The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, September 24, 1909, Image 1

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■ p ' the McDuffie progres Vol. ix. THOMSON, GA., FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909. No, 18. ) i-A susses®! MCCOMMONS-BUSH-BOSWELL CO. BUSY PREPARING FOR FALL .AND WINTER 1909. 5*. fts WE DESIRE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR FALL'^ND WINTER STOCK THAT IS ARRIVING EVERY DAY. VALUES AND ASSORTMENT AS NEVER BEFORE. THERE IS MUCH HERE TO INTEREST YOU. GENT’S 1 > E P A R T MEN T . There isn’t a place in the city any better equipped to cater to the needs of man than we are. We have made it a point to buy only those articles that GIVE THE BEST VALUES OB TAINABLE FOR THE MONEY. If true value is an inducement to secure your patronage this Fall, we surely expect it, because it is our aim to be Leaders in Values and Styles. R E M E M PER! We carry a complete line of Furniture and Housefurnishings. Ranges and Stoves. Rugs. Lace Curtains and Hall Curtains. McCommons-Bush-fioswell Co., Thomson, Ga. Baptist Sunday School To Observe "Work Day." The Baptist St ndny Mchool voted to olwerve the State work day for the Or* piu.ns Homes, On thin day each mem- •lx»r U to work and give the proceeds of that day to the Orphans Homes. The enthusiasm In the Barnca class continues. The average rfltendance is good and new members are enrolled tach Monday, • ^ n orchestra has been organised for the Sunday school under the direction o: Mr. Borders. All the members are inking a great deal of interest and they will soon be in tine practice. Mr. Ab Harris preached Sunday morning, his text being from John 10:10. There was an Interesting program for theB. Y. P. XL, Sunday afternotn. Besides some helpful readings there was a solo by Miss Elise Harrison. Mrs, (Jurtii, and Miss Mattie Karri* Great Day At Springfield. Last Sunday was a great day for the negro population of Thomson amt sur rounding territory. There was to be n big baptizing at Springfield Baptist church and early In the morning the hosts began to gather. They came from far and near, by railroad trains, buggies and wagons, and when the appointed hour arrived for baptising the 82 applicants one of the largest crowds Thomson has seen in a long time was en hand. Good order pre vailed through the day and every tody went home happy. A number af white citizens witness ed the baptizing. Rock Quarry for Thomson- Mr. B. F. Johnson has based to Mr. E. L. Ethridge of Columbia county the granite rock on his farm in Thom son near Border street, and In the near future Mr. Ethridge will begin to work son played a beautiful duet on the cor- j the rock. He is an experienced and net and violin. 'practical stone cutter, und believes M r. McLeniore preached Sunday j that Thomson offers a good opening Tor The Young Peoples Missionary Sc-! »JCh work. Not only will the local de- ciety will have its tegular meeting 'mand be supplied, but shipments will Mond tning at seven-thirty o'clock at the home of Mr Cross. Ills hoped that a large number will oe present. Southern Bell Telephone Directory- The new directory of the Southern Bell Telephone Company has been re ceived and delivered. The new direc tory is attractive in appearance and contains all the corrections in listings that have been made ainee the last directory was issued. The increased number of names ap pearing in the list indicates that there are constant additions to the number of subscribers lr, Thomson and vicinity. If any of the subscribers did not re ceive the directory please call mgr. Reddy over the phone and he will see that you are supplied. JeffersonianClub. A crowded and enthusiastic meeting of Jeffersonian Club No. 1 was held at Thomson on (Saturday evening, Col John A. Wllkerson presiding. A set of by-laws, constitution and platform were adopted, and a proposition to es tablish a free library and reading-room was favorably considered. It was resolved to hold the next business meeting of the club at the Court House on Saturday, October 16th, at 2 p. m-, to be followed by public meeting at 2:20 p. m.; when addresses will be made by James Lanier on “The Business Bide of Politics”, and by other speakers. Ladies are cordially invited to at. tend. be mad? to other towns. Mr. Ethredge was reared In the granite section of North Georgia and states that the granite here is iirstclass and will turn out