Newspaper Page Text
- Local news. • •
Have you been vaceinated?
Dr. D. A. Spence, of Pelham,
was in town Wednesday.
Mrs. F. S. Perry visited rela¬
tives at Flint Thursday.
Mr. C. H. Goodman, of Mag¬
nolia Springs, was in unvn Mon.
d iy.
Mr. ,T. P, McKee, of Faircloth,
was attending to business here
The many friends of Mr. F. M.
Perry were glad to see Irina out
Messrs. C, O. Everett and B.
O. Battle, of Pelham, were in
town Tuesday.
Col. John LX Pope, of Albany,
attended to business in Camilla
on last Monday
Mr. J. W. Law', of Pelham,
paid the Enterprise office a vis¬
it on last Saturday.
See Council proceedings in an¬
other column. The old is out
and the new are in.
Mr. Geo. C. Cochran, ef Flint,
and M. T. J McNeil, of Moultrie,
were in town Thursday.
. Haven’t you bought a cap yet?
Go to the Cincinnatti Bargain
House; a 50c cap for 10c.
Mr. E. Sanders, of Magnolia,
was among last Saturday’s visit¬
ors to the Enterprise office
Judge W- X, Spence, Col- Sam
Bennett and Dr. J. M. Spence,
visited Albany on last Monday.
Misses Fleming, Fleming and
Ledbetter, of Newton, are the
popular guests of Mrs. W. \V.
Col. H. FI. Merry, editor of the
Pelham Journal, was a pleasant
caller at the Enterprise office
Rev. C. T. Clarke, pastor of the
Methodist church tilled his regu*
lar appointment at Baconton on
last Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Spence and little
daughter, Katie, left last Monday
for a visit to Augusta and points
in North Carolina.
Messrs. B• H Mallard and N.
Bradford, of near Pelham, honor¬
ed the Enterprise office with a
visit on last Saturday.
Messrs*. E, G. Kolbie andR. D.
Walker, of The Messenger, spent
Sunday at Camilla with home
folks-—Cairo Messenger.
Mrs. JohnG. Cress, of Virginia,
is visiting in Camilla this week,
the guest of her relative, Mrs. M.
F. Brimherry, at hor residence
on Broad street.
Mrs. M. T. Bro wn, of Sylves¬
ter, who has been spending so me
time with her son, Dr. J. R. Pin¬
son, in Baconton, left last Mon¬
day for Albany , where she will
visit her son, Mr. W. J.*Pinson.
IS food and Hone Criiano&i Charleston Acid, German Kainit,
Armour’s Guanos, Htudebaker Wagons, High! grade Milggles
; And a general line ofs
t the Harrell Warehouse ad
Messrs. MoRee and McNeij
have purchased the Hiram Gaury
lot on the southern suburbs oi
Camilla and will soon erect an up
to-date turpentine still.
Col. M. E, O’Neal, of Bain
bridge, who is a candidate for the
Solicitorslfip of City court of his
city, was a pleasant visitor to the
Enterprise office last Tuesday
Dr. Curry, of Pelham, tilled
the Baptist pulpit in Camilla, bn
last Sunday morning, from whhb
he delivered an able and impres¬
sive message to his hearers.
500 acre farm near Camilla.
50 or 75 acres south of Camilla
L L. Uneerwood.
Read the new advertisement#
of the Lewis Drug Co., J. H.{
Bailey, Perry’s pharmacy,
cinnatfi Bargain House, and J,
F. Clark, the new grocer dowr
at the depot.
The editor would be pleased to
have every subscriber to the E?
trrpe.'se, who can convenient!
do so, call at the office when in Cal
milla. Let us get acquainted j
with one another.
1 he editor ot the „ Enterprise • j.
is placed under obligations to
Mr. M. E. Bush and Prof. R
Wiggins for material assistam b
in getung up the news service qf
this . . and , Mr. Bush ,
issue, to
say thank you for the nice things
said of us in his Valedictory.
Judge I. A. Bush makes an
able Sunday school superinten¬
dent, or at least that is what lb,
editor of the Enterprise thin
about it since visiting the Meth¬
odist Sunday School on last Sun¬
day morning. It was more like
the Sunday Schools of our boy¬
hood days than any we have at¬
tended in years.
The editor of the Enterprise,
in behalf of himself and family,
desires to make this expression
of the appreciation we feel to.the
good people of Camilla for the
cordial reception and the many
acts of courtesy shown to us dur¬
ing our short sojourn in this
pleasant little city.
The Enterprise wants a cor¬
respondent in every neighbor¬
hood in Mitcliell county. The
editor wants to give the people
of the county a good, live, local
paper and if you wifi send him
the news from your section you
will be instrumental in helping
to make the Enterprise readable
and interesting. j
Judge W N- Spence, of Camil¬
la, came over on last Sunday and
sat in Chambers Monday hearing
the motion docket, etc,, and sev
era] minor issues. Judge Spence
is very accomodating in matters
of .this kind, coming over in order
to’save the different attorneys
from having to make the trip to
Camilla to plead.—Bambridge
A Vicfiin To Dipflieria.
