Newspaper Page Text
“Big' Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Know You”
5% Automatic Renewing
5%% 1 Yeor 5%% 2 YEARS
Vol. 68 Number 48 P.O, Box 308
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Senior Class Officers, top row, left to right:
David Warnell, William Lane, Kevin Lanier,
bottom row: Linda Williamson, Judy Drew.
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B.C.H.S. Junior Class officers, top row left to
right: Skip Ellison, Warren Miller; Botton row:
Lillian Harrison, Debbie Douglas, Charlene
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B.C.H.S. Beta Clubofficerstop row letftto rignu:
Skip Ellison, Patti Page, Anne Burnsed, Allen
Greene; bottom row: Debbie Miller, Barbara
Wilson, Diane Thompson, Brenda Cowart.
Rev. Jack Arnold to Preach
at Methodist Homecoming
Rev. Jack Arnold
The Pembroke United
Methodist Church will
observe its Annual
Homecoming Day on
Sunday, Sept. 20. Rev.
Jack Arnold, former
pastor of the church will
be the preacher at the
morning service. Rev.
Arnold is now pastor of
The Pemebirokoe
Glenwood Hills United
Methodist Church in
Macon. The roll of the
membership will be cal
led as part of the morn
ing service. Dinner will
be served at the church
at 12:30.
Rev. C.E. Steele, Dis~
trict Superintendent of
the Savannah District
will preach at 7:30 p.m.
and afterwards hold the
Charge Conference. The
members and friends of
the church are invited to
take part in all the acti
vities of the Homecom
ing Day.
I would like to thank
everyone for the acts of
kindness while in Can
dler-Central hospital,
For the flowers, cards,
visits and gifts, I will
forever be grateful.
Beth Blitch
Pembroke, Georgia 31321
Starling Reunion
Held Labor Day
Decendants of the late
Jasper Newton Starling
held their annual re
union Labor Day at St
arling Corner, near Pe
mbroke in Bulloch Cou
Approximately 175
decendants attended.
Visitors attending
were Mr, and Mrs. Th
omas Starling of Fay
ettville, N.C.; Mrs.
Lillie Mae Duggar, of
Brooklet; Mrs. Melvin
Breland, Seabrook, S.C.
Marie Cook, Savannah,
Karen Kincaid, States
boro; Latrelle Taylor,
Nevils; Bonnie Brower,
Statesboro; David Her
rington, Savannah; John
Tolbert, Kingsman, Ar
izona; James Cook, Sti
Funeral Held for
Father of Local
Pat Quattlebaum, 80,
father of Robertand S.L.
Quattlebaum and Mrs.
Johnnie Cowart, died
Saturday in Bulloch Co
unty Hospital after a
long illness.
The Bulloch County
native was a retired pa
inter and a member of
the Macedonia Baptist
Survivors are his
wife, Mrs, Floria Qua
ttlebaum of Statesboro;
five sons, Gordon Quat
tlebaum of Eustaus,
Fla., Ralph Quattlebaum
of Savannah Beach, S.L.
Quattlebaum and Robert
Quattlebaum of Pem
broke, Pat Quattlebaum
of Vidalia; two daugh
ters, Mrs. Virginia Hill
of Statesboro and Mrs.
Johnnie Cowart of Ella
bell; three sisters, Mrs.
Allie Lee and Mrs. Ju
lian Gunter of States
boro and Mrs., Inez Li
merick of Allendale,
S.C.; a brother, Julian
Quattlebaum,of Savannah
and 25 grandchildren,
Funeral services
were held Sunday at 3
p.m. at the Macedonia
Baptist Church near
Statesboro with the Rev,
Reeves Hayle officia
ting. Burial was in the
church cemetery. Nep
hews served a active
Griners’ Return
from Vacation
Mr. and Mrs, Dalton
Griner returned home
last week from vaca
tioning in Northern Al
abama, Tennessee, Ken
tucky, and North Caro
They were accompan
ied by Mrs. E.M. Suc
cop of Jacksonville, Fla.
and Mr. and Mrs. J.G.
Covar of Hamlet, N.C.
Vigiting friends and re
latives along their tour,
they report having a
wonderful trip.
Maddox, Carter, Caldwell Take Bryan
In the Democratic
Primary held Sept. 9,
former State Senator,
Jimmy Carter swept to
victory with an over
whelming majority over
his opponents, with for
mer Governor Carl San
der’s coming in second
to be placed in a run-off
with Jimmy Carter,
from Plains. Date of
Run-off election is Sept.