good work. The Mighty Haag Railroad Shows. Baptist Church. Preaching 11 a. m., 7:30 p. in. Bunday school 9:30 a. m. B. Y. P. U. 3:30. PrayermeetingTp. m., Wednesday. Bunday a. m. the pastor will preach on “The Old Testament and the King dom”. In this sermon It will be shown that Odd foreshadowed the great mis sion work of today. Everyone Is invited to the Bunday school at 0:30 a, m. All evening services will be held at. 7 p. m., after Bunday. A BABV CAMKI,. THE MIGHTY HAAG RAIL ROAD 8MOWB have the youngest living baby camel in captivity today, having been born in winter quarters at (Shreveport, prior to the shows leaving there. The baby without doubt is the finest specimen of Siberian camel that can be found In America today. The camel has been named after General Lee and bids fair to have as tender n ■pot In the amusement going people as did US namesake in the American public. When visiting the MIghTY HAAG RAILROAD SHOWS which exhibit at Thomson on October 7th, don’t miss seeing the baby camel. THE IIA AO SHOWS UNLOADING. To those who have never seen a big show unloading from its trains of cars a grand sight is in store for them on Oct. 7th when THE MIGHTY M AAG RAILROAD BHOW8 will arrive there. To those who have scon shows unload, they will see something very interesting In the system of the Haag shows, which is an improvement on usual shows unloading. The show will arrive about four- thirty o’clock from Miliedgeville and will stat to unload about live o'clock, and will exhibit here afteruoon and evening on October 7th. EXCURSIONS. THE MIGHTY HAAG RAIL ROAD 8HOWB have arranged round trip excursion rates on all lines to Thomson where the MIGHTY HAAG RAILROAD BHOWH exhibit on Oct Work Day and Orphans Day. Rev. \V. A. Huckabee, agent of the Bouth Georgia Conference Orphans Home, located in Macon, tells us that a great, movement is on foot to help the 3000 Orphans in the institution of Georgia und 60 children from Geo. rgia In the r'resby'erinn Home iu Clin ton B. C. It is proposed that September 26th be observed as “Work Day” by all peo ple and 26th as “Orphans Day” In all the Sunday Schools into which all the wages earned shall be brought and forwarded to the Home desired to be helped. The last Sunday In September has been observed in North Georgia ns “Orphans Dao” and “Work Day” the Snturduy previoVs for lo years. Last | year they raised about ?13,000.00. The I Methodists of South Georgia have been [joining 1h this movement about six J years and last year they raised $5,000.00. [ Last year the Baptists of all Georgia joined and raised about $1,000.00 nnd I the Presbyterians lor Clinton, K. C., j raised about $1,000.00. The Christians I Home in Baldwin, un., raised $5,.0. I While “Work Duy” brougiit in to the I Georgia Industrial and Hep/.ibah Ho- j mes in Macon and the Jewish Home in i Atlanta and others $1,000.00 $5,000.00 | more, making a grand total of $25,000. I 00 or over given this great cause Inst • year. j This year virtually all the Homes in I the state are rallying their Toreess on i the movement, ft is n great Christian, ! Humanitarian Benevolent movement . that rise* above denominational lines and seeks to save all these little ones , ^ „ .. ,, because it Is the will of the great l<a- 7th don’t fall to avail yourself of lhls . t Her of us all golden opportunity to witness the only j ^ ug mft ' e thls , he teat day in first-class trained animal show in Am erica today. Remember that fifty thousands dollars have expended by the Haag shows in parade feature where send funds. Young Men Learn Telegraphy! Telegraph Operators Are In Great Demand. B0Y8, TUI8I8 YOUR OPPOR TUNITY to learn a first-class trade that pays a goad salary every month in the year There will be a greater demand for Telegraph Op.rators this Fall and Winter than there has been for many years past. The prominent railroads of the Bouth and other parts of the United States arc writing us to qualify as many young men of good character for their service ns we possl bly can. We trust that the reliable, ambitious boys of the Bouth will rally to this golden opportunity. The students qualify for service in only four to six months. We guaran tee positions. Graduates begin on $46 to $66 per month; easy and pleasant work; permanent employment; rapid promotion, Our tuition is reasonable! board at low rates; Newnan is extremely healthful; fine climate; excellent drink ing water. Write