The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, September 17, 1909, Image 1

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if Vol. K. THOMSON, GA., FRIDAY, SfcPT* Clerk Superior Court ■\&m 'v, isw. 0 0 0 0 No. 17. ' MCCOM MONS-BUSH r BOSWELL C a j BUSY PREPARING FOR FALL AND WINTER 1909. WE DESIRE TO CALL TOUR ATTENTION TO OUR, PALL AND WINTER STOCK THAT IS ARRIVING EVERY DAY. VALUES AND ASSORTMENTS AS NEVER BEFORE. THERE IS MUCH HERE TO INTEREST YOU. a- e: isr t ’ s D e: p a r r r is i :.ic:n t There isn’t a place in the city any better equipped to cater to the nee is of man than we are. We have made it a point to buy only those articles that GIVE THE BEST VALUES OB TAINABLE FOR THE MONEY. If true value is an ir ducement to secure your patronage this Fall, we surely expect it, because it is our aim to be Leaders in Values and Styles. »■ ■ ii m>— naiii«iwMnrT~TT i —~ —————■ ir.aMMUAttunxviivt' jmmv «ijukmpsii__kvk R ELM. ELM BE R I We carry a complete line of Furniture and Housefurnishing’s. Ranges and Stoves. Rugs. Lace Curtains and Hall Curtains. ■*'mh .j hmtmmmtwmmmmnm McCommons-Bush-Boswell Co., Thomson, Ga. Cover Crops Cover or catch crops am those seeded between the ordinary crops, either for tlm protection oi the laud from loss by elusion or to be used as green manure, oftentimes botli of these objects are combined. t lie use of cover crops saould be systematic. A rotation should be established and cover.crops seeded at different intervals so that the mud will be properly protected. If ihe use of cover crops is not systematic, ,ip>nd will be more often leit bare i otherwise. There seems to be Review oi the Tent Meeting At The Cotton Mills- hire Sunday Night- Sunday night about t welve o’clock the 1 louse art the corner of Journal r.treel and Scotts alley occupied by Mrs. S* M. Freeman for her restaurant ami store was found to be afire. The alarm was given by Mr. NY. U. Mc Lean who made the discovery and in a short time the fire department res ponded amt soon hurl tlie (ire under control. The house was tlie property of iheT. A. Scott (Jo, and was insured for £100, and the household goods and | f( ,. t)u . j- lvo hundred merchandise of Mis. Freeman was in The great church meetings and (Jampmeetings had been held and the people who were furnished with con veyances and whose surroundings were favorable had enjoyed those annual gatherings and the opportunities they afford for social improvement and spiritual edification, but nothing special had even been suggested (j mean us to extraordinary provision) people who rive of our ecu - ns for not keeping the 1 sured for $500. The house was badly v red 111 the winter. The first damaged and the good of Mrs. Kree- t , otten leaves too much work man were almost totally destroyed. during the early spring j However, it is conceded by all Unit ins; the Ollier Unit fall’ plowed I A 1 firemen did splendid work The will be benefited in a mechanical'|Vuse ns it stands shows that. It is e/ing and thawing. Tins is ; doubtful if any paid department in L i v true of the heavier clay j state could have done better and the | people of Thomson are to lie comrratu , , , • lated upon having such an efficien labor problem is the more sew- . 1 . , . , . , ... ,,,] organization fur their protection airam one and the rotation will have to! * rclully planned or else the cover sensible and eloquent address by the .Superintendent of Public Schools l’rof. N. F>. Ware, also an excellent sermon from Rev. .1. S. MeLomorc and an exportation by Rev. F- R. Seaborn. The services were well attended from first to last, and it was truly pathetic to see how eagerly and earnestly they engaged in song and prayer, and how beautiful they beliavi dl I was one of tlie most interesting sights to i.ehold ttic calm, restful appearance oi the congregation assembled under the tenl on lust Sabbath morning. Home say the results were meager, Young Men Learn Telegraphy! 1 not a mile from the shadow Churches. To say they were- to bej ()n |y |-, ve having offered tlieiis.dves censured for not availing themselves j f 01 . membership in the whureb. My of the opportunity <>1 at tending tlie I friends, we arc poor judges of the value great occasions above named is silly if I «,f such efforts; God says “one sowetii not sinful, it was simply impossible for them to do so. Again to take the position, Ui»t such is the autonomy of tlie Mill population and such the conditions and surround- in heir live . that there is no li pe Telegraph Operators Are In Great || Demand. || BOYS, THIS IS YOUR OlM’Oll- 'f UN ITY to learn a first-class trade flint pays a good salary every month in the year There will he a greater demand fur Telegraph Operators this Fall and Winter tliau there has beeit for many years past. Tlie prominent railroads of the South and other parts of the United States are writing us to qualify as many young men of good character for their service as we possi illy can. Wo trust that the reliable- ambitious boys of the South will rally Thomson Mercantile Co. will be abandoned as a failure., . (lU'iont conditions these cover mid lie plowed under in tlie ,. M as humus will do more to put .gia soils in tiie proper condition mlilnhle crop production than any j one tiling. The great objection! is that! mute localities. 