The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, September 19, 1924, Image 3

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THE McDUFFIE PROGRESS, THOMSON* GA. CENT A WORD ADS 1 Advertisements under -this head are charged for at the rate of one cent word, though no adv. will be in erted one time for less than 25c. special rates by the month or more han one week. WANTED—Cap for two-horse cane mill. A. S. Anderson, Thomson, Ga. FOR RENT—My farm 6 miles north of Thomson, known as the C. C. Hall place. See Mrs. W. H. St^ne or J. E. Wilkerson. Emery B. Stone. 9-ll-3t. LOST—Gold bar pin, gold leaves on bar, three diamonds hanging frpm bar, lost Sunday, August 31st, going from Augusta to Atlanta. Reward for information leading to recovery, Mrs. J. D. Griffin, 2007 Lincoln St,, Columba, S. C. Friday, September 19, ^924. : Club News : FOR SALE—One white Enamel Si mons Iron Bed with splendid Prin cess Mattress. Enquire at Progress office. FOR RENT—My farm seven miles North from Thomson. Baxter F. Smith. 9-X9-4t HEMSTITCHING—I have a new hemstitching machine and expect to continue in the business. Mrs. Bax ter Smith, Phone 37. 9-19-4t FOR SALE—Two fine blooded point er puppies, eigth months old. J. I. McNair, Stapleton, Ga. 9-19 : 2t FOR RENT—Nice apartment. Three rooms and private bath, in the Knox building. $12.50 per month. Apply Knox Hotel. FOR RENT—Hall in Knox building, suitable for lodge or meeting place. $12.50 per month. Apply Knox Hotel. INSURANCE—When in need of in surance of any kind, consult me be fore placing your policy. I represent old line companies; rates will please you. Morris E. Burke. BULLETINS FOR CLUB MEMBERS The government has sent a supply of postal cards to the ^president of the Thomson Woman’s Club for the use of members who desire to get the "bulletins necessary to enter the contest of the best menus for a day, to be awarded at the January meet ing. These cards have only to be signed and stamp affixed to secure these bulletins which give in simple form, just how a balanced meal can be served from every day material. Call at Mrs. Essie Martin’s and get yotrr card. Dollar prize for best set of menus. NOTES OF CLUB INTEREST. The State Convention of Women’s v Clubs will be held in Atlanta Novem ber 11th, 12th and 13th. Thomson Is entitled to three delegates, two from Woman’s Club and one from Country Life Association. The pres ident of both, being a state chairman, is already a representative. This leaves three places among the club women. Let us have a full represen tation, as it is near, the rates are reduced, and the inspiration brought back will mean much to,those attend ing. Mrs. S. V. Sanford, Second Vice President of the State Federation, learning that Thomson will hold a I Bazaar, has written for the date so j that she can send a donation. I Mrs. Carolyn Dozier Young, of Memphis, Tenn., always one of the j most enthusiastic members of the I Thomson Woman’s Club while living ^ here, keeps up her membership in her new home. Mrs. Young is Assist- I ant to the manager of the Tri-,State j Fair, a position created for her on account of her work for the organi zation for the past two years. October 5th to 11th is Children’s Week in the Thomson Woman’s Club. Both pastors will hold special serv ices on the 5th for children and par ents and special music will be heard at both churches. The club will meet at school auditorium and school chil dren will participate in the program, which will be published later. “America,” the D. W. Griffith pic ture, which will be shown at the Palace Theatre December 8th, 9th and 10th for the Woman’s Club, is said to be the greatest picture of the year. A tale of the Revolution, writ ten with absolute regard to history, it brings in a beautiful love story in Robt. W, Chambers’ best style. BAZAAR. The Fancy Work Committee of the Bazaar will make up any material brought them. Linen, Gingham,- In dian Head, Lawn, toweling, small scraps of bright colors for applique, material for doll dresses, silks, any thing that can be made into salable articles. This is not a call for arti cles ready to sell but for material which the members will donate but cannot make up. Perhaps you have dolls that the children no longer want. Bring them in. A special doll committee