at once for our new illustrated catalog. A letter or postal will bring it. IT IS FREE. Southern School of Telegraphy, BOX 272, NEWNAN, GEORGIA Thomson Mercantile Co. Announce to the people of McDuffie and adjoining counties that they have recently greatly enlarged their business and are now better prepared than ever before to furnish their customers, friends and the public generally with every article usually kept in a Groct Store. At our store on Railroad Street vou can al< ways find a large stock’ of Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Tobacco, Bag ging and Ties. And many other Farm Supplies. The buantities irt which we will purchase these goods will make us bujr and sell at the LOWEST market prices. We solicit the patronage of the trading public. Thomson Mercantile Co. ■M the year because of its far reaching in fluence on future generations. Oil Mill Begins Work- The Oil Mill started the season’s work early Monday morning and will alone. An All-Day Quilting, The young ladies of the “Young (Bun-' FeopleH Missionary Society” of the The Methodist in North Georgia will send their contributions to Rev. H. L, Crumley Number 6 White Hall Btreet, Atlanta, Oa. To the Christian Orphanage, Rev. F be in operation, day and night, (Bun-U *■'*'*“” j jjj, yerris, Baldwin, Ga. The Metho. days excepted) for five or six months. e 0 ,s nt f th ^ ... dists of Bouth Ga. to W. A. Huckabee, Two forces of hands wfll be employed f , ‘ x- • * , andiTraining School located in Kansas and the amount f wages paid during ^ Tfce for making the the season will be nearly as much as If e(j had , )Cen given by lhe youn g the mill was ope .ted during the day ha ,, been t togelher by the only throughout the entire year. New ! IartieB meal and hulls can now be obtained,* | fthis week a charin . Night On Bald Mountain’ On a lonely night Alex. Benton of Fort Edward, N. Y. climbed Bald Mountain to the bone of a neighbor tortured by Asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King’sNew Discovery, that bad cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon relieved end quickly oared his neighbor. Leter It cured hi# ton’s wife of a severe lung trouble. Mill Ions believe Us the greatest Throat and Lung cure on Barth.-Cough Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages sod Sore Lungs are surely eared by it. Best (vr Hay fever Grip and Whooping Cough 60c and 8100. Trial belt* free Gugrane teed by. Gibaon Drug Co. and A. J, MathewB. made from the seed of this years crop. Tax Assessors Report Messrs. B. F. Johnson and J. O. Shields, tax asssesors for the town of Thomson for 1909 have completed their work and made their report to the Mayor and Connell. Parties dissatis fied with their assessment have a right to e - ter appeals to the Mayor and Councilmen, who will hear same at 7:30 p. m., September 28th and rectify any mistakes that may have been made by the The Road To Success- Seed Oats for Sale. ol have for sale 600 bushels Georgia 1 dowd or sickly- ^ has many obetractlena, but none so desperate as poor health. Success to-day demand, health, bat Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder the world has evef known. It compels perilMft am. lion »f stomach, liver, kidneys, boweb, purifies and enriches gibe Wood, m. tongue* and invigorates the who) system. Vigorous body keep brain fowltow their u^Yo«6e|*n0*rd to slight Electric BtttW- W. PM§* \ ing end happy company oi ladies as sembled in the second story of the Ma sonic building to do the quilting. A delicious picnic feast bad been i prepared. Q,uite a number ol gentle- i men were present to enjoy this re past. Mrs. J. O. Shields is the lady mana ger of this society and to her energy and conservation the society and visitors are indebted for one of the most de- j ltghtful occasions. The following ladies rendered valua ble assistance to the lady manager: Mrs. W. 8. Curtis, Mrs, P. B. Johnson, Mrs. George E. Hamilton, Mrs. J. B. Rtenard< ana Mrs. Ed Wilson. I McRae, Ga. The Baptists of all Geor gia to Rev W. A..Johnson, Hapeville, Ga. The Presbyterians of all Georgia to Dr. W. P. Jacobs, Clinton, 8. C. Those wishing to contribute to the Georgln Industrial Home to Rev. A. ' h. Dix, Macon, Ga. Those wishing to | raized rust proof seeft-bat*. 4t. B.J. JottVSCK. »by Gibson Djug Co. sod A. J.- Matter -aw-3. A Hurry Up Call. Quick! Mr. Droggist—Quick!