The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, October 15, 1909, Image 1

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VoL ix; THOMSON, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1909. *. - A POWERFUL Our reasons for low prices are founded simply and securely on the magnitude of our g business, up to the very minute in styles, and down to the Deepest depths in prices „ .. § Ask Your Feet. The men who wear KING QUALITY shoes are men who do things'—rma _ • in where veins the mi corpuaUfl YjLTT predominates — men who L ive the courage cf their convictions -- B whether on di i —i.,r J cr herte- 1 / l e:h. T! . hnow slice valrtrs-*■ that's V y they wear KiNC QUALITY - 'the Ml c oi sLoes” !■ :. . 11 -Q/. i M QUALITY SHOE style Lalance each other -— w In!a both a tlie unique Arnold ahoe construction — combined with se)«c‘.ed and teilod Iu the KING and coni 1 , r underlyii'i' Method of materials in every part o( the tlio-. So long as rual merit shall count with men iu the selection o( a shoe — just to long wiil increasing thousands express their, preference (or KING QUALITY. NEW FALL SHAPES AND STYLES NOW READY If your feet could tell what kind of a shape they want, they would beg for the ‘’KING QUALITY” Shoes. Every pain from a corn or a bunion is hut the feet’s cry. for mercy. Why not listen: Why crowd your feet into illfeeting and hurtful shoes when you can now secure the f a m o u s “KING QUALITY” Shoes, which are the em bodiment of ease, com fort and grace. Clothing For Men. Suiss for the imsuited are wanted in a jiffy now- Suits that proves the wearer’s good taste; that show his figure at its best, suits of refined character; splendidly made; ‘ smart and primp, with a shapeliness that stays—such is SCIILOSS CLOTH- ing. As to variety, the stock con tains everything that the correctly dressed man desires. DRESS GOODS- In this line we are showing the latest col ors and weaves. Such as ladies cloths, Pana mas, Briiliantine, Mo hairs, Henrietta, Re pellents, Sicilions. Furniture Dep’t. Oak Suits, Odd Beds and Dress ers, Side Boards, Buffets China Closets, Book Cases, Flail Racks, Organs, Chifforobes, Sewing Mach ines, All Kinds of Crockery, Stoves, Ranges, See us for everything you need for the home. McCOMMONS THOMSON, [3 - BUSH-BOSW ELL CO. GEORGIA. nr Resolutions Passed by the State Convention W.C- f- U. At The Baptist Church. Champion Cotton Fickers. Sunday school was conducted by the Sui>t. .1. E. Gross and u large number of pupiis were in attendance. Several leathers were nlneiit—infnet the per centage of absent teachers was grnitci than of absent pupils. Arrangements will be made for sub stitute teachers to lake tlie place of the r;g«lar teachers when they arc absent. | , , . j picking, he went out to Ins rtierc was a gv.od attendance at thej, . , , , morning serv ice, and the pa-tor de livered an excellent discourse from the text “< i’.st thy bread upon the waters and thou shall bird It after many d?.y«.” Miss Nana Johnson assisted the ch-ir in the music, and rendered a beautiful solo on the violin which was ! really enjoyed and appreciated by the congregation. In the afternoon the l nion services were conducted by the newly elected 1’resident, Miss (ierlnido Wurr, the subject uvas “l he achievement of the Bible in Foreign hinds/' The Woman’s Missionary Society have sent out invilaLions for inlist- inent day Oct. 25th. The week of pray er for state missions will continue through the Week. J We, the Georgia Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, assembles in otn iwiMity-sevenUi annual convention, lank the Giv cr of All Gifts for the Icssiugs of tile past year,- and with T yreased faith in Mis all-wise goiila:>«c I devotion to our cause, resolve; i That every j osslblu eflort be ile to rid Georgia of the traffic in g-U-er mid similar alcoholic drinks, hake illegid the various w ojs of nd- jTerljsivg lii|Uor unit iis being dil !