will be appointed later. Fancy Work Committee—Mrs. E. M. Miles, chairman; Miss Blossie Scott, Mrs. O. P. Hunt, Mrs. Clyde Crawford. Others to be added later. Volunteers welcomed. Mrs. Hugh Gheesling, Chairman of Handicraft, other than sewing. Leave all material that can be worked up with M : sa Blossie Scott. Have you a friend elsewhere who will donate an article to the Bazaar? Write her at once and ask her to send it in now. She may give us new ideas that can be duplicated. Do you know any article that would be a ready seller? Tell the commit tee sftt that they can prepare a sup ply- But look through your scrap bag- now and send in material. FOR RENT—One good 5-horse farm, 6 miles out, near Marshall church. J. W. Boatwright, Thomson, Ga. 9-12 4t PINEVILLE NEW P By “Slim Jim.” FOR SALE—House with large lot, 532 Jackson street. Good condi tion. $1,600, half cash, terms. Write B. C., Sutherland Mfg. Co., Augusta, Ga. 9-19-31 FOR SALE—Several used Fords at close prices. Call and pick your choice. Thomson Mercantile Motor Co. iVANTED—To rent dsirablo home for small family, fivq rooms Pos- icssion wanted October 1st. Thom- ;on Mercantile Motor Co. PECIAL!—Cotton Seed Hulls, $1.00 for 100 lbs.; Sacked^ Hulls- $1.25 >r 100 lbs.; Meal $2.25 per sack, iunt & Williams. FOR SALE—No. 2 shingles. W. C. McCommons, Thomson, Ga. 9-5-3t. FOR SALE—Pure Partridge Rock Eggs, $1.50 for setting of 15. D. H. Wheeler, Dearing, Ga., R. F. D. No. 2. 9-5-4tpd. FOR RENT—The Knox farm; 5- horse, will rent all or part. Miss Gaines Story, Thomson, Ga. 9-5-4t. FOR RENT—The Tom Hardaway place, 5 miles from town; three- horse farm. See Miss Gaines Story, Thomson, Ga. 9-5-4t MONUMENTS—I represent the Can ton Memorial Co., of Canton, Ga., and will be pleased to talk with any one desirng monuments or tomb stones of any description; prices reasonable and work first-class. J. C. Cook, Thomson, Ga. 8-29 4t ESIDENCE FOR SALE—The resi dence of Mr. R. M. Kimmel on ordon street; good large lot, 5- iom dwelling, servant’s house, gar- je. See McDuffie Real Estate gency, H. S. Norriis, Mgr. /fin OOFING—Joe^XpMfdicis sells all kinds, galv*l$'/-*'d. i Puts it on leaper thaq yoii can*, buy wood singles. See ’iim- 42 8-8-4t Hagar & Company TA liORS Telephone 678. 842 Broad St. Augusta, Ga. het The Progress Do Your Job inting. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Overton left Sunday for Greensboro, returning Tuesday. Miss Sibbie Peek accom panied them home. Mr. H. F. Goldman was the spend the night guest of Mr. W. F. Sherrer Sunday night. | -Cheer up, Mary; maybe next Sun- 1 day the sun will shine. i Mrs. Harvey Jones and children, of Thomson, spent a few days last week as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Johnson. Mr. W. J. Goldman spent a few days with his brother, Mr. T. E. Goldman. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Horne and little daughter Nellie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Overton Mon day night and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simons had as their guests Saturday night and Sun day Mr. Simon’s brother’s four chil dren of Camak. Looks good to see the sun shine again after a long rainy spell. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sills, Jr., and children, of Thomson, were the af ternoon guests of Misses Mary Sher rer and Minnie Overton Sunday. Misses E. O. Waller and Florine Johnson were in town Saturday. We wonder if that little girl isn’t a bit blue since that fellow has gone to Florida. You tell ’em, kid! Mr. Amm Johnson, of Thomson, was a visitor to Pineville Monday. STEP ON HER! Blackwood, in “Pointers.” TRADE AT HADAWAY’S A CARD OF THANKS. I wish to hereby express my appre ciation for the'votes that were cast for me in the recent primary, with the assurance that unless there is a change in the method of selecting candidates, (which I hope there will be) two years hence, I will again be a candidate for the same office. Very truly, v J. P. WILSON. When ycr plans all git to goin' Rotten and yer git the blues, • An’ yer kinder git to knowin’ ’Mong yer frens jist who is who’s, Dontcher go an’ start to losin’ All yer confidence and pep, For rite in the field yer choosin’ Yer haf gotta make yer rep, An’ there aint no use n changin'* Jobs an’ hopin’ fer the best, For ole Fate in her arrangin’ Treated you ’bout like the rest. Step rite on ’er, keep a goin’ Never stop a little bit, Jest remember, the worlds a knowin’ Thet enny fool ken kwit. 3ut when things air goin’ rotten An’ they think they’ve got yer licked, Then’s the time yer sure haf gotten To show ’em how to stick. • IT SAVES TIME. When you use Miss Dixie Self Rising Flour, biscuit making takes only a few minutes. It contains the proper ingredients mixed in the right preportion to make light and wholesome biscuits. Arrived This Week A Big Car Load Of Miss Dixie. 