Little Elder, the three year old
son of Mr. and M rs. .T. R. Holdon,
died of Diphtheria at their home
three miles east of Camilla on
last Monday evening at 8 o,cluck,
i To the sorrowing parents the En
terprise tenders sincere condo
Residence Burned.
News was received in the city
yesterday that the residence of
Mr. J. M. Cox, in the south-west
ern part of the county, was burn
ed Wednesday night, together
with nearly all of his household
goods. The Enterprise sympa¬
thizes with Mr. Cox in his loss.
In f ant Dead.
The Enterprise regrets to
c 1 ronicle the death of the infant
of Mr. and Mrs. T, D. Vines,
which occurred at their home a
short distance in the country yes¬
Council Proceedings.
Camilla, Ga., Jan., 18, ’04.
Council met according to pre
% adjournment: present
Mayor bpence, Council men Bush,
j iDijard and Lewis- Minutes
read and adopted.
Council on investigation found
about one hundred and thirty
* o!,ars fu,es ^collected as ap
dears on city docket,
On motion clerk was instructed
to make a record of all cases on
docket not disposed of for refer
oitoe of incoming Mayor and
> i
to AT 1 v , 1 * - ■ Ap ' d. ' \ • - - j to-, c A.; i \ ' '* jF i
Do you know that we sell the freshest and
most up tod ate line of groceries on the market?
Our goods are bought from New York the state which has a
pure food Sand, and which the Saw prevents the using of impure
articles in the way of food, it also forces an inspection of all
goods shipped out of the state, therefore you may see our Gro=
cedes, Canned Goods, etc., are the pure article.
We Solicit your inspection.
P. received. S. A line of tinware just J. H. Bailey.
On motion minutes read and
adopted, the reM ring¬ Council hav
ing finished their wbrk, turn id
the City Govern meat .over to new
Mayor and Council. CqchrAn,
J. L. Clerk.
Oaniilla, Ga., Jan. 18, ’04.
On convening of, Mayor and
Council elect tor the ,y :r 1904,
■lodge I. A. Bu^h ptjo m Med to
ad -iinistor the follow-n ;■ oath:
1 ou, J. H. Palmer, Mayor elect
of the town of Camilla; no solemn¬
ly swear that you will well and
truly perform the duties of May¬
or of Camilla for the? year 1904
fairly, justly and bdpestly to the
bes of your skill a.ndj knowledge
so help you God.
Sworn to and subscribed to be¬
fore me this 18 th day iof -January,
FOOL. J.tH. Palmer.
1. A. Bush, undersigned Judge C. p. C.
You, the .Spf council
men elect of the town Camil'a,
do solemnly swear thiu you will
well an 1 truly per."orn| die duties
of eouncilmen of the (own of Ca¬
milla for the ..year, fairly,
justly and impartially; to the best
of your skill and knowledge, so
beip you God. ibselibed i
Sworn to and s to be¬
fore me, this 1.8th of Pa. 1904.
1. A Bush, Judge C. C. C.
J. C. Turner,
C. E. watt,
A. B, Joiner, jerry,
F S. 1
M. 0. Bennet,
H. C. jDasher, Sr.
In executive session 1 ',M. C. Ben
net was elected secretary. On
motion the mayor and council
officers proceeded for to the the nomination of
The ensuing year.
following officers were iiotn
i tinted and their salarifes fixed as
follows: '
J. L. Cochran, Clerk, 812.59
per month. J.H, $caite, City
Att’y, §50 per annum- J- K.
Hilliard, Marshal, §85 per month.
D. B. Faircloth, Night Police,
$85 per month- C. L,‘ Taylor,
City Treas-, So per month
Salary cf Mayor fixed at $12.50
per month.
On morion M. C. Bennet was
nominate 1 Mayor pro. tom. Ex¬
ecutive session then .adjourned.
M. u. Bennet, Sec. Pro Tern.
The following committies were
appointed Health by Mayor Palmer:
committee, H. C. Lash¬
er, M. G. Bennet and F. S.
Perry- Street committee, C. E,
Watt, M. O. Bennet and F. S.
Perry. Finance committee, J.
C. Turner, F. S. Perry and A. B.
Joiner. Cemetery committee,
H. C. Dasher, M. O. Bennet and
A- B. Joiner.
On motion health committee
was authorized to co-opeiate
with the citizens health board
in the strict •compliance and en
forcem -m. of the law in regard to
contagious diseases and such
other things as - they may deem
expedient for the general sani¬
tary co.noition of the town. No
other business council adjourn¬
ed to the first Monday nignt in
February. J, L. Cochran,
LOST—On the 23rd. of Dec.
about three miles above Camilla
one white and liver colored setter
Bitch, named Belle. I will pay
85.00 to party tolling me where
she can be found, address me J.
J. Forrester at Putney or Pelham
Kodol Syspepsia ©sip©
Digests what you eat.