>y HjiH'Mts from other stales, and to se- fvohslitiuional prohibition.- 1'imt tin attention of tin? public directed violations of the law regulating thcn]'e of eig. reties, that steps Ire taken la strengthen it during Uli) genera! assembly imh to pro hji)it the saie of tobacco to minors in #hy inunuer, shape or foim. 11. That thr presidents o' every union and the county presidents he. urged to win the co-operation of school teachers Und to give them their assistance to bring .-Wont a more thorough Instruc tion in scientific temperance, to main tain a single standard of morals and to secure niofc conscientious training for the duties oi citizenship. T“'I hat, since the ignorance in which the poor white children in remote suntry districts and mill settlements are allowed to grow up is u menace both to the material ai d intellectual development of the state, and efforts ?e nu de to .‘impress the pfeople with the evils of child labor and to agitate the mailer until a law is enacted n ak- hg; education compulsory. 5. Flint, where provision for lit t effect have not already b.-vn made, holh county and city boards of cdueat iotas be petitioned lo appoint physicians to i voU>1 , | nis i J!U1((l a loving father, and ’! a loyal oil ben. ile did i ll in ids pow:r lo covnf rt ] care, and to he with this now bioken family at all times. We miss thee from thy horns, We miss thee from thy place; j A shadow o’er our lives is cast, ing evil and the white slave traffic h reproach to civilization, and labor con ditions tear hundreds of young girls , , , . , „ i lf „ I hc-ir liome is dark without Inin nvvuy front tile protection of libme bit, at the mercy oi the ui Ytu-mg ('urfis Munawny, who ri'sid.w about three miles south -of Thomson appears lo be the champion cotton picker of this co nty. Tuesnay n ornlng'lie got up and ... . ,, . , , , , , ‘ Missions," I he program was gotten pick* d 20 pounds ol eotti n at hi* home . , . ,, , ,, , y. p. jm. 5. Tile Young Peoples Missimary Soci ety met vvitii Mrs. .). (). Shields <>n Monday t V .‘ning, Oel. 11 tin Thesilb- j-et of the program was 11 1 ndustiial b.-fore tiled fast. lie cam? out to Thomson and learning that his uncle John ('. Wall was behind w ith his field be tween eight and nine o'clock and pick ed 2‘,'7 younds 1 efore time go home lie picked 171! j omuls, making the total f r the day 420, vvllli several hours cf daylight unused. It is thought that by extraordinary ellorts lie toil’d pick 5.10 pounds in a day. Attempted to Pass Forged Chech. Letter to Matlock & Bowden Thomson, Ga. Dear Sirs; Clear pine and pine full of knots are two different things; they are ho*'* called pine. (hear paint and paint adulterated with whiting, china-clay, ground stone, Imrytcs, benzine and water, aie dilierent tilings; they are both called “paint.” It lakes less labor to work clear pine than pine knots, ant' costs less money. It takes less labor to paint clear than half-whiting . r half cliina- up iu the form of “An Internallonal ludustria. Journal” Miss Rosa Brink, ley reading the Editorial on “Gospel ol i Labor”; Miss Ruby McCorklc read n I letter jfrom Davidson Memorial School j in Foochow, China, the Industrial part, of which school is headed by Miss Los- | ter of Augusta; Miss Mary Curtis read j l lam ^ something of the Anglo-Komm -School «li«y nr h ‘ ,lr K rmm,i "tone or half barr io Songdo, Korea, and of its founder j* es - 11’-cse mixtures make mow gal. Mr. T. II. run who was educated at | »«•'»". no >‘ more Tit ' n -’ s more Vanderbilt University and Kmory Col-jJ» Lvv«> ipuirtR of milk-an.l-wnicr lege. A “Column of Personals’’ on In-1 than * IV 0,lfc ( l un rl Saturday night a strange negro en tered the store of the Thomson Marti-! ware Company and asked to see a pis-1 tab lie was satisfied with the gun and the price, and tendered in pay ment and to lie ensiled a cheek the name of Mr. Ccorge \V. Lokey signed tail. Mr. M. VV. Turner who was waiting on