1 st disastrous fires. Another thing; There is iv> doubt that Mr. McLean is a success us an alariuer. The power house whistle blew an alarm that shook the town, but even those in the suburbs aver that it was Mr. McLeans cry of “fire” that aroused the sleepers in the re ining under green crops tlie | w .11 sour the land. Tills, i. er’s experience hits been an un ited prejudice. However the nd should be thoroughly plowed «>f such efforts: God say and another ronpetli.” He himself ha; made the distinction. His word will not return unto Him void. Impress- I ,7, me auwmiMujr ./* ...... ,.« l | ions have been made and good purposes, ff, tbis golden opportunity. have been formed which will be last-j students qualify for service in 111g as eternity. only four to six mouths. We gunran of gr ■ • ous results I rum such cllorts tu This is perhaps the la-t revival camp-! positions. Graduates begin on £-15 we>proposed to make, is to discredit uign I shall ever inaugurate. 1 have to $05 per month; easy and pleasant tlie eilicuey of the Gospel ci the rson oi . |,eeti wonderfully preserved during the> work; permanent employment. rapid God. 1 f what some well-dressed and | | or) g montli i of effort and anxiety to j promotion, intelligent people say concerning the J jiolil this meeting, for which I. am de-j Our tuition is reasonable: board at hopelessness of preaching and working voutly grateful to my Heavenly Fath-i i„ w rates; N’cwnan i.s extremely amongst Mill und Factory populations | cr , it is due many of my friends to! hewltliful; fineelimatc;excellent drink is true tlie Church should call off its ; ;i uy tiaat when tliey saw that tlie “fight jn ,, v ,- u t'ov. Write at once for our new was on,” the canvas stretched, the, illustrated catalog. A letter or postal meeting a reality, they came to ‘n.V | w ilI bring it. IT IS FREE, liel ) with letters and kind words and some money, for which ( sincerely thank one and all. i want to lluiiik every minister that 1 Missionary forces from Foreign lands ! and never again send men and women 1 to preach and labor among those whose Work Day. condition is a thousand times less Seven Georgia Orphans Homes by j promising and where, if we may rely their representatives met in Atlanta j upon tlie representations of niission- Southern School oi Telegraphy, BOX A” N Ii W N A X, G F.ORG l A tnc .KMI compacted well after tlie ; Sept. 7 to plan more largely for ii crop is turned under by the use j Day. crop should t !oiler, and the cover .i.ii. Be dio.veti t" grow too loug us uvre is danger of losing much mois- tui.- ltye Ls used more often than the eereuls largely because it will give a lietter growtli on thin lands than the others. Unfortunately, rye does not leave the ground in very good shape, for the succeeding crop. Every tiling else being equal, a legume should have preference over tlie other crops in that it will add some nitrogen to tlie soil. An acre of a fairly grown legume will probably add from 50 to ISO pounds of nitrogen per acre, which at tlie regu lar price for nitrogen would be worth from $b.0U to >2.'.til). Of the legumes, crimson clover, burr clover and vetch travelers, tiie hiudcrances j assisted in supplying tlie ppoplc word Namely: Revs. I . M. Mel emore, R. A. Work , iries and i and obstacles arc infinitely more formi- j of life. Namely: Revs. E. R. Scab Each Home said we are crowded dable. i have watched and studied j 0 rn, . rt. H. Mel emore, R. A. Edmoml- witli applications and tremenduously this question for forty years, and the! aon, (j, L. Moigan and W • R- I*note, need money for even our pittifuliy , view that many of us have concerning ! Rev. J. A Williams was sick or indis- menger salaries, very plain foods and J the educational and evangelistic work | posed all the time, but was helpful in Factory and Mill people is i song and exhortation and mayor. other expenses. “What can we do?’* You can help answer them. “From an economic standpoint it pays the people of Georgia to suppmt these Homes. But outside of that the children are at tlie mercy of the world, and without the assistance and guid ance of these institutions it is no dilll- cult problem to understand what would become of them if left to fight tiieir battles alone.