In Bryan, former Se
nator Jimmy Carter ca
rried Bryan with a total
of 801 vote followed by
former Governor Carl
Sanders who had 350
votes. Those receiving
Spec. 4 Ernest
Strickland in Fort
Gordon Hospital
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Spec. 4 Ernest Strick
land of the United States
Army visited his mo
ther, Mrs. Jessie Stri
ckland during the Labor
Day weekend.
Spec. 4 Strickland was
wounded in action on
July 24th in Viet Nam
in the area of Cambodia
and is receiving treat
ment at the Fort Gordon
Hospital in Augusta. He
was previously treated
at a hospital in Japan for
two weeks,
Strickland was wo
unded in the left eye
and is expected to be
at the Fort Gordon Hos
pital for another month,
He entered the Army
in March, 1969 and re
ceived basic training at
Fort Benning, Ga., and
advance training at Fort
Mc¢Clellan, Ala, He had
been in action in Viet
Nam since Novembher,
1969. Strickland is a
graduate of Bryan Co
unty High School.
Lawrence Baptist Revival in Progress Tax Commissoner
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Rev. w, B, Hoats
The annual revival of
Lawrence Baptist Chu
rch is now in progress.
Services began Sunday,
Sept. 13th and is being
held each eveningat 8:00
o’clock, Rev. W.B.
Hoats, former pastor of
the church is the prea-
Thursday, September 17 , 1970
votes for Governor were
as follows: Jimmy Car
ter, 801; Jan Cox, I;
McKee Hargrett, 19;
Thos. J. Irvin, 9; C.B.
King, 53; Adam B. Ma
tthews, 15; Carl San
ders, 350; J.B. Stoner,
98, Chas, F. Swint, Sr.,
In the Lieutenant-Go
vernor race, Gov., Les
ter Maddox carried Br
yan with 610 votes fol
lowed by Charles M.
Jones, 517 and Incum
bent, George L. Smith
received 130 votes.D.F.
Glover received 67 vo
In the race for com
City Awards Contract
For Sewerage Collection
The City of Pembroke has awarded the con
tract for their Sewerage System and Water
Improvement Program. The contract for the
seweérage collection system was awarded to the
Gay Plumbing and Heating Company of Albany,
Georgia, for $479,319.75; J.W. Arnsdorff of
Springfield was the successful bidder on the
Oxidation Pond for $68,475.00; Hugh Jackson
of Savannah was awarded the contract for the
water extension facilities which includes the
installation of water meters for a price of
$64,476.25. The City will install a 150,000
gallon elevated water tank and the low bid of
$51,675.00 was submitted by Taylor Iron Works
of Macon, Georgia.
A pre-construction conference will be held on
Wednesday, September 23, 1970, with the Con
tractors, City Officials, Representative of the
Economic Development Administration and Re
presentatives of Sewell and Associates who are
the Consulting Engineers for the City.
We feel that construction will begin within a
few weeks. This is a project that the residents
of Pembroke have been looking forward to for
several years, Our late Mayor, Frank O.
Miller, worked very hard toward making this
project a reality. Today we realize how much
work and effort has gone into this project hy
our city officials.
David Lanier in Thailand
Sgt. David Lanier, of
the United States Air
Force left last week for
Thailand, where he will
serve a tour of duty for
one year. Sgt. Lanier
and his family made
their home here since
returning from Colum
bus, Ohio where he was
stationed at Lockhourne
Airforce Base for five
. cher. The George Dw
| inell family is in char
- ge of the song service.
. The annual homecom
. ing and dinner on the
. ground will close the re
vival on Sunday, Sept.
~ 20th,
. The pastor, Rev. John
' R. Joyner invites the fr
~ iends of the church and
~ urges all the members
to attend. The pastor
says we must do these
four things to have a
good revival. 1. Pray,
2., attend all services
~ unless providentially
~ hindered, 3. try to win
- someone to Christ, 4.
Learn II Chronicles,
missioner of Agricul
ture Incumbent Tommy
Irwin received 461 vo
tes and was led by his
apponent W.L, (Bill) La
nier who received 531
In the Comptroller’s-
General race Johnnie L.
Caldwell led his op
ponents with a vote of
312, followed by Al Ha
tcher with 266 and Mac
Barber with 238. Mike
Padgett received 941,
Jack Purdue 25, Scott
Reynolds, 9; Ester M.