24 lbs. Miss Dixie — $1.15 48 lbs. Miss Dixie 2.25 Barrel Miss Dixie 8.65 Every sack guaranteed to give entire satisfaction; if not, your money will be cheerfully refunded. J. M. HAYES General Merchandise Thomson, Ga. TRADE AT HADAWAY’S Noisy Affection Musical Director—Quiet—quieter! This passage “cbn amore”—with love. You are playing It as if you were all married men!—London Humorist. World's Largest Bug. What Is said to be the largest rug In the world can be found In Cleveland. It measures 40 by 65 feet and was made by Czecbslovakian weaver*. Last Florida Excursion Of The Season —Via— Georgia and Florida Ry. Saturday, Sept. 27. ROUND TRIP FARES From Augusta To— Jacksonville ' $6.50 Pablo Beach $7.00 St. Augustine $8.00 Daytona $9.25 West Palm Beach $14.00 Miami $15.50 Tampa $13.50 St. Petersburg $13.50 Sarasota $13.50 Bradentown $13.50 Fort Myers $13.50 Moore Haven $13.50 Tickets will be sold for all trains September 27th. Tickets to Jacksonville, Pablo Beach, St. Augustine will be good four days in addition to date of sale the last train honored on will be train 10 leaving Jacksonville 9:05 P. M. September 30th. Tickets to all other destinations will be good 8 days in addition to date of sale, but last train they will be honored on will be train 10 leaving Jacksonville 9:05 P. M. October 4th. Leave Augusta 8:20 A. M. or 8:00 P. M. Direct connections made at Jack sonville for all Florida Points. Through Pullman cars. A wonderful opportunity to see Florida. For further information call on your agent or write the undersigned. J. E. KENWORTHY, P. A. Augusta, Ga. TRADE AT HADAWAY’S SAND HILL NEWS By Tuberose. Mrs. Sam Kelley and children spent 'Saturday with Mrs. Crocket New- some. Mrs. Brice KirkendaU spent a while with Mrs. C. II. Reese Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. M, F. Usry and children were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Chalker and family in Avera Wednesday. We are sorry to report Mrs. Arthur Norris on the sick list, but hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Hobbs, Jr., and .son, Pete, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobbs Saturday. Misses Anna, Mac and Sarikie Las- eter were the dinner guests of their sister, Mrs. Leon Usry, Thursday. Mr. C. H. Reese made a business trip to Gibson Saturday. Misses Jessie Chalker and Ollie Reese were the guests of Miss Berta Lucille Chalker Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Paul Thompson purchased a new Ford Saturday. Watch out B. L. C. Mr and Mrs. Walter Rabun visited Gibson Saturday afternoon. Mr. Tommie Laseter spent a while with Mr. C. II. Reese Saturday night; Mrs. E. D. Burdick and children, of Johnston City, Tenn., spent last week with relatives near Gibson and David. Miss Marie Peebles and Mr. Wil liam Newsome were out riding Sun day. Misses Arvelle and Myrtice Kelley spent a while Sunday morning with Miss Berta Lucille Chalker. Mr. and Mrs. William Blakenship, Mrs. John Peebles and little Hazel attended meeting at Fellowship last week. Mrs. Lee Kelley spent Saturday af ternoon with Mrs. Arthur Norri^. Mr. Ruelle Thigpen spent Sunday morning with Mr. Stantley Dickens. Master George Peebles spent last week with his sister, Mrs. H. Chalker. Mr. Clovis Kelley spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. Raece Chalker. Misses Ollie Reese, Jessie and Berta Lucille Chalker, Arvelle and Myrtice Kelley spent a while with Mrs. Stantley Dickens Sunday morn ing. Sunday was a long rainy day at Sand Hill. How about the other stations ? Miss Rubie Palmer, of Gibson, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. John Peebles. Mrs. H. Chalker made a business trip to