood's Descriptive Cj Fall Seed Catalog cow ready, gives tho fullest information about all Seeds for the Farm Garden, Grasses and Clovers, Vetches, Alfftlla, Seed Wheat, Oats. Rye, Barky, etc. Also tells all about Vegetable & Flower Seeds tlut can bo planted in the fall to advantage Mid profit, ar/ ibout, Hyacinth*. Vu!tps su, > ther Flowering Bulbs, Vegetable and Otrawborry plant;-, Poultry Supplies and Fartllisers. ”verT Tnriner icri Csrctenev .hould bai-o rlils catalog B-ls Invaluable la Its hrlDiuiwcia nnd irugEestlvo Ideal for a prrifltsbin oar! ;2.ti.?icicry l*-~ or «»!«!o-i. Ssttalcus- Riallea free or lecjsst, Write fei-It. t, w. mss & sons, men, • Ri'-i'iM V-s