Shiver, 15; Joe Sports,
124 and Juanita Terry
Williams, 64.
In the race for State
He is the son of Mr,
and Mrs, Cecil Lanier
of Pembroke route and
his wife, the former Ma
rtha Smith will live here
with their four children
until his return.
Sgt. Lanier has ser
ved previous tours of
duty with the U.S. Air
force in Arabia and Ja
in Savannah
Mrs., Blondean New
man, County tax Com
missioner, is a patient
in the Memorial Hos -
pital in Savannah, Mrs.
Newman hecame ill
while at work Wednes~
day and was admitted
to the hospital later that
She is undergoing a
series of tests and
Her many friends thr
oughout the county wish
for her a quickre
Official Organ of Bryan County énd Ci’;y ?)—me—;r;\broke.
Treasurer, John H. An
derson, Jr. led his ap
ponent with Anderson,
receiving 539 and Bur
son, 429,
In the race for Com
missioner of Labor, In
cumbent, Sam Caldwell
received 807 votes while
his opponent received
138 votes.
In the race for public
Service Commissioner
Charles L. Carnes, re
ceived 277 votes while
Walter R. McDonald re
ceived 603 votes.
Incumhent U.S. Re
presentative G. Elliott
Hagan received 843 vo
”tgs while Max Lockwood
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rs. Janie narvey
Celebrates Birthday
Mrs. Janie Brewton
Harvey celebrated her
87th birthday on Sunday
Sept. 6th with a dinner
at the American Legion
Approximately 150
guests attended the af
fair which included re
latives, friends and fa
mily from Bryan, Bul
loch, Chatham and Ev
ans Counties.
Baskets of delicious
food, prepared from
each house hold, was
spread on long tables
set up in Legion Hall.
The dinner and fell
owship was enjoyed by
all and proved to be the
“higgest and best’’ one
yet for Mrs. Harvey.
Among some of those
attending were: Rev, and
Mrs. John Royner; Rev,
and Mrs. Gordon Hunter
and family; Mr, and
Mrs. W.1., Kennedy; M>.
and Mrs. Robert Bowers
and family; Mrs. Melvin
Speir and daughters;
Mrs., W.W, Curl, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. John Har
vey; Harry H. Hagan,
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Re
ynolds, Rick Reynolds,
Mrs. Laura Mock, N,C.
Harvey and family, Ann
Blanton, Mr, and Mrs.
Joe Brewton and Shir
ley; Mr, and Mrs. Eug
- received 302 votes.
~ In the race for State
Senator Third District
-~ Incumbent Ed Zipperer
received 770 votes wh
ile Herman Diamond
‘received 345 votes.
" Our State Represen
' tative was unopposed.
|He is Incumbent Hines
L. Brantley of Metter.
' Judge Paul E. Caswell
and Solicitor J. Max
Cheney were both unop
posed for re-election,
Out of a possible
3748 voters registered.
in the county the turn
out for both Democrats
and Republicans was
yerylight: « |
ene Mock and Patty, all
of Pembroke; Mr, and
Mrs. Naughton Beasley
of Stateshoro; Joseph
Buhler, Lyn, Edward, Al
and Beth; Mrs. Evelyn
Wilson and Mike; Mr,
and Mrs. John N. Yan
¢y, Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph D, Hagan; Mr, and
Mrs. Perry Harvey, Mr.
and Mrs., Jimmy Mock
and son James, Jr.;
Mrs, Pat Johnson, Greg
and Lisa, all of Sa
vannah; Mrs. Robert
North and family of Ri
ncon; Mr, and Mrs, Hu
ghlon Croshy and fam
ily; Mr, and Mrs, Hol
mes Smith; E.M. Kick
lighter and Harold Kick
lighter all of Claxton;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Forrest and Rhonda of
Bloomingdale; Mr, and
Mrs. Tom Smith, Ma=
nassas; Mrs. Alethia
Brewton and grandson
Ben Brewton; Mrs,
Lillie West Smith; Mr,
and Mrs. B.T. Roberts
of Ellabell; Mrs, Pearl
W. Deese, Mrs. Mary
W. Akins of Reidsville,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Connely and family of
Wadley; Mrs. Leonard
Connelly and Pansy of
Hagan; Mrs. W.M. Mos
ely; Mr, and Mrs. Bre
‘ton Avant; Mr, and
Mrs. Clinton Avant and
Cindy all of Uvalda,