Gibson Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Pierce Thompson and daugh ter, Essie Mae, and Miss Mary Kelley spent Sunday morning with Mrs. Sam Kelley and daughter, Miss Lizzie Belle. Mr. Charlie Newsome entertained a few of his friends one night last week with a cotton picking. A deli cious barbecue supper was served. Those present had a delightful time. MORRIS E. BURKE Thomson, Ga. INSURANCE Repr senting Standard Old Line Companies Fire, Life, Health and. Accident, Automobile Fir a d Theft, Liability, Collision and Property Damage WHITE OAK NEWS. Kittie Morris, Miss Avis Morris an'd Mr. Howard Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morris and family, Mr.' and Rev. J. O. Burnett carried on a re- Mrs. Morgan Knox, Mr( and Mrs. vival last week. Every service crowds Archie Knox, Mr. and Mrs. . Lloyd gathered to hear the good singing Morris, Mrs. Lizzie Etheredge, Misses and preaching. Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Mary Crowell and Virginia Morris. Rife made some special music at one j p,.:—ivr m a service which was.enjoyed by u ’• On Thursday night Misses Jetta Mor- I on g0 weI] ar ” U s e isti t getting ris and Florence Lonergan sang, “In I the Garden,” which the pretty word's ' blisses Merle Streetman and Irma and lovely music was enjoyed. > Wilson were the guests of Miss Rosa Lee Fullbright last Sunday. TRADE AT HADAWAY’S Mrs. Julia Reese, of Calhoun, Ga.. is the guest of friends and relatives. Miss Meide Streetman was the guest of Miss Irma Wilson last week. Miss Eula Raney, of Augusta, lias been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. M. Bailey. Miss Margaret Henslee, of Cobb- ham, was the guest of Mis3 Esther Reese Thursday night. Misses Ina Mae Burnett, Mabel Smith and Edward Burnett, of Thom son, attended preaching here one night last week. Mrs. J. R. Ervin was the guest of Mrs. L. G. Reese Friday Mr. and Mrs. Johes McNair and family, of Blythe, were the guests of relatives here last Sunday. Friends of Miss Louise Lonergan and Mr. Lloyd Fulcher are glad to see them out again after an illness of several days. Mr Pierce McNear spent a few days last vyeek in Blythe. Mrs. R. S. Neal and baby were the guests of Mrs. Charlie Morris last week. Mrs. Walter Eubanks, of Augusta, has been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. O. P. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pearson and fam ily, of near Dearing, attended the re vival services here last week. Mr. Lamar Milford, of Harlem, was the guest of his sister, Mrs Gor don Reese, a while Friday. Mr. Streetman and family, of Avery, Ga., were expected to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Streetman. * Mrs. W. A. Wilson had as her guest Tuesday Mrs. Osborne Reese, Mrs. Gordon Reese, Mrs. Lee Full- bright and Miss Mary Fullbright, Messrs. Lloyd and Fred Morris. Those from Appling that attended the revival services here were, Mrs, Mrs. Dovie Bross arrived Saturday to begin her work as teacher at Cal laway. There will be preaching here Sun day afternoon, Sept. 21st, at 3:30 o’clock. Everybody has a cordial in vitation to come and bring their friends. Miss Ina Mae Burnett is the guest of Miss Merle Streetman a few dayt this week. Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Burnett ail'd family were the spend the day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Streetman an£ family Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie McNair were the guests of the latters parents Wednesday night. ANTHONY X-ROADS (By Hazel). The farmers are having a had time picking cotton this week: Mrs. Jack Sweatman and children visited Mrs. Wilton Geter Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDonald, of Pine Grove, visited her parents Sat urday and Sunday. Mrs. Will Luke and family visited her daughter, Mrs. Frank Easier. Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Proctor arid children and Mr. Wilton visited Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bill Jack Baston, of Cobbham. visited his daughter, Mrs. Brantley Reid, Sunday. Miss Odessa Corbin visited Miss Mary Geter Monday afternoon. Mrs. Wilton Geter made a businesj trip to Thomson Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Brantley Reid and children visited Mrs. Wilton Geter Saturday afternoon.