the n gro suspected some- thing wrong anti asked several ques tions. The negro told him there was a while man out side who could tell him all about it. Me went out to get. the white man, and has never returned. The check was a very clever niece of forgery—though the negro had it num bered 10.00!) which is far ahead of Mr. Bokov's number. Mr. Lokey come up Monday to ace All tli t human hands | a |, oll ( phe matter and staled that the don'', Mis physician j m./rro came to Bonevilie as a tramp a id worked for him two or three days dustriul Missions wore read by a num ber of members. In Memory cf Mr- T. H Morris. On the fitli of October, 1001), the soul of Mausford left his diseased body which lingered for eight long weeks with typhoid It is so sad to think how anxious he was to be ii-storcd to lieallli for his family’ sake, could do was was very attentive, also friends and I Jeffersonian Club. \ business meeting of the members of Jeffersonian Club No. 1 will be held at tlio Court Mouse 1 'I hom.son, at P. M. Saturday, October lfitlr This will lie followed by a public meeting at 2O0 I*. M. Ladies, and all these who are interested in social and j civic reforms, are cordially inviled §te 1 he pre ent.Themis tiu2 r ill b.' ad I or oj by several speakers of prominence. | The cp.iestion of establishing a public | lilirary and reading'room for Tiionismi 1 will lie discussed. mifk. If you ]>aint two imllons for one von .'pay double for labor; and Inbor costs more than pain!. You know how it is with clear lum ber and knots. I t’s the same with all paint and half-paint. A day's-work is a gallon of paint or (1!) i lialf-painb \pply it to business. loved ones ; It is Cod’s will not ours. I This is a loss to home, neighbois, and j community. Me proved ta be a de examine nppli ants for mtmissi in to ! public schools to prev ent ti e spread of msfectlims diseases and to obviate as far as possible the difficulties under which the mentally and physically I weak lahon i;. '11 a . sidee unchastity is a grow-; last week. Me vras a sharp rascal and got u)i a good imitation of Mr. Lokey s signature. Me lias not bean found. -'oppose you have two houses, snrne si/.o; paint one Dovoo, the other tha oilier prominent paint in your town. It trkcs 10 gallons Devoe, T1.7A a gal lon. $17.50 for paint; a gallon for la bor, $.'j0 for lahar; whole job, :"I7.70. . It takes 15 gallons of thatoiher pain I, same price, !• 25.25 for paint; $3 a gallon for labor, $4.5 for labor; whole job.571.25. And which wears best, clear pino or pine knoys? Devoe vvc i's better tlian Despite the fact Hint a large crowd ■ I'D at weak paint. before- i NVhnt warrant >s there for saying Oood Trade Saturday. We u.iss the sunsiiine of lii.s face. We miss liis torn! and earnest care, "brow them upulous in the grind of rial;mg a Jiving, whatever steps are tun - aker far raising the “i :; ••• 7n ten to eighteen yea 1 ir ; ; C ■ 010 generul assembly that • here none already exist, city government.': tilioned to appoint police i lapan anil tlias greater vigilance be « mei :.s! to j prevent tlie disseminatbig if the- ini-, pure in general literaw bciiou nmij are. 7. Thr.t, as a Christian organiza tion, we protest agr.insl the growing t mbency toward militiarism in gov ernment, Ihe extravagant expenditure of liation'd funds on battl- -inds and the horrors of war,-and advocate peucc by arbitration him every where. —('<n si n Dozik. LeJuie by Rev. Richard Wilkinson, D- 0., on Gent. Lee. ;tev. Dr R. Wilkinson of Augusta wifi T'iver his celebrated lecture on Con-, i n R. 15. Lee in tlie Sunday school room o' the Metliodist church in 'ihcinson on Friday niglit tlie 22 of this month at 7:!i0 o’clock. Tlie proceeds of tlie lecture will be for the Kpworth League. zVll veterans of the county will receive compliment ary tickets and will occupy reserved seats. They .are most heartily invited to attend the lecture.i Dr. Wilkinson is today one of the