—The Atlanta Geor- gi, n Give the earnings of Work Day to some one of the Orphans Homes sav- among positively dishonoring to our Lord and j I i conclusion let me say that we is quenching tlie Spiritual lile of the must wait until tlie final judgement to Church. ! know tlie salutary results of tills mect- When, about six months ago I! iug. Many have told me of the new brought the question of holding a tent j. light and joy which came into tiieir meeting (as tiie best thing sve could do , lives. No doubt tlie Gospel tent me i- under the circumstances! for the re- 1 jug ofRKiO will linger with them as freshing and for the salvation of our i one of tlie sweetest and most beautiful neighbors, tlie announcement was met witii enthusiastic words. As the time drew man for the meet ing to open, Messrs W. A. \\ uUori and .1. It. Boyd assured me of tiieir sympn- t y and offered linuticial aid. occasions that has ever brightened an l blessed tiieir lives. THOB. H. TIMMONS. . !'. B. With the amounts paid ‘Ru ing the progress of the meeting and some small contributions since its can be used. < rimson clover makes j ing children in North Georgia Preshy an excellent crop, but it is rather hard terian at Clinton, B. C , Methodist at to secure a stand. Tiie burr clover Decatur, Baptist at Hapeville, Christ- grows a> a volunteer cop along the inn at Baldwin, Catholic at Washing- roadside, and can be used to excellent ton, Hebrew in Atlanta, Episcopal at advantage in seeding at the last culti- St. Simons Island , Hepzibal and Geor- aml cotton. Hairy g»a Industrial at Macon, I Ionic of tiie Home men thought that the effort, c ost , have in n y enough to meet. \t. Ml COii Vcicii ptuuiiEi\ thu Lest winter le gume that can be used. Common vetch is not quite hardy enough to btamt tlie harder freezes, hut the hairy vetch is quite hardy, deeded with rye .1 makes aa excellent crop that is us hy handled and one tliut will gath- * a considerable amount of nitr.igen. . o. the oest results can be iiad .. oiiiuuoi, ot crops such as rye, i.u tiilier burr or crimson .. no ill. i .,e i lotecling of the ,nu .uiing the wint- r and tlie addi- Friendless and Hlielte ing Arms at Atlanta- Work Hr these 1 lomes as they never sav ' if a child i.s needy. Work Day, Saturday, Sept, kath. will was useless and would prove fruitless In many ways and at many times I w s discouraged, but with Faith in God and Die people I continued the tedious effort. The meeting opened on Thursday! night before the first Sabbath in this j month and continued ten days. The Superintendent and Manager of the Mills; Messrs Grimes and Borders, ex. tended to me in eh kindness and tlie expenses of tiie campaign. Please, one and all accept iny heartfeft thanks for you? sympathy, jour prayers and your financial aid, T. H.T. Night Qn Ba/d Mountain< On a lonely night Alex. Benton of Fort Edward, N. Y. climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neighbor A Hurry Up Call- Quick! Mr. Druggist—tjuick!—A box of Bucklens Arnica Salve —Here’s a quarter—For the love of Moses, hurry Baby’s burned himself, terribly—Jolm- , ie cut his foot with the axe—Mamie’s ganie matter to the soil afe j ycnlded—Pa cau‘l walk for piles—Bil-j two line:, of work t-liat j i. a . i,oil.s—and inv corn ache. Shel i up the crop-producing po\\ ei , a nd soon cured all tlie family, i ts I it i..ort than auything .Inur; It. Faix, Prof, of Agronomy. Press Bulletin No. 18. ttt us Coll, of Agriculture. rJit REN I’— . . suitable for boarding house. x_,arge nouse, spacious lot, close in, Apply at ff’.i' office, the greatest iical.ei on earth. Sold by Gibson Drug Co, and A. J. Mathews, tesy and many of the people seemed i tortured iiy Asthma, bent on curing happy to know that some one had j qim with I)r. King’sNev, Discovery, thought to make special provision f °t! that had cured himself of asthma, their benefit and spiritual tipjlift. j \ V0 ;iderfiil medicine soon relieved Some, of course, were indifferent, but j Qud ( j U i c k|y cured his neighbor. Rater ^ no larger proportion of them were care-1 it curec i pjs son’s wife of a severe lung Ie3s about tlie matter than war,Id huvo ; trouble.Milli ms believe its the greatest j been found in tlie most refined aa 'l i Throat and Rang cure on Earth. Cough wealthy of any city, or town in fhe I Colda, Croup, Hemorrhages and Hore State. I Lungs are surely cured by it. Best ITr Gentlemen, God has nu “pots,” j n a y fever Grip and Whooping Cough, is no respector of persons, and so long 1 gg 0 antl T'riul botto free Guaranc as wo