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“Big Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Know You"
5% Automatic brewing
s’/i% 1 Y«ar 5%% 2 YEARS
Vol. 68 Number 49 P.O. Box 308
Run-Off in Democratic Primary Set for Wed.
The Savannah office
of the Wage and Hour
Division, U.S. Depart
ment of Labor, during
the year July 1969-June
1970, made investigati
ons which show that wo
rkers in the area were
paid $710,117 less than
the wages required by
the Fair Labor Stan
dards Act (FLSA).
William A. Savage,
director of the Wage-
Hour Division’s area of
fice at 210 U.S. Post
Office Building, State
and Bull Streets, Sava
nnah, Georgia 31402, an
nounced the figures tod
ay for 47 counties in
southeast Georgia and
seven coastal counties
in South Carolina.
Savage stated that
many employers volun
tarily paid the back wa
ges under supervision of
the U.S. Department of
Labor and that court
action is pending in
other cases.
He announced that
1,970 workers who were
paid at hourly rates lo
wer than the applicable
federal minimum were
due $330,081; 1,594 em
ployees were due $251,
930 because they had not
been paid at least one
and one-half times th
eir regular rates for
hours worked in excess
of 40 in a workweek.
He said that workers
covered by the Fair La
bor Standards Act and
its amendments prior
to February 1, 1967,
must now be paid at
least $1.60 an hour plus
one and one-half times
their regular rate for
hours worked in excess
of 40 in a workweek.
A HMM* * • —•
Hotel, motel and res
taurant, and certain ot
her employees are ex
empt from overtime pay
provisions of the FLSA.
Henry A. Huettner,
Wage-Hour regional di
rector, Atlanta, said
that back pay figures
found for the 4-state ar
ea in which he admi
nisters the Act reach
ed $14,409,837
Lula McGahee
has Eye Surgery
The condition of Miss
Lula McGahee is stead
ily improving since she
underwent eye surgery
Wednesday, a week ago
at the Candler-Central
Miss McGahee’s eye
sight had been impair
ed for sometime and
the operation proved to
be successful. Miss
“Lula”, as she is kn
own in Pembroke is now
able to distinguish co
lors and will soon be
able to try for print.
She was in a cheerful
mood on her 83rd
birthday which she ce
lebrated last week in
the hospital.
On Tuesday of last
week Miss McGahee had
surgery on her other eye
and it too proved suc
Her sister, Mrs. W.T.
Hughes has been with
her constantly since her
admittance to the hos
pital, and says she will
probably return home
this week.
Miss McGahee is an
active member in the
First Baptist Church,
Sunday school, and Wo-
Pembroke, Georgia 31321
Former Governor
Carl Sanders will meet
challenger Jimmy Car
ter head on, and candi
dates Johnnie L. Cald
well and Mac Barber
will clash in the Dem
ocratic Primary Run
off Election for the of
fices of Governor and
Comptroller - General
Wednesday, September
23. Voters who either
voted the Democratic ti
cket or did not vote
at all in the Sept. 9
primary are eligible to
vote in this run-off, ac
cording to Mrs. Mar
garet L. Pelham, Ord
The only registered
voters not eligible to
vote in this election are
those who voted on the
republican ballot Sept.
County Ordinary Mrs.
Pelham urged all elig
ible voters to vote in this
run-off in order to be
come familiar with the
operation and use of the
new voting machines. She
said that now is the time
to learn, when the ballot
and the lines are short
and poll officials have
New B.C.H.S. Teachers
F I ■
Mrs. Anna T. Robinson
by Debra Alford
Anna T. Robinson is
a commuter from Sava
nnah, where she lives
with her husband, Moses
and their five children.
Her parents are Rev.
and Mrs. J.W.H. Tho
mas of Newington, Geo
rgia. She has five bro
thers and six sisters.
A 1943 graduate of
Jenkins County Train
ing School, Millen, Ge
orgia, she graduated fr
om Savannah State Col
lege in 1956 with a Ba
chelor of Science degree
in Elementary Educat
ion. She has finished
some graduate study
work at Atlanta Uni
versity and Savannah St
ate College and plans to
get her master’s degree
in art next summer.
She taught fourteen
years at Effingham Co
unty School prior to joi
ning the teaching staff
at Bryan County High.
Mrs. Robinson has
passed on her dedica
tion and love of educa
tion to her children. She
presently has three
children enrolled in Sa
vannah State College.
time to explain the pro
cedures used in voting the
machines. The more
people who learn to use
the machines now, the
easier and smoother it
will be in the November
General election, Pel
ham said.
Mrs. T.H. Tindol, ow -
ner of Pembroke Hotel
is improving after un
dergoing surgery at the
Bulloch County Hos
Mrs. Tindol was on
the critical list at the
hospital for two weeks
and the family was con
cerned about the opera
tion due to her age. She
underwent surgery on
Thursday a week ago
and her condition has
steadily improved si
Her daughter, Miss
Agnes Tindol who man
ages the hotel in wh
ich they live expects
Mrs. Tindol to be ho
me within a week. Her
many friends here wish
for her a quick reco
Mr. Gene Johnson
Gene Johnson is a
newcomer to the teach
ing profession, as well
as to Bryan County High
A 1965 graduate of
Wheeler County High
School, he graduated fr
om Georgia Southern
College this year with a
Become involved
In The Run-off
Election Sept, 23rd
Thursday, September 24,1970
Bond Election -
Set Sept. 29th '
An election will be
held in the city of Pem
broke on September 29,
1970 for the issuance of
bonds of 100,000 for wa
ter system and fire pro
Bonds for SBO,OOO to
provide funds needed to
pay the cost of constru
cting, repairing and mo
dernizing the water sys
tem of the city.