foremost lecturers df America having he Mysteries of Life and Death Made Clearer- Thomsen, Ga., October 1 — 111, 1!)0!) | All are cordially invite I lo omne out and heur Mr. \V. B. Btevens of Atlanta Sunday morning at it) o'clock, at Mil 's mic Mall, second story. Missuliject j will lie “The mysteries of life and dentil I made clearer.” ! '1 his subject will lie treated from the j Bible View point. These peculiar peo- | pic nelieve implicitly in the JSible and j the promises contained therein. They deplore the tendency of the day to gj after false doctrines, evolution, higher criticism, etc. j Services also at 3:30 p. in. Subject J will lie announced at the morning serv- I ice. Undenominational. No Collections. J, F. Smivt.iis, (J. B. iSoswKi.f,. Busy Day for Precber • Bov. J.S. McLemore somtime.s leads astrnuoiiK life and last Sunday was his busy da jo Me taught a class in tlio Sunday school, preached at the Thom son Baptist Church in tlie morning; preached at Marstiai Church at 2.30 iu was in Thomson tlio Thursday last Saturday was a good day for trade, j There vvac no rush, Hit the vol- u ne of business transacted was good a id most of the merchants expressed j themselves as satislied. It is supposed j.that business w ill greatly increase with 1 the corning of eeid weather and, also j from tlie fact Unit runs arc now being discharged and id a short while “spend ing money will be plentiful. Tell tiie people vvlint you have to sell through the columns of the l’i<>g- t,hat paint is weak? It takes more gal lons. Yours irul.v fil F W DFA’OF & CO n. s. Thomson I I’dvvare Co. sells our paint i Thomson Mercantile Co. Announce to the people of McDuffie and adjoining counties that they have recently greatly enlarged their business and are now better prepared than ever before to furnish their customers,- friends and the public generally with every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. At our store on Railroad Street vou can al ways find a large stock of Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Tobacco, Bag ging and Ties. And many other Farm Supplies* The buantities in which we will purchase these goods will make us buy and sell at the LOWEST market prices. We solicit the patronage of the trading public. Thomson Mercantile Co. Young Men Learn Telegraphy! — ; pejegrap/i Operators Are h Great Cotton Going to Bonevilie. j Deman 1 Sol only does ti.e little town of Bone* i villo maintain a good strong market li()Y I’M IS IS 501 R oiloK- througliout, the season, but she also has;'I UNITY to learn a first-class trade a monopoly on ginning the long ample i that pays a g<»;d salary every month cotton grain in this section. 1 n order in the year. There will be n greater that tlie long lint be not cut In' I lie ' demand for Telegraph Op.tutors this it is n ccssarv for the gins lo run ; Im'I and Winter than tlnye has been very sJowly, and the water gin or the j for many years past. The prominent Bonevilie Company at that place fills j railroads of the South and other parts the bill. Asa result practically ail of . of the United Staten are writing us to tlie long lint cotton grown around i.qualify as many young men of good Thomson is suit then to he ginned and character for their service as vve poasi a very nice sample is obtained. i bly can. We trust that the reliable I ambitious boys of the South “dll rally. W. C T- U. j to this golden opportunity. The W. ('. T. U. will meet at the j The students qualify for service in h,.,ne of Mrs. Win. Pitts, Tuesday only four to six months. We K unran- i 1 908 B NNER YEAR. L Not-withstanuing the panic and other business $ drawbacks, our sales were larger than any previous 3 year. We are better prepared than ever to serve and can give you your money’s worth every time you Agents ior Sucrene Food. {Arrington Bros. & Company, l LEADING GROCERS, } 863 BROAD, ST., ' AUGUSTA, GA. C* \aAW v v S. That, since to prohibit .lie s,, ' e ; hoen employed by the “National Chau-1 afternoon and took uji Collection (6f intoxicants and to prevent gambling j tau((ua j iim . au .» and immorality ure espaciaily condu- j Ag a pulpit orator I)r. Wilkinson is live to the well being of woman rtn, l greatly admired by the peojile of our the preservation of the home, judges of cit „ aiM j W e forecast for this the dilierent cot: s grand juries, idler f jj 8 t|,|guiseit si>caker a reeord-breaking iftv, mayor, and ciiief.