—A box Of Bucklens Arnica Salve —Here’s a quarter—Fur the love of Moses, hurry Baby’s burned himself, terribly—Jobn- ie cut his feat with the exe—Mamie’s scalded—P« can’t wslfcfor piles—Bil lie has bolls—and nay corn ache. Bhe got it and soon cured all the family. Its the greatest healei on earth. Bold by Ihtwrf Drug Oo. and A. J. Mathews. contribute to Hepzibah to Miss Bessie Tyler, Macon, Ga. The Jews to Mr. It. A. Soon, Atlanta, Ga. TUB GREAT NEED. All the Homes are greatly in need of funds. Decatur Method,s need $20,000 Vlneville Macon “ 10.000 llapeville Baptists “ 16.000 Clinton, B. V. Presby’s 6,000 The needs of all the others are in pro portion to ihese. Now this can be easily realized If all the people will give the earnings of one day. A large proportion of the children in the various homes are from families who are not members of any cfcumb. therefore non-church-members should not excuse themselves from contribut ing to their support. ' Let all the people think, pray, talk work and give* All say Amen 1 Letter to J. B- Stovall. Thomson, Ga. Dear Sir: Suppose you are growing an acre or two of cabbage; where'll you get your seed? The price of Long Is land seed is $2 lb; the Germans send over tons of “cabbagc.seed” 60c lb. Most gardeners buy the German seed; of course, you know they wouldn’t pay $2 for cabbagc-sueds, when they could get it for 60c. And that’s how people do about everything. Careful people buy the smallest package of each, count-out 100 seeds of each, and grow them a v/eek in a hot house; then count their plants. They’ve got 100 Long Island plants and 10 Ger man. How, do you think, the Long Island cnbbage-seed-growers account for that? They’ll tell you the German seed is mostly turnip, which looks like cab bage, but isn’t. Why didn’t the turnip-seed grow? The German’s had killed it, babed it. What did they bake it tor? Dead seeds tell no talcs. There’s a whole business in killed seeds. A dealer can get all the dead 1908 BANNER YEAR: business N ot-withstanding the panic and other drawbacks, our sales were large! than any previous year. We are better prepared than ever to serve you and can give you your money’s worth every time. Agents for Sucrene Food. Arrington Bros. fc Company, LEADING GROCERS, 863 BROAD, ST., AUGUSTA, GA. New Wagons for Sate. The McDuffie Oil and Fertilizer Cora pany has for sale four r aw two-horse wugOoii ouuijjleic. Never been used - Apply to '•‘dmoe. B.F. Johnbow, President^ scad he wants, that look like cabbage and something else; he can mix ’em with actual seeds, a pound to an ounce, and sell you your seeds at whatever price you like to paj' and whatever profit he likes to take. The same with paint; you can paint with whitewash or paint, poor paint or good;you can pay your pa inter* 83 a day for brushing it on. But whitewash Is whitewash, poor paint to poor paint, and good is good’ You’d better buy good, and {dak-out your good by the number of gallons it takes to cover a job; least gallons, best palut; least gallons, least oast by 86 a gallon; least gallons, m -st wear. Better buy Long Island seeds, but try ’em first. Better buy Devoe, but try it first. Yours truly 51 F. \V- HEVGE & CO. P.B.—Thoraaoa. Hardware CO. sell* our paint. One can see Kodol digest. In a test tube, under proper con ditions, one can see Kodol digest: . Whatever the food, or the mix ture of foods, it is all completely digested. It' does just, the seme in the Mr. Teat .aNP$p' : other digester in the afi£ some food remains ondijteiai* ~ MoPf digesters depend mainly on pepshr, and pepsio digests albumen only. You eat more starch, fats and phosphates than you do albumen. And bowel digestion is just as im portant as stomtertl digestion. Common digesters have no effect on that. That is why the stomach fails to get well when you give k half-way help. Wm There is always some food «* digested to irritate the stonilse lining. Thus the inflammation is con? tinued. The stomach has no chancn to recover. With Kodol it is dif- r ferent. There is instant relief and per fect digestion, no matter what yotS eat. The stomach recovers with sur prising quickness, because there '• no irritation. On the first dollar bottle of Kodol your druggist gives a signed guar antee. If it fails to, do all we clam*, your druggist returns your mon«. You take no risk whatever. This $1.00 bottle contains 3# times at much as the 80c bottle. Made fcf ‘ E. C. DeWltt fie Co., Chicago. Bold by Gifcaoa Drug Company.