assume that God has “pets” and I lee( j (Jibsou Drug Co. and A. J> Railroad Wreck In fhontson Yard. 1 Monday there was a small railroad wreck in the Thomson yard of the Ga. R. U. While ail engine was shifting , oars one of them “split thoswitch” one set of rhe trucks being torn from under tlie ear and one end dropping to the ground. The car was loaded with limestone cut for tlie new school house building some of which were broken in the smash up. Death of Mrs. S. J ■ Hill. j On Sunday September filth, Mrs. Hallie J. Hill died at her residence in Thomson, after a short illness caused • by a fall which she received tlie pre- I vious week. Hho was 57 years of age | at tiie tim® of her dealu und most •!’ her life had been spent here in Thom son where she had many true and tried friends to mourn Her death. The funeral services were conducted ut her home by Rev. R. A. Edmondson and the interment was in tlie Thomson cemetery Tuesday September Dili. She is survived by the following children; Mr. .R A. Shields of Atlanta, a son by her first marriage to Mr, Joseph Shield.- deceased and Messrs. John A. Util of Jacksonville, Fla.. Iv W. Hill of Brunswick, <> l>. Hid of Thomson and Mrs. C. iO, Martin Thomson. Tlie Progress tenders sympathy tiie bereaved, Announce to the people of McDuffie srhd adjoining | counties that they have recently greatly enlarged their j business and are now better prepared than ever before . to furnish their customers, friends and the public i generally with every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. At our store on Railroad Street you, can- al ways find a Uurge stock of Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Tobacco, Bag- ging and. Ties* And many other Farm Supplies! The buantities in which we will purchase these goods will make us buy and sell at the LOWEST market prices* We solicit the patronage of the trading public. Thomson Mercantile Co. ■ygi|iiy iniwirw i 1 908 BANNER YEAR. C, Mot*withstanding the panic and other business drawbacks, our sales were larger than any previous year. We are better prepared than ever to serve you and can give you your money’s worth every time. Agents for Sucrene Food, Arrington Bros. & Company,! LEADING GROCERS, i 863 BROAD, ST., AUGUSTA, GA. j ,A One can see Kodol digest. t>f ! to New Wagons for Sale. The MoDuffle OU and FmUUer Com pany Uaa for sulo four now two-horse wagona oompiat?. -r been used Apply to PB«y„ B F. J tats.-“S', Pres Meat. that 11c is a respector of persons we are walking with our backs to tne Sun and darkening our own way. One of the most notable occasions was Reid on Thursday the 7th., when the subject of Christian Education was brought forward and the lino congrega tion wes favored with a conservation Mathews. Fine Business Opportunity. Oil account of poor neaitli. I offer for sale, my furniture business m Thomson, Ga. All new stock. t. f. R. W. Boatwiugkt. August IS, 19C0, The Road,To Success- has pi any obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health. Success to-day demands health, hut Electric Bitters is the greatest uenltli builder the world has ever known, It compels perfect ttc, lion of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and anriches the blood, and tongues and invigorates the whol system. Vigorous body and keen brain fowltow their use. You can’t afford to I slight Electjic Bitters if weak. run. dowd or sickly, only 50c, Guaranteed i by Gibson Drug Co. and A. J. Math, j J\VS. I In a test tube, under proper con ditions, one oan see Kodol digest. Whatever the food, or the mix ture of foods, it is all completely digested. It does just the same in the stomach, but quicker. Test any other digester in the same way and some food remains undigested. Most digesters depend mainly on pepsin, and pepsin digests albumen only. You eat more starch, fats and phosphates than you do albumen. And bowel digestion is just as im portant as stomach digestion. Common digesters have no effect on that. That is why the stomach fails to get well when you give it half-way help. Jr old by GilTCu drug Company There is always some food tut* digested to irritate the stomach lining. Thus tlie inflammation is con tinued. Tlie stomach has no chance to recover. With Kodol it is dif ferent. There is instant relief and per fect digestion, no matter what you cat. . The stomach recovers with sur prising quickness, because there is no irritation. Our Guarantee On the first dollar bottle of Kodql your druggist gives a signed guar* antee. If it fails to do all we claim, your druggist returns your money.. You take no risk whatever. This $1.00 bottle contains 2J4 times as much as the 50c bottle. Made by E. C. DeVVitf & Co.. Chicag®.