- ol police be i,n ' j aiK iience. Np-V-uned tmd pleaded with to eiT.-et; eii ju. twnd equitable nforcemeni-.. | 0. T: { vve thunk Cm Woman's | Jfje 6ed‘R0 C fc Of Success Christian Temperance Urn n of Mac in for Uteir hospitable entertainment that we appreciate ’.lie hearty The lies in » keen, clear brain, backed by in- c-j- domitablc will and resistless energy. operation 1 , m the pastors ami choirs, iitd a.e deeply grateful to the city, the p;;e Hour Nursery, the citizens at Urge, editors and reporters and all others who In so manv kind and thoughtful ways assisted us in making our cenvenLun 8 Mie.vsJ. Such power comes from the splendid health that Dr. King’s New life Pills impart. They vitalize every organ and build up brain and body,J.A. Harmon, Lizemore, \V. Va., writes: “They are tlie best pills 1 ever used.” 26c. at GB>- son Lrug Co. f A. J. Mathew's. fo.i missions; returned to Thomson and preached at the Factory Chapel at 1 o'clock p. m, and at the Thomson church again at 7 o’clock, p. m., and then went to Atlanta leaving Thomson a few moments after 12 o’clock Sunday night' A man Will have to move around real lively to beat that. Week of Prayer The week of prayer for State Missons will tie observed by W. M. S. of Bap tist church, October 25-29. Monday Oct. 25, is Kulistment Day, and there wilt he a socia meeting immediately after the service at the church, afternoon October nineteenth, at three o’clock. Money Comes In Bunches to A. A. Chisholm, of Tread well, N. Y., r.ovv. Mis reason is well werth reading: ‘For a long time I suUere.l from indi gestion, torpid liver, constipation, ner vousness, and general debility,” he writes. “I couldn’t sleep, had no ap petite, nor ambition,grew weaker every tee positions. Graduates begin on $46 to $65 per month; easy and pleasant work; permanent employment; rapid promotion, Our tuition is reasonable! board at low rates; New nan is extremely healthful; line climate; excellent drink ing water. Write at once for our new- ill ust rated catalog. A letter or postal will bring it. IT IS FUFF,. Southern School oi Telegraphy, BOX 272 N FAYNAN, G KOKG I A ] J day in spite of all medieal treatment, j _ Then used Electric Bitters. Twelve, bottles restored all my old-time lieallli j New Wagons for Sale. and vigor... Now I can attend to busi- ; c The McDuffie Oil and Fertilizer Com- ness every day. It’s a wonderrul ined- puny inus for sale four new two-horse icine." infallible for Stomach, Laver wagons complete. Never been used. Kidneys, Blood and Nerves. 5tk:. at j Apply to iff”: Gibson Drug Co., A. J. Mathews. j a mos. B. F. Johnson, President. w \ij w lif H/ i vl> i iti vl/ vli ih tb \b vi> ii/ vi> vi/ t SL SU SL SE, & SL 2D EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. Advanced students in our Model Office Department make from ¥1.00 to ¥2.00 a day while soing right along with their course. No other business college offers such an opportunity as this Drattghon’a Origlnial Copyrighted system of Bookkeeping is more highly recommended by Bankers, Bookkeepers and business men generally thartAny other system. The system of shorthand we teacli is used by more court re porters and expert stenographers than any other system. We guarantee positions under very teasenable conditions. We also teaoh by mail. Write for full particulars and big free illustrated catalogue. .• .• .I/ ARTHUR C. MINTED. Mft’r \k4 \b Drav^on’s Practical Business College, ib ATLANTA, GEORGIA. <4 . j