The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, March 14, 1924, Image 2

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FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1924. the McDuffie progress, Thomson, ga. 4. Your crop cost will be low If you get a big yield per acre and per man. , The way to produce largest yields of best I quality is to supply the crops with plenty of available plant food Swift’s Red Steer Fertilizers do this. They are made from carefully selected materials. They are evenly mixed and thoroughly cured. The Red Steer on the bag is a guarantee of highest quality. TheA.S.A. {AuthorizedSwift Agent) in this territory is: C. A. FARMER. citizens of McDuffie— ATTENTION, PLEASE! Lullwater Shirts The Cotton Mills of Thomson, your home town, are running 1 on full time weaving cloth from Georgia grown cotton and this cloth is being made up into a beautiful, high quality, blue chambray shirt, by The Lull- water Manufacturing Company, and sold to your own merchants: Hadaway Dry Goods Co. J. H. Crawley, H. C. Fitzgerald, and others, who will supply you at a price of $1.00 each. The LULLWATER SHIRT is just what you have been wanting—looks well, wears well and will prove to be the most satisfac tory shirt it has ever been your privilege to buy. Ask for the “LULLWATER SHIRT” made at home. Pee Qee FLATKOATT Other PeeQee Products Pee Gee Re-Nu-Lac Pee Gee Floor Enamel Pee Gee Velkoatt Pee Gee China Enamel Pee Gee Varnishes Pee Gee Wondertone Dystain Pee Gee Floor Wax Peaslee - Gaulbert Co. Incorporated Atlanta JLouiav ;, le Dallas Beautiful Walls and Ceilings at Small Cost The walls and ceilings of your home may have lost their charm, the alluring effect of bright freshness. To restore them is easy. Flatkoatt is made in 24 rich, velvety colors. It is durable and does not fade—if soiled can be easily cleaned. We have just the color you want, the one that will give a crowning touch of beauty. Let us show you and explain its application. Thomson Drug Co. Thomson, Ga Asked And Answered BY J. E. JONES. This is .a valuable educational fea ture in The McDuffie Progress. Send in your questions, and address the n to U. S. Press Association, Continen tal Trust Building, Washington, D. C. Mention this paper when you write. Enclose two cents in stamps for re ply. Do not include trivial matter or questions requiring extensive re search. - StaiM—EnameU Washington, D. C., March 12. Q. What is the statute on top of the Capitol at Washington, D. C.? A. It is a bronze statute of Armed Liberty or Statute of Freedom— designed by Crawford, and is 19 feet 6 inches high and weighs 14,985 pounds. It was set in place Decem ber 2, 1863. There is a full size model in the National Museum, where the majestic expression of the count enance may be noted, w'ith the details of the crest of the eagle’s beak and plumes, sheathed sword, shield and supporting globe with its legend, E Pluribus Unum. * * Q. Please give me the names of hooks of the Bible, called Poetical Books, and Historical Books. A. Poetical: Job, Psalms, Prov erbs, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Sol omon. Historical: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra,Nehemiah, and Esther. ♦ * Q. What is the significance of the names “Mason and Dixon” in defining a geographical section? A. Mason and Dixon lines, feo- called because run by two Englis*h surveyors, Charles Mason and Jere miah Dixon, 1763-1767. It is about 39 degrees North latitude, the north ern boundary of former Slave States, dividing Pennsylvania from Maryland and West Virginia. * * Q. Is the idea of a universal lang uage backed up by any practical necessity, either of business or society? A. General Carty, Vice-President of the American Telephone and Tel egraph Company, recently conducted a great radio experiment in which all points between Havana, Cuba, the Atlantic and Pacific Coast, were con nected. It was shown that wireless communication will eventually spread round the world, thus making it de sirable for business and society to have what General Carty described as “one language, one understanding, one voice” that will send around the world a message of “Peace on Larth. Good Will to Men.” * * Q. What American city has (he greatest Negro population? A. The 1920 census gave New York 152,467 colored population Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans and Birm ingham came next in the above order. * + Q. Has a fish a heart? A. All fish except the highly aber- Lancelet have a heart. * * Q. What should constitute the best height and weight for a man of 21 years. A, According to West Point measurements a cadet of 21 years of age should be from 64 to 74 inches in height, and weigh from 121 to 167 pounds. The chest measure should be 31 1-4 to 33 3-4 inches; chest ex pansion two to three and a half inches. * * Q. Is the Chimney Swift related to the swallow or the humming bird? What are its habits? A. The chimney swift is popular ly confused with the swallow, and is often miscalled chimney swallow. Structurally the swift is related to the humming bird, and not to the swallow'. It feeds entirely on the wing, and has never been seen perch ing anywhere except on the inside of a chimney or hollow tree. Except when resting or roosting, therefore, it is constantly on the wing, even drinking and gathering dead twigs for its nest while flying. They skim over the surface of the water and dip their bills into it while on the wing. * * Q. Is a whale considered a fish? A. Any animal living in the water is a fish; specifically, any completely aquatic, water-breathing vertebrate having the limbs (when present) de veloped as fins, and typically, a scally. somewhat spindle-shaped body. * * Q. What difference, if any, is there in the principles and working* of the Negro Mason’s lodges and the White Mason’s lodges? A. According to all ancient rites of the order only white men may be come masons, and in practically every jurisdiction Negro Masons are classed Clandestine.” .