Bonds for $20,000 to
provide funds needed to
pay the cost of acquir-
Bachelor of Science de
gree in Social Science.
In addition to teach
ing Eighth Grade Geor
gia History and Social
Science, he is a part
time farmer.
His parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H.J. Johnson, live
in Alamo, Georgia. He
has two older brothers,
Maurice and Hollis, and
two older sisters, Elene
and Linda.
He and his wife, Beth,
'.ave two daughters,
’ 'nnifer, 2 years of age
and Lisa, 8 months.
They are presently
staying in Statesboro.
Airman Davis
Radio Grad.
Airman Ira R. Davis
of Rt. 1 Ellabelle, Ga.,
has graduated at Kees
ler AFB, Miss., from
the U.S. Air Force
radio operator course.
The airman, who was
taught to operate radio
receivers and assoc
iated equipment, is be
ing assigned to Sav
annah, Ga., for duty
with the Air Force
communications Serv
ice which provides glo
bal communications and
air traffic control for
the USAF.
Airman Davis, son of
f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Davis, is a 1969 grad
uate of Bryan County
High School, Pembroke
ing fire protection fa- :
cilities for the city. This j
will be used topurchase
a new fire truck and ot
her facilities needed to
modernize and up date
fire protection of the
Discription of such
bonds are in detail in
this issue*
Everyone interested
in the future develop
ment of our city, sh
ould exercise their ri
ght and get out and vo
te September 29th.
Alford Honored
tiarold E. Alford was
honored in a ceremony
last week for four years
of safe driving at Fort
Mr. Alford received a
certificate from the Na
tional Safety Council and
a key chain denoting the
number of years.
The award was pre
sented by the deputy co
> mmanding officer.
Mrs. G.R. Darsey is
spending several weeks
- with her daughter, Mrs.
I Herbert Daniel in Clax
; ton.
Committee Election Results
By Evelyn R Strickland
Ballots cast by Bryan
County farmers in the
mail election of com
mitteemen were counted
on September 15. The
following farmers were
elected in the two com
munities: Ellabell: Mr.
Charlie A. Kangeter,
Chairman; Mr. George
C. Martin, Vice-Chair
man; Mr. Ellis Croft,
Member; Mr. Harry Ed
wards, First Alternate;
Mr. C.H. Todd, Second
Alternate. Pembroke-
Richmond Hill: Mr.
Harry Hagan, Chair
man; Mr. Albert M.
Floyd, Vice-Chairman;
Mr. William Hughes,
Member; Mr. Orley G.
Lanier, First Alternate
Mr. G. Frank Hen
dricks, Second Alter
The six community
committee members
elected met at a County
Convention September
17 to elect a County
Committeeman to fill
the expired term of Mr.
Winton S. Thomson, and
to elect a first and se-
Official Organ of Bryan County and City of Pembroke
Annual 4-H Poultry
Chain Show Held
* ll ' A. ’M I
IF I *■ *
*. ■** ? I "EL,«
«ft. w
hEBm? is. 9 MMM M
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le. * - i • 4 $
«|*M* ■■ Mb 1
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23rd Annual 4-H Poultry Chain Show blue
ribbon winners (1 to. r) Lavon Moody, Joey
Frost, Debra Broughan, Dave Clark and Johnny
Five 4-H boys and
girls participated in the
23rd annual Poultry Ch
ain Show held Wednes
day, September 16 at the
County Extension office.
The show was judged
by Mr. Milton Y. Dendy,
judged the chickens ac
cording to their size and
body weight. They were
also checked for lice,
pin feathers, and whe
ther or not they were
Winning blue ribbons
Aged Citizens Meet Friday
A forum for the aged
will be held at 2 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 25th, in
the Bryan County Ele
mentary school cafe
torium. Everyone over
50 years of age is in
vited to attend.
Similar meetings are
being held this week th
roughout the state
cond alternate to the
County Committee for
the year beginning Oct
ober 1.
Mr. Thomson was re
elected to serve a th
ree-year term, which
will be his third conse
cutive term. The Com
mittee election re
gulation limit the period
of time that a person
can serve as a regular
committee member to
three consecutive te
Mr. William Hughes
was elected First Al
ternate to the County
Committee and Mr.
Orley F. Lanier was
elected Second Alter
nate. Alternates serve
one year.
Mr. H.L. Page, who is
serving his second 3-
year term of office on
the County Committee,
was re-elected Chair
man. Mr. Thomson was
named Vice-chairman.
The other member of
the Committee, Mr.
H.L. Speir, is serving
his second 3-year term
Were: Dave Clark, De
bra Broughan, and Joey
Frost. Red ribbons were
won by Johnny Dowd and
Gregory Jones. All 4-
H’ers who won a blue
ribbon are eligible to
send their chicks to the
Southeastern Fair in
Atlanta where they will
be judged for first place
in the district.
Sears Roebuck Fo
undation sponsors the
poultry chain show and
poultry barbecue.
concerning the aged. An
open discussion to un
derstand the views and
needs of the aged will
be related at this me
State Conference on
the Aging will be held
this month and a white
house conference will
be held at a later date.
of office.
Under the present
system of committee el
ections, one member of
the committee is elected
each year. This insures
experienced committ
eemen serving at all
times on a committee
as well as providing
rotation to bring in new
persons to serve. Two
alternates are also el
ected each year.
The total number of
persons voting in the
election of community
committeemen was 303.
This was 71.6 percent
of the 423 eligible vo
Garden Club to
Meet Thursday
The Pembroke Garden
Club will meet Thursday
afternoon at 4 o’clock
for their September me
The meeting scheduled
for last Thursday was
postponed because the
president, Mrs. Marjorie
Jones had a previous en
gagement scheduled.