* Mason would no answer the question if he coul : d non-Mason couldn’t if he woul * * Q. What figures are pictured in *he paintings called the Holy Family? A. They represent the infant J -sus, Joseph, the Virgin, John the Baptist, Anna, and Elizabeth. The most celebrated paintings of the Holy Family are by Michael Angelo, Ruben, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. ♦ * Q. Please tell me some of the causes of failure in business. A. The leading cause is an ambi tion to be rich; grasping too much. These causes lead to defeat. An other cause is aversion to labor. The third cause is an impatient de sire to enjoy the luxuries of life be fore the right to them has been ac quired. Another cause arises from the want of some deeper principles for distinguishing between right and wrong. * * Q. What accumulative evidence have we that “love is blind,” and that “love is not blind?” A. “Love is blind and lovers can not see The pretty follies that themselves commit.”—Shakespeare. While James M. Barrie penned: “Love is not blind; it has an extra eye which shows us what is most worthy of regard.” We have Emerson as an authority that “Love is blind because he does not see what he does not like; but the sharpest-sighted hunter in the uni verse is Love for finding what he seeks and only that.” * * Q. What is the size of the Great Pyramid and when was it built? A. It is 484 feet high and contains 577,600 square feet, and it was built at Gheezeh, Egypt, about 3100 B. C. * * Q. When was the first oil well opened? A. The first petroleum well was opened in Titusville, Pennsylvania, by Edward L. Drake, in 1859. The in dustry was inaugurated in 1859, when acompany “struck oil,” by boring at Oil Creek, Pa., and obtained a supply of 400 gallons a day. This led to numerous other borings and oil was obtained in such quantities that towns of considerable size soon sprung up in the oil districts. Railways were constructed, immense reservoirs were made and long lines of oil pipe laid down. * * Q. How can iron rust he removed and could the cause of iron rust be traced to blueing or soap used in washing? A. For white goods, lemon and salt, rubbed in well, and hang cloth in the sunshine. Or dilute hydroch loric or oxalic acid, and rinse well afterwards. For colored goods: Wet the stain, cover with cream of tartar, rubhing in well. Rinse in clear wat er. A large percentage of iron rust on goods is the result of some soap being left in clothes and the use of a blueing containing iron. * * Q. What war is referred to as “the seven years’ war?” A. The war of Frederick the Great against Austria, France, and Russia, 1756-1763. ♦ Q.6Wherc is Utopia? A. No place. The imaginary is land which Sir Thomas Moore makes the scene of his romance of “Utopia;” an ideal commonwealth. Hence the adjective Utopian, i. e. visionary, im- practiceable. * * Q. How did the expression, “on the carpet” originate? A. It is a French expression, on the carpet, or tapis, so-called from the tapis or cloth on the council table, or speaker’s table, on which motions, bills, etc., were laid. * * Q. When was the second Atlantic cable laid? A. In 1866. The first cable laid in 1857-8 lasted only a short time. ♦ * Q. What is meant by the Father of Waters? A. The Mississippi River, said to be a translation of an Indian name. * * * Q. What is the weight o f a barrel of flour? A. A barrel of flour weighs 196 pounds. * * Q. Has there been an increase in production of grapes, rai«ins, and juice in the past year? A. The value of these products was $140,000,000 in 1923 as compared with $143,000,000 in 1922. The Secret Of Success The secret of success is hard work and dear thinking. The industrious person earns more than his necessary expenses, and the thinking person saves this surplus and deposits t in a GOOD STRONG BANK. It is never too soon to begin saving. Get the habit of saving. The sooner you start the greater will be your success. Financial success is simply a matter of sticking to your saving habit—making your character stronger than any temptation to s^end. Nobody saves much at a time. Ev erybody can save a little at a time. Try the saving habit and see how fas 4 the small change will grow into dollars, and the dollars into t£ns and hundreds. We invite you to start an account with us. It will be appreciated, whether large or small. We will give you Safety and Service. BANK OF THOMSON The Old Bank. We have 5 Buckeye Riding Cultivators to go at $25 each Buy one and save labor. Thomson Hardware Co. 'iCpnpj/ in f/ie fanicmeans a good friend Tnirii ins roriting distance - • * A HEALTHY bank account always responds to a written order for assistance. If you pay your bills by check on our bank your are giving folks something more to think about than the mere fact (hat their bill is paid.. Open a checking account. first National lank THOMSON, GA. V. & L. CAFE We are fully equipped to serve 300 per sons at one sitting and p*ive them the ho-' prepared by cooks of ability, Sea Food, Florida and California Vegetables and Fruits. Hotel, automobile and picnic parties serv ed with luncheons. Phone or wire us. You are cordially invited to dine with us, read and rest. V. & L. CAFE, Jackson St., Augusta, Ga. High Grade Fruit and Shade Trees. Evergreens, Roses, Shrubs. THE C. C. DORN CO., Horticulturists Phone 418. Augusta, Ga. Office: 109 Ninth St. Nurseries: New Savannah Road. LANDSCAPE GARDENING A SPECIALTY. Catalogue on Request. KENTUCKY MULES. The real kind, and the kind with qualities, the kind for service. I have them, and am selling them at PRICES THAT ARE SUR PRISING TO MOST PEOPLE when you see them and know what they are. I have guaranteed each and every one sold and haven’t had a single mule returned for misrepresentation in three years. I respectfully solicit your trade. G. C. SMITH 1539 Marbury St. Augusta, Ga. Phone 2612. Do Not Wait Until the Last Minute To order your PLANTS and FRUIT TREES, Set them out before sap begins to rise. Write for illustrated Catalogue which gives much valuable information. FRUITLAND NURSERIES Successors to P. J. Berckmans Co. P. O. Drawer 910 T. Augusta, Ga.